LOST AND FOtJND rrrS Lost, warehouse receipts. Issued liy SSInl Warehouse Co. No. ftMl. 4-11. i!!,.S to the order of National Waist Co.. : bales ld to contain wmw.x car No. al If found pleas? communicate with K,,.-i.-iri National Hank. c- "- e..-- - - Tr- rlN Lost, rnrl V"t jln, with nlatl m stern, evening of July 0, In center of fctf? "JiU.r.i. J. E. Caldwell & Co.. Che.t. IB" ind Juniper. PERSONALS . i hereby given that tho partnership he. wi-n JAMES n. McCLELLAN and HAnnY STVttSTER, trading aa THE QUALITY TIRE ft.nl if dissolved nnUhe23d flay of June, fSV All debta duo the said partnership urn " V. -aid and those due from aamo discharged W iniN. lth " w.n.'r? .tl,,S,!!u,ne" will " '.Tfnued by the "aid JAMES II. McOLEL- i individually, trnoing as mo DUALITY 5aBHOP,.nJ.8;ojr !l MeCr.Et.T.AM. HAnnY ir. foster. hf m&V WANTED FEMALE BELT. TELEPHONE! OPERATINO Work near your homo In pleasant and .. thful surroundings, wiisr- excellent cpportunltlcs for rapid advancement, . ... ...-.. - .... There are iwmir"iiii Ir'! cmrai ? In Philadelphia, probably there. lYons within fi few blocks from your K,mi Unusual opportunltlea for earn i.i i intelligent young women between 18 Jla 2 xcars of aite. ., employes are paid while learning mi are readily advanced. Pleasant dlnlnr rooms, where the, best of food Is old at cost. In every Cen. , trai o- Somfortable sitting rooms for reading relaxation when off duty. i Oood opportunity for aenlor and su ! parvtilne positions. Apply at 400 Mnrket street dally, ex I ttJt ; Sunday. 8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. arrTKO CLERK, experienced operator for 4 twiliy. Apply beforo 10 a, m.. Commercial V Car Unit Co.. lfith and Olenwood nve. r'BioKKEEPEn for sales ledger with depart P mint store: experienced, must be good penman: moil siury, p1""""' """""""i ."' run Mrtlculars. M 143, Ledger Centrnl. ImL. white, for housework: must ho Konnrco'oki ao vashlng. no children; vvages 7; must have mm reierenn-. jvpjjiy mi , -nam si,, K?denfleld N. J., or 37 3. Sd st . Phlla. 'WITTER. EXPERT. WANTED TO KNIT .""DIES' SWEATERS. P 11(1. Ledger Office. LIROE DEPARTMENT STORE REQUIRES ' jfif ASSISTANT FUR RUYER; STATE EX V pEMENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED. t' AN Asisi ;. Ferience '- p 421. lei LEDQER OFFICE. timmnESS wanted, efficient, for Institution. t'Tl 181y Ledger Central. J- 'Kin), white, wanted, for general housework! . ... ..mII. n-nswl rareirrnm n rA ......1 ln .. S ID I.IUHJ , w ..,... a.,,,. rAvrurill fill" iltlon for competent clrl. Address, with ref erences. Mrs. Frank Qlhaon. Langhorne, Pa. SiWEBATOnS on all parts of shlrtwnlsts. 1301 p;a i.. "" ..v.... I. ITEPOnAPHER: permanent position In office K cf mnufacturlnr houso: opportunities for nil- : nncemeni: mnie cxiieriucn h nny, aieo rkp, (references and salary. M 144, Ledger Central. IrtNOGRAPHER Expcr. ntenogranher'wnn tedl E r ( (HICK ana accuraio hi iigurpe. appiv Allrea .Volitenholme A Son. 24th and Allegheny. RgNOOBAPIIER nnd clerk Must bo bright, twilling and experienced: permanent; opportu. kullr for advancement. M 1B0. Led. Central. r'BKNOORAPHER and neslatint bookkeeper Co. 13 S. 3d at. I IflNOORArilER. thoroughly romp , porm. pos. P fitloirwlth mfg concern In Wilmington. Del. Ad I'Ujrtll Chlo Mint Oum Co., 223 French at. WAITRESSES and kitchen help, experienced. Hotel Normandle, Ocean City. Apply 540 Ted irel it, Camden, N, J. .sjtoUaN OR OIRL for general hnusewnrki .1 is iJnlts: reference: good wages. 3021 Prank. t- ford are. HELP WANTED MALE E'tCCOONTANT wanted, experienced, for Impor- & tut position as ABsmiani to neaa or account K'tefoept.; must b an efficient, crowing man, 'Miiunjeci to conscription: write, stating age, eg. salary requirement. M 147. Led. Cent, fjsTO MECHANICS: good wages; steady work. ;Hply Overland Motors Co . 312 S 24th. t aviY titttt npna .,.,..... - tt ,.. ri toilet: must bo thoroughly experienced1 high- en waxes, Appiy employment uept,. Hale & 9 aiiourn 1.0., loin ana uienwooa ave. L JOIi-Wanted, a bright nnd encrgctlo boy; ono r '. haul h ,4 mrwitkmtn, In . I na a .I..I. fit ii ," ,.u cj.,,v.,i-iiiri3 iii unit; uiciiv uini:n ire- li lerrea; permanent: opportunity ior navance- ttent M 149. Ledger Central. ,I0T WANTED Steamship company wants Itonini ooy, 10 years oia or over: good oppor i ronlty to learn attractive business; $." to LiUrt P 414. Ledger Office. u QLtE7 ENOINEErt wanted. Ptn'r. In nltpr -r f tent, Corliss englnea. water tube boilers and fioierij age ou to 4: aaiarv mu week; new Went, 20 miles from Phlla. Write history and I ener. to J. M. WMthnm. (1117 Tlnllltfr llMn. ty-raUa. B0JJ8EMAN. competent, wanted for lnstltu- W4 Inn. Xf 1RI l.. enni.,1 B n fBDIII., C.J ,- r . . ..Mn ttf N ? y worn, jjueu a to., ju urge deparfent sTonn nnoumns if 2. LEDOCR OFFICU. A80?3 wanted; steady work: pood wacea. flAppIr to Trillium Foster, ll'OS N. aSlat at. , -..-- . .IDMl won .... pUtchell nro..n"a " ",n a"a JaCK"9n "la- -1EN Watlrfd Nnn-iinlnn tnrtrlr Utht . ffiOl' airAarti ai.nvli. ..A.i ....,- A 1.. Ittll FJttun Foster, 1208 N. 31st st. m til n.nwl InsUn. .... n.....l ...