Yj"p '- 4f rtwtMlfllMMi EV&tflNGr LEDOERPfilLiUJELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917 &1A NAVE CHE SFli)E3lAt IL SILURO E LA MflfA , W F vm Ingcgnere Itallano Discgna t' Un Piroscnfo Mercantile Che rson I'uo' Aitondnro RIBUTTATI ATTACGHI L'On. Nlttl rnrln dello Rclazlonl trn l'ltalia e In Orcein o Ncga il Conflitto ' , v ROMA. 2 amgno. i vL'Ing, Umberto PugUes, ufflclale del Cfcenlo navale, ha dlsegnato un nuovo tlpo . 41 nava mercantile per It trasporto dl mercl, nave cha non puo' nITondare. II progetto. Che qualche tempo fa fu prescntato al Mlnlstero delta Marina, o' stato nccettato, e l. rltleno che el proccdera' aublto alia eostruzlone dl questo nuovo tlpo dl nave non oltanto In Italia ma nncho net cantltrl In gtesl, francetl ed amcrlcanl. La Itlvlsta Marltttma. che net suo ultimo niimero at occupa dl questo nuovo tlpo dl nave, dice In un artlcolo che essa sposta 10.3Q0 tonnellate e puo' prendero a bordo tiri carlco dl B800 tonnellate. La navo ha Una doppla carena e to spazlo tra le due e nemplto dl carbone ed allro materlale In teso a proteggere la nave dallo scopplo del Hurl e delta mine. Iert eera II Mlnlstero della Uucrra pub bllcava II seguento rapporto del generate Cadorna circa la rltuazlone alia fronte Halo-austrlaca: Le operazlonl dl guerra alia fronte ItalO-austrlaca furono nella glornata dl ierl llmttate quasi escluslvamcnle nt I'azlone delle artlgllerle. Questa e' stata partlcolamente Intensa nella zona del Col Drlcon, at Passo dl Monte Croce, nella Carnla, ed est dl Oorlzla o nella ona del Dosso Faltl. Ierl eera un attacco del nemlco contro le nostra poslzlonl del Passo el'Agnello. zull'nltoplnno dl Aslago, da not recente- mente conqulstate, fu Immedlatamente resplnto dalle nostre truppe o dal fuoco delte nostre battcrle, II Mlnlstero della Marina ha annunctato ehe pella settlmana scorea termlnata II 24 eorrente un nolo plroscafo Itallano fu affondato dal sottomarlnl nemlcl. Nella stessa settlmana etitraronn nel portl Itallanl 881 navl e S36 ne usclrono. Telegramml da Amsterdam dlrouo rho nel Relchsrath fu dlscussa una mozlone del toclallsti chledente I'apertura dello trat tatlve dl pace, Uno del flrmatarll della mozlone dlchlaro' cho tuttt I iionoll lUtin monarchla erano unit! net deslderto della pace a che era tempo ormal cho II governo austrjaco rlvelasse le sue condlzlonl dl pace. La mozlone Inoltre nfferma II dlrlto del popolt dl decldere lo proprle sortl. II presi dents del Cons'gllo auetrlaco parlo' rontro la mozlone chledendo che I'alleanza con la Otrmanla fosse sostenuta ed affrrmando che II dlrltto dl concludere la pace spctta aU'lmperatore. L'PN. NITTI 13 LA GltECIA WASHINGTON. 29 Glugno. L'on. Fran eesco Saverlo Nlttl. membro della mlsslone lUllana agll Statl Unltl, ha smentlto ener gteamente le vocl secondo cut I governl d'ltalla e dl Qrecla si trovano In dlsaccordo. Egll ha dlchlarato Invece che VenlzetoB ju iu w-toii) esprimenciogit assoiuta (mucin nella polltlca del governo Itallano e denun clando le vocl dl dlsaccordo che sono sparse d arte da agentl tedeschl e germanoflll. L'on. Nlttl ha dctto che la presenza dl truppe Itallane netl'Albanla non signifies punto che l'ltalia cerca un protettorato eccluslvo su quella nuova nazlone. II go Terno Itallano Invece vuole per I'Albanla un governo autonomo garantlto dalle potenze dell'Intesa tale da non ledere gll Interessl Titall della Grccla. Kgll ha agglunto- "Una cosa e' ccrta