Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 13, 1917, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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Hours of Turmoil in Camden Succeed Thirsty Guards
man's Adventurous Excursion to
a Saloon
" Out of many hourg of turmoil nnd smoke
Hi which flashing bayonets 'nnd riot calls
punctuated the excitement comes tho fol
lowing flock of thrills from Camden-on-the-Delaware.
The scene Is laid around the neighborhood
of Thirtieth and IVcstfteld nvenue, whero
the Second IlOKlmcnt Armory Is now nvwlt
Inc a call to the front,
But It appears that some of the guards
men And thnt waiting Is a secrc tax to
human thirst. This was especially the case
with four of the mon who were under mili
tary arrest. They were detailed to haul
supplies to a freight station at KrOnt nnd
Stevens streets, A mounted sentry went
with them to be sure that they would know
the way back, The sentry had to attend to
some details nt the station, and while ho
was doing so his horse and one of tho pris
oners dlsappeaicd Ho phoned to tho regi
mental headquarters, tclllngof tho escape,
and then dashed nbout Camden with tho
other prisoners looking for tho kidnapped
The sentry spied tho missing nnlmal
standing riderless In front of James Mul
lln's saloon at Fifteenth and Federal streets
The man who took tho horse was In Chil
ian's clothes and was In the act of taking
a drink before the bar The sentry told
the bartender tho customer warf an enlisted
man and should not bo allowed liquor A
few loiterers In tho saloon butted Into the
matter and expressed disapproval if tho
sentry's actions. They made a dash for
htm and he was obliged to draw his bao-
II Kronprinz Avrebbe Forzato le
Dimissioni del Cancellicrc Tc-
desco, Si Dice
Lo Truppe Italiane Ricncciaso gli Au-
striaci dalla Sommita' del
Monte- Col Bricon
ROMA, 13 Lugllo.
Una crlsl plu' grave dl quaUla-d nltra mal
rerlflcatasl n-ll'impcro tedesco, crlsl cho
dlmostra II malcontcnto cho Incomlncla n
erpegglare non tanto nel popolo quanto nel
uol rapprcscntantl al Reichstag, si c' dc
termlnata In lierllno o mlnaccla serle con
ieguenze. In queitl clrcoll politic! natural
Jnento sl segue con grando Intcresso 11 pro
gredlro della crlsl, ma nessuno sl fa an
cora Illusion! ecccsslo sullo sue consc
ruenre. SI crede nnzl cho 11 Kaiser rlus
dra ancora a domlnaro la sltuazlone, tanto
plu' che sembra che la popolazlone sl man
tenga calma o cho la tempesta sl.a per ora
clrcoscritta nel llmltl del Itelchstag.
Le notlzlo cho sl hanno dalla Gcrmanla
attraverso la Sv Izzcra e l'Olanda sono ancora
contrndlttorle La sltuazlone sembra con
fusa e lo e' veramente. Pcro' sl npprendc
da Amsterdam cho oggl tutto 11 gablnctto
tedesco rassegnera' lo suo dimissioni nclle
Jnani del kaiser. Icrl sl tenno a Uerllno
tin conslgllo della corona a cul partccipaa
anche 11 kronprinz Ora sl dice cho lo
dimissioni slano causato da parccchl fat
tori, tra cul II kronprinz 11 qualo avrebbe
costretto II cancclllere Bcthmann-llollwcg
a dlmetters! pcrche' mentro cgll. 11 kron
prinz, e' per la contlnuazlono della guerra,
II cancellltro vorrebbs la concluslone della
pace. Altra reglono sarebbe qucsta. cho II
Itelchstag ha rlflutato dl votaro 1 credltl
Per la guerra, ammontantl a circa fifteen
mlllardl dl marchl a mono che 11 governo
non faccla dlchlarazlonl cspllclto a rlguardo
della pace e delle rformo polltlchc, do' cho
11 governo avrebbe rlflutato dl fare
Uno del membrl della mlsslono ltallana
agll Statl Unltl, Ton. Francesco Kaverlo
Jtfittl, lntervlstato da un redattoro del Petit
Farlslen In trcno tra Parlgl o Roma, ha
dlchlarato quanto segue:
"OH Statl Unltl sono formamonto decl-d
ad aiutare flnanzlaniamento gli nlleatl del
l'lntesa, t l'accordo a questo rlguardo e"
complete Lo difTlcolta' sorgono quando t
vlene alia qulstione dl organizzare 1 metodl
dl collaborazlone tra Statl Unltl ed alleati
iikusiuu uej viven o uei trasportl. SI
tratta dl crcare una enorme organlzzazlone
cho fa sorgere incertezze facilmente splega-
"Ad ognl modo una cosa e' certa OH
State Unltl hanno plena coslenza delle
responsabillta' che sl sonno addossate, e
percio' troveranno certamento ll mezzo dl
conclllaro 1 bisogni degll alleati, che sono
Innanzl tutto economlcl, con 11 desldcrlo dl
dare a nol assistenza milltare. La dtfflcolta'
Bta nel problema del transportl.
"Posso agglungero cho l'accordo tra gli
alleati e" perfetto Nessuna dlcrgenza dl
vedute e' mal sorta tra I rappresentantl
dell'Intesa e gli statl Unltl. VI sono nat
uralmente dlscusslonl, flnanco divlslonl in
tatto dl dettagll, ma nelle Unco gcnerall
laccordo e' perfetto "
leri sera II Mlnlstero della Guerra pub
bllcava II seguente rapporto del generate
Cadorna circa la sltuazlone alia fronte
Nella valle del Travlgnolo con un vlgo
roso contrattacco nol abblamo ricacclato
un reparto nemlco che nella notto era
rlusclto a glungere ad uno del nostrl
Iff posti avanzatl sulla Bommlta' del Col
Sul rlmanente della fronte dl battaglla
sw,,u uvuia suiiaiiiu uzioni intermit-
tentl dl artlgllerla.
Mandano da Petrograd che le forzo russe
del generate Kornlloff hanno avanzato per
circa 25 mlglla negll ultlml quattro glornl.
II numero del prigionlerl presl In questl
ultlml giornl dalle forzo russo e" notevole
Kornlloff occupa ora la rlva occldentale del
flume Lomnica,
Da Londra mandano che I tedeschl hanno
attaccato vlolentemente lo llnce tenuto
dagll tnglesi nel settore dl Monchy, in
Belglo, ed hanno ottenuto successl al prin
ciple Pero" plu' tardl la loro avanzata o
stata. arrestata dal sopragglungere dl
rlnforzl alls truppe InglesL E' proba
blle che questa mossa sla stata tentata dal
tedeschl per mascheraro prelevamentl dl
truppe su altri settorl della fronts dl bat
taglla per lnviarlo alia fronte russa,
The fact that scores of Glrard College
alumni are In service In the arlous
tranches of the nation's military and naval
forces Is shown In a partial list which Is
being compiled by F. A. Ilonlcker, secre
tary of the Alumni Association of the cot.