-. ,... ufi ifi'! '',0"oi ntuuujr. iuuu tYtiKvai juun " qaj xxmcr B. f9? wanted for heavy outside work: steady Pllit1 l0"1 wa8ts' Mr. Foster. 120S N. J5rwnted. tank builders, machine hnnds, Bin j J 'ou"' lor wonnworKins Plant. wollford Tank Co.. Darby, Pa. 'fERr-Competent and experienced, with . mu.ni aieaay employment for the ngnt 5Stao py ""O1""1' at the Aut0 CatoCo.. llfcSiJAPjiER, youia- man: state salary and "!""-" -jitf. A.eqger central. KPTENDENT to take entire eharga fc- . .vw tactory maxing nne gooas: one &.? make a11 k,nl o' fancy leather rMnr i cn-ncei ongnt man: state ei- Cw Tii ll'IrBcn ftna xormer empioyere. fr&Jjedger Office. lS,??7an,ei1 '"" remainder of summer to ft.ffutt.:K"e..p'.."..V inSet8n?'AN. for '0,t accounting In northeast !J;S?ni 't exnerlence116, Ledger llranch, iff,, nine ave.. wissinoming. m fi 1P wanted, between ages of 18 and Rations wanted female JaMof mna.-ln housekeeper, refined Fro. miq, I I l-.cuo.n.nlB, j , , ,.cu w..j "WtlltJriiih c,nlld 8 years, wants position as &5ur 1r ln W(rllnF man's home: no ShS f A"rencea exchanged; answered by IS 'rJiff-'0-'! Address Mrs. ll., 172 Chester y-yolllnidale, Pa,, or phone 8haron Hilt Itll f.ATW . . . KratnT. wuia like position as telepnone El "r- yeara' exper. J 441. Ledger Cen ggATlOKB WANTED-MALE tEEppn ..u .... : . Bf BiaT.r.'nrv? 5ir?j.1 an ' ", ?. ..w.j rriwrn nCB, J 1-. AI'U cn. rwlth r.nl'i1- manaobii desires posi I n.iSSpo.rtu.I,l' ff advancement; excel- out' "VrTli..- ,n5M Perlence, Dotn insioo -Ut nr.i.i" -na business scnooi eaucauoni rrn?Il,?,'i " X"r.: age 82 years; good fcef.n ". niladdress: experienced In cor E ,,? lllng. advertising filing and h. ?'.',!. mplovlnr and training sale- r" ""i Ledger P-ntr.l MI8TEn PRE8IDDNT SlSlLIS!"?. y.our career have you ever Ooula n.-n."1?1 ou could nna ome o" aBer5vPJflt by V' mlatakea and llva lanenw .-"fc vr your mieiaices aim " toSvX-i.,5Sr WJ1JJ"T Thtr. are two em to :tafc!Y.S "tory. and the other side of this man .J.' w. minutes to relate. .! ieniy-iwo. with an acaaennu a?,, f brlngfng'ur "In bark of him ,rvl?. 'R ," "" In the future. Is Sldsr-'n tlr Permanent position wlli1 T Vi?i ,..rLrt Position, and salary no TUjajaJiV1 you 'vor raa with a moment of Li-s 848, ja-r central. chi,wan.'1 posltloni can drlvevanj a oVti?"' Jncllned; at seashore, i 77 """, r ein. intager yiiii.g L.KfAN,-: mlddla- fed: wnosa titl or.war eonoiwwe. . rinoi ,. . ... ..Sahs . y0Unr ..neu wa trei. AGENCIES COoka. ltltrtiAn h..lj. dreases. chlIdnur.U",i.,,r1,1"m!''rmlds. launi J'ork girl?, rcfif JK UV'i h?.u"en. hou.S. n.KnjLe BU B. inth at w,i.K "l,uatlons, Mrs. Atnq vt.r ' lhono Spruce 31(11. 'or charnhiVwnVj020 'tnbrlde. wNnts girls . TJSED AUTOMOBliiF FIAT MOTOR CO tigln-CyPncJer Appcrson Demonstrator ATTRACTIVE PRICE 1827 Chtnut St. A ""dCnrsfr7!V0';wB"h'- ,. new -only tiaTrfl'gylnd nm. like n.w; overhMifedTrrpair,!';!, M'il "iodelsfthcroughty 1'yrene: fully eoulnnVV rlrp;r'c iiunia, c ;nn,iiVfr,nlJlp.".'..Fod rubber ll-sf miles. Priori:' iiVin"V,.SHy ".. rn 4000 uelmont iiips "n'on't "' "f J. B asonger: used .h,,". quick buyer. W. II. nniVnv . at.. Chester. Pa. LOCO.MOniI.E 1013 "in. 1'uinieu crrn imrtaln to B07 .Market "rt-48" shopsi Mould Silt t'h .Ii;u'?...'n.. our. own passenger tour led ln Ofir fturr e,y attract cgpKr T. M. HAXAA&h H&WAl:.. . MAi,oMuSrJ.W"fcMpi)KtJi FAsl(AT,T(K'I, . . - nnoD AND RACE ST IkVti hn T. Cunningham. Manic,- trJ'.ViTr?.. r,... PAirin mm t...... . . . je, uivrnnn ufl"J.n"'I.rl,vn ,ruck nlt. kaifoud worm-drlve truck units! luvroniyrn-JVr,"..,,... . and ow- ..$15 ..1179 hTANLEY MOTOR CAIlRIAOi: COMPANY . -.. .iirptnut ni. Ie'rSrfl. v?-Ilrni"w' 101.'. JEFFERY equlporrt L S liners" yri'-'n" '" - U 8. well-known makes, USED TRITKB S..i '""hiiib iriun j to L" .XurV-rrri! ! -'' - i. isroa, S. Doners AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE TolVl"ra.y 0linn?h,Bna.n5:new "-P"nger I ..!1n,fne??I'.r.?rriVrv.n.?,WnJ-"e"'!!t Pop"Pmi "or v IV,?fe f ' Phone itepark "nSsR H!" or lcp' lu"' K'y- INDnPHNDHNT TAXICAIJ CO lludnon Hun-r-SIx I.lmounlnea ' Special attention to weddings and funerals Diamond (1400 Neer closed Park 7S.' AUTO SUPPLIES AND REPAIRINQ A1TENTI0N, FORD OWNERS" Valves ground and carbon rtein-d. 12 ALL WORK ailARANTnCD HERMAN VEDITZ 2121 n?',?nLr F"D SCRVISTruVYl. AUTO TIRES HERCULES T1HK3 m Guaranteed JOxS $0 Ml U4 , SOxSH 7.9 30xlH..: UKrtCllI.KS TIUK CO. msii '??4.NONSIJII TlltUS, ,.11? US . . 17 U.I llrosd t 80x5.-!i'5C.TtT"n!'' gu'a'ra'ritVed. '.'.'.,.. .a'.Zt iujinii.ru illtli UJ. l'J, Arch St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DnVKLOP AND EXPAND YOUR I1U81NESS ",p Incorporate businesses under the lawa of all States: handle an) thing In connection there with at small total r-niit. n-llt- .h,,i in one week. Wo will put your stock on the mar-N net ior you ana co-operate with you to expind nnd develop your business. PENNSYLVANIA GUARANTEE CHARTER COMPANY, 220 Drexel liuiMing Philadelphia. TAANTLD good stock aalesman. who has clien tele, to Place eome 7'7i prf shares with com mon stock bonus In manufacturing business In Phlla , commission only, but good deal qlven aerlous man. Write Box P 42S, Led. Offlco. I'ATE.NTS Our 4 books nt free. "How to Ob tain Patents." Victor J. Evans & Co., 142DA Chestnut street, Philadelphia, BUSINESS PERSONALS Q,,l-e' hnli;,,. A ., RellabI -jrn.l-a Ul.H.Wl,S.nnClU,J ) I'lIONE Til- B8S4. nvcstlgatlona. 