'r'wfWPPWWV .,'V .' & . , .... tf tv y.Tw -? 1 EVENING LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JpLY 11, -1917 Vi iV "MA" SUNDAY'S LATEST TALK TO GIRLS SOMETHING NEW IN FALL FROCKS DESCRIBEE fe Bv IE 7 tr m 'ASPIRATIONS, NOT ACHIEVEMENTS, TRULY REPRESENT ONE'S SOUL Failure to Gain Worldly Success Not Significant of a Man's Character One's Mental Atti tude Affected by Others fAMAN, a successful nrtlst. rnthcr "hocked me the other day by declar ing he nad absolutely no ueo In the world for failures. That from an artist, who should, of nil people, know and realize that a man's aspirations represent the truo naturo of his soul much more than hit actual sta tion In life. There are numberless artists who In the eyes of the world nro unsuccessful, becauso they exist mcngerly, yet who In their own hearts know they have not failed, because they nro truo to their Ideals; they will not barter away thtlr souls to sustain their bodies I CERTAINLY do not wish to cry down those who have attained cmlncnco in their vocations. Far from It They are, as a class, I belleo, more Interesting be causo they have a surety which engenders personality. Tho under dog, frequently losing confldonco In himself, also sinks hU Individuality. But sometimes from the most uncx pectosf sources you will find something helpful and stimulating If vou are will ing to bring It out A little understanding, a little Genuine sympathy In your attitude, will give you the best that Is In every ono. As some one has cleverly put It, "It Is not tho best people, but the best In people," that counts. THERE are two distinct types, the girl who invariably plays up to another's mental attitude and she whos'e own atti tude always strikes the dominant note. Offhand, one Is Inclined to dismiss the first as a weakling Yet this Is not the ease. You will find In a group more of the former type than of the latter. THE WOMAN'S Letters ant question submitted to thin department must he urllfni nn one aide of the paper onlv and sUmnl ullh the name ot the turttrr Special qucrtri like those elven helow art iniited. It is understood that the editor doen not iircrsacirlly indorse the sentiment fa-pressed All communications lor thin department should le addressed as follous rilh WOMAN'S EXCHAMii:, hventng Ledger. PMladeti hla Pa TODAY'S I. How many calories for each pound of their tralibt do peopls of sedentary babltii require? ft. How fthonlil teak h Sot brotIM ot(t coal or cookrtl wlifn It In K&b flame? 8. What U Mmmrrlnfff What kind of inratn fihoald b allowrd to lmmrr? ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES 1. Bran bread I made from bran, the ronrw. baffr port of around (rulni sraliam bread Is made from rralism flojr, which l the unbolted Xfarit flour 1. For a pot roast the meat is llrl qulcklr .browned tn a small amount of fat In n frjlns pan, then plated In an Iron kettle with water to cook 'oly. 3. Frrlni Is rooklns by Immersion In hot, deep fati sauttlnr la oooklnr In n email amount of fat In n shallow pani tho two are frequently confuted. Boiled Dressing for Salads T Editor of Woman's Paoe. Der Madsm Please give mo i boiled salad dressing (Mrs 1 recipe for BUT One-half pint milk, one teaspoonful 6alt, one tablespoonful vinegar, dash paprika one-quarter teaspoonful black pepper, two tablespoonfuls butter, one tablespoonful cornstarch, three eggs. Heat the milk sep arate the eggs, moisten the cornstarch with a. little cold milk, add It to the hot mix ture, stir until thick and smooth, then stir In the yolks of tho eggs, well beaten, cook for a minute, then remove from the fire and add the stiffly beaten whites Season and set aside to cool Recipe for War Cake to Editor of iromc.ii' Page- i Dear Madam. This war cako reclpo Is very slmplo to prepare Beat one egg until ltcht with onehalf teaspoonful salt add one table spoonful peanut butter or plain shortening and ens cupful bronn sugar. Mix one half