HHiiini II I Til" ' l" '" . M' ny LTWiJiiifeiJ 'Mi:- 1 w- ft" fv '( HOUSEWIVES , feEGISTER FOR SERVICE IN HOOVERS FOOD-SAVING ARMY IJvery Woman Can Be an Enlisted Soldier for ' " Uncle Sam and the Allies v If She Will PERHAPS ou havo hoard vaguely of tJio food conservation campaign nnd Vavo resolved to cut down dm your meat VJHa nnd to bo careful. Hut havo ou realty mado It your business lo And out til you could about Iterbeit Ilnovor and tils food-saving army? Or aro you still consuming quantities of wheat bredd, wanting jwtatoes by thick peelings nnd Jtaslng b,y on'tho other aide when you see a. chnrrco of buying fruit or vegetables far below average price', for canning? Don't bcllovo for, mo moment that bo caUBO you havo practiced economy In your own way for yearn. ou really know alt about It Head the circular limned by Howard Holnz, director of tho ilcHirtmont of food supply for this Slate of IViitmyl Vftnlo: "KVrry woman In the State of I'enn aylvanta will bo asked to Join it food saving army Knch woman U to bo an enlisted 'soldier' for I'nrle Hum and tho Allies. Tho commander who will illicct this army la Heibrrt C. IIoner, tho man Who fed Ilclgium. nnd now food ndtiiliils trator at Washington "Tho enrollment will bo conducted "by means of pledge en ids similar to tho ono roproduccd on this page. Head It care fully. Every housekeeper In Pennsylva nia, will receive one and will bo expected to alffn It before July 15 In testimony that fuUafiupport will be given to the food t conservation plan. "Every woman In the household Is to Ign this pledge whether a member of the family or an employe. TN' ADDITION to tho 1,500,000 Penn- aylvanla 'soldiers.' Sir. Hoover will direct morn than 18,000000 other women Who iaro to be similarly i certified fiom tho other States and territories. Each Woman 'soldier' will bo assigned to the second lino of defense to light tho waste of food,! "Sir, Hoover's position with respect to those who enlist will bo less that of a general thnn that of nn adviser, who sug Bests wayn by which waste may bo avoided. Enrollment compels tin ono to any course of action beyond conviction of duty. Each member of this at my will do ns.niucli of what Mr. Hoover advises aa her circumstances warrant and her Judgment dictates. In other wnids, all co operation, even nfter cntollment, will bo voluntary. f.TN CONNECTION with the activities J- of a .food-saving army, President TVllaon said: THE WOMAN'S Lttttra and question submitted to thi depnrtmrnt inmt be tcrtttrn on ett nd of Of paper only nnd signed with the tinme of tho writer. Special nutrie Ilk those given flow arm tntited. ft ( understood that the tditor does not necessarily indorse the eenUrnent fxwretsed. All communication for thla deportment should be addressed as follows: Till W;0!AN'H KXCIIAM.K. iSvtntno Ledger. I'htladetphUX, To. TODAY'S 1. What Is the mont rrnnimilrnl wily to prrl Potatoes? t nv ran atalr- brracl he iitlllfril? 8, What Is rambleriM the proprr airnmpnnl nt of, tarry In Indhi? ANSWKRS TO SATURDAY'S IXQUIRIKS 1. Ktnptr rofTre ruin. liiUn pnwdrr run and jtud rnna rnn he ii"mI (or rnniilnic frnll and rrirUhlrn If thry an- tlinniuilily lrrlllrl. The lids should hr dlpprd Intn lint piirutTIn lr foro senllnr, X, While liroailclolli run tin rlnnird sntlsfur torlr with rorn nirul S Iron rut run he rrninrii frnm drllrulr white fabrlrs hr roirrlint thhUlj with rrrnin nf tartar, twlntlnir n rlotli lo krrj, It inrr the pot, rtarlnc ill rold untrr uml hrlnslns thr water alonlr ' ' hulllne iKilnt. Ice Cream With Fresh Fruit To Ihr Vdttor of lt'oinan'a I'att ? Drar Madum- fan jou tell mr how tn makn ' t main wllh frmh fruit o llm Innrrdlmts will Ui nlrely hlrndnlT (Mr-..l It. H. The secret nf making good Icn rraia when Ualn froah fruit lies In mnslilng the fruit