215 HEED IILDO. STORE CIX5SED Tuesday and Thursday eve- nines during July nnd August at 0 o'clock. COOPER 1010 Olrard ave. Palm llench and mohair sulta, 13 00. DIAMONDS I10UOHT OLD OOLD PLATINUM ETC, BP1EOELMAN 114 8. HTH HT. DIAMONDS noUQHT Pearls and emralde. Appraisement 1 per cent. HARRY W. HMITH. 717 Sansom at. DIAMONDS DIAMONDS nOUQHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED i FISHER, 7 H. JJU SI1. DON'T misjudge others; D'etectfve Millard will get you facta. Standard Detectlv Rureau. Con- sultatlonfree 1820 Chestnut st. Estab 181s. IRON SHOP In Philadelphia lias unexpectedly "caught up" on contracts and wants work on llg'it Iron specialty now doing work for Phlla delphla'a heat companl". n 421, Ledger Office, SUI'EItrLUOUS HAIR removed ty electrolysis. the onlv permanent way, eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre llulldlng I'ULL VALUE for diamonds, platinum, gold. silver, precious stones nnd pawn tickets. KELMATZ CO.. P3J Chestnut Room 21. - ETEY--No Wonder He's Sore , sick AWDtiRtro ) '$&&r2!ZL?Bl V - MHATf Do voa" - ah. I rETE-?? ; h-S la- ; ' MU"' q Jtr9, 0 II other side. M. SEAL ESTATfe WANTBP W,' WILL I1UY CHEAP HOUSES, any section, for f.V4l..t?!nm.iloSl,.n nwr. CHESTER St. . wi-i ,., i'v-nratnui pi. WANT HOt'SEH IN WEST PIIILADELrillA. south of Market at. We ha the buyers. i- H mwhnvih A SON. SOOO llaltlmoreav.: iirt.si luiiil modern resilience. Ilala or wynnefleld. Edward Potter, 718 Lincoln Illdg. WANTED A few small properties for Invest? tint P aih Ledger OTlce. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY AT THIS TIME , VIIEN IT IS ALMOST Impossible to rent any kind of a house ,lt par tlcularlv pt-oses me to he able to offer to a few "PROMPT-TO ANSWER" folk, beautl ful new. "NEVER-BEFORK-OCCUPIED" porch and terrace.front homes, with electric lUht, hardwood floors hnt-watrr heat, etc.. In fact, oerythlng JUST RIOIIT, Including the rental a few left In Logan, but only three Wt 'n Wist Philadelphia. o act quick. ly, please Tor full particulars, consult NORMAN P. SHERWOOD CO. Spruce 8071 1721 Walnut st. Race S02V WHY PAY RENT? We can make you the owner of our property on a monthly payment r f ID for each 11000 of the cost of jour home: let us tell you how this can be done without a large cash payment. UNDERWRITERS' REALTY AND MrtltTOAOfi CO.. 617-18 North . American IihU.. Phllad-lnhla. STOKES AND DWEI.LI.VOi In all aectlons city. Sto our list In the Ledger Saturday, KuiuniiT. rox co. " S E cor nth and Cellowhlll of 1821 DE LANCEY PLACE: 12 rooms and 2 baths rental per annum, $1000. EbOAR O. (ino.S. 1411 Walnut st. 1217 N DARIEN ST Three. slor ilwelllng, il rooms, fine order1: only Sir. Wm I, Cnncn's Sons 1.M0 N, 7th. Iliilnes Properties nnd Storea J. A. PATTERSON 1R0 H 1ST1I ST Storca Offices Business Rooms VINE ST. 1131 Three iloors. 22x00; rleator; SlJ!.a,.'!;r lmpror to a ill tenant STRAT TONf0,Ti Chrstnut at Phone Lombard 4147. - lf"etnrlc. Wirrhmises, Mfg. Floors OLD OOLD 01.1) HOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old style J'welrr.. t-eth platia bought for rash. Est. Io70. J. I,. Clark, refiner. U7 Sansom. OLD HOLD Cash paid for old gold siHir, an tlquis clocks, send postal will call. UOQKRS, 41 S 17th st. Phono Locust 1219. STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1819 MARKET ST. MILLER N. UROAD STORAGE CO., nload ab Lehigh ave, i new fireproof addition; rouina fire proof, furniture and rhlna packers, automobile vana. tatlmato free, Rell phone Diamond 74ou MILLION dollur concrelo fireproof warehouse, finest In the world for furniture. Est. free. N Phlla. Storage Co. 2033Lehlgh. Dig. 7.110. WEST PIIII.A. AUTO SERVICE MONARCH STORAOE CO. Tacking nnd Shipping SR70 LANCASTER AVH. TYPEWRITER3 AND SUPPLIES HRAND NEW, latest model Oliver 0. fully guaranteed; standard keyboard: $40 exactly tho same machine used by largest Industries, direct from factory, former price $lnu before getting ,Mn a second-hand, rehullt or rental machine investi gate latest Oliver plan to sue $31; easy payments If nu wish, telephono or call Oliver Typewriter. Mr Priest, corner Walnut and luth Hill, Wnlnut J01. Kejetone, Main 118S TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIIILE 4 MONTHS. $5 visini.n 3 months. $7 TACTORY REIIUILT TYPEWRITERS AMERICAN WRITINO MACHINE CO. 802 CHESTNUT ST. WM 2540. MAIN 856. RENT A REMINGTON from the morufnCturers. visible models, $3 n month. $7,110 for three months, r,ntal pivment aiiplles on purchuso. REM1NOTON TYPEWRITER CO.. INC. 110 South 0th st.. Philadelphia. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, broken Jewelry, gold, sli ver, false teeth, feather beds. "Antiques." 785 Walnut. Phone Walnut 702(1. Est. 1888. ANTIQUE furniture, china, silver, old war and ship pictures: highest prices paid for rare pieces, antiques, 1021 Pine st Locust 0604 IIROKEN JEWELRY, antiques, pistols coins Coin books with prices I pay mailed, 15c. 1. H Ross (People'a Store) 200 H 11th. Wal. 448a. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Continued from Preetdlno Column 17TH& WALNUT Several choice suites available For jcars this location has been known as the most prominent social center, uffordlng certain ad vantages not possible ln nny other section Select jour fall and winter reservations through MERT0N GREIMS APARTMENT RI'REAU Llbcr;v iiMg , jiroad & Chestnut Wilnut D020 Race 2270 Willi ted REI'INED couple vlth llttlo girl desires furn. housek-iplnaj apt In West I'hlli. or euhurbs. In answer state rent wanted. C 14, Ledger Off. APARTMENT HOTELS FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques, entire or part houses bought for cash, no matter bow large. J Hernsteln 1 814 Ridge ave. ri'RNITI'RE, CARPETS ETC WANTED. KltEEMER, 40,11 OIRAUD RS.RINO 82(10. OLD OOLD, SILVER, PLATINUM, raise teeth, diamonds and precious stones bought, highest cash prices paid. Modern Refining Company, 187 Smith 11th. Rell phone. Walnut anno. DEPARTMENT STORE ORDERS and Castle Inn vacations alveni'ensv payments. A M. Law ton 020 Chestnut at. FOR SALE UABY coach, good aa new: sell cheap. 413 43d st.. West Philadelphia. BILLIARD TA1ILES ROWL1NO ALLEYS New and second hand Repairs Supplies. ROSA TTO-11 A HltY-STREET CO 122 B 8TH. MILLIARD, pool, combination. 2d-hand bought, seld, rented exch'd. Keqfer, 820 Olrard nve. CHANDELIERS 100 4x1 combination chande llors' lot of gas nnd electric brackets, lot of gas and electric shades nnd globes Apply Hnnerlntenilenl. vvunTspoon mag. "CHURCH PEWS. 10 to 17 fct long, $1 Per foot, pulpits pulpit chairs, cheap rilAIR EXCIIANOE. H. E, cor, flth and Vine. Desks, Files, Safes and Household Dullng Central Second-hand Furniture Co. 904-B08-914 Callowhlll st. Filbert 4108. DESKS tdephone booths and other complete office 'equipment, fine condition and low price;: free delivery. Hughes, 11th nnd Uuttnnwond fi AOS all alxea Special, 0-ft, flag, 8-fU pole 1 and rope $2. worth $3: SxS ft.l1.ko 810 Arch st. Keyatono phone. Main 3701. OFFICE FURNITURE ft? sarsiau. a,,'5tosr,.n-a,,rS. taurant fixtures, household furniture, atn look us over: get Prices: free delivery PATTEN FURNITURE CO. w.l iee4 1127 Arch Race 2808 CLEAN DIRT nnd cinders at Recreation Park. Eint IbTks nnd Blair st Mltrhell Urns OLD OOLD silver falee tei'th. broken Jewelry bought highest prices paid. 4.1 N. loih. ROOMS FOR RENT CIIETCR AVC 4.108 Large cool furn. rooms, next bath: Ideal summer location, reas rates CIIIWTNUT 202 One room and bath 2 rooms nnd bath other rooms CHESTNUT, 1000 3d floor front south'n expna , run'g water, communicating bith gentleman PRAZIER, S. "214 (corV 2 aa "L", .1 for hskps., $1, furn. room for gentleman, $2. MT VERNON. 2004 Exceptional second front, turnisnea; run n i ng waiir; uuiuii- r 1 1 1 m iyi i ii i . THE GLADSTONE APARTMENTS 11TH AND PINE STREETS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE CLINTON Bptubcnb"Sta.SSi 200 rooms: every convenience, furnished or unfurnished either by lease or transiently, suites of 1 to 4 rooms with bath. Special low transient ratea for June, July and August Tl Walnut 287. DEI.MAR-MOHRIS THE ONLY HOTEL IN (JERMANTOWN STRICTLY FIRST CLASS AMERICAN PLAN LAROH LAWN PORCH AND OPEN SPACB CHEI.TEN AVE STATION. P R It " IRVING HOTEL ,&& Amerlcanplan, $2. European plan, $1 op. HIE iforEI. COLONIAL, Spruce at 11th st One, 2 or S rrai, and bath i perm and tran , Amer. nnd European plan: apeclal sum, rates m TUr. MONTEVISTA 01D AND OXFORD STS, Phone Overbrook 3008 the'thacy PERMANENT OR TRVNSIFNT OUE3TS 30TII AND CHESTNUT REALj:STATE FOR SALE Contlnimt from Preceding Column St. Marlins. Chestnut II III CHUlct. I'UUl'UltTlES lor s.Ie In Cllb-alMUT 111LL and ST. MVHTINS. all .lies. JOSEPH M. JENNINUS CHESTNUT HILL. PA; Oak Lane A VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME Is now ortcird nt Uth and Chelten ave. ; stone nnd plaster con struction, with green shingle roof live hcj. rooms, elaborate bath fbfturea: mtld'a room, breakfast room, fireplace, beamed celling, hardwood floors, white enamel throughout, ct ment porch, Inclosed and heated, large lot and good location, room for garnge. Price $11,800. SAMUEL II P. READ Ilullder. Oak Lane Fran-ford FRANKFOnD HOMES fltllLDLN'O SITES SCHWEITZER. 4449 FRANKFOnD AVB. ! an REAL ESTATE, t.iortgages and convejanclng. WM. D. CHAMIIERS 4033 N. Uroad. ai PKNNSYI.VAM sl'IIUKII VN DA IUl Y. 0B7 faprlngtleld rU.. 3 story framo dwelling, 0 rooms, hot-natcr heat; lot 30x100 feet, price $2500. possession. Yocum A Powers Compnny,2B S. 13th at. 01140 Woodland ave. DARHY What It more dtslrable than a homo In the suburbs convenient to city? Oct salo llt frombVOPE & M)N, Darby. OI.E.NOLDEN llirgKln, cor. Elmwood ,and Ins kei'ti avea, I bedrooms, hot-water heat. lot 7.1x120, fruit, garden, owner on premises or R,irkcr.Lansdorne. psborne. 