... yy & . -f. Kllr: ' ;'v",, --vy ." , 'v.! .y;r) tVvV -Vv jU'w v ;'' ?v.-,";;y: r- f EYENINO BEDGER-PHILADELPHIA; FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1917 " .-Jatt r., ,'V)l Dt IS VICTOR IN JUNIOR FINAL Doubles Played AT OVERBROOK feats Fischer in Tennis j, ,,. - --... t'it'Match at Belfield No IXT V 5 Vitl'fft Junior tournament which lacked JJhHm In singles nnd failed to attract tlou- 1H4 tam. llodnev Heck, nf thn Herman. VtflWlt Crlekrt rhlh rfefanlo.1 furl I.-I.M,.... ft ,'TX,tJM Cynwyd Club, In a three-eot mntch yKraay afternoon. 6-4, 6-4, 8-6. Only n m 'ipectators were on hand to bco tho .i)rohntterB compete. , 'j,v, ',Th true facts concerning the Junior tour '.MlBnt heldlat Ileincld camo to light yes- ', Httkt. Thero were onlv n, rioron nlavers l-.lsV.'tna alnfflea. nwlnp tn Ih fnrf that IliA . 's:iiiju.. '. .v. ..:"," "".."". "r:.:"- siimjy-niy ul mo juniura arc now out 01 town L ,w fwinure nnu mountains, mere wern j.' ifmny aewuits; no many, in fact, that the P4;( I committee In charge was directly chnrirpil iff 'i.wltn having lost tho draw card "accidentally u vifcn otlrnose." tc!!..(i . At any rate, tho final round was reached ITEDESCHIATTACCANO INVANO A SAINT QUENTIN Le Forzo Frances! Ributtano il, Nemico Con.Vigorosi Contrat- taechi Gli Austriaci Rcspinti HON.'SESSUE AWEARY OF BEING VILLAINOUS NITTI ED I SOTTOMARINI La Germanta Ua Pcrduto Quattro Milllonl o Mezzo di Uomini dal Prlnciplo dclla Guerra Europca ?, -.i.na Beck was the victor In a well-played lMtch. Fischer, who M only sixteen years '. '?' f ,-e, nut un a brilliant game, and will iCMlrit day rise to the ton In this section p. !j Hit lobbing was especially good nnd hli ' '.fw.1 placements often brought pralso of tho gal f ,Ta'. laV Viklnl. 4l.Atl.vl. Ilrv.f...i1 tn U-a Itinn n AV '? "I.H-41. itiuuri.i IMIIIIUU .u Hf 11..... .- ufifJoieh. spectators, appreciated the brand of &Z. tlnnli on the part of tho Juniors. fffi Jftnldrs to Play at Qverbrook LVtJ Th committee In chargo of the Junior a if. " w"' Pronaniy singe nnotner lourna- 15f?i M41.M4 -KM. Iln.. ... Htl.1. n . k ,. ",..- i jj ' niui ouiim tiiiio iicai cc i vuu ..ri V?." tirnoV flnlf Pluh. nrnvMlnir enmirrh nlnv-M Z'l' 'an be mustered together to mnke tho Evjtfii' "nl' n succers. ji noi, it win pronaniy m'if WfiMd away, but tho public will hereafter rite Biniurmcu 01 ine real xacis 01 me junior "VK onpetltlons. Wr-i,v- . 'BeK arid Fisher started half an hour pM ! tithe officials In charge was on hand at ptf'v the Belfield Countrv Clnh. Tho liminm Wlffi. ff.""7 naa considerable experience flnlsh KVjw 'W vthelr own tournaments and providing K,fffJ , thlr own linesmen, umpires, etc., got along Wfft - one asked why tho doubles finals P'V J,"01 P'oy". ror there had been no vsj;' .m-.-. otciii an ween, oernuso oi lacK or P'tfl wtrles, so the announcement published on Wednesday that tho "doubles would bo Mya" lld not cause any disappointment. rTh Philadelphia and District Inwn Ttnnli Association at Its next meeting Will DA ASkeH In pnniliint n. !...., .. tfeei " 50BeKn'l,lr tho management of tho Junior Y- ?nnl tournaments held In this section l., VS . " ,a8t montn- Smo of the players Will likely present facts which may Interest tl) local association. ,'rf R. fcif M. iSA W Japatt to Help War Fund uJ?Pin vl" he,p America's war fund. It S. i? on good authority that Ichlya . 5 r?ifa5 who was rated "Ix'h on tho ,. I? V? h.ewMf.or the r"ltlonal "InKles event JwiEi l f1"" next monlh- I' the clover oriental net star really plays here It will' j reat thing for tho tennis players' KM Cross Fund. &7Zf0,.tlon.tl ,n,ercst w"l ngaln bo Jhull . th.M natlona' vent. and with thta Ihterest will como tho flnanclal returns yrhlM will make It possible to raise th BUf sum of money Oeorgo T. Adee, presl Oent M tho association, has planned to turn cvr .to Secretary of War Dakcr. It will also enable the clubs In this Urn I t0 iBtaK0 exnlblt'on matches which Jill attract thousands of spectators, for . KUmarae. trill nnl nhUnl i...i -' .. 'SJ2.ethf0L ihe rcIlct fund' and Probably jsi w-....- nee U, ui.i very purpose. . , f! FRANCIS IV SHOWS WAY TO FIELD OF CRUISERS ip - ft Alexander McLeod's Powerboat Wins Event for Craft Over 40 and Under 60 Feet Ttrr im iiav n ...... - Vr ". "..'.J..u,y -"-Alexander il. fm.r:m'T ""."l' la.ctlt Club and ItOMA, 20 I.ugllo. Telegramml da Parlgl dlcono cho lo forzo tedesche hnnno tentato Invano un vlolento nttacco qontro le llnee francesl tra Solssons e Ithclms, dove si proponevnno dl nfondaro lo Unco francesl e In tnl niodo ottencre una vlttorla prima che le truppo del generate I'claln e nucllo del maresc alio llnlc notes- scro'lanclarsl ad un'offenslva cho probabll mente nndnva prcparandosl. II prlmo attnrco, opcrato nolla zona a sud dl St. Quentln. porto' I tedeschl dentro lo llnee francesl su dl una fronto dl un mlgllo, ma un cotrattneco da parte del francesl valso a rlcacclare Indletro I tedeschl e ad Infllggero loro pcrdlto consldercvoll. II sc condo nttacco, operato su dl una fronto dl quattro mlglla e dopo un vlolento bom bardamento, falll' completamento ma 1 te daschl rlusclrono a rngglungero nlcunl clc- mcnii dl trlnceo francesl nl ccntro prima che potescro rsse're arrcstatl. Ierl Bern II Mlnlstero della Ouerra pubbll enva. II sogucnto rnpporto del gcneralo Ca dorna circa la sltuazlone nlla fronte Halo nustrlaca; ' Ierl sera rcpnrtl d'asfalto nuntrlajl, nppogglatl da un vlolento fuoco dl nrtl glleria e dl mltrngllntrlcl, nttnecarono le nostro poslzlonl a sud dl Verslc. L'at taoco falll' completnmento grnzbi alia vlgllnnza dello nostro truppo dl fnntcrla ed nl pronto lntcrvcnto dello nostre bat-tcrle. Xella reglono del Mellno nol respln pemmo con un contrattneco rcpartl nus trlncl che, dopo una vlolonta nzlone di nrtlgllcrla, avevano nttaccato uno del nostrl avampostl, Sulla fronto Olulla In nostra nrtl gllcrln dlstrusso una poslzlone fortlfi cata nemlca sul Monto Nero o dlsperso truppo nemlcho cho ernno state Bcoperto nl dl la' del Monte Santo. llepartl austriaci In marcla e colonne dl autocnrrl suiraltoplano dl Ilasnlzza e sul Carso furono pure cannonegglatl dalle nostro nrtlgllcrlo cho bombard darono ancho lo retrovlo nemlche nele stesse reglonl. 