Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 06, 1917, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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"FTf "W" """l '"J " """' TIWWWWBWJH
qBwm?f&mnt inW
Parisians Indulge in Wild
Hope of Great Army to
r Come Soon
Belief That Americans Will
Quickly Replace Worn-Out
Troops Is General
mall Corretpandfnt of the Cienia Ltiner
"' " in France
PATHS. Juno 20
The arrival of the first American dlvl
lon will he history by the time this story
Is In print s'nR'e eent In the annals
ef the war was ever awaited with more In
tensity and ardor, with mora earned well
wishing with so much desire, with fo much
pent-up enthusiasm that Is straining nt the
ltash eager to malte dents of Joy In the
tlmosphere of Paris
AH ovei Paris thero Is talk and rumor
ind hearsaj and exaggeration about the
army of the United States The trim'
cavalrvmcn who stand at attention about
(he door of General Pershing s headn,U"ir-
ters are surrounded by admiring throngs
from dawn to darkness. The members of
the staff as they ride about Paris cr walk
upon Its streets are pointed out and fol
lowed They are looked upon as the vnn
ruard of cl ligation's final crusade agalnt
lll They aro referred to m "straight tall
men and the trim cut c their un'forms is
favorably commented upon as tor ucn
erl Pershing himself, he Is looked upon as
t salor His approximate hours of work
are known, and nVvavn about the Crlllon.
Sfcere he resides, a crowd collects at 8 J 5
a m to see him enter his car for the Rue
Constaritlne The same stor can be told
at to his return In the evening And all
this. In large measure. Is because General
Pershing and his stnff ond the cavalrvmen
are something seen, something tangible that
could be touched with trt hand
With this seeing and sensing, there is a
treat hope and expectancy. In a certain
measure unreasonable to be sure, and also
In a certain sense lamentable because of
Illogical Ideas pre oiling among the masses,
that for instance the territorials at the
front will verv presently bo relleed .by
American troops
No one has circulated the stor It has
lust come from nowhere It Is, of course,
known in Trench omclal circles, as It Is
reneralh known in America, that the
United States Is hut a lust Infant In the
military sense that muclt patient, hard
dlsclp'lnlng preparation Is necessary ero
America can go up against the Borhc In a
fight But the people here cannot see it,
cr. If thev do refuse to believe it possible
There Is therefore something to be feared
In a certain disillusionment among the
millions who. In personal looses, know how
much of France's army Is under the sod,
and who hae not or will not learn to rea
son that before a child or a nation learns
to run, it must learn to walk
Muc'i has been written In French news
pap rs on this subject and much has been
Mid too upon the transportation problem
But the masses read and forget figures
and In an eent. do not take Into calcula
tion thel1- meaning nor the problems In
volved nor the ships essential, nor do thc
reason out the why They only know of
their own desolated hearthstones, of their
wounded and mutilated, of the death of
their vouth of the fact that In the man
sense Prince Is bled almost to the bone ;
and thej have staked their nil on the United
States as the one land in the wor d whence
men and guns and equipment can come
coon. ' bientot," in untold quantity
hi:lp n'kedkd now
Tbev want these living and Inanimate
things now , and. nore's the pity. thc need
them now Thev need them to an ex
tent bejond compare, bave Germany's needs
toward her vicious ends And as human
nature Is but human nature, and, after all,
men and women are but children who want
a thing when they want it, the masses In
France are going to become, In some sense,
disappointed through relative future face-to-face
realization of the fact that all Amer
ica a good will and resources, all Ameilcas
Intense earnestness cannot be manufac
ture d In a few months, Into disciplined flglit
ln? men who will fight to the last under
orders Tor there you are
Thats the real reason the United States
fannot place a big army in the Meld quickly
You can teach a man to salute and how to
handle a gun and all the rest of It In a
few weeks but ou cannot take a bunch
of men fresh from desks, and factories, and
farms, and even Plattsburg training camps
and have them stand all unflinchingly
the test of Are even to the death It is
not a question of their courage or their
willingness They require a year's dis
ciplining ns to what soldiers really are, as
to what war really means
Thero Is the renson Hngland's splendid
army took eighteen months or more In the
making. And In the reverse sense there Is
tno renson through rervlco In compulsion
"V"!"-" '" vionnany arm I ranee stood
mid died for their cause It's tho reason,
too, why the pollu Is so wonderful Ills fel
low countrjmen with him ore the most
democratic in tho world, nnd let his sub
mission to military servke was an instltii
Hon with him and his fathers before him
Hence he took to its dl'clpllne ns a duck
to water, tho very moment he was mobilized,
thlrtj-four months ago
Summed up, a I this means to one who
has lived long c'os to tho Trench people,
who knows them so well ns to be ablo al
most to aav wlnt they will think, eat and
say at a g.ven moment, that there Is on ad
ditional understanding ns to how eagerly
they are waiting for something Immediate,
that perforce cannot he Ms, th.in rAintiioit
distant, nnd tint thev nra colmr in he .iiu.