1324 Chestnut. ULENSIUE IlrnniT new, modern, a-ruom bun galow, large living room, big fireplace. $43u0; can be seen any day. WM. T. II. ROUERTS SON, tllinslde. at station. OLENSIDL Uung'llow, "l rooms, large lot. modern, terms to suit: $1300. RENNINOEn A r.i;NNl.Mli;n. uiensiae, it RENT Lartrrst warohous raca In city, any purpose STABLE 100 stalls large "vagon room: would alter to garage, near 0th and Olrard ave. STABLE 17.1 stalls, wagon room; lot 20.000 ft.: 2d and Callowhlll its. FLOORS LARGE, SMALL W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N, 12TII ST. Established 1890. Foctorles a specialty. DELAWARE AND SCHUYLKILL RIVER & R. R. FRONT Shtpvard and Factory Sites FACTORIES' DAVID S. R2fl Commercial R CHEW Trust llultdlng FLOORS I.MtOr. SMALL W. IIRUOE HARROW. ISO N. 12th at. Established 1Sfl Factories a spirlaltr FACTORIES ft tloor epnee or every ilerr!ptlon Phlla. and vicinity. "ACTORY EXCIIANOE, Stephen Olrard Hldg Filbert 4U0 Race '.'IIT.I HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for sat'sfactory tenant. DlETEItir1!! 7.17 Wnlnut St. 4T1I ST. N , 1111-23 Manufacturing floors steam heat nnd power. Apply Penns)lvanla Co Til 7 Chestnut st. orrinw. iutmni:ss koovii. etc. DREXEL IILDO. OFFICES, Annual Rentals. Oround Floor. $100, $120 200.$220,$.'4ll.i,130. Suites 2 Rms., $1.',() M7.1,l2IIO,i22n,$J.10.$300. Hums 3 Rms . $J00 $2S(l.$273 J4D0.I IMI.jllOO. Corner Suites. 3 to 8 Rooms, $373 to $1300. rirst Floor, adjoining nth St, Entrance, $2500 Hasemcnt, corner Fifth & Sansom sis., $350. ELLIS !, WILLIAMS. fltW Drexel lllllldlng. I12.&U $18 SO VERY DFSIRAHLE OFFICES HEED RU1I.DINO 1211-13 ril.HEUT ST. I10.U0 (2.1 00 WEST PIIILADELrillA Rent Your Home From Wm. U. W Quick & Uro., Inc. REALTORS B SOUTH 40TH STREET SMALL I'l-M'i: lSr salu, wllh chicken jard. On account of war, no reasonable orfer refused. Write or call. FRANK SAQENDOHF, Jr.. Sllee Pa. 8UIIUI1IIAN HOIIES, country places and build ing altes to suit alt requirements 11. C. HUNTER, Wayne. Pa. COUNTRY SEATS, farms, suburban homes, building sites In northern suburbs of PhlU. Phone or write II. J. pager, Ambler. Pa. SUIIURUAN RESIDENCES for sale or rsnti attractive locations; prices right. Maurice J, Hoover R,hI I'elete 'I met lllllldlng. REAL ESTATE FOR SALB C1TT COLORED nrYERS- WALNUT 300.1 2d-floor suite (2 rooms, private Jvth): beautiful location: porch, Prcat 4J37-W. ToTH, B 821! Nicely furnished room with kitchenette- adult: all convcnlencea. BOARDING CHESTNUT ST., cor. 20th (The Margrave) Vncancles: private hath: choice table. NEW JERSEY SEAIHOItn CHELSEA. cool rooms 12 N. RRIOHTON AVE. Large, near beach. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL LOCATION: special sclentlflo care: nervous, elderly: every comfort: nu-m, book let Dr. Randal Cltv Line. cnestnx Hill Excellent 3 story dwelling. goot neighborhood: every convenience: fine home; ns uitln as .0 nowni balance as rentl wondcrfu' opportunity. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 6 CO. Ppruco .1071 1721 Walnut St. Race S025. NO. 217 NORTH EIOIITEENTII STREET ' Handsome brownatone renldence fuclng Logan Square and Parkway. Lot 22x147 feet Apply Tho Pennsylvania Compnny for Insur ances on Llvts and Granting Annuities, 017 Chestnut at mi T.AIIOE CORNER PROPERTY on Wnvne ave. near Wnyno Junction, cost $10,000, price, flO 000 suitable for alteration. ARTHUR ROSWELL 233 NorthJ3thsl. 2010 N. LAWRENCE ST 3-story brick dwell- Ing: 7 rooms nnd bath, underdr lined nnd heater; will sen ehenn to quick purchaser. Edward M O'Hrl'n 1 007 Flnanco llldg. WRDS HT1I HT HOMES, north of Kunllnf Park nve , are complete In every detail; st them Jitonce UeUiel & Son ngents. UAROAINS In homes and Investment's uptown, see ua before buying: we'll save you money. MADI.EIR feSON jjyn Susquehanna ave. FTnE HOME 2 story, porch, hot-water heat, elec. Ilghta, Dutch hall large lot. $1000. iili;.N.. ini i i oiumnia ave ELKINS 1RK New Colonial dwg., 10 rms, 2 baths, 3 mln from sta McCORMICK Ale. CortMICK 1010 Chest nut st . ft Elklna Park SUIIURUAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All locations. Sale or rent. CHARLES .1. HOOD A CO. Morris Jliag SUIIURUAN HOMES AND RUILDINO BITBB J. T. JACKSON CO. CHESTNUT AND 13TII STS. VAItbE LIST OF SURURRAN HOMES, sale or rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. II. VV -M II wn.-iUM flt V.II .Aiurriw i !, THIS KIND OF WEATHER makes you long for the cool, airy aleentng porches In the niw houses of tho PEMIIEIITON ESTATES at 5Mh and Willows avenue. Everybody thinks they are fine. Parages M 000 SO. n-.. 2 FLOORS. West rhlla,; elec tric light istenm heat plant, suit aervlco sta tion. MORItIS A CO , Ridge nt Broad. vQ Conttnt4 from;' I 1 I I ,..v4. . ClRRMAHtOW) ilOlM.KV j .,-.. k...a, .' . ,.," t.atl V r ' .fwiv nunw -v rir teSWlffila-UNfflMBj ------ wiiiibiumwii mv94 inon utn. i "Jt.VJnilPj movlen., convenient t. A. 8. TOURISON. mi Beyer at, MtIN lINF.. I' H. K. ' A tlfMIAnH jb , . ""T' ch.mbVr.'. U8."""8 HOAD-1S roMM,! WALTER HASSETT SMITH. 21 M N. M MORTOAQE3 LOWEST RATE FUNDS BPECIAL TRUST FUND rnn nnrin trtnoT nAtnmil- .r i .HORACE 11. FRITZ. 71g WAl.Ntrr t. WS ISO TO 11000 NOTE OR MORTOAOH 1 immediate Settlements fl-.iH r.U.?n,,',i"A.E''.,?LoAn?.. i'M DEMPSEY ft CO ,V 21 South Hlth at. ' tiI --.-.a It- BiltSINOnAB905UTIN ONET "Hlt no.'econdii any amount WocffitBl3eVo &ft si? 401-407 Commonwealth Building :4 MnMrrv rnD ntnDTT'Ar.i-o.I.i iiiwn-.i v lYiurvivjcvuCaOji ei Bu,,ilIT,,A!Kj,!P'l ' n.d Tru Funds 3 1 . TAULANB. 