Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 16, 1917, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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I f
tfna Commlssionc Militare
Americana a Roma per Stu-
diare i Sistemi Italian!
di Aeronautica
r Un ex Mintstro Austrinco, Czeco, Do
manda nel Rcichsrath l'Abbandono
delta Gcrmania
ItOMA, 16 Lugllo
Ierl (era II Mlnlstero delta Ouerra pubbll.
etva. I eegucnte rapporto del cenoralo
Cadorns. circa la sltuazlone alia fronto
Kalo-aus t rlaca '
Tra. II lago dt Oarda o Leno le nostra
batterle hanno cannonegglato o rcsplnto
parecchl plccoll rcpartl austrlacl In
V Ad est dl Gorilla gruppl nemlcl cho
tentavano dl awlclnarsl alio noiitre
position! dt Quota 120 furono rlcacclntl
indletro con contrattacchl nel quail furono
Implcgate granate a mano.
L'attlvlta' delle arOgllcrle, cho fu
cencralmente modcrata su tutta la fronts,
dlvenne lntenslsslma per breW Intervnlll
eul trntto dl fronto tra II Dosso Faltl o
SI o avuta consldcrevolo attlvlt.i dcllo
quadrlgllo aereo nella Carnla o nulla.
prima llnea della fronto C.lull.i. Una
tnacchlna nemlca cho fu nbluittutn In un
combattlmento aereo, caddo In flammo ad
est dl Castagncvlzza,
E' arrivata a Itoma una ' commlsslono
rnllltare amerlcana che st o" recata In Italia
'per studlare I sistemi dl aeronautica o spe
clalmente qucllo della cos,truzlono dl aero
bian! o dt lstruzlono degll uvlatorl. Qucato
fatto ha prodotto una favorcvolo Impres
lone In tutta Italia elaccho' si sono fattl
Qui sin dall'lnlzlo della guerra pasn! cnorml
In qucsta branca della guerra nelle fnu
fcrlche di aeroplani dl Mllano, Torino e nelle
Vlclnanze dl Napoll
L'ltalla e' rlusclta non noltanlo a basfnro
Hi suol bisognl In fatto dl macchlno dl ec
eellente qualita' o dl alta potenza, mi ha
potuto In parte suppllro anche al bisognl
della Russia o della llumanla.
La commlsslone amerlcana e' formata dal
colonnello Mitchell, dal maggloro rtolllng o
dal capitano Clark Questl ulllclall amerl
eanl hanno gla" avuto un'ldea dl quello cho
1 e' fatto In Italia e dl quanto Importanto
ala dhenuta 1'lndustrla aeronautica na
slonale. SPIE A LUGANO
Un telegramma da Lugano al Matin dl
Farlgl dice cho la pollzla svlzzera ha ar
restato I corrlspondcntl del I5erllner Taqo
Dlatt e del glornalo unghcrexo Az Hst, ac
cusatl dl compliclta1 in complotto dl splo
Bagglo. 11 complotto, cho si dlco abbla asto
ramlflcazlonl ed e' nppena stato pcopcrto,
' contro l'ltalla o In faoro della Gorma
Bla. La Trlbuna pubbllca un'lntcrvlsta con
tin personagglo montenegrlno II quale ha
dlchlarato cho II Montenegro c' ileuist.ito
plu' terrlbllmente del llelglo, della Serbia
delta Rumania,
II personagglo ha dlchlarato che gll
austriacl proccdono nel Montenegro con
tina ferocla lntesa a stcrmlnare la razza
tnontenegrina la cul Idomlta nbra non puo'
ssere plegata. La popolazlono muoro dl
fame. Centlnala dl persons, Hoccombono
ognl glorno, e le deportaziont In Austria
sono cosl' numcroso cho al teme che la
naztone montenegrlna scomparlra' completa
mente o quasi N'emmeno 1 turchl fecero
jnal un'opera cost' distruggltrlco nello re
Slonl della Vecchla Serl'ia.
Un dlspacclo da Atcne dlco cho gral
dlvergenze sono Bcopplate tra II fe Alcs
andro dl Grecla ed II prlmo mlnlstro Venl
zeloo. II re ha rlmandato a plu' tardl 11
, decreto dl rlconvocazlone della Camera
eletta nel 1015 che fu illegalmento sclolta
dall'allora presldente del Conslgllo Skou
ludls. Venlzelos clor.nr.cJa cho II je cessl ill
aegulro apertamut.to la polltlca Interna cd
tatera dl suo padre, ma 11 re o ha pospos.o
la sua azlone al rlguardo o ha opposto un
tlfluto categutlco alia domanda dl Vcnl-elos-.
Montre II kaiser, dopo avcre acccttato le
dlmlsulonl dt Bethmann-Hollvv eg da cancel
Here dell'lmpcro, ha nominate u! suo posto
it dr. Giorgio Mlchaells, In Austria Interna
lion o' nfTalto mlgllor- (
Sabato scorso un deputato czco,
Fraschek, che fu anche mlnlstro, pronuuoio'
uti vlol"i,Ui Icorso cirtro la Gern. i.i-
cho, igll dlcse. tra. ogg;to dl odlo da parto
dl tutto It mriiido Praicw-k aiglunso:
"Coma posslamo mat speraro dl ottenere
la pace se not contlnulamo ad aggrapparcl
alia Germanla? Dobblamo nol contlnunro
a sacrlflcare 1 nostrl Interessl plu' vltall
per la grandezza o l'espanslono della Gcr
mania? Dobblamo not contlnuaro a sotto
mettercl al mllltarlsmo Prussian che cl ha
trasctnato In queita guerra?"
L'oratore dlchlaro" che deputatl czechl
erano statl gettatl In prlglone per aver ten
tato dl effettuare un'alleanza tra Austria,
Russia e Francla, e He costoro debbono
cssere silgmatlzzatl quail tradltort, altera
tuttl gl czechl Bono tradltori Quefte parole
aollevarono un pandcmonlo nel Relschrath
che dl pandemonli no ha lsto tantl.
II nuovo cancelllere tcdesco e' una per
sona presso cho sconoscluta, un burocratico.
'La sua nomlna slgnlflca che II partlto della
guerra ad oltranza e della conqulsta ha
vlnto ancora una volta In Germania e che
11 kaiser ha ceduto all crlcca milltarlsta
che cosl' rltorna trlonfanto al potcrc. 1)1
ognera' vedere pero' como II Reichstag
Accogllera' la soluzlone della crl.sl, sebbeno
qui non si fanno pronostlcl favoreolt ad un
c&mbtamento dl fronto nel parlamento
Statesman Declares German
Cash Is Behind Many News
papers and Pulpits
Evidence that millions in German gold Is
till being poured Into effective propaganda
work among Americans has been laid before
the State Department by a statesman of
International reputation, it was learned to
day. t
Speaking to the writer, this statesman,
whose name, for obvious reasons, cannot be
mentioned, said:
"German-bought papers are being pub
lished unhindered under the very nose of
the American Government every day,
"Hundreds of ministers of the Gospel are
' using their holy office to turn loyal Amer
icans into German sympathizers. The prac
tice is not local, but countrywide.
"One of the biggest papers In the pay of
the Kaiser la published In the East"
A dangerous situation is resulting from
the machinations of these propagandists,
1m asserted.
"They are steeping us in an atmosphere
at hatred," said he. jtf
The alleged pro-German operations of
German churchmen in Nebraska, the
statesman added, are only surface out
eropplngs of a honeycomb propaganda era
tracing more than one religious body, hun
dreds of individuals and many newspapers
throughout the countryr
"Fellow statesmen." continued the speak
er, "were amazed at the format findings
T -i.tAiiAtf I l
i "I feel Ifcat the Allies should organize
" ?Wj&9S21 W1Fn?v M
l assBBi i nnus . i
Northwestern's Victors Make
Merry Palmyra Assembly's
Outing Not a Failure
Northwestern Assembly had a Jollifica
tion meeting and nn enthusiastic reception
of tho real sports who made good at tho
great athletic demonstration, nil Indulging
In lgoroift vocal outbursts of tho popular
ditty, "Ho, Herman. You'ro a Friend of
Mine!" Ilrother Herman Mcjer, tho real
man behind tho nthletlo gunH in No. M,
wni compelled to respond. Ho explained
that tho prospects for a successful meet
this year were dubious until nn nppeal to
tho board of directors was made for the
proper backing. Tho response waH a fund
of K50, out of which nil expenses havo
been paid nnd a balance of JlOfl ready to
turn back to tho board, which Is nlso bolng
reimbursed by donations from tho assem
blies. Tho results, he paid. Justified the
enterprise and encouraged the continuance
of efforts of tho athletic association for the
Ilrother Mejer announced the record of points
ma'ln on tho tlehl hy the imrtlctpatlntc nsnem
bll i Nnrthwentcrn, 711, KejtoMe 13 le.
hluh, 7. ralinvra. n, Spartan. (I. St. John's,
.1. Ulriinl, 2, l.mwnoil, 2. anj Union. 1 ilrother
Webb reported on th tuff.of wir contesta, rlnlm
InK 42 points for Northweatirn Other heroes
called upon for rporta nero Urolhera Plum
mer. the renowned nnchnr, Ilallman. Trout nnd
Mnckej. Ilrother Hej tut hoped to liavo a base
ball team at the Palmira ptenlc.