appointed ere American hosts, fresh, strong,
jouthful, disciplined, carry tho bulk of the
burden, carry tho war Into Belgium, nnd If
God is good, Into German)
And It Is because of this knowledge of
French p'cple nnd temperament that I de
plore most carncstlv the decision of mainly
trnlnlng at home, where, despite. Installa
tions based upon modem warfare, pvcho
logically it will not onlv bo Impossible to
bring about as rapid a transformation ot
civilians Into soldiers as vvric the men In
Trance, but prevent also the great moral
solutar) effect of their presence ns a thing
the blood-weary French people could sense
and see and touch: produce a great moral
effect upon the nation while more qulckl
fitting the men. under a French sky. nmld
the atmosphere of Trance within the smell
of war itself
We should hive lOrtono of them here ns
quickly as it Is possible to have ships carry
them over They would mean more towarl
quick action and the upholding of French
morale than five times the quantity six
months hence
France is like n man battling with a
still strong devil The devil Is tired, but
France Is tired ton even If. thanks to Eng
land less so And because willing, svnipn
thetlc hands are not rcadv to gird them
selves In war giuntlets, France must
wearilv hantj on She will of course, be.
cause France Is wonderful And she has the
wonderful youth of England beside her
But she Is nevertheless In sore need of help
now That's the iltuation In a word
Nothing will be gained of course. In this
writing Far be It from the writer's mind
to presume better or even equal Judgment
with those trained In the American sense
mllltorv There Is seen onlv ihe Immediate
need and also the deplorable short-sighted
political po'lcles that through congressional
lassitude permitted the greatest nation In
the world to live over a vo'cano n'l the jears
It was smoldering all the cars, too after
It had broken out into evil and engulfing
flame had crossed the Atlantic Ocean and
struck us In the face ere wc unsheathed
swords and began training men to stand be
hind them
It's a far orv from a widowed Frenc'i or
English or American woman whoe widow
hood might hive been nrfvented nnd the
alms, of politicians of all parties in Amer
ica durieg the last twentv years But thero
Is a connecting link nevertheless In this
Senate Likely to Find
Whisky Guilty, but to Ac
quit Beer and Wine
Ten-Minute Speeches to Bring
Case to End in Upper
threats are being sent to members of draft
exemption boards In Sin Tranclsco
John J Duddv, member of one district
board tndav advised registrar Zeinnskv
that he sent his resignation to Major Holph
because one man bad told him tint bis
( Duddv "s) life would be taken If ho failed
to vote for exemption of the mm who
made the threat
Mavor Holp'a announced that he lnd nt.
