rwwnwPfiW M tr V ,-u MINGTEKIALE rA INEVTTABILE ftonnino, Salandra od Orlando Potrebbero Essfcro Incarlcnti dl Comporro Un Nuovo . Gabinctto VITALIA E LA GliECIA ; CMi Austrlaci Hanno Lasciato 6000 Morti Sullo Falde Contestato del Monte Ortlgara ' IKMA, 20 Olugno. Nonoiitante che Id Camera ahbla. re- entlslmamenta dato un voto dl nducla I MlnUtcro Boselll, pure nel c I real I yaramentart bent Informatt ill rltlene cho eamblamentl avverrnno In eno al irabl- netto, camblamentl che, pare aaranno dp- tarmlnatl prlnclpalmente dagll Interven- J listl dt alnstra, e cloe' radlcall, socialist! riformlatl e repubbllcanl. Clo" che quentl i 4kputat! voRllono ' I'asalcuraalono rhe la tnuitma enercla aara' esercltata dal go- I I vrnft nl!a. rondMtA della ruerra. ( S dice che il faccla strada l'agltazlone per un plu' rlttretto Bablnetto dl Kuerra. OH opposltorl dell'on. Orlando dlehlarono ' che east aarebbero prontl ad accettnre 1 til corne mlnlstro con qualslast portafogllo che non sla quello dill'Interno. La nltuazlone parlamentara e' tale oggl che so tuttl coloro che al mostrano malcontento dovessero eoailuarit, II Mlnlstero Boselll dovrebbe i riecessarlamtnte cadere. In alcunl clrcoll e' stata. avanzata la propotta che Von. Sonnlno anumi la pro eldenza. del Conslgllo mantenendo II porta fosllft deell Esterl e Incarlcando un altro paTlamentare'dl atare al tlmone nelll dis cussion! In aeno alia Camera, ad cccczlono dl occasion! special! Jn cul II presidents del bonslgllo stesso dovrebbe efporre le Idee del governo. Pero' sembra che 11 barone Bonnlno non appoggt questa FOluzlone. Accanto al suo nome al fnnno come poaalblll presldenti del Conslgllo qnelll dell'on. Orlando e dell'on. Salandra Ierl 11 Glornale d'ltalla dlchlarava In n artlcolo cho la sola posslbillta' nel tnomento presente e' II gabinctto liotelll ; rna do' non dlmostra necessarlamente che un camblamento Importante non debba verlflcarsl nella pomposlzlone del gablnetto L'itallv n la annctA In quest! clrcoll pollttcl si dlscute ancora anlmatamente circa la nuova nltuazlone In Grecla, I'n proclama recentemente ema- nato da Saj,onlccodal governo provvlsorlo dl Venlzelos, al rlcorda, era redatto In termini che auonavano poco almpatlcl per 1'Italla a certo non erano I plu' adattl per ctmentare te buone relazlonl tra 1o due nation!. Nel clrcoll politic! Italian! al dlchlara che 1'Italla non ha blaogno dl rlpetero lo raglont che la Indussero ad occupare mllltarmente la cltta' dl Glanlna, nell'Cplro. occupazlone ebe era dlvenutn lndlspensablle: ma 1'Italla eara' ben lleta se II nuovo governo greco aapra modlflcara la sltuazlone In niankra che l'occupazione Itallana el renda non nee esarla. Ad ognl modd al spera che Vcnlzelos, che e' uomo dl grande tatto ed acume. trovera' II mezzo dl frenare l'lmpetuoxlta' dl alcunl auol amid e far loro comprendero che la ql via per Indurre gll Itallanl nd evacuare Glanlna e' quella dl convlncerll che la nuova Grecla e' anlmata dalla slncera Intenzlone dl vlvere In buonl rapportl dl amlclzta con I'ltnlla. LA SITUAZIONE MILITARY Dal rapporto del generale Cadornii. pub fcllcato Ierl sera dal Mlnlstero della Guerrn, si rlleva che gll austrlaci hanno Intenzlone dl tentare la rlconqulsta del l'asso dl Agnello, che fu recentemente preso dagll v Itallanl. Le poslzlonl Italians In quella zona aono state assoggettate ad un lolento hum bardamento. Ecco 11 testo del rapporto- La lotta delle artlgllerle e' stata pint. 3nsto nella glornata dl Ierl su tutta ,1a Zrcnto dl battaglla. In rnppresagll.i dal- bombardamento dl Ala da parte delle batterle austrlacRe. not abblamo vlolente mente bombardato la stazlone ferrovlarla di Calltano. - 'Sult'altoplano dl Aslago 11 nemlco con eentro' un vlolento fuoco aulle nostre po slzlonl a Fasso dl Agnello. v Nel zona dl Santa Lucia (Tolmlno) U trafflco e' ctato rlpetutamente Inter rottq dal nostro fucco. Nella serata gll aviator! nemlcl spiega- rono -grande attlvlta' nasi furono pero' ' ifBcacemente attaccatl e messl In fuga dalle nostre batterle antlaeree e dalle nostre macchlne da caccla. Un comunlcato della Stefanl dice che almeno 8000 austrlaci soccombettero nella recente offenstva nemlca contro le poslzlonl Italians dell'Ortlgara. La battaglla per questa importante sommlta' o stata furiosleslma, plu' turlosa di qualunque altra votaal in quelle reglonl Gll austrlaci venlvano lanclatl In masse succedentlsl all'attacco delle poslzlonl itallane portando In gluoco ognl plu' moderno mezzo dl morte: cannoht dl grosso e dl piccolo callbro, mltragllatrlcl, liquid! Inflammablll, lancla- flamme. gaa asllsslantl, mine e balonette. II campo dl battaglla era letteralmente nolve- rlzzato e la polvere dlventava poltlglla col aangue del cadutl. Ogal ne' gll itallanl ne' gll austrlaci hanno 11 possesso della sommlta' dell'Ortlgara. 