Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 11, 1917, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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ff t An
"'jnwr-1 "'" k
Southpaw Hitter and Great Ground Coverer Meet
on 24-foot; uiamona in mm Evening Game
at Athletics' Ball Lot
rtHIBE PARK, battleground of mnny hl
J .'..- rhivmnlonihln tllte. for the Ilrst
L1 will be the scene of n gnmo by the
JS.I it the moon, other satellites, If there
aw. and also nrtlflclal lighting when
'" 0f the greatest contenders for the pen
IT.1 in the Lightweight League, namely.
iJhn Dundee ad Georgo Chancy, clash In
ilt-lnnlng contest tonight
. rain cansed postponements nt the
t,iiils' park Monday and yesterday, so It
wn delay tonight's fray. In this event, the
J,,,h WH be put on tomorrow night, nut
J postponement would not mean a double-
M at the conclusion of tho scheduled half.
1 i.un frame?, the players ore braced In a
. tn A. ontrAcrn In nnl' .vtrn in.
V will uvt. ..Re. --.. -
,H . n.ltlnn tn fhn flrnl nlare.
JjSclpal" In this particular pastime do not
Kiish further battling than originally llm
uJt Secondly, laws framed by tho com.
Jlti here forbid games of more than six
pisy at Weight '
TheDundec-Chaney game, each hopefully
ko!nr to eliminate the other from the light-
vafBl rate " '"" " ,
eaiJesslon of Benny Leonard, was arranged
'tVelght. Kach side has agreed to come
In at 13' pounds before romping to hla
retptctlve position on the twenty-four-foot
"VTcontest Is scheduled to begin along
bout 10 o'clock, after four preliminary
mitches are decided. Then Umplro Frank
O'Brien will familiarize tho players with
the Philadelphia rules, and at hla "Play
Bill," rather "Let 'er go" cry, tho prlnci
cala will go to bat. .
Each side depends on different offensive
ana defensive styles. Chaney is credited,
and really possesses, the harder wallop. Ho
Is a southpaw hitter, nnd his record shows
abetter percentage than that of Ty Cobb.
The-Baltimore entry has been batting at a.
average around .750, having walloped nl
moat three out of every four oliponenti fo
emphatically that they had to bo carri-il
from the field before the end of tho gnie.
If any wallops arc to go over tho right
Btld wall or Into tho left field lilenchers
Chaney has the edgo to accomplish this
ron the defensive, Chaney, llko tho lied
Boi Is a corking good fielder. Ho never
allows anything to got by. stopping nil lilts,
and doesn't mind getting In front of ha id
wallops, only, of course, when they aro foul.
But there Is little likelihood of Dundee con
netting with any blows without tho bound
try lines.
Covers a Lot of Ground
Dundee, on tho other hand, Is so full of
mo on the defense, being on his toes, mov
ing1 to continually and covering bo much
pound that he passes up many well-placed
hits. Johnny's speed Is so great that many
willops get past him by tho breadth A a
When at the bat Dundee can hit 'em out
from any angle. He swings while on one
foot, or on neither, flying through the air.
HI. onlr fault in hitting Is that Jawn can't
Ht 'em out for home runs, yet ho certainly
an bunch singles, doubes and mix theso up
with ehort Infield hits.
Speaking of home runs, there will be no
illdlrr to the fourth base unless tho one
wbo happens to Hllde gets pushed In the
rice while running the bases. Neither
player 1U, be considered out, unless His
umps gets an opportunity iu ihukuio .
Excellent Scoring on Heavy
Greens, With Guilford and
D. Edwards Leading
Despite a steady downpour of rain, com
paratively good scores were being made
today In the Western Golf Association
tournament The chief difficulty encoun
tered by the players was putting, half nn
Inch of water standing on some of the
As the first pair In the match events
paised the ninth holo today Bowker was
on up on Anderson. In tho Gullford
French match Guilford was running away
lth It, being flvo up. Desplto the rain,
May and Bankard both mado low scores
and were playing a close game. May was
one up over Bankard, who made a 38.
Edwards had a good lead on 'Worthlngton,
being three up as they completed nine
holes. Oulmet was being hedl to a tie
by Henry.
When today's match play began there was
every Indication that two brothers Donald
and Kenneth Edwards might fight It out
for the title, Both represent tho Midlothian.