teaspoon fill baklnr soda with one half cupful sour mUk and add. Sift one half teaspoonful nut Bier, ono teaspoonful baking powder and on eupful flour add with one cupful of bread crumbs to tho Moulds and stir well Pake ihlr minutes In a moderate oven. All pieces of stale prsad can thus do used In thts cake and various kinds can bo mixed together thus erreriinir a saving In flour. (Mrs , VV J This sounds like a very practical recipe. "Mrs. J" Many thanks To Mend Blankets S" Editor of Woman's root Dear Madam Can you tell mo the proper war to darn blankets which are too eood to discard, yet worn in ono or two places? UEADEn. Wash them first, then darn with soft wool, using a large-eyed needle Avoid puckering, If you have a loose embroidery frame. It Is a good thing to stretch them over this. Darn the warp way first, then across, cut the ragged edges smooth and overcast loosely with colored wool, this erves as well as binding Mahogany Stain for Floors To Editor of Woman's Paoe Dear Madam Please give mo directions for tstxlnr a mahogany stain for floors, and a filler H. VV h Use four parts Indian red. three parts burnt sienna; mix dry, then stir evenly through equal parts of oil and turpentine If you want a dull tone, use only half the quantity of sienna. Adding a little more turpentine and lees oil will make It dry tndre quickly. To mix the filler sift together twice one half pint of powdered cornstarch and the same quantity of whiting, stir gradually Into one-half gallon pf raw linseed oil mixed with the same quantity of turpentine Keep well stirred while applying Disinfecting a Room Xa Editor of Woman' Page; Soar Madam Pleas let mo know how to thoroughly disinfect a room. J, h. it possible, mattresses and comforts aUould be burned. Wet everything else well with a blchlorlds solution, boll and UA the blankets. Scrape the walls and elllng, wash with bichloride ; also the floor and woodwork, then scour with carbolic soapsuds. Fill cracks with fresh putty, hut the doors and windows tight and paste trips of paper around them. Closet doors should be taken off the hinges, but left In side. Place three bricks In the middle of the floor, put an Iron pan on them, Into which a pound of flowers of sulphur has Veen placed, wet the sulphur with alcohol, tick In a short length of fuse, light It, then go out quickly, being careful to see that the aoor.M up ntaae iignc xave ntftMi 'fire turbos) Jtrojsssity.four hours, Ths "WP te r0ew; . vjr - t Vyvettes Sl i P?" 'iM.ii!rJlii'fjJF'T If you have a big hat and want to trim It simply, simply take a yard or so of fringe and run it around the edge, nn ' there you nro! And if you feel you really must have more trimming, just tack on a flower or two! TRY It yourself (Jo to the theatre pick out a mediocre offering, and If jou go Into rhapsodies oer It sou will ilnd jour companion agrees with oit, perhaps because ho Is really made to think ho or perhaps because (and this I suspect) he Is too lndlffeient, too mtn tull sluggish to combat jour statements Nino timed out of ten this will happen, and the tenth person Is tho exception proving the rule This, of course, where there Is any de gree of frkndllncss, for If tho opposite condition prevails 1 believe people are so anxious not to llko ench other that thej deliberated disagree on even smill mat ters EXCHANGE INQUIRIES I. 1 It Komi form to fttir you" Umhi 11 njc lnlnxlurrtl? Tlned to meet 2 When n man neml flower to n rlrl befiTTf taMntr her to n flu nro fttimitri whe wear them nn that timing. 