LiiwaMwaSA:- ,S&JMlftM'. Mjt . Wi 'Ti" T i i 10 vr EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1917 MMHONINO & SHENANGO RAILWAY & LIGHT COMPANY FIRST & CONSOL. 5s NOVEMBER I, 1920 FREE FROM STATE TAX IN PENNSYLVANIA EARNINGS OFFICIALLY REPORTED aa TIMES INTEREST CHARGES PRICE, 97yi AND INTEREST, TO NET AOOUT 8.84 REILLY, BROCK &' CO. BANKERS 106 CHESTNUT ST. IMIILAIIKI.I'IIIA FINANCIAL NEWS EXPECTATION OF FAVORABLE CROP REPORT. BOOSTS RAILROAD STOCKS Bond to Yield 6 Guaranteed Principal and Inlereat by AMERICAN GAS COMPANY Secured by Consolidated Mort gage on property located In prosperous and growine section cf Iowa. Applicable earnings for 1916 approximately double interest requirements, without recourse to the guarantee of the Ameri can Gas Company. Tax refundable in Pennsylvania and free from 2 Income Tax. We will be .pleased to send, upon re quest, a circular containing descrip 'ion of this issue, and also a map of .he property. Bonbright & Co. MORRIS WlBTAIt STROl'D Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., PhiladYphia New York llo.ton Chicago Detroit London 1'urU William P Ilonbrls ht k Co ISonbrlght 4. Co. Market Is Helped, Too, by Fact That This Class of Securi ties Is Selling at Low Levels Strength Also Shown in Steel Issues High Points in Today's Financial News Railroad stocks came in for attention in trading on New York Stock Exchange, expectation of favorable crop report mi Monday being reason. Vigorous trading in many issues on Curb. Grain and cotton higher.. New York bank statement for week showed bit increases in deposits and surplus, niving reason for raster money. liar silver lower. Foreign exchanac deal ings limited. NKW YOniC. July 7. The week wound up with two hour of nctlve buylni; of the railroad stocks, nil those Issues being In demand hecuuso of n Rcncrul expectation thnt they will lie benefited by the crop report to bo published Monday iifu-rnnon. Many In the Wall street district who devote it Rood dcnl of study to thn crop situation Insist that this report will be the most favorable ever issued bj the (lovernment. especially In regard to the ncreuRe of corn. Predictions nre mado Unit the lare corn production States will show an Increase of 35 per cent In acreage, and even thoso who are conservative In the (train trade say they look for a crop of 3,500.000.000 bushels, far In excess of all previous records. The market for the railroad storks was especially helped by the fact that nearly all those Issues are selling at low levels, oven If the dividend position of some of them may be changed, llnltlmoro and Ohio, paying G per cent, baa been ruling under 70 until toda.v. This stock, ncnprdlng to statements mado by Important Interests, receives Increases on SO per cent of Its tonnage from the ruling rmde a week ago. Ht Paul m-ide u gain of more than 1 point and Hock Island moved up more than 2 points. The widest movement In the railroad group was In Ileudliig, which advanced nearly 2Vi points, t'nlon Pacific also rose above a point, and similar gains were made all through the railroad list. Hlrength was Hhown In the steel stocks, but some of the motors wete again under prrHsurr. (icneral Motors, after advancing to U2Vt, dropped to 1091. Chandler Motors was 'an exception, advancing 34 points. Anaconda was more active than It has been for n long time, moving up IV4 points to 81, and there was a special movement In National lhiamellng, which advanced to 41 V There was vigorous buying In many specialties, with Corn Products taken nil through tho half day by Inside Interests. The bond market conditions continued unchanged, with most of the Interest attached to the dealings In Government Issues. Liberty Bonds were In Increated supply, selling In largo amounts nt only a shade above par. Angln-Ktench Cs were traded In nt934 and 934 Business In tallrond bonds was small and generally nt concessions. Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BOND Members Philadelphia Stock Hici .ns NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. j LEO A I, NOTICES S ikr3 "in this 'count or common pi.kah No. 3, for the Conntr of Philadelphia ! June. -Term. I0O3. No. (010. ; la the matter, of Tho Commonwealth of I'enn S sylrsnla ex. relatione Hampton I.. Curson, ? Attorney (leneral, vs. Tho City Trust. Safe and fcurrtj Company of rhlladel- nhlu. Tho Auditors appointed hy tho above Court audit, settle ad adjust tho sixth account or Hampton Moore, Receiver of tho said The v Tru.t. Rate and Rurety Company of rhllndelphla, and to report to tho Court dis tribution of tho balance In tho hnnds of said Receiver, will meet those Interested for the purpose of their appointment on Monda, tho im nay or July, lui,, ann daily thereafter at o ciock a m , at tne omce or me itecelver, am SIS Crozer llultdlna. 1420 Chestnut street. tho rltv of Philadelphia It I. ordered by the Cnurt that the a.M Auditor ehall, unless otherwise ordered on eause shown, conclude their meetings and file report wlthliv forty dayi from tho date of tho said first meeting. JOHN M HCOTT. WM V C ANDERSON. Auditors to au i. ii. City it o' loom n th ! VIGOROUS TRADING TAKES PLACE IN MANY ISSUES ON NEW YORK CURB . NCW YORK, July 7. . There was vigorous trading In many Issues on the Broad Street Curb, with Butterworth-Judson attracting most attention by an advance of A points to 70. Aetna Explosives was nctlve, with sales nt 5' to 5, nnd there was a firmer tone shown In Chevrolet, which sold at 93 to 95. Curtlss Aeroplane was steady, with sales at 42, and tho rights were traded In at l's. Wright Martin was quiet, with sales nt 89, and 8?,. There was n firm tone to Triangle Film, which ranged