Donald has shown the best golf In the
Uiurnament to date; his defeat of Tom
Prescott, of Atlanta, and his medal scoro
of 74 yesterday gave him medal honors
for the entire play with a total of 160.
HU brother, who had been leading him,
turned In 7S yesterday, making his total
m. Francis Oulmet, of Boston, was third
with 153.
Pairings for today's play were as fol-
Donald Edwards vs. J. S. Worthlngton,
E, Hopver Bankard. Midlothian, vs. Jack
y, South America.
P. Burnett. Mavwood. vs. K. J. Peder-
oa; Maywood.
T, Henry, Jackson Park, vs. Francis
Chilmet. Woodland.
Kenneth Edwards vs. R. M. Bush, New
'.P. Guilford, Boston, vs. G. D. French,
k Island.
'0. Anderson, New York, vs. It. A.
Boker, Marquette,
IV Markwell, Jackson Park, vs. P. E.
wyer, Bobolink.
The play started In a heavy mist with
iry prospect of rain.
ThS erl.ln.l ., s,..i- ..I.. 111.. . ar.
iiiiilm?! w"h any strong nfteen-seventeen
, UJf-oW.vinlformed team offering a fair Induce.
m Iu,rsr Vslorle, 1118 East Moyamenslng
U1 Ujnayunk Semlprofesslonals have July
ImS?".'" any fast home team offering good
jMucement.. Herman Herbert, 47, Main
yi.VVn"Tink. or phone Manayunk 819
r tjo p, in,
1.A ";,,alprofisional team desiring the serv
ia? Jr A ood all-around player for the bat.
K5f &Ltht on can secure one by writing to
, suaa wortn Marshall sireei,
li"rtV!?'i, ,C semlprofesslonal travsl
tth .."S' J1" Jul 1 and 21 opsn for matches
Jw ." S.om an ' Pennsylvania. New Jer
Ktn4 Delaware, offering a fair guarantee.
-a Jonss. 2S2 Orsenwlch street.
Linril.v a . . . ..,.. it 1
IM .' ,..' wants g&mss jor juij. . .
Suhl i?i"!,anr first-class traveling team. O.
t jajj. H120 North Hlath street, or call Wyoming
b"0,.,.rB- c- ,nn-ssventesn-yar-otd travel.
2L. iPiyould Ilk to arrange games with
is TJ-lf'tJ"4" orrs ring expenses, on aIu"
iM 25. D. lloffman. 1216 East Bus-
Jlttlo mathematics, counting from ono to
Ten Players
instead of eighteen players participating
In tonight's crucial contest, only ten men
nro necessary to mako a pleasant time for
the large crowd that Is sure to fill the
grandstand nnd blcarhors. Tho two one
man teams and t'mplro O'Urlcn nre the
only persons tho fans will see on the field
of action, whllo the timekeeper will try his
titmost to keep the sides from battling more
than the legal three-minute inslncs. Then
each entry will have his manager on tho
side-lines and two assistants.
Tonight's melee is not only Interesting to
followers of the sport In Philadelphia, but
also to thoso In New York nnd Ilaltlmore.
Tho latter two cities aro represented In
tho game. Whichever happens to add tho
camo to his W. column, ho will be In lino
for n world's game opposed to H. Leonard,
with tho lightweight blue ribbon at stake.
Puglllstlcally speaking. tonlrht'H bout be
tween Chaney nnd Dundee Is certain to re
sult in a great ring match. Their laHt, and
first, meeting three yenrs ago was a scin
tillating rcrap. They fought a great nlp-and-tucl;
contest, nnd It was only Dundee's
cloverness that enabled him to win on
The ring nt Shlbo Park will bo situated
at the home plate.
Evening Ledger Decisions
. Nr.W YORK Jnrk Dillon ilefentnl 4nrk fllf.
ford, I rankle llurns tnn from llutih ltrnmlt,
Ited MrDonnlri iiml Kid Henry ilrew, Joe
Lennnrtl nutpnlnteil Pninkln Hell.
.. IIOKTOX I runklo I'ullalun ilrfentrd Jlmmr
Ileiiir Haulier I to get thnt for wMrh h hns
Ik in srhlns for svernl months, lie will net
thr chance to meet Jnrlt lllarkhurn ngnln. They
will box at the llrondwuy Club next Monday
Preliminary bouts nt Hhlh Vnrk tonight fol
low : Jimmy MrC'ube vn Young .tn Horrell,
Mike D.iIIpv n. Lou Stlmrir. Amlv McMrthon s.