3 What U the eighth nrihllnir nnnhrnary? i jounc man ho Is In mourning can wear a light straw bat with n Mirk bund during the summer S. filoves when worn Id n man In mourning should be bluk, unless be Is wearing u light suit with simply n Mirk, band. 8. n ensy wa to fasten on buttons so ther ran bo remoied nnd replurd without sewing Is Jo sen the, thread Into Hie button Itself quite loosely, mine small sufetj pins to pin them on. Details of Wedding Breakfast To the Fditor of ttoinan s Page Dear Madam A I am a steads reader of your rh"i,7n,MI"!k6 tho ,'-ty of a.klni jou to answer the following nucsMons for m (t 1 unterstanj that when rid re-sons be como Inmates of nn old inoplea home even If Jm.1" ,. VL mo,n' " pronertj or cash or any thing that they Lain uton dentil Is this true and tr so can jou adWse mr how to arrange so tll".S.,!'..,.nlMr"1.wl11 reiele these moneys etc ' 2 Will ou please furnish a plain hut sub stantlal menu for n wed line breakfast (In Octo her i for twenty persons' orr"1whno,rn'ur,t";hey"heV" "' " C'th0"c "-d,""r (tl Must the priest be askel to the I renkfast? (VIrs I V T S fl) F:arh home hns Us own rules govern ing the tllsposil of the propertv of Its In mates, In some homes onlj an entrince fee Is tenulred ami all over that can be left to outsiders In the case of a home which claims nil proportj left by tho Inmate, tho onl thing for an ono contemplating to enter it to do would bo to nnko oier the property she desired to leave to her relatives before entering (2) Oj star puttie', chicken or lobster salnd, rasped rolls coffin fiappe. bonbons, cake, chimpagne nip and demltasse coffee would be quite sufllclent Servo the frappe In small lemonade glasses. ( .) Yes tr Onl courteous to do so Dress Suit Worn After G Tn Fditor of Homaii Paoe Dear Madam How early In the afternoon ma a man wear a dress suit for a wedding? I am to be married at 4 o'clock and want to use my dress suit. If that Is proper INQUIItCR A dress suit Is never worn for a wedding or for any social affair earlier than 6 o'clock In tho evening It would really bo tn better form to wear a plain dark sack suit in tho early nfternoon If vou have not a cutaway and striped trousers (which is the conventioml dress for the bridegroom before 0 oMoik). than to wear a dress suit In the afternoon Placing Guests To Editor of V Oman s Page Dear Madam will you kindly tell me how these persons sj'ould bo placed at a table for an Informal dinner party at home? My husband and mieelf are to entertain our minister and his wlfo and my parents and bis purents. How shall we seat them at the table? YOUNG liniDE Place the minister at your right hand and your father-in-law at your left Place tho minister's wife at your husband's right hand and our mother at his left Next to your mother place your mother-in-law and next to the minister's wife place your father This makes two men Bit next to each other and two women also, but the arrangement cannot well be changed, unless you do not keep to the conventionalities and you and your husband do not keep to the regulation places (opposite each other at the table) Two moro guests, one man and one woman, would even it off Children at Dinner To Cdttor of H'oman'a Page' Dear Madam When giving a small dinner for eight or ten guests Is It proper to have tho children (aged eight and ten years) at the table? (Mrs ) C V K It is better not to have children pres ent. It Is apt to make them forward to allow them to take part In grown-up affairs, semlformal though the party may be. Then, too, some ojder persons do not cara to talk with children all through din ner, . To Teach In Porto Rico 7 f Editor of Wemfln'a Paget Dear Madam Will you plea so give mo rui information aooui ins io I am a school teacner ana i nave a great uesiro io ootatn a position In Porto Rico What would I have to do In order to sea If I could get assigned to go to teach over thera A A. I., Write to Paul Q. Miller, Commissioner of liSdue GSdueayotiin, i-criq iiico, lor tn jmiormatipn Ww!ma9rS&jMiljaV i icw- LIVTNG UP TO BILLY By ELIZABETH COOPER Dear Kate: Hilly Is all right I got him nlanted In a plnco where Jim would never dare look for him I was In an awful fTx Every time 1 turned ncound It seemed I nw some one from Jim, and I got so scared I couldn't do my work, becauso (.very time I come home, 1 