11 fuoco dl sbarramento degll Itallanl e degll austrlaci aulla sommlta' e' tale che nes.iun tsoere umano potrebbe vlvervl per pochl mlnutl. Si sente pero' che la battaglla sara' ripresa un glorno o l'altro. e che II gencrnle Cadorna tentera' dl rlacqulstare II possesso della sommlta' contestata. Rate Ruling Hints at U. S. Operation Continued .from Tate One movements and untangle the marled rail road equipment situation Tho commission frankly states, that, properly managed, the American railroads ahould make banner profits in 1917. it says that the granting of the rates Increases Vlll neither facilitate nor retard the success fui prosecution of the war. These state ments are taken hero to mean that the roads may expect no further relief than that which Is granted. Actually, much relief In granted. The Increases allowed on coal, coke and Iron pre and on class rates In the East and on rail and water transportation should bring the roads approximately 100,000,000 a year in Increased revenues. This added revenue will accrue chiefly to the easlern carriers, which are admittedly In the worst condition and hardest pressed for new money. Fighting Trim of Army Delight to Pershing Continued from Pate One porta. The man-of-warsmen swung along side the dock and yelled a J6yous greeting -to the frenchman. The potlu didn't under stand the "Sammy" but he grinned back as trie American waved and hustled back to his station. Then over the deck of the vessel the crowd made out the big war-gray trans sorts entering the harbor. The advance guard craft turned swiftly and dashed off. It nestled close beside a basket-masked M)lp, then entering. Its signals wigwagged m paJute to Admiral Cleaves, commanding the squadron, that all was safe. Tho warship came la Then behind it up. Roared tha transports. Laboring tugs panted as they came Into the docks. The soldiers pouring ashore said their paw go was smooth one. Discipline was mat tnrougnout 'mere were the life ilt drills that are customary In all trans its voyage now rer arrersion the ad soldier watched the convoying ID uiejr target practice. ' realty nptldng to (ay," wan, the mem .expressed it. t H-e'r lo aret aahore. IW. ( i 1 1 ' i ' i 'i I !" iiiiiwtwyiiuwiMiin i mil u nixnwii'Mnmiuimii MISS FLORENCE M'CARTNEY Her graduation from the Philadel phia Normal School this week com pleted nn enviable scholastic record. In fifteen years she was not late for school or was she absent u single day. GERMAN SPY SUSPECT SEIZED IN COAL MINE v. F. Karl, of Pittsburgh, Says Philadelphia Employer Sent Him LWIONTOW.V, Pn., Juno 3ft Suspected of being a German epy. William K Karl, of Pittsburgh, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Wilson and placed In the Fayette County Jail pending an Inxc.itlgatlou. He wai taken prisoner In the Phllipsburc mine of the II C. Prick Coke Company, near Unlontown, by Superintendent Culleton. who says ho found Karl Inside the mlnet making sketches of tram roads and the Inside work ings. Karl told tho police that he was grad uated from the Carnegie Institute of Tech nology. In Pittsburgh, this spring, and wa employed by J L lllller. of Philadelphia, a consulting engineer for the Pennsylvania Crusher Company. The suspect said that he li a naturalized American, and that his father, V ,1. Karl, a Pennylvanla Railroad employe, wan born In Germany. Karl declared that his emploj t had sent him hcie In order to get nn Idea how to put In sidings and how to take out matcilal from coal mlnen The casts was placed In the hands of County Detective Smith lor Investigation. G. W. Horton. of Iladdondeld. N- .1 president of the Pennsylvania Crusher Company, Bald