900 Walnut it. ii DEED.1 DRAWN 11 ni't Hi iionn ana mortgage i 44 ,H if. M-. ainrrn I'nnuauanaA- m a iil phone. Hlbtrt 4Tfl8i Kntone. IUca .l.LJ 100.000 TO INVEST In flrnt mort tutt 9" MiY. flumn from iinnn nn ai h.iMi - i.---ff. iJrSii i.nu .;' i-lj""-' "" , .t O. C. SEIDEI. A CO.VV.h". Callowhlll .S iV A-ei e-e-i-v eime,,. 'l .'R 1 . 1 1 1 rofioitTo'A.s ' S! r . , . e v WORRELL A CO.. BR3 N. 1TT1I. W i :m . ftrt ftrtrt tilltrn.fn ....... . . . -S'J lri,i,ijit DUlLiUl.U ASSUUlAllUa lUndt XOr -.V- orioiiu nr npin nioriKfipit, &l t'"1 ARERNBTHY. 2724 N. Bth. 133 S. 12th. . rST ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTOACanl (nl Quick answer. -.V4' .MAURICE II. MATSINOER. R. Est. Tr. TlAl H, j MONLY for mortgagee: Hurka Pniintv nroart." Kr A1V1I1IJIV 1 'lUVV.NBKiU & 8(2 , 4 'TLWi .ey. iS Lincoln Ilulldlhg. Philadelphia. FUNDS TOR 1ST AND 2D M0RTOAOB1 MORTOAOES t"OR SALE -i ii,.w. r. mi.ai.r.a, aia uermantown ira FUNDS FOR 1ST ANT r MoRTOAOBi ANY AXtnllMT POTTS & THOMSON 2321 Frankford ave. . sfv. READY FUNDS for good first mortgages, larja ui allien uimiuiivr niTAfl T. mtnu'v x. -. oit a 1S...ai . '"'" '-'. i '-v., -. 1 ui iiiuiiu ti j ATlUiMPPa' T'lTlTTTt'""ej-JWi r.rt-I a ft-aV"- 'l r.ieinnv,.o tv uuiuurjito f Orls.lAl.il IIAZI.KTT A MOSS nia wimut t. trust riTvn' von tihrt MonTQAOst i IIEriKNKHS A 8TKTSON LAND TITLE BUILDING M& i. . ' FIRST and iccond mtBe. or on nots ny amount! Art lit") I If.llli. IliillnU II ... .-.4n.-.On.... at -a 'i.V ' $50. $100, $200 TO $3000 TO LOAN ' " l?1 LEWIS ft CO. 1227Wj. Olrafd ae M W V' .."j-M if f..,-l Immediate mstt lament: payablA ai detlrtd w &U,. KDW. MOLL. lSS fl. 12th it. -AiT lVK limlrtiblH n-w iripert1fa' requiring aCiC? mnrtMirea C1IAS. H. SPAETH CO. C?M jm iorK Til wKV ,W PUNTS for cood Hrtt and accond mortrtff.k WJ Ji FhlladlphK or nfarby Nw Way and Pnn-'sii nraintiia. khiiiii oc vu , I II n II1U l l. VK HAVK dri1ribl nrat I1.02 Old MONnT for first and sei-ond mortffairea. butldlct NPmrrrlaMnn and I nf m I tm n mnrf . ' AVILLIS.WINCHKSTEn CO, lOOt ChMtnoL MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO Our service u courteous, conclderate, safe. AMERICAN LOAN CO. 5613 Germantown Ave. 1 n a Mi i- v-e I a llff Ti, iis imnn In.ti fm -mi frl,lt. 1a-t rates: pasmenta as low as $2 per month. f,rVi "" i "4 . jyft- . 3SV i Wl Dell. Qtn. 40S0. Keystone. North ST. T jjB luver vvooiworinsi lfivffi -Ready Money- United .Stat Loan Society 117 NORTH BROAD 8T. 414 S. 3th st. 2S4S Germantown ev. i nz I V,'-. IP .' tVM & TOO CAN IIORKOV. MONEY i kjijvi. ON DIAMONDS, JEWEUIY. ETC 'V 11V AND UP 2 xu i.ii .wn Tin . ., id. -Zi $800 AND UP 1 , RIEDER'S 128 MARKET ST. RIDOE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. V2U ANU SOUTH WTB. The Stanley Booking Corporation' MONEY loaned to heirs of unsettled estates: ,,JV ' Interests bought. FRANK P. MARTIN. 724-2 jS vnTirnvrST L'MPLOYE rpfu4d monr withoa accurtfy, nlsn furnltun lonna at leiral ra.fe&vPB p. D DRAKE. Room 504. 10 N. 4th aL jifftli - , a fftw 1 4 fi. . TUC following theatren obtain their pictures through the STANLET Booking Ciirpm atlon, which Is n Ruarnntee of early showing; of the finest, productions. All pictures reviewed beforo exhibition. Ask for tho theatre ln your locality obtaining pictures through tho stanluy uuukiku uuju'uhatiu.n. ATLANTIC CITY WHEN IN ATLANTIC CITY Visit THE COLONIAL MAIN LINE. I". R. It. DESIRARLE PROPERTIES MlNrl'RN T WRIOHT A: CO. MORRIS HUII.DINa NEW JF.KSKV hl'IIL'KHVN 810 N 11TII Fine city property, 3-story brick, 15 rooms', lot 2R7 corner. MYERS . HARTII, Ridge ave. and 10th. REAL ESTATE rORSA"LB OR RENT 1IARUER HARTMAN A CO. 1201 Chestnut REFRIGERATORS?,roep"'E4..T,c.,,rm:. "- . nn.n, rr onu.iio I..I, a. linwKm;-- i-v-l onu-ua j..., ... CHRIS riAN SANITARIUM Unseetarlan: med. leal staff, moderate rates: spacious grounds. Old York rd. to Ilroad at., south of Chelten ay. APABTMENTS hTFfs 'fireproof Closing out at half price 0 n.S ind illghtly used aafes;. also some with thin '"".'hlg bargains 2f N. Fourth st. . T3Turfnr"NOTE Ills ba'galna In tvpe presses, rUJiTr cutters, cases, stands, cablneta. etc, &!?,' Printers- SupplvCo., 11 JSBth St. j5h-I.OT"Urga black open-end bags, with, flap. Levl'nson. 20 8, 8th. ' MAC-nNERY ANDJT00L3 7ZZv t IKELY here's something we make that VEB,X -.Jd- a trlil of YOCOM ANri-FUICTlON JS.uJYfvi.'iinin- machine bearings suffices f!bjYmnnatrate Its unusual durablencss jou need: llL'Tll, f I?tONeand illASS FOUNDRYS. 145 North beconu. JAMES Y'OCOM & SON. -,, KVIAN-SIIOEMAKEIt-MEAD. INC. c0,C?mmerc..l.1TTu.t A;;,... Mw and reuuiiv r,Jl,c,f1,," tl.oX'T. Phones! Spruce U78,,RacBS2j)D, PbWEIt-J'LANT EQUll'MEN'l' J-sJlT w" . I.. I... mtmmtn anil nit Ma srri xiTiii ' mofors and machinery bought, soil DYNAMOS, win , repaired. Main 01. WmJjl'r Co."l22N. 3d St. . rVi'A'il.K UKLTIiU, JUHUO VH UiW (Wmi..