1,'nrtlgllcrla nemlca ha bombardato le nostro poslzlonl ad est dl Santa Caterlna, sul Dosso Faltl ed a sud-ovest dl Verslc. L'attlvlta' dello equndrlgllo nereo fu Intcnsa su tutta la fronte dl battaglla. Una macchlna nemlca fu nbbattuta In un combattlmento acreo. Gives Up Bandit and Branding Parties Politics and Irish Lore on Screen By the Photoplay Editor STANr.KT "rarlildden I'nth," IjiVr-rr-rnounl. with Vlvlnn Martin snd Smue llayakawn. Btory by Kve Unsrll. Bcennrio by lleatrlce C. Da Mltto nnd l.tlshton 0mun. plrrctrd by Jtobprt T. Thornby. 1'hotoiraphed by Jamrs C. Vn Trci. Sessuo Is evidently tired of looking wicked; leading Mexican bandit raids on Frltzl Ilrunettcs nnd branding Injudicious Kannle AVarJa with hot metal, so we have hhii h.Te n-lurnlng to tho sanities that marked his "sympathetic" roles. Not only does Hon. Sessue Immolate himself on tho altnr of lovo by giving up nil chances nt g-jlting Vivian, but bo actually scuttles a launch with himself nnd n bad lady, who had Inconveniently married tho hero (also In levo with Vivian) alxard. Such a pious spiru nns noi been apparent In tho movies since Mario Dressier sued Keystone. As nil oi you wno nao ronowecl Sessue s film ses sions know, he Isn bully good actor repose ful, pliant, expressive, mobile and manly. So In this film he carries" n lot of situa tions, heavily embedded In footage, to au thenticity, nnd Is generally his Interesting self. Clever Miss Martin Is nttractlo, with nothing In the ,'vorld to do. Young Tom Forman. of courso, Is nn appealing foil. Tliero la somo overdoing of things among others in tho company. Beautiful lighting Is occasionally marred by camera-slips. As ior mo siory wen, it sounds mean, but tho story has "feminine nuthorshlp" written all over It tiLH" I'hotoirriiphca by ltoy Vauithn Huper- -U vj SIIIUII J-MYMn ' Reese P.otson SIIAMOKIN, ra., July 20. Miss Eliza beth Una Ilobson, this city, became the bride of David J. Ilecse, Ashland, Dr. J. S. Souser performing the ceremony, Th bride la a daughter, of Matthew Itobson, and recently was graduated from the nurses' training school at Fountain Springs Hos pital. It was while a student nurse at that Institution that she first met her husband. Following tho wedding ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Reeso left on their honeymoon trip. They will reside 'nt Ashland. nnATiis HENDKnsO.V. July 10. ,MA.0fiUSJJmh.Vf SON, afd (13. Jte stives pnd friends. """EJJf.Ji John Hromley A HonV Heneflclal An i JnvU d P1; , i?y " 6?5JLSfi?ffiSlor" (.th0 Jnte7laKUYncht. IV dMvJ .ti1'iB.aw hla Powerboat Francis i:ir.5!iY.?n .lo victory pver.the course hero '"'"""i in events ror Class V crulaerii SWX;y and undor "ltty feet. Mary nello Of.th. Cleveland Yacht Club, won ?K at , Ws V t?-1.10. orulsers under forty feet. k Citify0 J?6?' IUS 2" fk n the the R.tt i .i".c u ! r wnen s . Ll Sftuft chPtnrcTunb' w-n-ffi ,"V?5.."J? m fvC",r..5vfL8'?f.fK Tho races to- -V-Vegatta'wlircloso'dSywthe aal heat In tho sailing events. !'. v f ROXBOROUGH TO PLAY STORE TEAM dttieVicrefd" avab'??. W,'&ifii"tn! m borough 'has an "exceptIonaIly0strong (earn ;S ,HAi"M K?' a"d.d.e'eaed me of the beS S' I"."t" ! vKiiiiuy. una claims the cham. 6P"i ffB""",p D' lne Clti sterling, their pitcher W u!"SndntlgTat Promise. Connie 5f te5ia? Bl8nd hl.m for next season ami &Sw. ItfiTri"-"" IHHr8."r the boy. His rj.- .ui.i.,, However, will oe tested In this rami. ffS as every man on the Strawbrid?. mf.W.0' tM Sm J.a da.n?erous hitter. JlmmTe kin. uj,, iu ncM-Knuwn amiete. will he In h K Wiir b in the box and Yeabsley KhlSouS at I SOTTOMAItlNI II Clornnle d'ltalla pubbllca un'lntervlsta con l'cx mlnlstro on. Nlttl, cho come e' moto, face parte dela mlsslono Itallana ngll Statl Unltl. circa 1'attlvlta' del sottomarinl teutonlcl. Ion. Nlttl calcola cho lo perdlto della marina mercantile degll allcatl a causa del sottomarinl ammontano a circa 800,000 tonnellato al mese. L'cx mlnlstro credo cho II problema del tonncllagglo puo' senza dubblo essere rlsolto a favoro degll nlleati dcll'Intesa o basa la sua opinions sul fatto che I'Amerlca puo' costrulro circa 3 mlllonl dl tonnellato dl nlrosc.in nii'nnn I-on. Nlttl fa rllevare II fatto della cor dlallsslma accogllenza fatta In America alia missions Itnllana ed csorta II governo Itallano n nomlnaro un altro commlssarlo per gla Statl Unltl ncrchc' nramunvn in n. operazlono dclle duo nazlonl nella guerra per ldoall comunl. Telegramml da Londra dlcono che II Mln lstero della Guerra inglese ha calcolato che ncl mese dl glugno ultimo ,scorso 1 tedeschl hanno sublto lo seguentl perdltc: Mortl 28,819; mortl per malattlo. 321E; prlglonlerl o dlspcrsl, 38,606; ferltl, 05,906; totale, 1C6.S 4 G. In base n quest! ed a cnlcoll precedent!, basatl sullo llste uftlclall pubbllcate a Rer lino lo pcrdlto sublto dalla Oormanln nella guerra Barebbero le seguentl: Morti sul campo od In segulto n ferlte, 1,032,800 mortl dl malattlo, 72,960; prlglonlerl o dls porsi. B91.966; ferltl. 2,825,581; totale delle iirriuio icucscno aairAgosto 1914, 1,623,307, In queste clfro non sono compress lo perdlte sublte dalle forze navall tedesche. WATERWAYS VITAL NEED IN WARFARE Shorts on Sports haa liS1'' &!: A.m"ican . umpire. ym&Jms w f 11 - swVL'SfS" HIju I" wlnnlnc the frw-for-ili Tea aVi,r!fy J". ihJ Oreendale track, Worciat.r sft ! brnke tbe track record of i-nil: rLe.r: mKsrtivjssiisr ,h9 ".?? Lit' Sra,,kro'.7nbe0rffl,rh'!i 55?ffi:?St.tf th. :!21?jP2?0'&.yt,tt"1T- mui new .on" 'I' '..:'T.4 Congressman Moore and Wilfred H. SchofT Impress Their Need in Addresses at Miami, Fla. "PENNY-WISE" POLICY HIT . '?s JJJfi MoDanlel, a fu!j.bIoodd Choctaw In f "' !.? 