flW(lii(((l!lVWI ijpwji, IUT rm j V SCjf.i HSR siVV'' ,,, v li -a A JL District Deputies GuiUnnM from Preceding ! 624 A. 11. Wolfort. . fourth street. 282 Walter J, Ulll. B30 North Flfty Ttadon. Delaware U 41 M It. II. Wlggleawnrth. 231 Itoxbor- ouch avenue, Hnxborough. 80 James Parke. Ninth and Jeffre street, rneater. 48 HI William A. Alcult. fllen Riddle. 4 IDS Oeorge Boone. Norrlalown. l'a. Xmpreaalve ceremonlee v. ere held at the Reel lien's Home at Cheltenham on Saturday after oon, Cohockeink Tribe. No, 12H. preaenleel an American flat. After the Invocation ami selcc lions by llepanna Hand, the audience Bang 'America." Assistant District Attorney Joseph II. Taulane delivered tha oration, and the nan mi ralaed by Sergeant John J. O'Neill, of Battery I. Fifteenth Field Artillery. .Ureal Uachem Ueawlck mada tha reaponea In his sharacttrlatlo manner. Thla waa tha occaalon f tha twenty-eighth ennltereary. . twenty-six tribes being represented, Deputy lllll Ufaser Waa exceedingly buay directing the formallone, tc., on tha around, while 1", B. Harry Hamer and I'realdent Samuel Uental looked after the trcgram. In every ay It waa a Ml In cele ration of a successful year. Maumee Tribe. No. 804, tendered a reception Is CI. J, 8, Charlee K. Ball on Friday night la K. u. K. llall. on' North liroad atreet. 'Ilia renins waa featured by the celebrated Maumee lllnatrelei Mra. T. C. Heawlck'a singing, talks by O. 8. Dr. T. C. Ueawlck. former C. of It. oena Veneer, P. 8. Ueorge Derrlckaon, Jack Milts. John Townaend. Dan T. Dukes. Great Prophet 8. II. Walker and O. J. 8. Charlee B. Hell, There waa an original act by the "Hell Uextetle." being a parody on the famoua "Hora dora Sextette." Tolo Tribe. No. 377. celebrated Ita nineteenth jmlvnreary laat Thuraday night by an enter tainment and banquet In tha tribal hall. I', 8. John Hoerr waa chairman and toastmastor. ihe principal apeakera being U, J. 8. Charles E. Dell and r. H. John 11. Ureenhalsh. who spoke on tha finances of the order, anl P. 8. William 1'atteraon. the newly elected chief ot racorda. wbo told ot the future pruapcUa of too tribe. Tetonka Tribe. No, 821, celebrated Ita twenly fUth annlveraary by a night's entertainment In the Brldesburg Theatre. The program Included vaudeville, moving pictures, selectlona by the Tetonka Hand, talka by U. 8. lleswlck. who appealed for the atrongeat ettort In lilatory tu rnake No. 321 double Ita memberahlp. Ureal Prophet 8. If. Walker. Chairman 1'. 8. Mc Bonough. I', H. Ituwo. Frank Hlrkleback and C. ot II. Martin. Tho tribe haa loat alx of Ita membera through death In the laat year, avnd at preaent haa nineteen on the alrk Hat. yet la going ahead. Twelve hundred and three Kople attended tha annlveraary. Including lm ra re, famlllea and friends Wawatem Tribe. No. 1.1, kept In tha lime light by holding a big celebration on Thuraday night, the Maumee Minstrels and Wawatem a tend furnlablng tho entertainment, r. 8. Mam Ihy, 1. 8. Cunny. llrother Lane nnd Deputy arry Wlggleaworth did tho talking. Ioka, Tribe. No. 800, held an enthusiastic aaoetlng on Wedneaday night at Twenti-slxth street and Columbine nenuu. P. 8, Mehlor was ejongratulated on Ida appointment aa deputy (real aacnem. The trlbu la making plana for a big term. The leaders In the work nro C. of It. David Turner. 1'. 8. Harry Kneckt ad 1 8. Mehlor. Neahamlny Tribe, No. 23, la hustling for an In reaae. The Dakota degree team haa been re- Sueated to do the rtork on a class adoption. . of 11. llruder, 1. 8. Urnft nnd I 8. Fox are Always working. Shawnee Tribe. No. 8. aeema ri have taken n a new leaae ot life. Deputy Al Itltsert R porta the tribe doing good work. C of 11. innel and 1. 8. llussel ure working for a iaa adoption. Algonquin Tribe, No. 300, held a big meet ing on Wedneaday night and much pleaaure Waa expressed on the selection of John Hulllvnn aa deputy great sachem. C. of It Hender mada a talk on the war altuatlon and railroad fuclll- llepanna Tribe, No. 12, held aoclal night laat Thuraday. In addition to corn nnd venlaon, tho celebrated llepanna Hand rendered a number M selections. Talka were made by C. of 11, Tom Smith, F. 8. lllll Curry, Deputy Ueorge laontelth and others. Katonka Tribe, No. 830, of nernlce, and At I Mea Tribe, No. ri32. of Ijiprt, held a big patrl- ttlo demonstration at Mildred, Hulllvan County he tribes aaaemblcd at 1:30 In tho nfurnoon and participated In a big atreet parade, after which thoy marched to the city aquare, v. hero oioro than 20U0 had gathered. After an ! frees by Charlcn U. Watson, C. of It. of No. S30. Oreat Sachem Dr. T (i. lleswlck wna In troduced and a big American flag was raised. Doctor lleswlck spoke of tho Iloeton Tea 1'arty and the close relationship that has existed be tween tho big events of tho country nnd the Improved Order of lied Men. Ills talk was Intensely patrlotla and ho dwelt on the subject et preparedness as a nation and aa Individuals In time of trouble. Other speakers were 1. H. Marry Griffith, of I.oper, -and 1 8 R. W. white, of Uernlce. After tho flag-raising there were sports of all kinds. FORESTERS' ALLIANCE FOR PATRIOTIC AID .Work of Campaign Rallies in Co operation With Citizens' Move ments for Common Cause The Tatrlotlo Hally Alllnnco lias closed Its Initial nerles of open public America flrnt sessions which proved highly success ful features.. Designed to render co-opcr-atlvo aid In all measures inaugurated hy tho Government, tha promoters stood shoulder to shoulder In rendering personal ervlca with tho patriotic citizens gen rally In practical helpfulness In ttho oommon cause, and will contlnuo so to do la tho pledge. Tho P. of A. rallies cov ered all sections nnd tho programs were tnado attractive. Speakors were selected who by reason of actlvo serlco could en thuse. The novel scheme adopted was to Impress patriotism by leaaona drawn from the eventful careers of the seventeen Presidents of our coun try who served In war or who occupied tho presidential chair In time of war, from 17S0 to 117, centering around Washington, Taylor, Polk, Msdlaon. W II. llarrlaon, Lincoln. Mo Klnley. Garfield. (Irant, H llarrlaon, Hayes. Pierce, Tyler, Jackson, Monroe, lloosevelt aud Wilson. Tha staff of heart-to-heart talkers comprised Brothers Dr Walter J. Daley. No 108, u. 8. A. medical corps; J. Devcnny, No, 85, Fifth V. 8. Cavalry, J. I Ilrady, No. Jl, retired regular army veteran; J. Howell, N U3, 1'ost 71, U A, It., M, Toner, No. 83, Bpunlsh-Amerlcan War veteran; M. McUeehan, No 103, ux-sergeant ot marines; J. Klmmle. No 337, Third Iteglmenti it. Olllen. No. 140. Bona ot Veterans, M Hmlth, Mo, 8.1. U. S. 8. Mussuchusettai J McCollum. No. 83, naval reaerve, J. Campbell No 144, Cocond la. Artillery. A. Calnndru, No. 813, ma line corps, J. Carr, No. 10O, home defenders: B. Wilson, No, 83, Ureble Post. No. 10, U. A. It.. and M. McIIugh. No. 83, hospital corps, each of Whom took ano of the Presidents named as the subject of his discourse, only one speaker being assigned each rally, but tho schedule waa so ar ranged that all seventeen were heard In each section of the city. A new series, with different orators and a changed general subject, has been arranged, Court Ollre Tiranch. No. 203, Is adding to the attractiveness of Its weekly seaalona by a eerlea ef spirited games and contests ot skill, llrothers Kelly. Friedman, Welsh 'and