thoroughly and In whipping tho cream be foro the fruit Is nddril. Peaches, berries or ; bananas, etc., which are cut up will freeze ' Into hard lumps, while If mashrd and mixed with cream a mousscllko mixture will result. Thla may also bavpneked for a number of hours without losing its consistency, while lumps of fruit only grow hard To make It entirely of rich cream Is desirable, of course. v but in these days not practicable. You will find that ono part cream to two parts tnlllt will mako a very lootlisomo mixture.' You can whin the cream nnd add the sugar and tho fruit to ft. then the milk nnd, last of alt, a raw egg This will thkken It fllghtly as tho dasher of thp freezer beats It. TVbeii partially frozen rcinno the dasher and pack It for several hours until needed, Ulne plenty of Bait and cinerlng It with a piece of old carpet Curried Errs Tomatoes "v To ih Editor o Womnn'a 1'not. par Madam-Can )ou trll me some ways of tiamv curry brildra rurrled chicken W'r are vrry toni ot the flavor. HKADIIU. CJurrfed eggs aro delicious, also curried t'Ua'n, F05 'iv former nse four hard- brl- igu a1", cut each Into lengthwise . Bvnysi beat p" cupful of milk. Mix to- Bether two tablespoonfula Hour with two tableapoonfuls melted butter: season with 1 aalt, pepper and one-half teaspoontul of the curry" powder: add tho hot milk gradually, ttrr(ng conatantly, then add the eggs. Cook tor a minute ana servo on toast sar Stalled with watercress. , Curried tomatoes Wash one cupful of JJce through several waters; partially boll 'C, ,.H, have ready one quart of stewed tomatoes. Add one teaspoontul of curry powder to the tomatora and salt to taste, and nil a baking 4uth with alternate layers of the tomatoes and rice. Have a layer of bread crumbs on i top. Dot with butter, bake three-quarters v of an hour and serve hot. Summer Salad Recipes 9o fat editor of IPowon" Paot Deer itudsm- Ilavinr read the renutit for ood saUda fur aununrr. I am Mndlnir In two I hi freg.unt!r with cuod reuulta. . Carrot and aiad la "prtttr on the table and lneapenttve, The ha lnaradlents era inree cupiuia earroia idlsadl. two eusfula pra praa, ona .. ana faMaiiuonfu! butter ona Uaapoonrut aalt, water ore, paralar dry rauaurd. ausur. vlnrsar and rrrim. ill tha trarreta and mm with a. little rhoasol rrl-7 and unehalf of tha drraalnr. Wbi ready to aerv piafo thla rnltture on tho U tn:res and pour over the remainder of tha traaW Tha dreaaloc la made hr heailne tha tuar tutttr end cream In a amall aaiH-epen addlaa- tha beaten nt aatt muetanl and vlnecar and atlrrtnc over the Cra until tnfk Cool and Kaxurc'ana 'fruit aalad Arrange a border of ufe mhH endlra laavea en a tabid dlah. Mix ot erapafruit and on cupful of Heieitppic, tliM one cupim or znafon tmh (!. pappar, paprika ana BQUiiayie'aaii tiN4 I .(. $ . URGED TO DO Vyvettes Tarns aro becoming "bigger nnd better tbnn ever!" BiRRer, because well, they couldn't be any big Bcr nhtl better, because of the handsome tassels of beads and jade. "To provldo ndcn.ua to food supplies for tho coming year Is of absolutely vital Im portance to tho conduct of tho war. With out n very conscientious elimination of waste and a very strict economy In our food lunsuniptluti we cannot hopo to ful fill this primary duty and In no other dl lection can women bo greatly assist as by enlisting In tho service of tho food ad ministration and rhcci fully accepting Its direction and ndvlce.' "Women's National Council of Dcfetiso and other women's, organizations, lied Cross. Hoy Scouts and civic and lollgloui bodies have been asked to assist In making tho leglstriitlon complete. "E.ich card when signed will bo for winded by the local commltteo to Sir. Hoover In Washington. The name of each signer will bo iccotded. Specific Instiuc tlons will from time to time bo forwarded