ed e' che tra Italia Qrecla non vl e' alcun conflitto ne vl e la posslbllita' dl antlpatle tra le duo nazlonl. Koltanto pocht glornall greet, che iono stat' sj eono ostlll all'Intesa, hanno cercato 4.1 ereare un'atmosfera dt ostlllta' verso l'lta. lift. "L'avanzata (telle truppe Itallane nel lEptro aettentrlonale e speclalmente In Qlanana deva essere Interpretata sempllce mente come una mossa mllltara dl carattere affatto. temporaneo resa necensarla dalla ' attuazlone mllltara a dal plant dl guerra deglt alteatl dell'Intesa nel Dalcanl, perfet tamente come e' stato II caso dell'avanzate francese ed Inglese nella Tessaglta. "L'ltalia desldera dl vedere alia con etuslone della pace un'Albanla autonoma protetta dagll alleatt dell'Intesa. glacche' essa non desldera dl avcre cola' una pre domlnanzal escluslva "Nell'lstessa manlera qualslasl conltltto cho possa sorgere tra gll Interessl Italian! greet per quanto rlcuarda 1'Asla Mlnore -sara" rlsolto dalta cpnferenza Interna tionale che dovra' rlunlrsl alia fine della guerra curopca." "REPTILE" MATTER SEIZED Pamphlets Issued by German Foreign Office on Way to Pulp Mill LONDON. Juno 29. The prize court today condemned 1800 bags of "reptile press" matter sent out by the Intelligence department of the German Foreign Ofllce auid seized on three steamships. There Wera tnnnv fhnimntifYa ne nnmi.t. , various languages, Dutch, French, Arabic, Spanish, mainly denouncing: the British rule In India. Some of the stuff was In tended to reach even Bolivia, but It will arrive only at a pulp mill. I. W. "W. Secretary Must Work 85 Days DULUTir, Mlnru June 29 Arthur Thome, secretary of the Duluth local of the Industrial Worker of ttje World, was sentenced to eighty-five days at the work farm by Municipal Judge Smallwood. The trial of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. of New York, was on today. White Oxfords Master $ Made v .Made I f 5'!Ji?ksJ,nck X- Minutes Count! ISot on unlimited stock and titer are Belling fasti Good proof of the REMARKABLE Yaluea youll find THIS WEEK In our Huge Exhibition of Intensified Values Eyery pair, white, tan and black, on view for you to' take in your hands and examine, and at this special price you'll One hundred "Master-Made" style in White Buck, Mahog any. Koko Caf, Cordovan Calf. White Buck or Royal wmt Black Calf worth M fZ eyery cent of $7 to $8. if Our price now. . . rJl. . Come in today, but not later than Saturdaywhile every style here and in your size. They arte on exhibiting n,n MEN Basement Priv' RJm Car. Market & liih SU. t JHsURN.sHHHH 99 Hn Su '?i NAUTICAL SCHOOL WINS HIGH PRAISE ON BOURSE Members Well Satisfied With Pnssago of Measure for $60,000 Appropriation . , Prominent shipping and business' men on the floor of the Philadelphia Dourse are greeting with satisfaction the passage by the State Legislature of the $50,000 appro priation for a Nautical Training School. Many expressed commendation of the Lvenino LnuoEn for Its leadership In the campaign for the measure. Of peculiar satisfaction Is the Leglsla lures action to the Bourse and Its allied trade organliatlons, since It was at the request of the Bourse, mado In the form of """" auopiea Dy us Doara of direc tors, that the Joint committee on com merce and navigation of Councils gave a hearing on tho project of the school's re establishment, which crystallized tho acntl ment for such action. At this hearing, rap JMentallves of the Bourse. Board of Trade, Maritime Kxchanr anrf BhlnhiilMfn ..