,' Seven men are with the Ninth Regiment
tji xjfcnmi-eer iicoerreB. umwi are in training
8 s to the regular army, the navy, reserve om-
er-r training camps unu tunouianco serv
ice. One of the recent contributions of the
alumni Is an ambulance for the American
Held service in France. The purchase price
for the. machine was $1600 and contribu
tions are being given regularly for mainte
nance. Joy Riders Must Pay for Damages
WOODBURY, N J. July l In special
curt Lewis B. Tuttls andOeorge Edwards
'& ,pladl aunty to a charge or stealing aa
r i snti His li law vtaf. rinr itm. Tmrlw
.. m.w rwt fw www MWiiat
I&i2i "?.
net to keep them off Incidentally, It Is said,
the gutrdsman got his drink.
On reaching tho street It was discovered
that tho men In tho wagon had disap
peared JuH at that moment the sentry
saw the troops ho sent for coming up the
street Ho fired his revolver nnd pointed
to three men fleeing In the distance. Then
tho sentry Jumped n trolley nnd took the
tnirsty guardsman back to headquarters.
So let's follow tho guardsmen who chased
tho fleeing prisoners Policeman Wilson
happened to hear shots nnd saw tho chase.
Ho concluded It was a fight between the
soldiers nnd tho men of tho town nnd
turned In n riot call Ho also Joined In
tho chase nfter tho prisoners Hut the sol
diers wnnted no Interference and two of
them drew bayonets, compelling tho cop
to retreat Ho was later Joined by the
men who nnswered the riot call. They
started after tho soldier, who had mean
whllo captured tho fleeing prisoners.
Following bursts of Indignation, threats
and other bubbles of wrath, tho soldiers
explained that they wero simply chasing
men who had Irltd to deert
On receiving a report of the trouble,
Major Morton, of the Third Battalion, Sec
ond Ueglment, closed Mullln's saloon for
two hour because the bartender sold to nn
enlisted man, It Is said nfter being warnod
Incidentally tho matter will bo taken bc
foro tho Camden I'xclio Hoard It Is Inti
mated that In the future," tho military au
thorities will rinse saloons that sell liquor
to men contrary to tho recent law.
Diet Passes Bill Virtually Es
tablishing Nation's Com
plete Liberty
Tho Finnish Diet yesterday passed tin
second reading of n bill virtually establish
lng Finnish independence.
Tho Introduction of tho bill has created
a terlous crlxls In Petrograd. Is. C.
Tcheldse, president of the Council of "Work
men's nnd Soldiers' Delegates, has gono to
Helslngfors In an effort to settle the differ
ences. A1 Irirlfpntlnn nt ,Vin .,.f .,.,.. . uA
situation was n lato sitting of tho Petro-
Kiau k,auiner. anu a election of Premier
Lvoff to summon back to tho capital tho
Ministers who nro now with the army.
According to the Ulrzhcviya, M. Lvoff's
Socialist colleagues declaro themsolvcs in
tirlnrlnln It, m..,.!,!... .. 11. i.-i,nMj
Tho Premier and other Ministers belong-
im i" mo Liiuinec party recuse to allow
Finland to determine her relations with
Russia, Insisting sho must wait until the
meeting of tho constituent assembly.
Tho comment of the newspapers In Petro
grad Is sharp Tho Retch declares It is
impossible for Russia to tolerate Finland's
moe. Tho Dlrzhela hints at armed In
terference, sajlng Russia Is now nbout to
make a last attempt toward a peaceful
According to tho present program, Hel
slngfors will today put the bill passed yes
terday Into force "by simple declaration"
meaning without Russia's sanction This
is tho first formal denial of Russia's suze
rain rights
The law which was engineered by the
Socialists, proclaims that Russia has lost
all authority In Finland except In the do
mains of diplomacy and In tho army and
navy, wherein,, howeer, Russia's rights are
AH other prerogatives of the Grand Duke
of Finland which the provisional Go em
inent claims passed automatically to It be
long to Finland Specifically tho Diet as
sumes' the Grand Duke's right to put Into
execution tho law, comoke and prorogue
the Legislature and appoint a supremo ex
ecutlc The Governor General is not mentioned
in tho law. nnd as no functions nro left
him ho Is virtually superseded. Telegrams
from Helslngfors declaro that after the
promulgation of the law tho Diet will nn
point Its own Senate. '
Lower Merlon Eligibles Numbering
2934 Can Learn Number3
Lower Merlon township's list of eligibles
for tho draft.' with the list of Narberth
borough, arrived today at tho Lower
Merlon police station, Ardmore. The list
contains 2934 names, but Is not arranged
alphabetically, and Robert M MacRey.
nolds. assistant clerk. Is working on It, so
that eligibles who want to learn their
numbers can do so quickly.
The list Includes the names of men who
registered In Villanova, Rosemont. Bryn
v?Z,,iiIaV;?ford" ATr,dmorc' Wynnewood.
Gladwyne ' 'a' Cymvyd ani
Tho Cheltenham Hot will be posted at
some central point In that section.
What to Buy, What Not,
in City's Produce Market
rpHE continued unfavorable weather
ha3 caused the market to remain
virtually tho same as yesterday, with
the exception of potatoes.
Cabbage, beets, carrots, rhubarb,
scalhons, lettuce, onions, water
melons, cantaloupes, peaches, black
berries. Onions and lettuce are begging for
sale. Theso are perishable prod
ucts and the patriotic housewife will
buy these now and use them freely
on her table. This will serve tho
double purpose of preventing waste
and saving staples and nt the, same
timq encouraging the farmer to con
tinue growing the crop in the future.
Watermelons continue comparative
ly plentiful for this season and are
cheap considering tho distance from
which they come. Tho demand for
these Georgia melons is sure to in
crease as soon as the sun brings the
hot weather ngain. Potatoes are
more reasonable today. . They sold
for from $4 to ?5 a barrel whole
sale. SCARCE
Green com, lima beans, tomatoes,
strawberries, pineapples, huckleber
ries, grapefruit, peas, asparagus,
eggplants, plums, cherries, bananas,
new harvest apples.
Cauliflower, cucumbers, celery,
garlic, okra, parslev, romaine, pep
pers, squash, gooseberries, oranges,
lemons, kale, spinach, currants,
string beans, raspberries, potatoes.
Raspberries have dropped out of
the plentiful column and are now
only normal in supply due to the
rainy weather preventing picking.
The same thing is true of string
hpnm. At nrARPnf. ihn imnntv nt
Jtlwm U very limited.