-(. tV"y.''a ,.v?h rOMPANY, 620 Arch sL ' IAi'' ., i i i t ml I A Vr hrv iiPltlUHl' DRILLS, Sibley A Wary. ,lor" Champion, Canedy Ottoi Immediate APARTMENTS of 1 and 2 rooms, with or with, out pr vat. bitht electric light and all con Sentences: some with kitchens. Apply T. T. Rockett. (120 N. 10th st. "inmsvlMT HEADQUARTERS NORMAN S SHERWOOD A CO. PrrucVaVl 1721 Walnut St. Race 802V OEKMANTUWN -" y.lKerv. Seyieri a, wt f""zi- . -wArNGLATHES. 14 to 24 In. swine. 4 to 25 ENOlNIj l."' d rn! j,t.,t tyB ,ned "trrCiiHi nf ulalii "" autnmatlo mapMn-rr. UAN'Vim .l1l,;f,uA"M.-ka A Bon. 240 S. Oth. nna tor w" "MUSICAL INSTRUME.TT3 -ZTToUr" PLAYER OUT, OP OIiPBRt ID OUH ,jje.w. Am Eiperta 0UANDUNION WANO CO. lll,KSN8INaTON AVK. 'tfh.M Kensington 1801 F9$EjMffliS Km, THE NEW ADDITION TO PELHAM COURT IS OPEN PELHAM COURT was not built to make an app-al to every one but to ou whp demand the best and are accustomed to receive It at a. price which, considering what you do do mand and receive. Is moderate It will make a etrong. compelling appeal. PFLHAM COURT la located at Carpenter's Station. Oermantown, Just off beautiful Lin coln Drive, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. 80 or so trains a dayi aurely transportation ",HuTthea,o'fa2yrSo1m. and 1 bath to 0 room. and. 2 bathsi the site to suit your require ment". I'rlcea aro from ,150 up. PELHAM COURT Is a quiet, perfect APARTMENT HOTEL and located In an abso lutely (deal and exclusive suburban location. in a word, you may come to FBLHAM COURT and find a perfect suburban locution, lth transportation unexcelled, an Ideal y con "tructed building, quiet, dignified, elegant. vViii may aelect an apartment of the site to .ult four Individual needs: you will And all your housekeeping problems solved and taken fare of for ou absolutely without effort on your parti you will find a table of the utmost fictllence at a most moderate price, and the .anie cSurteay. service and attention I. unl form throughout the entire establishment. For tall Information, arrangements for In spection and reservations, call, phona or Wr" NOHMAN S SHERWOOD CO. SPRUCE Wl. .. nACfI02S. Or hU representative on th premises at r.lham Court. CITY AND SUIIURUAN REM, ESTATE MEARS t HROWN 202 S 15th at. ITALIAN HOME HUYERS 243 N. 02d. 7 reems, modern, $2250 clear. Kev nt -3H rv ii.a. JAS. V. HARE, 1RTH AND MORRIS COt.LINOSWOOD. N J. Cnnvenlmtly located 12-room detached dwelling; splendid condition, lot lniixl.io, fruit and ormimntnl trees 'r den, grape vines nutbldgs.. reinent walks, macadam st , half s i. from tml. near school nnd churches Tlargaln at $.1000. Aimlv I. I WATSON, 1433Land Title Illdg., Phil i WOODHURY. NT J.. H MILKS OUT FINEST FACILITIES For best property sll rnesis r L Wllklns 15 Cooner st . Woodhurr N.J PKN.VHYLVANI V lllllldlng Lots. Factory Sites. Etc. CHOICE RUILDINO LOT8 and large tract! of, ground In all parts city: also over 200 mfg. sites" Melvln. 151 V10 Real Est. Trust nidg WHY UNDER THE SUN don't some one Investi gate the 22-acre alate, brick and atone prop erty at "Peach Rottom." York County, Pa., which we have been advertising for aome tlmeT there Is a fortune In It for some one, and wa hope It may b. you, Send for descriptive folder. WE HAVE A BLOCK of ground on Fountain Hill, South Rethlehem, Pa., between 4 streets, ll.room stone house. 450 fruit trees: price $7500: don't wait until some one else has bought! write now. LAROE stone factory building, POxOO, and lot 170x800, ln Rethlehem, Iv.i price $5500; must be sold, and n bargain, OARIS A SIIIMER Woolworth llulldlng, lltthlehem. Fa. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS A I O A 1IDD A42th, Morris & Passyunk Av. ALnAiVlDKAMat. Dally 2: Evgs. 0:45-9. Paramount Pictures, ANITA STEWART 'JB ? : A DfM 1 n 62D AND THOMPSON Al yJL.LXJ MATINEE DAILY MARGARET ILLINGTON in "SACRIFICE" ARCADIA Wilfred Lucas and Elda Millar in "HER EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR" BELMONT MD VD MA,,KET NORMA TALMADGE in p o r v y " LOCUST "ON .4fe, iUAin.. j ..iu anu :iiu . - .- r.. EVOS., 8:30. 8. 9:30.. J TRIAL" - 'J$J B2D AND LOCUST .MATS., 1:30 and 3:30, V it 1 CHESTNUT RELOW 16TII MARKET ST. Theatre S33Bf, Mj RESSIE RARRISCALE In "Hater of Men. 'V. f'' Taaay, za Episode "Fatal Ring," Pearl Wh!t,-,TOS 1 Every Wed. Hen V.'llson In "Voice on the Wire,", $.$; riITDnDOnic' 3D A HAVERFOflDJIfl viuvuiwwn Uote-Jonct Vnit OreK&X .t .- . !-' J Franklyn Farnum ' ' CA 'ffifia '?nif L1 aJre VOICE ON THE WIRE,' r N&. 14 PAI APF 121 MARKET STREET I -l--V-Ini 10c 2uc. WILLIAM DESMOND in TIMn LOCHS AND DIAMONDS" Stores nnd Dwellings TWO desirable comer stores In new locations! growing section: excel, opportunity for drug glatl also fox,other Uneaj Tioga: II and I sts River Front Properties DELAWARE RIVER FRONT, bet-, D and Klrkb'rldeT sts 4 Bth. Ward, abo- 2 railroads J B. LUTZ, 210 N, 1 tween Jenks bout 7 acrea; 7th st. west pinLDr.i.riiiA HOTJSEKEEPINO APABTMENTS lOTir 8T..N., 1401 Two housekeeping; rooms, ...s. A. i.n-A-ti- -tH. titlf VAAtlfaBl. lriVsl tarn ""1 "r 'tinr t1, - .... '. $3000 1 ROOMS and bath on second floor! Dutch hall, dining mom kitchen and shed on first noon COth and preenway ave.i sample house now open! hardwood floorsi hot-water heat and electric lights: little cash, balance as rent: 1 square subway cars and Ilaltlmore and