froni 14 to IV United Motors was In better demand, selling at 25l to 25H, Electric Boat was (Ulct at 30 ',4 to 30. , Mining stocks were generally stcadj.. with Mason Valley selling at 6T4, United Verde at 37 ',4 and Nlplsslng ut 7 '.i Ohio Cities Gas new stock sold at 08 nnd fi8li. Independent oil stocks were generally steady, with Cosden & Co. selling nt 13 and 12'i, and Cosden Oil nnd Gns was traded In at 12 and 12V A new feature of tho market was the absence of supply of all groups of stocks at concessions, most of tho sales coming from some of tho speculatlv e traders This condition prevailed especially In the mining and oil group. inii:im:niii:nt on, stocks continued Yea close. Asked. (Hale) iMUTNCIlMIIf.S KOTICIJ IS KKIIKIIV OtVKN THAT PATRICK Carroll and Kdnurd P. Cnrroll, trading- as I Carroll & Son. have admitted Joseph '. Carroll to partnership In tho firm, now composed of Patrick Carroll. Edward I" Cnrroll and Josepb V. Carroll, trading; as p. Cnrroll & Hons. COTTON IRREGULAR AT MARKET'S CLOSE October and July Show Greatest Activity in Day of Mod erate Trading COTTON HCI.T MKATIIIIIt CONDITIONS ei.fc'E,V 0,l.,''uly 7 In the rotton belt this morning, ruin was uraln reported east of tho Mississippi llher. but u l senerallr i''L '?,t ' lhe "lre,uP- Tho follotilnr temperatures were recorded! ..i;!h" "' 5?' fllrmlniham and Atlanta, 10i JiSffr9,. , Mf rldlun, Alantcamenr. Cliatta JuHSl ,i?.,l,'liind V,l",l,ls,.'!n- 7i' MempMs. flSfi"' ,,f'i0,!l'" "51 lilll..74i San An tonio. Del Jtlo. jrkhura, Aucusta and Ihoina.illle. tm Abilene, shreveport. Okla. homa. Little. Itofk. New llrleitiis, Vision. Charleston. Sat nnnah nnd Jurksoiitllle. 78 Sarfnton!"! lh "nd T"lnp"1 8(, saefLvr.U' '."''.'.wHfltatlon at Chat tanootai .06 Inch at Aiuii.lsi , H Inch at Oiarlestoni .to Inch nt lUlci.hi fit Inch 5t Tlllei ,SO Inch at .Mobllet ,8J Inch at Memphis. NKW YOnK. July 7 A steady tone was displayed at the cotton opening, but business was on a moderate fcale.' July started 25 points net higher, and October was'up u points, but the later months declined 1 to 5 points. Wall street nnd room traders purchased. nd there was some covering of shorts with the supply coming from Liverpool, southern Interests, uptown operators, and New Orleans houses. Commission houses had orders on both sides After the call the demand Increased, and October, within a tew minutes, rose 7 points further while December advanced 10 points. later the cotton market continued erratic and sensitive to comparatively small orders. Much of the business was In the way of evenlnt-up for over the week-end. Crop ac counts were conflicting. Texas was be lleved to need soaking rains, although most of the reports claimed a general Improve ment In the State during the last week. After selling to the basis of 26. OG for Octo ber shortly after tho opening, the market broke about 30 points and early In the second hour showed a net loss of 20 if 25 points. The stock of American cotton at Liver l)Ol showed a decrease of 42,000 bales, while the stock at Manchester Increased 2000 bates for the week. Forwarding of American cotton from Liverpool to Man- cheater for the week amounted to 62,000 pales, with the figures Indicating Lanca shire takings of 60,000, The receipt at the ports for the day were titlmated at 7000 bales, against 15,811 bales last week, 6667 bales last year and 9209 bale two years ago. The. close was Irregular, the prices being from 10 points lower to es nigner, INIJl'STItlALS nid sa 34 !V 1 2 3H 30 711 93 SO 40H ll4 101 W It "4 40 7 IK. y a At Air Reduction Am Stores Aetna Explosives Am-Tlrltlsh Mfg Am Marconi American Writing Taper Canadian Car Co Can Car & Kdy pref Chevrolet Motors Cramp Curtlss Aeroplane Carvven Tool Carbon Steel . . . . Uastern Aniline . . . HmerBon Phonograph Kedoral Dye . . . Ilendee Mfg Kathodlon Uronze pfd Lake Torpedo Boat. Lehigh Coal Hales. . Lima Locomotive .. Maxim Munitions 1 Marlln Arms ... .07 N V .Shipbuilding . 44 North Amer Paper Pulp. 47 Otis Ulevator - . us Peerless Motor ... 1.1 Poole Unglne 7(1 Redden Truck is Banta Cecelia so do pref 3-1 gcrlpps-Booth 2 S S Krcrge w I . : 08 Standard Motors lift Steel Alloys V4 Submarine Boat 80 St Joseph Lead lsVi Todd Shipbuilding 84 Triangle Film 14 United Profit Sharing... Vi V 8 Steamship Hi United Motors 35',, United Sugar 3 World Film Wright-Martin Air 8 Zinc Concentrating tVi STANDARD OIL Yes close, Askod. ISale) 110 .IS 8V4 12 W .. 4 3 7.1 B0 93 85 in. UK 103 At UTa M4 3 5', a 74 80 07 nt. 103 HI 3 SI) in so 10 38 80 7V4 t ion 12 04 301, 31 19 IX&i 87 I. Ml (. 4V4 4 58V J8',4 36 H 1i 8K, 8t. 2 2i Illinois Ohio Prairie Pipe S O of Cal . K O of K J . 8 O of N Y ..tin ..837 . .260 . .238 . 380 . .278 213 842 272 202 A87 282 IVDKI'nNDlINT OIL STOCKS Harnett oil & Gas ... 2 2M, 2W, Cosden Oil 12i is 12 Cosden & Co 13"4 IS I2T, Elk Basin io low oy. Federal Oil 4 4 4 Inter Petrol IS 1SH - Houston Oil 20 22 Merrltt Oil tlYt 27V4 Hid Midwest Itef 148 Mot Petrol l-lj, Ohio Fuel is Oklahoma ltef 0, Osage 1 lomlny 7 14 Rico Oil Hnpulp.t ltef ..,,,,,.. to Sequoyah I ,', Sinclair tt United West Oil ,, MININH STOCKS Alaska Standard 2.1 Atlanta in Big Ledge t Blsfoee Copper (a proa) . . vi Butte Copper & Zlno ... in Butte New York t Cal & Jerome I ,', Con Ariz 2 Umma Consolidated .... i A, First Nntlonal 2&, (ioldlleld Merger ft Coldlleld Cons no Uoldfleld Florenie n Goldfleld Kewnnas 13 Green Monster Hecla Mining 8Tj Independence Lead II Jerome Verde IV4 Jim Butler 78 Jumbo Kxtenslon 30 Magnato Copper McICInley-Darrngh 48 Magma Copper 43 Mother Lode in Mines Co of America. ... I V4 Nevada Hills ;.i Nevada Wonder I Nlplsslng 7 Ohio Copper ,, Ray Hercules jaj Han Toy u Stewart .,u Tonopah Kxtenslon .... , United Verde nm West Hnd Con 88 White Oaks j White Caps ft Yerlngton , s 131 Ml 20 IH. 71i Vi 10 '.ft If. 23 Si. 142 M" 0 7 10W. Hi 24 3" il ty, Va 1'Hi Hi IH 2',ft I.1. 