from Sir. Hoover. Household tags which will dcrvo as badges of enlistment to bo displayed In windows, will be furnished. "Tho fclognn of tho nrmy Is 'Peed tho Allies out of what we save' Ninety per cent of the food consumed In the United Stntes goes through tho hands of women and they may best 'servo by saving.' I ((TV YOU do not receive a personal lnvl--L tatlnn to slcn. consider tills your In vitation, sign the printed form and mall It to your local Commltteo of Public Safety, or to the Pood Supply Depart ment. 1126 South Penn square, Philadel phia." EXCHANGE IN'QUIIUES I Which I mure rnrrrrt, In linfnlil the illn nrr nniikhi entlrrb ami mirrml II inrr lh Inp or In krni It fcililnt In h.iir nnil hi) It urn lh tin? 3. Is II rnrrrrt to lime Imitation for n Ml. ver wrtlilln iinnitrrHnrr encnveil? 3. Vtlirn iinnhle In nllrml n rrrrptlnn alvrn hr ii innrrlnl minlr hrnv many rnnln limilil nn iintnarrlnl nmn pot on Ihr ilar f Ihr nffnlr? I. Vtlirn urltlnic :i roniiiiiinlriilloii on u pimlnl rnrd In n frlrnd It in not ikiiiiI In write out mime In full nor lo iim Icrmi nf rndriirinrnl. S. Tim lltlllnc rnrd of a woman phinlrl.in should hue llm nrrflv "Mloo" or "MrH." lM-fore lirr II.IUIK nnil not "lloilor." .1. A womini kIio.iM nrirr ur mil) Ihr Inltl.iU of hrr ChrlHtlan nnmo nn hrr llaltlnc rurdi the nuiiie In full hliiMihl Im rniruird. DcrnratiniiH frir Independence To thr I'ittlor of n'oiriau'a I'not' Day lirar Miidain Can vou nuasest Mm way to ilrrnrale the tillil on tho 1'ourlli of July om. thliur nlmple and nni rxpenlvr? o. T. Tlie variety of decorations In red. white and blue foi the occasion Is so largo that only " trip thiough tho shops is needed to make a iliolce if jon do not care to buy the favors, twrh ns i-aniion crackers, guns, fans and boxes made of American Hags and filled with candy, you can very easily mako these at borne by purchasing u roll of red, white and blue striped erepo paper Shanes can also bo mado out of this, and by cuttlnc It in strip ery cffectlvo streamers can be dangled from thn celling or made Into ro scttes for Ihn table. A diminutive soldier standing besldo n cannon or a small ship could bo used ns a centerpiece. Or a very realistic fort can be erected with small sliootine crackers. .Serve tho nuts, bonbons, etc., In Individual dishes mado out of crepo pnper and the Ice cream wrapped In thick paruflln paper nnd tied with red, whlto and blue ribbons. To Decline Invitation To the J.Mllor o H'ovian'i Page: Henr Madam t halo lrn InWtrd to a birth day aurprlao party and cannot to. 1'leni.e tell m how I should aniner. also whnt preaent to alio tho iclr . It a her eluhlrenth birthday and iho, '-."J! l.h?" ft,,'n''-, ' want aomrthln that will not be too expensive. H. 117 a. If tho Invitation was a formal ono. writ ten In the third person, it should be an swered In kind. I Judge, however, that since the affair Is a surprlso tho Invitations were Informal. If so. Just write a pleasant llttlo note, for example: "My dear ; I deeply regret that I shall bo unable to be present next Thursday evening at the surprise party to be given for Miss . owing to absence from town. 1'lease extepd my heartiest congratulations to her on the occasion of her birthday. Thanking you for your kind Invitation, believe me, very sincerely yours S r H a ." ' ' Tour letter docs not tell me whether you nre a young man or a girl ; If the former. you would bo more or less limited, of course. In your cholco of Klfts. A aood book, a two or five pound box of bonbons or a box of flowers would bo most suitable. A girl can give more Intimate presents, such as silk stockings, fancy pltis, a belt, part of a toilet t or some handwork. Gown for Theatre in Summer To I'n Ifiillor o Woman' I'atse: Dear Madam I have hn Invited to to to th theatra In Maar ork