autliorltv to accept resignations, as the mil
ler of selection was out of his hands other
boatd members declare the have alto re
ceived threats but thev lefuse to take them
The famous trial of booze, beer and wine
in the United States Senate is nearlng an
nut Afti- ftifaa weeks of vvordv battle, the
Vise Is expected to go to the Jury late
today A verdict may come ncrorc sun
down There Is no question ns to the fate of
spirits They will be given the death
peniltv Deer and wine arc expected to
get a not gulltv verdict
The Semite rhamber was crowded carlv
to hear the final plea of counsel, neglnnlng
at 2 p m Last hours of tho trial were,
expected to be fieri",
Under a decision handed down late yes-
terdav debate today Is limited to ten min
utes bv ench Senator on the section under
which all of the fnmous beverages are now
subject to com Ictlon
On the dlffeient questions ns they will
be voted upon by the Jurj, the following
predictions were made todav
To convict spirits and leave the f.ato
of hcer and wine to the President, wets
nnd drvs will constitute a small ma
jority against such a verdict
To find guilty all tnrec spirits bers
and wines about hlrty radical dr
votes will be cart favoring such a verdict,
with a majority agnjnst It
To convict spirits and find beers and
wines not guilt, an overwhelming verdict
Is expected
With tl.e rase oft the docket the Senate
expects to dispose of the whole food measure
by next Wednesday or Thursday
Whlkv men it Is felt here pee the
handwrltlrg on the wall" Their business
Is doomed and they have decided to gt
thlrs" while thev can
statements of this kind were made frcel
In the capital todav by whlsk men to ex
plain the recent big boost In "red liquor"
Ever since Congress put whisky on the
blacklist the whisky ring has been advanc
ing all prices to barrooms
The cheapc-t whiskv uruaity reltlng for
twentv. Ive rents, now eois thlrtv and
the whlk men say it will go to forlv and
fertv-flve in a short time Case goods have
advanced nnvwhere from 12 50 to $5 In
price Wholcale men know the booze busi
ness Is a gonei nnd are calmh making
preparations for redistilling their liquor
stock to make munitions
What thev loso on the redistillation they
plan to make up on the booze buvers dur
ing the next few weeks
Thev are at a loss to kno'v whv tho
whisk ring let the booze business go to
the slaughter Thev say the so-called whisky
lobbv made no effort to mvo the whisky
China Rebels and
Royalists Clash
Continued from Pace One
tlon of the monarchy, nnd their predictions
of nn uprising nnd vast Internal dissension
nppear likely to be borne out
There has been a ccrtnln amount of oppo
sition manifested In the north of China,
but mainly by mllllurj ihlefs nngcrcd be
cause they were not consulted on the coup
bv which the republic was overturned
Japan will flrmlv maintain her neutrality
In the presort situation and officials be
lieve other nations will do llkewlEe
Hong Kal Yrr and San Tuen Sing.
admirals of tiro Chinese navv. have refused
to lower the flag of the republic on their
sli ps nnd have declared ngalnst the
monarchy, nceordlng to a cahle dispatch
received today bv the Chlneso Itepublic
Journal of San Francisco
Chi Say Chung, a prominent Chlnere
statesman, on whom the cables s.a the
boy Emperor depended largely for political
support, has announced his lovnlt to the
Editors of Chinese newspapers In San
Frunelrea's Chinatown declared toda that
the attitude of Chinese generally Is ngalnst
restoration of the monarch Thev pre
dicted that tho boj Emperors ielgn will be
Sen Kuo Chnng has been named presi
dent pro tempore at Nanking
"Hardly Less Free Thnn For
merly," He Tells Count
Watch on Romanoff Family Kept by
150 Men in Palace and
lly by 160 men distributed In the palace and
gardens They form a triple circular cjr
don around the palncc In tho Interior only
Ihree soldiers mount gunrd, but Colonel
Coblllnsky commandant of tho palace, lias
the right nt any hour of tho day or night
to enter tho spacious room without the for
mnlltv pf announcing his visit in advance,
l. lille the officers on duty enn at any time
remind the captives of the regulations they
have undertaken to respect Their task,
however. Is rendered easy bv tha cold nnd
flgnlfled demeanor of the prisoners.