thought perhaps they might have copped him Did you ever know Tom Cas sidy, a young cop at our station? Ills father was captain there for years and yenrs and yrars, a great big good-looking Irishman WelJ, young Tom Is the one thnt took my part before the captain, when the captain tried to give mo the third do greo Ho walks down to tho corner with me every once In a while, and he likes Hilly Tho other day he Walked home with me and lllllj and I was all In, as 1 just had n rotten note from Jim lie was so klnda nice, 1 stnrttd a crying In the street, and ho said "Vou poor little thing, let mo go up with jou and tell me all about It'1 I'lrst 1 thought It might be n plant, then I thought I dldn t care, for I had to talk to somebody who had some Kense, and It would not be peaching on Jim, for I really didn't know where he was So he came up to the room, And I mado some coffee to give me time to get my feelings collected so I could talk, and ho sat down and played with Billy Then I told him all about It, how I didn't know where Jim was, but that he kept a touching mo ill the time till I didn't have a cent left and now he was threatening to tnko the kid He was awful nle and patted my hand with his grcit big hanil and said "Vou poor little red head, It his sure mado you peaked looking Your eyes are bigger than your face What vou going to do'" "That's Just It,' 1 Mild 'I don t know what to do 1 ve got to work, 3 can't set around and watch nillj all the time I Just don't know what to do If t could only &et him away somewhere where the rouldn t find him, I'd till tho wholo btinih to go to Hell' Sa kid ' he slid, "I got an Idea VVh) don t jou send him up to in mother's' We got a swell little houue up it 225th street lits of room a big jard where he ould pla and mi would be tickled tn death to have him She is dippy o i kids ntid since me and lack grotved up he sajs her hinds have been cmpt ' I nearlj fainted a thinking of IJIIIj In the home of a cop tausi that is tho last plicc on eirth the) would think of looking for him and then 1 got suspicious ngaln Vou know Kate, I have got un awful bad nuplclous disposition I am looking cvcrjvvhcre for a plint but I studied it all over, and I itiuldn t see none in this, and I was so tickled that I couldn't say even "thunk you ' Tom said to me, "Now, ou put his little duds In a bundle 'and when I go off duty at 4 o clock I will come nnd get ou and we will go up on tho suba Then I got a thinking after he went a" ay that wmo of Jim's friends might bo watching tho house so I went clown to Cassld beat and told him I would meet him at the Orand Central whore there wouldnt be so much danger of us being piped off Talk about a grand llttlo home Kate Tom Cassld hns sure got it and his mother Is the nicest little Irish woman thnt ever lived' And Irish' You could cut her brogue with a knife Hut she Just Inugbs nil tho time, nnd her fico breaks up in the funniest little wrinkles that mike you laugh with her She rame to the door herself, wiping her hands on her kitchen apron nnd when she siw Tom und mo and Billy she looked at us funny for a mlnlt nnd then she said, ' Say, Tom e alnt been married all theso jears and Just now a bringing jou- family to your old mother" Ton laughed and slid, "'o such luck mother, bin I've adopted a fam ily I think the houe 1h lonely without kids &he took Bill and mo to a little bedroom and she helped tike i, his hat and coit talking all the time Billy tilKIng back not a bit scared of her Then we went down to tho kitchen to flnlh getting supper Another son came In named Jack, who Is studjlng farming and he Is crazy about It Tom Introduced him to me, ny sijlng 'This is John Cassldy farmer, greatest onion expert In the world ' Tho kid who Is about nineteen said Ah cut It out Tom," and Toms mother said ' Now don t plague the bje ' Then we sat down nnd had the dandiest dinner Wo ate in the kitchen and then I had to go to work Billy