HeooMir Denny urn d a lilit attcmnnco for
the annlveraary of the assembly at tho Au.
Ruit meetlnB nnd unnounr, d again his otTer of
Hit to tho brother ntundlnu eviry tneetlnis of
the nRSmh!y nnd propfislnif the Inrcest nmnoer
of candidates by tln end of this J ear. He also
said that tho nttendaneo of the brothers would
bo noted nt eneh meitlni; nnd a prlye of $1
wo'jid hn drawn Master Artisan Nicholas cave
amlni to tho worklnu lirothers thTt he was
out for the membership prize and expected to
propose a candidate nt ev rv mtetlna Ilrother
llenrj Charles Webb music composer, con
ducted nt the piano th slnslni; of his compo.
ultlon, "When We'ro Marchln Homo Aculn,
nnd nceompnnletl In seeral selections Ilrother
Crirtnce WeLb, who lias a fine baritone voice.
ltecorder Denny. In his assembly notice, said
"It seems that when the 'Iloa of 01' make up
their minds to do n thine nothing under the
sun will stop them from nrrompHhlwt their
purpos, , and the erdlrt on the occasion of the
thirteenth annual field day was Indicative of
the determined oplrtt they pjs--se The rnno
persons assembled In the stands of 1'ranklln
Field on thnt diy saw Northwestern cop tho
championship again for tho seenth consecu
tho time , .
"It was tho urealest day cer put forth by
the Artisan order and thoso who failed In
their attendinc, missed a real treat. Not oily
labored harder to mako tho oent a ble suc
cews than our own 'Pop' Meyer, and if nnilhiim
was lailclnit It was not his fault, and he Is still
oujoed at tho outcome, nnd tho grand show
ing made by the Northwestern members Tho
bos are proud of the prizes they won and are
all unanimous In their declaration that a 'green
man neer knows tho ability he possesses In
nthetlis until he enters tho tiport This ery
flit and the rendlnc of the proof In tho glo
rious letoM xiftaln this ear should create a
deeier conlldence In tho advice which our coach,
Herman Moer, hands out to tho bojs each
I'alimra Assemldi's picnic and festival on
Saturday were a success In eerthlnff but the
ntteniHncu di sired, and notwithstanding tho
hindrance of the weather fulty Kwi persons
during the day and cenlng ejoied the features
presrntcd Delegations came from Northwest
ern .Southwestern, Kestune, Underdown, .West
Philadelphia I'ennsiUanla, Ideal Camden.
Hidden. Haddon Heights Knergetlc tSqulre
'I hem being murh In oldnce). I.ehlgh nnd
I'assjunk the latter ussembly making n good
display. The "big guns were there too .Tor
din, Chalviers, Cox, Docrle, Knapp, Marr, Her
min Meier and hordes of other workers
In tho sports, tho baseball game between
Underdown and Knergetlc n suited In a tie of
. to r, and then I.ehlgh defeated KneriTetlc,
2 to 1, In tho Ilfty-lard dasb races for hos
and girls the winners were I3arl Albright.
Madeline I.ouzop, Marian King, Harris hacks,
Kdlth Orchet and James Hires, Tho mar
rbd women's race was won by Mrs
.spotz, the igg raco bv Helen Huoff, tho nnll
drllng contest by Mrs I. V.. Knapp, Mrs.
Dnwson, Mrs. Nellus Mrs Piuslow, In order
There was a drill on the gr iunds by Uattery
D, of the New Jersey Artillery, In camp near.
A brass band In the afternoon and an orclrrstra
In tho evening served tho dancers, whllo nil
sorts of nrtlrles, edible and otherwise, were dls.
plaved nnd disposed of to a generous crowd.
Hlrh commendation was accorded to the
wilting workers of Palmira Assembly for tho
litior of the undertaking Brothers Kndon.
Wright, Smith. Christ, Miller, Wadley. Tees.
McCnnncll, I'atman, Cramer, fox, Hchmldt,
Hates Herman Meer, deputy, nnd Hecorder
J inney, who has been tho main Inspiration of
all active movtmonts In the progrcsi of his
assembly, nnd to whose personal efforts tho
success of the bssemhly will bo due When a
lear nnd a half ngo the assembly was about to
surrender Its chnrter for dissolution, tho final
meeting was visited by Herman M"ler Doc
tor I.ott. Cy i:vnns nnd Andrew Nicholas, of
Northwi stern Assembly, who dlsiuaded tho
numbers against tho action nnd advised tho
selection as recorder of J Ilorain rinnu, whose
work tins now demonstrated tho wisdom of tho
courso taken.
At tho meeting of tho bonrd of directors tho
moat excellent master artisan was requested
to Invito each assembly to appoint a committee
of one fprefernbly a representative) to confer
with the lioard nt Its September meeting on
tho war situation Home of tho assemblies have
already appointed committees to consider tho
question of protection during the war and Its
effect upon tna assemblies and their members
Such assemblies are requested to defer action
until after this proposed conference M. n.
ltecorder Cox said
"ftvery one wants to do his 'bit' and our
order. Its full share, but wo must bo Just as
well as generous. If our soldiers get Into
actual fighting there Is no doubt that us nn
organization wo will experience an Increaso
In tho death rate, nnd It takes money to pay
claims, so thnt our funds will have need to bo
conserved With such extreme excitement, ngl
tatlon nnd unrest as Is everywhere prevalent,
there Is grout need for calm and thoughtful
consideration beforo action. Aa an order we
havo alwais shown tho keenest Interest In In
dividual members, each of whom Is counted
as a unit In the sstem The motto of tho
order. All for each nnd earh for all." has al
ways guided our actions, and It Is to consider
the Interest of all that this conferenco has
M.n I1 '"""u. It Is hoped that every assembly
will find it convenient to bo represented."
ridellty Assembly had a fair attendance,
notwithstanding Inclement we.ither, and there
was rea spirit In the proceedings. A perma
nent relief fund of f."0 was created fcr the
use of the master artisan In rases of emer
gency that may come to his attention. On tho
motion of tho Rev. J. n Hill that a committee
be selected tu care for tho Interests of do
llnquent members In Government service, tho
master artisan appointed Brothers Joseph T.
Taylor. Doctor Hill. C. H Ilerry. C. O Wilson
and ltecorder Simpson. Tho recorder was ad
vised to keep in touch with enlisted brothers
who are called upon to Inform him of their
!ca.".1., ""? .connection , In tho service, and
Gazette '"formation be published In the
nIini-T""e n,n.nV,n.'",. ,hat !h annual outing and
Picnic of fidelity is again to bo held at tho
fr?,?eform"'y."rotn,r Hachran, the chair
man of tho eommlttee asked r,0U for expenses
for tho event but on motion of Brother Arthur
Cameron IV) was allowed Tho time and dM.!J
will be- glym later. After tho announcement
fittln" ,7"'.IIna,.lo?. of ih." entertainment com
mittee Master Artisan Wilson appointed a new
committee, as follows Brothers Harry ClovVgh.
e-hnlrman, I' M Anderson, Arthur T Came,
ron 1. T Colkltt. II. II rltlfr. John U.: iu
kins. It M Hoerner, J. W, McKlnley Ilarrv
Itoumson 8 It Stevtn.on. ' Alon.o s one. "(?!a
ence P. Strasshelm. and tho chair offlcerii n
G Wilson, A. 8. MacNalr. K? L. OltaSn Ite
A.r'3j,r. S!"l?fon n?u''tutV Alexander Johnson.
At the meeting of this committee Ilrother Fltler
was elected secretary and Ilrother btone treas
urer Plan, are being made for tho fall which
Artlsanihip1; 'Uttt"T '" ,h r"nt k (
West Philadelphia Assembly had an attend,
ance of eighty-one and Initiated or,, candidate
Ilarrv W. Wlgmpre. Deputy Loftus Armstrong
presenting tho button and congratulating J
Erother admitted by caM from Knca.ter'As
semhly Tho el'puty, In hi. characterlstlo line
of fraternal "taffyl'' declared that ho would
laud No. 8 as tho best assembly n tho order
If Superintend, nt MacNalr. of Fidelity Assembly'
wero not present to refute tho statement. lte
corder Kinney, with Brother. Smith and Wright!
of Palmyra A..embly, was on hand In his
'swing around tho circle" In tho Intere.t of
the big outing enterprise of that live unit of
tha order. Cashier McConnell extended, as
usual, the glad hand and fraternal sentlm.nt.
