' PWMff' 'Wfuyanj ii in ipujiwu. j n i m i,p ij.ihii .njn,w iwi 'mip.i mm h lyy. 7' pwpi" ,' ijajsv-w'wa'T-. "piiipi EVENING LEDGER-rniLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1917, 3 250 NEW DENTISTS ARE LICENSED TO PRACTICE Successful Applicants Pnssinj: State Dental Board Exam LAWS AGAINST ILLEGAL DELUGE UNDERMINES STORE AT N0RRIST0WN Thousands of Dollars' Loss Caused by Collapse of Iiiiilding PRESIDENT MAY CHANGE DEFENSE COUNCIL PLAN Mexicans Fire on U, S. TroefM nti PAflO. Tex. July 11. rifty he4 were fired by Mexicans across the Rio . Hrando nt Harts Mill, one mile north of 1'nlon Slntlon. last night. The fire was re turned by the United States army patrol, but so far ns Is known there were no casualtlM. DENTAL WORK ENFORCED 1 EncouraginK Reduction of Out lawed Practice Reported at Jersey Association Meeting Urged to Abolish Advisory Board and Substitute Com mittee of Experts H..ini ypwiiuinnjLi'Mi' o' ' '- - m&ezgmrjprzmffim LULU TEMPLE COUNTRY CLUB PLANS NEW HOME Alumni Drive for Provost's House Fund Nets $12,000 First Day OTHER CITY NEWS BRIEFS Chevalier Bnldi Not Worried by At tempts to Otirt Him ns ft.rvnn Leader Members nf the t.u t.u Temple Country Club expc 'n In" one of tin- moat coin tide luiOi"'!--" l'1'' country beforo iipni Hiring The ''i"1' l,i,H "Unrsed Us grounds t l.tlff "HI hx ,li" purchase cif large idjolnniir farm .imP plans lire being com rlclnl f 't 'I'"' n-etlim nf a iijh' clubhouse Ilcfnrc ili inline upon tile plan tlio cutn--Utri- in i hirer- inttrcl every clubhouse In ind near ,ho ' IM T10 new 1"llllllnB wl embrace ni.i-n of the better features of the.e nnil mnn Innovation!" Membership Wlli be linnteil to nn Start Drite for I'rnwist's House Fund Alumni nf in-1 I'nlverslty nf 1'cnnsvlvnnla fcate started their drive to c-illei-t STft.iWO for a new i musts house Willi n start ef ni-arh 1 J onO they have innile several rlsits'o .ilumi I living In this city, ltepnrts ei team i ipi.uiH will he mail" at dally jwehpnni it the IScllcvuc-Klratfrircl Will Kill I'ark Caterpillars jVirtv niMi' mill men "111 he put to work M- the nK - innilM-Uni Killing i aterpllbira which Infert tin- trees In l-'nli mount Pnrli The men il! he armed with arsenic lead, which will he "prinlfleil on the branches. nU! Vnt Wnrrieil liv Onnnsitinn " c C Il.iliH refuses tn he worried oxer the campaign being waged ngnlnt him hy opponent In till" city, according to Vlto JtalcH. hi" """ Hnth the chevalier and his son have heen requested to teslgn from the Clrcolo Jt.illnni Hotli refused. however, to make an comment om the m.itter at this time Wore Wcarinu Stolon Clothed Two vnung men arrested nn suspicion of larcenv will hne to fare n trying court e-2eal The men, I'hlllp l.nlfcrty. JS'.'T Van l'elt street, and Morris Mulforil, 2SIV Stlllman street, were arrested with suit casts containing n large assortment of doraes. slid h the. poller to Iiav heen stoun. The men were forred to undress In the f'!-e tntlnn and most of their clothes will bo ucd hi evidence against them Illumination for Marino Smoker Illumination i f the marine parade p-numl" nf the Philadelphia Navv Yard with approNlm itilv SiiO.ium cajidlcpouer will be .1 featuie nf the hlg smoker next Thursd.ii night vvhlidi will he attended : Ilion s.ulot- anil marines Chaplain C SI Dlck-on "ill he in i-harge of the smol.er, which will unhide songs ami recitations. 1'enn Chilis Postpone Conference liv an om rw helming ote the olllcers of the Absim i.itid 1 nlvcrsltv of Pennsylvania Clubs h.ie agreed to postpone their fifth annual tonfiieniv nf the avioelatcd clubs scheduled I" he In Id In Wilmington, llel , next N'nvcmhei The Inst conference was In Pittsburgh Iictler Watering for Horses Watering place, for linises nrp sought kv the women's null.irv of the Pennsyl vania Snilcty for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals In .!mi" HS.Ito horses were watered at the nicletv's stations. Small Downtown Fire Fin- laused about $100 damage In the (tore nf Samuel ndelsteln, 917 South I'lEht tenth street, and brought out many of Iho neighbors halt dressed eaily today. Kdel stein and his Ifo were awakened by some one who saw the lire from tho sttcet. I'del stein tarried. out two iliildien and Ills wlfo carried out a l bird The lire was confined to the store without dllllculty. Ilriduc Permits Granted The .stale Water Supply Commission has apprised the applications of tho llureati of Kuivejs for p i mission to construct u bridge acn si Pcnnypaoli Creek near Po-(lu.