- panles showed the necessity for the school and Indicated the solidarity of the city's shipping and business Interests In Its favor. Bourse members say they aro certain Coun ells will Immediately appropriate the city's share of 126,000 for the school and that Its re-establlshmcnt will be pushed as speedily Leaves Tennis for Flying ToHrhVl. Y,OUK"' ,June 29 Gustavo K. h i. .tormJr ,ndoor tcnns champion, has left .New York for Canada, where he ACQUIRE SHORE TRACT TO TRY OUT SEAPLANES Flying Machines for Use in Franco to Rccelvo Tests at Atlantic City ATLANTIC C1TV, June 29 Seaplanes to be sent abroad with American battle ships to Join the destroyer flotillas In war fare against German submarines are to be assembled In Atlantle City and tried out over the ocean by some of the mechan icians who will use them In action, ac cording to plans announced hero. A large section of land owned by the Pennsylvania Itallroml at Maine and Cas pian acnues, and formerly used as a base ball park and a showground for Wild West shows lias been taken over by the Curtlss Aeroplane and Motor Company. Work already has been started upon a building of brick and frame construction, 100 feet long and 200 feet wide, which Is to cost $20,000. n will contain workshops on cacn side and a large assembling room In the center. The location of the plant Is particularly adaptable because It Is not more than 250 feet from tho Inlet, with open ground Intervening, liven In the roughest weather tho Inlet Is seldom too rough for the launching of Bca flyers. It la the understanding hero the re mainder of tho land acquired Is to be used as a training ground for a corps of twenty flyers. READING NURSE SENDS MESSAGE TOM BRITAIN Red Cross Unit Member Writes of Experiences in England. Now on War Duty . Farmer a Suicide by Hanging DOVUlt, Pel , June 2 tl. Charles Abbott, aged fifty years, a farmer of Wyoming. Del , was found banging from a rafter In the grannary on tils farm. He had been dead for several hours. ItllADINO, Pa Juno 29. Mrs. Alfred S. Albright, of this city, Is In receipt of a letter from her daughter, Miss Carrlo Albright, which gives many Interesting accounts of her experiences In Ilngland. Miss Albright, who Is a graduate of tho Gcrmatitown Hospital, Philadelphia, enlisted with tho Hed Cross Unit, No 10, whicli Is now engaged In lted Cross work "nomewhero In France." Tho message was dated Juno 0, from London. The letter says: In London we were met by Mrs. Page, wife of tho American Ambassador, and Colonel llrodley, of tho American forces. Wo are leaving London for France. We do not know our destination and will not be able lo make our station known when we do arrive. This Is done for safety, and our lettern aro all received throush the British War Office. General Pershing and lily staff stopped at a hotel only a block away from where wo were located In London. As I am writing this letter I can't stop thinking of tho wounded soldiers I met In tho hospital here. Other Heading nurses with tho unit nre Misses riorence Ilurkcy, former anesthetist at tho Heading IIoKpltal ; Ilva Gerhard and llmlly Holmes. PICKETS DENOUNCED BY MORE SUFFRAGISTS Voto Seekers In Threo States Deploro Actions of Militants nt Whit House ST, ALBANS, VL. Juno 29. Tho Ver mont Equal SufTrago Association, at the alnalni eaiilnd rt Ita Annt'fintlfin nflftfltPfl resolutions deploring tho