other promoters of utility movements present programs of aLaorb Inr Interest that draw good attendances nnd make Friendship Hall, Kepvlva and Norrla streets, a rallying point for active workers each Thursday. The court social functions are more generally to voerue. owing to the vacation period Tho recent events of Courts Haverford, IVInstow, Corinthian. Oe Lancey, West Philadelphia. Lis sum, Pottatown and many othera opened the summer season. After the Installation ot the newly elected officers, whose terms begin this month, every court will hold a soclsl session for the dual purposs of showing appreciation to the retiring officials, and a happy send-off for their successors. "Keeping- ever In mind the crisis of war conditions, the events will be conducted aa befits the tunes, expense will be curtailed In order to allow the excess to ba devoted to the needs of the hour, but what may be lacking In the delicacies ot the caterers' art. will be amply overbalanced In the better and more auhatantlal things provided," aays llrother Ueorge Itlnehart. of No. 141. an adept In tha Una ot piomotlng social festivities In forestry. Grand Lecturer Joseph J, Kelley. No. 830, suggeaa to the courts: "In all outings, fetes, festivities, carnivals and even ordinary socials, untlie tha events to teach a lesson that will Influence oven the general public. Ljick ot sociability Is a too common error of conduct among our American people as regards respect for the wearers ot the uniform of Uncle 8am. Let us show our respect by Iqvltlng aoldlers, sailors, marines and others In the military serv ice to be our guests ot honor, at all, our frat ernising socials. Immorality and drink rigidly banned, we can also minimize the loneliness of the gallant boys In our midst, by throwing open the privileges, social and recreational facilities f our meeting quarters." Court American Eagle, No. 03. attracted a largo delegation of the federated patrlotlo con tingents ot the Forester of America, who are co-operating with the cltltens organizations en caged In aiding the needful projects of the war crisis. In advocatlnsr a unltsri stand fn support thef authorities In all movements 01- Sected to secure adequate food supplies. Brother fetcalf. of Court No. 887, In a spirited appeal made plain the crying need of the hour in that xespect and quoted a startling array of facts, one ot which made many of the listeners sit In wonderment at its revelations. "American children already feel the pinch or war. They ars hungry. For though wages have Increased 6 par cent since the outbreak, prices have ad vanced 28 per cent, and parents are unable to rrovlde proper nourishment. Medical examlna lon of New Tork school children has disclosed Ihe fact that 100 000 children show tb stigmata erf prolonged undernourishment, and that 200.000 are not setting- enoush o eat. This Is the larsesK ouatber of hungry children ever recorded fey Use Jakw York Denartment of Health. New Zsrfc s BjrooaWr t wMrplcal of other Jars f American cities that ar being starved by soul leaa apeculators." -MM Court Marlon, No. 274. In Us splendid sub scrlptlon for the "honda that aeaure freedom from bondase." slates Deputy J, I1. Oartland, No. 840. "hss shown a devoted patriotlam worthy of emulation. Proportionate to Its financial stability It lompares favorably with any other liody of a Ilka memberahlp " Grand Court Iteprcsentatlve llrother Ilrnney srtdat "The spirit of the Intrepid hero Marlon, shows Itself In the arts of his lorsl followers of to day. Home people think tho owe nothing to the nation and have no duty to jierform. but the boys of Marlon come forth at the call of the country to offer their lives, their ervlcea nnd their purse tu help thu nation In Its call for assistance " , The ronsnllrtited courts committee of Mont romery County held n reunion session at Court Spring Mill. No. I".".. The forty representatives convened in executive session to further arrange, inenta for the combined carnival to le held July 2H aa a county commemorative fete In connec tion with the celebration of the natnl dsy of the Torestrrs of America. The next session of the activity unit will bo held July 21 at I'uurt Pride of Norrlatown The snclsl meeting wns turned Into a rrtllv to Congratulate the degree tefttn of Cheltenham, No ir,.l upon Its l-lng accorded the aperlsl prize of 11110 for Its proficiency In exemplification which the grand court mnventlon upon motion nf 1 O. C It J II Kirk, of No 108 unapltnoualy awarded to It "Court No. I5S," atatea I O C It Ilradley, of No. 8.1. "stknda In the foreranka of the fra ternity, aa nn exemplar of real activity, t'nllke aome who lutein everything nnd complete nothing, who start in all directions only to nrrlve no where, thla body of workers haa for years Plnnned Its projects nnd diligently worked tho practlcsl pinna to aurceasful achlevrments. It has Ideals, but experience taught It that Ideals do not amount to much unless they sr reso lutely tried to be realized It ayatcmstlzed its work and holds Its Meals within Its rrasn never relsxing the grssp The tribute of the con vention wsb a spontaneous acknowledgment of the worth of thla splendid asgregatlon In Its accnmpllahmonta, anil It Is the hope of Ha well wlshera, that the force of Its example will exert a wholesome Influence upon all other branches 'The approximation of fcllnfr thmitiht and hftblt Is constant, and the nrtlon of example Is unceasing ' The brethren of the Immediate dis trict especially apprerlntn tho reword of No 1f1 as one due to the most energetic body within the confines of the county" eatfjg AT,THA1N'Z. July n, MAM.; AITHAINZ. Dun nntlrn of funnrnl KtvMI IlAUKHtt July 3. JOHN, Mmliinrl of Mary llarkcr, nKl 70 HHnttvn nrt friends InvltPiJ to funeral. Frl 1! p m 101S Mutter t. Int Iirlvtilc. irenwoo4 (K of V I Orn. Auto fu nfrl .(ernatrifi may t .Irwed Thur. f 11KAXH July 4, at nom, N' :Mth M . 1'hlli, . I : II. MA KI'M', Hlfe nf IIr.Tt It II' an and rtAinthtfT of Trunk and Mdta Shugard, need 'J7. lHntlti and frlnda invited to funeral KeTvl(n, Krl . 8 j m . clintjcl of Kirk & Nlr. rtafll der ma niown ar Further frr.lcra t'.iper Dublin Lutheran Church, Hat . 3 t rn Int nrl.nte. HI.!.!..- At roKldtnra uf tuui fn-luw Wlltlnm IT. IUu, 'J 17 07 N. 1.1th Kt., July . LUl ISA IllM.Is lne Ham), uldovv ut J. William f fell. Ilela tlves and frlrnda lnvltel to funeral erv1re, Frl., 2 p. in , Funeral Home of John V Kim mri & Hon. 2IL'7 N liroad M. Jnt. nrHatp. American MrchanlcV Orn. Auto funeral. Friend, may lew remain Thuru., 8 to Id p. m., 1'uneral Home. . HIUM:V Julr n. JAMKS. hunhnnd of Ii-1-elta and ann of lutct Mli hM nnd 'lara lllsley, axed 4I Relatives nnd frlendn InMlfd to fu neral. Hat.. 8 :. h. m. 220.1 Nf 2d M Solemn requiem high mam Vlaltntlon Church 10 n m. Int. New Fatheiirnl (Vm, . M.KHHINU July .1 KDWAUD huhand of lain Amelia V Hlemlnf?. nged (11. Itelntlvea and frlenda. Uratltudt C'onnrll No f.kj, F !. A ; tmployca of IT. o I , 4.ith Ward, Htatlon II, lien Aaio., Invited to funeral. Hat , 2 p m,. 2017 i:. Venanco at Int L'aat Trdiir lllll Cem. Hemalna may bo leutrd Frl . h to 10 p m. IIOXURAt Mt Molly N J , July 4, T.AUHA. vvlfu of IMM Hoxer. nRe.1 04 llela tlvea and frlenda Invltfd to funeral. Hat . 1 p. m . 2 Klnc nt . Mt Holly. Jut llrotherhood Ccm imoWN July 4, ikimC. widow of latn Ilutrh Ilrown (n) McMcnlmanl. Funeral Hat . K 3d ii. m . 