1 hlPh honors in Iho western handl. 5-MH6I jv fttn. jUftM Of 3R1L"V tXcrcil 0"ere, ,50'00(i rt0 "K Ami?: tha hmt mllM . . h?m ffff0'' B',' laiiic'W iJih-. ilzli A";r5. 'nenom. will I.iJl?1Vr--.iormnr Hol!T Cro" 'r, and ordon. UttroDolltan ehamninn. ' KntU . . :. . .!. dqi di ma inr nirrrtnru nf k. ili ytlr. which tour5 thf, wetlen W..V- raar. u now plarlnc a ukueleln a. r Frank Poth. of.tha Cheater team m CTAItntV T.aim nU.k. Ic '-.'" BiatTc r ciub ....;.? 'iy h"i w. ".if?- am tD flv hits an IIAU.. .1... Ul k.Mone. tallr eimlSi in '.8r"SiJ!e'' ?? in team won, lo to 1. .1 r e ' . 5 Camden City,T. Stetson f?'jy CIV wia?,l,n vlBlt Stetson's at Fourth and Berks streets tomorrow ry to get revenge for the hniit.hr..,. ,. twelve-inning defeat It suffered on Mti Visit to the hatters' iirnnhnM -me batteries will again be In evl V Evans and Wiley will work fnr h awsrai iuiu noanioacner ana Hievenson for k!MOtea of Itov Thomas In thalr n. vdr to make ((.fourteen straight. JUtai-Square to Play Hllldale agir.BIU Faulkner, of the Logan , announces that hla team will . Darbjr tomorrow afternoon for tn nNiaaie nine. Ad Hwlgler n aguruH the bom team. Ho l.a..fw-w ogg. MIAMI, Fla., July 20. Congressman J. Hampton Moore, presi dent, and Wilfred II. Schoff, secretary, of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association, Inspected Miami harbor today as tho guests of tho Chamber of Commerce of this place. In addresses to the Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce tho Fhlladelphlans explained the Atljpntlo coastal projects, which extend from Now England to Florida. Mr. Schoff talked of the rivers and harbors bill and took lssuo with those who make the cry of "pork barrel" against It. Congress man Moore said Miami needed and deserved an Improved harbor for preparedness as well as for commercial purposes. "In the event of naval warfare," said Mr. Moore, "the Florida coast, by reason of Its proximity to the West Indies, may be the Dtciio oi waruxe activities, its Inside water ways should be opened and mads ready for small naval craft and for supply ships." Speaking to the Miami naval reserve who wero guest's at the Rotary Club din ner, Mr, Moore said that If the Government was to build ships to eend them into action it should glvo them suitable rivers and har bors for practical purposes. He said the naval reserves would come back from the war equipped for service In tho great American merchant marlno, which he hoped would develop business after tho war "It Is a curious thing," he said) "to see alleged reformers and economists complain about a 126,000,000 river and harbor bill to accommodate American ships and American shipping who cheerfully aupport an appro prlatlon of 1750,000,000 to build the ships Their penny wise and pound foolish policy means that they would spend 17.60 per capita for ships, but would refuse twenty six cents per capita for channels in u,hii, ; float the ships." . Before leaving Miami Moore and Schoff "'",'' uuiuing me tentn annual con vention of tho Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association at Miami during the last week of -November. The Senate Committee on Commerce and tho House Rivers and Har. bors Committee are to join the .convention after an inspection of the waterways of Texas. The 1916 convention of the asso elation was held at Philadelphia. J20.000 FIRE AT SWATABA, PA. Three Hummelstown. Firemen Hurt When Trolley CarStrikes Engine .,!R.nISDUnckp"- Ju'y J0 Flrelait night at SwataraWrpyed twelv. tenement houses occupied by foreigners employed at quarries. Twenty families were mad. homeles. Flra started In one of the apart- l22flPiJ? .!tw-w JU.W and rifffcattlaill -:,L.-- ::,: If you can overlook tho very obvious finish. tho weird nnd unthinkable politics, and a few faulty newspaper inserts, "Her Hxcellency tho aovcrnor" will provldo somo entertain ment and not a little theatrical Interest. It u ono oi tnoso affairs In which hero and heroine And themselves on opposite sides of tho patriotic fence, Mr. Lucas's character opposing the beliefs of Miss Miller's char acter. Treatment of individual scenes and some convincing bits of playing aro tho strong sides of the production, which is good photographically, without, however, m-n?y L hB nrt cncs to whlcTi the De Mllles, arllllths and ISronons have accus tomed us. I.ucas, as usual, displays forclblt Ity and humanity. His vis-a-vis. when she has becomo camera-wise, will be an ex cellent bot It's up to the Individual spe'eta- mi wiiciiicr no can swallow the narrative's Impossibilities for the sake of the moments of pith. injiuuiA "1'rtnr. the Will o' Th Wlsn " TiTJi-OT-.. s,ry. iy Kathar no Kaianaueh KM. birauTmadn.HroWnlnB' ''hotosrapW As n plcco of exterior composition, Interior Illumination and artistic close-ups, this Is an exquisite piece of work. Tod Browning got his directorial training In tho Grlnith camp. To Metro, eomowhat In need of Just his sort of pictorial discrimination, he brings a fine senso of values nnd ho handles Miss Tnllaferro In a way that has never been possible before. Miss Knvanaugh has supplied n piquant, pretty, vivacious, if nt very suspense-creating, tale, full of tho Cel Ilmni ?fy. 0fnId IreIani'-1n a modern l tg; ,U '.", a", m,ost nlIu"-Ing to tho eye and fairly stimulating to the Imagination. The acting Is nicely nttuncd to tho spirit of tho script, except for Sara Ryan's ludl- .. i3 oiuguy squire. If Mack Sennett intends turning out Para mount comedies ns extraordinary as "A -.na,tch1er'a.i'ove" Keytone). also nt tho Victoria, trtero seems nothing for his competitors to do except shut up shop or go under his banner. This fiendishly sly, ex haustlvely "tricky." tremendously "thrllly" fares not only utilizes ths wonderful dog Teddy, but Invents for Its slap-dash plot the most amazing technical stunts ever screened. The action nn. fm, .i.. ocean to tho clou&s and ths earth. Laws of nature are defied ns coolly as If they were State laws. "Slim" Summervllle (most de Iclous of human hatracks) returns In trail ing clouds of-comic glory, and pale Peecv Pearco obligingly lets herself be 'almost consumed by flames in the name of laugh ter. If Rabelais and Lincoln J. Carter had collaborated on n movie, they couldn't havo outstripped this one. wiiy Korr The Eagadoiu Reporter think, that after a tohllo we won't httve any more real acton an U screen. Wh pay lea4ing ma so much to run an automobile when a bow wow can do it, gratlit" ,ay, he. And thtnl: how much better-looking a nice, clean bossia to than tho average character-playerl iniW0rFiSi,JT a ,ack of Ip Into a- modern movie creep ?5'-f tS'u.Pber ,hrn "our brain will fo Gaie on the average traveioaue' FOREST-FIRE WARDEN SUES Eleven Convictions Obtained in Thir teen Cases Already Tried ,VA?RrS?Un0' "y 20.-Forty-seven suits have been started by the State's chief f st flro warden on chare-es nf miui. starting of forest fires. Thers have been eleven convictions and two acquittals in arenVnT3 " and a nUmb?r Claims to the number of 415 have been presented for Arcs this spring. 226 having been sent to railroads, u is estimated nt the department that half of the claims will bo settled without recourse to law. Scarcely a?v i,"!,6 rKQ'lro1adB' y a statement! have raised objections to claims and have n?es ren3erlnB assistance to extinguish In a claim made In Elk County land cov ered with young trees of large prospective value was burned over through careless nets. The department claims damages on tho basis of valuo of trees sixty years hence, when they would mature, discounted to tho present. Kick of Mule Kills 13-Year-Old Boy LANCASTER, Pa., July 20. Clyde MeU eer, aged thirteen, of Lamnrter rti.i .i morning in tho General Hospital fromJ hurts mintntneri vMUhi... ., ... H kicked in the head by u mule on his father's farm. ANOINT. Julr 10. CAnOMNR, wife nf Bur ceon anllle L. Ansen, V. S. Snvy. Kelatlves antl friends Invited to aervtcen, Mon., 11 a. m., Oliver II. Hair Illdz., 1820 Cheatnut at. Int. private. AN'THONT. Suddenly. July 1ft. WILLIAM ANTIIONV. Helatlvea and frlenda, Concordia Ix)dge. No. n7, K, and A. M.; Kensington Chap ter. No. 233, It, A. M.; officers of 11th Dls Irlct nftlrnl and nollce station. Invited to fu neral, Hun., 1.30 p. m.. residence of son. Abra ham M. Anthony, 1607 B. Ilyre st. To pro reed te l'almer Vault. Int. private, North Cedar Hill Cetn. llori.K. July JR. MAnT. wife of James F. lloyto (nee McShane), Helatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., N:30 n. m.. husband's residence. Hl.1 Gaul st. Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity, 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Ccm. Auto funeral. CALHOUN. July 18. ELIZABETH E.. dauith ter of Marsnret and late Andrew Calhoun. Rela tives and friends, members of tho Ann Car mlchael Presbyterian Church. Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 3 n. m.. residence of mother. 3 ISO N. 2d St. Int. ureenmount Cem. CAM.AHAN. At Atlantle Cltyv N. J., July 10. JAMES CALLAHAN, son of fat nvld and Catherine Callnhan, Helatlvea aA friends In vited to services, Sat.. 2:3(1 P. m., residence of nephew. Charles I". Sharpless, fi702 ! I.ancey at., I'hlla. Int. private, ,Mt. Jlorlah Ccm. CHAPPnLL. Suddenly. July 18. DAVID J.. husband of Kstelle. Chappell (neo Allyn). aged -'I. Helatlvea and irleuds InMten to lunerai. Sun.. 2 p. m , residence of Joseph "W. Tatum. 21n V, Atlantic ave.. Audubon, N. J. Int. at llarlelgh Cem, I'rlcnds may call Sat. eve. CLLNDANtnL. At .Maple ShnJo. N. J.. July 10, .MAHY. lfo of Oeorgo A. Clendanlel, nged .1.'.. Helatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Mon . 7.3 a. m.. South Ford Landing road, Maple. Shade. N. J. High mass Church of Lady of flood Counsel, Monrestown, l n. m. Int. Mt. Carmel Crm. Trolleys leavo Camden every hulf hour for Muple bl.ade CONWAY. July 17. Pe.NNIS O . busbind of Viola II. Conway, ttelatlvcs and frlenda. Engine Cos. Nos. 3 and 18, 1'. r. D.l I'hlla. Firemen's llellef Asso.. I'hlla. Pension Fund, State Fire men's Asso., llrotherhood Itellef of n. It. Train men, V. II. ll.i all other socletlea of which he was a membtr, Invited to funeral. Bat.. 8:30 a. in.. 41)84 Lancaster avo. Solemn requiem mns Our Mother of Sorrowa Church 10 a, m. Auto funeral. CONWAY. July ID, ELLEN, widow of Wll. Ham f'onwsy. nged M, Helatlvea and friends Invited to funrril, Mon., 8 30 a. m, residence of son-in-law. Henry J. O'Neill. 120S Fllmore St., iTatiktnrd. Hequlem high mass and Int. lit. Joachim's 10 n. m. CIT.MM1VH .tulv iu rnAvcm fc,iv.n,,t nt Mary Cummlngs (nee" McErlal'n) and son of to runeral services. Jicn . -J p. m., fv. ",': t. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Auto funeral. A patient sufferer at rest. . HBWES. July 17, ELIZA ft., widow of William T, Hewes. Helatlvea and friends In vited to funeral servicer Krl.. a p. m,, ;"?' apartments. 221S W. Jefferson at. Int. private. ittr.t t,,iv to. i.tzztn. widow of Samuei r , nera In sfnomlnv. Int. nrlvate son or ngea nera 20.1 may be viewed FrI. nelatlves nnd frlenda Invited to funjra serv ices. Sat., a p. m.. residence of hrother-ln-law, Samuel Asqulth, B27 'W, Indiana ae. Int. strictly private, Qreenmount Cem. JOHNSTON. July in, HOnKIlT L.. son or P. Hill'.' Helatlvea and 'friends Invited to fu leral services, Sun,. 