Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 21, 1917, Sports Extra, Image 18

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Mirny Candidates for Great Chief
of Records and Junior Saga-
more Appointments
J i - . it !.. ..... rw.A-
ijii ureal uounc.1 tu inn jmpruvcu uiu
e Rod Men becan Its Blxty-elghth annual
C;lon It Altoonn, by conferring; the Vast
'Lit wtchem's degree on 147 member" in tno
jftv'f ,,rMn' llnmo with nrtlnir flrrnt HachcYn
Vr. C Ilewlck presiding. Great rro.ihot
W-muel It. Walker gave the obligation and
G, C. of It. Thomas JC Donnalley tho un
'wrltten work. Oil Tuesday ,tho liubllo ex
ercises opened with the "Star Spangled
Banner." r, S. Cyrus Stern, ns chairman,
after Pastor Roberts had made Invocation,
introduced Mayor Uhoados, who gavo a
whole-hearted address of welcome. It was
then announced through his physician that
Great Sachem John M. Coombo would bo
vnable to be present.
Acting Great Sachem Doctor Ileswlck
tnads response to the Mayor. Past Sachem
A. V, Dlvely, of Altoona, spoke on behalf
of the tribes of Ulalr County. Tast Great
Sachem Charles E. Tass made the response.
8. V. Hare, one of tho city attorneys, de
livered a wonderful address. Tho last
speaker was Great I'rophet Samuel It.
The report of tho permanent board was
presented by O. It of W. Joseph Karrar,
showing the amount In that fund to bo
. U5.825.8t, which was adopted.
P. O. S. R. E. Tonsuo presented tho re
port of the Judiciary commlttco, stating
that It had examined twcnty-tlirco full sets
of laws and seventy-threo i.eta of nmend-
merits with certain recommendations, which
was adopted.
P. G. S. William J. Kerns presented on
amendment providing for tho pensioning of
Any one who had served In tho position of
Great Chief of Records for twenty great
euns and had attained tho ago of seventy
treat suns, which wa ndopted.
Tho memorial service was held on Tues
day night and every trlblo was represented.
Pastor Roberts, of tho United Hrctliren
Church, mado tho Invocation, reading tho
Scriptures and a short sermon. Tho
memorial address by P. G. S. Charles II.
Pass, of Harrlsburg, was a gem of tho first
water, his refcrenco to tho sermon of tho
year and the two flags. Old Glory and tho
banner of the Naiarene being especially
effective. Tho audience led by Mrs. T. C.
Beowlck sang "Nearer My God to Thee."
On Wednesday tho report of tho orphans'
board was presented by P. G. S. Dr. W. R.
Bodgers, showing 311 orphans now bolng
eared .for at an average cost of (1.13
it , Representative Bell, No. 804, read two inters
C I requesting the Great Council to exempt trlhe.s
rum mo yoLyuirui ul vu '. iiii,.',.ii ockiiih
thslr country. Thin was not adopted.
The committee on returns and reports showed
a membership of 7s. .09. an Inrrene- of J370.
and wampum Invented by trlbca 11,7.3,-50.1,11.
P. O. S. John E. Poore, No. 358. road a reso
lution pledging the aupport of the Improved
Order of lied Men to the National Government.
On motion of Representative Fanla. No 43, the
Jesolutlon was adopted and a copy directed to be
warded to the rreetdent.
On Wednesday afternoon a splendid demon
stration was held.
On Thursday I. O. B. 'William II. Long
ffered a reeolutlon pledging the loyalty of
the Order to the American fins, which was
An amendment to the law prohibiting1 dual
file appolntmenti was offered. This Ilea over
until the next session.
The following committees made their reports,
which were adopted. Library committee, etate
f the. order, publicity committee.
The election board mado its report, showing
that the following brothers had been elected'
Great sachem, T C. Ileawlck. great senior saga
rnore, 8. Williams, Jr.. great Junior sagamore,
Charles B. Bell, great prophet, John M Coombo,
great representatives, Charles 1'.. Pass Charles
Schafer. Charlea T Davis, John i:. Poore.