Beautiful Mno Murray Charms
the Eye, and "At First Sight"
Tickles the Brain
Dy the Photoplay Editor
ARCADIA "At rirt Rlshl." I.atky-rsra-
mount, with Man Murray and Bam Hardy
Htnry by floors Mlddlcton. Directed by
lloberl O Leonard
It Is difficult to write "whim" over your
door nnd jet manage to be conlnclng, but
Lasky has done It here This delightful
little picture shows what can bo accom
plished In tho wuy of gentlo humor when
conventional situations are enlivened with
tho fresh Inflections of a keen nuthor nnd
n talented director Nothing could bo moro
cut and dried than tho central complication
of tho girl whose heart Is caught on the
rebound, and nothing could bo moro at
tractive and lively than tho way It has
been handled by Mr Mlddleton and Mr
Leonard Add to the merits of the photo
play lighting of extraordinary beauty, rich,
ness nnd depth, nmuslng nnd spontaneous
nctlng nnd clever cutting nnd jou hao one
of tho best pieces that havo romo from
Faramount's laboratories In months. Then
there Is Miss Murray, engaging Miss
Murray, with her lmlf-splrltual, half-voluptuous
beauty. Gazing nt her ono understands
tho sin of Tarls nnd why tho splendor of
Greek manhood flung Itself for ten onrs
against the walls of Troy. Sometimes two
eyes nre worth tho sack of a great city,
"Constant Reader"' It Is sold that
Charles Chaplin's nationality is Hrltlsh
though ho was born In France.
There was much gossip yesterday about
the future of tho Oarrlek nnd Forrest Thea
tres It was rumored that either plavhouso
would becomo a first-run Paramount fea
ture establishment To check tho" impend,
ing flood of denials, tho photoplay editor
wishes It understood that ho has no olllclal
knowledge of tho matter and merely prints
the report for what It may be worth to
William S Hart has definitely nllled him
self with Artcraft. and will release all Hart
'subjects through that channel Thomas H
Ineo will supervise the productions, ns ho
did for "Rill" In their Trlanglo ilajs Hart
starts work soon on a new film, written
by f Gardner Sullivan, nuthor of many
of the Kny-Ueo successes. Of course,
Triangle will fight the move. Meanwhllo
It's announced thit Charles Ray nnd
Hnld Ilennett will bo featured by Inco In
Paramount pictures
The Rurton Holmes battery of rapld-flro
cameras has been heard from : one section,
under command of Mr Holmes personally,
has Just sailed from Sydney, Australia, via
the Philippines en routo to China nnd Japan,
alter the conquest of everything plcturesquo
nnd Interesting In N'cvv Zealand nnd Aus
tralia. What with "shooting" tho Maoris
of tho former nnd tho Dushmen of tho lat
ter country, ns well as tho gejsers, vol
canoes, largo cities, mountains, sheep
ranches, cattle ranches, rivers nnd TJords
of ono or the other, Mr Holmes feels that
his campaign has been most successful
Mrs Holmes nnd Herford T. Cowling nc
company him The second section of the
Holmes battery, with Louis Francis Rrown
In charge, has Just sent In 25,000 feet of
exclusive pictures from FIJI, Samoa, Tonga
and Hawaii,
Tho Lusltanla Is getting popularrr every
day, ns Carroll's Alice would sny. De Mlllc
sank her In "The Little American," nnd
now Lewis J Sclznlck Is nbout to spring
a photodrama on the pubUc, featuring
Rita Jollvet, which Is built around that
dlro happening Miss Jollvtt Is nn honcst-to-goodness
survivor It was to her that
the late Charles Frohman Is snld to hnvo
remarked at the crisis on board: "Why
fear death? It Is the great adventure"
Tho story will bo true to fact, but will bo
worked out fictional!-
ANDERSON July 11. CHARLOTTn, wife of
William r Anderson find daughter of late Jo
seph and Elizabeth Schafter. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral, Hat., 2 p. m , 2730
C it. Int Oakland Cem
ASHMHN' At renldenee of daughter Mrs
Ora I, Vail, Hewell N J July 11. ANTIIUNY
E , husband of late Harah E Ashmen Relatives
and friends invited to servlres hat , 1' p m ,
Olher II Hair Bide . Ib20 Chestnut st , l'hlla.
Int private
nrAJIER. July 0. SAMUEL H . husband of
Jemima E Reamer (neo llarrop) Relatlven
nnd friends, members of Camp No. 25, P. O.
S of A., and other lodses of which ho was a
member, Invited to funeral services Run, 1 p.
m , 440 Henry st , Camden, N J. Int. private,
Mt Morlah Cem
C9. at 1101 Penn at , Harrlsbure, Pa Relatives
and friends invited to services. Sat , 2 p. m , at
above addresa Int. llarrtsburv Cem.
CARNET July 10, TATRICK, husband of
Mary A Carney (nee 8ilmon) and boi of lata
Michael and Ann Carney, of Parish of Kuork
County Mayo, Ireland Relatives an 1 frl.'ndd
Invited to funeral, hat . 8 30 a m , 3711 Rrun
dywlne st.. West Phlta. High requiem mass
Ht Aeatha's Church 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross
CERNOIC July 11. JULIA, widow of John
Cernok need Gil Relatives and friends Invited
to funeral, Sat., 2 p. m , 313 Noble st. Int.
Monument Cem
CLAIR. July 11. 252 S. Alden st , WALTER
W husband of I,ydla t'latr (nee Wakefield)
Relatives and friends, Washington Camp, No.
313, 1. O H. of A . Aeolian I'astle, No. .'148.
K O E Thomas Jefferson Temple. No 12,
O of U. A. and Men's Brotherhood of Bethany
Temple Invited to funeral services, Hat, 2 30
p. m . parlors of William II Chew S. W. ror.
60th and hpruce sts. Int Pernwnod Cem Re
mains may be viewed Frt . S to 10 p. m. Auto
COLES. July 12. CHARLES n COLES, seed
75 Relatives and friends invited to funeral,
residence of brother, Asa Coles, Mulllca Hill N.
J, Mon. 10 a m Bervlcea nt house. Int.
Presbyterian Cem.. Daretown, N. J
CORRY July 11. AONES C, wife of Robert
Corry. Relatives und friends Invited to funeral,
Sat., 2 p. m into S 10th st Int Northvvood
Cem. Remains may be viewed I'rl eve. Auto
COSTELLO At nrldeernrt. Ta., July 12,
LOUELLA M (nee Farrell), wife of Joseph
Costello Due notice of funeral clven.
CRAWFORD July 11. HARRY, husband of
Catharine A Crawford (ree Price) Relatives
nnd friends, Yolo Tribe, No 377, Imp. O. It M .
U. 8. Orant Circle, No 73, 11. of A . Phlla.
Record Relief Assn , Invited to funeral services.
Mon., 2pm, 2527 Tulip st Int private. Hill
side Cem Remains may be viewed Bun., after
8 p. m Auto service
DAHL July 10 CARSTEN DAHL, husband
of Johanna Dahl, aed 00 Relatives und friends,
employes Penna hhlpbulldlne Co , and nil so
rletles of which ha was a member, invited to
funeral. Sat , 2 p. m.. 051 H. Front at. Int.
Fernvvood Cem Remains may be viewed Frl.