2 ,P..m., residence of son-n-law. Joseph II, Heed, 3125 Hovdl Jt Wis- coming, int. private, HUTCHINSON. Suddenly. , July 1i.Aj5AI' i of Thomas ond Wllhetmlna Hutehlnson. ed It, Relatives and friends invited to ru ral services, Sat., 2. P. m., parents' residence. IS Heed st Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Itemalns : ' . ,I ? i . --. HEATHS -ilt a to 10 p. m 18, THOMAS JOHNSON. PARCEL POST LELCf MSk! &mr 52.50 U OEmrnnt HATVAIIAN aiU B INBTRtlMKNTN VW m Knit tar Fries X.MI N Instruction Book Free M IIfMD C. MEYER &&JI SBk 1219 Arch St. (rW Wm Philadelphia Q) V VF Den T"? A U llTl V jt, I Saturdayn includedlJ 4m 1 ? 1 iiS-TtWi. I'tter ar.d, late Elliabeth Cummins. Relatives nnd friends. Holy Namo Catholic Club, Holy Nome Koi-lety of Holy Name Church. Invited to lunerHi, .non.. b:ju h. m , iu;ii r. aiascner st. holemn requlom mnss St. Michael's Church 10 n. m. Int New Cathodrnt Cem. V VNSON. July 18. ANNIIi E.. wife of John A. Damon (nee Loose), nged 47. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 1 p. m., 2811 Plum it,. Ilridesburg. Int. Northwnod Cem. Remains may tie viewed FrI.. 8 to 10 p. m. "ur r ii,i,c---juiy in, BAUAJ1. wile OI J. Elwood Duffleld (nee Graves). Relatives and friends, members (lastoii I'resbyterlan Church, Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p. m.. hus band's residence. 2824 N, 10th st. Int. private. Remains may be viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. Auto funeral. DUI'FIELU. July 18, ELVA. daughter of late Henry and Maria Duffleld. Relatives and friends, also members of Presbyterian Church, llethel, Invited tn funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m . at trother'a residence, William S. Duflleld. 2019 N. 18th st. Int. private. EDWARDS. July 18, MARY II., widow of Vintson Edwards (nee Hlnesl. Relatives nnd frlendi Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p. m.. 31 N. King St., (llou'ester City. N. J. Int. ?rlvate, Hnrlclgh Ccm. Friends may call Frl., to H p. m rirKINOER. July 17. rETEn. husband of Martha Flcklngcr. aged A7. Relatives nd friends, emplovcs of Surpass Leather Co., Phlla. Lodge, No. B4, L. O. O. M. : Minerva Lodge. No. 221 I. O. O. F.i I'onemah, No. 239. I. O. H. M.inlslns Sun K. U. V.. No. 2. and all other organlutluns of which ho was a member. Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 d. m.. residence. 1020 Schiller st. Int. North wood Cem. Remains can be Viewed Frl. eve . S tn 10 o'clock FLEMING. July 20, -at parents' residence, 1012 'loronto st ELLEN MAY, daughter of Harrv and Helen Fleming, aged 4. Relatives and friends Invited to services, Mon., 10 a, m., at grandmother residence, Mrs. Henry Tocum 003 It.-uka. at., South ltethlehem, Pa. Int. N'lska Ccoi. OARNEn. At Qlenslde. Ta., July 18. 1017. HARRIET II,, wife of Edward Oarner. aged 72. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Mon., 2 p. in., from her husband's residence, 4S30 N. firau at. Int. private. GITHENS. July 18. THOMAS A., son of late Andrew and Ellen Olthens. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Mon.. 8:30 a, m. 2037 Itecd st. Solemn requiem mass St. Oa brief s Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. OOI.DEN. July 18, JOSEPH J., son of John nnd Hannah Oolden (nse Orlffln). formerly of Mt. Carbon, Pa. Rel.itlvss and friends. Amerlcua itiue Liuti. invitca to runeral, Mon., 7:30 n. m , parents' residence. 26S2 Tulip st. Solemn re quiem mass St. Ann'a Church n a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Com. Auto funeral. Pottsvillo papers copy. GREEN. July 10. MARTIN A. GREEN, for merly of Altoona, Pa. Relatives and friends Invited to services, Sat.. 2 p. m., Oliver 11. Ilalr llldg.. 1820 Chestnut st. Int. private. IIA1IKINS Formerly of 23 Richmond st.. July IN JOHN C, husband of Ellis Harklns (noe Ollden), aged 45. Relatives and friends. Dlv. No. 10. A. O. II. 1 Donegal Society. Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8:80 a. m.. 1213 W. Firth st. (l.th and Cumberland sts.J. Solemn requiem mnss Our Lndy of Mercy Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cerr. HAHI.FINOER. Suddenly, at New York. July 18, MARY.E., wlfo of Alexander Harlflngei1 (nee Clarke). Relatives and friends Invltci to funeral, Sat., 8.30 h. m residence of brotner, Thomns Clarke, 1830 N. 7th at.. Phlla. High requiem mass Ht. Malachy's Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Ccm. i.f'ASS' Suddenly. , July 18. WILLIAM HLNHY. son of late William II. and Rebecca j.'. Hart. Relatives and friends, members of Frances D. l'astortus Council. No. 1. O. I. A.: employes of tho Independent Oazetta Publishing Co.. Oermantown and Chestnut Hill lluslnesa Men s Associations and Oermantown Republican Club. Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2.30 p. ..::. " ' oinca si. uermaniown. mi. ivy Hill (em HErFERN. July 1. MARY A., daughter of James and Ellen Heffern. Relatives and friends li Y'M Sodality. League of Sacred Heart of Most precious Wood Church, and Local No. 213. u.n'i.J.aarrnent Workers of America, emnloves of Cohlmnn-Cutler Mfg. Co., Peerless Club, in vited to funeral. Mon.. 8 30 a. m parenta' resldenrn. 2211 N. 20th st. Solemn high re. julem Most l'rcclous Wood, Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. STJMMER BESOETS Mary A. and late Harry Johnston (nee'Ronner). nged n rnos. Relatives snd friends Invlled to lunerai. Mat.. p. m. resioence 01 iui. tmn Klngseslng ave. nit. private. JONES. July 1. MARIA M. JONES (jee Woods), nged 01. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral services. Sun.. 8 P. m.. resldencj.of daughter, Mrs. William II. English. 2101 Spring St.. 22d and Vine. Int. Odd I'ellows' Cem., Shenandoah, I'a Ion., 2 p. m. Shenandoah papers copy. M . . JOYCE. July 18. RICHARD, son uf lato Michael and Margaret Jocc, nged 41, or castle bar. County Man, Ireland. Relatives and friends Invlt. d to funeral, Sat., 8'3rt a. m resi dence of sister. Mrs. J. lilies. 