today that Mr lllller re signed as consulting engineer of the com pany a month ago. after eleven years' service, although he remains treasurer of tho company This ofll.e. Mr. Borton Mid Mr. Miller will be nsked to resign, ns he is no longer n salaried employe The latter l-i temporarily using as an otrice the draught Ing room of the crusher company In the Stephen liiraril Building, this city. Mr lllller Is Interested. Mr Borton says In a method of reclaiming coke breeze, and It Is not surprising that an agent of his should have geological maps In his posses sion. Mr lllller Is of Rhode Island stock without German blood and Mr. Borton doubts that he Is Involved In an any pro German project U.S. TO TRAIN SKIPPERS AT FRANKLIN INSTITUTE Government Will Educate Offi cers and Engineers for New Merchant Fleet Kree training In navigation to nt men for officers In th new American merchant marine, which Is to be operated by the United States Shipping Board. Is to be afforded In this city. Arrangements weie completed yesterday by W. Marriott Welch, of the recruiting servlco of the shipping board, to open a night school In navigation at the Franklin Institute for sailors be tween nineteen and nfty-flvo years Seven of these schools nro to be estab llshed In New Kngland, another chnln in the iuaio Atlantic states, a third in the South ern States, a fourth on the Pacific coast and others on the Great Lakes. Knglneerlng schools are to be opened on July 2 at the Institute of Technology Cam bridge; Stevens Institute. Iloboken, N J Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; Case" School of Applied Science. Cleveland; Ar mour Institute, Chicago; Washington Uni verslty. Seattle, and Tulane University. New Orleans Minimum qualifications for entering the navigation school are: At least two ymr' experli-neK In the deck Wul'.V ihl-fcl"!?.".r coastwise tenmhlp rf.n.,.!m,!I,"lr yi,ar exnerlence In the tlrk v'sil or '"""" sailing'Llhr.' ,,r.,r"' 'nrlenee In the tlrk department of alllnar ves encased In ih ocn or eoastwiio nshrlM '""'" " ,n" At lenst one ear's experience si master of w'.'e nJl'"li,.""'"t"1 in lh' "n J-oas- Two sears' experience as master or chief 5r nn0t".nnnt"' -0"wle Wn- vesj ot -'" stosb tons or over ofkeyy,o.?Sn,r.Cleeam,v?,V.,1.r 0r "" a nuTC,P,f.,h,p'.h'' "minh'P '! f For the engineering schools the minimum qualifications are:: ..AIJ'."' ,wo years' experience " oll'r or l.VJf it'nldr or combined exjierlenco of two .""" In these positions, on oci-an or coastwise steamships. b.m,F i ""!" firo.m ,n1 "nslneerln clsss of a nautical schoolshlp. A graduate In mechanical entlneerlns from fhe..ymr.?.f0,n.lj('d "hool of technology! with mree months' sea experience ,nn '"t'onnry enplneer In full charse of a lOOQ-horsenower plant -.J?omo"v.e engineer who has had six rnimlns experience In the enalns department of ocean or coustw ne steamships. A Journeymim machinist who has heen en sased In they' construction or repalrlne of marine steam engines. An apprsntlco to the. machinists- trade who has been six months on a steam vessel Enslneera of lake, bay. sound or river steamships. " At least three yeara as rlreman on an ocean or coastwise steam vessel. Only American citizens are admitted to these schools. At the end of the course they Will have sea training with pay There la no enlistment, as In the navy, but If ac. cepted for the school the applicant Is ex pected to sign for the merchant service. VENEZUELA DENIES SHE PLANS TO AID TEUTONS WASHINGTON, June SO Venezuela today denied that either her Government or any private individuals are Intriguing to sell the Island of Margerita to Germany as a secret base for German submarines ThU Is Venezuela's answer to American representation against disposal of the Island to the Teutons. Receipt of the message followed a pre. vtous message which showed Venezuela will take up with Germany mildly the matter of submarine warfare In general. Venezuela Is believed to be one of the nations referred to in recent announce- SSSEr T inml$3rvin SouVT jiJVMLNU bi'A.yiL: 1 ATHENS EXPECTS WARDEOARATION Looks for German Move in Retaliation for Hostile Greek Preparation's ARMY CHIEFS CALLED ATHKN8 June 3ft Greece moved rapidly today In action against