Doctor Hanna's soloists and chorus furnished
tho usual musical entertainment, to tb. delight
of the visitors the Jersey contingent securing
ths promise, of a visit. of the doctor and his
chorus and a W. P. dAeiatlon to Palmyra In
Union Assembly had an attendance of lno and
admitted a candidate. Deputy "Doc" sticker
transferring, to Ca.hler Elsenbrey tho duty of
presentlnc the button. ltecorder Wlnkworth
presented a flar pin to Brother Ford for faith-
ul . ?ri"- '. " rY ovicjier presented a
studded flar Pin to tho new member. Ilrother
ftarstand. A special committee, composed of
Irnlhara flhlimlri,r WnV an TavU. . ...i.rl
rallies, rrpwrieu vu prvparaiion lor celebrating
In September the twenty-first birthday of the
Hduii, (,u v- m, ,,v vi.k csv nignts in
Artlsanshlp was promised.
Tho most excellent recorder announces that
the new laws of tho order havo been Issued for
distribution, especially to candidates, and that
assembly recorders should secure them Imme
diately. '
Sartram Assembly meets tonight at dreen.
way Hall.yifty-sl.th and Woodland vu",
chansln from tho flrat Monday to tho third
Monday of tho rconth and movlnr from Seventy.
;,Z2jji J "
-.-m.i-,. ... ... .
.osssjr--. AHcmoiy .will nava.ai -nvoaai
cooling refreshments,
Chairman walker, of the anniversary com-
necordcr of Palmyra Assembly,
No. 65, Artisans' Order of Mutual
Membership Campaigns and Visitations
Maintained Throughout the Order
A large class Initiation is being arranged
by the Star of tho Union Council, No 77,
!'. 1". A , of which Ilrother Charles I.. Cad
wallader, secretary of tho Funeral Heneflt
Association of tho United States, Is repre
sentative to the Stato Council. District
Deputy Stato Councilor l'rlcc visited the
council last Tuesday ccnlng and installed
tho olTlcers in their noveral stations
Another of the visitations under the auspices
of the Merrv-Oo-Hound Association will tio hetd
this evening at tho ball of Port Illehmond Coun
cil, No 234 llichmnnd street nnd Indlnn'i ave
nue, when delegations will t- presmt from
Diligent Council No 4, D'llrent fluard Asso
ciation Fidelity Council, No 21, of Bristol, Pa .
Gratitude Council No fih2, Colonel John Clark
Council. No 1Ki. of Hnlmesburg and many of
the other councils of this clti State Council
Secretary Tord and Junior Past State eouncllor
Sheneman will be present, In ndlitlon to tho
many district deputy Stato councilors. Arrange
ments will be made to combine the next meet
ing with that of the (loot! of tho Order Asso
ciation, when an important event will bo looked
Aeolian Council. No, 17. ono of tho oldest
and largest councils of this city, has started
a most vigorous campaign for members nnd will
soon have an exceedingly large class Inltlitlon
Numler 17 has the proud distinction of having
on Its rolls one of the oldest last State coun
cilors. Brother Casper M. Bern, who has been
treasurer of tho council for many jcars.
Frankford Council, No. 170 one of tho most
nctlvo and successful count lis, Is constantly
being kept in the forefront by the excellent
Frankford Pluto and Drum Band, all members
of which are enrolled In No. 170.
Hamilton Council. No. Ml, visited Allentown
and crossed bats with the tcim of Phil H
Sheridan Council. No 287, of which Stato
Councilor Miller Is a member, and was rovally
entertained by the numbers of Nn 2S7 A large
delegation of tho members of No. 2s7. headed
h tho Stato councilor, met nnd escorted the
visiting brethren to their athletic Held A return
visit and gamo will be mado bv tho members
of No 287 Ilrothers Boggs nnd Sherwood, of
Hamilton Council, had chargo of tho delegation.
The councils are making nn active campaign
In behalf of tho annual excursion of tho order
to Atlantic City Saturday, July 28.
Enormous Attendance at tho Annual
Convention of tho Supreme Cody
At 8 o'clock on Sunday morning next a
special train will leave Ilroail Street Stn
t'on bearing a delegation of more than 300
members of Philadelphia Lodge, No. 64, en
route to Pittsburgh to attend tho twenty
ninth supremo annual convention of tho
Loyal Order of Moose. Great pr'epata
tlpns havo been mado for this event, which
will occupy tho week of July 22-28, and It
is cNpccted that fully 40,000 members of
tho order, with hundreds of their ladles,
will bo present that week In tho Smoky
City to nttend tho festivities Incident to
tho convention.
Philadelphia la expected to figure largely In
the nffalr, as not only will tho dictator of
No .11, John W. Pord. bo advanced to the
hlkhest order In the order, but there will bo
considerable curiosity to see the active workers
who mivo been mainly Instrumental In bring
ing Philadelphia Lodge up to tho status It
today enjois the largest lodge of any fra
ternal order In tho world with a good-standing
membership of moro than Su.000
A number of the Mooseheart Legleji ladles,
dressed as Quakeresses, will accompany the
Philadelphia delegation, as well as a uni
formed company of the local Moose defenders,
and for a part of the time the celebrated band
of No 04, composed of flfty-slx professional
unlcn musicians, will be in attendance.
Tho past dictators of PhlHdelphla Ixidse who
will tie present at tho convention, and who, by
virtue of their office are members of tho
supremo Imdy, nro tho following' John W.
Ford Peter Carrlgan, Andrew i:. Vouell, Harry
W Mace, John J. Jlvnn. Jcseph u. Keller, Fred
erick W. Kllllan. M D , Harry It Woodall,
Albert If. I-adner, Jr. John J. Clark, John J.
McAdams, Harry W. Srmplo and George W.
Shultz A grand tlmo ) expected, nnd upon
the vturn of the delegation on Saturday eve
ning, July 28, a reception will bo tendered them
at the Moose home on North llroad street.
It Is announced thnt negotiations begun some
tlmo ngo by tho Atlantic City Lodge, Losal
Order of Moose, for tho purchase of tho lllks'
homo at Maryland and Atlsntlo avenues nre
now well under way The nil... in turn! are
negotiating for tho purcha.o of a hotel na
their headquarters, and tho selection Is said
to have narrowed down to rhnlco properties,
one of which Is on Pacific avenue In tho central
section of the city. The growth of both these
organizations has been phenomenal during tho
last few years, the Kilts now totaling a mem.
bershlp of 'about 1O0O while the Moose Edge
la approaching tho 1200 mark.
The Klks' home la admirably located and
equipped, and will prove unu.ually uatlsfactory
headquartera for the Moose Tho Elks, num
bering among their membership many of the
city's most prominent citizens have long been
desirous of securing quart, rs In which occom.
modatlons might be furnished for oot-oMown
members of the organization o r'lg their stay
at the. shore, and for this reason navi decided
upon the purchase of a finely equipped hotel The
deal has not yet been definitely closed It v.a.1
learned, but tho negotiations toward ; that end
aro well under way. "'' ena
Annual Reunion of the Woman's Bene
fit Association Postponed
For the first time since an annual re
union of the W B. A. has been held In
this city the weather prevented the reunion
last Wednesday, but tho committee will
arrange another date later In the month, so
that both members and alt tha children
who looked forward to the annual event
will not be disappointed, and the commit
tee will arrange to make it even moro
enjoyable for young as well as "grown-up
children" j In fact. It Is determined to make
It the best reunion ever held in this city.
Keystone Review. 241, JllttenhAsa Hall
Flfty-thlrd street and Haverford avenue Irrs
P. M Helms, commander, hold a soclab.e en.
Joy.ble and most lntormsl meeting last Thurs.
day evening. The committee reported on tha
three applications presented at the last meet.
Ins. 1Im llurgln, the supremo chaplain, who
was th. guest of tho evening, announced that
ono of their members, Mrs. Mary l. Miller
had be.n appointed a deputy assistant, illss
purlin also stated that she did not expect to
leave tho city during July, but would remain
to help Pennsylvania again lead all the States
aa .he, baa for three, month past, providing
tho officers and membera d.al.t. ""'"
X commutes con.l.tlnc of tha following la.
die. vu appointed to arrange for an outing
Mr.. Karrlgan. Ml.. Trauh. Mrs Jllythrow'
Mr.. Mlltef. Mrs. Daly and ilrs. Ilefferty. Bervi
tng refre.hment. cto.ed a pleasant evening.