At meals Nicholas Is nlwa)s In n. good
humor nnd never refers to his downfall
He rats simple fare without complaint
Butter and Egg Men to Urge Cot
tlon of Young Poultry
CHICAGO, July 6 rteprescntMlvM'tf
the JJhlcago Butter and pgp Board V,! ,
en route for Washington today, where Br
will confer with Secretary Houston ton
row concerning stimulation of product toQ
nnd control of prices
They will recommend to the cecreUrjr
that the Department of Agriculture etert
a campaign to stop the sale of yotmtf
poultry, until the farms depleted by recent
heavy sales have been replenished y
- - - . f'8
Lock Rives Way: Plocds On
BOni:TOWV N J, JuK one- of
ho cites at No 2 lock on the Ie'aware
and ftarltin Canal Ins given vvav caii'
'ng the water to reach Uordentown on n
rush, flooding the tow path and the rall
ioad of the Trenton division of the Pennsl
vania Railroad
Aholuto confidence In the rnfety of the
hundred or more Americans in Pekln even
If tho monarchists and republican forces
come to grips In the cltv wa expressed
nt the Stale Department tcdav
The legation quarter, where nil foreign
ers live Is heavily walled and guarded and
could withstand siege for an Indefinite time
If the Chinese lighters turned their atten
tion to it
Tho American guard consists of "(10 ma
rines equipped with field pieces ns well
ns machine guns, n powirful wireless and
nn Improvised troop of e.avnlrv mounted
on Chinese ponies Similar forces (ire
stntioned nt the other legations, while the
guard nt the Japanese legation Is probablv
muc'i larger At Tientsin, sevmty-tlve
miles awnv Is n full regiment of American
oldlcrn that ould march to the relief of
the legations on n moment's notice The
wall nhnnt the quartet Is sixty feet thick
at the base foilv feet hlph nnd ever) en
trance Is secured liv a lie.avv tteel gate
It was pointed out todav that because of
this protection no American was killed dur
ing the inutlnv of rhe garrison In 1113
Among the Americans in Pekln besides
tho legation ofllcers are several business
men and tourists and the tenihers In three
big missions and the China Una college
Window -Breakers Steal Tools
Two men smashed the window of the
Pusey Hardware Comp.m.v northeast corner
Eighth and Cherrv rtreets early todav and
stole tools valued nt $00 A watchman
pursued tho men and fired several shots A
short time after the fieft William Donohoe
who gave his address as Cecil rtreet and
Snvder nventie, was arrested nt Eighth nnd
Vine streets He was suffering from a
bullet wound In bis left leg He was taken
to the Hahnemann Hospital Donohoe de
nied 1 now ledge of the rniihcr II" Is under
surveillance bv the police
skzMM chest!
. J
Terms "Veckly
An Tnsfr umcrit you
Save 40
Per Cent
, jwi
SeWS?' "s'" V3 Carat
fti not br auks we lire '
t Drpflt, for we are not fft
t, ouruliti, mtnljr linn.
HT1.,.0' dra!r throunh-
---i.i-N.-.-.r - .
? r'.
1 i . irfL
tsry A'..!
S?a ,S-.VSw '
r invfiM ajrjjj"rl"r
5.J.,;4 -it
t !,. ".." if?"?ii:
--, " iV "' villi in
iiimi "nd we ll to o".
Jut Ktt
tllmtu ,f thti) , rikihlr brilliant m ml
EK." il ran Uli tlirm from ollirm tpttlni
WW Mr firnt. Mall Ordera Filled.
Hours out of
Every Four
Your Horses
Work by Using
P. O. Ui Chicago
Every minutp wasted on the road by slow,
inefficient hauling and delivery costs you
real money. Horses take from three to
four times as long to cover the ground as
it will take you when you install Smith
Form-a-Trucks in your service.
Three to four miles an hour is the best horses can do
with a ton load. Smith Form -a -Truck replaces ths
slow time wasting walk of horses wth a speed o' from en
to fourteen miles an hour under every condition ot work.