4Itlft Hoopes at Solemn renulom maFa nt Our Mother of Borroua fhurch 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem lleUtltca and friends Our Mother of Horrowa' AUht. Roaary and tjacred Heart Horletlea, lnlted to attend. HKOWN At Kllzalth. N J.. July fl. 1017. LYUIA A., widow of Item Irk Wilson Brown. In her 73th year Funeral from her late resi dence. 14 Delawaro at , Hllzabelh, Frl., July U, at 2 p m HIIYAN July 2, MAMi: A widow of David H. llrvun nnd dautihter of Harah nnd Henja mln F. Hmlth, axed 25, formerly of 1020 H. Cnmao at. llelatlvta and friends Invited to fu neral. Frl., H..'M a m., ptirenta' rHid-;nce, 2H40 l'rntt at, llrldtslnirjr. Holetnn requiem mass All Halnts' Church 10 u. ni Int. Holy Cross Ccm. Auto funeral 1I11YON - At l'rel.vterlan Homo for Aired Coupler and M-n, Hala. l'a.. July 4. EUA 1JC rilfl wife of Thomas Ifryon. lSerlce at Home. Hat., on arrival of 2 10 p m. train from liroad at. atutlon. Int. Mt. Morluh Cent ItirrrnUFIIiaMX Suddenly. June 30. at ItlvervlHW Heach, N. J., THOMAS IJ.. son of Kdward II. and Arabella Hutterfletd. niretl 10. Relatives and friends, membera of St. I.ukn'a M. H. Church, Monemen Fellouahlp Cluh. State FenclMea of Thlla ; Troop No. 10. Uoy Scouts: Oawanefc, No -.hi. I. O. It. M. Invited to funeral Hat.. 1 p. m., nportmenta of Will I urn H. Hattershy, 3310 N. liroad at. Hervlies St. Luke's M. I1. Church liroad and Krle ave., 2 P. m. Int. Northwool Cem. Newark (N. J.) papers -oty. CANTWKM. July 4. NICIIOT.AS. aon of late Michael and Mary Cantwell. Funeral, to which relatives and friend. Musicians' I'nlon, 1-ocal No, 1, am Invited Sat., 8 , m.. realdenro son-ln law. Michael J. Hoiriui. 1202 N, ltith at Maan of requiem Church of the- (leau, 0 30 a. m. Int. Holy CroN Cem. Auto funeral. CIIAMHKItS) Suddenly. July 2. MCHAIlD P . aon of Mary A. and late Itlchard Chambers. Funeral Sat. H 30 n. m . 1T27 Wood at. Solemn maas of requiem at Cut bed rn I id o. m. Rela tive and friends Invited to attend. Int. Holy Cross Cem COMI.Y At Summerdalo N, J, July 4. ANNUS F , widow of Robert H Comly. formerly of Itustleton, IM. Relattna and frlendti lnlted to funeral. Sat . 1 p in., realdence, of aon-ln-law. George W. Colebourh. Summerdale. N. J. Services at hom. Int. private Harlelth Cem Jt)J?TtAl"A-t 0lk-". ra-.Julv HARAH ANN DORA, daughter of John IJ and Anna Dettra, aiccd TM, Relathes and friends In.fled to funeral. Sat ,3pm, residence, of brother. John C. Dettra, Oaks. Fa Services tlret-n Treo j J JyE ducational Ileth Heies Commercial Education Intensive day summer courses In Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Preparatory Ao eountlnr, Office Devices, etc.. In session now. Young people must be prepared for the great demands ot bualnabs and toe govcrnintnt. Enter now, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY nroeid. and llerka Htreets Pi'linn Plnrlre traln.d. alway. In demand; se riling V.ICIK5 cure a position tbrouah our rourse of Instruction. I'Mladelphla bebool of FHInr. 910 Cheatnut St.. thlrdjloor. Tf-lfPTnnri tcbool. Day and nlsht claasM. ' 1034 Arrh St Call or write. KINfmiW, I'A. WYOMINH KKMINAKV Coeducational. Where the ounr people ret a proper Melon of highest purpoaea In life. Ki reptlonnl t.acliera. Collexe Preparation. Dual neas. Art. Muatc, Domeatln Hclence, Athlettca. Kndowed low ratea Catalog. I. Ij. HritAIHIK. P. !.. Pre... Ulns.ton. '. WEST CHENTKn. PA. WEST CIIE8TKII HTATK NORMAL HCIIOOU BothBases iauo.:tl0. U. M. MIIUI'iiITIn. Vounr Men nnd llora rilKHTKIt, rA. PENNSYLVANIA v Beoauae ther are tsalned for leaderahlp In veace or In vrar Collegiate couraea In Civil Engineer Ing. Chemlatry. Kconomlca and Finance. 36th year. Preparatory and Junior schools. Addrssa COL. CIIA1ILEM K. HVATT, Commandunt llo SOS. Chester, Pa. The West Point ot the Keystone State" CHESTNUT IIII.Tj. PA. Chestnut Hill Academy chY,n0n,a!""' A country day and boarding school 11 mllaa from Philadelphia, High atandarda of echolar ehlp. unaurpaaaed equipment gymnaalum, swim ming pool, recreation building, athletlo field. Hpeclal low- rate for five-day boarders who spend Hatardajs and Mondays at home. For catalog and full Information address J. I- I'ATTKRNO.V, , Heailma.ter HARIllNIIUIia. PA. Harrisburg Academy A Capital Bthool Near m Capital Cltj A country school founded 1780. Modern buildinns, largs campus. Advantages o( small claases and Individual Instruction. Thorourh rollexe preparation. States $450 to 1550. Supervised athletics. Beparate school for rounder boys. We Invite closest invrstlra Ion a pevonal visit If possible. Writs for our catalorue and plant of new dormitory. New Junior school building- will be open for September term. Addreaa AttTIJUB E. I1R0WN, D. A., Headmaster TlXKtAyP,y. J, iMAPLEHURST SCHOOL imim A select home school for a limited number of retarded and subnormal children. B.T.nt.an years' experience. Booklet. AMKIJNK II ERA FIT ARNADR. PRINCIPAL lUlXOrOBT. W. i. Winchester Preparatory School Boarding and Par School for Boys coli.se preparatory ana gensni cb UsVUIOsT. ijougias uows ass EVENING LEDGER-PHILADETvPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917 nnATnn Church S'SO p, m, Int. adtolnlnr rem. , Car rlatres will meet 2 21 and 2JM p. m, tralm on V, It. R. at Oaks Station. niKNKR July 2. ANNA A. M., wlf of Ed ward Dlener and daughter of Ida and Herman Newbauer. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral, Frl 2 p. m . residence of parents, 1420 Cambridge at. Int. Oakland Cent. HKNNIMOM-. Jily 4, BARAK A. wife jt William O. Fennlmore. Relathea and friends Invite! to funeral. Hat, 2 p. m . realdence of parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Hutchinson. 31J Mlddteaei it . Gloucester City, N. J. Services Heddlmc M B. Church 3 P. m. Jnt lleddlns 1 'FISHER. At 2047 N. Carlisle, st . July 4. MARGARET WOOUWOHTH, wife of James Henry Fliher and dauahter of Motile Anderson, sited 2H SrrvUes and Int. private, Ecxlnnton, XVASNOS. July 4, MICHAEti V.. husband of Catharine Odtinon (nee Clancy). Relatives and friends. St. Elisabeth Renelkla. Society. Invited to funeral. Hat . 7 30 a, m . 2441 Hharawood at. Solemn requiem tnasa St. Ellaabeth's Church 0 a. m. Int Holy t'ross Cem. Auto funeral, OARSi;i July 4, KI.I.EN CAHTOH GARSED. widow of Harry T. Garsed, In her 71Mh nr Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral si rv Ices, Sat . 2 p m., 4Tt"t I'enn at., rrunkfnrd. Int. private. Cedar Hill Cem. Kindly omit flowers OEOAtTP. July 4, JOSEPH, husband of Josephine Oegaurf (nee Mura), nxed 33. Rela tives and friends may view remains Thurs. eve. at Touanda and Eafayette avea . Melroae Fark. N to 10. Funeral aervlcts will be held Sat.. 2 F. rn., father's realdence 210 'resident at., assalc, N. J, Int. Ht. Nicholas Cem. (HUMS July 2. WIMiIAM I... Jr. hnshand of liertha Glbbs (nee Rurkliardt), aon of lna and late William Glbbs Reintlvea and friends, Court AV'averlv. No. 21D. 1. nf A . Shafkamaftnn Trlb No 16. Imp O R M . Camp No r.dO. J M. W of A , Invited to funeral services Frl . 'i p m resHienxrt or brrniier-in-iaw i,nw;rn iech. SIR E Rockland at Int. private Mt. Peace Cem Remains may . viewed Thura. eve Auto funeral OIMU.IVr At residence of aon. N'oM Gil bert. Sfllfl Itldm five, Julv 4 MARTHA G. widow of fsansinic II. Gilbert, aged (10. Notice of funeral later. . . OltKSlMKU July 4 MORGAN, husband of Carrlo E Greslmer Relatives and friends, cm; ploea of Iteii Telephone Co. lKal Dept 1 all rtiiDi ni-irirvl9ii (IririB at uit.lrh ( wnn n. member. Invited to funeral services. Sun . 