y iK-a m KV, lEROPPAMILY ATTEMPTS SUICIDE ttre C. TomDkins Breaks 3Nf D.own After Confessing f Triple Murder HI MfBEES THINGS" IN CELL .Killed Nina flermnnq." Svh EV$t , Prisoner Gives Details of V - Shooting k-Ja , .y TmwanifTtn .. T..t.. oa ti... w...... ,' Rafter making; a voluntary confenslon that he te rfkllltd Edmund T. Hpmphrlcs, Mre. Carolina fcr ' Humphries and their 'son, Edmund I ;,yiKumphrlos. Jr., near Carrolltown, early SunT jfar morning, George C, Tompkins, of 6043 'iKIPll BffAAf DfillAilalhtilo nHkninUil ) hat. . DM1 M. IIUHUCI(Jill HbOIIlfbCU IU VV r .Kter his brains out In his cell In the county ,jj J Jail hero. The remarkable fortitude! of thq w prisoner gave way almost Immediately after he confessed that it was he who had t')i 4 tlaln thn Humnhrlo fnmllv. JfrH I Tompkins's father, his wife nnd their llt $''' r9 bojr wer0 ndm"tcl to the Jail In the wrw , forenoon to see the prisoner. They eat in $j. ihe warden's odlco for fully an nour con- By i? VerslhB about various matters. Tompkins. as the conversation progressed, showed treat agitation. He kept watching his wife and son. Finally the boy went from the' room to get a drink of water. Ai the lad ' r i" Mi ST,. BiffK t&U passed through the doorway of the ollce Into the corridor ouMIdn Tomplnks turned Kn agonized face to Warden E. II. Kneo , and said : "I have been crucified for three nights. I can't stand this any longer. I killed the Humphries family." , Tompkins repeated his brief confession later to the Kev. Bralnerd F. Haney, paitor f the First Presbyterian Church, Hbens burg, and rOgar Evans, of the law firm of Evans & Evans, retained as counsel by Tompkins While Tompkins did not go tnuch Into details of the crime, he told vol- f- 1 """"' inai ne nau cnasea me ciaer ;?jvp Humphries through the corn field after -iT V v'u'luuli mm. unu (nut lie unit iinaiiy fl wnea nim at the ,fenco near the woods. m The bullet that struck Humphries when vyj ' flrd at him In the car must have killed ?(-" tr... TT. K..I.J . ,( ,n 1.1 1.1 Jyj anio. fjuiiiiiiiiics, luu, iuuiinui oatu. (A4zf T n" wuuiu ray iiuinuiK uuuui uio mums i"11 ot the boy and his heareri did not question $if nim. Tompkins Intimated that he had pon dered over his business relations with the Humphrleses until he had finally decided to kill the three. The authorities believe that Tompkins, after killing the Humphrleses, bad determined to kill himself, but found the automatic revolver empty. Dr. E. F. Arble, of Carrolltown, one of the partners In. the Newuorn coal Com pany, came to the Jail this afternoon to obtain Tompkins's resignation as treasurer Icf the company, because of business matters Reeding attention. Doctor Arblo did not know that Tompkins had confessed until he ; Was about to leao the jail, when the war den to'.d him. When Doctor Arble went Into the Jail he noted a great change In the defendant. He was nervous and rest less. "How are you, George?" the doctor aid, 'I had n terrlblo time In my cell with the Germans last night," Tompkins answered. "I killed nine of 'em." Ho put his hand to H the back of his neck and said: "Doctor, I wish you'd examine these big carbuncles on the back of my neck. My , neck is Just full of 'em. It feels as if my . brains are coming through." CALLS FOE'S DRIVE FAILURE "The great Anglo-French spring of fensive has been shattered," the Chancellor .Continued.. "Our counter-attacks show un broken power and superior ability. As a sequence or llusslas Internal confusion 'hnra haa h,n nnmnivi l,.rt nnlm .h Ka iff "f ..rw.w ..u ut,t..