with a youns man I know qulta welt, whlla I am rlltlna friends In that rity. wnat nu you tninx J should wear! Would It b necessary for him to Invite my hostess UlSOT C13LE3TB. A frock of georgette crepe open at the neck, or a light summer allk and a dressy hat are appropriate for the theatre at tiiU time of year Strictly speaking, It ! not necessary for the young man to ask jur hostess, but It t" a. polite and proper think to do. The hosteu "would probably pot accept, but ah would certainly be, pltaaed Vrlth the ciurtesy, EVENING LEDGER- THEIR PART MAN'S GROWING LACK OF CHIVALRY DOCTOR FOR "CABARET CHICKEN," --v NV - aV v.vAN ,.m: She and Her Male Companion Will Bring: Imbeciles Into the World, De clares Austin O'Malley, South Philadelphia Expert T IS the "cabaret chicken" who, In large coming generation. It Is tlm growing lark of mnscullne chiv alry which is tesponslblo for tho tnereaslng numbers of the "cabaret chickens." It Is to weep, therefore, and It Is Dr. Austin O'JIalley ulu sns to. HrcaURO tin- rinlneal Knutii Philadelphia physician lias written an arresting bonk on "Alcoholism" and because he Is always having a great deal of IntrrcM to snv nbout mnilem problems In a number nf magazines, I went lo n-k him what ho thought nbout tho recent cnartinnit ut through bv Minne sota's war body, of which John Mini Is the leading member. This law prohibits tho sftln of drinks lo women In hotels, cafes, restaurants, roof gardens nnil every other public place Woman ,h drinking plaeo is the home at leasl In that Htate Ton Ml-i'll lAWMAKI1 And my Inliuslnn Into the irthy dnctnr's study -uhlrh be lilmseir will tell jon Is more llltered than literary - was opportune, because just at that cry moment he was In a pinfmilid meditation oxer the "caharet chicken" nnd her wnjs wl.lrh usually nro contiguous to. If not actually synonymous with. Ihn llowery, primrose path 'There la loo much lawmaking." Doctor O'Malley snid by way of comment on Min nesota, "and not enough high thinking. I don't see the Jtiitlre In putting through an act which Is fo discriminating Surely there aro more men alcoholics than women, and If wo must he legalized ami prohibited, let us LIVING UP TO BILLY By KLIZAUKTII COOI'KK TIiW powerful, luininn ilnruniriit. itrlltrti youiiff tnndirr hrriliijr n Irrm In prWnii, U on product of llir trnllflli rrnturjr. X.WI limr Kate: I know ou will bo dead sore at mo. but 1 could not do nothing elso and per haps somo dny you will understand why 1 dono It. Anyway. I havo given Hilly his clianco. Ho has got Just as good a show as any boy of growing up nnd being a good man, and lie won't ever, need to know that there are sin h things ns thiol os and prisons. He'll learn to think of Mis. Smith as mother and lie won't ever know that his real mother was In tho stir. Ho will think of ills mint Nan, ns a llttlo red beaded girl who loted him and brought him toys, and ho won't never have bitterness or wicked ness come Into his life through us. He is going away. I will tell you all about it, so you can get the worst of your madness off before vou como out. i.tuso I know when ou read tills you will want to kill me. and perhaps ou will, but 1 don't care. 1 have dono the only thing I knew to do for Hilly. After Mrs. Smith's baby died, she would n't look at Hilly for a long time. Then sho got to holding him nnd rocking him to siren nt night, nnd nfter a while she could n't let him out of her sight I was awful plad, cjuso I thought peihaps she would bo always glad to have him, and then one day I benrd them talk about going to Australia. Mrs. Smith didn't llko tho houso since Paul was gone. She stops and listens as If bho expects to hear him round tho corner, and she don't want to go In his room, and she acts queer. Mr. Smith thinks It sho got away where ver