And i' costs no more to buy a Smith Form - a -Truck
trun ic floes to buy a good pair ot horses eaual to .hi
work of hauling a ton load. It your hauling or delivery
requires all-day service every working day ot the year,
you must have at least two teams for every wagon.
The sturdy, efficient, untiring Smith Form-a-Truck never
takes time out for rest, never has to lay off the :ob. 1:
works steadily day in and day out, always mainlining
ns high speed, always moving ts load auickly eas'ly,
and a lower cost than any ether form ot service you
can buy
Records of lerr'ce obtained from oyer 18.000 Smltii Form-a Truck
users cnotr a ton mt.o coat ot Jets thar) 8 cents And the hiv
Smith Fotm-i-Truck ever told tias been in service four years,
covered 20,000 miles and cost only $8 for repairs
Get a Smith Foim-a-Truck, attacn it to any Ford, Dodge Bros.,
Overland, Buick. Chevrolet or Maxwell cnasiii and end your
excessive hauling and delivery ctvitt,
Pu' vour hauling problems uo to ut I- doesn'' cos you a cen'
tc leam us now mucn money we fain au back inio you pocket
mac you are now puiting mio (.ones.
rAMS. June 28. by Mall to N'i:w VnrtK
July 6
The Journnl prints the follow InR grnphlr
ilcscrlptlorr of the Cznr's Imprlnonmrnt
irotu its rorosrnd correspondent. Paul Krlr
"A prl-oner Yea. I suppose to Hut I
am hirtlly le free now tlinn formerlv
for have I not been a prisoner nil mv life"'
Th.ls Is the onlv reflection Xlrhnli 11
pccins to have uncle upon Ills oaptlvltv
within the precincts of TiarsKoe Selo cntle
Ho was trlkltiK to fount netickenilorff
former Krantl nmri-lnl or the Itiisslnn court
who shires the former ('znrs ciptlvltv
Tbo former ruler spoke ver oadlv. his eves
filled with tiara nt the iccollcttlon of his
cloistered, Kuarded life, nnd to hide his
emotion he hiutllv turned his head aside
and lighted a clqiiette
Tcerlns through the lion ralllnRS tint
surround the palace Grounds people inn
from time to time get n Bllmpso of ths
former I'm through the foliage It was
thus I taw him Cfterdi He emerged
from his suite of rooms to the pilico steps
wheio ho Joined Count BoticUondorff
Nicholas was wearing the uniform of a
colonel of the Fourth Tleralleurs regiment
He seemed to me to ho In excellent health
and In no wle cist down bv his dethrone
ment His clnt with the Count vns np
parentlv on ,i pleaant subject for he never
ceased to rmlle
I saw tho coupe stroll slonlv through
the grounds Their talk evldentlv wan
about horticulture for from time to time
thev halted before v at ions flower beds
and the former Crar pointed with his cane
at certain hloorrrt. No sooner had thev bo
nun their promenade than an nfllcer and
three soldiers with havonets IWed appeared
"ccmlnglv fiom lrihere nnd followed them
nt n short distance
The walk did not list long nnd before
dl -.appearing Into his npnrtmcnts Mi holas
turned nnd g-ivel snluled the ollli er who
had been dogging lits footsteps
Watch is kept upnn the ltinnn-ff fnm-
MKMfJLXM XCJUVA11X jj BtJtJ J JUL IJf 1JJ ILtJUUIJ 1 11.1J1 llllll 1JL1J jf
i "Syilr-rilt rror"?i it iirtrinrrni 1 1 n 1 1 1 TTrTT-rBrrri nninimiumi rtna
For the accommodation of our patrons
who find Saturday a necessary
Shopping Day
Store Will Be Open
Until 1 P. M.
1X T ! M ! J
Be sure your outfit contains two pairs of
No metal J
can touch yoii
Frequent changes in warm weather
will prolong the life of the elastic
and prove a real economy. You'll
be better satisfied, too of course.
Double Grip
35c and 50c
Single Grip
25c, 35c, 50c
At All Good Stores
Niw Yidr
l 'sbsi
HafSB t TUfl