DALE July 11, CAROLINE DALE, daugh
ter of late Peter and Catharine Dale. Rela
tives nnd friends Invited to funeral services,
ft.U , 1 30 p. m , residence. 512 Washington ave.
Int. private. Northvvood Cem. Atito service
DANIELS July 10, WILLIAM J , son of late
William Ball and Cynthia E. Daniels. Rela
tives and friends. Welcome Lodge, No 433, K
and A M.I Lodge I O O. F.. and the employes
of Henry Daniels A Bros, Invited to funeral,
Hat., 2pm, 2214 W. Cumberland st. Int. Mt.
Peace rem.
DART. Suddenly, ihuly 12. ERWARD C, hus.
band of Ella Dart. Funeral, to which relatives
nnd friends, Neshamlny Tribe. No. 23. 1. O. R
M.; Southwark Nest, No 1013 O. of O, are
Invited, Pun.. 1:30 p. m, 01 Dudley st. Int.
private, Fernwood Cem Auto service.
58. Relatives acd friends, Wyalualnc Tribe. No.
5H, I O. R, M., Sincerity Chapter, No 7. O. K.
of F.: Otonemen'a Fellowship. Invited to fu
neral. Sat.. 2 p m., 8309 Krall st.. Falls of
Schuylkill. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem
DAVISON. Suddenly, .ljly 11. JOSEPH P
DAVISON, son of John W and' Ellen E. Davi
son (nee Staclcpole), aged 16 Relatives and
friends. St. Charles's 11. V. M. Sodality. Holy
Name Society and pupils of the Boys' Roman
Cathollo High School, Invited to funeral, Mon.,
b 30 a. m , parents' residence. 2112 Christian
st. Solemn requiem mass Bt Charls's Church
10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem
DeCOSTER. Suddenly. July 0. HENRY SEY
MOUIt. son of Mary R. and late A. Warren
DeCostsr. Relatives and friends Invited to serv
ices. Sat., 11 a. m., 420 S. 43th st. Int, prl-
daughter of Stephen C and Isabella Denning
(nee Sttnson), aged 0. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral. Mon.. 2 p. m . parents' rest
dence. 2603 8. , 11th st Int. Fernwood Cem.
Friends may call sun. eve.
DOItKIN July 11. JAMES J., husband cf
Eleanor Durkls (nej Dougherty), aged 34. Rela.
tlvea and friends. Holy Name Society of Immac
ulate Conception Church, Electrical Aid Society,
employes Dell Telephone Co., Invited to funeral,
Mon. 8 30 a. m . S73 Beechwood st. Solemn
requiem high mass Immaculate Conception
Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem.
Auto funeral.
KLL1NQER. At Line Lexington, July 10,
WILLIAM, husband of Wllliamuia Klllng.r,
aged J. Ketatlyss nd friends. Admiral Da
Pont Post. Nt. 24. O. A. It . Invited o funeral.
Bat., 3 P. m.. residence of daughter, Mrs. Anna
txurevta, J5i,Parktr.ave , Cotllngdale. Pa, jnv
lirtmiriTriJY r r mmAmjmm i
. FLAQUER Suddenly, July 11, JOHN, hus
band of Jessie E. l'laquer, aged 40. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral, flat., 1 p. m
51U Columbia ave Int Hillside .Cem. Auto
funeral. Remains may be viewed rrl., T to B
"'FLnMINO July 1ft. WILLIAM. Sr , husband
of Anna Fleming snd son of late James and
Eleanor Flemlne Relatives and friends. Key
stone Council, No. 11 O of I. A , Engine Co
No is. Relief Asso of Phlla HreDept., in
vlted to funeral. snt., 2 p. m 362.V Cresson st ,
Wlssnhlcknn Int. Wee' Laurel Hill Cem.
Friends msy call Frl eve,
of S Alfred Ford Funeral services resldencn of
rephew. Dr. C F Mirtln, 31 S 50th at. Mon.,
12 tn Int private Pittsburgh papers cony.
OAllIirjTT July 12. at Abseeon, N J,,
CltARI.FS A , husband of Elisabeth 8 Cadwnl
lndr Oarrrtt aged m Relatives nnd friends
Invited tn futv-ral services Sat . 8 p. m . Abse
eon N I. Further services nnd Int. Homerton
(P A ) M i: Church Hun 2 p. m
omill.i: At Manhelm Pa . July 12,
LACRA II daughter of Ailim I and latherln
tllhble nged 1.1 Relitlvra and friends Invited
to fanernl services Hat 3 p. m parents' resl
denre 101" Main nt liarbv. Pa Int strictly
private Friends may mil i'rl H to u p m.
OIIISOV July 12 1 I.ORA JEAN, daughter
of late George If. nnd Rebecca Wllllsms (Slb"on.
Funeral services Mon , 3 n in , 5210 Morris at.,
Grmnntnun Int private .
diughter of Hirry A nnd l.dni Herrmann
rnee. Sharp! nged 0 Due notlco of funeral given,
lis t:. Wvomlnc ave.
HILTOV Near .Mnorestonn N. J, Seventh
Month 11th JOSEPH L IIIIION aged 41)
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral.
Heenth-day. Seventh .Month 11th. 2 pm, late
resldnce Mnoristouh Int t'oleslovvn Cem,
'nnvennfes will nvet 12 I p. m. train from
Mt. Holl and 12 is p m. train from Market
st ferry at IlTMfurd
IKlKKMANV .Suddenly Julv 10 JOHANNA
M. Itnrr.MAN'N ngfd nt Relatives and friends
Invited to funeril Hat . ln-10 n. m rcsldnro
nf husband l'rnnk I. Hoffmann near Sewell,
V. .T Hitllres at house, tnt VVennnah Cem.. N
J Cnnvejnnres will meet 0 13 and 10 IS a. m
trn'ns nt Sewell
Ht'TCIIlSON At Chlcnpo Dw S7, 1010,
lAMITEI, ANDREWS 111' rCIH.SO.S, aged 57.
Int. Westminster Cem., Sat, July 14 10 30
'IIIITTON July 11, DOROTHY M., only
daughter of Annlo A and late Frank C Hut
ton aired 14 Relatives nnd friends Invited to
funrsl. Hat , s 10 a tn., mother's residence
2V1 N. Uith st Requiem rmss Church of tho
Most l'n clous Blood nt Our Lord 10 a m. Int.
" iosr. Julv 12 MARY E JONT.t, vvlfo of
Washington Jones Relatives nnd friends In
vited to fumral hun 12 10 p in l.'S Her
mitage st M-innuink Int. private Norrls Cltv
t em Nnrrlstnwn P-t ll-nnlns mn be lewd
Sat, 7 to 0 p, m Nnrrlstnwn pspers copv.