militant activities of tho suffragettes In establishing picket lines near tho White House nt Washington. ItOMH. N. Y . Juno 20. At a convention of the Third Oneida County District of tho Woman Suffrage party here the action of tho White House pickets at Washington was condemned by a rising vote. MINNEAPOLIS, Juno 29. The Mlnne- nn Wnmnti tiiirfrnrrn A Beniln linn )ina Issued a statement denouncing the recent activities of pickets of the National Wom an's Party about the White House In Wash ington and declaring that these actions do not represent the sentiment of the National American Woman SufTrago Association. First War Bride in Ambulance Camp ALLENTOWN, Pa., June 29. The dis tinction of becoming the first war bride of a member of the United States Army Ambu lance Corps, In camp nt the fair grounds, will bo conferred upon Mlsi Helen 11. Clark son, of Washington, who Is to bo married on Saturday to Wnllnco P. Baker, known the country over ns a professional motor cycle racer, and who Is a member of the Washington unit. Ho expects to be ordered to Franco In a few days. The marriage license was taken out hero today. COTTON TRADING ritOHIDITED Board of Trade Forbids Purchases Ex cept Under License LONDON, Juna 29. The Board of Trade has Issued an order under the defense-of-the-realm act forbidding, except under li cense, nny purchase or sale of raw cotton. Tha Liverpool Cotton Association, at a meeting today, adopted Its new rules regu lating trading In futures, which hence forth Is to bo confined to buying by spin ners or Importers against sales of actual cotton. "Straddles" or speculative dealings are forbidden. Tho price of futures will bo advanced or reduced from time to time by the com mittee on tho basis of prices prevailing In tho southern States of tha United States for American futures and M Alexandria for Ugyptlan futures. SOLDIERS' NOMINEE BEATEN I Son of Lord Derby Overwhelmingly Elected in Liverpool Division Election LONDON, June 29. Tho result of the election In tho Liverpool division Is: Cap. tain Lord Stanley, coalition, 2224; Hughes, candidate of the Discharged Soldiers and Sailors' Federation, 794. Less than half of tho electors voted, Tho discovery that tho most of Hughes's nominators were naturalized Jews, who were associated with the So cialists In pence talk, killed any chance Hughes had to poll a considerable vote. The result wns n. foregone conclusion, ns the district Is mostly residential. ' Stanley Is n son of tho Secretary of War, Lord Derby. PERSHING'S MEN NAMED SAMMIES IN FRANCE Nickname Likely to Tnko Flaco Be- side Those of Tommies nnd Poilus WASHINGTON, Juna 29. denerat Pershing's fighting men In Franca have been nicknamed the Sammies Uncle Sam's Boys and the title bids fair to stick. It will take Its place alonslda of Tommies for the British, Poilus for tha French and Boches for tha Germans. In connection with temporary training behind the lines, tha Sammies will learn more than they have previously been taught as to comb nna grennao attacks, the new British bayonet system and similar develon. ments of modern warfare. Tha War Department still awaited today receipt of a full report on the arrival of th Pershing expedition. Thus far it had had only a preliminary report, which was with, held. Authorities here feel that arrival of the expedition will serve not' alona to hearten tho Allies, but that It wilt send a thrill through this country which .will