2 P. m., -010 i:. Elkhart at Int Orecnmount Cem Auto funeral. . . , HANSEM, At Mnsonvltle N J.. Julv 3. VHltJlNIA TRACY, wife of Wllmont llanel Rnlatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. 1 r ., 2 o. m Masonvltle, N. J. Convcsanccs will meet 12 4 p m train from Market at ferr. I'hlU Omit flowers. . . HAESMANN. July 3. MARY M . widow of Charles C Hauimaiin. aired 81. Retatlvea and friends Invited to funeral Frl . 7 3d a m real denco of William K, Glossop. 2S22 Unruh at., 'J (irony. Requiem high mui. Hi. leo n Chuff h li . in Int private lU'llEUT-July 2. JOHN H.. snn of late Charles nnd Virginia Hubert. Relatives and frlmd. Samuel M. I'jfer Yeirly Henefli In I Soclet, No. 1, Invited to funeral. Sat.. 7 'id a m., 2221 S. 0th at. Requiem mass Chun h of Our l.ady of Mt. Carmel, i a. m. Int. private lll'ULEMAN J'llv 4. 1300 Seltzer st , AI FRED, husband of Sarah Hurlemnu, aged 01. Due not Ice of funeral HIWU.V Jul 3 JOHN JOSEPH, son of WllltHin and Elton Huston (nee O'ltrlen) aged 17 Relatives and friends. II. V M Sodality. Temperance Society of St. Anthon' Church, in vited to funeral Hat, M a m. pnrnta' resi dence, 2530 Ellsworth st. Solemn high mass of requiem St Anthony's Church ti 3d n m. Int Holv Cross Cent IIYMAS Suddenly. July 2, EM1I.Y E. II V. MAM. Relatives and friends Imlttd to fu neral services. Frl , 2 tt m , raldtnce of brutber. Snmuel Hymas, 042 E. Indiana, avo, Int ttrlvate JANNSCH Julv 3. HEIsMA JANNSCH (nee Wagner) wlf of Kmll Jannsb. nged .V Relti tlvta and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 2 p. m , 44i Kclgrad at. Int. Greenmount iVm, JOHNSTON July 3. JAMKS JOHNSTON, Sr., husband of lat Margaret Johnston. Relatives and friends Co. F, Hth Kevt., l'a Vol , In vited to funeral Hat. h 30 n in., 23. Ih-rmlt-ftue at , Mnnnyunk High maan Holy Family Church Id a. m Int private KKENAN Suddenly, July 4, nt T.ansdowne, Delaware Co.. l'a. JULIAN J KEENAN, Hr . hualand of I-lna M. Kcenan. Duo tiotlco of fu neral Klven. KENDIG. July 1. EMZARETH, widow of Henry R KendU; Relntlven and friends In vited to funeral. Frl.. h 30 n. m , aon-ln-Iaw's residence. John MrOlonc, Oil S Adth st. Sol emn requiem maas St Carthago's Church Id a. m Int private Auto funernl EAMON'T. Suddenly. Julv 3. DENNIS I.A MONT, JR., husband of Anna V. I.amont (neo Funk), and aon of Dennis and Sarah I.amont, aged 30, Relatives and friends, George M. lirooko Circle, No 40. JJ. of A.: Star of Rcth lehem Lodge, No 100 I, O. O. F. , ernplov'S of Cramps' Painters' Fnjon, invited to funernl, Hun. 3 p. in., I0.17 Martha at. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. MUHIE At Mt. Roval, N. J., July 3. JO. SEPH H LODGE, aged 71 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Frl . 1 3d p in , real dence. Mt. Roal, N J Int. Egllngton (" m. LOGAN July 1. GEOUGE II.. son of George II. and Annie Logan (net) Mehllg) aged 13. Relatives and friends. Presbvtirlan Chun li Sun day m hoid Hoy Scouts, invited to funeral. Sat , 2 p. m.. parent h' residence 4S23 Almond st., Hridtsburg. Int. privatn, Onklaml Cem. Re mains may b viewed Frl , h to id p. m. LlTSII July 2. ALEXANDKK, husband of Violet M J Liih tnoe Uoer. Rebitlves and friends. Wushlnglon Camp No, (.1, F. O. H. of A.. IJjnnd Tribe No, atll. Imp. O It. M: emploe of Jointers' Shop. Phi la Nuvy Yard Invited to funeral services, Irl , 1 p. m.. 12.10 H Hu knell st. Int. Mt Moriah Cem Re mains may be viewed Thurs.. to 10 p. in. Auto funeral MAOriRE Julv 4. MARY, widow of IVter Magulre. RelatlvtH and friends invited to f neral. Hat, h 3d a m , an HI Melon st.. Weal I'hilu. High requiem mass Hi, Agatha's Church 10 a. ni Jnt. Cathedral dm MANGE- July 4. TU-'U Greeno at , German town. GERTUl DE E daughter of late Mark H. aud Elizabeth Munge Funeral and Int. private McFADDEN. Suddenlv, Julv 'J, 'IHO.MAS M . aon of Mb hue) nnd Elizabeth McFaddeu. JtrU tlves aiiid friends invit'd to funeral. Sat., h 3d a. m , parents' residence, 212.1 N. Orkney st High requiem maan Ht. Edward'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croas Cem Mclaughlin July 2 mary, wifn of jameM McLaughlin (me Doherty). Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral, Frl. H 30 u. m , Hd7 S 21th st Solemn high mass of nqulem St. Patrick's Church Id a. m. Int Holv Cross Cem MOORE July 2. ALEXANDER husband of Amanda Moore (nee JelTertes), aged 1.3. Rela tives and friends Patter l.odge. No 111 p ftmi A. M , Clnclnnatus .'onr.cii Sn. HVi O. of f A Itldw Ave Depot Relief Asso p. R. T liens flclal Aaso , nnd nil other organizations of vvhUh ho waa a memlter Invited to funeral services 'Ihurs. S p. in. 4140 Parrish at Further serv- lloth Neies GcorcC School A homo school In the coun . .... try for bovs and Klrla. Sapa rato dormitories Graduates succeed In college. 211 acres A hletlcs Catalogue (. A. Wal ton. A. SI.. Prln.. Hot S3. i.eorga Mhool, Pa. ONLY $15.00. CIIMPI.KTi: Cdlltsi: H?ni0,urBpny an? Typewriting or llookkeeplng. Special Summer Hate Register now. Positions positively s-iiaranteed. School of Business Ultlrlenry, 703 Wnlnnt St. STRAYER'S Th ""' uuamea. BhoJi; ... . .Rth nil Chestnut Streets. Positions qusranteedKnter now. Day or night HAVE KIl.vJU) over 16.000 positions. Feenld to schools. D. II. COOK". Mgr National Thera Agency. Perry llldc.. PMladelphla. Teacher. VVanted. Positions waiting. "Free rear. Istratlon for College end Normal graduates Modern Teachers' lloreau. 100 Market Ht. . AM.ENTOWN. PA. ALLENTOWN PREPARATORY ruhool for Boys. Prepares for colleges and unl. yeraljlea. Magnlflcent new building, line country location. Junior Dept. lutes ISuo to 1350 lioi I0. Ur. m. II. llHse. ITU.. Allentown. &. ni.AlHHTOWN Blair Academy for Boys TTBuauall healthful location. 12 miles from Delaware Water O.p lOU-acre campui 7nd J?. Joining farm Perfect equipment of 8 handsome buildings. Out-ln-thMpen and athletic games Double gymnasium. Preparation for college and technical school.. Military drill. Visit Blair and see Its advantages. Write for catalog. .asC.lkarp.,LL.D.,IItalmait.r.Bra A.DIalrit.srsJv'J, LANCASTER, PA. FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL ACADEMY Lancaster, l'a. Founded 17aT. Modern equipment throughout. Prepares bos for leading collegea and technical schools Terms moderate. Address T.U.llelm,A.M.,K.M.IIartman,A.M..PrM.,Hos 413 MEHrERtnunn."YAr " The Mercersburg Academy FOB BOYS Merceraburg. Pa. Send for catalogue to Wm. Mann Irvine, Ph. I).. I.L.U., Headniaater, MUSIC RAG Tnv,E aV m mvm mano playinci CIIRItTRNSEX SCHOOL OF'pop'ur.Ml'Jiiil y Cheatnul HI. Phon" VliJuc" 007 C JilS asi2iHt, . , Phone Tioga Sitt 1S0 Tkrji. J?Jione DIckUieonSToi RaGTISIK In 20 leaaona or Monsy Back. ' bsuT mailed frse. ClIKIbTENNKN Plana Scbola. 1620 Chestnut Bt 1412 V.naiigo St. 1M4 Tasksr at. Phons Sprues 867. SWIMMING CENTRAL NATATORIUM Bwlm tor health and plasurs la water T change and purlnad dally. Cost. In add). M tloa to m.mbershlp, 11.00 a year, 10.04 fa O months' eat of pool. private leases A IS.00I alngl. swim SB cents. xui AB.CU sTM mm. CLARK'S JaUo 8wlmmln Bckosl, ISM n nn.Tiis Ices and Int, at Hop-well M, p. Church, Cheater County. I'a Krl.. 11 a. m. Automobiles. NOItTll. Hu.ldenly,, at flrenloch. N. '" 8. THOMAS A NOIITI1 Jtelatlve ".ohd friends Towsnda Trll, No 104. 