3 '.ft 7 A3 III 1A I 8 12 I A 82 33 H 1 A2 48 28 Hi 30 IH IVi 1 4 10 11-32 2 A 3 Mi 70 A 30 HIV. 2ft 10 Hi IH 2A I 6 A2 1 "II 12 IH 8 32 1ft 27 Hi 68 BONDS Atlanta Charlotte 5s. Bethlehem 6s Cosden OH 6s Cosden A Co 6s Cudahy 5s Urle 5s New Haven 5s Russian Govt 5V:8 Russian Govt 6js . Southern Rvvy 5s . . Sinclair Oil Cs . . Todd Shipbuilding 6s N Y Cities 4Hs .., . 9 1)8 8ii 08 93 102 9A 1 00 96 H !) 00 08 1)8 Vi -08 H 0.Vi 07 '' ,78 77H 87 S HI) 08 88 ' 08 Vi 90 1)4 101 103 lOJVi lot "4 Yest. r.losa Opsn High HoW Last July 23 l 26.A1 26.91 26 82 26 32 October ..,..a6.o I"0" 2i 5-72 23.00 I)ecmb4r . 2A,lit in in 26.21 a 84 26.04 January.. .. 23 49 20.10 26.23 23.03 28.14 lareB . . . 2.V4S Upot S9.5H 26.10 1 - FOREIGN EXCHANGE NKW YORK, July 7. The usual limited volume of dealings In foreign exchange for a Saturday was noted today, and the market, with the exception of pesetas, which were a shado easier, showed Improvement. The reaction In Spanish exchange was sllxht. and was accounted for as a reflec- J tlon of the exports of gold from this country to Spain. Francs displayed strengtn on loan considerations, and rubles Improved about 10 points. Sterling held steady. Quotations were; Demand sterling 4.76 Vi. cables 4.76 A. sixty-day bills nominally 4,72, ninety-day bills 4.70. Krano cables 6,7J7. checks 5.74. Lire cables 7.25, checks 7.26. Swiss cables 4.74, checks 4.76. Guilder cables 41V4. checks 41Vi Pesetas cables 21.10, checks 21.10. Ruble cables 22.66, checks 22,25. Btockholm cables 10.10, checks 10.60, Chrlstlanla cables 29.66, checks 29.36. Copenhagen cables 20.25, checks 21.95. RAILROAD EARNINGS SOUTHERN KAILWAY Lines East and West. 1017 Fourth WMlt June . I2.8&7,1M I4TI.S09 From July 1 103.311.S28 12.B2sfl9 WHEELING AND LAKE ERJR tSlS.2T4 200,103 8.6t4.4ft 1.003.001 Uy grots . Not . 1 . Jlv. moatns' arose. Nit. - TEXAS AND PACiriC Fourth weak of June . 1923.267 Krom July 1 IJ.ieJ.OOp rjeersaaa. Deer. 324,481 124.262 20T.61 406,571 . 180.074 1.106.143 tWvii bo sM(on of the London stock xjjKarM jours anew MONEY-LENDING RATES I-IIILVDELPIIIA Call, 6 per cent; time, 106 per cent. Commercial paper, three to four months, 5 05H per cent,, BANK CLEARINGS Bank elssrlnss today, compared with cor r..iid.,l..t...r...u Boston , ...146.847,500 118.668,801127,661,101 rhlladtlphla. tl.77,67 46,247.383 25,715,691 BAR SILYER CLEARINGS CONTINUE LARGE Total for Five-Day Week is Nearly as Great as Last Bank clearings continued large through out the country for the week ended today. Notwithstanding the fact that this was a five-day week clearing were nearly as large as last week. The total was 15,132,126,149, against 5, 166, 619,670 last week and 14,410, 143,714 the corresponding week last year Details follow: ' 1017 1016 p.c Nsw York. 12,032.337,840 2.t32,02T,334 37.5 SM.X17.017 238,231,733 213,303,19 90,637,730 96.92o.69a N8.266.0SS 88.082.71:1 40,260,728 43.813,361 11,130,615 Chlcato Philadelphia Boston Kansas City Ht. Louis . . S. Fronclsco Pittsburgh Detroit ... Baltimore. N. Orleans. Eleven cities 0 days .14,241.211,666 18,123,838,370 4-19.0 Other cities 3 days .. 683,401.276 472.106,411 24,0 30!,U97,9S2 --24 B IhW.nai.lOT --38.2 184,929,139 ,-30 6 61,074.031 --S8.U 74,492,472 --30.1 33,466,630 --65.1 49,727,491 --18.6 28,270.692 --42.4 88,988.83 r- -12.4 22.897.177 4-86.8 New York Stock SalcsT Alaska Old M Allls-Chnlmcrs Co 29V4 Am Agr Chem 93 Am Beet Sugar.. 01 Am Can 40H do pref 103 Am Car A Fdy Co. 76H Am Int Corp .... A3i Am Cotton Oil .. 30 Am Linseed . . . 23 do pref . . . ooh Am Locomotive.. 70 Am Malt. .. . IHft do pref OflTii Am Smelting . 100 do pref A 00"i Am Sum Tob Co. 44V Net lllsh. Low Close, chse. 5 3V 6ft H is ys ? 01 '.ft OIK ., 40H 103 7AH H 38 V. 03 01 40 103 70Vft 330. 30 334 00H 70 IIH 66 AAV, Vt 80 1 23i Vi 60H Vft 70 IIH "ft 06Vfc 2Vft IOSi I03)i i OOW '00 Vi 43H 43H V Am Sugar . . ..110ii 110',', 110V, Ani Tel & Tel 121 1203', 120V! .. Am Writ Pap pref 40 40 40 Anaconda, 81 80 80H 1 Atchison IflOVft 100 I no vft Vft do pref oo no on All Gulf & W 1..I04V lot lOIVi Baldwin Loco Co 72 71 71 H H Bait tt Ohio. ... 71 V 69'i, 7l'i 1 Belli Steel II I33!i ISHi 131'fc .. Brklyn Rap Tran 37 37 Butto & Sup Cop. . 101ft 10 Canadian Pacific. Iftnvi ISO Cal Packing Co SHVi 38U Cent Leathnr at l)3H tVrro do Pnco . 31 14 34 H Chandler Motors Hi 77 H dies ft Ohio . . 39 38(, Chi fit West 10 10 C .M & St P. nl'it Chi & N W . ,loi,4 I"" do pref .. . 114 1117ft (ItfcH B pc pf vvl 07 2 Hi SO"? 33 H 07 Vi 34 SO1?, II .'II 80 H 12 "l H 2(1 21 3(1 Vt 33 I38H I3HV4 I3HH Cllltio Con Con . 33 Col Fuel h Iron . A I Vft Cot Gas & Ulec II Corn Produrts S.'Vi Crucllilc Sleel 87 Cuba Cnnn Sugnr ISVi Men H 11 G . Distil Kecur lle . . do 1st pref Ulk Horn Tuel . Gen I'.lec Co Motors . II3H ! Great Northern pf 10214 102 do Ore subs . .. 31 H 3 Hi Itiihk & Barker Co .is-Ji 38i, Hnmcstake . . .10114 I02H In-.plratlon Copper (IIH 01 Intrrbnr-Cons C pf A3 Int Harv of N J.. 110 lnt Harv Corp pf 101 Int Mer Marine 28 do pref 83'i Int Nickel . 10", Kress S II) pief. losa4 37 40 I3 3811 n.i.v, 3H HI ,!) 10 r,84 1(1814 I I I'!. 07 33 ."! II 3314 87 13 8 !J 24)', 30"', 3SH till K'an City So lCcnnecott Coi . Lncka Steel . . Leo Rub & Tlte Mackay Cos pref Max Motor do 2d pref Mex Petrol . . . Miami Con Cop . Mldvalo Steel. . Mo Kan tt Tex Mo Pnc vv I do pref w I . National Biscuit, MOVi Nat Con & Cable. 