3u."i Earlham ter race, Oermantown. Solemn requiem mass St. Vincent's Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Sepulchro KERR. July 18. ELIZA11ETH A. KERR, wife of William Kerr and daughter of Elizabeth and late Thomas Reed, aged 17. Relatives and mends InvlttJ to runeral, .Mon., i: p. m,, resi dence, 138 Greenwich st. Int. Fernwood Cem. KUHL July 17. KATIIERINK M daughter of Oeorgo and Rose Kuhl. aged 21. . Helatlvea and frlei.iH lhvlted to funeral services. Sat., a P. m., resldcnco of parents. B120 N. 0th at. Int. Hllirlde Cem. Auto funeral. . LEDYAIH). July ltf, residence of daughter, Mrs. Virginia C. Thacher. 2.128 S. 21st St., I'hlli., VIRGINIA E.. widow of Samuel S. I. I.edyanl. nged 87. Relatives and friends Invited to funerai services. Sat., 12 m.. Church of the rrotbren. Germantown ave. abovo Sharpoack St.. (ler-msntown. Int. private, te.VflK.-ln MiinlMnal lfnstiltnt. Ph n.. MARY, daughter of Frank nnd Mary Lennon. or 1-.-7 ingn st., iiennnntown. rvo runeral. LO.VGCOPE. July 18. ALLEN LYI.E. son of Henry C. and Anna E. I.ongcope. nged 0. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services, 'rl., 8 p. m., parents' residence, 221 livers ave,, Cheltenham. Montgomery Co., Fa. Int. Sat. at ronvcnlenco of family, MAWSON. Julv 17. MARY ANN MAWSON, wife of Alfred Mawson (neo Norton), aged 47. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral eervlces, Sat., 2 p. m., 3214 N. 0th at. Int. Cedar Hill Cem. 4 McCARTER Julv 17. MARGARET, daugh ter of William nnd Rebecn McCarter (neo Miller). Relatives nnd frlonds Invited to fu neral services. Sat., 2 p. m., residence nf parents. 211.'. Moore st. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains may bo viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. Auto service McCAtri.T.MV RlMnnlv TmIv 10 ATT-V. ANDER. husband of Annto McCaull'cv. ltel'a- Jlvts nnd friends. Washington Camp, S'o 83. F. O. a, of A Tabor IJeneflclal Society; Court aledonla, Nn 72. F. of Al members Tabor I'resbyterlan Church. Invited to funeral services. Sun ,2 p. m.. 37 N. .l.-.th St.. Camden, N. J. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains may bo viewed bat.. l.t. 8 nnd 10 p. m. Autn funeral. , MeMAHON. lulv in, SYLVESTER L.. hus. band of Agnes V. MeMahon. Funeral, to which 'ne realtlvcs and friends aro Invited, on Mon, 8-3f) 0. in . from his late residence, 4B22 N. l-'th st. Solemn mass of requiem nt the Church ;.' .1.". "P' """ '" " m, anarp. interment Cathedral Cem. Auto service, c J?ENAN. July 18. JOHN, husband of Sophia Meenan (1100 McFadden). Relatives and ..'.'nd;. Incited to funeral. Tuen., 8:30 n, m., 2813 Ldgemont st. (23th Ward). Solemn re quiem mnss St. Ann's Church 10 n. m. Int. Hnlv Cro-1 Cem. MILLER. July 20. H. rRANCES. daughter of lato John nnd Hannah Pennock Miller. Rela tives and friends Invited to services, Mon.. 3 " .."Vi, at ner apartments In Ilia Bartrnm. 33d and Chestnut sts. Int private. MURRAY, July 17. HUGH. Husband of Emma Murrav. Relatives and friends, also ,m n!.1l!.lna?,d Society of Carpenters and Joiners. No. 2030, Invited to nttend funeral. Hat.. 8:30 ft. m . 1053 N nth at. High mass of requiem St. I.dwurd'e Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. TS,ntJIT.i,A,'Sulr JJ5' LIZARETH. wlfo of ifi.S.. JliUr'.haJ (.nef. Eougherty). Relatives and VlZA?1, r'e.'C funernl. Mon.. 8 a. m , 2514 Ivlmball tt. (i5th Bnd Carpenter ets.). Solemn nigh mass f requiem St. Anthony's Church nEATIM . .. .uri r . rnes niTTENHOUSE.--July "KVtienhouse 7 iiii Orambow), wife of Charb'" l, ' ,'d to runeral '. 3;nd nj j igs..a Krrv. 'A' mrl'ln-;?"pr.va...rlAnrn"ngmoany Cen;. Au.omo- chette. Funeral private. nOtl!NSON.-AI Trenton. N. J-; Zulji Captain MARK, RODINHON. age'i . Q F and friends, Wlldy Indite. No. , 'parlors minr V rel r7dXUrk""iL. Camden. Sit 1 111 n rn Int Old Camden Cem. n6Rb3R.iLBW.LLiAM w . nonjR. and A. M.I Washington (.amp. no. ii. 'XA be viewed Frl. eve. Int. , . , wMspap rtaS-t'.8ron w of cc.3d'.l CqlumWa ave.) after 7 p. m. SLrrcrl0FTl & ot .-? 'ffi-1? ST Vnih si Camden, N. J.. Sat.. 2 p. m. Int. N.'...3.0.1-" K:i....mS r.ni. Friends may view re- mantown. Int. Spring Grove Cem.. ci,-."-5! Ohio, Mon. . -"n., tlneinjuM I lotlMi. July 18. SARAH SMITH '3 Cnaries r.imer loung. rormerly V r-'row f '. N. J. nelatlves and friends Invited le.0?"1". syvlces, Sat., 2 p. m residence of son tM i w'm. James Seftrle. 104 it, ,.,..' 0n-ln.i.J"i ,dfeoyi3sBf -?LffH fe n gnret ann late james Young. Reiati.i. f- Friends Invited to funeral services 1." H1 P. m.. mother's residence. 1013 Creais It H J M bdd Fellows' Cem. Remains may 2,'V. "? Sun eve. "mT " vtewtl '' STEAMSHIPS ""SUARPE.-July P'10." KATHRYN SIARin. widow o; Joseph.. Sh-rjo ndndaugh,,r 0 at. Anthony and Mary "l aney. Relative, and friends invited to funeral. Mon.. 8:30 a. m. 7141 Torresdnle ave., Tarony. Solemn requiem mnss St. Leo's Church lu a. m. Int. St. Dom- I'HII.LIPS Ju y 10. GEORGE R McCLEL A.l5.iH.'LrIPS' ""J V. Relatives and friends 1. 4th St.. Meril.1 Tn tn h.I..... ' T,riiS,r-.TJuly.,?.'J kDWAHD LAWRENCE. Ji . Infant son of Edward I.awrcnco nnd Mary Wjlpck. of Oermantown. nei 2 weeks ,.nPD,M,.ND'TJy,Jr 1S) WILLrAM r.. hus hand of Mary Redmond (nee Hovce), son of Into nIi??H.,i.an!!.iM;,P' v01'."10.'"1'. of "altlmore. Md. "in . ' lin4,rW, Invited to funeral. Mon.. 2i2j? m" T731 K' ""ntlngdnn st.. 18th Ward. SoJ.i"tVaH",m I","8' st' Ann'" Church 10 a. m 7'tnS,'?I?'77JlllV ln( AmtAHAM H. REED, aged 73 ItelatlveB and friends. Tower Lodge. No. vs.i. I. O.O. F.. of Vnwer City, Pa.: William cJ,tmDrn' FtV, ;Jn,- V- 9' A.n..olTowr ity, 1 n.. Invited to funeral services. Sun., l.l.l m?W7n"eV rYt'T.1'""?? I1"" '"vims' and nrnnnr- j "iitn."!"1'1.'1' Pa" JulJr 1". GEORGE A. RILEY. Sr.. husband of Emma R. &r.Bsa,!"i S 1? SLirER July 18, 1017. CLARA F.. wife of Norman Sllfer. Relatives and friends invited to services. Sat.. 2 p. m., Oliver H. Hair llldg., 1820 Chestnut St. Int. private. West Laurel "'sMiTH.' July 0. RRIDQET. , widow of George H. Smith, aged 80. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 2 p. m . rest denes 1 of son-in-law. Theodoro L. MacKenjIe, 35S1I Queen lane, Falls of Schuylkill. Int. Mt. Vcsrpiuna-Juiy 17. Joseph Walter PPRIGOS. nephew of Mrs. Wesley Smith. Rela. fives and frl"nds. doctors and employes of Daniel Ilaugh Institute, Invited to funeral, Sat.. 12 nnn. residence. Oarrcttford. Pa. Remains may be viewed Frl eve. Int. West Chester, ra. West Chester papers copv. STAINItOOK. July 17, LOUISA V.. wife of Oeorg W, Stalnronk, Jr., nnd daughter of Charles and Ella Strecker, aged 20. Relatives nnd friends, members of Lutheran Church of the Atonement and Sunday School, employes Welermann Hosiery Co., Invited to funeral serv ices. Sat.. 1:3 p. m 2341 E. Fletcher st. Services nt above-named church 3 P. m. Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may view remains Frl.. 8 to 10 p. m. STEEI.MAN- July 10. Captain HARDING V. RTEELMAN. son of lato Captain Absalom and Margaret Steelman, aged 08. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m.. residence. Dclalr. N. J. Int, private, Mt. Morlah Cem. Train leaves Market at. ferry 1:20 p. m. Auto service. THOMPSON. July 18. SUSAN D . widow of Robert Thompson, nged 70. Relatives and friends Invited to funoral. Sat.. 2 p. m.. resi dence of hrother-ln-law. Samuel II. Smith. 1537 Venango st. Int. Greenwood. Ccm. Auto fu- """ALTERS. At 2230 S. 23d St.. July 10, ARTHURINA LOUISE, wife of Samuel Wal lers, aged 50. Relatlv.es and friends Invited to services. Sun.. 2:30 p. m.. St. Paul's P. E. Church, 15th nnd Porter sts. Int. private. Magnolia Ccm. Friends may call Sat., 7 to 10 "'WESTERFIELD. July 18. MATUISLLA, widow of Join L. Westerfleld. Funeral Mon.. B 30 n. m.. 4310 Westminster nvo. High mass St. Ignatlus's Church 10 n. m. Int. New Cathe dral Cem. Relatives and friends Invited. WYNNE. July 10, SARAH E.. widow of Jabez 13. Wjnne, of Cincinnati. Ohio. Services Sat., fi p. m.. at residence of daughter. Mrs. Edward J. Moore, 224 W. Tulpehocken St.. Oer- I wW saaajs. (! I m Moonlight Excursions TO WILMINGTON "CE" Trolley faro to Brandywlne Snrlnrr. . and return 10c extra if mEzS!u "k with WilralriVtou' ti?kert,"aK1 Direct Service to Pennse-mv. Special tickets sold dally .,BIVe Saturday., RMndays Snd nSldaV.? mlnrton or Pennsgrove and Kturn ,' ItEGULAR RATES WILMINGTON and PENNSQnoVE-.' Excursion. 60c: tingle. 30c(80-diiv YiXT. CIIESTEn-Exeurslon. 23c" Snrle '" BOATS Lkavp ' 15c- Philadelphia IIS . wao a. m Chestnut S&toTtgVjntfU. ,lg Wilmington jg . ioa. Ilcrular stops at rennsgrove tStops at Fcnnsgrovn .snti,.vi. . . Sundays. Intoxicating Liquors have neS: been sold on this line. ve neTer I M BBHMV..J ;31 M m m VACATION TRIPS "BY SEA" BOSTON JACKSONVILLE fl .Far'," ,. A1L New England and South. t Points. Men S nnd Herth Tnel4-4 . o..."'' i from rmLAnELpniA"' ol"nl" Ll MERCHANTS & MINERS' TRANS. CO. II TICKET OFFICES j gSff'pSk T I W. P. TURNER. Q. P. A.. Balto.. Ma. SI FAMILY EXCURSIONS IRON STR. THOMAS CLYDE TO AUGUSTINE BEACH Stnnnlni? nt Chester. 1AO mil... ... mn. Salt water bathing, plenty tables and benches ll for picnic parties. s Far Konnil Trip, BOci Children S to 10. 25s Leave Arch St. Wharf. Dally 8.80 A. U. Sunday I) A. M. " Bell Phono IHarkct 1152. JAMES E- OTIS, Manager, 3 Arch St n Educational SUMMER RESORTS wir.mvonii. n. j. jjjr tllldvvood's foremost Vacation Hotel. Modern and eons, fortabl. Oood table. bathing. deep-sen tlshlng. Rnolilet. Cap. 230. J. K. WlllTEhKI.L. Prop. ARCADIA ricturcsque, unusual environment. Magnolia and I'aclltc. lira. K. D. JUxwelL HCn.N CITY. N. .1. CHALFONTE -'ean vlew- "ellent table. Booklet. E. IILUNDIN. rocoNo aiuuNT.MNs Walter'a I'ark. Pa. THE WALTER Walters park. pa. , ,,t In the Mountains. I.ead- Ing Ilcnlth Resort nf Wemersvllle. Pa. Hklt. ATINTIO CITY. N. J. Galen HaEc '-iK.fiiii.u4fT.ri.j. n yu'B ana Gcrviro U Tonic pd Curative batfts. ! -tJrslC)lH.r.nmgel yymf CATE MAY. N. J. WINDSOR 'A Vjjttr . .u,ar,kLvi( a ue rik.M..' -- . -ti aWHM3?i:Iii23 aa T"Mm-iaillI Tt?v1nTfll I J F3BMmmm&pB2L l tts' ' grMlg Professional Education Medical School. School of Pharmacy. Dental School. Law School (Evening Ses sions) . Theological School (Evening Sessions) . Two-year course preparatory to the study of Medicine. Term begins Sept. 7th. Write, 'phone or call today for cata log M-18. State course in which you urc inieresiea TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Young Women nnd Glrli CHESTNUT HILL. PA. MT. ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE U Ideal school for young ladles. Courses In Art 1 tl,Z:aAi. "nee, Hclence. Elementary, In- ' nliHSi' a'' rommercla1' Collego Preparatory and v i Collegiate Classes. Am Hated with the Catholic riKii: li1 Am,erIf ancl University of Penns. SI Catalog Hox 40. Chestnut Hill. I'hlla.. Ta. 3M ua SWAItTIIMOnE. PA. MARY LYON SCHOOL Collegre preparation. Riding, canoeing, swim, mlng, aesthetla dancing. SEVEN GABLE?, our homo for little girls. Catalog. Address II. M. Crist, A. B.: Frances L. Crist. A. B.. Principals. rto ir.os. Swnrthmore. P. " ,-'1 Young Men and Bora CHESTER. PA. Hronit St. below Ilerks riilladelphla Hill, Directly on the beach, overlooking the ocean. All rooms have sea view. PRIVATE IIAT1IS kiiv PARTnn ELEVATOR IARLOR BOOKLET o U A 1 rum iirtL.nii m i z 1 , UMlisu tajSTS lotg sfiSitJ'TBi W0RLD'S3ncATEST tel success 1 WM fx.AlBi!H!EHlIMyj I HWALlJ OR EATBST RESORT I stfd. 2i 1 " y' J"- .--; Chestnut Hill Academy CI"i.i,lnn),a1 f, Smi'I? ,AJ an", boarding achool 11 miles h??,SJl ,Sflphi11- ' lBh "niards of echolar- J,iJ?i J;SMrp'l"!,'', 'nulpment. gymnnslum. swim. nitrt. P?.li'ieat,oa l,uildln5- tnree athletic rields. hpeelal low rate for nre-dnv hnarii.N vvbo spend Snturdaj. and Snnd" . nt Iiom". For catalog ond full Information itddress '""" 0T J. I.. TATTERSON. Headmaster Roth Heaea Thousands of Positions Tor -I V. weii.irained women Stenographers "el" k"5"ln. th" aoyernmSSt Se". etp filfe 7.U:..'