( buitijnii.viiu I.U 1 1 1 1 ..Ml IIIO 1m, East front Brusslloff's recent offcnslvo rf Sntiln, rtVlll ft allrrh. hilonnfnnA' L" 'The Chancellor repeated the usual Gcr- y?t nBn arguments tnat uermany was forced 1 into tne war ana ne devoted considerable ume to denying tne accusation that the i submarine warfare was enntrnrv in In. Stfk'? ternatfonal law nnd hum.inltv. Tr rlAlmnrf .1". . VtlA wav wna fnmtkA hi. T !.. .1 1. III.m.1 ri .. ,. ua wtviu u J..tl&lUIV O 1IICBUI r oiocKaae. f Li Tn vtaiir rt ITnalnm'B nA...v.ln IiiihUhh and tho Increasing toll of the (submarines, the Chancellor said, Britain would not be able to hold out much longer, The Chancellor admitted that food con- dltlons throughout tho empire were the ' most serious with which the nation had yet been confronted, but he expressed confidence that relief would come soon. i The wheat harvest, ho ndded, would prob- . ably bo better than expected, and there Would also be a good potato crop. "It has already been proved even In the -"vent of a bad harvest, like that of 1918, iM that Germany cannot be starved," he as 4 aerted. .tf s I juncture me cnancenor digressed sVjl p declare eloquently: & "We lonir to Attain n. nnw nnd nin,u,i jE-&T n,1iriv lutnllttii. nn n u n... ambI ru- ua.-... , m.i.iit, itvb, uo uui CllCllllVa UC- S ' Wight, but a morally purified God-fearing, xiJf' vj'' Hviii'Ciuit iiiiiiby ucriiio-uy, wnicn no gtfht, all love. For this we will fight and endure K4?. flesnlte all." This concluding peroration was received JiS f With cheers from all parts, of the Relchs- aould find nothing on Tompkins's neck. TompKins aeciarea tnat tne revolver - r tivii vi itivi viio .iuiiiiiti tea ncio niiicu was t . Buichasod by him personally from the Swank Hardware Company, of Johnstown, a. c .' on Tuesday, July 3. He had been In ffi ' Johnstown that day to buy a mule for the 5 i P"""- ia' Thft 1all AUthnrltlAs vrould nrmlt nn nn Jn. ' An InlaMilaw nntvttnai l lllici.iun ,uuiinitia, &? K'fc pi Recruits to Prevent Food Loss lArrriAbo iu iTummi iu aiu xKMra. Julian Heath Sends Out Call for & m': teiy-iii' NEW TORIC, July 20. An appeal to & ;L American women to aid the country's com aterclal canners by working tn factories t yreMrvIng foodstuffs so that sufficient sup- -jsllea may be furnished to the nation's sol--' . .Alrii and sailors has been Issued bv Mrs. &Y Julian Heath, president of the National IfVif Housewives' Leaeuc. The messase to affll- jated organizations follows: .'The canning industry In some parts of .country Is seriously In need of help to ;ak the food of this year's harvest. There UI be serious food losses unless extra , Arorkers are secured. No greater patrlo to ; fcervlce can be rendered than for housewives to. supply the need of labor. Our Govern- ,snnt and our allies are going to need KK.- f aTvAl. quumiuoB Ul uiiiiou tuuu. Ufc ill ' toucn wiin canncn ana pacKera in your ' locality and do your bit. it desired, money received for wages can be used for Ited .'? fnu tvnrlr nr for anv other natrlotla mavA .xfMnf 'tjkJ ltll HAitfiivai 17.Ata.