Germany. All Greek diplomatic representatives In the Central Powers' cap Hall were formally recalled and nil Greek army chiefs were summoned to Athens for conference ns to best utilization of the army In the ripltal It was confidently expectetl that Germany would repontl m medlntelr with n tlei'lnratlnn of war ncntnst King Alexander. LONDON June 30 Now that Greece has broken ulth the German allies, her troopi. In nil pmMhii'tv will be emplnjcfl mainly ngalnst t!i 'ui garlant In the Macedonian theatre of war according to a dispatch fmm Salnnira to day. Although th ilredks ami llulcarinn wer nlllos agalnM Turkey In the Hit It.. knit War. they were enemies In tlf . n't Balhrs conflict, and Hip haired cncetuloi. I by that Moody epoch of Ball. in hiinn r mains liven in the flrrt war their wa im antagonism when the flteeks wwo flii t. enter Snlonlca A Balkan armv w t thrown Into the city nntl ctashet lietu.-. r, Greek and Bulgarinn enklleri frr fpc. quent The Allleo, It was reported hei. tnrtu are preparing to i-upplv the 'ir'K ,inm with the weapon.' needed for unrf,iro a if l! conducted totlav Greece Is the twentv-flrst nation lo IimiK off diplomatic relations ulth Germanv Th' populations of the Kntente Allies total Hi -110 000. acalnst an aggregate populitlnn nf KO 300,000 In Germany. Austr a-IIung.irv Bulgnria and Turkey. The full uni strength nf Greece is some where around .100,000 men according to boit available data Virtually all of this force ha heen mobilized for nearly two years The nrmy Is formed under the com. pulsorv service law nntl Is generally re garded as well disciplined, although not ni well equipped ns necessary for fffecllvo servlco. When nieulIierloi Vonlzeloq re signed n Premier under former King Con stantino and established his Government nt Pnlonlrn n large number nf midlers nttachetl themselves to his stand ard The Greek military and royalist party, however, continued to control a majority of tho armed forces It will probably be Fever.ll months beforo these two factions In the nrmy can bo united and made ready for effective service The personnel of tho Greek army, however. Is of the hlfihost. many of tho soldiers being veterans of the Balkan wars. It appears likely that Greece will throw her forces Into the Macedonian campaign, releasing evcral hundred thousand French, British. Ilu'slan and It.iPnn soldiers now there for service mi the vetern front Such n campaign vvnuld amuse i-nthtMastn In Ulcere, at nne of the m tin c.itispx nf un ret uas former King Constantino's failure to keep hW p'edget. to aid Serbia GREEN ISLE'S FORCES INVADE PHONOGRAPHS Long List of Irish and Near-Irish Music Offered, With Her bert's "Eileen" Featured By the Phonograph Editor Victor Herbert has a strain of Getmanlc blood tempering the lrl! exuberanco of his musical character, but the overwhelm ing predominance nf tho latter quality Is what has given him his long voguo and enabled him to writo always pleasantly and sometimes delightfully So It Is no won der that many of tho recent phonograph catalogues havo accorded spaco to his op eretta. "i:ileen " Incidentally, let It not bo thought that tho Teutonic part of tho composer's ethnnlogl cal make-up enn be held against him He Is. nfter all. more American than anything else In his scores. The Victor fompany has nn unusually choice anil varied list ,of rclectlons from "Cllecn." There Is, for example, n fitting conjunction of personalities in John Mc t'ormack's singing of "lJlleen Alnnna" and the h.inie tenor's tendering of "Ireland My Klrelantl " The latter is also offered by Columbia, with Vernon Stiles as the vocal artlbt. fin tho hack of thlH record Is "The Irish Have n Great Day Tonight," also recorded by Victor, an sung by Scott Welsh with "Free Trade and a Misty Moon," sung by Greek Uvans. on the reverse. Thero are also gems from the musical play by the Victor l,K,t Opera Company. These were manufactured under the direction of the composer. A word or two more about the Irish and their music Pome of this Is derivative Samples of It are thn American Quartet's recording of "Because You'ro Irish" and George MocFarlane's singing of "What an Irishman Means by 'Machree.'" Both are Ictor-made Columbia has. among other Celtic things. "You Don't Hnvo to Come I-rom Ireland to bo Irish." as sung by the' Im?01",-,1,!