BVfttflttG MP-PIIIDEKPHIA, OTBHDAX JULY 17, 1917 .4L2.J "-rj3j .j ,. 3 . ' ' uryjr' fSTORIC PHILADELPHIA ALIVE WITH WAR PREPARATIONS AT NATION'S CALL "TO ARMS" V V tf' ' JliMfe?WBSB . , , MUSTERING IN BATTERY B OF COURSE, SOLDIERS MUST HAVE GOOD "EATS" ! i , V ' -MBiiWl?BI Anxious to fight to make the world safe for democracy, soldiers of Plenty of fresh air, sunshine and muscle-building exercise make the boys of the Second I Jf - ' '''BBmBlwmP&. Second Artillery take the oath at Old York road camp. Regiment camp near Noble anxious to scent the odor from the army kitchen at messtime. Rft!tlllrn nnn.nn nnn mnmtiII W APP ATifi LHrin i'.x':' TRANSFERS HIS JOB Albert McGIn, of Company D, smiles as ho gives up his tame job of guarding the Gtrard avenue bridge. City policement Fairmount Park guards and railroad detectives art taking ovr werk of soldiers entering Federal service. SOME SECOND ARTILLERY LEADERS TW n)Mn That the first days at headquarters along Old York road are happy ones may be guessed by the these officers are wearing. They arc, from left to right, Major N. Dj- ifth Mrf" Captaki Steward, regimental adjutant: Colonel Hamilton D. Turner and &ptain(jHE U) Vm rwio tuuwu vi ui resuvusiuiiuy ox puwnR vno Bomiers in saape IOT tM JKjWf smllea G. S. Jfl 7 J -s ?,'' '-S3 Mi T