tiling was different, sho would forpct sooner, or If she didn't forget sho wouldn't remem ber with so much pain. His brother wrote from Australia and asked them to como thoro it long ttmo ago. He Is In tho sheep business and doing very well. They talked It over and talked It oer. and now they have, decided to go. It most killed mo. cause this Is tho only home I ever knew, nnd I didn't know what would become of Illlly. I felt I couldn't take him back to tho room. I said to Mrs. Smith ono day that It klnda kicked my feet from under me to think of Hilly losing his homo and tho mother and things he has had for two years. She looked nt me a long time and then she said, "Nan, Illlly don't need to lose his home." I said, 'What do you mean?" "I will take him with me," she said. It took my breath away for a mlnlt to think of losing Hilly, as he Is nil I got, and I guess she saw It In my face cause she said quickly, "Vou can come, too." I did not say noth ing for n long time. I thought that this was my c)iance, I would get away from the old crowd, get away from all the things I hato and yet seemed klnda d rawed to. I could Ieae this llfo that may bo will take me down and down, and Illlly and I could commenco over again In a new country. Then I thought of you. Kate, nnd how you are coming out soon, and If both Hilly and me was gone, you would Have Itothlnc to hold to, and I know you, and I know you would go straight to Hell, There would be no half way place for you, you would keep on sliding. And, Kate, I couldn't leave you. Hilly can get on with out me, he won't never know no difference, but you would be all alone, and It's hard enough to try to bo decent when once you've been In the atlr even with friends to help you, and when you come out, Kate, I am going to be waiting for you at the gate, and you are going to make a fight and win out and live decent I thought of all this when I sat there looktnr at Mr. Smith and than t m I "No, I can't co, but you can take nuiy.'V I6b aald, "Nsmnle, I won't take a babjff l'lillvADBWHlA, MONDAY, JULY 2, 1817 IN THE WIDESPREADFOOD OF TM- MCxr GCNETRATIOM -IKiG To PC. AUSTIN O'AALLEY PAF?Gr4TS m:corp ) Ily M'USS by nil means have a single drinking stand ard. Why let u man cross the threshold of thn swinging doors as often as he wants and forbid tho woman from having a drink In n hotel room? "It Isn't a fair law, but the fuet remains none the Icmr that the number of women drinkers Is Increasing at nn appalling rale llo lo any of the Philadelphia hotels or rufes. Keo the sixteen soxontocn nnd eighteen year old girls who cm nnd do tnltu their llqunr with the n-nchalance of a hiillor. Watch their masculine escorts ply them wllh It The girl who refuse the cocktail mm adojs ts tho girl who gets few Invitations out. "Thn 'cabaret chicken' always marries," bo continued with earnest iichs "She Is tho msrr.Nlng tpe Also and this Is a point we nre apt to overlook, being too close to the subject for a clear perxpccttc stie Is tho mother of the mining pi netatlon 'Tho child of tho cabaret frequenter who Indulge In ntrnhnlle drink Is very apt to be u neurotic, lilgh-grnde imbecile, If not actually worse nn Idiot Then- ts no getting nwny frnm this It Isn't sentiment. It's a matter of cold, statistical fact It Is being proved eery day. The sins of the drinking fathers and mothers nro lslted upon their children, and thn parents need not be out-and-out drunkard?, oltlicr. MBN TO HLAMn. Oh' CotTItSN To my wy of thinking, men are respnn- t.lh',0 for tin? 