JOVE1. Illlv 12 MARY A. lOS'ES Rela
tlves and friends lnvltrd to ntl Sun. s to 10 p.
m residence of her daurhtr Sirs Ida Ben
nutn 1111 Euclid nve s rvbes and Int. at
Ulrilletreo Md , Mnn p in
M-IEVAN Jul 10 HIlinnET A., wlfo of
Inbn K mn nnd diuuhtir if late Samuel and
Ann O Donnell Relntlvia nnd friends Sodality
of i ho ll. V M of St Inhn the Baptist Church
nnd Mnnnyunk Court No le Laillns 1' of A..
Inltid lo funeral hat H O n tn . I01S Dexter
Bt. MnnnMtnk. Hob inn nqulem muss Ht John
the Baptist churili 10 n m. Int. Westminster
I.ER husband of late Itoslna Krnenrler (nee
Kreltler). aired hj Relatives and friends also
tni-mbers of Schiller ljoriip-. No. US. I. O o
I' Invited to funeral Hat . I 10 p. in . from
Inte residence, U.'a l'urrlslvst Int Ml. Ver
non t em
I.AKI- At nrenn Cltv, N JsT Julv 11, Rev
S WESLEY LAIC1J Relatives nnd friends, all
soclitles of which h was n number. Invited
to funirnl acrvires, Hat, 10,10 a. in. In Audi
torium ocan City, N. J Int Halcm t-ein ,
Pleasantvllle. N J.
y Ife nf William It Lnckhnrt nnd daughter of
Margaret S nnd late John N Phillips Rela
tives and friends Invite1 to fumral sorvictx,
Mnn , 2 p in rcsidinco of mother piJ'l H
inth st Int Mt Moriali Cm Ri mains may
lw ewe,l hun s o 10 p m
If husnind of Clan I Machemer (nee
h'hnritrer). aged .Hi It. lathes and friends In
vited to funeral i-ervleis Hun J p m. 32U0
1 nmkford live Int Uri enmnnnt ( im
MVI ONP July Ul I'l.rr.It husbnnd of
Cnllmrlno Malono. ltelatlws and friends nlv
No 5, A O 11 . emi.lovis of 1' R R. Invited
to funeral .Mnn, h .lb a m 3s 1 ranklln nv ,
Host mont, Pa Solemn rtqulem mass St
Thomas s Church, lllannva. 10 a m. Int. St
Denis a ! m Auto funeral
M iiNM.Lt, luly In SARAH, widow of
klne .MM'iinnc II RelatKes ui'l friends Invited
tn funirnl nervlre Hat 1 p m residence of
son In law Rov lllmes, 2s.'9 Altir St. Int Mt
Mori ih cm Remains ma bo viewed Frl.. 8
to til " m u0 p,.rij(e
';"';RIY At rimsantvllle N. J. July 11.
rRANKI IV w , Sr , husband of Nnoml J Mr
Curd Relative nnd friends Invited lo fn
nerat, Ij I: Edgewnter live. Pleasantvllle, N
J 1 rl p m , , also tit ht lames a P L
Chapel, tltll st nnd Woo Hand ave., Fhllt,
hat 1 p. m Int St James's Cem
,.,.!.r:llMOTT J"1 "' JOHN MeDER
M'vrT Relatives and friend" St Charles s
IIolv Name Society, implcijos S H White Den
tal Mfg Cn Invited to funeral Sat 8 30-a m,
-001 Kimball st holimn requiem mass St.
Charles's Church 10 a m Int t atheilral Cem
McUAUIiy luly IJ JOHN- MiUARRY, for
merlj of Hon N. iMst st Relatives and friends
Inv II, .1 to funeral rlr,s Hit. 2 p m.,
parlors of David a. FrnnkenOel 1 e. Sons 3J2 N
o.d sl Int. Woodlands Cem Auto funeral.
MrfJINV lull ll ( ATHARINi: M wife of
llcnn P McGinn nnd daughter nf Peter nnd
late Anu O'Brien Relatives and friends II V
M hod lilt und League of tbe hacred Heart of
St Monica a ('hurf.li Invited to fumral Sat,
h 30 n tn residence of husband 2J11 H Garnet
st (lllth nnd PissMink avf ) Sulemn requiem
mass St .Monica's Church 10 n m Int. Holy
Crnea c m
MrGOVioi.E July 11. DANIEL J. husband
of Harah MiGnnlglo (nee Campbell), son of
Catherine nnd lite Daniel MiGnnlgle. Relatives
and friends Westmoreland Republican Club,
police of 21th District Invited to funeral. Sat ,
8 .10 a in , l"ii! Cedar st Ileuulem mass
Church of Nativity 10 a. m. Int. Holy Jaepulchro
Cem Auto funeril
husband of Laura Rndcllffe Meade Relatives
and friends ht. Paul lodge Nn 4S1, F. nnd A
M. Palestine Chapter, No 240, It A. M.l Penna.
Comma ndery, No 70 K T , Lu Lu Temple, A.
A. O. N. M S and all other societies of which
ho vvns a member. Invited to funernl. Hat, 2 p
m, 4121 Old York rd. Int. Northvvood Cem.
Auto funeral.
band nf Elizabeth Montgomery. Relatives and
friends Invtted to funeral. Sat. 2pm. 7230
Grays ave Int Fernvvnod Ctm. Friends may
call Prl eve. Auto service
MORRIS Julv 11. MARGARET, widow of
John Morris. Relatives nnd friends, B V M
Sodality nf St Mary's Church invited to fu
neral, Sar , 8 30 a m , flJU I'lne st Solemn
hlch mass of requiem Ht John's Church 10
a m Int Holy Cross Cem
GAN, of County hllgo, Ireland Relatives and
friends Dlv No (I, A. O H , and emplojes, of
Hughes A. Patterson Invited to funeral Mnn ,
8 ii a. m residence nf Mrs Catharine Mc
Gowan 4J0 E Allen st flMli Ward) Solemn
requiem mass Immaculate Conception Church
10 a. m Int New Cathedral Cem
MULLIGAN July II HUGH J formerly of
GIrnrdvllle, Pa son of late Hugh and Margaret
Mulligan Relatives nnd friends Invtted to fu
nernl 2010 N 23d st Sat , H n m. Solemn
requiem mass st Colomba a Churth 8 30 a m
Irt Frnekvllle Pa
NOLAN July 12, JOHN E son of lete Ed
ward and Annlo Nolan Relatives and friends
Dlv No 18 A O. II St Malaria's Young
Men Letter Carriers ben socltles Jackson
Democratic club Invited to funeral Mon 8 JO
a m., 1500 N 11th Ft. Solemn hlch requiem
mans Sl Mnlaehy a Church lu a. m Int old
Cathedral Ce-i
ORE At Pitman. N. J , July 12 ANNA B
ORB, wife of George L, Ore 548 Lino st , Cam.
den, N J Funeral services Union M E
Church, cor 5th and Mt Vernon sts , Camden,
Mnn , 1 30 p, m Int Harlelgh Cem , Camden
Piinvilt'lt July 11 EMMA M wife of
Frank Prltibur (nee Marshall), aged 47. Rela
tives und friends Invited to funeral, Sat., 2 30
p. m 401 Leverlngton nve , Hoxborough. Int.