Tho commander, Mrs. Helms, announced that
central committee outing would bo taken with
the Tlogi lluslne.. Men'g excur.lon to Atlantic
City next Thur.day, July 1 from Broad Street
Station at T30 ; a. ro.. and that all mrobe7.
of the order wilt be yry welcome to to with
the committee. ""
Olr.rd Review. 25S, Parkway Building. Win,,
Collins, coinmander, "porta an enjoyabt. oel"
idv w,e w,iw woufuMfcw uuii.ica ana one ap
ihcbum, irsniy. v esyiew,,W'wt)rk
m."- - " T" ww-iH wsnsiiwHn
Official Arrangements for An
nual Convention of tho Order
at Wilkes-Barre
Information repartllnR tho Stato Camp
pesslonn of tho P. O. S of A. has been
Romowhat delayed this year, not duo to
any nenlect on tho part of tho local com
mittee, but became tho hotels refused to
fliioto rate, for tho conenllon previous to
July 1 State Secretary Charles D. Helms
put forth every effort within tho last two
weeks to gather together all tho necessary
data for tho Information of tho delegates
and is now nblo to nnnounco that tho grand
street demonstration will ho ono of tho
chief attractions of tho Stato Camp this
year Tho parade will bo held on Thursday,
August 30, and both tho Heading and tho
Pennsylvania Itailroads will carry persons
to WJlkes-Iiarro and return from Philadel
phia for $5 80.
Prom nil other polntd in the Rtat the State
erretary hin nrrnnKfd with tho Trunk Line
Aasorlatlnn fop a tvcrnt flat rate of furc. Tho
ftesMmiB of Uip Stntf Tamp of Atmrlcn. will be
held TufBdiy. Wpdn-Oay and Thursday, Aueun
2K, 2i and 1(0 In the t.fnutlful Irem Temple.
The Konernl cotnmlUri? hnn nubmltled to the
State l.o,l.(1f,u irtcM the follow Inff hotel raten:
Hot 1 Strrllnff (Huto Camp headnuirterfl). 13
to A pr day. American plan Hotel HetMlnittnn,
II to l! nr iliy. Hotel Poland, 11! Ml nnd up:
Hotel lllnkel 1 r, and up Hotel Hart, 12 50
and up. Hntil Wlndnor. " cents to $1, Hotel
Colonial, 75 cent tu 1. Hotel St Cloud, 7".
renin lo $1 Ii legates destrlnc prUato hoard
Inc tiouiei mn rommunlrate with District lt"L
d'nt ll Hlrthlir .VI Moyellen atreet. WllKes
ltarre, Pa, who will nttmd to reservations.
The preliminary committee nt Wllkes-Parre
In chnrtre of tin- arrangements and entertain
ment of tho State hody Is composed of the lead
Ins m tnhers of the orrantzatlon from Luzerne
County and consists of tho following l C,
Jlolromb chairman, 1. P CoiiRhlln. vice
chulrnnn; lieutenant Coloni Joseph M Steever,
necmtarv. John Hu fiord, llmnrtnl secretary. H.
f Hartruan, treasurer. iJlstrlrt President Wll
Ham Whltebread, Dlstrkt President U, W.
Hirthler W W Tlitt Peter Malkemes, Wil
liam Tone J I) Hustcd I. I tieorse Lewis.
ieorp Knarr, J, I Jfnbbi Prospccln for tho
surs of this enr s Htito Camp session are
inilnoi bright, considering the pplendld com
mltt o In charpo tho i lean cut ritnto officers
nnd the fine selection of delegates from tho
various camps throughout tho State.
Gabriel II. Moer, of Pilmra., Ta., pres
ent Stato Mce nicaMent of tho P O. 0. of A.(
will bo a cnndtditp for the oftlie of State presl
di nt ut Wllkes-llarre. He H a wcllknown
tltruro nt the State camps and has made moro
offtrlal v hlta In the Uat several years than
any othr r member. Jle is a hich-tipo American,
a brilliant orator nnd a beloved fratcrnaltst.
His b Uitton la aBBurcd.
John AV. Harper, State mister of forms.
Is known as ono of tho hardtst-worklntr State
officials the order has i r had He too,
will Ik n cindldato for the nest hlchcst offleo In
the Rift of the order In IN nnvlx.inlu nnd'lt la
rnthtr certain tint Ilrother Harper will b tho
unanimous rholco of tho brotherhood for State
vlco president Ilrother llariHr Is n member
of Camp i), -n of Chester Dtliware County
a count) whldi has pnducid nrat results for
tho l'atrlotlc Sons In llio last threu years,
Irwin S Smith, tho stato treasurer of tho
nrdt r for th( last thlrt threo iars will run
lor re-election ut WllUm Hirre nn 1 no opposi
tion to bun Is expect d, ik Is well vernd In
tho HtTalrs of thi orrantzatlon and Is beloved
by its cutlru membership.
fctnto Secretary Charles Hrumm ifcclms, known
nn "tho live wire worker,' lias served his first
eir, wurcLtdhiB' tho Into William Wtand In
the woult of a promt nt-nt member, Ilrother
Helmt li the rlsht man In tlm rlfht plire nnd
has mado Kood He has bren fair and ftarless
In the minaKemt nt of the Stato ramp head
quarters ind has n fused to be mea ror any
personal pur post a whatever Th( re miy bo a
fv of the members In the State who do not
like tho consistent policy of the State secre
tary, but no man can stato honestly that ho
his not made good Tho order has Increased
In membership lo tho extent of almost fiOuit,
nnd It has been duo mostly to tho sincere ef
fort of tho State ofHi i rs, tho district presi
dents and tho membership who assisted. The
affairs nt Stato cump headquarters are tn n
mot excellent ehapo A complete record of
cvtry transition, ivory letter written, every
Plan for tho jtnr Is on fllo for tho flrst time
In the history of tho order. The htndquarters
Is a pleasant placo to islt, cvory one belnc re
ceived with i Kind hand, whether ho Is a mem
ber of tho organization or not. and leaves feellnff
that truo frattrnlty Is n llvinir part of the
order Urollur H"Ims does not know whether
ho will bo compelled to enter the race for re
election this scar or not, but If so wo beapeak
tho largest vote ever fetven a candidate for this
try ncceflsiri office In tho llfo of this pro
crtashw oreanlzatlon."
Norrls S Tlarratt, President Judco of Com.
mon Plejs Court No 'J, of Philadelphia, will
bo ono of the Stite camp delegatis this iar,
repnsentlnB Washlnuton Camp, No. 1177, of
South Philadelphia.
Divld J Jack-, of Allentown, Is n candidate
for the office of Stntp master of forms Ilrother
Jacks Is known as one of the most nctlvo mem
bers of thl onto In Lehigh Countv which la
making claim that It Is Justly entitled to n
State camp offite The members of the order
In old I high have done grand work, for this
order, and It Is certnln that Protlrcr Jacks
will be nn Important factor in the election or
State xmister of forms.
ARMSTRONG. July 1.1. MARTHA A., widow
of Jnmos Armstrong. Rnl.iiUes nnd friends nro
Imltrd to scnlws, Tuos , 2 10 p. m.. 812 N.
Cld st Int. prisatp, l'li use omit Mowers.
HAIIUY July IB. EMZAIinTH, wlfs nf
James Harry, iim'd "!. Itelatlves nnd friends
InMted to funeral sen Ices Weil , 2 p. m , M V.
Tcnn st . twmantoun. Int. prlvatu. Remains
may u, lowed Tues. ee
nnricrRT luiy 14 CATiinniNn. wifo of
William Uerkert (nee llrleh). Notlco of funeral
will be given 1121 :nrl st
IlIuVCK Suddenly Julv 14. MATTIt.DA n.
daushter of Sarah II nnd late James F lllaek
Sr , nped 15 Ilrlntlei nnd friends, Camptlra
(Jlrls, bunday sthool of Rethesda 1'restiiterlan
Church, InWtid to funeral si r Ices. Wed., 2
n m mother's residence, 22".o N. Hancock st.
Int. private, tlroenmnunt Cem. Remains may be
viewed Tues. eve Auto funeral
HOTHWl'M. July in. ANNIR. widow of
Samuel llothwell Relatives, and friends Invited
to funeral services Wed, ii m. 220.1 E.
Susnuehnnn. ave Int North Ceder HIM Cem.