'cabaret chicken ()'Malle's Irish brogue bristled Hoc-tor "The de- cllne of i hiwilty in thls country Is appal- n thr form of letter In n if Hip mnsi gripping lllrrnry unless I can adopt him and make him rcnllv mine. I don't want any father nnd mother to como nnd take him when 1 have grown to lovo him." I said nothing cause l knew neither you or Jim would gio him up un less you saw something In it for yourselves, Then Mrs Smith moved oer close to mo nnd took my hand and said, "Nan, I am going to say something that perhaps will hurt our feelings Won't you Kio limy to mo?" 1 said, "Why, I would loo to, but I can't, ho uln't my Hlllj " Then .Mis .Smith said, "Now, don't bo angry at me, I havo never said am thine, tmt i ,... noier belleied that story nbout Hilly being your sister's baby. Isn't he jour llttlo boy?" ii. nrni i uiiin-t understand her, and then it nil come over mo what she mennt. Sho thought 1 bad lied to lior, thought I had made up that story about yon being Hllly's mother. At first I was mad. not been use sho thought Hilly was mine, cause that don't make no illfferenco one wav or an other, but I liattd to think sho thought 1 had lied to her She saw I was hurt and sho held my hand n little tighter and said. "Hcmember. child, I don't blame jou, nnd I don't think none thn less of you I bao loicd you for two years and I will loe jou always, but If you want mo to take Illlly, I must tako him as his mothei " Then sho got up and kbrd mo and said, "Don't an swer mo tonight, think It oer and tell mo tomorrow morning" They left mo alone that evening and I sat before tho lire till midnight, nnd when I went up to ny room I stood by tho window und looked over tho lako till tho sun como up And then it all como to me I would glo Illlly his chance. In a few months you were coming out, In u jour Jim would bo out. You may settle down nnd bo straight, but Jim nover. Illlly would grow up with crooks, would livo nround In little chenp rooms, getting no education, playing on tho streets nights, knowing nothing but dirt all his lire und quite likely spend most of his time after bo grow up in prison, all through no fault of bis, but Just because he didn't havo a chanco If he could go with Mrs. Smith he could livo In a great big out-of-doors coun try, whero people havo clean thoughts und livo clean lives, nnd Instead of eating out of tho garbage palls of life, lip could cut In a clean dining room with a whlto cloth on tho table. I went down In the morning and I did not say nothing until after breakfast, then I said to Mrs. Smith, "Yes, you nre right, I lied to you. Hilly Is my baby " She come over and kissed mo and said, "I knew It, dear, and I will always like to think of you as his lKIMWi'llBtTmg'irigM'millunS'iiuflimnwM, .mm. -i.-ujMir I DUTY IN THE HOME AND TRENCHES I Men and women must equally share war responsibil ity Men will do the fighting; women must do tin s living' TETLEY India TEA Ceylon ...:ti t..i . . .. . ncp every economical flavor means economy nu'v- -, BLAMED BY FUTURE MOTHER f ling It Is n startling truth that men actu ally want their women folks tn drink with them. Feminine, dellency, once nt a pre mium. Is now no longer cherished, flood sports am the order of the day, nnd good sports usually marry. The raco will suffer ns a result." In the opinion of this champion of high thinking and moderate, oil, so moderate drinking, temperance campaigners nro vul gar and tho talk of demon rum "rot." "The diy clause In the Lever fnod bill," be siild. "Is an entering wedge for national prohibition It may be, if the prri-ont high rate of drinking keeps up, that prohibition will tin n good thing, but at present I think the dry clause too drastic "What we need is not purltanlsm or as ceticism, but rationalism When men and women realize that they ate human beings, not pigs , when men cease plying young girls wltli llqunr; when married women, mothers, take the cocktnll from tho family menu, then we shall have nn need of drastic, hu miliating legislation or ulg.ir, nauseating uplirt." It seemed a erftnlde millennium tho doc tor