-ssm ai-iuie It also approved tho supination ui the Philadelphia and Head Ine i:.iilu,i to construt t a brldgo ncrosa tin- .seliull.ill Itivir 1S.7UU feet north of the Itiading ti-rminal To Promote Interest in licit Line The ti.in-.poit.ition bureau of tho Cham ber of I'miiinirii- will begin a campaign tn an.u-v piddle interest In the Helt Lino. It al-n h i-, lu-Kun nn imestlgation of tho pot-sibiiities or operating tho lino under the t.nn-. of the llecht law. recently on aete.i i, the Lig.ilature Tho lino Is con elnVud it part of the general port de Velopmi nt plan. White Navy Uniforms Costly The v,r,iK,, white unlfoims of tlio ofTl- ceis if tl.i navy and medical corps nro rather epensi.e t maintain, according to iiiuiij or i m he ollleers. Dr. It. A. Hacliinan. neau or the I nitul States Naval Hospital in this cit -aid thet n man In the medical senne nn-d-, at bast six of theso suits. j hi- eivt of in se Is approximately $100 ui-iuis me taandry i-haiges. Falls Into Street Cave-In Falling in a stieet cave-In caused by tho ftonn of je-tetday near tho Federal street entrance to the fcij-y house 'in Camden, J3t Ol) tiliihoi otim llftc- n. vfinra olit rt MSurknev itrect Philadelphia, was Rllglltly iojuii-u no is in the i uoper Hospital Galvanized Boat Pumps jjaa'isonfKntxaSi n, iibiiuH vu.09 n. zu ai ifoln tCCI. Uarktt IH. Ready Money United States Loan Society 117 North Broad St. 411 S. Bib at. 2518 nerniiintnwn nif. Stand Behind the Government LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE TIIIUII FINANCIAI, DISTItlCT Ids 8. lOLlCTlI ST., I'lllLut. THUMB "SP" PATff" SCdEW fiSp. ALLIED HtOULATOB. Cp rOR Seeley's Adjusto Rupture Pad will tncrcaie efficiency of any truai ii.' Preasure can be adjusted ut "HI. Swivel action In bottom allows eue to yield to every motion with out ahlftlng centre, or allowing rup ture to illp, Comfortable, safe, diir abl .mi nanltary. ilallej aoywhere on receipt of )2. Btate kind of trim It Ii for -U or write for circular. No agent. I. ft. RPFIBV. 1H97 W.lmi St. . -HWHMMf v.( ........ ,- i vut eal anil tffji fr r0irenet. &i -ipijfflgfflfflljBEM inations Announced HAltUISUntO. July it Two hundred and fifty applicants passed tho June tunmlnntlon of the Slate Urntal Hoard held In Philadelphia nnd Pittsburgh The pert examinations will he held tiecetn tier S. C nnd T In Philadelphia and Pitts burgh. The successful applicants from Philadelphia nnd vicinity follow, all being Phllnilelphtans except where noted: A. 11 Adams. J J Algtilrr. C l. Algase, J Altomnn. W ,1 Asprey. c c Iinstlnn. Mver Ilayllmson. II. It Itenchler. Ilenjiimln Ilrnedlrt. J l.. Iin?.i.rlh. T. I.. Ilriggs. Jr. Chester, i: N lirtiwn. Annie K Ciihnn. It. Camtbell. I.lanereb, n P. I'llpuhnm. John ! Connnlly, A V. Corb. i: It Cornish, I',' .. ''rnnp- '' I 'reas. II W. Iwgnn. H II. Iieken. A (1 Frdernmn. Chester; Ilenlamln Peldmnn II 1. Plseher. Ileiibeu I-isher i: IJ Porman, A T I-'rlcke. Jr. Ullmlnglon. Hel . II 1, tint, A I. tlelsen hnuer. J. II tlreene. II C V Itllle. Itlver edge. . J ; J a llusee). Ilrlstol . W. I, T Jnekinn. C i: Johnron. T W Jones, C. A Cnuflleld James 1, Kellv. Chester; J V Kllllon. .1 i; Klunil, Ahtnhnm K Nehel man. (Inulshel Kutlkoff. T W l.uinls. West Chester: I.ouls Marks. II K Matthews. Jane Nnthnn. I. M .Wlson. J I, Neu bauer, Sntnuel .on,-k. Matthew pnrk Jr S A. Pettier. C F Phillips, C. i: Phillips Mas Itutt.nberg. ('nmdpti X J.. M N Hose. It I, Hoenenell. Ilsther Hchu paclt K c Selgel. Ilermn-i Sharpe. T. J. Shore. I.ouls Klu allow Morris X. Sllmutzer. .1 J Hliulu. W. J Covcrly-Smlth .1 W Hinder. It c stnrrt Herbert It Store tf. o,i..,. v . ...'