STRA7 PICTURES SCRAPPLE Hi. - -vfyT VA , - fa:$M! iteiiijer si fr' gMmB . MQm TCl-.Z..-. i2&Bm?Ai i - i n i w - -r I' M '' !?: The Young Lady Across the Way -n : ' 1 ' I ,1 i NELLY'S ALLEY CAN TAKE A MUCH-NEEDED LESSON IN CLEANLINESS FROM ITS NEIGHBOR ALLEY AT SEARS STREET BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH The young lady across the way says women have done their part in every great war, and the doubts if rapoieon would have won the Battle of Waterloo if It hadn't been for Joan of Arc A Prospective Mortgage "We deny ourselves much. I am savins to build a house." "Is your wife cheerful about It?" "Oh, yes. She thinks we're saving for an automobile." The Iamb. THF BABY'S FISHING POLE WOULD NEVER HAVE REACHED FAR lElSriir.II IF THE POWERFUL KATRINKA HADN'T RUN ACROSS THAT OLD BRICK-CARRIER'S HOD Hy FONTAINE FOX. (Copyright.) ivr ' . 'tlBrorfSsaIy'!'axvf-.v a , v ai' ' .. ' sc-vh-"'.' y& jJ "k '! i i- ''rf 'i,y ) wS23f'5Si' l: kv V v i . tf 1 ' i "?S'M i'.h . i-.:. ? ?TS - ,'.'?!.--'' iJxtW-i? xt ': :. . 'i.: 4 - O- ' i-. T.iry A . i ft i- t ,' THE PADDED CELL i Ai H ' I iJ' . . T DONATES PAINTING TO RED CROSS W. G. Kricghoff, Ledger Staff Artist, painted this Red Cross Nurse for the Independence Square Workrooms of iho Philadelphia Chapter of the Red Cross. The painting is being rallied, and the proceeds will go into Komfort Kits for the boys at the front. Photo by International Film fienloa THE EYES OF THE NAVY A naval observation balloon hovering over the fighting mast of the U. S. S. Oklahoma. p9wBnlHhfiGflliBfliHlBiiKj' rw' 'JE Hh $ & ' liliililililiiliiilliiHiHBflliHlliiiHnlJBitttttiiiilKtt -iiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiHliiiiiBiiiiil . 1 r ii I I I i I i ) LET YOUK MIRROR nftL ( ,r . 1 CrcaUvo Waste Ted Pity the rain spoiled the game today. Ned But you got a check, didn't you? Ted Yes, but to get oft I had to use the best excuse I ever had In my life. Judge. The, Whole Trouble &'?': g. wrsn' .ta-7 Mtt " -b ' Ay WO Ci-1 Melbourns Tunch. Private Bill (ex Jockey) Just sniff these 'ere sausages, sir. Officer Yes, they're on the turn al' right. Bill On the turn! Bllme, they 'arf way up the straight. Saving the Youngster "Oh, hubby, euch an Instructive lecture. The gentleman told ua that what you eat, you become." "Huh?" "What you eat, you become." "Take that all-day sucker away from Tommy." Courier-Journal. I Perhaps Fresh Why Is It that the leaves turn red in the autumn? Soph They're blushing to think how green they've been all summer. The Franklin. Very Peculiar ' London Opinion. QUITE A MYSTERY "I hear that you cough with more difficulty than you did yesterday." "That's odd, sir, because I've been practicing all night." War ' Ceuell's Sturay Journal. 3 Worker Can't understand Burns writing poetry on a Job like this I 'M SCHOOL DAYS l'faoto by Vndrooa 4 xn'.itrobou FRENCH AIR HEROES ON VISIT HERE INSTRUCT AMERICAN FLIERS i nrty of picked French .olBcsr is busily at work teaqhlnj; American' airrrten the secrets of war. At th extreme left of the group is Allan E. ii.v.v , -prident of tM M C&b, f AmricK. At, tb-jttj'CWJUn-1 clothes, UlUar. Admiral Br4Wy A. Fjske, U. S, N retired. All Uw r-iechma )wf Wb rtmniii for vilflr in toamWJT .Tutoit kvitors. 1U pnHy it useWtomranndf CpUU-Boyrhi,? Convenient Delivery , Customer Send up twenty-five '$m cents' worth of boiled ham. Butcher All right, sir. Anything else? Customer Yes. If v wife lsnt - at home, tell the boy to put it through the keyhole! Life. ! A Choice of Evils ' Th Piln Bhow. Angry Mariner Come on, you fooll Jump.) It's your lat chance. Superstitious SailorWhat' Nke tne thirteenth. In that boat? No A 1 . biooBSWWWrt i