te vV jjSTKA, Vf-"- V Aliening ffieiujer ?? pictures'" AMD SCI&PPLEe i ---- i in i . t. - -- MWMMHWHM I' ' ' "??i7 wHHHHHH v flBBBBBBBK!BflflBflBBBirB ilflB9HbHDIKBDHHffi!Bc: SsEwL-'i' HBiiutk!SIK'-n'ial ?UfK'j wiBBiBSIMnfa -IbH aa s' r BBBsBufiilflwti KsfwwtiitthHlHHCiBlHHBjHll LB' TBBBBMBaWBTBHffnHiilTiHffi 'TfiiffliTTBWaiTiiffi'iBiBwBiB aLB I aB lHXt&twWiK i 5? StSyBs TCt " GnMQBJf Wk73$U' aBBKBBLaaBBBLB BaLaBB BBfc"ii''Sut3&faBm Hsbk4ELLB BmCbB it' iP S3 bbbbbbB t9B?Ew"T . I KtKmSm&w$$&t?M ' HHB PaT7J Bb9HIbbk&9 bbIR 9a&laSH fBWaMMBJ tW w bLbLB flflBBB uuwai flflBSB V wjBBBIB ifefraMp BReSR 1 i LuHbbVhbbR aBLW i. LfH&Ki&lL DviSbB $SB$?'ji5 LVlR iLLBmL ''"V's? i , iSwImw HtSC?' vt $iici jjtjib BbbbB wtoii rffij'jPiTBIL ZTl-t y siSER' 9Si p gjfcB? J&B jMfliuBF 'MLLBsLflsfat I.. I nH-iftT VTft i ..'.l ,' ' ; ., " ,.,,',. ...i'.. t.'.'A.y?' ' "'..' '' ' ' .''8fl PHILADELPHIA ORANGEMEN CELEBRATE BATTLE OP' Tilt, tiUiUE Despite tho inclement weather, ninny men and women attended tho annual festivities at Woodside Park yesterday. Above are shown officers and speakers present. They are, left to right, Joseph Bruch; A, McClintock, supremo grand master; Jay V. Forrest; Dr. H. E. Rhodes, supreme grand tntV( Jnmos Rourk; John MacFarland, Red Cross speaker, and Samuel A. Wilson. .. .Ml ' .tf. .t 7 .. T .. i. tt X . ..' 1W? . ixu L . V .i . ; .&amiM I iTMBX"! rfin VnTfuil R- S -J S; wH iBRiltir &tt$0$4: -BBBBw-iF;- :U-, isM& $C IBsHBHBMy "i. w i? 3 4 Sap ?f BMMJJ' ''HK-- HIHSmR' ilSll Miawy, HUBlv :wmLr iBBBBBBK'ViidBEBP4W THE BAGPIPE ALWAYS DRAWS A GOOD-SIZED CROWD It was no unusual thintr during the Orangemen's celebration at Woodside Park to see the visitors assemble 'round the pipers and their pipes. William Henry, of the Caledonian Band, is furnishing plenty of amusement for his friends in the picture shown above. I'tiolo by Harris & Ewlng LIEUT. COLONEL CHARLES E. KUTZ Lieutenant Colonel Kutz has quit his position as engineer commissioner of the District of Columbia, preferring to help the United States in its war against German autocracy as a member of the engineer corps in France. The Young Lady Across the Way fflfljF Tho youns lady across tho way says fiho saw in tho paper that they were talking about using tho centigrade thermometer In this country and Bhe supposes It wouldn't be any hotter than It Is now under tho regular avoir dupois one. Change Ruth Is an alchemist, I know, And so I'll have to drop her. For every time I'm out with her My stiver turns to copper. Widow. ARABELLA WINTERBLOSSOM, DUSKY VICTOR OF A THOUUv? BATTLES. MEETS HER MATCH IN THE POWERFUL KATRDwf V TnE PADDED CELL iCotrrljW M 'M) 1. Wtv lly FONTAINE FOX - - - " I A1MT IT ? x-7v- ( y E Been kwrrinA I ' SWEATER vim, V S. I HO. & NEEDLES AW I " I WANTED TO (JS& :"' - A Wise Woman i "1 have here," said the ageat, ? utensil that no housekeeper ctn 4 ford to bo without." J "What Is It?" asked the womu tho door. "It's a combined corkscrew, of opener, pocketknlfe, screwdrlTi;" tackhammer, glasscutter and" ,'i "Hold on a minute. I don't wist one of these things." i "Why not?" S "By keeping all these tooli k rate It Is Impossible for my hmlurf to lose more than one at a UmtV Toledo Times. Forewarned 1 Mjim. , -' XjitiK ' 'h JiHi ii'.'-' jSWilv s n IPS!! .;,'BSS fniBBfilf 111 w835!BwJBb 4 Pearon' Wilj.7 Cuthbert (to pretty girl) Is tin i next to you engaged, miss? Miss No ; but I am. And h'i Ft to get In at the next station. Making Both Ends Meet The Faailnr Show. District Visitor Tell me, little boy, why are your trousers tied under your boots like that? Llttla Boy So that I shan't grow out ot them. PREPAREDNESS FIRST aV '. C . I, X1, ' Kiuuio llu lUu Oj?1 i-LiN ItOMPINu IN FKltNuo' wlunoukliOOD GUILD PLAYGROUND I tb congested section of Philadelphia, which was once the eastern part af Spring Garden, there are many pretty little children and few alMM "wMw tfr pUy- JTh Jyjtrcund of the Friend' Neijpbborhood Guild, ,at Fourth and Gtmb streets, is now opea to them from 0 SQjjjoB DAYS By DWlG rfiSN (MSfo TSfcr - t-WJ i . w . j:. cui ' tl. - 11 " ' ' 1 ' ' 1 i iii I , I - V ;- r. . - l.' a 1H ,'v uc,'n: . btk' i gs .- .7X 11 KrSS" xr afflaaBB H "eS'f"-' became desperate, and on JJJ1IJP Jyindon Oplolot First Tommy (as order to go over comes down) See that! They ain't Hffi boi us lapea. Tnais a machine gun right over our ladder. Second Tommv Blimev 1 First Tommy 'Ere, I know you 'op up Hrst while I go back and look for Ujf Biiciuucr-uearerB you II oe needing. Worth the Risk 31 Kor three successive nights ""il and proud father had walked th Svl with the baby. On the fourtn 'l"-l became desperate, and on 'JJ,J nomo irom tno onice unni"- bottle of soottnner syrup. 9 "Oh, James," exclaimed hl w ...t..H .u. n. u ioKi "what bw i xi n.ntt vnll ZSOV jruu uuy inai ion www -- -fclld' ii is very aangerous iu b" - -j nnvlUni. lib hn?" - n't ,.,.. th hulbufi tired reply "I'm going to takt It TO self f ;Tit-BIts. 'f Alovstcs'ftjeril , IBS yiofctWP. fry, An Uncertain Destination'! Tb. Brt"!j "Can I sea Mr Jones. pUa " 'vym gorn, air. "Ha hp been called Up?" "I ain't sure -whtlu n ''.-,f r:. .v -..