.' Sugarman. A W Suigler. llist l.anvdnwne . ......, i.r.-. iin-iier ueorge V 'Wniien Swnrt.imore. !lnrt Wartel c Vut..i, and A A Whalen URGES PASTORS TO STAND liEIIINI) THE GOVKKNiMENT In Present Crisis, Says CoIIoko Head, President Merits Support Even if Relieved Wront: An appeal to stand sipiarelv behind the President nnd the (Internment, no mat'er w-hnt the Individual iittltude toward tho nets of the tcrnment m ght be. wns made today bv the Ite, John A W. Haas. president of Muhlenberg College li ctor Unas spnlte before the summer Institute for pastors te-ichers and I'uirci' nnrlc-'-i . ' fie l.uthernn Church nt the Philadelphia Theo logical Seminal). Mount All Doctor linos said that he had heard of ponple who hnd stopped praying for the (internment because Its policies did not suit them, but said that the teachings nf the nihle were tn prnv for the success nf the (3oernmetit. whether the Indhidual up proved nr dlsapptmed of Its nets "If you are n Christian." said Hoctor Haas, "and do not beliee In war. mi hne the right tn take that attitude; 'but nu miift suffer and go to prison If the xtnto so decides." Hoctor Haas justified the Itussinn ref lation as n case of necessity fnr the preser vation of human existence, but said that the trouble In llussla at the present time Is that the power Is In the hands of n group of Intellectuals, who do nnt believe. In either (Jod nr polities except to satisfy their own opinion While be could sanc tion the Russian ieolullon. he said, ho could not support the nnnrchists. many nf whom nro now lit power MWSUWW Tabic of quantitji and increase in cost of materials used in the Hudson Super-Six In each 7-pnssengor Hudion Super-Six Phaeton the following amount! of materials are ued: The Cost The Cost Increase in 1D1G Now in Pet. 250 lbs. frame steel $ 1 .35 per cwt $5.25 per cwt 289 335 lbs. sheet metal 2.75 per cwt 8.15 per cwt 297 110 lbs. aluminum castings .28 per lb 50 per lb ,..179 210 lbs. cast iron 13.25 per ton 43.00 per ton '. .325 Our leathoi Itu re.ise, whlih Is one of tho most important Items. Is 10!.. Other upholstery Items have advanced inn our wheels have advanced 81)1 In price; our front and rear axles Kil'l ; the components of our tires, rubber and cotton have ndviineed TCT) and ICO'o, respectlvcl We u-e BO pounds of copper In each Super-Six: it co-ts 100 more than a e,ir ago Phaeton, 7-pssenger..$1850 Speedster, 4-passenjer. 1750 Cabriolet, 3-passenser. 1950 Touring Sedan 2175 Town Car 292 Town Car Landaulet.. 302S Limousine 292S Limousine Landaulet.. 3023 (All prices . o. 6. Detroit) BELL PHONE SPRUCE 1060 J MilMI .-. ,' ' Ji i t j i i k . . . U.' -. :. . JJU HejfiLH . - ATLANTIC CITY. N". .' . lull I I Laws for the suppressing nf Illegal den' i prnctltloners In Jrroev are being lqiroi enforced, according to icpnrts pic- itui i d- to tho fnrtj-seenlli annual comeuti m of the New Jersey State IVn'al !' .n which npennl on the Million Imll.ir Put this morning, with the nnnual nddres of President James I Wolxerlon. nf Tnutnn delegates from every clly In the State ate attending the largest contention Jer. i .mi has hud President Wnltcrton reported that Piere are 1 IPO registered practitioner in the tnent-one counties nnd that nineteen pet snim who attempted tn trespass upon their ground during the last were eonlcted nnd penalized He recommended the appoint ment nf n business malinger for the State nssoclatlnti tn hae charge nf th large ex hibit which features the eirl gatherings, nnd the crentlon of a membership director with iflnn members by t!iJ0" for his slogan President Wolxertnn recommended also that the history of Ihe association be brought down to date nnd thit the proceeds from nn Imnai- In dues be di-Mited to iei.Hih w ork m South Jersev ranch soil.-tiei nre par tiiolarli well lepreieiited In the meeting This nft'tnoon the (hi Initio ate holding a i llnlc with olutiteer suh-.-in fm ri.