33 Nat & Stpd 4l"i 2 1 Mi 14 14 !il '4 III 01 4 (I Vft 2814 0014 II flirt on 20, A3 New York Cent NVNIUH Norf & West . North Pacific . Ohio Gas do rights . . . Ontario Silver Owens Bot Par I flo Mall Penna It II Peo Gas & C Pero Muni lr pf ct 01 Pitts & West Pitts Coal ctfs do pref ctfs Ray Con Copper Reading Rep Iron & Steel Royal Dutch St L. S P . . Sinclair Oil Seab Air Line pief 20 Sloss-Slicff K & I . . 37 Southern Pacific Hf, Superior Steel 487, So Por HI Sug rts 0 Southern It R do pref Studebaker . . do pref . . Stutz Motors Tobacco Produ Union Pacific United Allo Steel 434 46') unit Cigar Stores. 103 103 33 110 lot 27 8 Hi Kl'ft lO.VTt 21 H 41 0.1 18 01 10 28 V4 (trt'J't II 01 ovi 20 A3 III) 3 1 14 30 H 88i 33 Vi 121 100 123 no A VI 01 27 A2 76 (II 31 34 118 28 0314 01 (I Hi 1014 43 20 37 nt 18 81i 2 OVI A4H 07 li 04 S8H (10 13474 134 Vft 131 4.VV: 03 J- Vt Vft "i f 314 '.ft t-1 H 3 Vft I 16 -I I 'ft li HI r- i 0 ) "Vi 1 4 I I12H 1 102 3114 ' i 38 I Vt 102H SH 01 14 I H 33 110 ', 89 H 33 122 101 1 2 Hi (IH li 31i 01 27 3216 70 8IH lll'i 1113 21 H IH4 01 10 l 10 2814 !'U II (111 li ' 20 I U 33 I III) f 114 33 4 Hi 4-SVi 80 H Hi 33 Vi Vi I 1 -t IV. 101 124 no svi 01 H6 1ft H 32 li A A 14 118 28 93 V. 01 04, mvi HH I- H I H r ' -I 2 Vi 1ft 21ft 20 H A3 38 01 38 H 0H 32 70 (II 32 Vi .33 H iik 28 03 1)1 (Hl 6 1014 43 H 16 21) I A7 H.' I 48' 1 Vft 811 201', Vi 33 38 04 38 Vi OOH unit Paper Board 2Vi 20V, 20'. u h inu Alcohol 1S8H 13716 137 I f3 H r -I 1 I H H t H OOV, 38 30 127 H 12876 126 .117 117 117 Vft 10014 100 100 I 1 J, U S Rubber U S Steel . do pref Utah Copper Wabash . do pref A Wcst'ghouse Mfg Wheel & L K . do pr Willys Overland . Wilson Co . . . Total Miles, sis.noo harek. oimmrril nlth .yv-rSl?",,i,re" etrdaji thus far this vieelt, 2,309,100 shares! some period Inst eek, 4.UI,. 400 bhurew 12 11 12 4014 4016 lH -I H 30 30 At) f is iah iH li St .14 .14 Tj, SJ 31V. 31 ), 00 110 uo r New York Bond Sales I Total all cities , S days .,14.621,612,042 11,394.044,702 31.3 All cities t day . 1,004,213,207 815.198,022 23.2 Total all rltlM for wk .13,612,820,149 $4,410,143,714, 32.1 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Prsilo-Ute Cempsny. regular au4rtrlr of 12 a share, payable July SI to holder of record July 20. . .,.. r"era siarqusii iiaiiwayssofupans-, e.-on s-a a share on prior prefer jf J' four months.endsd.Jnly. 1917, jj3 jssst 7yt stock of record July 1. r 14000 Amer Agr deb r,s . . lui) 44000(1 Anglo-French As .. Oiv, 11)110 Am foreign Sec As . oil 03(10 Amer Tel 3s . Iiu' 3000 Armour Co 4'i . ( 7 ) Atchison 4s . . . sn. 1000 Atlan Co I.lne 4s H7' 11)00 Atlan Char .' . 07. 21100 Balto Ohio As 07 sooo do 4s . h.-i't 30(100 do cv 4Vs KK, linon Brookn Itap Tr 3s 118 OS'I 1000 Can Uovt As 1021 . 9M 2000 do As 1981 . 11.14 11000 Cent Leather 1st As !I(H, 11000 Ches ft Ohio conv 3s 8M 12000 Chic II 4 Q joint .4s 03 4000 Chi 31 Ht I' rfd 4Ha HiK iuouu no conv ns AOOl) do cv 4V4s 8000 Chi ft I a V rfd 4 s 2000 do B . 1000 do 4s ... 1001) Col t foulh 4s 1000 do 4'4" AOUO City of I'arls (Is Willi) Den IMo llr 4s AOOO Krle conv 4s Her A 3000 do 4s Her I) 11000 French Hepb OVia 40011 Hock Val 4Vs 4l)0l) Indiana bteel As 3000 Interb It T ref As 1000 Inter Mer Mar (is.. 2)1000 Laika Uteri As 1030 100(1 Lnnor Island fts-37c 613230 Lib Bonds w I 3Vt I'jooo l.vons (is 2000 Minn Ht P H 8M 4s linoi) Jlo l'uc Is . , . tuou Montana t'ower As 3000 N Or T Mex 3s Kitio n y c iiua 4sa 0N M)l 71 . si M . 71) 78, & 90V, l(ll I.O(V loo 9(1 US', lllll, H7. 87', 07, 1)7 s.v, hi', UH'-i Il'll, h7. D3 K4 71" HI Nl 711 7SV 941, 71 mi 99, 4 HI) Close, inn ii.IS vil ' 4 )"'? 87; 87 . lit", 07 sr,v, MS tiKi; 9HV, 03 V, U9H 88 931, 84 . likjj 71 M si 70 78V, HP K-;'4 pu 1" Sales in Philadelphia Vow Vt Vft H High Am Stores. . Its AmUaB war 2 103 Am Una . 103 Bald I'oco 100 Col t' A 1 511ft Hleo Stor . . 100 Hrle 21 70 Key T U pf 03 100. 1.k Su Corp Olft 80 Nav.- 77 Val .... 410 l.h Val Trr 21 lot do pref . 4314 Mlnehlll .. Mldvale . 3 North Pa on 188 Pennn R It 32 Penna Salt . . Phlla Co ... 103 Phlln Eloc 30 100 PUT tr cfa 2014 32 Reading . 0114 43 Ton Bel .. 414 Union Tr ISO PHI,. 78 U Cos N .1 . 8130 U S Strel.ri:V4 121'ft 12' Vft 3 W N Y i P 2 1 21 21 Weatmrlnd Coal . tio . . 30 Win Cramp 8IH IH 3IH 1H tyiiolatloti given Is yesterday's close. Tnhil Mies. .".00 "liiires, lomnnreil vvlth 7373 lures jtrr(lm Ilnis far Oils fek, ,13,180 shnreii .ime ncrliMl lit veeU, 32,300 shares. Net Close t hge 100 !ft 2 103 Al'vft 24 05 I Olft 77 23H 4.3 H on Sltfc 29 29H 03 41i Net Close, chce t30 2 103 t'lVft AlVft tfll 24 63 IBVft 77 tfll 24 43H tso tOOH 90 32 V. 40 t.10 30 20H .. 9414 ITft 4V. Vft H V 78 t2 78 t2lfl Vft IKIMIS llko t)w inno Clt.v h IC 100 100 3000 Nov cons lijs 98 08 00(10 Liberty Bonds vv I loo loo looo I.chlgh Val Coal lis KU 102 2000 Penna Co temp ctfR t'iH . 0114 OH'. 4000 Phlla Co cons 5s 80 80 3300 Phlla Ulec Ut 5s . . 100 100 4000 Read-Jer Cent Is 00 00 102 0114 80 100 00 Vi Vi Tnlnl allies, K7.30'). lompnrril Willi 330.300 testrrduti thus I ir IliS neck, 81U'J,2IIO same IHrloil 1,11.1 week, lli;.(NI0. INACTIVE I'HILA. STOCKS The following ore (i'.otatloiiB for Mocks which did not sill todny, and tho price given Is tho last previous close: Am, Ttu'is nref 01 lialilwln pf loo'. Ilrlll .1 (I lli.IT It Kus t p llult (V Susq pf Cam Iron ,. Cam Hleel Con Trac N J (Joi Asphalt 20S n.,'. 40'. 4 .1(10 7.1 2014 do nref .... T.0 Catawlssa 1st pf AJ ins i o n ,-M A Keystone Tels PltT I'hii.i Traction Tonopah Mln Weisni-r Vork Itwis pref 13. 'V To 37 Local Hid and Asked Today Amer Stores llalrhvlii Loco Ilrlll J U . .. irurr,& huso, t t do pfd Ulectrli Storage . (Jrneral Asphalt do pfd Kevstolie Tel do t c I.nkc Sun Curp Lohfith Nav lhleh Vol . . . UhlKh Vol Tr .. da pfd Penna It It PMIi Blec Phlla Co do A it Lint pfd dn (I ppr tent pftl P II T t c ltcadltu. Tonopah llclmoiit Tonopnli Mlhlns Union Troctlun f U I . . I' K Sleel . .. York Hwy . In Pfd ... . Win ( rump Sons Hid :m . 