A collection amounting to J7H was taken i.,
too Great Council for the Hed Cross of Altoona,
Bcranton was unanimously selected as the
naxi place ot meeting.
The following nominations were then made
Ounce of Prevention Worth a Bushel of Cure Varieties
and Costs of Sprayers Described How to Know
When Spraying Is Needed General Rules
The homo gardener will have to combat
the hosts of plant enemies. Thin Is the
time of year they make their first drive
or spring offensive. It Is better to deaf with
them as single spies than to wait till they
Come In battalions. Prevention Is better
.than cure, though the amateur must not
think that there Is no cure for tho swarms
of Insects that Infest certain plants nt cer
tain times. Advances of modern ngrlcul
turs have made possible short shrift for
plant pests through careful experiments
covering all varieties. There aro numerous
sprays and patent preparations on tho mar
ket All of them have special utility for
definite purposes, somo of them aro general
nough to servo a variety of purposes.
"Swarms" and "sprays ' all this sounds
discouraging, But very often n garden
will go through a season without any seri
ous attack; particularly If tho ounce of pre
vention Is applied to Insure bushels of
crops. It Is a good Idea to spray on gen
eral principles early In tho game, and thus
have remedial agencies all ready to con
front tho bugs that prey -n plants. Many
of them winter over In the egg form, and
whenlthe hatchings peep out on the big
rreen world their first nibble at the luxuri
ant foliage of tho plant they favor ends
their career by the poison, waiting to twist
their "tummies" Into knots. Not only Is the
Initial brood wiped out by foreliandiH
(praying, but propagation Is prevented. This
is exceedingly Important, as many kinds of
insects have three and four generations In a
season. When leaves curl or twist or turn
yellow or drop off or show minute holes,
her l warning that the pests have started
in their appointed mission to ruin crops
rld make home gardeners swear. Then Is
the high sign indicated for Immediate busl
nfess with the sprayer.
The little work necessary to keep garden
crops free from Insect and fungus ravages
is well worth the energy and time. It
sounds like a constant "drill." but It Is
really a matter of system and a watchful
Elaborate and expensive apparatus Is not
needed. Sprayers can be bought for as lit
tle as thirty-five cents. These are made of
tin and hold a quart. They should be good
for a whole season with decent treatment,
such as washing out the tank after each
Job of Bpraylng. Theje smnll hand spray
era come In brass at Tl oi- so for a quart.
nd can be bought for as largo quantities as
a gallon. Then there are automatic spray
ers holding from a gallon to threo gallons,
made of galvanized metal or brass, and
ranging In price from 6 to double that
rlce. according to capacity and material.
In these a plunger compresses the air In
the 'filled tank, and all that Is necessary Is to
aim the stream of spray. They can be used
lor trees of considerable height by the use
4 an extension pipe, wnicn is uouuni euu,
..All the parts are standardized In the various
V(RaUes of automatic sprayers. They can
Tfc operated by a single Individual. Also
there are special sprayers whicTi will hold
a larger quantity of liquid In a bucket to
.which the spraying device Is attached.
These require two to work them, one to
pump and the other to spray. Various ad
ditions and modifications are found on the
praying apparatus, such as barrel spray
, wheelbarrow sprayers and horse
, There are two general rules which if fol
iswed will make spraying effective.
t, i One Is to spray the under cide or tne
saves, for these are oiien me area at
ked. Eggs are laid there and hatch out
nd the leaves curl, so that ordinary spray.
1C I ineffectual If leaves are badly
ecirled, Jt Is a nood plan to clip them off and
tar take the curling as a sign that the under
Us the other leaves on the plant or tree
tU nrl for at once. The young tips
srr r .tvt -,rc : i.. ,wth a
mane wJi" ...-.
of attack)
stWMs M Astsa v a
--.... n f n ,!- t
,C. lUswtclc. No. 45.11 treat
8. W.llla'mt." Jr.. No 481) sreat senior
agamore, Charlea C. Hell, No, 804... .
wreat junior sasamore stanss, rvo, im uh-
etiee K'i "111 An.l.r- Mm '1 1 4 llntlenhSVer
No Bit Tro.efl, No 201, Mrqualte. No. Sntt
blvelr, Mo. S.I. Illewllt, No, Ml Kelmeth. No.