5. O. II. M., Invited to funeral, realdetiee of brother. Joaloh .'"rth, ittaekwood N. J . Hat.. 2 p. m. Services at ,ou.?.WO?r7 uWtwJ.".!. "I rain leave; Cheatnut it. ferry at 1 p. m. for Blackwood. Friends may "lit.vljuw 5: IRAN-CIS. huaband of Jo. stphlne Qulnn (nee Hart). Relatives and frienda. Holy Name Society of .Visitation parish, , em. Ployes Phlla. Testilo Machine Co , Invited to funeral, rn.. B30 a. m, res denco of brother. He mini ulnn, :i!07 N Franklin st lllah mass of requiem Ht. Veronica's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem Auto funeral. ItHICllNlllt. On Saturdvy, June 30, ini7 Ulxmui: liHICIINKR. grd til ears, huaband of Jano Ilclchtier (nee Bonier). Interred July '" ROACH July .1. CATHHRINB. wife of Maurlro ltoah Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Hat. H..1U a. m. 5.114 ilrown st. Solemn requiem mass Ht. trnnrls' ( hurclv 10 a. m. Int Holy Cross cvmAuio) funeral. STKVVIIT. July i, lin.Nlir, husband of late llmma Hlevvart Inee Ilrown). Relatives ana friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs,, H P. m 2118 Christian at Int. t'old Hprlng Cem., Cape May, ft. J , Trl Trsln lesves Cheatnut st ferry. 1' It. II H.. H.r.0 a. m. HntlCKI.ANU. At Wilmington. Del, July 2, DM.MA VIOLA, wife of George J. Strickland, aged r.O Itelatlvea and friends Invited lo lu. reral aervlcea, 24 W, 30th at, Wilmington. Del., Thurs. 8 i m. Further aervlcea Ht.John'a M K Church, Irfwlsvllle. Pa , Frl 10-30 a. m. Int. adjoining rem Autos will meet train ar riving Klktnn. Md, Frl.. ft 32 a. m. HTTCKERT. At Newtown, Po., July 8, rWHIKRH'K STCCKnUT, nged 41. Reintlvea and friends Invited to funeral without further notice, residence of brother William It Stuck ert. N Lincoln ave , Newtown, l'a., I rl , 2 p. m Int. Doyle.town Cera ,, TAYLOR Al Jamlon Pi.. July o. ninilB u hM,.w nt riatwt J. Tnvlnr aged 70 Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral. Homerton M li Church Frl ,1 p. m Int William .vnn Cem. THOMAS July 1. HOWARD F.. son of Wll Main P and Ixiulaa Thomns (nee Sleesmar.), sged BO. Relatives and friends, membera of Wahlngtnn Cnmp. No. 358, 1'. O H. of A.. In vited to funeral services. Sun., 2 p. m.. par ents' residence, .2221 Hitter st. To proceed to Palmer cem. vault. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Turin. .lnlv " H1.1ZA J . daughter of late William and Elizabeth O Todd, formerly of 2118 Race st. Relatives and friends Invited to funernl, Frl., 2 p. m nlcre's residence. Mrs. U'llllnm II. Parker. (I.18 N. Otlth st Int pri vate Auto funernl. VAN COntTLAND Julv 3. ANNIfi. widow ol Joseph Van Courtlnnd Rebitlves and friends Invllod to funeral. Frl., 2 p m., 1102 H. Wilt st. Int. Palmer Cem. VIHT July 3. rilRISTIANNA. widow of Jncoti Velt, aged 7 Relatives nnd frlenls In vited to funeral a,ervl.es. Sat . 2 p in 2407 Jneper st Int. private North Cedar Hill Cem. Autn funeral. WAIIItr.N At Boston July 3. JENMH HOI. LINdHWOKTII, wife of (leneral Lucius 11. War ren unci dntlghter of the late Amor Holtlnga worth of .Milton. Mnsa . aged 72. V K.LIin July .1 LOI'IH husbnnd nf late Sophia Welde, used 11 Relatives and friends, Hclivvabeiilnind. No 40. I) I) S H Turnlere. DOS It.. Tliiga llen.tlrlal Society, Hasonla Macnnerelwr, Invited te funer.il. Hat. 130 p. in 2108 N 2d at. Int HlllsMn em , via trolley iiir. Remains may I! viewed Frl., 7 to V '' WILLIAMS At Spring Mill. Montgomery Count). Pa . July 2. HLIZAIIHTII. widow of lames Williams and daughter of Into Daniel liliel .Msrgar. t FMhT ltelatlves and friends Invitee! te seivlcn Krl. 1 30 p ni , elaURllter's re'allence. Hlla Stay nprlng Mill. Services In St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Barren Hill, 2.30 P, in Int. llnrren Hill Remains may be vleweil Thurs. ove WILSON. July B, I'lIRHNCl: LOPISH. eliinxhter eif late Frederick I'eistrr nlnl I,oule Odonntt Christine' Nollee lltvr Newnrlt, N. J., peetwrs tile H ceiliv VOOIHNtlTON. luly 3. OnORtin hU'hand nf Man anel son of Into Perellnnnel nnd Char hitte veeudlngton Relatives nnd friends anel all societies of which ho was a member Invlte'l to funeral aervlcea. Sat.. 2 p in. resldente of sun-In law. Albert Fle-lels. 2714 lleiudltiot "t. nro e ' e-,1 to Franklin Cem. vault. Int. Oakland Cem Remains may bj viewed Frl., utter 7 p. ni WonilltltlT. July 1. Mrs W. WARRHN VooDItrPK. Jr., nf Huntingdon, Pa.. eKughter nf Mr nnd Mra Utley Wedge, of Arelmore. Pa. I'liniriil nt country hotni of ctley Weelge Paoll road. 3 3D p. m.. Thurs. Relatives and friends PARCEL POST No connection with nil) other plnecs lveKlone Purl. O.ll.'i D. Old Reliable MALONE The Pioneer Bicycle Man S.nnili tmck of liU BICYCLES AisM. u.w mnoAiNS m:v iiicycmis f',0.00 ii n J J'l Uljfrnl allow finrn nn your hlotlr. iikIi ur rany piiTinrnt j-ircomi iinnri morim, )juu tiki:s, $1.00 u i:crylhlntr In the Ulcyr l.lno Rt l.oweat i'oinio l'rircs I.nok us over lnfnrm rurrhnstnir flio- wIhto nntl you 111 nave money We do n kfl nl.itlnir. rnnmellnrr. hrazlnir. ulr.in Izlnw ntHl uctdinK All kinds of reDftlr worlc Ruarantpnl. W are rheapr than the rhrrip-M "ur work U better than tho best. fall nml U runlnrrd Open eienlnni And HunJ.ijH Daddj of luw prices and quality. GEORGE C. MALONE 1203-01 Olrnrel Avenue NO OWIICTIIIN ITH ANV OTIIL'R I'l.ri".S yLSLO Leg Comfort Do Varicose Velna. L Ulcers. HeakAliklea, Swollen l.a.maki life mlserablet There Is a nieaaas. f Joy for you In th Corliss Laced Stocking ' A sclentlno support and lss treatment that gives Immediate comfort anil sure help No elaatlo to bind a-IJuBte to every coneil. Hon without rubber. Laundars aa eaally aa a towel. Koeta aliape weara for rnontha. Made to your ineaeurf. $1,711 each, or two for rame lei. $3.00. Call and b. meaaured free, or write for self meurement blank No. a. We also make abdominal belts (elaatlc and non-elastlo) to order. Hours 0 to S dally, 0 to 4 Sst. Penna. Corliss Limb Specialty Cs. 1211-1S-1S Filbert St., Phlla.. Pa, Hull. 490, 11.11 phone. Walnut 0l Green BUDDHA Incense Burner AND INCFNHF. COMri.F.TE 30c YHk-mKl GAKOEiY 3 Houth Klihlh St., rblla. PAWNSHOP AT 904 VINE Loans (1000 for (10 Drlnr your diamonds, watches and Jewelry to the largest pawnshop In the world, Walter's Pawnshop, 904 Vine BONDED TO THK CITV SUMMER HES0RTS atijvntio citv. n: J. eOSBBV. aK fSBBBBBBBB Up " bsH UK "l lp J& .. $15 OESVpm IfAWAIIAJ TjQ I Rtd for Prio$ IMt fl I Instructlcin Book Fres Rj IfMD C. MEYEh &0Jp Wfev 1219 Areli St. ffl IML PhlisdslpUU Hi V lm DEATH) Invited. Int. Oreat Valley rresbyterlan Church. Autos will meet trains srrlvlnf at Taoll Station 2:04. 2:34. 8 04 and a:23. ,.... WOODS. July 4. EI.I.A r.. wife ; Morsan It. Woods, aseel 02. Ilelatlves and friends In vited to funeral aervlcea. Sat., 2 p. " real denes of husband, Nlson at., Shawmont, Thlla. Int Weatmlnater Cem, ..... . ,., L WOODS. June 80,, WIU, AM &.3:9P?l huaband of Alberta. Woods (nee Neabltt) and aon of Minnie and late Hlehard Moods, ajed 24, Itelatlvea and friends. Uenjamln Harrison Council. No, ' 02. Jr. p. , U. A. M and em ployes mill ant Msnufscturlns Co.. Invited to hinersl servlrea, Sst.. I:.1U p. m.. 0828 Gray's ave. Int Ksrnwood Cevn. Klends may call Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. Auto cortfse, YAItNAt.U July S. MA1IT Mir.laEn TAn. NAI,I aeed 63. ilelatlves and friends Invited to funeral services, Krl.. 1 P. m.. 217 Cricket ave., Ardmore, Pa. Int. private. EFFECTIVE JULY 1ST CLASSIFIED RATES Public Ledrjer or Evening Ledger AOATR LINE HATE KOfl EACH INSEJlTION THI8 BTVt.E TTPB (Or Ilk. thla) One or two tlmea JJfi. Three time, or more within week 11VM 0 average worda to one line. COMBINATION RATE Public Ledger and Evening Ledger One nr Iwn HmM 2Se Three times or more within week.. llMe LARGER TYPE la permitted In all claaaldcatlona escept Help and Situations Wanted. I,oat and Found. Per sonals lloardlns and Hooms, at additional coat of Be per line for each line In the advertleement. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledcek want ads at office rates. irELP WANTED FEMAXE nnLI, TELEPHONE OPEHATINO T?ork near our home In pleasant and healthful surroundlnss, with excellent opportunities for rapid advancement. There are tnenty-elsht Hell Central Oftlcea In Philadelphia: probably there la one within a few blocks from your home. Unusual opportunities for earn est. Intelligent ounir women between 18 and 22 yeara of ace. New employes nre paid while learnlnr and are readily advanced. rieasant dlnlnr roome, where the best of food Is sold at cost. In every Cen tral office Comfortable sitting; rooms for reading and relaxation when off duty. Oooil opportunity for senior and super vising posltlona Apply nt 4011 Market atreet dally, ex cept Hundav H 80 a. ni to li p. m COMPTOMETEH OPEHATOIl wanted by larse corporation, excellent opportunity for advance ment to experienced operator. II 353, Ledger 'entral. . COOK'h" and pastry cooks Hotel Illscayne, OceanCllv ApplyJIinreelersl st.L Camden Cinl.S WANTED OVnn 10 TEARS OF AGE TO MAKE LITTLE PltlAUS LltlHT. AlltV KACTOIIT . DESIKAHI.i: HTEAHV WORK HOT Ll'NCHES REItVED AT LESS THAN COST , PAV Ill-.OINNl'.nS. 17 PEIl WEEK, lNCREAHED AhTEIl SECONH WEEK GOOD PAV. I'.XCEI.I.ENT TREATMENT LIUOETT & MYEflH TOIIACCO CO. 31 AND ONTARIO GIRLS to wrap nnd box files; steady work, good pay. Apply 1078Frankford ave. GIRL to naslat nurso Phono Ilrjn Mowr 029. ilOL'HEKEEPER.'mauaglng. fora small Phila delphia hospital, only those having had In stitutional experience will he consdered, state past experience nnd full details. Addreaa I 7J7. Ledger Office STENOGRAPHER wanted: aome experience nre ferred. Apply J lllrel Moyer Co 1212 Vine. TVI'lbT Young ladv. experienced with knowl edge of shorthand, slate experience, salary and reference II 101. ledger Office WAITRESSES and cham'alda. Hotel nfacayne. Ocean City Apply 540 Feeleral at . Camden. HELP WANTED MALE CARPENTERS vvante-d: must bo first ctaaa: rate 5lo per hour, must undergo phsalcal ex amination at plant, report with tools at Planv 2 gate, Kr glneerlni; Department, Du Pont Co., Pennsgrove N J. CL'TTEHS on lidles' shlnvnlsts Hanev, Kutf ner tc Ranh, Juniper and Vine ste , Goodman llulldlng EMPI.OYMENT AGENT, "familiar with detail work In connection with employing men for large construction camp. M 741. I.cdgor Cent. LAHORERS wanted 513 N. Heach. LAHOREHH wanted steady work: good pay. Apply NW. corner OthanelIlrowri, LrMHER' COUNTERS GrTo.l wages. Apply f!eorgeW Smith. .1007 Powelton ave. MACHINISTS rour first-class men. able to read blue prints. Apply Hires Condensed Milk Co, Malvern. Po 9 m MAN Wnnted. competent man to handle com missary eleparment for largeconatructlon camp, Apply Irwin ett Lelghton, Wrlshtatown, N.J. PLUMIIERH vvanted for work In cantonments In tho South: give experience nnd references: only high-class mechanics need apply. Address Hox Ml. Columbus Go SALESMEN We know our new offer to salesmen holds greater possibilities for him than does any other selling proposition offered today. Our new Liberty Loan Hond feature Is a winner. If sou are not maklnr money come In and henr our proposition. We furnish leads and allow drawing account. ENCYCLOPAEDIA A I1R1T st .(con LE8JIE) R1TANNICA CORP. tan k ir.tn corner walnut. BALE N Owing to enllatmenta we hive a number of vacanclea In our sales force that must be filled nulckly bv educated Americans seeking permanent positions; advancement Is euro within 30 daye to most of those who Join us now: hlgh-claaa. dignified, with selling poaal hlHtles vastly superior to anything you can sell this summer, references required; drawing account. II 68, LedgerCentral. BODA DISPENSER for seashore" work, July nnd August, state salary expected Ledger Unanch .108. 85th and Queen lane, Phlla. SPINNERS wanted. Pontoosuc Woolen Mfg., Plttsfleld. Maaa. Co.. STENOGRAPHER aa assistant to manager of workat man with srenernl office experience In manufacturing plant preferred; atate age, ex- Ferlence. reference and salary desired. P 018, .edger Office. YOUNG MAN, clerical position; quick at flgurea; good wages chance for advancement; refer ences required: state salary expected. P. O. Hox 413H, Htatlon 11 General ACCOUNTANT, Public. Senior. 11500. COST ACCOUNTANT, 125-130. DOORKEEPERS (3) 115. 1H. 120. SALES CORRESPONDENTS (2) $1800-12000. CLERKS. General. Coat, Shipping, Time. Price, Stick, etc.. 110. 112. 15, 1N, 120. STENOOHAl'llERS. Iin-20. DRAUGHTSMEN tlOl J20. 125, 30 up. ENGI NEER SUPERINTENDENT. Wood Work ing. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. Designer Automatic Machinery, 12500 CIVIL KNOI NKEKS. Tranaltmen and Hodmen, muat be filled Immediately FOREMAN Iron Foundry. 130. HUPFRINTENDENT Mfg. Tin Calls. SUPERINTENDENT Exp, Mfg. Varnlah RUSINESS'SERVICE CO.. 1301 Land Tills Bldg. SUMMER KESOHTS KAOLESMEBE. fA. THE CRESTMONT INN EAaLESMERE, PA. Th. hotel with the Incomparable situation, 3200 feet above the sea. on the summit of lbs Alleghsnlea. dolt, tannla, boating and the finest ef freah-water bathing. Modern Improvements, For booklet and terme addreaa . WILLIAM WOODS. Manager. WILDWOOn. N. J. ARCADIA Plctureaque, unuaual environment. Magnolia and Paclflo. Mra. F. D. Maxwell, ATT.ANT1Q CITY. X. J. Fredonia Hotel l'l""'M';t aotiT4- walk. Neweat modern brick hotel; American A European plana; cen tral location; cap. 250; elevator, hatha, run ning water, lockers for bathera; garaget rea sonablo rates. Mrs. O. W. CARMANY I BONH. HOTEL ARLINGTON M"hl" ay near Reach. Open all year. R. J. OSDORNB & SON. Hotel Boscobel r,JL,ntukr " nt" Beach. Open all year. Fine table. Pklt. Thona HT. A. B. Marlon! Westminter ?&,?" Fr??"";1"- " street. l'rlvate bathe, run. water. flO tip weekly, 2 up dally. Chae. Buhre, HELP WANTED MALE General tour tositiom you, Superlntendenia. principals, teachers, monagers, private, rural. Dusin'.s or high achoolt alao office managers, bookkeep ere. stenogrsphers. office; clerks. mr'V: educstlonal and teehnlcsli opportunities J?": snteed to gentlemen and ladlea; any part or. the United States. Canada or South America! write ua your nualtncatlone and what you ae alrei confidential; we act aa your Personal rep. riaentatlvei Inclose stamp for reply! you are under no obligation until you haye accepted position. Business Men's Clsarlnf Houae, Ino., 405-05-na Commerce Truat Bldg., Kanaae City, Io. ' SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COMPANION-nright. rractlcal wornsn "leslrea poaltlont country prcferred.UrHo 7 B. 00th at, YOUNO LADY, entertainer, wlahea engagementa with children or social functions, city or local. E 41, .Ledger Branch. .1500 Oermantown ave. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE SALESMAN of ability would like to represent 1 or 2 good accounta among the automobile trade In Michigan Addreaa Atklnaon, 311 StantonjDetrolt SUPERINTENDENT or manager of a wood working huslneeai thoroughly competent and ".rhjofhandllnga big prop, M 812.Id.Off, YOUNO MAN. 2s"veara old. high aehool grad uate. experienced atenographer, bookkeeper, building auperlntendent and salesman, desires position; no objection to traveling. Addreaa M 7nz. looser v.rnerij TOUNO MAN. 0 years sales, purchasing, coat and timekeeping experience, construction and mtg. lines: avail imme. O 058. Ledger Cent EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MR8. NICHOLLS. 1029 Halnbrldge at., wants cooks, laundresses, waitresses, chambermaids, etc. Phone Locuat 2180. AUTOMOBILES For Sale CHANDLER THE FOLLOWINO CHANDLERS -AnB ALL REBUILT, REPAINTED AND GUAR ANTEED: . 1017 4-PASS. ROADSTER 1017 SEDAN. LIKE NEW 1017 CHANDLER TOURING CAR 1010 CHANDLER 3-PASS. COUPE 101(1 CHANDLER SEDAN 1010 CHANDLER TOURING 1015 CHANDLER TOURING OTHER MAKES 1018 STUDCnAKER. T PASS., B CY1-: HUN 2000 MILES 1DHJ LOZIER TOURINO 1015 CADILIKC 8-CYl. TOURINO: BAR- OAIN 1013 HUDSON M-84 TOUllINO 1016 OAKLAND MODEL 37 TOURINO! LIKE NEW 1000 LOCOMOBILE SMALL LIMOUSINE! MAKE GOOD HACKER 1012 CADILLAC TOURING 1010 FORD CAHRIfaLET; LIKE NEW 1017 CHAI-tlgnS .SMALL 0-CYL. ROAD STER 1010 MONROE ROADSTER 1017 GRANT "0". NEW TOURINO iniri IMPERIAL ROADSTER 1012-18 PACKARD TOURINO 1014 OLDSMOBILE LIMOUSINE 11114 WINTON LIMOUSINE 1015 IllIICK, 4 CYLINDER, 1450. 10ir, HUICK, 0 CYLINDER. J550 1013 PIERCE 0-48, BERLIN LIMOUSINE. General condition ot Car A-l. Shows no wear A bargain. Herbert-Cook Company CHANDLER AGENCY N. E. Cor. Broad and Race Sts. ASK TOR M. A. PTOTT Manager Used-Car Department Call, write or phono Spruce 4825 ALLEN 2-passenger roadater; overatze tires; first-class mechanical condition; low mile age EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION 11134 Cheatnut at. Spruce 704. Dlstrlhutora Standard "8" and Allen "4" cyl. ItUICK touring, small Six: like new; bargain. L. 8. BOWERS CO. 25(1 N. Jlroael st Locust 4550. CADILLAC 5-passenger touring; lights and starter, shock uhsorber; tires new. EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION 1034 Cheatnut st. Spruce 704, Distributors Standard "8" and Allen "4" cyl. CADILLACS 1013 nnd 1010 models, thoroughly overhauleel. repainted and guaranteed by us. Automohlle HalesCqrp., 142 N liroad st. CADILLAC. 1014. 7 PASSENGER: SPLENDID CONDITION. WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK HALE. 11 35 LEDOER OFFICE. CHANDLER 1010 touring: perfect condition: also 4 roadsters: lights and starters; perfect condition. 2.10 N. liroad at. Locust 455U. COLE 8-CYL. TOURING; paint and tires ex cellent, aeat covera. EASTEHN MOTORS CORPORATION 1031 Cheatnut st. Spruce 704, Distributors StandaTd "8'and Allen "4" cyl. HUDSON super touring car, wire wheols; prac tically new. EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION 1A34 Cheatnut at. Spruce 704, Distributors Standard "8" and Allen "4" cyl. HUDSON auper alx town car. new In every reapect. EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION 1034 Cheatnut et. Spruce 704. DlstrHutoja Standard J'8"andAllen4"cyl. KING 1017 8-cyllnder 7-passenger touring. i85d7 Stanley Motor Carriage Co.. 2325 Cheatnut. LOCOMOBILE 10irT"0-48" 7-passenger tour ing, painted maroon, overhauled In our own ahopa; would ault the moat particular buyer; very attractive car for family; guaranteed. LOCOMOBILE 2114 Market at, F. M. HALI.IOAN. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. MARMON 101B 1910 MODELS aibo uaea rare nr oiner makeB, FANNINO MATHIS CO. BROa.D AND RACE STREETS John T. Cunningham. Manager Deed-Car Dept. MITCHELL PARTS SCHORER. 3380-45 MARKET OVFIILAN1) PARTS BCHOBBH. 3330-45 MARKET VIM DELIVERY TRUCK, fine running condi tion; top hoely, tires almost new; can be eeen at International Harvester Company of Amerlci Show Room, 211-13 N. 22d at, PAIGE 1010 7-paaaenger Sedan; rebuilt and guaranteed: will aell at a bargain. Blgelow JWIllay Motor Co.. 804 N, Broad. "'"'w PIERCE "0"-48 7-paaaenger touring; new top; newly painted; uphoiaterlng good as new: ex cellent tires, lights and starter, mechanically best of shspe, newlv painted EASTEHN MOTORS CORPORATION 1634 Chestnut St. Spruce 704. Distributors Standard "8" and Allen "4" cyl. -.", . Chain-drive truck units J325 HAYFOnD Worm-drive truck unlta! .. l.Mli Why pay more? RAYFORD CO, in an.1 Indiana ave. REPUIII.Tf TniTr-ic i7r BCHOBEIL 3330-45 MARKET STANDARD "8" 2-paaaenger roadater: painlea tl rea; new. EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION , , ,1034 Cheatnut at. Spruce 704 DlstrUjutoj B8tandard "8"and Allen "4" cyl BTANDARD "8" demonatratlng car. 7 nsss'rer' EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION C" . . ,1634 Chestnut at. Spruce 704. i Distributors Standard "8" and Allen "4" ct! BTEARNS-KNIGHT. Juat overhauled, repainted and equipped with new Urea: bargain. Stanley Motor Carriage Co.. 2325 Cheatnut. "'"" "fcTODDARD-DAYTON PARTS neuuiicii, ajja-ia MARKET B. O. V. Town Car; tires good; upholstering good: mechanically fine, repainted. "'"","D EA?T,n. 'OTOnS CORPORATION -, . ,J8.S4 Chestnut st. Spruce 704. Distributors jJtandardJViand Allen "4" crl. , vim 'iltlicrt UIIBAP bchober. na.io-ir, market 1017 4-pakr nnansTcn 1917 BEDAN. LIKE NEW JJI ES'ANDLF.ll TOURINO CAR 1010 CHANDLER 3-PASS. COUPE 1910 CHANDLER SEDAN v"uur'a 1016 CHANDLF.ll TOUftlN'O 101B CHANDLER TOURINO '.lEIlllERT COOK CO. N. E. corner Broad and Roc.. Sprue. 4825. AUTOMOBILES taken on consignment! rTo" charge to ownera for storsce ar mi. charge.. We obtain our print ova? owner, price, or will buy car. Htgheit p'lcea lltf See us before selling .isewhere. Automobiles i'J& (9r .'" Keystone Motorcar Cornnint . 1803 Market at.. Philadelphia rcr """"' USED PLEASURE CARS AND Tltltnica ' Phonest Hell. Spruce B050j"keyTt.rllace 1731 ranalnic from 1 to 0 toni. with nri bodfea. narfonl Vhlla.Co.t SQ8 Chm mak. Without tnut. AXLES. .HOUSINGS. RNOINM pihit? Kf'TTnilWn la - ."-" ""' " "..? 1-CT OLD CARR Oil WnECK8VANTi-n" BCHOBER. S330..3 MAnKrffED AUTO HVEBY AND QAHAOEfl TO HIRE Day or i-uniu llmouai a. TciItV. 1R41 m ..v lop. 1211, or Pop. 1404. or Pod ton. Park 1ifi-V - wr lop, Bell nhonaa. 1017; K.y. ,StSffiES.JA?P"c3r Diamond 8469. Never c oanl t..!.,Ji Park 75. ATJTO HEPAIBINQ ATTENTION, FORD OWNERS Wvl ToVkIKr-aVte- HtKMAlN VEDITZ ATJTO STJPPLIEa HALL AND lJOLLEn HEAniNoT -.-...T,aw'llmComp.ny'flos Tinuv nisi wr nacq flUHJHH Af1 ATJTO TIKES HERCULES TIRES riiiarant. snteed ' S.lu::::::i?ll coh1n: V5r V. MM eexo,, ReissJ .11,011 7.BI IIEHCL'LES TIRR CO. .- ix vnveavrln tiiii.'q 'i. NONSK1D TIRES 30x1 H RED TUriES, guaran'tVe'd'.; '.'.'.'' RCDOLrll TIRE CO.. 1233 Arch a!' ! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES n i i i i i i ii 1 Write for Hat of PATENT BUTEns aeat ventlona vvanted: il.nonnnn in ... Iall for Invention;. Send sketch 'tor " liU JIM as to patentability, our Four Uks snt tj VICTOR J. EVAfW & co .1 -.. , washinotonTd. C. ! I PHILADELPHIA op-fria: i!.. . . .l Cheatnut at. .Hours 0 to 5. Monday if," pjnH?iLrJlBiSpruce 1535. 7 " FOR SALE Boat and marine yarda of"tM D. steel plant at Delanco, N. J., on tb.