-i tteitmint waiting nt the gate TEAR UP POSTAGE STAMP AND GIVE U. S. $2,000,000 Poor Man Has Plan for Every body to Share War Hurden WSIIINCTX. JUlv II l'urih.ie of a two-cent imstage slump daih and ili-trin tloii of It Immeillatelv Is ugfe-ued bv hanlel T llrown. of the Home for IMsahled Soldiers l-i California, lis n wnv poor persons nnd men Incapacitated for inihtar serlee cm "do their bit ' It Is pointed out that If the Imi.nnn.iinn adopted this plan and did not use Ihe stamps nn mull the ioentment would ncelxe 1f milt mm ilallv from this snuice In his fo-iual suggestion to President Wilson, llrown pasted three stampi. tout In line pieces, on the paper, detailing the plan lie said "Thrnuglipnt the land theie ate ihoii sanilt) nf us who nre unable t-i n sp mil Man of us are not able to ineit in l.lbein llonds and are at a loss "how best to servo our coiintr.v I have u simple, humble plan, nlrc.idv in oteratlon It Is the purehn--e and de tnii-lloti of a two-cent postage stamp d.illv Thl voluntiry tux pii)ineut scheme makes in- fi el I am doing inv bit ' Kinploji's Profit by .Martiltdale Will Kmploes of lug ser ice nnd devotion have been lewnrdeil b the will of Tlmmns Murllndale. anilllar.v i ip of which has been (lied nt Mnj's Landing. X .1 Sum" ranging fiom JJO per month for life to Jj"iflii as an nutnght gift were the rewards nf faithful services Martindale's body was brotigbt lo this city after having been iiirrleil on sledges through Canada, where he died, tn elMll7.atinn lie was a noled hiintei and tinppei nnd prominent In bus(-ni-o i Iri lei in Ibis i Itv 'MWffjWi How War May De of a Hudson S These arc times when no one who will want an automobile within the next twelve months can afford to put off buying. The onlu certain wan of getting a Hudson at all, or to obtain it at present prices, is b buying now. War conditions so greatly affect material, supply and costs that future car production is uncertain. Note how costs have increased in the essential materials as shown in the above table. All materials have gone up in price at an unprecedented rate. Pig iron sold at an averagepri ce of $16 a ton for a period of 25 gears before the war. It is now above $50 a ion. All automobile manufacturers have or soon will make new price advances. They have had to on account of increased cost. On cars selling at $1,100 and above, the increase has been as much as $200. Cars which have made no record for performance or endur ance and which have sold in the $1,000 to $1,300 class are now priced in the Hudson Super-Six class. Increased costs are similarly affecting all makers. None can permanently escape them. Hudson Prices Not to Advance Now The Hudson factory is now in production with materials bought at last year's material prices. When they arc all gone, then Hudson cars, too, must go up in price. The number unsold and in production is limited. All dealers know the amounts of their allotments, and so far as we are able, they will get their full supply. Dealers who have not made arrangements in the way of stocks and rely upon factory supply to meet their wants will have to take their chances in getting cars along with the men who put off buying. GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTQR CAR CO. 253-255 i.lmiijMii iifJBitihsfjrfifa - i - intfr ' &s tSr-, MRS. CATHKK1X13 K. NKALI. Police matron nl the Fourth and York streets station house, who is cclcbrntinp; the rcmpletion of twenty-flvo years in that capacity. OFFER TO COLLECT TAX WITHOUT COST REJECTED I.nndale's Former Controller, Who Pefused Four Years' Salary of $10,100, Says Fees Are "Outrage" l,SIM.i: Pi. .lulv it - Pr John X Jin- iln nf lain-diU- former Montgonietv Count Controller, who teflon d bis four vear's sal.irv. ninnuntlng to ai4nn: who rrfii-i il a State polltlml i.fflce paving $0(Kt a veal, and who take off his i-n.it and rides about this borough with workmen because l.nii-dnle improvi metit is his hnbb appeared before th - l.iitii'dalt- Itoaid of Mduiation and eff.-ted to 1 1 lb-ct Ihe school tnx for $l.