spur re. crultlng and vitalize war preparations. Clubhouse at Carneys Point PENNSGnOVE, N. J., June 29. The du Pont clubhouse nt Carneys Point, which has been under construction f6r two months. Is nearly completed and plans are being formed for Hi opening. Tho organi zation of the club lm Jutt been complete! by tha election of these officers: President, A. F. Porter: first vice president, H. L. Miner; second vice president, A. B. Echols; treasurer. II. Shackleford; and secretary, J. B. Darlington. HijM Mlm ........ ... .. fr t-r f , TI f- .. .. .. T Tr . , , , t H M i, n n ri ' ' " " " t 1 " " " " "' ' "' ffH I! Ii "ii s D ii 1 IBI p , WBXm Charge Purchases will appear on July Bill Market and Tenth Streets, Philadelphia Charge Purchases will appear on July Bill Tomorrow The Earle Store's Monthly Bargain cfctmmncr Women's TT TJ m wnite Pumps Jewelry Children's Gold -Filled Bracelets; son Women's and Misses' Gold-Filled uraceiets $1.15 Gold Filled and Sterling Itlngs I9e Stiver - Plated Tea spoons, fancy deslgns.de i.Z5 rearl ueaa Neck laces One 75c Marmalade Jars class bottom. silver - plated top 30c Metal Girdles -stone set, 89c Main Floor JDM $1:95 The Greatest List of Real Bargains in Dependable Merchandise Ever Offered in a Special Event 259 real opportunities for money saving! 259 choice lots of seasonable merchandise, especially bought for this great monthly event and every lot is offered to you at a bona-fide saving. Each month our Economy Day has been growing in favor. Each month we have made new friends new patrons who have been most agreeably sur prised at the truly wonderful bargains that are offered on this day. Tomorrow (Saturday) we break all previous records for value-giving in these 259 specials. Read every one you will find it profitable. B0o SSe 39c $3, $3.50 and $4 Values Choice of white duck, white canvas, white poplins and white leather. Bren ton pumps, Revera pumps, Colonial pumps, Oxfords and strap effects MAIN FLOOR . .13c . 70n .S1.S0 .$!. . Corsets and Brassieres Muslin Brassieres, lace and emb. trimmed Corsets, worth to $1.25. Good fitting Corsets, worth tip to J5.00. at SECOND FLOOIt Women's Summer Dresses VaIIm prnA and liwno. In flsmrea and flowers... Torch and Street Dresses, voltes and lawns 9o Gingham and Votlo Summer Dresses; alt sizes. ...S3.95 Women's t Misses' Summer Dresses; worth to J10.S5.oo Beautiful Summer Dresses: values to $20.00, at . . .9.7R New Silk Taffeta Dresses . navy and black $10.00 SECOND FLOOR. Women's and Misses' Suits Cloth Suits for women and misses: special sz.oo Women's and misses' cloth suits; values to $29.60. S0.7S Silk and Cloth Suits ; worth to JJ1.00. at M4.SO Cloth and Bilk Suits: worth to $89.60, at S8.00 SECOND FLOOR Women's and Misses' Coats Long and Short Coats, for women and misses, at . S1.95 Cloth Coats, worth to $10.00, at sS.OO Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats: worth to $16, at SS.on Cloth and Silk Coats; worth to $29.76. at I9.7S Cloth Coats for women and misses. Values to $19.76, at $18.00 SECOND FLOOR Summer Furs White Iceland Fox Collars sl.OO Kitconey Open Animal Scarf; satin lined ss.oo lied Fox Animal Scarfs 5.00 Chiffon and Fancy Lined Capes with bandings of Kitconey, Fisher or Kolinsky $10.78 to $17.60 SECOND FLOOR Girls' and Children's Wear Girls' White Lingerie Dresses ; to 14 years.... Sample lot Girls' Middles and Skirts Girls' Colored Wash Dresses; ( to 14 years