Mlko Mums nnd Hauling Manton vs. Sieve Mor
ris. rrnk Amoiten has been elected rrccldrnt of
the Twilight Club, South I'hllailclnhld's social
organization that has manv prominent boxers
on Its mcmbnrihln. I.ouls Camlllo will occupy
the, vlco president's chair.
Vlto Colonne has Arranged a program of six
bouts In conjunction with a smnkT to h hld
at tho Soutnwark Mcn'a Club, Tront nnd lllls
wnrth streets, tomorrow nlKht. .Tnck Mcdulran
will rcfereo. Tho boiits arf Jop Autcatls s.
Ycuna I.nwrcnco, .lohn I.nan vs. Pat ''Mallev.
.Tn, Dillon vs. llattllnir Murray, Hilly Illnrs vs.
Trnnkle Conway. Al Kelly v. Younir l(atrone
nnl Freddy Oroas vs. Tranklo Murray.
,11m 11.inn, tho Flrenmn. nsaln ha announced
hla retirement from the rtn. Ue says the
nnlsh of llll" will nnd, him out of the squared
clrclo for rood. Flynn has been under the man
npement of Jnrk Curley, who was recently
canned by Joss Wlllard. for twehe years.
Djve Smith, the Australian llsht heatTwelght,
whe showed very little class when ho invaded
the United States several years obo, has re
tired from active botlnB. He has opened a
Bymnaalum at Melbourne
llnttllnK Ionanl, tho bantam .Toe nium Is
KtoomlnB, may box In one of tho bouts at the
Hioadway next week. Leonard has been coming
alon gradually, and ilium Is using cood Judg
ment ty not pushing the llattler too fast, lltum
recentlv was offered a bout for Leonard with
Patsy Wallace, and Joo Bald, "All rlBht, In
about six months."
Amateur bouts will be the feature of the per
fnrmancw at the Gayety Theatre tonlRht in the
10r, 110, Its, L!2 and 13.1 pound classes. Three
special bouts also will bo staged and a resume
of the Dundee-Chaney bout, round by round, held
at Millie Park, will bo read from the stage
S-SpCAwa (aiot) aansjc
The Fault of Looping
MTi. KVANS I developed a bad case of
"looping." It was a loop over In front
of the line followed by tho club on tho back
ward swing Was the causo of this stand
ing too close to tho ball and bending tho
left arm at the elbow
In order to get the
club over the right
shoulder? B, at
tributes tho looping
to the above-mentioned
causes and
tells me to stand
farther away from
the ball and straight
en out my left arm
on the back swing
You once told me I
stood too closo to the
ball. Alex Smith, In
his "Lessons In
Golf," at page iti,
referring to a photo
graph of himself,
says: "Tho position
of the left arm Is im
portant. Noto that CHAItl.ns IJVANH
It Is kept virtually straight, Insuring a
long, wide sweep of the club. The common
ana easy way to get the club to a
horizontal back of tho head la to, bend the
elbows and draw In the hands. But then
the swing will necessarily bo short and
too straight up and down. In the true
swing tho left arm Is kept extended and
the club Is brought to the top of tho swing
through the proper action of the wrists."
"Looping" Is a bad fault and one that
Standard units count for little
unless a car Is built to Insure
comfort and economy. The
Davis organisation lias not
only equipped this car with
sucli features as Continental
Six Motor, Ilelco Ignition, Hyatt
ami lloek Hearings, Htewart
(iasollne System, etc., but
through scientific spring con
struction has secured riding
comfort that is Indeed a rere
latlon. Although wonderfully power,
ful, the Davis, because of Its
light weight and responsive
action, Is surprisingly eco
nomical, nig Six 7-rass. Touring
or S-rass. Club llooditer,
Ught Six T-I'ass. Touring
or Club lloadster, I1J0J
Bell Motor Company
The House of Hlgh.Fowered
Cars and Oood Servlco
613-621 N. BROAD ST.
fn raqnee or reputable dealers
Kirt, -W
sfwww. '4 , . f v wA "" " "Amxs"'"&-- w . w?v33SM.
It Is easy for us all to acquire. Its result
Is usually disastrous, and ono should get
rid of It as soon as possible I used to call
It tho "pigtail" stroke. It simply means
the nsccndlng and descending strokes de
scribe different lines. Tho difficulty lies in
tho backward ascending movement, which
is drawn too close to tho body, and the
attempt to bring tho uliibhend back on tho
line for a straight ball makes tho loop. Tho
club has been brought back Inside the
proper direction lino and It descends out
side tho line.
Sometimes It comes from trying to
"throw" tho clubhead "out," as some pro
fessionals teach. It also comes when one
forces a shot, and the man who takes but
a half stroke Is particularly susceptible to
the fault. l'8Ually tho same player Is not
very accurato and hooks or drives badly to
the left of the course. It Is a difficult shot
to time, and about one out of every three
might be good. Thero nro some tine players
who tend to this "looping." n shining ex
nmpto being Jerome Travcrs, especially In
his wooden shots. It Is. Indeed, risky busl
ncss on the full shots, and these, I assume,
nre what Mr Cleveland means, for ono can
not easily loop with his half shots.
Now for the remedy. Tho definition
shows that the ascending nnd descending
stroke should describe the samo line. Carry
the imaginary lino cut Into tho air by the
upstroke In mind and start the club hitting
Into the Identical line. I do not think that
f. E. C is standing too close to the ball,
probably ho Is too far away, for ho Is evi
dently pulling the club in, so that ho forms
no possible Imaginary line by his upstroke,
and tries to mako ono up straight down
in the ball. This cannot bo dono If tho up
stroke Is wrong.
Perhaps, too, the half turn to the right
Is not completo enough. Tho shoulders
should face at right angles to the first posl
tlon when at top of back stroke. Perhaps
your '"left elbow does bend In order to get
club over right shoulder."
Questions and Answers
Do you believe In chalking the face of wooden
clubs when the grass Is wet? A friend says It
gives better control of the boll.
Yes, I think this a good scheme, but n golfer
should carry" diT b In nU '", for this nur
dom also. Many uliueni think drlng with
mg Is better Hum unlug chulk.
As Economical
as a Windmill
. 24
Hour Delivery
LqRoche Brothers,
"Snipe" Conley
A promhlMo' husher vamrd Conlcv
linn iron fibicfrrn pomes In n row,
lrnch mentis some major league magnate
U'Wt buv him for oodJcs of tlovoh.
In Texan they au
Texan they n he'n a wonder.
They never get tnr
hrough boosting "Snipe,"
Itut ivon't it he tounh on the magnate
ll'ho but3 "Snlpr"' before he tt ripe.
IN Till. HI'nRTI.IRlIT TODAY It. A. fJroter
He made threo lilts, one a double, and wns
a big feature In the Athletics' victory over tho
White Sox, thus giving tho Macks the series,
thrte out of four.
Winnie Nnjes proted a hlg noise for the
ronnuck. lor seien Innings he turned back
the Uhltn Sox ititliout a lilt,
Tho Chlsox
solitary point,
by the Indluns
nro leadlnR the llutum by a
Iloston wns scalped three times
In tho series Just nnlshcd.
The White Sot nre not so speedy after nil.
when II l considered Hint the Athletics pulled
three double pliO" jeMerduj.
The A's move over to 8t,
Louis today for a
four-day sinnu.
Uav CaUwrll i in an awful lam. lie was
pfnrhrrt for ptnehino not for itnch pUeMnff nor
plneh hitting- but for "borrowing" a tISO ring.
Ping llodle Is satlflel that the White Sex
made u mUtakr In tjlng the tlnwnre to hint.
Ul Inlleld lilt In the ninth scored Jmnlrnon
and climbed the game.
Joe Tinker didn't fcne-u' (not he could ex
pretorate ttOO worth. Jle wan fined that amount
for Jtdttlnr; In Umpire linapp's fare last Thurs
day. The Yanks and Drowns pulled off the longest
marathon of the season, nnd the Yanks won It.
Seventeen Innings I
George Slsler got four lilts outNof eight trips
tn the idnte and headed Trlt Sneaker In the
rare for butting honors.
Jimmy Archer has been released by the Cubs.
Hi, la receiving congratulations In many quar
ters. The Clncy fteds are still winning ball games.
It may mean nothing to some people; for in
stance, tho eight American League clubs.
Tho Chlrago Sox are playing rood baseball
these days from a Boston standpoint.
When the Sox can lose so many ball games
J) ill ?
As the windmill is tho ono
source of water supply to
thousands of families, so the
Velie Six serves in the same
capacity in the supply of
Pleasure and Recreation year
in year out always unfail
ingly. 4 or 5 Pass. Models . $1185
Inc., 506 N. Broad St.