-iw 4r Cawva ViV "u "vivi. '"-"; t .liKAZLETON. Pa., July 20. Plans for the aaobl .cation or the doctors or tne uenign teal field were considered at a meeting of k.'jfea nhvslclans at City Hall. Dr. Henry C. :imn and Dr. Charles A. E. Codman, both Si WilladelDhla. and Captain S. Leon Qans, vw -. .: - z. . . M u united states army aicaica. mtp, .WtMmaker WedilBg Towrow ,!; .MW XaTafiaM rJBJJ -i. w . i. r 5,!. ..;M1 writ X.T 7 f 4. "A f . r.ifvru t r ' : - i t.-W-ifVt ai W M, JrV," .-f-,...V vJ T--iV EJPHiriA'Dfiii lv : s k'n .'J SF.8r'J''-V' V PARIS GREETS AMERICAN TROOPS IN INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION JSwSSStwiSnSBRSSSWBflW mmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm bbbbbbVbbbLbbbbbbbbC jBlBlBBLr49BVvaKBLBHaV3slBsis!lrLLB jLm Uk JiXVBiBW r hMi-J tvjBTiA Tr8sTaalBLfaArfrBff aaa fl- A ftptaJH aWkaw IftjBjBJBjjaJtMBVkB I aLLLaaBHafaMPaBBaMaiBBawBL "?l" s aLtaWLQwS5aPaLHBflj?lBflPjrv.'vMfc BflHhBLw LBHBBaflBWBttfwiaaBnHsBaaHBHBVHBBB VflHVMnaPe9HBBjKflBlfflBC BjBjBjBaBjBaBjBW HtaV tfJaV BBBBaaalaflBHBBViZ?tBatt!Bf TWJBWBTTaM i T YatiBaaaaBWaBM .. K P,jf$V 'jHLl-' HIm " " lO ' S jtl(.iElBBBBBaBBHBBBH "W laLBBfawlaT "" - :P9BBHBKaBBBBiBBBBtVl "vBBBLBBBBHBnlHlr BBBfiaSiaflBBBBBBLBBBBV 'a i'V flP&HHLl BBaHeBaBBBBBBHt'v'1 f f5'!' ' !'itWix JPaBBB 'BHaaaVKBBBBBBBlBBBBD 't KSiiMBVjBHBBt BBH W'? TSlBB ' BBBaBBBMaVJ ' bWUL'SI'bbW bbHbbbbbbbbIbbbKI bS IbbbY vBLaBHaBBaflaraV H ' vVPfcl 1LBF V-HSBBBBBBBfft BBByB ;S BbHbBBBbHbY ' " 3 BBMBBBlaaaBBl -S bbbbIbbbbv BBBBaBBaanBBBl m 'IBjbIbsHbbH ' BBBBBB ' BBBbHBBBW B IbmLMbbkIbT BBaBlaaBav ' aBanafBBBlB aVJaaVMVBBBBBBBBBJBJP' Vw .JBBHHaBBaBBBBP SinRr;, . 'LSPJaBBBr ;: ., . JaBta"'nHaV;i Sr' x - 2bWbbJbHbbbw ' i ,,- ,.iw?Hl& ;w; v " - KJaaBBaPk A. f&7R'HBBBSit'' lw1s7? Tw T S r Sai2i?.i.-tf.JMBBHB . --.f.-.dt'-.. Cupirlcht, International rllm Service. Iirst iinoiomaphs, pcinntted by censor to pass for reproduction in the United States, showine great crowds in French capital cheering United States expeditionary force passing through tho Place do la Concorde on their way to Plcpus Cemetery, where Lafayette is buried. An airplane hovers over the multitude. The crowd had additional oppor tunity for enthusiasm as Marshal JofTro and General Pershing met in cordial conversation at the military grounds in Paris, as shown in the lower picture. ARMY MEN NOW URGE DRIVE ON U-BOAT BASES Join Naval Authorities in Advo cating Joint Sea Attack. Situation Serious copyrin'ut, UnUtrtwud it Underwood. U.S. ARMY STATION HERE STILL TAKING RECRUITS Adjutant General's Opinion In terpreted as Permitting En listment During Draft The army recruiting station, 1310 Arch street, is accepting men of registration ages today until offlcial orders are received from the War Department. The notice received yesterday was merely an opinion of Adju tant General II. I. McCain. It stated that In the opinion of that office men of regis tration ages, unless drafted, might enlist voluntarily before, during or after the draft. But since all registrants are to be drafted, the recruiting olllcers are In doubt about enlistments. Official indorsement of yesterday's notice Is uwalted from Wash ington. TODAY'S ENLISTMENTS FIBBT I'ENNSYLVAMA INFANTRY Paul V. J. Dwyer, 040 Dakota at. Hurry SUverlhorn. 019 .Miller at. William A. Keller. 