Children's Cloth Coats. Sizes 2 to 10 years Girls' White Lingerie Dresses, emb. trimmed.... Infants' & Children's White Lingerie Dresses & slips Children's Straw Hats, two-tone effects Children's Muslin Drawers, hemstitched and tucks,. Children's Muslin Petticoats ; $ to 14 years Waists and Middy Blouses Lingerie Waists; slightly soiled and mussed I Be $1 and $1.25 Lingerie Ulouses 700 Up to $K Silk Dlousea; beautiful styles 1.40 Middy Blouses; white and color trimmed; 2t to 48 80a Middy Blouses; smocked, belted and Norfolk style. . 70o SECOND FLOOR Wash and Silk Skirts Tub Skirts, white and stripes; worth to $!. 80a 70s 19o SOe So 79r .Il.tO BOo 89c 80 18a .$2.60 .$3.80 Wash Skirts; many materials: $1.50 values. New Silk Skirts; figured patterns; $5.95 values.. Black Silk Taffeta Skirts ; several styles SECOND FLOOR Neckwear E0e Embroidered Georgette Sailor niark rnllam ii.bo ustricn jreainer iiom; gray, wnite ana comb, $1.10 $1.00 Georgette Crepe Sets , soo 11. uo tjaun seis; rouna enecis aeep cuns ,, 60c Muslin Underwear Corset Covers: lace and embroidery trimmed,.,,.. 17 60a White Crepe Bloomers , , , sso Muslin Petticoats; embroidery trimmed flounces.. . ,3e Knvelope Chemise; lace and embroidery trimmed., I9e Gowns, Slips, Combinations, Chemise and Petticoats 78e 8111c Camisoles ; lacs trimmed tie Crap da China Envelope Chemise: pretty styles. .,11.69 Muslin Drawers; lace and embroidery trimmed.... 390 SECOND FLOOR Bamboo Furniture 225 Matting-Covered Shirtwaist Boxes .., $1.19 60 Bamboo Taboursttaa , tie THIRD FLOOR House Dresses and Aprons Fercale House Dresses; sizes 36 to 44 Kimono?, in aainty crepes; special iungaiow Aprons or percales & gingnams HISUUNU VIjUUH Men'8 Clothing Men's Tub Suits; a small lot. . .$3.65 Odd Summer Suits; Palm Beach and Panama Cloth $4.95 Shepherd plaid and Outinir Trousers $1.95 Mens and Young Mens Suits were $15 and $18 $11.95 hummer Trousers; stripes and p 1 n i n colors $1.45 lien's Work vTrousers; a 1 1 .sizes ...$1.39 MAIN FIXJOR SALE OF Tub Skirts More than GO styles for choice in new belt and pocket effects. All white and various striped effects. Hat Trimmings 79o Burnt Plumage Band; crown eueci, pinK, wnua or Black son 490 Flowers: roses, daisies, etc.. In pink, white . ,..CI"ora .':: ui loe $1.26 Pasted Feather Hats: white only 01c MAIN FLOOR Lace8 and Insertions 69o Swiss Flounclngs; "7 Inches wide; yard 19c Ciuny Edges and Insertions ; yard loo nnd lBc embroideries : various ulrlih. rrt 26o Mesh Veilings : black and brown io0 76c Chiffons a-nd Silk Nets ; short lengths sse MAIN FLOOR Boys' Clothing vynsnanie buns; 354 to 8 years Kg. ?v!r l8; ..to. .& !? l0 years.: :::,i.89 Women's and Children's Hosiery Women's 75c Fashioned Silk Hosiery S4e Women's 15c Black Cotton Stockings 3 pairs 23c Women's 26c Fibre or Lisle Hosiery ls0 Women's 30o Fibre Silk Hosiery iSc Children's 15c Fancy Top Socks; small sizes. pairs llo Children's Ribbed Cotton Hosiery; black and colors, lie Children s 25c Fancy Top Socks 3 pairs BOo MAIN FLOOR Men's Hosiery Men's 16c Cotton Socks 2 pairs 13e Men's 19o Cotton Socks; black and colors.. 2 pslrt 2Be Men's 20c Silk Plaited Socks 3 pairs BOe MAIN FLOOR Silks and Dress Goods $1 Sports Corduroys; 31 Inches wide; many colors. . flOo J.-7B. ,Niy,y and Midnight Blue Serges; 44 Ins. wide. $1.28 75c All Wool Cream Batiste. 30 Inches wide yard 40c -BJ),.wmo p,0.nea. 36 Inches wide; heavy yard. .