(l. bec.iuie ho deilnnd the JKi'.fi tiald for the loll-ctlo-i of the tax was an injustice and nutrage" to the taxp.ivers PiM-tor Jacobs, who is one nf the wealth iest men nf the Xorlh I'enu. set forth In detnll thnt the $l'.n he reciue-it-d paid onl the nbsrdute rxp-un'i nf colleitlnn Itow i Mr, his offer has l.en uiiliieitly turnwl down, for the Hoard of l-Mucntlnn hn re-engaged John Cmir, the former Collector, nnd will pav him I'j pi r tint i ommividnu. Five per cent w is p-itil bun form.-i'v WILiAIINGTON STEEL PLANT 15ADLY DAMAGED HY FIRE S'JOO.OOO Loss to Uip; Concern in Early Hlazc'- 1500 Employed in Destroyed Mill WII.MIXC.TOX. .lul.v II Fire nf un discovered origin earl.v this morning de stro.ved nt least one-third nf the plant of the Wilmington Steel Companv nt Third and llenld street , doing $'.'"0 000 damage to buildings, slock and machinery. The section of the plant detlrnyed com prised what Is known as the eighteen Inch mill, the stotehousc and repair shop, nil tin drr one roof, the i ompanv ii-staurant ad joining nnd the iiuaiteiH of the compaii po lice department neaibv. The hospital was damaged but nnt de stroyed line flrrinnn, Lewis Cash, was sllghtlv Injured It waf stated linn men net cmplnved in the mill dc-urnved North Broad St., Phila., Pa. - T "sirttiHrAlf Mitttl i NollUISTOWN. Pa. July 11. Thousand nf dnllnrs' damage wns done thin morning shnrtly before II o'clock, by Ihe 'collapse of the three-stury furniture store and dwelling owned by John liurante. nnd or -iiiiied b Antonio llassl nnd family, the bu-ltics being conducted b llassl nnd Putniile in partnership The fall of the building was due to the 'ien rainstorm which causeil tho foundation, which had bei u we lketied by a new building operation. to give way Slvis Hone i wns erecting n new build ing nt the corner of Mnln nnd Walnut itrcets adjacent to the building which fell. He had excavated lower than the bottom of the adjacent foundation walls All would have been well, no doubt, had not the heavv rain filled Ihe escalation nnd caused the collapse When the building fell the big stink nf furniture went with the debris nf bricks, tnnrtnr and rnfters Into the hole. Fortunately there was ad Mince warning of the collapse, which per mitted the llassl fnmilv to leave the build ing, so no one wai Injured In the cnlhpse if... chimney of tho ad joining building nf John J Hayes, under, taker, wns split In half Durante & llassl had lire Insurance, but none to cover the loss b this accident. Parade to Iloost Naturalization patriotic parade to eneourago aliens to become naturalized citizens of the t'nlted States will -be held In Camden tomorrow night under the auspices of the Cnmden V M c A Two thousand men who have received their first papers will form the largest p-vrt of the nlfalr. The group will be addressed bv ilavor Hills and other city nltli-lal" at tlroailwa I'laxa Shipbuilding Plant Hurnn F.VST IIOOTIlllVV. Me. Julv 11 -The shipbuilding plant nf nice llrothers wns dcstro.ved bv fire, together with a half completed lightship, several f.iwlers. scv r.il submarine chasers and half a dozen jnehts nnd launches The loss was estl. mated at tl'iOnon Xn cldencc nf Incen dlnrlsm was found Nothing was saved fiom the plant except a few drawings J.ECaldwellcVQ. produce inexpensive KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, SERVING PIECES nnd HOLLOWWARE for use in summer homes and on the less important occasions. prive You uper IX aterials Growing to Get Costs Increasing i Buy Hudsons for Less Now Than Later As long as the present supply lasts, Hudson Super-Six cars can be bought at present prices. Compare them with the prices now asked for cars which have shown no such proofs of endurance. Go minutely over the claims and recommendations made for any car; check its price with that of the Super-Six and then take into consideration the character of dealer representation and service offered by the different cars and decide. lIVo has made such demonstrations of endurance? No other manufacturer has established important records as an indication of the performance capabilities of his cars. In fact, since Hudson first began to make records for speed, acceleration, power and endurance, there have been no other interesting tests announced by other makers. Before Hudson began