- J 'rnne. with tho popular Huckleberry Finn" on the reverse, and "Mavourneen Rnamln' " lo O'Neill's muilcal setting nntl sung by Charles Harrison, tenor Tom Knnls. always an Interesting artist, Is responsible for another Victor disc, "Irish Melodies" and "Irish Jigs" In both, on the same record, the union pipes, or Irlth bagpipe, figures Some well-known tunes aro recorded. Including the undying "Last Hose of Summer " SEE THEM BAKED In a Chestnut Street Window and Eat a Few Free Samples Ul HEAlTrH BISCUITS minute- Anvthlnw ! ....... . k your health Is werlli heeding, and . urn poim iniai or rerrnU we makfl n lientih hi.tiit i.. t ...h....... as well aa prevent) constipation. Contain No Medicine TllA ffirintlla un- ...!..... .. (killed utonmch uprruillst and doc ' ! ?"d n"r, are prMerlblng them lu all catet evn chronic RELIEVE CONSTIPATION patlon ulthout the ue of dmn . -. u'7 rp no popular the fast ... fi cuS UUt Come in for Samples at tiik riitK roon snotv 1024 Chestnut Street ' S0'?"t ." i1 '"eery .torn, .- - . iit, or uirect Irom Dr. Yon's Health Biscuit Co. -4i8.zu WAHKBT ST. p.. m.-M. . . . r H H1LADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917 QUAKERTOWN BOOSTEKs Mr.. ("harlr! Miiplhnuscr, costumed ns the fioddess of Liberty, will unfurl I ho laro new fln that will lie part of the "IJoo.stci; Day" cele bration organized by the Hoard of Trade for Quakcrtown, I'a this afternoon. Tho other photograph is of Richaul HilleKass, one of the most active members of tho general committee. QUAKERTOWN CROWDED FOR BIG CELEBRATION Thousands Visit "Hub of North Pcnn" for Rooster Day Pa rades and Flag Raising Ql'AKnilTnW.N. pa. June .in With thousands nf visitors here to par ticipate In Uooslcr Hay festivities and to witness the big parade this afternoon, Qtiakertovvn'H recently adopted slogan, "Hub of the North Pcnn," became no Idle honst. The parade of motorcycles and autos, Cftfi In number, moved thirty minutes prior to the main parade. In which there were 301ft persons. Features of the parade were 12K floats, many lodges. Including Moose lodges., with Moose bands, from Allentown. Rethle hem nntl Kellerivllle ; 1 100 fcclmol children and many other features. At 0-30 this evening a in-by-18-foot flag will bo unfurled nt the Heading nallw ay lawn by Mrs. riinrles Muchlhauscr, cos tumed us the Goddess of Liberty. The home guaitK Sons of Veterans nntl school children will participate in tho exercises Judge William C. ltynn and Harry Orlni will dellvtr addresses. Jonas S. Hnrley will prc.tltle. Hand concerts will follow. The entlro affair was Inaugurated by the Hoard of Trade, which labored In con junction with a general committee to make the event a success. Worm Imperils Uig Cabbage Crop Mi:iK'IIAVr'lLLn. . J, June 30 One of the largest cabbage crops ever planted In this section is In danger of destruction from the cabbage worm because of the scarcity and cost of arsenate of lead and parls green, which are the best agents for killing the pest, llntlro fields are being destroyed and some of the formers have plowed tho Melds over with the Intention of planting lato com. The Tc "Speed up !" is the slogan of the day. Everywhere the wheels of business are beine accelerated; and in this giant war activity the tele phone is playing a greater part than ever before. This is no time for frills; neither is it a time for overlooking that essential to satisfactory telephqne service courtesy. Everyone responds to courtesy, face to face or "telephone to telephone." It is the one great reflector of personality that commands and holds the attention of the busiest men. ' , enialityr-a Peasant, "smiling" voice over The Belt Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania K - SUBMARINES SINK 4 BRITISH VESSELS Haverford, Philadelphia Liverpool Liner and Three Others Lost FRENCH LOSSES SMALL BOSTON. June 30. The torpedoing and sinking of four large Hrltlsh cargo carry Ing steamships was nnnounced In advices lo local Insurance ofTlces yesterday The steamship wero the Ultonla, of the Cunard Line, 6593 tons; Haverford, of the American Line. 71D3 tons; Buffalo, Wilson liner ZG83 