painted, but In the meantime the "c-.iba-ret chicken" twinkles lirr l'rcnch-hceicd feet to the latest tune and despite the activities of Mr. Hoover- nt iVnshlngtnn baa no qualms nnent the lip "hat touch liquor and no statistic about where tho hlgh-grndn Imbeciles come from It Is iliniciilt to think of her as the mother of n coming generation. She Feems rather n pitiable hum. in moth who becomes thor oughly siiiKed before hlte has much time to do iin.v h. ii in lo might but herself THE CIjEERFUL CHERUB attaTMsaTa-kTaa-r-NaMaTM.Ttaa The world is full op -silly rules, Conventions tht art Full of fz.js ch-stati-dl op .soaring inrouoh our lives we waLllovln lot of l'i.vi. & mother." I said to her quick so sho would not know how bad I felt, "What must I do to give you Illlly?" Ami she said, "Wo will go to tho lawjer's and ho will mako out tho papers" So wo went and I sworo that I was Ids mother nnd that his father was dead, and I give Hilly to Mrs. Smith and when ho come back ho was her llttlo boj Oh, Kate. I can't write more, my heart Is neatly broke NAN. C'opjrlKht All rlghla reserved ) (PONTINI'lID TOMOnitOW) SAVE THE FRUIT CROP mm Sold In convenient bais and carton Store away Currant Jelly at low Summer prices. A Franklin Sagar for evtry tut v d.,.i' I r . l?,r L,,," P""" X dr.d. Conf ctloars. Brawn sMTEHBaMM nousewife, Stf encth nlus and satisfaction. 4 M L CONSERVATjONCAMPAIGN "MA" SUNDAY'S The wife of the famous evangelist discusses everyday topics tn a helpful anU wholesome way. The Good Girl and ifCJIin was n demure, modest girl, nuoui O eighteen, wllh masses of chestnut i, ., i,nie" aald the magnslno editor In telling me of his experiences with his young teienhono operator "You may not know telephono operator how dilllcult It Is "V to get n capable switchboard girl In n large busy office. It requires a pecul iar nbllltj", and Ilessio was by far tho best girl we ever had on tho Job "Sho was neer flustered, never In nccurate, and al ways courteous ami ladylike All went smoothly until sho went to Atlantic rity for bcr sum mer neatlon in si MAY "When sho camo back to us her beautiful chestnut hair had bcome a striking canary jellow. and ou could almost peel tho rouge "n ''" chccl"1: She loked ten years older. Tho dye and paint and powder which somo one had per suaded her mado her more beautirul. f,ao a positively hard expression to her win some, girlish face "nd tho chango In her complexion seemed to react also on her character. She became less dependable, more assertive. While the hoys In the ofllce never forgot themselves or overstepped tho bounds of propriety in their treatment of her, they never lost nn opportunity to chat with her nnd hover around her desk. ' Hessle's switchboard was located near thn entrance gate to tho various private oinces, and one of her duties was to secure each visitor's nnmo nnd errand before he wna passed in When contributors chuffed - "V " TO TUB FOOD ADMINISTRATOR, WASHINGTON, D. C. I am pla.l to join you in tho service of food conservation for our nation nnd I herebv ncccpt membership in the United States Food Administration, nledcinir myself to carry out the directions and advice of the I'ood Administra tor in the conduct of mv household, in so far as my circumstances permit. Name . , Address Number in Household Occupation of Breadwinner Will you take part in authorized neighborhood movements for food conservation ? There arc no fees or dues to be paid. The Food Administration wishes to have as members all of thoso nctually handling food in the, home. DIRECTIONS Mail this slip to tho Food Administrator, Washington, D. C, and you will receive FRKK your first instructions and a household tag to be hung in your window. Upon receipt of ten cents with your pledge card and a return addressed envelope, the