was all right, dldnt seem to feel a bit bad about mo going Jack had him In the back yard, building (something with little pieces of wood Tom went to tho st ition with me, but I .nuldn t let him go no farther, cause, I did not want to tin seen too much with him I told him I wouldn't come and see Billy cause I might be followed I tell jou I went home feel ing better than when I went up there, tause Jim can do his worst now, he can't get Billy I got jour letter, Kate It was an nvvful iiico letter You seem all different, and It makes me happy way inside. Yours, NAN. (CONTINUED TOMORROW) (Copj right All rights reserved ) PLAN TO TEACH FRENCH TO SOLDIERS IN CAIP State Committee of Public Safety to Issue Call for Volunteer Instructors The State committee of public sifety is contemplating the Issue of a widespread call for volunteer French teachers to drill ' Sammees" In the mazes of "Parlez-vous Francals " If tho plan under consideration Is adopted tho teachers, both men nnd women, will go to military camps and conduct systematic classes as part of the routine of tho day When tho draft army troops take up quar ters In the cantonments, if the scheme is approved they, too, will be drilled in the Trench language At tho headquarters of the public safety committee In tho Finance Building on South Penn Square, it Is thought that many French teachers not cmplojtd In the sum mer months will be glad to give time to the cause of "Sammee," who Is apt to trip up on his French verbs when he meets them on foreign shores A ' gct-acquainted-with-France" plan ll also under discussion This prov des fot lectures In the camps by prominent au thorities on the geography topography, eco. nomlcal and social conditions of France j The lectures would be accompanied by lan tern slides These plans will be voted on at a meet ing of the committee to be held tomorrow 25 YEARS "ON THE JOB" Walter F. Schaffer Hangs Up Proud Record at Thompson's Spa Twenty-five years handing out food at Thompson's Spa, 718 Chestnut street, is the record hung up today by Walter P Schaffer. The most popular waitress In Philadelphia 'has nothing on Walter," his friends say, as his regular customers In crease dally and never desert him. It Is also asserted that he Is still feeding soma of the customers obtained twenty-five years ago. Walter Is a prominent member of Darby society nnd active In church work. He has raised a prosperous family with the aid of Darby air. Darby vegetables from his garden and the high esteem in which he Is held by all his patrons Child Struck by Automobile Catherine McDonnell, twelve years old, ot 2221 Dickinson street, waa knocked down yesterday by a motortruck driven by Ben Olson, of SOS North Sixth street She was retnnvod to the Polvclinlo HosoIUl susTerlnit . ?a ,n8roal ,a3ur'w 01?!?v:?d, JNTHE MOMENT'S MODES Fall Evening Frock of Cerise Satin ii3smtHf bVsmtz M too i 9niKw THE GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX By JOHN HAKVEY KELLOGG, M. D LL. D. In annner to health question Ilortor hcllogo in thin spate will dally give ndttce on preventive medicine, but tn no case will he take the rink of making evionoses of or prescribing for all mentn requiring surgical trttment or drugn Jtcalth questions u tit be promptlu an swercd bu personal Utters to (noMlrrrs uho inclose stamr'd eniclopcs for reply. Friendly FOim'NATELY, there are friendly as well as unfrlendlj germs Miny un frlcndlj gcrirs produce poisons which when nlisorbed cause such disturbiiices us neu ritis degeneration of tho liver nnd kidneys, haidenlng of the arteries and in in other troubles 1 ho friendly germs are tin germs which prodtue unl) harmless nc UN (Jerms nil) bo divided Into two c I issts those which eauso fermentation and those which cnuse putrcfattlon Tho germs which produce putrefaction also cause Inllaminitioii and suppuration, and are unfrlendlj germs Oerms that produce fermentation are acld fnrtning