HOVl-.It July 13 MARION OHII.DIIUV. wlf.
of Arthur .1, Hour and daUKhter of Thomas D.
and Lena K Chlldr-y luneral services Tues..
2 n m., residence of parents, 12.11 I'nrk Doule.
vard, Camden, N. J. Int. private l(arlelsl)
Cem Friends miv call Mon , 7 11 to D d. m.
widow of Samuel C. lluntlnB. I-uneral service.
St Martin's 1' U Church, Radnor, l'a., Tues ,
3.30 p. m. Int. prlvato.
nl!TTI.Cn. Suddenly, July 14, JAMES F.
husband of Jennie liuttler. aged Co. Relative,
nnd friends, societies of which he was a mem
her Invited to funeral, Tues, 7.30 a. m., 4J0
N 7th at , Camdi n, N J. High mass Immacu
late Conception Church 0 a m Int Calvary
Cem. Remains may be viewed Hon., 7 to u n, m.
ELI.UN son of Ellsworth nnd Susan Cairns,
aired 4. Relatives and friends Invited to serv.
Ices Wed., 2 pm. parents' residence. 1405 N
Wanamaker st. Friends may call Tues , from 7
to. ''v.. ,, .., .... .
SAr?iJ?i Viii "jy -" miii iciijii., uauin
ter of I'atrlck nnd
e late Margaret Cannon (a
native or itnocn i
tlves and friends
aiayo, ireianai, n
Invited to funeral,
Tues mornlnc at 8 30 o'clock, from 104 H 38th
at. Hlch requiem mass at St. James's Church
at 10 eclock. Int Holy Cross Cem
CAIME Suddenly, Julv 14, DOROTHT MAY,
daughter of Joseph and Iva, M -Caple ne
Miers), formerly of Chews. N J. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral. Tues , 1 p m.,
residence of crandmother, Addle Myers, Whits
Horse pike, Magnolia, N. J. Services at tha
home Int Chews N. J. Take Clementon car
at Federal st , Camden, for Magnolia.
widow of James Carlon, aged 73 Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral services, Mon., a
p. m residence of son-ln-lavv, George D. Hulley,
217 I'usey ave . Colllngdale. Service Oulf Mills
Church, Montgomery, Fa 2.30 p. m., Tues.
Int. church cem
CAVANAUQH. July 13. MARY TI. wlf of
John Cavanaugh, aged 63. Relatives and
friends. Wlsslnomlng Council, No. 17. I), uf
I". Pride of Court liellevue Circle. No. ISBJ. In
vlted to funeral Tues.. 8.30 a. m , 2421 N. 20th
st Solemn reuplem high mass Church of the
Most I'reclous Ulood of Our Lord 10 a. to. Int.
New Cathedral Cem
ter of the late Richard Stevens and Sarah J,
l'otttr Conover, entered Into the rest of I'ara.
dl.e, July 15. at her late re.ldence In Princeton.
N. J Funeral .ervlce. at Trinity Church.
Princeton. Tue... July 17. at 12 o'clock.
CHOMPTON. July 15. MARY ELSIE, daugh.
ter of Thomas and late Hannah Crompton,
Funeral private. Wed., 2 p. m.. father's rel.
dence. 3131 N Taylor at. Int Mt. Vernon Cem.
CR6sS. July 14, EMILY II CROSS, widow
of John Cross, aged 77 Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral services, Tues . 2 p. m , .on.
In-law', residence, William J, Owrld, 8 N. 30th
St., Camden, N. J. Int. private, North Cedar
Hill Cem , Phlla.
CULLEN. July 13. WALTER, husband of
Rose A, Cullen. Itelatlves and friends. Division
No. 18, A. O. K.I St. Malachy. Young Men',
lleneflclsl Society, Tlpperary neneflclal Society,
Phlla, Council, No. 100, K. of C Invited to fu
neral. Tues. 8 30 a m, 3110 N. Wendl. c.
(near nth and Clearfield). Solemn high requiem
ma.. St. Veronica's Church 10 a. ro. Int. Holy
Cro.a Cem ,
CULLINAN. July 14. DENNIS, son of tat.
Jame. and Ellen Culllnan. Relatives and friend.
Invited to funeral. Tue; ,8 a. m , residence of
sister. Mrs. Mark McNally, 8ft p.nn st.. P.n
mar. Pa. Ma., at Our Mother of Oood Council
Church 0 a. m. Int. St. Denl.'s Cem.
DIE1IL. July 14, Dr, OLIVER ROLAND, son
of Medical Director Oliver Dlehl. U. a. N.. and
Sarah Heater Dlehl, aged. 27. Relatives and
frUnds Invited to funeral services. Tna
p. m.. U. 8. Naral Home, 24th and dray1. Ferry
rURUi lilt. UITf,l
DILtK.--On Jul 1, MARTIN 8.. tiuaband
of 'Nettle F, pmer. uri'V, KeUtivea assl I
O. F.t K. T. Tyson Rulldlng and Loan A..oeJa.
tlnn. and employes of Onskoy ft Keen. Inc . In
vited to funeral services. Tues , 2 p. m . Oliver
H. Hair Hldg., 1820 Chestnut st. Remains may
bo, viewed Mon. eve.. 4I8 N. Camac st. Int.
private, West Laurel Hill Cemetery.
.DILLON. July 15, ELIZAHETH J widow
of Edward J. Dillon. Relatives and friends In
vlted to funeral, Wed , 8 30 a. m son-in-law's
residence, Frank J. McOurk, 2023 Christian st.
Solemn mass of renulem St. Charles's Church
10 n. m. Int, Holy Cross Cem. Automobile
. DOYLE July 18. HARRIET I., widow of
V. Watson Doyle, aged 74. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral services, Tues,, 2
r. m., 145 E. Durham St., Mt. Airy. Int. pri
vate, EASTWOOD. July 14, J. HOWARD, son of
James M. and Emily A. Eastwood (nee Jones),
aged 17. Relatives and friends, Robert Ilsrclay
IMblo Class of Tacony M E. Churoh, Invited to
funeral services Wed.. 2 p m.. parents resi
dence, 6010 Marsden at.. Tacony Int. private.
EnOAR. July 14 HANNAH, widow of lien
Jsmln W Edear Itelatlves and friends Invited
to funeral, Tues . 1 p. m., residence of son,
Frank Edgar. 1844 N 23d st. Int. Kernwood
Cem, Auto funeral, Remains may be Mewed
Mon . 7 to 10 p. m. .
FERtlUSON. July 13. UEOnrjE A., beloved
husband of Laura Ferguson, aged 29. Relatives
and friends, also Cheater I.odge. No. 285. I. O
O. M i emplojes of Railroad Relief Asso . Co C,
".ii i cuiin jie.nn.'uii inviit-u lu iuii.i-i ni,,,...,
Wed , 2 p. m.. BIO Penn st., Chester, l'a. Int.
Chester Rural Cemetery. .....
rEHOURON July 13. JAMES St.. husband
of Mary It, Ferguson, .-red na Relatives and
irienos, wevaua irioe, o, imp. w. jv. .. in
vited to funeral service.. Tues , 2 p. m., 2003
Dlst. litt Greenwood (K of I" Cem ).
FIELDS Suddenly, July 11, CHARLES n. E.
TIELDS, son nf (leorge F. and Hannah C.
Fields (neo Miller), nged 14. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral services, Wed, 2
p. m.. parents' residence, 812 N. 34th St.. Cam
den. N J Int. Arlington Cem. Remains may bo
Viewed Tiles eve.
FI.E.MINO July 14, THOMAS A., son of
William nad late Cnthnrlne Flemlnir, aged 2(1.
Due notice from residence of his brother-in-law,
John J. O'Connor, 1227 Emily st.
rLETCHEIt. July 14. PIIE11E. widow of
James C Fletcher nged 78, Itelatlves and
friends Invited tn services, Tues, 10 30 a. m.
Indigent Widows' and Single Women's Asylum.
3015 Chestnut St.' Int. West Laurel Hill Cem.
of John W, nnd Katn s Ford, need 18 Rel
atives and friends, also class of 1018, Central
High School nre Invited to funeral, Mon, 8
P m., nt (11H E. Olrard ave. Int. private.
Tues , North Cedar Hill Cem , nt convenience
of fnmliy
FOWLER. July 14, LILL1E S wlfo of
Frank Fowler (nee Corson) Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral services, Wed, 2 p
m 472(1 Edmund st , Frankford Int. private.