'JUS N. 12th at. William Johns, 111 3 Uronn it. Harold Smith, loin Mater at. William Smith. 117 N. 3i Bt. Allien Jackson, 3807 Mitchell at, Thomas W. Kll-. J8U1 Oslo at. Harry Dlttus. 111-1 Pott at. llert B. U'Conncll, 3007 Poplar at. William H. Lindsay, 3J1 Diamond at. yvalt.r Felton. o2 a. front at. nEADQUAHTEUS TRAIN 1'OLltE AND MILITARY Ilarrr Griffin. 2416 8 Clarion at. Kimer Hummel. 030 N. 1omshore at. William Morrlaon, r,0 N. HotiTnaon at. Ztna. F.nland. 021 N. 12th at. Charlea O. Dully, 10th Dlitrlct. John A. Clark, 162V Melon at. Loula K. Mayora, 2813 D Firth at ilarv.y W. ieldy. t)t6 Lllmeklln tpke. Rrn.at Holme, motorrycl.. Oeors. K. Nick, Hlh W. Thompion at. Harry W. Sloneck.r, Sn37 I'orlar at. Charlea A. Deem. 2433 Bharawood it. Harry K. Dla.l, 1726 N. Park av. Chari.) 11. Bteln, J2 N. 4th at. Amo. L. l'feft.r, lath Dlatrlct. (l.orsa C. Kerr, Cambrldrt, Md. Jcieph S. Hooker, New York. Harry O. Holmcl, New York. Auruit J. lllattau, Now York. winneia uerxei, New lorn. Frank P. llrennan, Camden. i;iyo tuip, new n Thomaa U. White. ,'hlle. 121 r.udlmr at. Harry tr. uovert, Wilbur H. Keller, Ilarrlaburs. uunbury. rumors. Howard M. Sherman, Cambrldse, Md. Frank H Bouder. 1423 N. S7th at. John J. Tarsart. 118 N. Wanamakrr at. Alfred M Uarraa, 1747 N. 13th at. William H. Lever, 4003 I'enn at. Hnry F. Abbott, Ardmor.. William Laran. IStb Dlatrlct. Tfurh O. Schr.adar. 10th Dlatrlct. wada E. Muldoon, 72 Me.han at, no n Utlll John F. 41 Olrolamo. 012 Weatmlniter ave. Memlrur, ftrvf York. avid C. Tltaworth. N.w York, ihn k. nemina-. new Tor James F. M.rnon, New York. Rrneit T. Dunn. Wllmlnston. Horry A? Coy, Wilmlnaton. Clayton Z. Pannepack-r..Wllmlniton. Ilrale H. Orodhead. Parkeabura-. Wllbart C. Chamb.nMlN. Franklin st William H. Younr, 300 MoK.an at. William J. McNatly, lth Dlatrlct. Carl C. Joatlni. 124 P.aeh at. Plarenca Purh, SJi.f.. B2d. at. Jacob J. fctahia, 13211 N, 2sth at. Hush J. Oulnn. 819 N. Huttnti at. Clarence W. Law. 104 W. Norrla at. JoSn O. prookrayr.. lns N noHniin at. Mw'd Q, "owman. Jr.. 1248 N. Tan.r St, Ronald B. Mlckley, 604 N. 13th at. Francla P. Moltz. lniD Frankford av. John A. Lf. 3483 N. 2d at. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA LVFANTRY JoMph Dmarello, 21, 1315 Moore at. ri. rarrBii. it wit uatnanne au namea.il, jh . irtn su r.. 22. .Derjln, N..J. . , r. la. db vooiu ac.- '. t. . A.wtmAr.,! i- i? Jnaitrh Stephen A Hellncr, 20, 120 Konllworth at. Albert Sandler. Ill, 7S H. -'rt at, John J. Xurlmch. 18, 710 S Park ave. Samuel M. llovekfu. IN. 13111 Ualnbrldse at. UNIT13) 8TATKS NAVY Aria Adama Ilrittlnitham. 23. 2111 N. UeUy- WOOll Bt. Thomaa Anthony Leo. 23, 1035 H. 13th a' Harry Wrlitht Hourk, at. Trenton. N. J. Walter Siott Dlx, 1H, Atlantic City. N. J. UNITED STATES ARMY Kllwood Myera, 21, 1440 Orkney at. William C. Hurst. 24, Hrldgeport. Pa. CJeorse U. Knapp, 24, 1U15 Porter at. Louli Gordon, 80. 400 Wolf at. William Wlrth. 23. 2301 Ilurklui at., Frankford. Thomna l-- Cook. 31. 4H30 011e at. John J. Hanlon. 24. 2223 N 4tli at Hubert White, 2S. InD DUklnaon at. Charlea Steinberg, Hi, 1'lUn Wratmunt at. Lawrence Hill, 2J. ChvtT Pi "ii P. nead. 31. 2103 Vine at. William J. Qawne. 22. Bait Lanodiwne, Pa, Frank A. Irwin, 28, 82 N. 4iith it. tiuriy i. Jicili. L'J. 3K2 W. (larden at, Charlea 1C. Illddlecombo, 22. 