71'i 2(1 34 . 411". . mi 20 . All 12), . HI . Ill . 77 III". -ty . 44l, 32't . 211 . 33V, 32 :m . 211', till. 4,' 11 42 . TKl. 127 .'HI', 81 Asked aiiv, M r.u BO'i (12 M 13 (18 l'a 77, (.21, Hid 3d 71 28 A I", II)", (II 77 (11 ' 23 43 41 32. 52 .111 20, 3(1', 3.1Vj 33 32 .'III', 3S" 20', 2')', OPH ll."s 1 fit I iV lV, (I 4JV, 42 78', 78 127Vs 12IIS 14 37V. SllT, Hit, Ml Asked .1(1), 71', 201s ',(1 :ni (!2 m l.i IIS .HI; (12 24 43V, 32". 30 ala .1.1 311'. ' 30 1)2', V" IP. 42', 78'i 12(1', 14 .171, si LOCAL. MINING STOCKS TONOI'TII STOCKS 3.rt( .Vulnura Midway ., .-..a, """iDjiffiav Montana-. . rrey rf'i'l .......... ...,rui 'ttAr 'JliiiH- .10 Illui- Hull lioolli . . 71, -.. I 'iimb r'rartloivv. . . . . tilamnudlleld i)l.-, , Daisy frr!?. V)ro ,. Sandstorm Kendall . Sliver l'l k QK7jriUt I) STOCKS S5E-. li JIISCIJI.I.ANHOUS Arizona United I'ecupit Mining Ask 23 .10 .12 12 2.1 llud (WOO N Y City 3V s Nov 1934 8(1 do 4V, a 10R4 do 4', s May 1017 1000 '(inn 3 do 4Via Nov 1037 4000 N r Ont k VV 4s 12000 N Y Ilwy 3s.. . 1000 N Y State 1062 Anon N Y Tel gen 4V, 1000 Nor Pao 3s . 1000 PaclAc Oas As ill), 101 '4 UilVi l)3'i liriV. li.1t! vi 111 11)41. 1(14?. 8(1 80 .100 2-30 IIK) U.U Hi', 87J, .Mil, HSVs 41 U2Vs 8(1 97 liiti 87 H AUV. 1131, 4 A 02l 071, .10(1 1021. 10J, . 1171, (17 V, . -4. -1 100 f8 H2. 88 88 01 l"l 80 100 inv, 87 Ml', 8'5,k l'7 100 iojS 7' I Vi l(ll)i 1111)1 98'i 98S : .' (IJ. i 88 85 2.4O0O Penna gen ct 41, s . 04 i 94V, l)4'l 7000 Pub Herv N J 3s . . 871, 87(. 8714 3000 Penna II B 414 a 21a . 0014 ,09 90 '& ?ir Olf AD'i 9000 Psrs' Marquette looo iteadinc gen 4a . 2000 Hi I, I lit A ti . 2000 ht I, ft 8 F 8er 2. lOiKi do Her 11 3000 S A Lin J ad J Ss SOOH South Hell fie .. . UAOO South Pac cv 3s 5000 South Ilwy 4s Anno do As , . . . 800(1 Texas Co Os 89000 U H Itubbsr Ba . . 1000 U 8 atesl t 5 . 2000 Union Pao 4s . 81000 u K l O D i I ti 21000 do A'4s 1918 ,. SAOoo do 314 a 1919 ). .. 110011 do AWs new JOl'J 81100 do 'Alia 192t 11100 West Kite As SOOO West t'nlon 3s , , 88 . 91) 08 .. (II . . 7 Al . BO . 1)814 oil. 07', 88 90 OS All' 1)8 97 ; 0314' 88 90 98 (11 '4 77V1 flOlJ 98 9814 (1.1'i 0714 lo.,.T . INACTIVE NEW YORK STOCKS Following are quotation! for Inactive stocks listed on the Sew Vork Stock Ex change nnd In which there were no transac tions today The price glvon Is the last previous close. Adams nxpreas 110 Advance ltumely. 13 Aim Rubber .. 08 Alaska Juneuu 4 A Ills-Chalmers pf 821. Amer Ast pref O'JW Am lleet Sue pf. 10. Am Brake at. l-'.lOJH do pref y ... 200 Amer Car & P Pf 110 Am Cot Oil pfd. . 93 Am Ripreaa ....100 Am Bids ft l.ea 131, Am Bide ft I, pf em Imar lr-n Nee O Amer liovo pref lOal Am Smelt pref . 112 .,n ... ,i ,i Am Steel Pound 71)1, Am Huaar pf.. ..118 Am Sumatra pref 98 Amer Tobacco ... 193 Am Tolmcio new let Amer Woolen 32' Am Woolen pf 98 Am Zlno ft Lead 81 S do pref . (11 Assoc I O 1st vt A2. Atlan Illrm ft Atl lAVi Atlan O ft VV I pf 62 Atlan Const Line 1II8V. Ilaldwln Loco pf on Halt ft Ohio pref 70 Ilarrett Co Ill Barrett Co sub rc.114 Ilatopllas Mlnlns 1 Beth Eies; 14614 Hetn steel or ..12U Ilrook un Oas. Drown Shoe Hrunswlclt Hums Ilros Cal Petroleum Cent Leather. f!hl ft Alton. Chi ft Alton prof 281i Chi ft Ot West pf 32 Chi M ft St P pf 108 Chi ft Nvrest prsf.lAO tni it l & i' c p o. 103 71 IIH 9&V4 20 ,11211 10 Loose Wlies nis,. 17 lorlllsrd p Co.. "203 Loulsv ft Nash .125 Msckay Co 8214 ?!" 1 1st pf 04 Maj ;cpt stores AMI N?; '",i" Hi" Pf 103 ui'.l pAl pref 0.114 Mich Cent . . . 118 ?.""" "Ik new 1" VI St 1' ft s S At lu' vVT,""' "In"1 .wont I'awer nsvc Mont tw'nr.r:.!! k, " .... 8314 Vat f1"cSI,0I"' I Ve'v c"V"' :" N., if' NY Dock pf .' i'i LV.ftl"l W 23 rth Amu mi Nor ft south Shu Norf ft West if Sa h7 "cotla Steel 97i .inlo Kue , 47iJ PaoTftl ...... iV" i.W. J-Mi 1'hlla Co 3?L. Perco-Arrow 41 p ill i'fi i,;'von 'Ills ft West pf. us Pressed Steel 0r 74 i. ,. "l -ar pr loi Su,.lcV?,?v.,;, ' oiiicv.ii.IL : '? lie ' u ln-ji; io2j 1021; an assi no S!!' ,0?t lH , 0114 0114 91V4 98 97 98 . 9914 09V4 11914 1)7., 9fli 97 . 00H ooh on 14 , Oil 98 98. I00J4 1001. 1001. . 97 0714 7U Total sales. 11.883,000, compared with 11, 797. 000 yesterdsyi tbus far this week. (11,480,0001 same period last week, 113,411,000. Stock Increase for Midwest Refining DENVER, July 7, Directors of the Mid. west nsftnlng Company hve authorized an Increase In the capital stock from 120.. uuv.uvv iu aov.vuv.uuu (ne T4juir ;9.000,000 They )8o declar'! tjunrterly djYldepd ot i; ( Phmlv Col ft Hftuth .. '21 Col ft 80 1st Pf B4T4 v,nn uas oi uait ( onsol oaa Continental Cont Can pre! . . .112 con int cal aim. 1 continental insur Corn Prod Df ... Crucible Steel pf.lOJS Cuba Am Sugar 1811, Cuba Am Sue pfd 103 Cuba Cane bus pf Du'i Deere ft Co rret.100 Del ft Hud . '.110 Del Lack ft West. 310. Den ft n a pf. 18H Detroit lMlaon ,.128. Dome Mines .. 111. r s 8 ft At pref. 0 Erie 2d pf ?. 2814 Fed M ft 8 18 Dulon Williams. S3 Oen Cemle! . 24 Oen Cigar Stores ., Oen Motors pref.. 90V4 (InjvlHph. II D .. .H oondrlch li pf.intll Oranby Mlnlne , 83V4 Ureene Can Cop. 4014 Gulf States Steel 12Vi Quit States Btssl 1st pref 110 Hartman Corp... 02 ffavana Rleo ..,,1014 Illinois Cent . ,.lniV4 Int Agriculture . 19., Inter Air prst . 31V4 Inter Cons Corp 0 Int Harv N J 110 Intsr lUrv.Oorp.,JI0 Intl Nickel prtt.los Inter Paper .4 34V4 lnbpaper prst ,.103 do. pref sta.,., 74.. Iowa Central ... 4K Jewel Tea 4f do orof . . . .10(1 Kan City South pf 63 H UutekilH ., ....