North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may bo viewed
Tues , H tn lu u -m
OREOORY July 13, MARY It., daughter
of Joseph and Elizabeth Gregory. Itelatlves
nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Tues,
1 p. m., rrsldenco of brother-in-law, Joseph
Sugden, inn" Margaret st , Frankford. Int.
private North Cedar Itlll Cem
OHIESE!, On July 15 11117. HARRY C.
husband of Kathcrlno J (Irlesel. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral services, on Wed, aft
ernoon, at 2 o'clock at his late residence, 224(1
N 20th st Remains may bo seen Tues. eve
ning after 8 o'clock. Int private:
HALL Suddenb. Julv 14 THEODORE O.
son of Frank S and Ella T " Hall, aged 18.
Funeral services Tues, 2 p m., parents' resi
dence, 110 Sellers ave , llywood, Delaware Co.,
Pa. Int. Arlington Cem
IIALI'JN July 13 CATHARINE, daughter
nf late Thomas and Catharine ltnlpln (neo
Mnsterson) Relatives nnd friends Invited to
funeral, Tues , 8 .10 a. m , residence of J. Kelly,
270 S. 03d st Solemn high mass of requiem
St Carthage's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross
HARI1ERT Julv 1,1, at Overbrook, Pa,
ANNA KIltKnitlDE, widow of Isaac Dullleld
Herbert Services and Int. private.
IIAWKnillDOU July 14. ELIZA, wife of
James H Hnwkrldge Relatives and friends
Tonpeo Council No 1G. D of P , Invited tn
funernl serv Ires Wed , i p, m , residence of
husband 2154 E York st Int Forrest HUH
Cem Rcmulns may bo viewed Tues. eve. Auto
HOWLANIJ July 13, HENRY V , husband of
Ell7aneth 11 How land aged 80 Relatives nnd
friends, nlso Ionic Lodge, No 04, F. and A M ,
Washington Castle No. 3, K U K : Pottowot
tomle. No 04. I o It M , Fourth Ward Repub.
Ilcan Club Camden Fishing Club, invited to
funtnl services, Tues,, 2 p m . 028 S 4th st .
Camden, N J. Int. private Cedar Qrovo Ceme
tery. Gloucester N J. Remains may bo viewed
Mon , 7 to ll p m
Hl'OIJES July 14. HENRY, son of Henry
end Catharine Hughes (nee Grady), aged 1 year
7 months Relatives and friends invited to fu
neral Tues , 2 p m , parents' residence, N. E.
cor. 21st nnd I.mlly sis. (below JlcKcan) Int
Hnlv Crom Cem
KENNEDY lulv 1.1, at her residence. R048
Pino st . EVA KENNEDY, sister of Jane Ken
nedy Notice of funernl will be given.
KAL11ACH Julv 15, MATILDA, wife of Wll
llnm H Kalliach Relatives and friends, Lndles'
Ivy Social, No 1, Invited to funeral services,
Wed., 2 p m , parlors of Martin Evoy & Son,
2xo'i Diamond st. Int. private, American Me
chanics' Cem
K1I.EY Suddenly. July 12. JOHN S., son of
lato Michael nnd Mary Klley. Relatives and
friends, P. It. T., employes of 58th nnd Callowhlll
sts. barn invited to funeral Tues.. 8 30 a. m..
7.10 N. .Idth st . W Phlla. Solemn requiem mass
St Agatha's Church 10 a. m. Int. St. Denis's
Cem Ardmore.
1 usbind of Margaret Klnton (nee Ecclcs), aged
M Relatives nnd friends invited to funeral.
Wed , 2 p. m., 1837 Hofmnn st. Int. "Sit. Jlbriah
Cem. Friends may call Tues. eve,
00. Relattves and friends, nlso members of
Hermann Lodge, No. 125. F. nnd A. M.. and all
other societies of which he was a member, in
vited to funeral. Tues.. 2 p. m.. 28IH W. Oxford
st. Int. Mt. Vernon Cem Auto service.
(neo Rvnn). Relatives and friends, Gawaneae
Council, No, 72, D. of P , Kevstono Circle, No.
V Ladles' F. of A., Chester, Pa., Invited to
f ineral, Tues., R 30 a. m , residence of brother-
V law, V J. Seabert. 0245 Upland st. High
ll ss of requiem Church of the messed Sacra
r nt 10 a m Int. New Cathedral Cem.
T.ANE Suddenly. Julv 12. ttnoium w
LANE, In his until vear Relatives and friends
milled lo luncriu eervicen, .non . 1 p. m , Imm
funernl parlors of Walter W. Cause. 017 S. 17th
st. Remilns can be seen Sun. after 8 pm. Int.
Eden Cem
LANGI.EY. July 13. ELIZA W, widow of
Wllllnm Anlson I.angley. Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral services, Tues., 2 p, m., 1710
Jackson st Int private.
LAUHAUX July 15, MARY, wife of Leon
Laubaux aged 07. Funeral services. Walllng
ford Apts , 33th and Ludlow sts , Wed., 3 p, m.
Int. private.
LEONARD July 14 BRIDGET T .wife of
Thomas I Irfonard (nee De Courcey). Relatives
nnd friends Invited to funeral Tues , 8 30 a, m..
1313 W busquehanna ave High requiem mass
Our Lady of Mercy Church 10 a. m. Int. prl-
LOVETT. Suddenly, July 13, FRANK D
husband of Irene Lovett and son of Mary and
lato Charles Kennedy, aged 38 Relatives and
friends, L O O. M , No. 54, Manden Tribe, No.
110, I, O R. M , and Fela & Co. Employes' Ito
llef Asso., Invited to funeral, Wed., 2 p. m.,
Galen Hall
l-Ti ,C J ;
ra AxuLvianaouiiulOi'iuin
eSlSad fT 't's superior
TTn t?ble and service. -
13 ionic ana Lur&llvo Daths,
r. L. .YouNccwy.irvvg..
Fredonia Hotel 5""M;e- Brt
walk. Newest mod.ra
Lrlck hoteh American & European plana: nn.
tr.l location: cap. 230; elevator, bath., run
ning water, locker, tor bather.: garag.t rea
aonablo rate.. Mr.. Q. W, CAltMANY 4k SONS.
Wtmin.ter - RJKfttj
water, tlO up weekly. 12 up dally. Chaa. Ruhr..
Hotel Boscobcl Kentucky Ave. near Reach.
., ,7 Z ... Pn " " r'n table.
Pklt. Phone 117. .. A. E. MARION.
Open all year. R. J. OSDORNB A SON.
Channel "."n" pc.lfl Ave.. Bch. front
. i. 7. ?!?w.AJn,r- Europ'n plan.. Eie.
table. Cap. 250. 18th sea. Oarage. A.C.Channel.
ARCADIA Picturesque, unusual environment.
Magnolia and Pacinc. Mr.. F. D. Maxw.lU
HARBOR INN ov"'-k'" bl"h1 "?"
Oarage. Clrl. Edwin Belcher
Bedford Springs (Pa.) Hotel & Baths
Spend a happy, healthful summer at thl.
noted mountain re.ort. Modernly appointed
hotel! every outdoor and Indoor diversion. Ex
cellent cul.lne. Oood motor roads to all point.
Alio Magne.la Hath, and faraou. Mln.ral
Water, that equal tbo.e at celebrated European
Every accommodation forrnotor tpurlsls.
IVUtV til 11
H. E. Bemls. Mgr. M. C Breny, As.t. Mgr.
, -
GBSry Cic"c n'ljagj
3gH&iyB mot To roAnxs hicp cy
t DEATi!9
band of hllwbejj "iKMieS of which he was a
menVT.vlUd JunW... -..i? rfK
&:: Camaen-. 't. nmP..n. may be
?ni?lvate. SrGlfft Cem. Friend, may call
Tues, after 7 P. m. MARTIN. 243 S.
..BrfarfKS. ild ftlS.ffl & .."end
uiy is. iuf.u""" "'. ; ; nt.
!b,-8V.an(i: Ms (nee Itoo.ne.ei.H"....
VaMcCLEARY-July'l2, HENRY, husband of
a'v m IntT " ilelvuo Cem. Remains may.be
VlMccVu.Nb:-Ju'ly S: MARIA M. wlft ol
Wnilam1 S .itcciun.. aged 50. Notice of fu-
neral will be given, iron on "
2lMcLAUOHLlN July IB, MARY L. tc
LAUOHLIN wife of ames'j .Mwhlln (ne.
O'Donnell) Relatives and friends Invrted to
funeral. Thurs , 8 a. m 1814 Slgel st. solemn
high mass of requiem St. Thomas Aqulnas's
cSirch B'10 a. m" Int. Old r athedra It W
.McLAtmilLIN July 13, Rev. TIIOMA8 D,
MCLAUGHLIN, son of Mary and ', WM'ani
McLaughlin. Reverend clerg, relatives and
friend., Invited to funeral . ed. morning, hi.