germs nnd these germs are frlendl) Tho friendly germs ire found In butter milk and especially in hit Is known as Bulgirlan buttermilk, which Is known to contain n strong and hard virlet of the.e germs. These terms hive been used b miny primitive people fiom tho earliest times In Central Afrlci each native faniilv has a gourd In which milk Ih allowed to sour The never wash the gourd but when the milk Is used the put In freh milk and tho fermentation Is touimtitilcnted to the new pot Hon of milk Inilulgirli sour milk is used ver extensive 1 The Turkish and Armenian peasant nlw.is keeps a supply of this ferment on hind Milk Is usuilly eaten In the form of curd rather than In i the fresli state At the foot of Mt Ararat there Is found a germ which is allied to the Bulgarian germ, but Is somewhat more hardy and produces a more agreeable flavor In the Hlmalaa .Mount ilns nnd In different parts of India thu mtlves lnve emplojetl a frlendl getm from the prelilstotlc times In Iceland another frlendlv germ is em p!oed In making whit Is known as 'kr These sour milk preparations have been found of great value In curing intestinal troubles Constipation Csn a person twenty four years old who has to take a laxatle eer night le cured of con stipation' IJA1IW UlIADEn Unless there Is somo intestinal obstruc tion which requires an operation you can bo cured of our constipation without tak ing medicines You must adhere to a laxa tive diet and take exercise In the open air, walk five miles a diy Hat fresh and cook ed fruits, drink fruit Juices and eat an ahundance of flesh vegetables such as eel. erj, lettuce spinach, cauliflower, tomatoes cucumbers, etc I so lemon Juico Instcid of vinegar when you wish nn acid with vegetables Tako a heaping tnblespoonful of bran at each meal In nrty convenient way Take ns much mineral oil at eacli meal as Is neccssiry to move tho bowels three times a day. Tea and Coffee Harmful Why do physicians object to the use of tea and coffee? In what way are they harmful S rt Tea and coffee are heirt and nerve poisons Cooking Cornmeal Mush How long ahnull cornmeal murh 1. boiled in a double boiler' Al'AHTMKNT HOlTsrCWlFB Stir tho cornmeal Into nctlve boiling water that Is ver bllghtly salted and cook In a doublo boiler for fifteen minutes Corn meal Is much Improved by adding one-third to one-fourth bran by mensure Long cook ing does harm Cook the bran first, then WL Walnut Street al Values Tub Skirts $3.75 and up Of all the most fashionable miterials and colors, splen- uiuiy uiuoreti Summer Blouses $2M to $5 MANDO Removes superfluous Iialr from or undrr tho arms, Tlie new stvls sowns make tills prepa ration iDdliuensable. bold br Good Irruar and jcuriincni mores. Superfluous Hair Remover Ths only treatment which will remove, permanently all supirmious hair from ths face. neck, arms or any Dart of the l-ody. leavln, no ?r" or blemish on tha most dell. cats skin. o electric nsecli. fTHWT """& used. Orlslnator SolTowns, IW. U.S. Pat. Off. and used exclusively by ma Bf.Margirct Mppert'i . ' frstt. taVTHJk-t. rfm-fJf-mt &&?, fjm aJJagSSa HHflm jKjyfa& Here nnd there in the fashion shops one finds harbingers of approaching fall modes. F r n n k l y labeled "fall styles' they differ from the modes of the current season nnd those of last winter without committing them selves to any rndical nnovntions. ut sucn is the fall evening frock presented in to day's drnvving. This Is of cerise satin with n silver loco bodice. Flesh - colored net drapes the left shoul der and there is a cluster of silver-centered cerise poppies to touch off the girdle drapery. Note the long lino from the right shoulder to the end of the train a line broken only by the drapery. Germs ndd the cornmeal and cook ten minutes lungei Perspires on Least Exertion What does It mean when one perspires on the least exertion and Is ery tired and likes to sleep jitun s VV S The svmptoms may be caused by auto