231M Catherine at, Charlea It. Hummel. 22, llrldxepnrt. Pa, t'reawell H. Potta. 23. (llcnslde. Pa. Herbert II. Potta. 21. Olcnalde. Pa. John S Wooda, 28, 12.MI H. 4th at. Jantea P. Devlin. 27. 'nmea Point. N. J. Stanley Hev.'ra, 20, 43HI Mllnor at.. Frankford, Hu.aell 11. Yerkta. 22. Hatboro, pa, Ddward Kvana. 10. H04 N. loth at. Htuart Dateaman. 32, Mlltnn. Pa. Thomaa I), liramley. 18 0111 K. Albert at. Robert W. Keane. 24. Olney. Pa, George Snyder, IV, 211) Dickinson at. DIES IN LEAP FROM TRAIN Philadelphia!! Victim of Jump From an Express at Atlantic City ATLANTIC CITY, July 20. Plunging from a Reading express a mile west of the Thoroughfare drawbridge late last night to avoid arrest upon the arrival of the train hero for beating his way to the shore, Fred Itlley thirty-six years old, a teamster, whose home Is at 2607 Christian street, Philadelphia, was almoit Instantly killed. Illley was on his way here with Raymond Holland, 2506 Webster Btreet, and James Mullen. 618 South Taney street, Philadel phia, to seek employment. They jumped tne rront end of the flier Just before it pulled out of the Camden station at 8 M0 and were within A few minutes of their des tination when .Riley pulled himself to his feet, yelled "So long I" to his companions and leaped, WASHINGTON', July 20, Army men joined today with navy of ficers In urging that n big offensive be at tempted against Germany's nnal bases. They counseled sending n land force to back the air and naval expedition. Inas much as military history proves Innd forces must co-opcrnto. 'Wo might as well havo peace now If we do not make this gamble," said one. "A deadlock Is the only prospect In the east and west If this effort to curb the U-boat and turn the Gerrrmn flank goes unat tempted." All quarters ngrecd that the submarine tnnnngo toll Is distressingly large and the situation serious. Secretary of Navy Daniels refused to answer this polntblnnk question, "Would It not be better to tnko a chanco with the Drltlsh and American navies against the bases than to continue pouring men Into a trench deadlock?" It was admitted that this Idea of an of fensive Is no mere child's play. Germany's land defenses nro powerful. Naval vessels, hnmmerlng at such protections, would bo up against another Galllpoll unless land forces aided, said army men. One of the highest Government officials said frankly: "If Germany's submarine toll kecp.4 up nnd wo merely use defensive means ngalnit the U-boats, then wo arc benten The gam ble of an offensive would be In our faor and hasten either victory or defeat." American Inventions to curb U-boats were said not to have "panned out" yet and some authorities were far more skeptical than recent optimistic predictions suggested. BELIEVE ALL RESCUED AS KANSAN WENT DOWN First Details of Sinking Show Amer ican Steamship Was Victim of Mine, Not Submarine PARIS, July 20.-The first "?' the sinking of the United State, steamship Kansan on July 9 were received here to day from the French port to which she was bound. . Early on the morning of the 9th, the KtJisan sent out wireless calls for help, say- Wrhe7royhoefr ?e'o land when she struck and the quick rosponse of the patrol boats lead to the belief that all on the Kansan were Bavefl. It had previously been reported that the Kansan had been presumably y n. submarine. The vessel was formerly Swned by the Pacific Mall Line, but was acting as a supply shin !,.