-! evena itiveri wejraanops. BtOrag. bnllal clubhouse, offices, machinery, etc .it operation; 300 feet of deep-water wbiU lsrre business nronoaltlnn tr. m .A. . piy on me premises or to u. Warner rt.3SJ 417 Land Title Bldg,. Philadelphia. 1 ,:"Z- .l " .-;.- : ii1- - iuarf. INCORPORATE YOUR BUSINESS" Total coat of 75 for capital. 125 000. TVrl T1M ""- S" B . ....,. .j- WIIT NOT. CHANGE YOUR UNPHOFItA STOCKS INTO A SAFE h INTEREST-rt INO INVESTMENT. WITH ootSmVil i; . .... ..-k - - - -. " isa aja n',U aJt I lBI iiiisinn.iTlKa? ADD, n 13. LED. oyt'Jl PATENTS Our 4 booka sent free. 'n'owtTa tain Patenta." Victor J. Evana A CoT. la ChHlnul .l,ul tit.!!...!.!..!..- " "S u.ava.iiuh D..C&.. lllinUCIIIIIIB, BUSINESS PERSONALS f FULL-DRESS BUIT3 TO HIRB Cutaway Suite for Morning Weddings. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 nlrsro ... Only one store. Phons Poplar sijal Sykcs' Detective Agency inTMtiSSil ..m... . .. un-i, iu nr,au imPfA. g IifAXtos'n.q Tinttnir OIJJ OOLD. PLATINUM ETC. 4 BP1EOELMAN. 114 B. StlQg. 1 nriMnvnq nniTfiirTi ' '. Tearls and emeralds. Appralaement ImiJ . IIARRY W. SMITH. 717 Sanaom it " SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by eiectSiSE the only pvrmanent way, Eyebrowa arehaiT MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Duliffl FULL VALUE for dlamonda. pltlnumiTu! ellver, precious stones and pawn tickets T KEI.MATZ CO.. 032 Chestnut. Itooniil ' WIOS AND TOUPEES, high class: weder tectlont prices mod.; satlafac. guar. Plow! i.ioi uermanvnwn ave.. tormeriy with Blnde DON'T misjudge others; Detective MIlisrTwI get you racts. standard Detective Bureau. (: aultatlon free, 1520 Chestnut st, Eitab. iM DEPARTMENT STORE ORDERS and Caatia vacations given; easy paymenta. A. M. Ut.1 vuee. ntf iiieeinui at. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination! zd-hand. louait sold, rented, exchanged, repairing, sumDai Mfg., 320 Olrard ave. Phone Kensington llu BILLIARD TABLES BOWLINtTAUilSi XTaass1 aa it Astifl tva se,1.TT rtA t v Q !! l : " ."" i;,-.w."" -l,,.."'jc' ?? JIU3A1 l-lIIAl.ltXailtKr.l tu., a. CASH nEQISTCRS bouRht, exchanved. repttn rrtJiAirut ouwiicb, hbiy uu mciory riO reiriBier-; now loiai anarro & low ai ! Pull nnd neo our npw modols. n1itr i hv tin on Hfiv nnvmcntu and fully nirBti TUB NATIONAL PAHIl nnoiSTER CO. IsliJ 1-IUl.TIIIUl Ol CLOTHES LOCKERS for bathhousM and f-1 rHKrs, nuiiu tiui caim rirc,, fo.DU. Chnlr Exchnng. 8. E, cor, flth and Vln i. Desks, Files, Cabinets, Safes OrtattRt ansortment of used of flea funtttun In the country; free auto delivery everrwhen; pfttabllBhed 30 5 ears. . HUGHES, . 11th and Buttoroyoel Desks, Files, Safes and HousehoUfl Dullng Central Second-hand P urnltura Cl" 901-006-014 Callo-hlll st. Filbert 41M. FLAOS, ALL SIZES Special. 6 ft. liar, J nntfl and rone. S2: worth 13: RxS fL. 11 10 Arch at. KcMBtone phone. Main 8711. IRON FOLDINO BENCHES, BOc per foot. fn 0 to 12 rt long; almost new, CHAIR EXCHANGE. B. E. cor. 6th and VhaJ OFFICE FURNITURE 4 Iarre assortment of slightly uied data, puf-s. niei. cabinet!, ntr.. ntore in. n taurant fixtures, household furniture, ftw-i looK ua over; ftei pricet; iree aenverr. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. Wsl. 1804. 1127 Arch. & RPlTRIrCRATR;9'ce,, analulcW, iiLei iiuviiunuau up. rjasy unsi. HOWE SCALE CO.. 808-08 Arch it . " SAFES, fireproof Closing out at half pnea, tf new and slightly uaed safes: alao somi w thin walls; big bargains. 210 N. Fouru.lt. SCHOOL DESKS, all sizes. ll.liO up. CT Exchange, S. E. cor. 0th and Vine its. i TYPE. 10 per cent discount; presses, paper es ters and other printing material at low pram l'hlla. l'rlntera' Supply Co.. 14 S, Bth at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SUCCESS OITEN LIES In grasping oflereit poriunuy, ior mot reaaon. ir ior no uuwa. YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH nullen Ue FRICTION CUT-OFF COUPllnga ought tsMBi tereatlng to ery manuf'r. S1IAFTIN0 isl MACHINE WORKS. 140 North Second. JAMES YOCOM BOS SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS and TOCO HANGERS and PILLOW BLOCKS, wltn lal,A hall anrl mnnlrttt h.irlntl. ar, tha MSI for all shafting purpoaea. S1IAFTIN0 ! MACHINE. WORKS H.' Norlh Kecpna. J A M IS M I OUy Mse COLEMAN-SHOEMAKER-MEAD. INC. 1 820 Commercial Truat Building. I V.w nnA rAlmllt Antrlnita Nnd arnnerstfiri. I; Phones: Spruce U78, Race 6520 D. I Ta-ttIttlT TH?1- t-rtfTfrMt7VP Dynamoa, motors, bollera. steam an. oil Mfl emeu, pump, mr rompTenrnvrm. j AitrnxfATin hn'OINE 13 in "AmM," flrat claea order. I. F. SE' BONH. 437 N. 3d at nVMAKlna mnmra and -naohltiitrv hOUafht. aaj e-n.r1 nfmatttrss rsnfl 1 rsaii . HUB Marital IKIB.'S Yearalev Co.. 224 N. Sd at. LARGE STOCK Heed double and single l belting, 2 In. to 14 in. wldet alao lot ne0as McCABE double-aplndle engine lathea, LVfi woven oen. reuuaii, also . um. cenipiey enei iiniiimuu ciisieev ,, lisp ie. mil bi. PUNCH PRESSES Two-cl. Ferrscuts"! es to new. i Sevfert's Bona. Inc., 411 a .id at WOOD PULLEYS (Gilbert): thousandi In ittf all diameters. . . -r, rirAiir.?rH nnvn rmrPANT. B20 Arch it. MAN'FBS. of plain and automatic rncMoj HnA fnr hnnllal. A. Varka Sc Son. 240 S. IS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPECIAL JULT SALB HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Our arreat midsummer sale Is on. . Tblrt) upright pianos have been greatly reducea. zonowing are a lew eDtcmiB, IRIS New England Piano Coat $255 McEwen Piano Chlckerlng Piano Leater Piano Mathuahek Piano Bramback Piano Cunningham Olrard 01 120 125 IBS IDS Coat 660 Coat .ISI B 8T5 near 82Je too , Cost cost Coat PLAYER PIANOS 1205 Weberdeld Player Tiano 375 Auto Manual Player Piano 805 Cunningham Matchless Plsyer Piano ... tiso Cost J?J Coat M? 7MH 450 Heppe J'layer a-ianj Cost Terma 5 monthly and upward. accoreliM price. Call or write for large niuiirai - ! logues and special plans of payment. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES I 3 Cor. 8th and Thompson sts.. Pblla-lJ . --. .... a. .WIt 137 LABQE EDISON Mauimw "V' recorast coaia new ao, umr p 42 ICEENOPHONE and records! .r"hM3B fost new 175! eaual to news only 750 ....... w nAT ,innim . f reduction; VS liuieuei eseue"'"" W,T".L "iriia, for natet cost new aou. a -."" WI.,J;iy Karsi plete descriptions and large list of barf" with special plans of payment. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STUnr-a - Cor. 0th and Thompson sts., Pbltadelpa" J29.50 VICTROLA. VI and 6 10-Inch D. V ordst excellent outnt aa i,aaiM - - only 2 monthly. I t IF.4.KO VICTROLA. Style IX. Including 1,M lections ( 10-Inch D. F. records)! "r weekly.' 41 BOO other new Vlctrolaa, all stylet and 1 Write Nfor rataloguea. a Cor, ath and Thnrnnann sts.. Phllada!p. IS 10UH PLAYER OUT OF ORDK Bee Ui-Wa Are Kiperis OIIAND UNION PIANO CO. Player Experts 8186 KENSINOTON AVE. Ihnns Vnlnrtnn 1801 estey upiiiaiiT myP'.&Jfi .x.s some msnogany caaej sovu .-, puu-i 1475. Terns can be arranged V3TJ HOWARD VINCENT. 884-888-840 N. "VI KBiaoua nea do reaia.. PIANO 176 Cash! 8S, tl kr-F"rMJi gain. B. B. TODD. ISO ARCH " OL- OOLB OLD OOLD. allr.r. platinum, plated ''J", style (ewslry. t.th plataa bouiht Ny at. 1 01 u. J, , mara, renncr. ft-zp OLD QOLD, platinum, falae teeth. diamond, and pawn tica.t. SIMMONS, 150? Arch st. Race nr.n eviT.nrTadi navtat far old geld, s llMi JJE l" wsTa lie It tr. si i WS$B&$. MUX! ci- ,,.k tai- Sll I 0. r.