-: ,w. y bii springs pref do 7 p c pf w I 70S "J "It 8prl hill Cooper 2IV4 !v $,n Sp luett Pbody pf.110 "d ng 1st st pf B4T4 lalt- HIS 10H,)l Can 1U2'. in"' slU S3 90V4 iim ; ,:j f" t hHVJ 7 aieolPMOl Savage Arms . . ua naxnn Motors iqu f L 8 t' orsf. . in. 30 1214 ion TRADING CONTINUES SMALL HERE; PEW CHANGES IN QUOTATIONS? Waiting Attitude Is Adopted by Str.eet Business l Mostly m Udd JLots aceei most Active The stock market In this city In the short ccsslAn today did not differ materially from any trading 011 previous days of the week. Traders have adopted n waiting nttltude and the general opinion In the Street Is that very little can be expected ot the market until sonic definite action Is taken by the (lovcrnment on price fixing nnd the new war revenue measures have, been passed. What little trading look place was made up hy odd lots with prices changed very slightly as compared with the final figures of yesterday, and In the great majority of cases there was no change In quotations. Lake Huperlor, which the financial district usually looks to to brighten up tho trading, had not sold up to the middle of the Inst hour. Uefore the close 100 shares of Lake .Superior sold at a fractional gain Ten stocks and six bonds hd nanus during me nrst hour The chnH ne , nctlve was United States Hle.l . .. , .-, .... - -"'""ion, ., moT this followed the movement In Wall .,.,. wnicn uiru. ji that' only ii.I shares of the stock were sold, The m. movement took placo In Cramp ShlDnuiu. Ing, that stock advancing ly, points M' Heading responded to tho strength i 1 played In Now York nnd sold up negrl. .1 nolnts. This movement wna nm-ii.i '.' the turnover of 32 shares, Kor th !i tho total of transactions In Btocka oa ivV local 'ChBngo wete much smaller thia , the previous week. Of the thlrty-on, ivill actlvo Issues dealt In thirteen showed -f dines, which wero mostly fractions! ,4i Rnowcu trains nnn eleven worn iih,h.....'- - . '--- uituHni PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND FLOUR WHKAT Receipts 100,001 bush. The mar ket was nominal. COlt.N Ilerelpts, 37.203 bush. Offerings were light nnd prices further advnnced 1c. with de. msnd fair Quotitiona: Car lots for locul trade, as to lututlrn Western N" -..'."JJY' 11.01(4 V 1.02. de, No. 3 ellovv. tl.DO's S 1.01 1 do, .No 4. ellow. 11.881, WI.SO. do. No. A el low, Jl Ml'4 Ml st , OATh Ilerelpts. 33.338 liusli The msrket ruled llrm but uulet. (Juntatlnns No 2 white. 778',i. standard white. 77fi77',r. No. 3 while. 7(l4.7lIHr. No. t white. 73Wi,.',C I'lAlPII lleieipta 71.1 I'bis end i.Jon.teil lbs In sacks Trade vas oulet und prnea aiini 110 Important rhanae Quotations .v..15,rJ.' strnlTht 1 1 11 23 fr II 23 Kansas, clear. i!''-"v 11. do. atralght, I1111 30, do. patent, $11 .'.it' 11.73. spring. Orst clenr, SKI ''1l,i,?,,,',!1'1 11123471173, do, favnrltn brands, I2' 12 .;. cltv mills, choice and fancy patent. 112Wli!ni) 11VI5 1 f.Otllt Was quiet and easier V quote 11(1611 per bbl . as to quality PROVISIONS There was III tin trading, liul values were stesdllv held The quotations follow ( Itv beef. In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 3.ic, west ern beef. In sets, smoked, 33r, city beer, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled, 30c; wietern beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 30c beef hams. 130032. pork, famlh. 144 .,dfl43; hsms, S P. cured, loose. 0414 23c. do. skinned, loose, 25C23'4c, do, do. smoked 2fl02OVic; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, 23'4 W20c hams smoked, western cured. 23'4 02C) do. boiled, boneless. 3!)c, pic nic shoulders S P. cured, loose. 20V&C. do. smoked, 21', c. bellies In pickle, according to average, loose, 28c, breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured, 3(lo. breakfast bacon, western cured. 33r, lard, western, refined, tea., 23c do, do do tub". 23c. lard, pure tlty. kettle rcrdered. in tcs . 23c, do, do, do. In tubs, 23c REFINED SUGARS - The mirket wns oulet hut steady on tt basis of 7 3(W7.7."ic for extra Ono granulated DAIRY PRODUCTS ('IIP.KSi: The market ruled strong under light orferlnas but trade was quiet. Quota tions rjew York, full cream, fancj, n"w 2l',c, specials, higher, do do, choice, new 21c; do, do fair to good. n--w. 23l23V4e. IIUTTL'K The market ruled firm under light offerings but wholesale trade was quiet. Quo tations aro as follows Western, solid-parked creamery, fancy specials. 42c extra, IC,(r41c: extra firsts. 3llc. firsts 38!aC seconds. 3714c; nearby prints, fancy. 43c. average extra. 4K I2r, firsts 39fM0c, seconds 371, 38c. special fnnty brands of prints Jobbing at 40 8 10c i:(JOS wero In fair request and steady under light offerings Quotations. Tree rases, nearby firsts, 110.8(1 per standard Vase; current re ceipts, 110.50. western extra firsts. 110.80 pi case: firsts, S10 3O. faucy selected eggs Jobbing at 12V43r per doien. LIVi: The POULTRY market wan c.ulet Hnd without Impurtant rhHtiire. Quotations: Fouls, an to u 1 L1$i)'-M.v looetiTH. 17(LtlHc. pnrln.? nt i.Rhnrn, plump, iMImvaklnned, :, upri I'll (if.', aualits. (nirkfTi., .mi-Ken), no 1 utahnrnF ina)Ier sizes. I'l.W.TUC White I.echorns. 23i52fV Dui ks. Pekln. lttr. do, Indian Jtunntr, 17W18c. Tlgeons. old. pr pair. 'JSMWl'Sr, do, ounnr. per pair. JO.. 2c. DltHSHr.I) The market wan nulet nnd bart'ly steady nt recently revised prices. The quotations nro as follows Fowln, Vi to box, milk-fed, dry-picked (anc selected, o'it. weluhlns 4 Hit nnd oer apiece. '23c, welchlnsr "'4 lbs. apiece, 'J.c, weltchlmr .t Ihs. uplec, 'S2W Mo; fowls, ked. In lbls , fancy, dry-picked welshlnc 4 Urn. and over apiece, i!44r. smaller slees, iil Wi:4c, old roost errf. drv-pfeked, 18c, broilers, Jersey, fancy, 35 40c: Virginia, aa arc, other nearby, liJiW'l'Kc, western, 'J.'ittPaOc. turkes, fresh killed, teed, per lb. Western, best hern. '23tD'2$c, common. '20 '22c ducks, sprlnff. 