Thomas s Chjrch, 17th and Morris sts DUIne
oltlco luglns V 30 a m Solemn requiem mass
10 a m Int Cathedral Jm. Auto servlee.
wife of Dennis McMensmln (nee Olllen). Rela
tlves and friends Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8 30
a m. 143 Talrmount ave Solemn "qulem
mass Church of Immaculate Conception 10 a m.
Int HoK Cross Cem Auto funeral. M
MEI1HIMAN -July 1.1. OEOROE P.. son of
lato John and Marv Merrlman Relatives nnd
friend" police of 20th District Station. Dlv.
No. 4. A O H. Invited to funeral, Thurs.
8 30 a m.. 2101 Summer St. Solemn requiem
mnss Cathedral 10 a. m. In Holy Cross
Cem Auto funeral ...... , ,.k...
MILLER July 1.1, JOHN O , son of Michael
and late Mary Miller. Funeral to which rela
tives, friends, emploves of Navy 'iard nnd
O'Keefn Hen fioclety are invited. Wed., 8 30
a m, from his late residence, BOW Cedar ave.
Solemn mass of requiem Church of the Trans
figuration 10 n m. sharp Int Holy Cross
Cem Auto service . . .,,
MORGAN Julv 14. JOHN, husband of Wll
helmlna .Morgnn, aged 57. Relatives nnd friends,
memtiers of OUvo Hranch Lodge, No. 115, I O
) P . emploves of boiler shop of llaldwln s
Locomotive Works Invited to funeral services,
.1130 N 15th st , Tues , H p. m. Remains may
lie viewed Tues , after 0 p. m. Int. private,
Wed a m. Auto funeral
MORRIS July 15 WILLIAM It., son of
Catharine and late Thomas D. Morris Due
notice of funeral given, from mother's resi
dence 2S10 Gaul st.
NEiTEL Suddenly, July 13, EDWARD, F ,
son of Edward P and Margaret R. Nestel (neo
Anderson), nged 13 Relatives and friends, schol
ars of I'nlon Tabernacle Sunday School, Invited
to funeral services, Tues. 2 p m., 2110 E,
Norrls st Int. private. German Lutheran Cem,
Friends mav call Mon eve.
NEWIll'ROEII. tn Atlantic City, Julv 13.
MORRIS NEWI1URGER, husband of litte Retty
Nowburger. In his 83d year. Funeral Mon.. July
in, 1 30 p. m sharp, at the Alumni llutldlng
of Congregation Keneseth Israel, llroad at. above
Columbia nve.
NICHOLSON Suddenly. July 14, JOSEPH
A , sen of Joseph M nnd CItta N Nicholson,
nged 21 Relatives and friends, Ottawa Tribe.
No 15, I O. It. M Invited to funeral eervlcJa,
Tues ,2pm, Grace Church, Haddonfleld. N
J. Int. private Friends may call Mon. eve
O'MAHA July 14, MARY, widow of Michael
O'Mara (nee llovlan) Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral, Wed, 8 30 n. m, 220J E,
I.ehlgh nve Solemn renulem mass St Ann's
Church 10 a m Int. Holy Cross Com. Auto
PATTERSON July 14, MAGGIE, wife of
James I. Patterson. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral, Tues.. 2 p. m., 421 N 02d st.
Int. Fernwood Cem Remains may bo viewed
Mon ev Auto service
PENN July 14. THERE V. TENN. wife of
John H. Penn Relattves and friends. Kensing
ton M E Church invited to funeral services.
Tues., 2 p m., residence of son.ln-lavv. Wlllard
Rarber, 2557 Coral st. Int. private. Auto
REEVES At Mt. Holly. N J., July IB.
LAURA M wife of William H. Reeves, aged
40 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral,
Wed , 830 a. m, 110 Cherry st., Mt Holly, N.
J. Solemn requiem mass Sacred Heart Church
0 30 n m. Int St. Mary's Cem. Remains may
be viewed Tues. eve. Washington, D. C, papers
REHN At his residence, Oermantown. Pa..
on July 14, 1017. WILLIAM C. REHN. aged on
years. Services on Tuesday afternoon at 4.15
o'clock, at St. Peter's P. E. Church, Wayne
nve and Harvey at., Gcrmantown. Int. private.
Pliase omit flowers
RICHARDSON (nee Kepner) Julv 15, SA
RAH A . wife of LlewllyirF. Richardson. Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral services,
Tues.. 8 p m , 2527 W. York st. Int. private,
Doylestown Cem,
RILEY July 15. SARAH, wife of Edwin
Riley. nged 03. Relatives and friends
Invited to services. Wed., 2.30 p. m., 015 N.
Marlvn road. Int private.
(nee Prlnz), widow of Frederick Schoen, aged
77 Residence, 2002 N. 0th st. Due notice of
funeral given
SEITZ. July 13. CHRISTOPHER F.. husband
of, late Christina Scltz (nee Ooehrlnger). aged
85. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral
services. Tues., 1 30 p. m., 1024 S, 27th st. Int.
Mt. Vernon Cem.
SEtTZ. July 12. DOROTHY, daughter of
Charles and Catharine Seltz, aged 5. Relatives
Business Schools
'Department of Commercial
Accounting (Degree of C. P. A.).
Advertising. Bookkeeping.
Cost Accounting.
Credits and Collections.
Markets and Prices, Merchandise.
Shorthand. Reporting.
Salesmanship (Retail & General.).
Corporation accounting and banking.
Plan reading, estimating.
Full particulars in special catalogs.
Stato course in which you are inter
ested nnd write, phone or call today for
catalog M-15.
llroad St. below Herks
Chestnut Hill Academy c,,i'.ennuna.11111,
A country day and boarding school 11 miles
from Philadelphia High standards of scholar
ship, unsurpassed equipment, gymnasium, swim,
mine pool, recreation building, three athletlo
fields, Special low rate for Ore-day boarder,
who .pend Saturday, nnd Sunday, at home.. For
catalog and full Information addre.a
J. L. l'ATTKHMIN, Headmaster
Roth Sots.
Thousands of Positions
For well-trained women Stenographer
and Bookkeeper. Ire the Oovernment Serv
ice. Yeomanry. Railroads. Business World,
etc Our course prepares you In a very
abort time at a very small cost. Call, write,
or pbons Locust 8898.
30-Day Business College
rarkWay UUg.. llroad & Ch.rry Sts.
Berlitz S4l
UlAWl (Over Illker & Htg
" I man'u Phirm.s.
nAttA all nv m ramt w -
2y aw nui gtlfsj imi,
Ceorsre School A hom Kilooi in the coun.
rats dormitories. Graduates succeed In college.
227 acre.. Athletic Catalogue. Ueo. A. Wsl
ton. A. M.. l'lln.. Box t85. Oeorge Meheel. Pa.
flNI.Y IIB.00. COM1T.KTF. rnitRHR
Stenography and Typewriting or Ilookkeeplnr.
Special Summer Rat.. Regl.t.r now.
Po.ltlon. po.ltlvely guaranteed.
Henool of llu.lnes. Kfftrleneyf 70S TYalnnt St.
TEACHERS WANTED; positions waiting; free
registration for college and normal graduate..
Modern Teacher.' Hureau. 1002 Market St.
STRAYER'S Tn nMt u"iss school.
jjnumavj 8th an4 Cnenut mrt
Position, guaranteed. Enttr now. Day or night.
Telegraph Bf.0?1' Vt ani1 n,nt ci....t.
1C1CS1UU 10S4 Areh Bti CaJ(
Ce-ctlcn.tVB.re tU youaar I
and friends Invited to funeral t... t
parenta' residence. 2420 1 W 1I.?V J t.
Mt. Peaco Cem " "rold ,,
SELLEN1IEIM. July 15 AT nrn -band
of Clara SeHennelmr'aged"?,"1',. .
and friends, tnembcra of Phil. 5?.' n'ttiS
cn-in. nuuurnir, juiv 13, onwii.- &saa
of James A. and Martha A sJrJVARt, ?
Itelatlves and , friend?. monemenV'H S
of 31st Ward. Invited to tuners! ?.!iF'"ln'S (H
2 p. m.. parents;, resldenci .sWW'tt Te? M
Int. Forrest 11111. Cem. Auto s.iViJ1"" 1
mains may be viewed Mon.. 8 in in ""
SHAW. July 14, SARAI . d.ught.P,-7-. i
and Mary Shaw, aged li yeiSI V" 'ttwfl
11. 1. live, on, I relet.. 1...1..S i'T 7 ran..??
7:30 a. m residence of parents0 nSri'-JVl" -J
st. (24th and Moore sts.) nT,h ?' Tfe l
, SMITH. July 14, WILLIAM A . .