Intoxication, a tendency to tuberculosis neurasthenia, or some other condition which has lowered the vital resistance Consult a phj.sk inn (Copyright ) Tomorrow's War Menu Breakfast Jam Luncheon Oatmeal Toast Beefs l.lver Coffee French Toast Fruit Silad Cnckers Tei Dinner Cleir Soup with Vermicelli Corn Pudding Creamed Celery Buttered Beets Chocolate Budding Coffee Free Primers for Housewives on Canning and Drying Food- TD EADLRS by sending this coupon -v nnd two-cent stamp for postage to the Nntionnl Emergency Food Garden Commission, 210 Marylnnd Building. Washington, D. C, will re ceive FREE OF ANY CHARGE a primer on canning and drying vege tables and fruits. Indicate which is desired. Send two two-cent stamps if both are desired. Fill out the spaco below and mail, as this is a part of the personal service this paper aims to give its readers. Namo Street City State.. E.L. Canning Drying. The House that Heppe FOUNDED IN C. J. Heppe & Son 2 Porch with a One of many pleasures that make the Victrola the world's greatest home entertainer. Why miss such enjoyment when it is so easy to own a Victrola through Heppe-Victor Service? VICTROLA IV 4 10-in. Double-face Records,., Total cost Pay $3 down, $2.50 monthly. VICTROLA VI 5 10-in. Double-face Records, .. , Total cost , Pay $4 down, $3 monthly. VICTROLA VIII. Records, your selection Total cost. . i Pay $4 down, $3.50 monthly. VICTROLA IX Records, your selection , . . Total coit,..i., Pay $5 down, $4 monthly. Call, phoiu frjff-"" 'fWK BaasaSaasSssBslsVsVBaaasl "MA" SUNDAY'S The wife of the famous evangelist discusses everyday topics in a helpful and wholesome way. The Girl Who Married a Check Book . ... atom I WAS walking tnrougn n uepun... tho other day when I heard my name pronounced In a tone of surprised welcome I turned nnd greeted a girl I had not seen for more than a year She was Just as TTt beautiful as I re membered her, but there was a hectic flush on her check and a forced gay ety of manner that caught my atten tion "Why, Beth," I said, how excited you look '" 'Oh Mrs Sun day she answered "I'm going to be marrlod '' "Let me con gratulate you," was mj rejoinder 'To any one I know?' Yes, ' she said, JIA SUNDAY with a little hesitation to Mr Coyne t innirl nt tier ns siraiKiii " cuutu Isn't It lovely," she exclaimed, with an increase in her forced gayetj "He's so rich He has three cars and a butler and a country home and- -" "But do you love him7' I asked HOUSEWFES ASKED TO AD WHEAT SAVING National Defense Council Urges yhem to Limit Bread Orders to Actual Needs Housewives are urged to co-operate with their grocers In conserving the wheat sup ply This request has been made by the Coun cil of National Defense to bakers all over the United States They have requested bakers to discontinue tho practice of taking bick unsold bread and beginning today this rule will go Into effect William Frelhofor, local chairman of the War Emergency Committee of the baking industr, has Informed the local bakers of the now rule and is aiding to see it carried out systematically All housewives are urged to calculate tho amount of bread actually used dally and order In advance Just the amount they will consume This little plan will save hun dreds of thousinds of barrels of (lour and avert the possibility of tho country having to uso gray or "war" bread The plan will nlso benefit the grocers and dealers as they will know In advance Jus: how much flour to use dally. JEFFERSON GRADUATES ENTER MEDICAL CORPS Thirteen joung graduate doctors of the JefTerson Medical College, all of whom are Phlladolphlins, today are arranging their prlvato afTalrs because next Saturday they will be graduated Into tho United States Navy Medical Corps Each of theso men went through a strenuous eight-hour ex amination jesterday under tho direction of Dr It A Bachman, head of the United States Naval Hospital on Gray's Ferry Boad. and were pronounced fit Tho