Leverinaton Cem Friends may rail Frl eve
RAHILL July 10. JAMES A, husband of
Mary G Rahill (nee Hogan), and son of John
and Annie Rahill Relatives and friends. San
IlELMAlt. N. 1. OPENS arJNn 23
Directly on the ocean front; rebuilt: newly
furnished, costing 1100,000, every known mod
ern convenience, running artesian hot and cold
water and long distance phone In rooms; suites
with bath, cuisine and service of the highest
standard. For booklet, rates and reservations
apply or write to
. D. C. MUIRIIE1D. Proprietor
On the Premls-a Dally, .
PH AT FONTE O.ean view. Excellent table.
lwi-liI-rWl'slIiBookle( E JJLUNDIN.
nKnronn sritiNos. pa.
Bedford Springs (Pa.) Hotel & Baths
Play, rest or take curative, waters at this
delightful mountain resort. Healthful cllmatei
medermv appointed hotel. Every outdoor and
Indoor diversion, good motor roads.
Also famous Magnesia Baths and Mineral
Waters that equal those of celebrated European
resorts .
Excellent accomwMstlnr for motorists.
H E. Demls. Mgr. M, C. Sweeny. Asst. Mgr.
Walter's Talk. r.
THE WALTER falters park. pa.
inc. ni,ici In the Mountains, Lead
lng Health Reaeu-t of Weynersvllle, Pa. B-klt.
WH-nwoon.) n. j.
Wlldwood'e foremost
Vaeatton Hotel. Uodern and nn.
fortsble. Good table, bathing.
deep-sea tishlnft Rooktet. Cap. 230,
J. V.. WII1TK8ELL. Prop.
ARCADIA Picturesque, Unusual environment.
Magnolia and Pacific. Mrs. F. D. Maxwell.
Loons S100Q for 110
Brine rour diamond, watch and Jowelry it
FttTfMtx, pawpsraep aw SHHkl
2!lv,?0r. Council. K or C, Invited to funeral,
i,. ".M11 a. m 12 Summit terrace, llosemont,
Pa Solemn requiem mass st Thomas's Church.
fun I1' 10 B m Int' ll0I CroM Ctm'
.."AIMOND July 10. DERORAH C. flaufhter
Jf late Frank X ahd Mary L. Ralmond Rela
tive and friends Invited to funeral services,
Sat., 2 p. m.. 1337 llutler t. Int. private.
Northnooil Cem.
llOHERTS. Suddenly July 12 I-MJIIA A.
wlf" of Albert J Roberts and daughter nf late.
Chatl-n and Amanda Mnrple ilrovvn. Relatives
and frrends Invited to funeral services, Mon. 2
P. m . s.lu N. osth st. Int. private
ROCKWELL July 12. P..MMA It . wife of
William J Rockwell and daughter of Edward
F and Amnnda I. Meany. r-uneral tn which
relatives and friends nro invited, Mon , 8 a. in ,
07 H r,-,ih st Solemn msss of requiem Church
of tho lllessed Virgin Miry, Darbv Pa. 10
a. m Int Huly Cross Cem. Auto service
late llartholomevv ami Elizabeth Hheehan, aged
20, Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral.
Hat , 8 30 n m , residence or brother-ln-uvw,
William O'Neill. 1411 H, Allison st (With and
Chestc-r ave ) High mass of requiem Church
of the Most lllessed Sacrament 10 a m Int.
IIolv cross Cem
T)!"l. husband of Mao E. hlndel (neo Strurk
aged 31. Hi Utiles and friends. Harmony Coun
cil, No m (J of I. A General Jam s A
(lardon Caatle Anrltnt tirdtr Knights nf Mvs
tie Chain, nml emploves of Philip C Sehnefer,
Invited to fumral services Mon t p m 141J
Snyder ave. Int private, Fernvvood Cem
Friends mav view remains Sun , 8 to 10 p m
Auto rortege.
SEIt. aged 71 Relatives nnd friends, lilnrkwood
Grnngp. No no P. of II Invited to funeral
Mon. 1 p m.. Chiwg N J Hirvlces In Chews
M E Churrh 1 in p in Int Chews (em
Irnln leaves Chestnut s ferrv 11 lo n m
of Wllllsm Striln Relatives nnd friends. Lingua
of the hacred Henri Invited to funeral Mon
8 10 a tn , 1220 H Mnrkc t st Solemn requiem
mass St rraniis Salens Churrh 10 a m
Int. Cathedral Cem
SUTCL1PI E lulv 11 nt Ttillevtown, Rucks
Co., Pa., IlLIAHETII HUTCH! Pk. widow of
Jimotliy Hutrllffe (m n Ormandrolde) aged 81
Relatives nnd friends members of Florence
Nlghtlngalo Lodge Daughters of St George In
vited lo funeinl services Sat 2 p m , under
taker's orrice 101 E Lehigh ave. Int. private,
Greemvete.il (l. of P ) Ce ,1
HW'ORD Suddenly July 11, MARGARET
wife of Davll hword and daughter of lato
1 linmas nnd Johann i Sullivan Itilitlves and
friends Invited tei servlres, tfun , 2 p m, 2S0J
Jackson at Int Arlington Cem. 1 rlends may
call Sat eve Auto fumral
TULflW Julv 11 SARAH A., widow of
lllram Tltlovv Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral services at. 2 p. in, residenre of
snn-in taw J Milton llrooki , I.nfletd, Pa. Int.
private Carriages will meet 1 10 p in train
from lire ml M, station at FnH Id
Relatives and friends Invited lo services Sun..
2 p. m., nt the toivir II Hair Illdir.. lb.'o Chest
nut st. Int. private.
VAI OIIN lulv I" HORACE W, husband
of Knthnrlne It Vaui-bn tnei hlnger) nnd son of
Charles W. and lali ILnrhlla Vaughn ugid ,11
Ittlntlves nnd frl nds Washington Camp. ,i
12 P. ( H nf A . Ellsworth Council No (.7.
(l O K M C Lord t nlon. No. 8 U 11 C
Invited to fumral Hat 2 p In. residence of
father-In law, Andrew hlngir, 421 hnder nve
Int. Northvvood Cm Auto service. Remains
mav lo viewed Frl , nfter 7 10 p m
80 Relatives nnd friends members of Fourth
I). P Church. Hoard of Ministerial Relief nf
IT. I' Church dlrnturs of Lafayetta Cem Co
and directors nf l'hiladt Iplila Coal Pxehnnge, In
vlttd to funeral sirvlrts inns Christian st
hat.. 2 p. in Int Westminster Cem. Om t
flow ers
WATTS July 12 HAZPt. OLIVE elatifht"'
of John E nnd Emm i F. Watts, aged 18
Galen n Aire
Hotel and Sanaiorium
, Noted for it's suDerior
Lnnr nnrl cniui;i -
Tonic and Curative? baths, d
, -J""". w 1-,i- m.-ei. en leaersepeje-
...,. w i.iti.ATI ST KES'iRT
Whole block Hoardwalk from Boston to Rot
erelgn Ave Coolest epot on tho beach. New
cafe the largest In Atlantic City; distinguished
nrpolmments delightful cuisine Glassy smooth
danJ'.ff track eighth of a mile long Open all
the ear. I. L. HUDDERS, Mer.