to make new records, it was the cus tom of many makers to use the speedway and the cross-country run to prove their cars. We did not resort to a new method to prove Hudson performance. But what the Super-Six has done has apparently proved how hopeless it is for any to attempt to equal its records. At any rate, no one now disputes Hudson supremacy with any proof that any car equals or excels it. By deciding now you can get a Hudson Super-Six at a price not much above what is asked for cars which formerly sold at a much lower price. If you wait, the inevitable adjustment of prices will again force you to pay the true difference. It is needless with most buyers to explain the greater value of the Super-Six. You no doubt have long preferred to own a Hudson. Now the question of its costing more than .some other car should not deter you. But your decision must be made soon if you want to get a Hudson Super-Six. Other cars iiuvcti i even a (Mite iiuvumagc now. KEYSTONE RACE 2177 fc Mdmlri&th.yijL,. WASHINGTON. July 11. Reorganization of the Council of Na tional Pefenso today wns up to the Presi dent The President has before him n plan, proposed by his Cabinet war chiefs, vlr tually shelving the rouncU'a advisory com mission with Its scores of "big business" representatives nn numerous; committees. A new pla.i proposes speedier war moves through n small gtoup of six or seven men, each a bead of a specific branch of wnr activity Thnso suggested for the "business directorate nf the war" nro principally tho same men on the present advisory com mission -Panlci Wlllard, Howard Collin. Julius UoenWald. llemard Harurh nnd Frank A. Scatt. of the general Munitions Hoard The preliminary work of organizing the nations business for war purposes as ac complished by the old advisory commission nnd subordinate committees under tho de fense council Is regarded ns finished. The President's war chiefs now desire a smaller group of business men with more centralized authority nnd responsibility to net as the medium between the army and navy on one shlo nnd the country's busl ness and manufacturing interests on the other. DENTISTS FLOCKING TO SERVICE OF UNCLE SAM HAtmiSriUIKJ. Pa., July 11 "Dentists have responded to tho call of the Govern ment for service In the nnnv In greater numbers than can bo used under the first call." said Dr. A. II. Iteynolds, of Phila delphia, following a meeting of the State Denial r.xamlnlng Hoard In this city "The Government nsked for 1000 dental volunteers, nnd 1C00 offered their services," Mr Ilevnolds said "Tho number nsked for wns then Increased to 1500, and the men who volunteered number more than 2"00. Pennsylvania has done especially well Of men recently examined more than "00, from all parts of the State, have signified their Intention of seeking commissions In the dental corps " :nm Difficult ,iiJ PHONE ,? In this Big Reduction Sale of Perry Summer Suits it's the clothes that count even more than the Price Cuts! And yet, you can get $15 & $18 Suits... j $13.50 $20 and $22.50 $16.50 Suits for j $1750 25Suits I lio.oS $28 and S30 j $23.00 Suits for j $24.00 CJ Buy two or three. Suits as an investment! Their equals next year will cost you at least five to ten dollars more than our regular all season prices! Tropical Suits for Hot-weather Comfort! C A regular feature of our Summer stocks, not a side line by a long shot! Dark, light, in between colors and novelty patterns. ( $7.50 to I $10.00 ; $10.00 t $12.00 Palm Beach Suits "Breczwevc" Suits Mohair Suits $13. t $15. 50 00 Store closes daily 5 P. M. 1 P. M. Saturdays during July and August PERRY & CO. "N. B. TV' 16th & Chestnut Sts. YOU can send, the daily and Sunday editions of the Public Ledger to any of your relatives ?. d friends with the American expedi tionary forces abroad at do mestic subscription rates. Yoik may telephone order to Walnut 3000 (Bell) or Main 3000 (Keystone), Cir culation Department. Sub scription will be entered and bill mailed to you, or you can mail instructions, inclosing check or money order. DAILY and SUNDAY 75c Per Month