2Jtyi'3c, squabs, per doren White, weighing WUV2 lbs. per dozen, SS.K.'.ttM (10, do, welKhlni? Df in lbs per dor. n ? rtfi3 7.., do. welghlnfC H lbs, per doi',:i. ll'.r.Uti-2.751 do, vteltihlnic 7 Iba per dozen, y2ft'2 fl.i. do, vselgh lnir OtftiH lbs. per duzon, Jl.tinrtf i.k.',; dark, II Giitl r. small und N'.C. micflCJl ttt FKESII FRUITS Th teneral market was quiet and without In.portant i lit rices Quotations Apples, per bbls. Ben Davis, $4tTM.lU, Italdwln, J 4 5, ap ples, northwestern, per box SI C)rit'2.$Q. lemons per box, $.to7 pineapples, Porto Hlco, per crate, 4, struwberrles New Jersey, per qt , 22 Jftp, blackberries. North Carolina, per qt , l(l(u t:.c. do, Delaware and Maryland, 12&17c. do, New Jersey, IStflTc, raspberries, red, per pt . 4tftlr, huckleberries, North Carolina, per qt , 14 (2)180, rherrles, per 8-lb. basket Sour, 40 COc, sweet u(Kp57rc. plums. Oeoriclat per carrier, tit?'! 4n Vnrlh fstrnlini rtaii nu p -& ftlrfil'l t fi lantaioupes. lleorda. per crate. Il23l 73; do, California, iier crate.. $2(73, do'Houth Carolina, per irate SI 25 Wl 73 peaches. Oeontla. per carrier. tJ4P3, watermelons, southern, per tar, t2U0&S2,'i. VEGETABLKS Demand was onl moderate, but values gen erally ruled steady as follows White potatoes, North Carolina, per bbl. No 1, 1404 25. No. 2 $1.2.14)2: white potatoes, Norfolk, per bbl. No. 1. II 4 75, No. 2, 11 50O2, white potatoes, llastern Shore, per bbl. No 1. M.BO03. No. 2, 11 3002, white potatoes. Jersey, per , -bushel basket N'o 1 lll.M, No 2, f.OitllOc, onions, Texas per crate No. 1, OOcOtl.10; No 2, 50S75C-. onions. Jersey, v per S -bushel basket. 70W8iir. rabbose. Kastern Shore, per bbl. -crate, ilOt CO. do Norfolk, per bbl. -crate. J1O150. easplanl. southern, per box, 12W2.73, peppers, Florida tier box, 12 SOSj'3, squash, southern, per box 1101.30. cucumbers. North Carolina, per basket 730011 23. do, Norfolk, per bssket. HOI 50. do, Norfolk, per bbl . 1304; beets. Norfolk, per 10(1 bunches l3. tomatoes Mississippi, per fist-crate SOeVll.33, do. Ten nessee, per flat-crate. IIO1.30. do. Florida, per crate. 11 30if2: mushrooms, per 1-lb. bssket l150 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGjGS NF.W TORK. July 17.847 tubs Msrket chansed KUHH Ilecelpts 18,013 cases No chanse In quotations i PRICES STILL GO UP ON CORN AND OATs! Wheat, However, Remains Dull in luarKet wmen Othenvise Continues Strong I ,ciiv;.yio, j,ir The nralher forccn.t for tlilrti-U h...'V. 9 Illinois Party elondy tonleht aid "ffl ariner In northnnt UM' mr and rontlnten Mlnsour nrrner. uuronsln und Kanfcus nnd ltntisAtn ..-.. flnudlnom tonUhtt probably untettlfd Ho!, R. I,ei, tss.41ae .lA..J I...I.I.1 II ral thunder hhouers In u,t ."i. 4 1 " "iiBI j, nd .south nakotn Locul lhunf J tonlfhti partly tloudy ami (T ) ."mm., - a Nebrnskn l'artly cloudy tonight nnd ... I dnyt loial thunder shower-crln east tonlttiti i warmer. Iowa local thunder witrmer, -North show cri. Minrtn, rontlnunl warm. ' OHICAOO July 7i j IiuliiR of com was resumed this mora. lop. and the market v!ir Mroncer In tyi initial trading. After oiicnlnir i.e hiek.JI at 1I.SB, September moved to 11.11(4,1 later dnKKlne to 11 5S December ranjeii from Jl. 161,4 to $1.16 ot the outset, com, pared with $1.14 Js ot the end yesterdij , I later BelllnK at $1.16. "!j Sentiment was mixed, come traders om Intr lncllneVl to faor tho henr mm r,n ,kl belief that hhort.s wero well covered, while others were bullish on the strength In th. position of spot and the theory that th) new crop options arc selling nt too fttttil n discount. il ,i.i.,.. ...., !...-., . , . . . 'I luumiuiu cuiiiiuucu iu jwie an aatcrM' effect on receipts In Argentina The mir.' ket at Liverpool was strong. Tho receipt!' nvrc toaay were iu cars ; Wheat was dull. July opened ta low; at $2 10. September was not quoted earlr. The market at LUerpool was dull, but! steadier on expectations of lighter shipment, and the rise In corn. The receipts at Minne apolis and Duluth today wero 60 cart against 288 cars a year ago; at Wlnnlp,i no cars, compared witn oo cars , nt UhlCi'o 31 cars, contrasted with 16 cars. , Oats were steadier. July opened at II tt 65c, against 657ic yesterday's lut I price, and ot 10 o'clock was 66,c. Septtm-'J uer started at bi to 54 He, compared wltk 1 54L.0 at tho end yesterday, and at II o'clock was 6 4 Tic: December opened at' 67 to 6Cc, against 60 ',4c at tho closures.; terday, and at 10 o'clock was Ho abovtFrM days close. Tho market at Liverpool was easy, wltt; arrivals aaequaie anu siocits incrtuiai.' The receipts here today wero seventy-itren i cars. 1 Leading 'futures ranged as follows , YeYiiri a Wheat Open. Illch, Low, Close, ckw. 1 July .... 2.10 2.1(1 2.07 2.07 111 4 September . . 1.02 1.04 1.01 tl.04 Mi 1 t;orn tnew- iieiivery September uecemoer Slay . . . Oats July . . September December I.ard July Heptember lllbs July . , . . Heprember Pork-July stptemwr 1.35U l.KIM 1.13i 00 0& 1.571 1.33 1,18 1.14V4 1,18 1,14 1.504 m 1 1.I7H UU MS ,21.40 21.40 21.70 .21.73 21.70 21.77 Hid. tAsked. 30.110 30.82 3D.H0 130.60 03 tflfl Ui OU TOJ .... 121.00 S1.0I 2i.2S 21.27 tJLU 91. RT 451.87 tSl.ll 21.07 21.07 2l.1 40.00 t4J0 1? 3V. I 7 BUTTKll Receipts, stead, quotations un- Jlarket firm. 11 L. H I,' np.. gl 1-OUls t) v Hekboard A L. fiears-Itoebuck KR,V.tuS.e,AL"2n ?2W go V Rico S..r..'2onT H and Mllllnit .88 Ntand 311 I Jf . 8j iHB .! K..1Q? swim ,op ("hem -rexas t:o . 