$1.70 $1.50 Dress Slllts; 36 Inches wide; plain and fancies, $1.00 76c and 86c Dress Silks, many kinds yard soo $1 7S 41-Inch Crepe de Chines; all colors si.bo $2 and $2.50 White Serges and Gabardines. 54 inches SECOND FLOOR "-?5 ."" ,l5 Linens and Domestics Bleached Bed Sheets ; slight seconds Extra Sire Crochet Weave Bed Spreads 12 4ic Unbleached Shectlncr 12Uo to 15c Crash Toweling .DU N0ti01l8 (eo. Clark's ONT Cotton, black and white doz. sp...4io 15c Folding Skirt and Coat Hangers combined. . ..74e J0c Trouser Hangers; each go 10c pair Slipper Tree's . tor ill 10c doz. Snap Fasteners . n doi 2So 10c Real Hair Nets; siza 38x40 at........'. .6 for ! 15c card Pearl Buttons, 10c card 3 cards 2Bo 19c Diving Caps, good size lOo 15c Large Roll White Tape loo 5c card PearlButtons 4 Ja;d; JJ" MAIN FLOOR Silver-Plated Tableware Tablespoons, each , Medium Forks, each i Dessert Spoons, each ijr Dessert Forks, each ,S5 Cold Meat Forks ..'.'. 1, Gravy Ladles . : , ' J Medium Knives l Sliver Plated Frames ; cabinet size ...".' ,' .WW jf MAIN FLOOR Umbrellas Men's and Women's $1 Umbrella Womens $5 Fancy Striped Silk Umbrellas. ....... .12 ?2 MAIN FLOOR Knit Underwear , Mcnu11ToSnuCltguIa?tanadnedxtJra1.?2eSsUlt 15" FineVlhb4!' , s!-ta Unlon'suus? f .' lne Ribbed Llslo Vests: crochet yokes.... as. MAIN FLOOR Men's and Boys' Underwear vJJ. nc .nl?n Sults- Sllr's and Drawers. . .n Mens 50c Nainsook Shirts and Drawers ;S ?,er?thM:S'Jlli:::::: J m MAIN FLOOR "C toilet Articles Iooc MS pW," :. ,'RHR. !, , i. 25c Ammonia, wi' iYXZZ "erJl""e 3 can. 10c very strong nl CnA Tl. 11, &ic..ni. 'Ils-Mly'solied 36o Incomparable Pnm n.y.l He o atll.l.. li. j . vv 10-yard niece Lomrcloth 25c Bleached Pillow Cases: size 45x36 f X s t .M.MW X. X rPTL X X 1,0 X "V V JB 'X. N. Ti N. V X t E? x P. x .vo v , X " A X K. X r X X 4T X X fi X X X -. F jm - X ir x PI 4ZJ N X W X HaMi v nr j.fy v x a iK-rm x i $1 "X. W ,M 'X. v r- Jm "v X "NrO. X or flat X . B X X f io X X o!i X x . m x X J X x. v ,m x. X rf X X X ?.. X X"r x x t " Is X . X JT - xxfi: Ci. .x w a x X'-LX X X A X x rr J x chii V5 T X Xt-j.) 3e 12a 60 Woolen Mixture Suits; 2 pair pants. Washahle KnA Pant. ?li ,M & ..... x.i... r-L..-A- .---' -'? " . uiue ivnHKl i-ants; s to 16 years to 8 years iVitlJSH 'JrJUKV.!-' i H to. 8 years. . . . --r"-v.iuua MftDu ouusi irimmea , MAIN FLOOR ..$8.75 . . 3e . . 0c ..$1.30 ..$1.75 Handkerchiefs women's Colored Embroidered Initial Handker C,"efS MAiN FLOOR Furniture Golden Oak Chiffonier, with mirror to as Golden Oak Bureau, with oval mirror... TXo Fumed Oak Pedestals : M value .W. WW iS'sS Couches, golden oak frame, leatherette coverinrl " IS is Fumed Oak I tall Clocks: limptaa.V. WT7. . . . . ills Fumed Oak Sofa, arm chair and arm rocker. . . Wiigl.s Go den Oak Itall Racks; $24.75 vThTe.WV.f r'lKs Golden Oak Extension Tables JiS bk Feather Pillows; by tha pair............ .!. ' ill THIRD FLOOR B Linoleums Cork;Jr.'?ld "iNw Process; alt remnant lengths, . J.TT" -.. '".i....... ................ . ZHA 8!o 8e Runs and Mattinrm ?fl?ni?1 n 1i.ugs! !l '-S Pre"? designs... uruuais itugs ; neautlful patterns U, , M, 11. New Process; full rolls. I yards w'lde.'Va.'ydW'"' Genuine Inta!d; full rolls. 5 yards wide. soTyd ! TIURD FLOOR ...,... $7.98 $19.01 $4.48 $9.78 t. $3.98 S7e 19a 87e 9X12 Tapestry B Wool and Fiber J'orcn ugs: grass; slsa 64x90; JI.60 value... 9x11 Matting Ruga; brown and blue.....!.!! lapesiry iirusseis carpets; full rolls: yard....: nTi"";! waitings; Z7 inches wide; yard.... $1 Rubber Mats; size 11x30 .WW . THIRD FLOOR Trunks and Bags t Rhinnlnai TlatiM Keratol Travallr Vuwi'i4."i6";nd $1.50 1 Japanese Mattiiuj Suit Cases; fun slsa; brass $6.00 Trunk and Steamer Trunks'; j'o-lnch 'size: wiu.,,,1S terproof Wv.r.d....j... V..u 76c 1 Waterproof Shopping Bags n.v unci neruoi . is inert sues 76c $2.10 8K0 8 Ho $1.10 69o Heavy Mercerized Damask, yard ... .WWW S80 iuc iiemsiiicnea noisier 1. ases : 42 and 72 Inches. ss 3BC unbleached Sheeting. 72-Inch n i...v uiuuiiBi. dcu npreaas ..$1.03 i viu uianKeis pinK or Dlua borders $1.28 aixusu H.OOH Men's Furni8hinas Men's $4 Silk Shirts; all perfect; large $3.60 Slik'anii'Fibfo'shirts'; broken lines ij.411 Silk 4-ln-Hands; large open end Biitja 24o nuimncr i-in-tianns ; washa- V, S"u reverainie. . .lin Belts; black and tan. Not all sizes jg,. .Men's Hat8 Caps ; mostly piaias; 25c nnd 60c values. 19a straw Hats; sennits, s n 1 1 t s. toyos. site MAIN kFLOOR Women's Petticoats Wash Petticoats ginghams and percales 39c Sateen Petticoats all Colors ....69 Tub S11K petticoats: white and colors. .. .32.10 SECOND FLOOR Leather Goods chetta Leather Envelope Strap Books sport Silk Hand Bags; frame and drawstring z9o Draw String Silk Hand Bags. Se MAIN FLOOR Dress Forma tn"me 31:" DreM Forms- "-section, extends 34 ...?...'. .! till ,... uress "". ;aectlon. persey covered; .iffi Ribbons MJS?ffi.n5 arrnd'nchV. widi' IL' Grosgraln Mo.ra gvltifc 25c Peroxide rS5rr, '!KL' e 10c Wool Powder Puffs 1,S9 anlty Rouge, with woof puff MAIN FLOOR ,9c g Jtm.nPed Linens ii i"; oiampea Linen.-; ' t $1.75 Fancy L nens. 60c to $2.00 Cretonne Bags . .'.".', ' Curtaim, Upholsteries 3-Piece Cross Stripe Dutoh Curtain; 9c j.plece Scrim DutchTuTtalns !lo0Ai,0IsS"' 1 P&.'ftwn,A F""8e-lyard . " 16c t ancy Cretonnes yard ' THIRD FLOOR !?Sai'iS3!.-:::::: ffi . 23e ..80n 3Se to $1.80 . 9o .$,1.19 . 43o . 29e . 10a . lOe . 17e . 7o .13o SSe 8 size, gray vlth cover. . 2o 30o 130 2Se 2Bo BOn r-Anu Pn.. x KS S"5!D .maTlbTIYroT?' JOe Ml, ng Bowi K? K' '&-? & " vs?sla.r. ; complete hs;ri?.5?-S-. uw iJtiiu near., nardwond nn unn,,.,, 4s0 inS ?-Ia.ntJe.s : ,or Indirect lights for SSe 60..gns:eaal:r.T,:mblere- y" blanks.- mixed.0-' " tnl-s'tipr,ad; :;;;:;: 8: up 10 15 Lawn Mowers- ii -!..-. assorted tl as 76o Garden oo uaraen Kpade, D handle 76o Spading t'orks D handle 30o Fruit ni- v.-J.S" ii"'9 . ..,., "ASEMENT Infrt-ntof TTr .Infants' and OhiM,... J.! er .skirts "" "raw Dresses, iS,?ks. si,:u8ftjiiKt. 3 dozen 35a 8(0 80e Zlo and ste Sweatem X,ffi Vk1 i! & IBeri ; soiled 16.50 -25hyV Wool oVVlb'r'a'SwaKr- ' MAIN FLOOR KS rf BoW Furnishings 4$0Str.w Hats; . CoodMany shape.::'.: ' Framed Plc.tura UVcu,,,0 plctur"-"l. wm. and religious sub- $$.oo BepiV Tone Romin'Hn;; :..:,;;; $1,05 ..9S.VB ,..$1.03 tie lOo .880 ,.J0SSb&"';1"' Jpt0$i,os.rv,n,Trw'www:;:w::n Ste 10 IS SECOND FT.or?S'00 -00 11 Hair Goods 'hifr".8.':..8."'-;! wavy L60 TransfAV.'i;i"V . around the head r all MAIN FLOOR" (Do Go-Carts kyinibber eja ...1MB Wash Goods 12Uc tn Un Wash Goods mill' enas iu. 49o Ramie Suiting; 36 inches wlda; all col- 12 Bi'aVk ;,:;..!". inches wide yard... tits SECOND FLOOR ' " 2icksNU.r.".W Cha'r8; " U Croquet Bats '.tailsM ."ii ra RniUw tired wheeli uu 10 i2s.on -n.. L-oachea; slightly nopworn ; sev eral liyle fears, $18.00 SECOND FLOOR te ale VS$58F-ara. WJMMtsMisMi t , ., ,, ,. ,,-,,-., --rTI -,: ,.:-iJ: '. WfeV J' i (i