Phlladelphlans who will he graduated Into the United States Navy Medical Corps are William C Becker Henry I, Doekus llajmoncl J Bower Carl 11 Campbell Martin J Costello Harry W t'roop lienjamln S Davis tohn M Huff Paul Keller decree W twla PMwira A Mullen Howard House James H Hoyster Infants and Invalids HORLICK'S WE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Rich milk, malted grain, Ip powder form. For infants, invalicTstDc1grswing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding lie whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers tad the aged. More nutritious than tea, coftee, etc. Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking. Substitutes Coil YOU Same Price 1865 ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IN 1SS1' Stores 1117-1119 Chestnut St. 8th and Thompson Sts. Dancing Victrola HEPPE OUTFITS ....$15.00 VICTROLA X ; Records, your selection ...... 3.00 .$18.00 Total cost $80.00 Pay $5 down, $5 monthly. VICTROLA XL. . $100.00 Records, your selection .....; 8.00 ..$25.00 . . 3.75 $28.75 $40.00 4.00 total cost. . . ,f Pay $8 down, $6 monthly. VICTROLA XIV.' Records, your selection $44.00 Total cost , Pay $10 down, $8 monthly. VICTROLA XVI.... , Records, your selection $50.00 ...... ......a. 5.00 .$55.00 r. Toi?Lc.0,t Pay $10 down. or write forUluttrated catalogues and INTIMATE TALKS "Oh rho answered "I suppose as v as most wives lovo their husband." Kt I took her to tho door of tho store t 1 V front of It a woman of tho street eh..,. If H1 to bt, passing. " "Do ou know what sort of eM iv.. Is7" I asked. sln ,h She doesn't look any better than ,v ought to be," came tho hesitating renlJ "Yes," I said, "she is better than L are for she Is not trying to hide .l to herself, what she Is doing You . deliberately selling )o.ursClf t3 n man lT.1 cause he Is offering jou tho luxuries the world in pajment Deep down In lr heart jou know that this is so, but ll dare to go to (Jod a hoi) temple to the bargain sealed under the clo.iv . L the cloak of hj. spectablllty ' I ' and the mir. ward Her ltJ lingerie and im. j B and of m,tJ She walked away offended nml ih. .. rtrlirn tnnW tilnrn mnrxty nrin.n..i V' now consists of btulng silk trtA4jtrl DSnnrtuat rs.srf lllinh...sAI !'"'" e,'-'",,-' ,i uiiiuiwiius unci ot miVjii lug a dlspl.i, as a hostess to that othl men maj euvj heh husbands possession 1 Marrying for love, for real love oiL! seem-) emn iu uie wuritl DUT U lj Sp.IISt tilenfllni; to flod Mnrrelnp fny . ""sT uoema svlftn to tho wr.t-1.1 l.i.l . " world but It I. ..!' pleasing both (Copyright, to tho Devil Ye cannot ..JT.i cannot sini 1... al- i... JUJ. uy in- upii riinflpjil. ., Ben fiindlcate. uJ I 'r I ilar "Tha Iriltn Color.' THE CHEERFUL CHERUB mmimimtMmimsTms.,ittmsmms.sMwmstlmmismsmsmtmss.,s,m We ber 50 imny useless loads'. We'd get tr.roo$K life. with much less tvss If we would just dispense with 11 1 he tnin5 ve. lug around with us. S1 Held Bake Shop nt City Hall Tho field bako shop In y Hall court. jard will be turning out bread before tit end of the week, nccordlngdo officers of tit Quartcrmasteri' Enlisted Itescrve Coras, which Is to operate tho bakery to show t wnai can do uono in actual war Ths ten! Is up and tho ovens and other equipment are being brought in Captain WIlllLj Clayton li In charge nssn Specials Charming Sport Skirts I of colored materials ideal In I weight for mountains or seashore, I Regular prices $1 f fi j $15 to $25.. JAJ.UU 1 IWeoe widc s.elcclion I 11 Coo Co Exceptional valuei 1 ft r26.50 1 $50 to $75 Dresses Now $37,50 f" WaiStS P4r choose from Were regular $5 to $10 sSdCaison deykode 1225 Walnut St. N. f o s " nx- J . C M built Phones Hell Filbert 2580 t Keystone Race 1008 Victrola X 7J U shown hers $75.00 ........ ... 5.00 .$108.00 $150,00 10.00 .$160.00 ,.$200.00 . 10.00 ) , $10 monthly. .$210.00 full jtartkular alssBsBWsfcfct Xrs JjJjyV f ll ifcfc VV sWJH fSfWTi lit,. 't u . . :3hsw,v . :