0 Texsp Co rts inira Av ... fsti iiuevater Ull ...ins l0t7 I'rM pfd.loo T Bt L A V nf ct 8 Trans Wlllms. 42 Twin City R T..1 85 Jin lia V Pap;, f? Wn Iiasr V new 8 H5!, S Prit.'lfu0 1'nlted Drus 7. WiT1. ""swood. ""Is U 8 Exprssa,,,, 18 Vu":.-."! Ills Itv nml kn r"ta"V ".". V. P 'n V.niita Fruit.. "ii un ity invest : : -i nd A .4i?.. J, B Rub iit T Pr.:i0it4 V, 5 U",1"' Imp liS U S Smelt R.f SS I ' To., yin Utah Sec CorpT , 19 y-Car Chsin.'..' 4iu v!"S,r.Ci1,m PfAlli w.iis.y.?iou fc-,p ,-t5W West Maryland 20U West ld ffd p?,f j? Kan City South pf 63K J"' ''nion ... 84 " R8ic?4 u-piiiH w'aiJ;?'!- h Wilson Co prtf ' lolu wi, cm fV,,1Mr LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS t'lllCAaO, July' 7 HOaS Receipts. 11.000. markets slow, 6o lower mixed and butchers. 114 COW 10, anod heavy 114 43in. roush heavy. 114 43014.03. light. 114.S0O13.76; pigs. $11014 23. bulk. 114.83 bid CATTLE Receipts, 3000, markets steady, beeves. 18.300 IS DO: cows and heifers, t3 40W 11,75. stackers and feeders. I0.809v.0u. Texans $10 230112.23 calves, lt014 75. HliKEl Receipts, 8000; markst steady.' na tive and western, 17 75(H1. lambs, lUUMO.oo. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK, July 7. There was an extremely dull opening in the coffee market futures this morning, less than a doien brokers being around tho ring at the start. First p,lces were unchanged to a decline of 1 point, with sales amounting to 1260 bags. There were a few buying orders around the ring from a leading commission house, but, generally speaking there was little or no Interest In the" market either way. The Brazilian cables were disappointing and receipts at the primary points wero rapidly increasing, showing 'a much better movement .of the new crop. The spot de mand shows no Improvement, and there are little or no price changes. In the middle of the morning futures were about pet, unchanged. juiy "Jo V W l": c,10" "" July t.siu 7.48 7. sis 7 4r t a September 7.58 .... T i'.S i'ii December ........ 7.70 7.77 7 T, 7?g 4'S? Jsnuary 7.71 " fl? 4'Ji M"J I'M 1. 1 : 70 III NEW YORK DANK STATEMENT Increases in Deposits and Surplus Show Cause for Easier Money NKW YOUIC, July 7 The reason for the ! easier monev durlnir the week 'was flV'1 In the weeklv bank statement today SuHl stantlol Increases In deposits and surplulia both the average and actual condition sun shown Host satisfaction from money roifv I ket point of view wan, of course, dlrectti tJ I the gains In the surplus. This, in u average, rose $170,212,690 and In the actual ; $172,638,670. Details follow: AVKRAOr: Loan. Net demand denes Net lime, deposits , ircuiaiion Reserve own vaults Reserve, Federal Re sort bank Reserve other deposl . torles Iteservo required.. 43,107,43(1 IpO.lJl.iH Surplus ... 41.310.570 170 311 tUnltrd Htates deposit deducted J30.',7(,001 m,i,ii .v,,iiii,uvu 1B.SPSVIT, ACTUAL loans .... 13,843.208,000 130.171.000 Net time deposits. 102,042,00(1 M!'!S: Circulation . . 20,800.000 !";" tlleaerve, own vaults 244,573,000 'l.tOfl. jteserve, vraerai lie- serve banks Reserve, other de positories 00,412,000 Aggregate reserve 777,220,000 Reserve required 488,773.010 Surplus 278,402.080 tUnlted RtatM deposits deducted, !S,0,W) j niiit-ii ,u.,iuu,uuu is specie, i OUTSIDE BANK STATEMENT STATE BMf&l investments 1441,004,500 13,853,015,000 sits 18,484, 046,000 20,072,000 1230.080,000 410,748,000 50,014.000 72TI,448,O0O IncrMM , 127,048 01 53,881,001) ,45sScS 2O,4iT.0M SI,T1I.M H1.y' SX.80S.0O3 May I. S3 8.03 8.01 8.02 Laeied Oas .... 83 LaVs B W pt 10 W. Cnt r, ., . .".. .a ' "" 2.SX, aatnisn vauey .515, iv,twoetB. -, Rl& M7 zr IT vnu ;'. at.T Co tic,K T. pi i7 Sinclair Oil Sells Notts NEW YORK. July 7,-The Sinclair Oil & Refining Company has sold 110,000.000 three-year 7 per cent, first lien gold notes car.5".n.,Lrnt, entl'n- the holder of each $1000 note to purchase 26 shares at $46 a share at any time up to August 1 lltll t 147.60 up to AuguSt 1, imami $60 a share up to February, 1920 tr, . New York syndicate. The dlrec or,lde! $t. a share, payable August 2$ to slock of record July . A call V. hi. .!i?.c.'i for1 a special meeting of sfockholdar. S ,Umfutrmmmi - vF. ,,""1 472,235,000 8T.010.004l S.14f, SI SSI. .oo.'sTn.sIll i72.iia. 42.7S3.40O 1.1.830.000 382,434,40(1 114,nU2,tlU0 4Aana, Currency, fcank ' nta Heposlta ........ Reserve on denoslt. I'srrentag of reserve 20.8 TRUST COMPANIES Loans, Investmtnts Currency, ' ba'n'k Villi DeDOBltB Reserve on deposit., S7U. 304,500 Ier.n,.vB e .., OO bet. STATE HANKS AND TRUST COMPANlE8jroIJ RErOHTINO TO CLEARINO HOU8 Loans, Investments, . 1834,848,000 Hold ,. ,,..! 02,030,200 Currency, bank notes 10,870,500 Total deposits 1,047,040,000 Reserva deposits ... 208,884,100 Net deposits 882J86,S00 rercentaae ot ressrvo 20 Decrsass, "?9M?'?R2 fl.iig.Soo 2.oA.s.oio.ino mm aiiai fM mm. 1.1 ,; Gold Export for Day S3.595.000 NEW TOIIK, July 7. Gold coin to u amount of $5,696,000 has been wlthdr; from the Subtreasury for export. The ; ttnatlon ot $2,600,000 of this amount a' not been disclosed, but $1,006,000 Is knows. to be consigned to Spain., , ! Girl Scouts Prove Efficiency .j Esther Jackson' and Rose Shee, dirt, Scouts of Darby, last night proved the Br ctency of their organisation by eetabllinlni the identity ot a lost child. The child wl arace Quyby, of Burlington. N. J., who , visiting at a home In Darby and becarnl lost I J TOO IATR JOB CLASSIFICATION J nieATnH Jl of Charles Chambsrlalnf lata of HoboHen .in uayonns, J. r untrsi, ssrvires aioo fSo p. m.. at 240 Center si., HaddenlWo. mm.. . iMSLJ&gJmMk- rm rmSmOmhltM wMviLie j Heboltin uiy i " p"v 'tf cisasi 5 , ' .fr' ! ai. I'WBil&.SEFF- 'Jz ir ssss, .t' t I Ba, , - V f'is -Jr i ,s A