-.JIT She sailed, from New York on Jun r. a nig cargo oi lootmufu and itfct.V net m br Teat Bnll Bog Bunt VW. A gits' Bjltht Fa,t cLiri'l feA .?":::: a ! ft. IOiIS ft. Itita t Cotton Ilunttnr 3i.i rt t! ..... r.u . ..7. ::.-- - It. 1K.7B. " "OOiliB Wool Iluntlns Sxa ft., &,6o; 4to ff r,,Soft.. 118.00, 6.10 Ifclf'fafff, lied Croat and Alllea' FUat-aii .. - band or mart to order In 24 rioura order. .hlpp,ddv.aa,in.Mp.rc.,-r5 LOUIS FINK & SONS 58 North 7th Street, PhiUd.lpBjt JiS VI jc TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Itlrhard JfclCoy. 204S Warrock t., and Alberta Hayes. 1M3 .V. 10th at. Ororg-n O. Bcholl. 2142 N. 10th at,, and Clara V. Halnea 1031 St. Luke at. Oeoriro I.. Dalrymple, New 'Yorft city, and Lottie II. Horrinit. Camden, N. J. Hnrvey D. IMnaldaon. McLean, Va,, and Ethel V. Sherwood, Itlverdale. JId. Trumnn J. Wall. Grampian, Pa and Eva 11. Mitchell. I.uwrenioWllr, Pa. Clnronro 1. Ilenn. 1W1 Cntharino at., nnd Marian Fields, 703 p. Mole at. Clhllly H. Ilohlnaon. 1M3 H. 22d at., and Ilensle I. Olnn. .1717 Warren at Clarence- Volan Jr. 18.1" Hlttcnhouso square, and I.oulae L. Atlce. Il.ila. Pa. lln-rj- flnnehnrnrf lOL'fl S. 0th at., nnd Esther IJrataky, 413 Taakcr at. Ktei Lnracn. 313 N. flth at,, and Isabella Cole, 10.1J hrliiK UiinUu at. Oeorso V Helmiith 415 Durfor at., and Eliza It. Illttlni.'. 1'403 S. Front at. UrtMn 11. Link. Ualtlmorc, Md., and Haltle Klmmel, llaltlmoro, JId. L"...niv, nr-T-er 1017 I.emon st., nnd Amanda Washington, 1017 I.emon at. Alexander Fandns sson Haverford nve and Kva Srorkln, 71l Addison st. Anthony Volpe 1S14 H. lith st.. ami Anna Ateno, 11)17 Jessup at. Thomns J. McFaddrn. Kiuth llethlehem, Pa., and KeKlna A. Pureell, W2.'i Westmorelnnd at, Elmer A. Marks. Cheater, Pa., and Anna M. Sullivan, Chester, Pu. Joe Mandel. 700 S. 4th at., and Ethel Coper man 241 Quern st. John Wlatr. Palmerton. Pa., and Amy Klebala, MiIaKa, N, J, Charlea Miller. S73(l N. 7th at., and Mamie Smith, 110R McKr-an st. -imie William J. Mitchell. (iM E. Halnea at., nnd Florence O, Novlnger, Mlllcraburc, Pa, rUv,A4N &) If B' 2 iS. Vou'H adopt this tiro after 5 a? ou hae purcnaaed tna nrai Si rf "he. Beeauao 5S ?'oh.oyoo'lnX.,: ""' thn -J fji Th loirtat tlra coat sir eS Sjkkl I mile, li Ltt ."' ". vou "at of xi iS "'? raoorda for mlltoi, VC M maP ," Cleveland aland. S.TS Ko2df(Ja-.r,M' w" )gvTk CLEVELAND TIRE vS'sLvl AND RUBBER CO S N. Fifteenth Bt. EXTRAORDINARY USINESS OPPORTUNITY Lire wire, experienced Installment Man ager, wiin Da( cnarucier ana aoinir, reier Any Summer Diet la made more atrenathenlnx and dlgcatlhln hy Includlnq Dr.VON'S HEALTH BISCUITS A Natural Laxative Food Relieve Constipation Without Taking Medicine Recommended to adults and children to create normal, regular bowel action and to bring about and maintain good health. Contain No Medicine A trial is always convincing 25c a Package at all drug and grocery stores or direct from R. VON'S HEALTH BISCUIT CO. 2218-20 Market Street Philadelphia, Pa. If the printed page over looks this way- iwmnm. & ju2ain ?4U mmifflmacm as- gete a! mwd vvfiih i when you try to read after smok ind a heavy black cigar, then switch to Girards! The