tons, and the Manistee, another Cunnrd vessel. N'e details of the losses wero given nnd no mention was made of the fate of the, crews. The flttrilrt and Manistee, It was said, were bimn I with cargoes of grain and other food supplies from New York for English ports, and the Huffalo wan returning from Hull for New York The Haverford has been engaged In the erpool set v lie. hut there was no Information at hand to show where uhe was bound when torpedoed Till: HAfll'i:. June 30 It Is reported 'hat the Herman steamship Wcstfalen, bound from Rotterdam to Copenhagen, struck a mine near TerscheWlng. outside HuMi territorial woter, and sank The account" state that thirteen inembera of the orcu vvip rescued by Hutch tprpedoboats. PAIHS, June 30 Two French merchant-mt-n (if more than 1C00 tons and three of le-.s tli. i n that slr.e weie sunk by subma rines or mines In the week ending June 24 according to the weekly announcement Is. sued here In that time there were 108S n at French ports and 960 sailings. The nfllclal report reads- Merchantmen entering l'rench ports luring the week ended June 24, 1088; cleared, !)C9. Merchantmen of lfiOO tons or more sunk bv Mibmnrlncs or mines, 2 : of less than I non ton, 3 Merchantmen attacked by submarines without success, 3. tine fishing boat was sunk during the week ended Juno 20. A French steamship between France and Algeria was P.rcd upon by a subma rine without result A French steamship June 23 fired upon a submarine which had sunk a vessel within sight of the Spanish coast On the nme day a subma. rlne flrod two torpedoes against a French steamship coming from the Medlterra nean. which avoided them by maneuver ing The steamship Haverford was well known In Philadelphia She made regular trips be tween this port and Liverpool until the out break of the war, when she was taken over by tho Hrltlsh Government. In June of last ear the Haverford. then In freight service, took .in cargo here That was the steamship's last call at this port The Haverford was a sister ship of the Merlon, which was sunk In the Dardanelles last year. LLOYD GEORGE DEFIES U-BOATS TO DO WORST Reserves of Munitions So Large, He Says, Submarines Can not Cripple Army DUNDKC, Scotland. June 30. "We now have such reserves of munitions thnt whatever tho German submarines do they cannot prevent our auccessful piosecu tlon of the war." declared Premier Lloyd George In a speech hero today. "Wo havo driven the great German army underground," ho continued," nnd that tnean.i the beginning of the. end. It means pounding a sense of Inferiority Into every pore of the German mind "Tho Prussians possess many virtue" excepting humility which Is now being taught them by a fierce, relentless Msh " Lloyd George wns given an enthusiastic welcomo by tho townspeople. Discussing economic conditions, he was cheered wlien ho said: "If necessary the Government will Itself pay the difference In the price of bread so as to bring It within compass of the bulk of the people." Falls Dead on Camden Street Benjamin W Davis, seventy-one vears old, of 832 Pearl street, fell dead today at Ninth and Market streets, Camden. Physi cians said that he had suffered an attack of apoplexy lephone Welcome DIPHTHERIA DEVELOPS IN A "NELLY'S ALLEY" Six Cases in Six Weeks, Two of Which Take Victims' Lives Have You a Nelly's Alley in Your Neighborhood? HAVE you a Nelly's Alley in your neighborhood? , , A Nelly's Alley means; A dirty street that the cleaner "forgot" A nnil that tho garbage collector didn't know about. If you have, notify the Evening Ledger. Steps will be taken to remedy tho evil and the contractors who neglect their duty will bo fined. Sl'x cases of diphtheria In six weka. two of them fatal, have developed In another Nelly's alley. A woman with eight Jlttle children re ported this condition, which exists in the neighborhood of Tulip and Drccr streets, a section of a Vnrp ward. One case Is now In the Municipal Hos pital and a woman and her two children have Just been discharged from that Insti tution. Since the first case developed Drccr street has been neither sprinkled nor swept. Last week an Inspector chanced to be In the neighborhood. Mrs. Mary Jordan, who notified the Hvenino Ledoeii of the