159, Gray, No. 400, Gentle. No, 239 1 llesketh,
No. 437, Parrlsh. No. 41!fli Pressler. No. nil
Chase. No. 4(7 UrIPIth No. 80; lleckman. No,
tlli Gross. No, '.'0(n Dougherty, No, 2801 Kin
ner. No. 1B7 Hchafer, No. 290. .. ...
Great chief of records McKee. No. 113 s
Fraser, No. 278, Twlford, No, 48i Poore. No,
Ms llodgers. No. 281j Holland. No. 48i Gamble.
No. 277, Hnyder. No. 207. Pass. So. oil Hmsley.
No. 72i Walker. No. 31. .. .,,
Great keeper of wampum Farrer, No. 144)
Davis, No. BSOi Wllllla, No. 74. . . ,
mate orphsns' board O'Neill, No. 83i Crlprs,
No 138i llaurenburg. No, 113i lMnan. No. .17,
Snyder, No. 23S: Fearton, No, .10- Prlre, No.
1 Nit Paul. No. 131. llelhel. No .lull; Halnemnn,
No. B3 Plnkerton, No. 7ni Karrlnston, No. 48i
llurlnett, No. Oil Kite. No. 44i Tarn. No, lllli
Mead. No. Mi Johnaon, No. 304 1 Hmaley, No,
72s Chlttlater, No, 441.
O. 8. P. Jatnra T. Tlosera. of Dlnshamton,
N. Y.. actinic aa irreat Incohonea, ralaod 'the
fnltowlnir sreat chiefs: Great sachem, T. C
Ilenwlrkl O. H. H.. H. William", Jr.. G. J. H.
Charles 15. Ilelli great' aannnn, ll'ober't 8,'llrownj
areai misninowa. 'i nomas it. .-iciee: u. i tui
l he v.. John t'elmcthi G. O. of the F., Charlea
G. Cllllla.
Great Bachem Ileawlck announced tha ap
pointment of tho following committees!
Finance Committee John H. Greenhalahi No,
31, John J. lloerr, No. 377, Charlea F. Wle
land, No. 32.
Koturna and Reports Jesso lleacock, No. 403i
Judah Levy, No. 124, lre,l O. Htrlne. No. 13.
Judiciary Committee William i:. Orirfltb, No.
SO: It M Mililgan, No. 12, Georgo W. Nlse,
No 3.13.
mate of the Order It. 11. Melnroy. No. 273:
Hdward Hlter. No. 835, Jesse Webster, No, 215,
Library Committee David llellmanNo, a.l.i,
Wlllard Btockton, No. 804. Cyrua Htarn. No. 850
.Mllengo Commllteollarry II. Jlelnhnrt, No.
343: William H. Kdwards, No. 151: Frank I.
Klllott, No. 301.
Publicity Committee James R. Plnkerton,
No. 7n, A. J. Pitman, No. 280; Charles W-g-man,
No. 310.
Hlstte llourd of Appeals George l Giles, No,
S3, I). II i:illnger, No 340.
Orphans' Hoard William II. llelhel, No. 300:
H. O. llurtnet, No. 01.
Seloeta Tribe, No. 303. meeting nt Cumbr.H
land Jiaii uermnnmwn Aonue and cumner.
land street, Inst Thursday night, ntithorlred
Its trunlr-s. William I, Peck, Iouls I I.ukft
and Philip Nenner, to purchase threo flisi
Liberty llonds. Members of Bolorta Trlbo nro
ex, mpted from dues whllo in tho aervtco of tho
United Hiates.