Ilam and late Elizabeth SSmlth''re.n .".!
aged 02. Relatives n ?.i..mJIn..'n.'s AckuJi
, A"..'"J'' . funs?.?".!!"
1 .Ti.lde-Cem.:'V.a funera'l ca''Tt "r!.?. t S
iiiiioivic 1 vim, it 4uur
vled Tues , 8 p. rn.
Iltnru UCB . O Jl. 1(1. ", pgj
8TOLZ. July IB. MATILDA .t. .
Stolz (nee Wnhl). .'. A1 V.-i'l. " Jf JVJ
H n. m. "lUMfc.
Invited to funeral services, Wed .2 nt''1!!!
FranVford ave. Int. Chllen tinT. p, ?-. ltM :
viten to runeral service., Wed ,2 g ""
ranVford ave Int. Chehen HnTs hit'
alns may bo viewed Tues . afeir IP1
STOTT. July 15, JAMES. huJb.nPd e"f
ed Slott. Bed n4 n.to.i; -1 . -n,i of
vlted to funeral services. Wed.. S Vm",
Ollllnghnm St.. Frankford In! pfiV.?.- !'
',ni C-?.'- "'mains may beMee'JViS.
' Dr. I. P Strlttmntter (ne'e lftairRA,iiu?' J
and friends members of Archconfraterau.1 1
ViT ci . .''i. ncrPa Heart Learn. vi
ni ci,n;,i.1''. niviieu io luneral
a m , ii-.itf r in at. solemn high
nl, i ni'i b i.nurcn lu p. m 1
Cathedral Cem Auto funeral
Frleilerlrlta Wne-ne InaU Rt-,t -"".fiDd 6
iv , , :v f:.i . .iihv it. nirM . ..
ntivea and friends Invited to funeral ..V.5 ll
Tues., 2 p. m.. 217 E Tioga st (c7Enav,'",.i
Int clreenmoiint Cem Aitin ... ..i." 'Ji'SStL al
may be Mewed Mon., 8 to 10 p m "'""'M
WALSH. Tuly 11, JOHN son of lata MM. i
and Ellen Wnlsh. Relatives and ftfflj
vlted to funeral. Wed , 8 30 a m , resides..1!;
nephew, Wllllnm Smith, 8842 flnlcum ?'
Elmwood, High requiem mass st Ran..!:
Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Ceni M"
ll'lt.Tnv! l-.MMA I. u'll.TnMV.S . '
lato F Theo Valton, Esq in New TorVd? J
July 14. e?ed70 Services and Int at sSt I
Laurel iiiii. rues . juiy it 1 r. m ,J
WARR. July.14. JOHN WARR, Sr , V
bnnd of Hella Warr. Relatives ii 'hi.Vl." 1
organizations of which he was a member US
vlted to funeral services, Tues, 2 p, m V.3"
dence of son-ln-lavv. George Redles 207 E Wit
ter st., Oermantown. Int private "
WEilU July 13. MORTIMORE J ,0. j
Hannah ebb Daldivvlse and late Harrr f
Webb, aged 24 Relatives and friend, inrlijl
to funernl. Tues , 8 30 a m parent.' ,",7
dence. 0520 ' Owner nve w Thlla. m,h
St Clement's Church 10 n m Int St M.rS
Cem , Gloucester, N. J "n
WE1SSMAN July 14 MARY wife t Ft
tlan Welssman (neo Schilling), nged 73. t ,ll
tlves and friends Archconfraternlty ef ..,
Hoy Family, Sacred Heart League Altir :v.
clety of St. Peter's Church Invited to fu" rlf
Tues . 8 a. m.. 1743 N Warnock st Solei
requiem mass St. Peter's Church 0 a m fiC
St Peter's Cem. Auto funeral r
WOLF. Jufy 13, EMMA .VOMERS, wlf, rf
Albert Wolf and daughter of late George R .3
Susanna Price, Relatives and friends InViiiJ
to funeral services. Tues ,2pm, 2101 E. D.o.
Dnin si. iiu jirnaie, iiuisine uem.
.-i-inr nred 77. Relatives nnil frl.n. I.-.. . i
to funeral. Wed , 2 30 p. m., Ablngton, Pa. int I
n.lvnte 1
Anol.ril FREED. 3303 N 17TH ST
Parlors at jour disposal Phone Tioga 4JJJ,
Brandywinc Springs and
Shellpot Parks
Trolley fare to Rrandyvvlne Springs r.rk
and return 10c extra If purchased
with Wilmington tickets.
Special tickets will be sold dally, ex
cepting Saturdays, Sundays and holldari,
for Wilmington nnd return, 40c
WILMINGTON Kxc. BOci single. SO.
CIIESTKIl Exc, 25c I single, 15c
Direct Service to Pennsgrove
PMiarlairjrii& 7-30' ' tlOJO, MS. l.04
Fhliaaeipnia ,, 4 lri , 7 8J0 t8J(k
Wilminston ,T-30' 'B' 10 30 ',2- I1'-80'
Runs Saturdays and Sundavs.
tRegular stops at Pennsgrove
tstops at Pennsgrove Mondays only,
IStopa at Pennsgrove Sat and Sundays.
Vounc Men and Roys
Villnnnvn Classical & Commercial Counn.
Civil, Wectrlcal and Mechtnlei! i
Engineering. Registered Tre-Medlcal Coorw,
Preparatory School In connection with colleifc :
Tolentlne Academy for small boja on colltrs i
grounds. Easy access for day students. Cts-1
logue write Registrar, Ilox 70 Villnnov.. r.i
Nazareth Hall Military Academy
NAZARETH. PA. rounded 1743
A military academy for boys. College prepari-,
tory and business courses Senior. Intermeclatf
nnd Junior Depts. Vigorous athletic life id
military life. Address Military .Secretary. '.
Each boy developed for his best Strong
seDarnte Junior Tlent fntnlne.
A. II. Tomllnson. Headmaster, Swnrthmore. Tt 1
Because they are trained for leadership In p.e"
or In war. Collegiate courses In Civil Engineer. '
lor, Chemistry. Economics and Finance. SOtljj
year. Preparatory and Junior schools. Addrtan
Ilox SOS, Cheater, Ta.
"Tho West Point of the Keystone State"
arEBCEBsnpno. ta.
The Mercersburg Academy
FOR nOYS Merrersburg. ra.
ffm. Mann Irvine, l'h. D LL.U,. Headmutar,
School for Iloys. Prepares for colleges and aoj-
versuies. jiiagnineeni new ouuoing, nne couuu.
location, junior Dept. Rates 1300 to 1330. Ht
404. Hr. X m. II. Ree.e, Prln., Allentown. Ps. i
Bethlehem Prenarntorv School
Prepares for leading colleges. Extenslvs greuaJsj
A .11,1.11- 0.1.4 U.u kM. Cnl.lnMI. nn TMII.Ihl
John n. Tuggc'y.M.A..lleadmaatcr.Hcthlclieni.rfc jj
m. ivin lu A... .,. vv .e.ninrf
Lancaster, Pa. Founded 1707. Modern eulpmtij
throughout. Prepares boy. for leading colleiuj
and technical school. Term moderate. Adore.!
T.n.llelm.A.M..K.l.ll.rtmiin.A.I..l're...lWH 4U1
Blair Academy for Boys
Unusually healthful location, 12 miles from!
Delaware Water dap. 100-acre campus an MJ
tuililil. .Mini. . v,w. .uiyunii, w. w ."".... r
ulldlngs. Out-tn-the-open and athletlo g"i.ifl
rinoKl. wn.n..l..m Pr.MP.IInn fnr COlleg SH-Jll
technical achool.. Mlllf.ry drill. Visit Bw'l
and ee It. advantages. Write for catalog. , 1
J.ha C.Sh.rp.,LL.D.,Il..dm.itcr,B.i A,BIilnl.J,-''J
Yonng Women and Girl. .
College preparation. Rldlnr. canoeing. wjP'lj
mlnT aestKtla dancing. SEVEN OXBlZtjl
our nome ror lime gins. v.i.u. . , o.i
II. M. Orl.t. A. n. : Frances L. -Crls A, x
Principals. Box IBP8. Hwartnmore.ir.
iMta tsexe.
Winchester Preparatory School
11..nlln mtA tl.V R-tlAAl fflF ROy.
College Preparatory and nral mum. r
Catalog. Douglas Howe Adams. Hadin.'.j
. We .-';;
requiem eT.1: i
nt private, n,2 i
r rtiM' MieiSSZt
JrlenAt. atoa Qllvet U4m., .,.
.J,' . ' . r. " i ' - t-K.Cf?