Fredonia Hotel ""v."''. 1!o?nl
walk Newest moJera
lirkk hotl Amerlcfln A Huropean rlnns. cen
tral lorntlon, cap 150; elevator, bithn run
nine wotT lockera for bn(hrn pnraee ra
onablp rfttep Mr-O W. CAUMANY A SON".
Westminster Ky ave near Ueach. lOIev. ta
Hwuimwiu Htreet PrUate baths, run.
water, $10 up weekly $2 up daily. Chas Buhre.
.. near Reach
Operiall year R J. OSnORNE t, SON.
Channel Illinois t Pacinc Avea. Rch front
" ", , vlvv Amer tr Europ'n plans Exc.
table Cap 250 IRthsea Oarage A C Channel.
Hotel BoSCobcl K"ntueky Ave near Peach,
r,, ,. .. .., Open all var Pine table
Dklt Thone 117 A E MARION.
l?,Vi .Farw '. A1l ?''"'. England nnd Southern
Points. "';';0VI!J;f!;u-.Uldfd . Steamer
W. P. TURNER, a P. A.. Balto.. Md.
' " I " I 51 inna oae;
THE sail dowR the Delaware, passinr; the largo Navy Yard, with Its many battleships,
cruisers, torpedoboats and old monitors, will appeal to most every one. Then comes
Fort Mifflin, with its historic memories, and the monument at Red Bank markinjr deeds of
revolutionary times. And Chester, the oldest town in Pennsylvania, where William Penn
first touched its soil in 1C82. Then, after a most interesting trip, you reach Wilmington, a
city full of revolutionary landmarks, still in keeping with traditions of the continental period.
The Most Delightful RiverTrip - ?.3.DS,S.sKKv1,ra,n
- r A delightful outlriE for morning, afternoon or evening.
TjTrwMl'rY.l T?vn.i--c,ln-r.n A 11 rtUi ViT 1 BOATS LEAVE
I"". ' '
II. ' '"
I- I'f
" ' '- "
' f
S ''
I ; 'V r
I'i '
mem if nv ? m ?J?J -1 g s I'WTiig-cg
months Relatives and blends Invited to fu
neral services Sat.. 3 P m.. parents residence,
M38 Angora te?rs. "int. private. Friends m
call 1-tl. 8 to 10 p m. . , .
w):V.iAMT.fvnfe.f7r3. Vlatg a'n)
Mat in fit t Mft nt thr houii e nt 2 P. ni. inu
, Ivat-: OaklandVem." rieas, e omit flow"".,..
WHliELER July II. HtANK 11 WHr.hL-
PI! "atari "of law Hjlly 1"',Jv.,.,,'Hlt1V'l
and friend. Invited to funeral ""vices Jat , 1
P m residence of mn-ln-law. T. 8 Dyer, 3M7
S 83d st Elmwood Int. North Cedar Hill
Cem Ami service. Remain, may be viewed
KWIEl'nRSlIEIM July 11. JO-'"rjr,,UN!? i"'
MUS11N wife i nf Col John A. Wledershelm.
itelat v es nml friends Inv Ited to rvlc S t .
2 ii m residence of son-in-law; the Rev w.
Arthur Varnr 440S Pine st tnt , private.
wil.DI July 10 EDWARD, husband of
Sophia Wild! (neo chvvnrtx). nBj-d (.0 ltjla
tlves nnd friends, employes of Wm Sellers f
fnundrl invited to funeral Sat , J P m., .111
W Turner tit Int. Hillside Cem. Remains may
be viewed Frl . 8 to 10 p. m. Auto funeral.
Cnlv'YNN-llu?yn,11. SAMUEL If husband of
Iulsa S Wnn and son of .Mary nnd ate
William Wjnn Relatives and friends Juniata
Tribe So 71 I O R M Invited to funeral
seViTce. Hat 2 P m lN. st "I'nslde
Int private Remains may be viewed I rl. eve.
IJerks County papera cop
Vocational Courses for
Temple University offers many
vocational opportunities for
women. Among these are courses
for practical housekeepers, diet
itians for hospitals, dressmakers,
milliners, story tellers for children's
libraries, social workers, private
secretaries, stenographers, book
keepers, costume designers, musi
cians, chiropodists, etc.
Call, write or 'phone today for
Catalog M-16.
Q Ilroad St. below Perks H
HAVi; ril.I.I'n over 15.000 positions. Free aid
in schools D II COOK Mgr.. National
Teachers' Agency. Perry lllilg., Philadelphia.
Roth Sexes
Thousands of Positions
Tor w HI-trained nomen StrnoEraphra
nml Pookkeepers in thi Government Serv
ice, Yeomanry. Railroads, Jluslnrss World,
tc Our courso rreparra j ou In a very
short time at n, cry small cost Call write,
or phone rocuit 3SH8.
30-Day Business College
VarUnnr Hide. Hroad & Cherry SU.
7 Bei
Languages ?0u
Berlitz School
Chestnut Rfret
ver Rlker & ltece.
man's 1'hnrmnr.vl
ltcdixrd rates (or army nnd nary.
Georire School A homs "ch01 ,n h0 co"n
ueuigt, jwiuui try for boys and ElrlSi g
rata dormitories. Graduates succeed In college
2J7 acres. Atblotlcs Catalogue (,eo. A. Mai
ton, A. M Prln., Hot -'.", (,eorge Mhool, I'u.
Stenography and Typewriting or Hookkeeplng.
Special Summer Rate Register now.
Positions posltlvelv guaranteed.
Hrlinol ot Uuidhesa i:nlclency, 703 Walnut St.
STRAYER'S Tll Be,t Dlness School,
j 1 ixrt. a ii j Sl( Bnd Chtnut street
Positions guaranteed, Enter now. Day or night.
TlYi'!nli School,
Day and night classes.
a--,"" 1014 Arch Ht
Call or write
vomimi m:hinary
Co-educatlonal. Whero the joung people get a
proper vision of highest purpose In life. Ex
ceptional teachers. College Preparation Rusi.
ness. Art Music Domestic Science. Athletics.
Endowed low rates Catalog.
1.. I.. hl'ItAdUI. II. I).. 1'res.. Kingston, Ta.
yim:i,mi. X. J.
A select home school for a limited number
of retarded and subnormal children. Seventeen
ears' experience. Rooklet.
amixim: heuapi.t arnadk. trincipai.