city's neglect, sent word to him to Investigate con ditions himself. This he refused to do, but suld he would have the street cleaned. This morning, while the Kvenino Ledger representative wns Interviewing Mrs. Jor dan, a street-cleaning wagon drove up and shoveled up a great pile of dirt that has been accumulotlng for weeks. The cleaner scowled nt Mrs Jordan and told her that where he lived "the people did not keep the streets so dirty." "It Is to be hoped that collections are more frequent In your street," retorted Mrs. Jordan. The street had not been sprinkled before the dirt was removed. Mrs. Jordan explained that every' morning she and her neighbors throw buckets of water In the street to settle tho dust. "I have lived on this street since May 2B," she said, "and thl9 Is the first time that a street cleaner has been near the place." Letters from nil parts of town have heen sent to the Kvenino . Ledoer com plaining of filth and neglect In alleys and ureets. A dead cat of four days' vintage reposes In nn alley In tho rear of 930 Rodman str-et. Both tho garbage man and the street cleaner have spurned It, Doubtless because neither of them are "college grad uates." New Swedish Minister of Interior STOCKHOLM. June 30. a. F. von Sy dow. Minister of the Interior, has resigned Ho Is succeeded by Vnltcr Murray, Gov ernor of the Province o Westmanland. Be An armv urr Here is your opportunity to obtain a Commission without working up from the ranksand it is the last, for No Applications Can Be Considered After July 15. Apply now to insure that your application is com pleted on time. Men of good (not necessarily college) educa tion needed, between the ages of 21 and 44; men over 25 preferred. Previous Military Training Not Essential This-opportunity is of special importance to men subject to the present or future drafts. Why go as a private when you can qualify as a First Lieutenant, Captain or Major, nfh corresponding pay 7 If accepted, you will receive $100 a month for three months while training at Fort Ben jamin Harrison, Indiana. Next Camp Opens August 27 DecNow---ThJ8 Is the Last Call Apply before July 15 to your local committee or direct to . Miutary Tming Camps Association Colonnade Hotel Building . 15th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA BERLIN TRIES HARD TO APPEAR NORMAL Museums Open, Theatres and Concerts 'Galore and Race Meets Well Patronized 'COPENHAGEN. June 30. Berlin la making tragic efforts to keep up normal nppearanccs. Tho German museums' are kept open, though certain departments within them nro closed. Theatres and con certs continue as In peace time. Tho race meets are held as In pro-war days and are well patronized. , This Information was obtained from a traveler who arrived from Jennany today. The German are making especial ef forts to cultlvato the Turk. Lectures on Turkey are being delivered In tho schools at regular Intervals and booksellers an nounce a sudden and widespread demand for Turkish grammars. In ten or more Oerman schools twenty or thirty Turkish youths of about sixteen years of ago have, at tho instance of the Government, been ndmltted to Rtudy Gcr. man. The Government gave Instruction! that these youthful Turks are to be treated with the utmost consideration. In addition, a large number of Turkish youths have been taken In as apprentices, by German firms. The traveler. In tclllrfj of sights witnessed In Berlin, said: "I sometimes saw big vantoads of Moham. medans, decked out In their plcturesn,u costumes, Deing cirivcn inrougn me Berlin streets, like a caravan of Cook's tourists. They are Invariably taken to see the wooden statue of Von Hlndenburg, which thev usually believe la an Idol worshiped by the German people On the recent visit of a Turkish mission to Berlin the Turkish flag was flown over the Adlon Hotel ana a sentry was placed In front- of tho hotel as a mark of honor" LOCOMOBILE "SERIES TWO" A higher development of the Six Cylinder Model. Tandem Ignition and otherrefinementsproduce high power and.efficiency. THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY OF AMERICA 2314 Market Street icer USTigrgCTL u,i-J.a t ggj OF AMERICA Bjj fgg 2314 Market Street n i IfWPMMMMMJIM , . . - i If,; BBKB