Ohio station! direct cara to Raldwln'a, Rem listen and Eddystone Jlants BSthand SprlngdeM FOR SALE OR RENT ATTRACTIVE HOMES EUGENE L T0WNSEND K E. COR 40TH ST. A I1ALTIMORE AVtt. rek THE unequalrd homes. Springfield ave.. BOth to BTth, only $4000: new features i each house hss private cement steps, Inclosed porches. James r. Enburg. builder. n.iv Vftiir ITems From Wm. II. W. Quirk ft Uro., Inc. vvm. nKALTORS It SOUTH 40TI1 STREET r950 WILLOWS AVE . B7th to fldthi furrlshed ample house open dally to Pm. KER. BHAvv Ai CRIIVVI,. owners n.in i;nesinm St. STATE YOUR WANTS SEND FOR LIST JOS. ALLEN POTTS v.mZA .. CHOICE LIST of wail riiiuA. uuiica L.I8T OF WEST I'HILA, ra Ti.iiit At ni ii 24 AND JbJJ; OTIIJW. OERMANTOWN IF YOU ARE looking for a home In German- town. Mount Airy . or Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. R. MEKHAN. 6747 Oermantown are. sJUR REAL ESTATE HUI.LET1N will be asm to you by mail on application. Oermantown Trust Co,, Chelt.n ana oetmantown ayes. sROE LIST OF OKRMANTOWN HOliBg . 1 HJIULLEM A III lllARRT -sna un.sinnt. 18-ACltll farm on Sklppack pike, 3 miles from Philadelphia city line 11-room honsei all con veniences and necessary outbuildings: 800 foot front on pike; price $12,500; terms eairi 00-acre farm, ft miles from Philadelphia city line, adjoining about la-acre farm! large house and all necessary bulldlngsi price 127,000, or will aell the two farms for 180,0001 good for subdivision I on Lehigh Val ley Transit Line. Oarla & Shlmer, Woolworth Hulldlng, Rethlehem, Pa. UU'rS CO. FARMS AND COUNTRY 1IOMEB That's mv specialty. Send for list now. W FOnftFST MAOEE. Southampton. Pa. FRUIT FARM, 01 acres: 40 acres fruit; good buildings; near station; SO miles Phlla. by State hlgnwayi immu rToneneia, vvayne. ra. "FARMS AND COUNTRY SEATS V i u fl'"' Airi Cjr.. PETERS , A .SON. 0S . Cl IESTNUT ST. 130 ACRES, 2dwetllngs, 2 barnsffully equipped: see catalogue. II. C. Reese A Son, 6 E, Airy st . Norrlstown. BLUEBIRD BUBQUEUANNA AVE. WALLACE RE1D in "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD'' FAIRMOUNT MT?,5J3?0 AVenuk Blanche Sweet & Thomas Meighan In "THE SILENT PARTNER CAIVIIT V THEATRE 1311 MARKET ST. r-MVlll. I jy-flu- KIMIIAI.L OflO.l.V ALICE JOYCE in "THE QUESTION" tTU CT THEATRE MAT. DAILY DO I rl 5 1 . Rciow Spruce Evrs. 7 to 11. PAULINE FREDERICK in " Z A Z A " GREAT NORTHERN A?J. ;. LOIS WEMFII'fl "EVEN AS YOU AND I" . HEAI. ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUIIURUAN properties for sale or rent. LOWER MERION REALTY CO., Land Title Building. Philadelphia, Pa. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. nroad and Chestnut sis. CENTRAL PROPERTIES For ssla or rent JAMBS D WINCIIELL. 17th and Sansom sts. PENNSYLVANIA HURURIIAN BALA-CYNWYDLarge list , houses, sals, or rent, at all prices. Samuel C. Wagn.r, Jr., Comm.rclal Trust Dldg.. IBth and Market. MAIN LINE. V, K. It. DESIRARLE HOMES SALE OR RENT WillNOCK A, KM I. EN Otis llldg., 112 B, lath St. MAIN LINE Ueat line of Main Lint houses, either for sale or rent, at all prices. IHRST A McMULLIN. Weat End Trust Pld. R. E. SALB OR EXCHANGE 1j0 acres, fully stocked and equipped; I OUIU1U1. MH ljO acres, fully itocui 4w-Hope: UnTf tons. FARM. ' nXkta. v via. v. i .ml. mr- m w i ni . wuw m a m r. unj inn fiRHNHPsTka ftwSire CTOTsafWT9l.St' i ? -i:fv.-t1i-iEii. ?..'&. OTH AND DAUPHIN STREETS ItDi7DIAI 00TH and WALNUT STS. llVlrC-lXlML- Mate. 2:30. Evgs. 70. ANITA STEWART in "THE .MES8AOE OF THE MOUSE" ' JEFFERSON BLANCHE SWEET in "tid: silent partner" . l1dcdtv broad and IBtKI I COLUMBIA ETHEL BARRYMORE in THE GREATER IOWER" IMIMMllllllllllllM WHAT l'lllt-llKLrilL f(- ICT7I TM MARKET ST. Below BOTH lVJLilDCU IV1 IIOBt-Jonci Vntt Orthettra MONTAGUE LOVE in THE BRAND OF SATAN" THE MYSTERY OF THE DOUHLE CROSS" PARK" IlIDGE AVE. A DAUFHIN ST. -fsgr. a i irp ORAnv :.. ira ...-, uimu x nt x,. ard tTH "THE DIVOIIOU UAME'' k r"!a PRINCESS """fas" .$$ Alice Joyce and Harry Morey ifiV3 "WITHIN THE LAW" T'Oj 'aSij . , . mm W H I -hlM 1 UJ iuAuaci piain.1' ' jr. t r.c-ii-,i i hum as voice oxaixMt.i GLADYS BROCKWF.il. n . U T - .-.. ....... ... yy ,.v TO HONOR AND OBEY" J5.JY, '. Rl A I T O OERMANTOWN AV& I r i-t I J AT TULPEHOCKEN a VIOLA DANA in "LADY BARNACLE" r T T n V MARKET STREET J.fl I U O 1 BELOW 7TH STRsS'V ANITA STEWART ' "" -Sj Ei-e-y Thursdav 'TH.'S NEOLECTED JVlKri SAVOY PEGGY HYLAND in 1211 MARKET STREET 1 CASTE WM Vi STAN1I FY MARKET ABOVR 16TH V o i MiNi-i-. i ns!, A. M. to litis p, m .'B lIAM MADTIM : 5r- 1 vivini-s moiviin iu is; ri "FORHJDDEN PATH8" V I C T O R,I A "-HSM'M MABEL TALIAFERRO m.Jk "PEQOy, THE WILL O' THE WISP,'' NORTH rHll.AnBT.rtUA '4 FRANKFORD m FRANKT? BLANCHE SWEET tif .if THE TIDES OF nARNEOAT' ' Added KEY8TONB J-PABT COMBtfT PIIRFKA 0TU M"141 8TS'- " LIONEL BARRYMORE jn "The Millionaire's Double" I CAnCR irORTY-FIRST AND LtnAL'I-.r LANCASTER AVENUE MADAME PETROVA in "The Soul of a Masrdalen" , THIS CALENpAR WjrC' v rs. U .. RIDGE AVENUE"1 RI; BEATRIZE, MICH5LINA In "The Woman, Who Darid'; CTD AKtr SaRUANTOWN'A s9AXni'siiy tKyytHJami .AUaWAOY-'jH 111". ' T vmmwy . .a T" t ' 'n-fV' seas-Si' s i Mm ,- ,Vjt.tJ K'rmSJM