. """roans, nusiness World, .w. ,,US co.ur,e Prcpures you In a very short time at a very small cost. Cat writ, or phone Locust SSnS. ' wrlle' 30-Day Business College Tarkway llldg.. Ilroad A Cherry Sts. Languages Berlitz School Ju '"tnut street (Over Rk.r A tt.VLl Itncrtl rate, for armTind naTV.macy' HOTEL OSTEND Whole block Boardwalk from Boston to Sov. erelgn Aye. Coolest spot on the beach. New cafe the (largest in Atlantle City: distinguished appointments, delightful cuisine. Olassy smooth dancing track, eighth of a mile long. Open all the esr. I. L. IIUDDERS. Mgr. Hotel BoSCobel Kentucky Ave. near Beach, mi. u ..- 0pen ,yer. Fine table. Bklt. Thone 117. A. E. MARION. HOTEL ARLINGTON hl"n Av. Open all year. R. J. OSBOnNErDSON; Weitminster K- " nr Beach. Elev. to water, 110 up week'Va uSaV! fSStaffr!: PAWNSHOP AT d04 ,VINE IeMM tlMt fftl 11A A.t. I .'. T . . .( ', Channel ".'.'i01 paim5 Av- Bcb- " tabl.. Cap. 2oo7i8im.V;.OaErnA.PCtcnhVnEnVi: STJMMEB BESOBS CAPE1IIAY. N. J. HOTEL COLUMBIA T 11 .n.. . n,..- JlSf"" wlth Uath and En Suite Cape May City, N. J. h ik$m&i& tiAWrt;!; ti)rv::'ii'K' J-rrrI,1i! V ' ' .."1".""-" Zf wJ : mvrMmimmmm-r,ii &ato&'ixkA-r-& Jy n I III HI IS.I l7)Wyh Vvv3ti, Colonial Hotel 0UN colejian . . 1 Late with Union League Nearest to b,thln center and amusements. Exclusive and refined family hote. Penna. School for Social Service -, ?'n year begins Sept. 1st Offers efficient training for professional - ,.i unteer social work. One year Tourse WiU VS. Catalog. 25 South irfth street. U'""n George School A nom ehooi in the coun- rate dormitories. Qra'd'uaU.u'cVced 5lrl,,'n?,'ipa 227 acres. Athletics. Catalog ijJn AC0vg?' ton. A. M, Prln.. Hot 2a!?Ueo-rg.t"r?;hi-. 'V,n.1- Trained for Leadership in Peace or in War PENNSYLVANIA Military College Merf COMMAND In the U. S. Armyi In tho National Ounrd of many states 1 and hold important rank In the Officers' ne ere Corps, U. S. A. Collegiate courses In Civil Eng. neerlntr, Cliemlstry, Economics and Finance. 66th year. Crack Cavnlry, Infantry and Artll lery. y. 8. Cavnlry Captain detailed from Active I.lst by Government. PREPARATORY AND JUNIOR SCHOOLS COL. CHARLES E HVATT. Command.nt Box 555, Chester, Pa. "The West Point )f the Keystone State" 1 V M HARRISIlUno. TA. Harrisburg Academy A Capital School Near a Cnpltal City v .V..count.r'r achool founded 1780. Modsra cuildlngs. large campus. Advantages of small classes and individual Instruction. Thorough college preparation. Rates 450 to 1550. Supervised athletics. Separate school for younger boys. We Invite closest Investiga tion n personal Visit If possible. Write for our catalogue and plana of new doimltory. New Junior school hulldlnc will be open for September term. Address ARTHUR K. lir.OWN. D. A.. Headmaster Only $15.00. Complete Course In Nten.r...T . lloolkteplng. To every pSdI? rer.0,""?hlV tXjrW" reg,terlng MPU, li?.. JI. Jl? MM' fore SeDtember. we win .t:, i .i.i. -. ..il. '" !" J ,ro.niplete courso of time rewired to complete course 'pmEViX' guaranteed. Inatal ment ..,: "ltfona hchool of n.,lne.,1ITflcen?a.m,o3,".',,r"i''r.? - . .-. ,, miUt pj STRAYER'S 2 Dt nu.ie 5. Sth and Cheatnut School Position, guaranteed.' Enter" bow? dIt1 orS n'fg'nt Telegraph a.nd.ght c : ui wrsrj ..KINGSTON. PA WYOMING SEJHNARY Co-educatlonal. Where th . roper vision of highest ZiltJ'?. ?le i vruir vision or highest ournoie. i i,." ' ceptlonal teachers. College Kin"-!1. '" E ness. Art M.,-1,. .rtrllc". reparation, n.... Indowed low rites cii.to.1"1"' Athl.tlci L. L. HPItAOUEVD. Sf.'S;., klngsten. P.. B.U.L..t..l,..i:il-h jiBij !tn i1iTsyWIH f HOTEL CAPE MAY Jsm NOW OPEN N.w Mod.r FIr.pr"f, R.ort, Hotel, mSLi t' I'rt'TnutUh&Etitfilittoent . smartest of Amiari ran Rnrlmo l Siilssillll. . 'r!IJ - - MALPEHURST SCHOOL vm.u'nT onSKSd hand9.ubhno0r,m'.'irchai.Jiml"d &Ur AMEUNK BEBA17LT ARV.n, ,nT IILAlRWTnn.r BWAKTHMOItE. PA. Swarthmore Preparatory School For Roya A well.estnbllshed srhool for a lim ited number of etudents. Each boy Is developed to do hi- beat. Rocreatlon balanced with study. 8trong Junior Department. Write a frank letter about, our boy problem ask for catalog. A. II. TOMLINSON, Ileitdmaster , Hwnrthmore. I'a. . MERCER8UUHO. PA. )m The Mercersburg Academy FOB DOYS Mercersbnrg. Fa. .Hna fr catalogue to Win. Mann Irvine, Ph. v.. LL.D.. Ileadmaiter. Hox 120. . ALT.ENTOWN. PA. ALLENTOWN PREPARATORY School for Ilojs. Prepares for colleges and unl- vM versltles. Jrugnlflcent new building, fine country 4 VSs v' ..,",or.."'.PI- ates suu lo jsou. 404. Ilr. Wm. II. Reese. p,n;. AlUntown. Pfc INCABTER. TA. FKAVKI.1N lVlll 1vrAiv. -,..i.'tv Lancaster, l'a. Founded iiht. MM.m Miuiemsat I 'broughout. Prepares boys for leading collets 7J T.a.Ilelm.A.M..K.M.Hartman.A.M..ITs..Usi 41 NAZAHETH. PA. 4 Blair Arnrlami. -n Peccan'b'ci.r- .WtT.eS'KS X3L r-'Sul.t"-JWtate.V-WrltV' oV Z .'"''? . D m.. - "' waJUJ. !H!& Bethlehem Pr.n.r.nM. 'i.. "7 VS'SllafcU?... piiBSUUffKp athletic fl.14. j mss X !. NAZARETD HALL MILITARY ACADEMY NAZARETH. IA rnitvnrn 1?1S A mllltnPV Anatiitmv tnm hnvi Pnii ntnarA tl WX i.!"'. bu"lnesa courses. Senior, intermediate Al and Junior Departments. Vigorous athletic life) 1 Ji. n2"lAary '"'; Of Nazareth Hall, former Sec retary Oeorgo H. Cortelvou uvi "Nazarsm if. ,'.' .character builder not a mere tralasr M of the mind." Address Military Secretary. M M'ENONAH. N. J. WENONAH Sffiffil . Where a boy la taurht L.. .A M..v iau la .i;l a Jf".." T.wel.ve mc from Phllndelpys- 'J cVtiiSmlc:n"ln',a anJ Special Courses For J .. Pr. CHARLES 11. yiiuvktv i..M.nl. Major CLAYTON A. HNVIikh s-niilntwuKD,' Qg 41t. Wennn.i.. v.w Jersey. JA LONOPOBT. N. J. Wfachertar Preparatory School CdiE.KF?iJ?J f?.i- .-'wv j.wtiwir'sMii ssnarai ux t r" mmm KL rTHBi!Ftin: