Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 09, 1917, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    fc-i i n iiiiiMriiintiMii'iijiiiiiiMjjiiJLiUilMMlli
' MiM&G ' hiEGmtr-mL,AiliiJifHSA, JlOMiJAY, JUIA 9, 1917
' F.J
- "- ' . - . -. eO--- - S - " ''$$iS-5 lB
If U. S. Forces in France En-
' train for Departure to
New Camp
America's flmt expeditionary army In
France was entraining today for tho trip
to Its new camp closo to the bnttlcfront
Major General Srlbert wan on enthusiastic
as his Sammeea over the change, which
will now brine the Americans close" to
where there Is fighting The troops them
selves celebrated ns they clambered aboard
the trains. Many of tho American oincers
left slightly In advance of the troops them
selves. All the townspeople here have turned out
to cheer the Sammees' departure.
Yesterday there were ball games galore.
Hundreds of French townspeople watched
the games curiously from the field
Bu Aatncn Hndto to Ihr tnlrrnnllonnl .Vtirs
PARIS, July 9.
The chiefs of the aerial staff of General
John J l'orshlng, the American commander,
held a conference with the French nxlatlon
league today They arris ed lar,t night and
the first thing this morning they plunged
Into their work at top speed
There I- mtirh ta'k of the possibility of n
hugs c 1 in-1 ,ili nffM'M! npalnnt th
Germans after the L'nKcd Mates sets flr-ily
In the fighting
Meyer London Demands Con
gress Got Information ns
to Reasons
A score of radical periodicals hue been
suppressed temporarily or permanently bv
th Government since the beginning of war
with Germany The suppression has been
accomplished through powers conferred on
tho Postofllre Depirtment In the espionage
'Bill signed by tho President, June IB.
t Among the publications suppressed, the
best known are the Masses, edited by Max
Eastman, formerly a member of the faculty
of Columbia I'nUcrslty. tho American
Socialist, a weekly newspaper, edited and
owned by the Socialist party ; tho Appeal to
Reason, published at Glrard Knn , and the
Blast, organ of the anarchists
Most of tho publications suppressed hae
waged a bitter fight fnr tho repeal of tho
conscription law Under the espionage act
the rostoflloe Department may declare to
be unmallable matter any articles "Intended
to Interfere ultb the buitwj of the military
r naval forces of tho United States or to
promote tho success of Its enemies "
Socialist headquarters In Washington de
clare that more than fifty Socialist news
paper men have been indicted or are being
held awaiting Indictment for violation of
the espionage act.
Meyer London, reprcsentatlxe of the So
cialist party In Congress, was preparing
today to ask unanimous consent for a
twenty-minute address on the ruppresslon
of newspapers and then to Introduce a reso
lution calling upon Postmaster General
Burleson for this Information'
The names and places of publications of
alt periodicals temporarily withheld or per
manently excluded from the malls since
June 1 i
The specific artlc'es or parts of articles
that have been the causo of such exclusion.
The sections of the crplonage act upon
which such exclusion la based
All correspondence on the enforcement of
the provisions of the espionage act, and
all general Instructions Issued on the en
forcement of those prols!ons Issued to
united States District Attorneys and post
masters or received from the War Depart
ment or the Provost Marshal General
London was prepared to point out that
tinder the espionage act tho 66,000 post
masters of the United States and the rixty
four United States District Attorneys are
In effect made censors of American news
papers . Among the periodicals that have been
permanently or temporarily excluded from
the malls are the following-
The Michigan Socialist, Detroit : the So
cialist News. Ceeland, St Louis Labor.
St. Louis, Social Revolution, St Louis, the
People's Press. Philadelphia ; the Itcbnl a
farmers' nuhlfr.itlnn ,,f Uitiiitwi mn t
tho Jeffersonlan. published by ox-Representative
Tom Watson
The August number of tho Masses, w hlch
has been excluded from tho malls because
Of Its "general tenor," rarrlod a. cover
striped with red, white and blue, upon
which was printed a cartoon captioned
"Making the World Safo for Capitalism "
A committee of American Socialist at
torneys will coma to Washington Thursday
or Friday to confer with Solicitor William
II. Lamar of the Postofflce Department;
Assistant Attorney General William C. Her.
ron and Special Assistant Attorney General
Fltta on the postal provisions of the espion
age bill. The Socialist committee will In
cludo Frank P. Walsh. Clarence Darrow,
Morris Illiquid and Seymour Stedman
Mysterious Disappearance of New York
Girl Puzzles Polico
NEW TURK, July 9 A disappearance
as sudden and mysterious as that of Ruth
Cruger started the police on a vigorous
search here today for Miss Claire Lei
chelster Harrison, twenty-one years old of
464 RIvers'de drive
Miss Harrison left her home last Thurs
day to go to a tailor shop Her sister
Virginia, was with her They separated at
HOth street and nroadwaj. Miss Claire
has not been seen nor heard from since
An unconfirmed report was received by
the police today that a girl answering Miss
Claire's description had gone or been taken
to a town In New Jersey.
City Makes Appointments
City appointments today include John If.
Kunkel, 15 East Tabor road, transltman,
Bureau of Surveys, salary 1900; George
Gray, 1429 Hast Moyamenslng avenue,
clerk. Department of Public Works, JSOOj
Howard Helllngs, 8440 Frankford avenue,
storekeeper, Bureau of Charities, I BOO;
Harry Tolllver, (13 South Thirteenth strset,
cleaner. Department of Law, $800: Jesse It.
Dando, 1425 Rockland street; William J.
Mawhlnney, 2846 North Twenty-fourth
streot; Harold Buckley. 1616 North Twenty
fifth street, and N. Merrill Chamberlain,
till Catharine street, assistant teachers.
Board of Recreation, salaries (780 ; Frank
B. Rellly, 5459 Pine street, assistant clerk,
Bureau of Health, S1000,
Italians Plan Hospital
Kir Plans for a new Italian hospital to be
r -located In South Philadelphia will be out
lined tonight at a mestlnr of members of
the Clrcolo Itallano, at 1146 South Broad
street Other matters to be taken up will
bt the charges against Chevalier C. C. A
Baldl, that he Ignored the, applications of
certain Italians who wanted to attend the
reception tendered to the Italian War Com
mission when It visited this city.
Have Five Sons in U. S. Service
,Mr. and Mrs- "William O Barron, of 2J1J
'Bast Clearfield street, are justly proud o
fcaVlng five sons In the service of tha na
ion. TwQare Jit the naval reserve, two
I Caproni Italian! Gettano Oltre
Duo Tonnollate di Esplosivo
sulle Minierc di Idria
ROMA, 9 Lugllo
La battaglla delta Oallzln contlnua tut
tora ed II generate Brussllolf guadagna sem
pro terreno, sebbene la reelstenza dollo fone
autr--tedcschc sla andata numenlando In
questl ulllnil glornl Le nrmato rus'e,
dopo aver rlchlamato truppe nemlche alia
dlfesa del settoro dl Plnsk. doe Brussllolf
aveva nel'a settlmana scorsa accennato ad
una offensive, si sono lanclate nll'attacco
dello poslzlonl nemlche della Galizla, nel
scttore ill Hallcz La lorn offcnslxa va
svolgendosl rapldamente a nord pd a sud
dl quella piazza teutonlca eul Dniester chn
distil circa HO mlglla da Leopoll ill cul '
la chlave. Come e' facile Immtglnaro, qui
a Roma M attende ron lo Interrssn II rl
sultato dl questa Important!- b.ittnglla ilillo
Intanln da Petrograd te'lPKrafnnn ihe II
presldento del goerno prvlsorlo ru.-so.
Principe Lvoff parlando ad nlciinl rorrl
spondentl dl gtornall, ha dlchlamtn die rgll
ha plena flducla che. nonostante lo tpttora
gravl dltflcolta' che la Russia ileve surirare,
I nuol esercltl sono ill miovn nulla ln delta
vlttirln II si dlchlaro' convlnto il;n la
nucna avnnzata dclle forze del generate
nruselloff. anchc se arresinta tpmporanea
mente, non sara' affatto trrmlnntii, inn costl.
tulra' smii'llceniente II prrludla ill m.-igglorl
II prlnclpo Lvoff dlssp i hi bI sta proce
il'ndo non nlla rlorgatilzzazlonc dcH'psrrclto,
ma nlla nuu crrazlone quasi ec-noo, ed II
Hue eeso ottenuto In questa prima fnsc o'
ramente straordlnarlo n l conslilernno
p vlttorlose nzlonl In Galizla o le dlfllcolta'
che si son dovute uperarp.
Ierl Eera II Mlnlstpro ilflla Guerra Itallano
pubbllcaxa II spguinlp rapporto dpi Gen-
crale Cadorna clica la sltuazlonp nlla frontc
Nrll'nlta Vnltclllnn salmlo notte II
ncmlco tento' dl catturnre utio del nostrl
postl avanzatl Ksso fu nrrestato dal
vlolento cd pfllcace fuoco drlle nostre
artlgllerlo e qulndl rlcacclatn Indlptro da
un nostro contrattacc"
Sul rlmancnte della frontn dl battaglla
l'artlgllerla c" Ftata plu' attla. spei lal
inpntp sul Vndlco ilop II nemlco concen
tre" lmprowlsamente II suo fuom sulle
nostro poslzlonl Lo nostre battprle rl
tposcro ylojentemento cd etneacemente
Nel pomrrlgglo dl Ierl una nostra grorsa
squadrlglla ill mncchlne I'apronl. urir
tate da ellvoll da caccla. Mito supra
Idria N'onoetante II vlolento funco delle
nrtlgllerle antlaeree austrlache I nnjtrl
avlatorl latc'arono cadero due tnnnellate
p mezzo ill altn esplosivo sullo inlnlere
ill mercurlo ercrclte dalle autorlta' mllltarl
nemlche rausandovl Incontlll p d.innl I'na
olta compiuta la dlttlclle mlhsiono. I
nostrl avlatorl fecero rltprno alio loro
basl cenza dannl nenza ner snffcrto
alcuna p?rdlta.
Durante una battaglla aerei sottasl
sul Carso 1 nostrl avlatorl abbattirono
trc macchlno nemlche, due delle quail cad
dcro dentro le nostre line? meiitre la tirza
preclpltavn nelle llneo nemlche
Com'e' noto le mlnlcre ill mercurlo dl
Idria sono, dopo quelle dl Alameda In
Spagna. lo plu' rlcchc del mondo
Un telcgramma da 7.urlgo dice che II
presldento del Conslgllo austrluco. dr
Sejdler. ha avuto diverse conferenzc con I
leaders parllamentarl circa, la formazlono
dl un comltato dl vcntlclnque dcputatl che
sarebbero Incarlcatl dl tracelaro una nuova
costlluzlone per 1'Austrla Intanto U
Releherath ha rlflutato dl npproxarc un
progctto dl leggp goprnatlo col quale si
tcntaxa di abollrp la glurla pnpolnre
Questo rlfluto c' cnnslderato come un atto
dl sflducla verso l'lmpcratorc
WASHINGTON. 9 Lugllo A vendo II
governo amcrlcano appreso che la Ger
manla si rlfornlva ill lverl e dl materlale
gregglo per le sue fabbrlche dl arml p di
munlzlonl attraverso I paesl neutrall a cul
glungovano Ip csportazl'inl nmerlcane, II
presldento Wilson ha emanalo un prodama
prolbento completamentc le esportazlonl
senza uno speclale permesso da parte del
governo. Un mso dl questl rlfornlmentl si
ha con la Svezla da cui negtl ultiinl due
nnnl la Germanla ha Importatn ferro per
circa 0 mlllonl dl tonnellate oltrp nd una
grande quantlta' dl altrl prodottl nccessarll
alii produzlone dell'acclalo pd alia fabbrl
cazlone delle munlzlonl e dellp arml
Officials Regard Severance
of Relations With Ger
many as Certain
Special South tmrrlom Table Service of th
United PrM8 and Evenino t.t&gtr
Argentlno ofTlclals regard n break with
Oennany as Inevitable.
From high officials today It wa learned
that the government does not expect Ger
many to agree to Argentina's demand that
Germany promise no further sinkings of
Argentine ships If this promise Is not
made. It Is certain the republic will Im
mediately announce a severance of rela
tions While Argentina thus hovers on the brink
of a diplomatic rupture, the greatest Irri
tation Is manifest hero over reports from
the United Statea that South America's first
necessltv Is to oust German spies
Latln-Amcrlcans Insist that the activity
of German agents here does not tscecd and
very probably docs not even equal the work
they are doing In North America Although
no officials will discuss tho matter for pub
lication, It Is privately hinted that the
United States would do well to clean Its
own house before suggesting that other
natlono dr similar work within their own
ASfNCION, Paraguay. July 9
Parngu.iv'H rpplv to Brazil's note an
nouncing tho abrogation nf hpr neutrality
wan delivered todav It expresses unchang
ing friendship for the lliazlllan republic
Ask Police to Find Missing Daughter
When eighteen-year-old Anna l.uclana
disappeared from her home, 906 Jefferson
avenue, Camden, on Juno 30, leaving a notp
on the kitchen table saying, "Don't worry
about me. I am married," her father, Joseph
Luclana thought It a Joko and did not
worry or make any public commotion Rut
today he thought the reasonable time for
tho Joke had reached Its limit, and he
nrked tho Camden police to ahslst In lorat
Inrc bis daughter
"Tells in crisp, journalistic
style, and with a full sense of
its amazingness, this latest
romance of human freedom.
The author draws from a full
and deep knowledge of Rus
sia; he is able to sum up the
salient facts leading gradu
ally and surely to the revolu
tion without wasting time or
losing the reader's attention."
Says the N. Y. Times.
Established 1817
ML wffi 111 js
ml SMmlP y
1 rATlM I N
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W&a Vf all wxfji
' Ne k. f$fyyj&
.00 Per Set
All Dealers
You Change Wheels in Ono Minute, So
Vou Can Ue tho Old Tiro to Its Lait Milo
Distributors of Auto and Electric Supplies
Down from the Mountains
Our Appointment as Distributors
of the Popular
To the many Scripps-Booth owners and prospective
owners in and around Philadelphia, we are pleased to
announce our appointment as distributors of Scripps
Booth cars for Philadelphia and vicinity.
It is indeed gratifying that this acquisition should come at
a time when our new showrooms and service station have
just been completed, for it not only enables us to exploit
this well-known car in an environment.worthy of its class,
but equips us to render a service to owners which is second
to none.
The Scripps-Booth from the moment of its introduction to
Philadelphians some four years ago won immediate recog
nition because of its distinctiveness both in design and
performance. It has enjoyed a constantly increasing sale
because of the general satisfaction it has rendered, and
now, with the addition of the eight-cylinder model, the
Scripps-Booth line offers a choice that for luxurious
completeness leaves nothing to be desired.
We take this opportunity of inviting all present Scripps
Booth owners to call and make yourselves known to us
that we may be better able to render service that will
insure mutual satisfaction.
Complete line of models now on exhibition and ready for delivery.
Four-cylinder Roadster $935 Eight-cylinder 4-passenger $1285
Four-cylinder Coupe.. . . .( $1450 Eight-cylinder Town Car $2575
Standard Motor Car Company
Ihty brought ,bcr ai a child. She
grows up to lovely womanhood in a
cynical. goipy, New England villaRe.
Hungry for We and for loe, the wild
and reckless temperament inherited
from her outcast mother asserts itself
and with utter disregard of conventions
she seeks happiness Read how she is
carried to disillusionment in
The New Novel By
Relentlessly this amiting novel pursues
its way to a thrilling conclusion. The
narrow, hardened minds of the villagers
denying sympathy to her, are faithfully
portrayed. And then, the supreme joy
which comes to her leaves you with the
conviction that Mrs. Wharton has indeed
risen to the heights in writing "Summer."
At All Booheltns. tt.60 net.
This Is An Appleton Book
D. Appleton & Co., Publishers, New York
'JfriTVYiJ V S I
lfil JOHN W. DAVID, Manager I V j
Jill 668-672 North Broad Street I " I
frHiissssssBlsssSBKL "ssil 1 Vtv'' iWii I iBiBHfci. L!!-!Z"" " " " '" ' ' ji '' ' ' " ""W l2yjj rl r 9l
Hi tk vy sf. .,? ifl? aw..
'r: F'-aff-:"
6? i.k,.V; , "" I J,
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