Phillies Again Idle;
Game With Cubs Is OT
The rijlllles ngnln were kept off the dia
mond, when thin afternoon' cnnie, the
llr4t of the merles uttli the Chicago Cuhs nt
llroud and Huntingdon streets, nnm culled
ofT nn account of the rain shortly after
noon. Due game will be played tomorrow.
This Is the third rnntecutlie day Inclement
weather has canned a iKistponeinrnt ut the
Phillies' park.
tn the Athletics, what are they s:oing to do
when they hao to battlo with the money hun
nry Hed Sox?
I'Ynnk llaker Is not hitting the hall any more:
only about tho same, lie got five of tho Yanks'
twelve hlngles tn that seventeon-lnnlnger against
the Drowns. II. .Miller had four of the other
MILWAUKEE. Wis., July 11. Wilbur
Good, erstwhile Cub nnd Phllde, fell nnd
broke his collarbone whllo trying to trap
a hit In tho second Inning of yesterday's
irnmo between the Brewers nnd Kansas
City, nnd will bo out of the game the rest
of the season.
JTnTrTTTTTIJrillJI IMUiVlllUH IHimminnmHiTHtLJIMi'Um limnilIIIHillll ininiiirjiiriifnjjifjui inriiifniiiUTHiiijrrTfMin inmiii ii tiiiiiiuii iiiinintitum.Tvjp
YOU may have noticed lately how
many cars are making their appeal
on "light-weight"
And implying
With a -paragraph or two about
All of which recalls to the expe
rienced motorist that Scientific Light
Weight, Efficiency and Thrift have been
basic principles ofthe Franklin for fifteen
And the call to National Thrift
makes the Franklin Touring Car more
conspicuous than ever.
The comfort and reliability of the
Franklin, you probably know about as
well as wo do.
Phone Define 1200
Huns Scored for Week
in the Major Leagues
Rnn scored by all teams In the American
and National ligues from Wednesday, Jnlr
4, to Tuesday, Jnly 10, Incliislte, Only runs
scored In the olTlelal nrerntes nre counted.
Scores of Incompleted games nre not In
(Imlcd, hut those of games of flte Inrdngs
or longer are fonnd In this talde.
IV. T. r. S. S. M. T. T'ls.
Detroit Oil 4 Bit B 42
Washington II 0 In in 441
t'letelund 1 II It I M AS
ClilrilKil K 1 2 X 2 X JO
Athletics S S 4 4 S 7 Ml
St. lMils t 7 fl 1 K 1 A SO
New Vork H a o 2 2 7 (ft
Iloston 12 S 1 o 8 24
Total R0 A3 2.1 11 SR 38 31353
W. T. r. S. S. M. T. T'ls.
Cincinnati IS 2 2 4 10 S3
New York HUSH'S S.1
M. 1-ouln HOI 2 24
lloaton , 7 3 4 4 O n 23
I'lttoburih I n H 4 2
Thlriix. Ill 8 4 2 IH
llrooktrn 2 fl 1 ft 4 IS
Phillies 7 ft 1 13
Totals ...... 70 27 20 32 0 SI 1B3
IHil not piny.
riui. Won i-o-t r. r. win ie
New lork 4.1 8.1 .Ofi'J .007 .0.12
trhiiiies an :h .mi
St. Lout. 40 3.1 .53.1 .M.I t.ftlft
(Inrliinutl 1:1 311 ,121 ..ISO .r.ltt
irlllrnsn 41 8! ..113
Ilrookbn 32 37 .4111 .471 .457
Iloston 2H tO .112 a.420 t.4(Xl
I'lttsburzh. . . 23 H .Ml ,3S3 .310
AMi:int'AN i.iunrn
Club Won l.ost 1. (', Win I.re
Chicago 48 2!) .tl-.'.H ,2H ,niS
Iloston 411 21 ,fi-.'2 .1127 .01.1
I'letrlniul. .. 12 37 .11:12 .n3H .52,1
New lurk 3S 31 .52H .534 .521
llfln.lt :iH 37 ..1117 .513 .51X1
WnshliiKtoll . . . 31 42 .12.1 .132 .410
St. IjiiiIs 3D IS ,3S." .SSI ,3SII
Athletics 27 4.1 .37.1 ,3l .30
Win tun. flxise tuo.
ll'osttioned nvln.