sensible thing for every man to do switch to Girards. i All the difference in the world. Clear head in stead of dizzy head, keen wits instead of dull wits, steady hand insad of shaky hand, sound diges tion instead of indigestion, a strong heart stroke instead of a jumpy flutter. m nwl 1 B Hli 13 1 ai VM JZBl JSmV CicSor Never gets on your nerves Never back-fires on your health or your efficiency no I Rich aroma full flavor real Havana Girard brings 'era all. All the satisfaction and all the pleasure of smoking! But never a come-back except the come back for more. A remarkable cigar, the Girard! You can smoke more and feel better. Every puff's a pleasure, and you can puff-puff all you want and never feel a flicker. Try a Girard today Antonio Rois & Langsdorf 315-21 N. Seventh St Established 11171 The Yk vs&mLsSL mm ( mj a I JJHJil )) 1 10c and up i (I ' n enres and . EX pltal or tsooo, wanted br ibblng RTelnslv Johblnc romoinr balna Ineonm ratM to fiuirinuta. wnoieaaie ana retail uni nn. ng Maehlnea and orupletelr mannfoetured (not at iv a, tfornoratlon of tnternatlonitl repntatlon. ... Ala sereral persons desirous of Infesting ftSOO er more en the ground lloor of this moai proniaoie nMrpnse. Honallr adrertlned Talk! Records, rorupieteij aemoiefli uy Address J S4T, I-KHOErt CKMTBAU AU 7, $7.10 and fl values $4 .25 Ho Xo Calf and Royal Calf Included AU M.B0. $, .so.and 10 Valuta $4 .75 Inelndlna; All Genuine rordovant WHOLESALE CLEARANCE MEN'S Master-Made OXFORDS -NOW- Forced to make room for fall stocks) w hare pat thi remarkable prioaa a our llaatt anmrrler oxford FOB QUICK CLEARANCE. r naaai The Quality 1 i the ame , ,r bttBt new, im.rt OJt,ordi , . ,, , ,h , d.Vllla. dl,,l"etlBB "' b,n" "' west Tr pUeed on oxfords of inch quality Jn PhUa ou tyie aire on exniDiuon dvvnataln and On Sale Today, Friday and Saturday 8 Bell values neh a rara innartt.nl i .. ... jolot.lf without prao.dtnt that you ar. w.,nrd to act quickly. Bttp down and look them ortr. ObJaln yourt af thlg huga sarlnr. Coma la before they ara told out. w This may bayoar last chanc hara ta aara II ta tS on "Matt.r-Mad." low.Bhoaa. ' I A , N. W. Craer MMrkclaU ,8wwWa Insure your property in an American Company whether you need protection against risks of War, of the Seas, or of Fire. Patriotism and sound business sense combine, at this time, to emphasize the many advantages of an American insurance company. Its funds are invested in American securities and there- fore promote American prosperity. Its transactions are scrutinized by forty-eight State Insur ance Departments. It relieves you of worry its policies are not affected by the present war. The "NORTH AMERICA" was founded in 1792 in historic Independence Jiall, when George Washington was President and Philadelphia was the capital of the United States. . It has facilities for adjusting losses noSnatter. where they may occur, maintaining settling agents in all the principal ports of the world. Are you insured with the "NORTH AMERICA"? See your agent ,today or phone for full information to ' Downtown Offica 3d .& Walnut SU. Fbone Lombard 4180 I i Uptown Offie Real Estate Trust BIdg. Fhona Walnut ISIS Insurance Cbtapany of North Amsrica PHILADELPHIA Aa.aU Orar 12.400,000 i- B.aw'v. :..- Capital 94,000,000 TiWio Foundaal 1792 m& Xa V '.if,