Blair Academy for Boys
Unusually healthful location, 12 miles from
Delaware Water Oap 100-acre campus and ad
joining farm Perfect equipment of 8 handsome
buildings Out ln-the-open and athletic games
Double gymnasium Preparation for college and
technical schools Military drill. Visit nialr
and aee Rb advantages. Wrlta for catalog
fubn C Shirpe,LL.D.,IIrailiRiiter,Dii A.UIilntown.N.J.
F " aT t
iEducahorial VW
5 Big Iron & Steel Boats to
Chester PenRsjirove Brandy
wiRe Sprincs aRtl Shcllpot Parks
Trolley fare to Hrandywlne Springs
Park and return lOo extra If pur
chased with Wilmington tickets
ltrnt'LAR rati-s
IVtlmlngton.l'rnnsgrove. 60ci Single, SOe
lliester. Excursion. 23cj Single, ISo
I.0ST ANDFornvrrj
AtrTnxfnt-iff ctni . " .
j.ked. .for thi'VecoverV or "SlB '1?
0 touring ears black body! n,wiDS'cl "tb. 1
tan seat covers; 2 new Kiliv lif V'USiy 1
on, rear wheel! Iie?n. .,.lK.?)"FtlH itStf
Information leading to earn.
C. A Hnarks. 5DH..S!1
- - --- "i.uin si mij m
SCARF PIN Ist, pearl scarf hi: '.' 1
num stem even ng of Ju"y nlnL "U3: 1
,rhlla. Reward J. E. ri, JL.V,' .,nMnteV., I
nut and Juniper ' " - Cgn?
Mrs Nagle Rlrhard L Jones i,."?r,'"it
erta. L. ('. Matthews. Mrs. liookef r, "
Oregorv J J Hradshaw 1 1??'. ri0'oc
Co.. nrtlco ,',243 Market st. '"Kr 8torS
eriiirKje, -. , ATCn St "" H. t.
JLS, experienced in bindery XTimwTi7r-----.it
ress third floor of Dill Ridg., PjV,i,??'t-, gj,
omerset sts " -""CMr i 7
loung jien nnd Hoys
Villanova J;'""10?,1, C-ommTrclal CeoriT
Preparatory School In connection with ?i?"'
Tolentlno Academy for small !),,, "'
grounds. Easy acres for iHv stiid-it? c "
logu vrlto Reg atrar Rot rn viiTJi1' Ctt,
- - ' 'A """OTI p,
niF.sTNUT mix. v.. '
Chestnut Hill Acnrlrmv thMinnt Inn
A country day and board, ng schnni ii01., JJ
from Phllsdelphln. High standard. of :!', 1
ship, unsurpassed equipment g)mnasium ,1!' f
mlnff cool, recrentlnn hi,IMun ".Jr1"' .Witt. 1
Srrrlal low
rate for Hve-dw loanler'sTa. ,
$ ,,,",j"".i't. '""' r ca'52i '-
and full lnfnrma tini-i B,i...
,'I" PVTTIRSON. Henilma.ter b
Each boy de eloped for his best str.
sepirnto Junior Dent p.!.!.;1""'
A. II. Tomllnson. Ilemlmiisler. Swarthmore,
Harrisburg Academy
A Capital School Near n Cnpltal City
A country chooI founded 1780. Modem
building, large campus Advantage ef smiii
classes nnd Individual Instruction. Thornu.i.
collego preparation Rate 0 to 1551
Supervised athletics Separate schrfol ?,
younger boj W Invite closest Investlli.
Hon a personal visit If possible Writs fji
our catalogue and plan of new dormitory
New Junior school building will be OMnl.,
September term Address v
ARTHUR E. nitQWN. n, A.. Headmaster
Military Csllenl'
IV.AMiisit tTKai a tisaltsAii 4Aa tssA. l-, f
they are trained for leadership In wit, J
r Collegiate coursea In Chll ErujIiMr.!
IH'taunrj 11
nr In war
lnff. un'-miBiry iconomirs ana I'tnance. ROuiM
POL. rilARI.KHI. HYATT. ComraaraliS"
Rot fifl. Chester. Pa.
"The lVwt Po'nt of the Keystone Stale" ''
MEHC'lMfllUltn. PA. ' "
The Mercersburg Academy f
FOR B01S Merrrrsburt, r. "
Rend for catalogue to
Wra. Mnnn Irvine, Ph. I).. 1. 1,. I)., Headmaster.
Hot 120.
NA7.tRr.TII. PA. rol'.SDED 1711 l
A military arademv for bovs College preruru '
torv and business courses Senior Intermeduti I
and Junior Departments Vigorous athletic Bfi I
and mllltno life Of Nazireth Hall former Saw,
retnry George II Corteljou sas "Nararcil
Hall is a rhsracter builder not a mere trainer. "
of the mind " Address Military Secrf tarj. '
AI.I.KNTtmX. l'A.
School for Roys. Trcp-ires for colleges and un).
versmes Aiagninfeni new uunning nne eountry
Junior Dent.
Italea 1300 to 1350. Itox1
404. Ilr,
Wm. II. Reese
I'rin., Allentown, rav
D-it-1-t D--u-s-. cl I
Preparea for leading cnlleges Extensive grounfli
A athletic field New bldgs Catalogue on reQoeg. i
John li. niggcy. i. v.. Headmaster. Iiciniehfm re, i;
Lancaster. Pa. Pounded 1707. Modern equlrmul i I
inrougnoui. X reparea ioyn lor leaaing coilim im
and technical. schools Terms moderate. Addrw 11
T.(Ulclni.A.M..i:.M.Hnrlmun.A.M..I're..Hn 4U(' 1
Winchester Preparatory School "
College Preparatory and general courses, i j
Catalog. Douglaa Howe Adams. Hcadmuttf.t I
Ttonng Women and filrls
An Ideal school for jour daughter Art. Hurt"
and Domestic, Science courses Elementarr.
termedlate Commercial College Preparatory.!
Collegiate Classes. Affiliated with Catholic Vol.
verslty of America and !Tnlvers ty of Penna. (
Cntillog Ilox 40, Chestnut Hill. Phlla.. r. .
PI ARK'S Scientific Swimming School. WJ$
LLrtrvNO h . ., Sorucs .3-.
Private lnstr'n Ladles' h'r. 0 to IJ and 8 t
PhilnrlnlnVv-n-7 30. so. tip??.
- ....v.v...wi. .,.. j 30 ,3 4 ,,.
'0. T, 18.30, im au
7.80. "0, IP SO.
IB. il 80. 3. 4 15.
6. 7. 118 30, 10.30
tRuns Saturday and Sunday.
Regular top at Pennsgrove.
TStop at Pennsgrove Monday
IStop at Pennsgrove Sat. & Suns.
THE FOLLOWING persona are her.C
to pay un their storage char...bT "OMIW
ond .niir Is. sold on AtiiSst'S ,".r,."i I
.ra,n.Ck " Auction House r,00 N "d'.,' It f,
at 1(1 n mi t,vnne. -',. t:i -d St.. pKn. l s',
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