NATIONAL i,i.diti:
Chlcngo nt riilladelphla rain.
Cincinnati nt New York rnn,
rittshurgli at Hroflkbn rain.
St. Jiuls nt Iloston ttwo games) cloudy.
amkhk'an i.norn
Alhletlrs ut St. I.ouls eletir.
Iloston at Detroit cloudy.
tVashlnxtdil at Cleieland cloudy.
New York nt Chlcugo cloudy,
National League
flilcnro. It Ilrooklyn, 0.
Ilmoklyn, 4t Chlcnao, 1 (second game).
I 'Inclnnntl, 10i Iloston, 5.
tlther games postponed Italn,
American League
Athletics, t Chtrnro. 3.
Iietrolt, Si Wnshlngton, 4.
New Vork. 7i St, liuls, & (seventeen Innings).
Cleieland-llonton Italn.
Summer Shoes Reduced
Oxfords tan and black leathers of old
fashioned goodness prices have been
higher, but we can fit almost any man
now at
Where only the
Franklin Touring Car
A Family Car that Fits the Times
So the Franklin remains, during
times of Thrift, as in other times, the
one fine car you can afford to use as much
as you wish.
A Touring Model is now in our
show room. Immediate delivery.
'efficiency" as a
lets thin the avenge fine car. Air-cooled, and
therefore not burdened with 177 troubleiom
water cooling parts.
service at the least expense. Look up tho uied
car value of Franklin can, to get an idea of how
the public citeerai this efficient serviceability.
and 10,000 miles
Tn mw.Km smni
v WMW.. .
Mack to Sell Star Hurler to
Rowlands, Is Report
From West
Itepqrts from Chlcaco today state thai'
Joe Bush, star twlrler of tho Athletics, yrll,
wear the uniform of tho White Sox before
tho end of this month. Manager Clarenci
Rowlands Is sifter Hush In order to strength
en his pitching staff for tho final drive to
Pennant villa
Howlnnds believes that, with Bush on hU
payroll, ho would land tho American League
Olllclnls of the Athletics at Shlbe Park
today knew nothing of Connto Mack's In
tentlons to sell or trade Hush.
Hiieo Bezdek. of PlttsburBh, hns secured
Wllholt from the Iloston Ilravcs to fill up
tho pap In tho nutdchl made by tho loss
of "lllll" lllnchman. Since tho loss of
Illnrhman, Hluboe hns been' plnylnu snappy
be.Il. and it Is probnbln. that Wllholt will
sit on the bench until the former Inflclder
slows down. Wllholt waa slated for 1'rovli.
donee, but Ilczdek refused to waive on hlnv
nnd tho former Bruve has nnothor chance
to mako cood In the ble tent.
Thero were many players shifted yes
terday, Boston Nationals getting Walter
Itchf? nnd liny Powell from Providence, and
In part payment for threo men Stnlllncs
turned, over Inflelder Mnssey. Outfielder
Twombley nnd Pitcher Itculbach.
James Archer, veteran catcher of tho
Cubs, has heon given his unconditional
release. Archer wns a hold-out iu tho be
ginning of tho season, and has not been
plnylng regulnr sjnee lie joined the team.
Tho New Vork Nationals nnnounced tha
roleaso of George Smith, n former Colum
bia Collego pitcher, to the Kochestcr Club
of tho International League. Tho Giants
retain nn option on Smith In case he shows
enough stuff to get another try-out In tho.
big leagues.
Philip Ball', owner of tho St. .Louis
Browns, has purchased two Pacific Coasi
League players, Pitcher "Speed" Martin and
Outfielder Kenneth Williams.
Rain Postpones Golf Match
MINNUArOLlS. July 11. ffhln late yestcrdsr
caused n postponement until today of the second
exhlliltlon golf match for the benefit of the
lied Cross, in which Chick Rvans, Chicago, and
Harry o. Legg. Minneapolis amateur, were to
meet Thomas Stevens and Arthur Clarkson,
Minneapolis professional In an elghtetn-sol
best ball foursome
1420 Chestnut St.
best Is good enough
Scientifically conitruc
ted. Weigh! 22S0 lbs.
from 700 to 1000 lbi.
The first Frnnklini built
ire lllll maintaining that
ability to dive tha beat
Owners' records show
an average of 20 miles
to the gallon of gasoline,
to (ho act of tires, a regular
- 'fci
(5. ;
S-witt a'tJXe&M
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