official button of the Administration and, if desired, the shield insignia of the Food Administration will also bo sent you. Tomorrow's War Mam imKAKI'-AST rooked Malt Cereal Toasted Crumpets Heef Hash Coffee LUNCIIKOX Clam Fritters Coleslaw Rhubarb Hrown Hrcad Tea DI.NWnn Clam Chowder Corned Heef Creamed Cabbago Watercress Raspberries To a Young Lady Sweet stream that winds through yonder glade, Apt emblem of n virtuous maid ! Silent and chasto sho steals along, l'ar from tho world's gay busy throng: With gentlo yet prevailing force!. Intent upon her destined course (raceful and useful nil sho line. Illesslng and blest vvhero'cr sho -s; l'ure-bosomed ns that watery glass, And Heaven reflected In her face' William Cowper. miiii'iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Summer Clearance Millinery reduced to $5.00 Waists and White Skirts One-Piece Dresses in Wash Materials and Georgette Children's Dresses Regular Stock, but Greatly Reduced for Clearance RLAyL0CKtBLYNN.Ine V 1528 ChesLutSf. Fwra Stored, Altered and Repaired Mann & Dilks 1102 CHksTNUT STREET INTIMATE TALKS Why She Was Insulted mo about mo cnnnry-cuiorcu queen ana lingered around her desk I began to be Irltatcd. "Ono day sho burst In on mo In a tor rent of tears and said thnt sho had been grossly insulted by ono of our visitors. In vain I tried to point out to her that she was ns much at fault herself that the chango In tho nttltudo of men toward her was duo to tho phj-slcnl chango In herself Hut It was no use. And Anally It was necessary for mo to dispense with her services itnd loso tho most capablo girl I ever had." Olrls of tho telephono switchboard, girls of the olllco desks, do j-ou not realize that a painted check Is n signal flag to the world? To bo deemed good and puro and noble you must not nlono feel that j'ou are so In j-our own hearts. You must avoid tho nppenrnnco of evil. Tho world judges you ns It sees you not ns you know your self to be And there Is no beauty like the natural bloom of jouth A faded check becomes n ludicrous, often a ghostly travesty of naturo when touched up by the so-called appliances of tho modern "beauty special ist" flod did not Intend human beings to be painted, or ho would havo had them born so. There arc beauty appliances far more cffectlvo than thoso of tho rouge box. The plrl who fills her llfo with bcautlfut deeds nnd beautiful thoughts, who busies her days nnd her hands with tho service of the Mas ter, need not worry about hor color or her complexion Her soul will shine through nnd will radinto ItH glow on tho gloomiest daj". (fopjrlRht 1017. by thn Hell Sjndlcate. Inc ) VotP Mrs Kundiiy will endeavor to answer na'in.iny letters personally ns she possibly can. Ml will receive consideration nnd she will make ber replies rnnfldrnlln! when requested. Thurdii5 "The ll.ito nt the Movies." Do you employ a cook' Aladdin When I was a beggarly boy And lived In n cellar damp I had not a friend nor a toy. But I had Aladdin's lamp When I could not sleep for tho cold I had fire enough In my brab. And bullded, with roof3 of" gold. My beautiful castles In Spain' Since then I have tolled day and night. I have money nnd power good store. But I'd give all, my lamps of silver bright For the ono that Is mlno or more Take, Fortubem, whatever you choose ; You gave, and may snatch again : I havo nothing 'twould pain me to lose. For I own no more castles In Spain ' James Russell Lowell ASK FOR and GET flick's The Original Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price. m Tyrol W ool Tailored Suits For Women and Misses May be had in every fashionable shade and color as well as white and black. Also made in exclusive sport models 23.75 24.75 27,75 TyrolWoolTopCoats,$24.7 Early Fall Hats are ready 11 HI 1 MMIiMiiwi B J , .- -r- A vnwBm WVM