Wlllhim L Demmlck, ono of tho tribe's prom
inent members, will gle a short talk tonight
upon thn "Question of War from a Human)
Standpoint "
Mlquon Tribe, No 50. iiavo a ''Indies' night
and the program furnished by the entertain
ment commltteo Included moving pictures, romle
speaklmr and singing, Tho members of tho
trlbo, wives, children and friends were present
In good numbers. Past Great Sarhem Samuel
II. Wulknr mado Interesting rematks on tlm
order and other good things, Tho Indies upon
entering were presented with a souvenir if n
gold Amerlran flag pin. lea cream and cako
wcro served.
Other rrnternal News on ITecedlng Tnge
Clergyman in Cretan Wreck Not
Guilty of Acts Attributed
to Him
An article printed In these columns In
February. 1910, described the circumstances
of a collision off tho Virginia Capes be
tween tho steamships Dorothy and Cretan.
A subsequent article, giving tho substanco
of the reports mado to tho Bureau of Navi
gation on the accident, was published In
May, 1916. In this second article certain
references were mado to the conduct of a
clergyman, not named, who, It was alleged,
entered tho first lifeboat which was bolng
prepared to leave tho damaged Cretan, de
claring that tho ship was sinking nnd that
he must bo taken off with tho first boatload
transferred to the Dorothy.
Subicnuently. It having been rhown by
evidence that the Itev. A. Frank Houser, of
Cleveland, O., was tho only clergyman
nboard tho Cretan on the night of tho acci
dent, a further Investigation was mado by
agents of tho Kveninci Lecher, and from
tho additional facts gleaned It appears that
Doctor Houser did not actually get Into
tho first lifeboat to bo launched, nor did ho
inako tho statement attributed to him re
garding his desire to leave In tho first boat,
or that he believed the ship was sinking.
TET mo suggest that every one
--' who creates or cultivates a gar
den helps, and helps greatly, to solve
the problem of tho feeding of the
nations. President Wilson.
Bring your gardening problems to
the Evening Ledger for practical,
helpful solution. Address JOHN
There is timo yet to start a homo
garden. Spade the ground and start
this week. Beans (both lima and
string), onions, corn, beets, tomato
plants, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage
plants can bo put in.
Readers by sending this coupon to
tho National Emergency Food Gar
den Commission, 210 Maryland
Building, Washington, D. C, will re
primer on canning and drying vege
tables and fruits
Fill out tho space below and mail,
as this is n part of tho personal
service this paper aims to givo its
City State.
E. L.
sunny day so the solution will have time to
dry thoroughly on the foliage. The best
time Is between 10 a, m. nnd 4 p. m. It
must be repeated If there Is rain within two
or three hours of the operation.
As many Insects are found on plants In
more than one of their four stages of ex
istence egg, worm or cnterplllar (larva),
chrysalis (pupa) and perfect Insect (Imago)
It Is necessary to spray two or threo days
In succession to eliminate Individuals of
each gensratton. Neglect to do this explains
why spraying done thoroughly once some
times seems to be a failure.
Tho other rule Is to use a fine mtstllke
spray to keep on the stream till the plant
begins to drip, but no longer. This Is Im
portant for two reasons It Is more eco
nomical of the spraying material and the
entire surface of the lent Is covered with
the poison Instead of running off In large
drops. Also stand off a fair distance from
the objective of the spray so the fanlike
stream can encompass a larger segment of
the target.
Saturday's article will discuss the various
kinds of plant pests and give formula for
Onions and Cabbage
W. C. C When onions so to seed do not
cut off the follase. but simply bend over the
flower stalk. The onions can be left In the
ground for several -weeks to saln In size and
mellowness. They can be taken up from time
to time fdr table use through this period. The
summer onions should be used before the set In
of cold weather, aa they will not store well. It
la all right to plant mors seed now for the
winter crop. It Is not neoeeeary to stake
cabbage, but when It has started heading It la
advisable to hill up ths earth around the plant.
Formulas and Sprays
Porothy You will find lust what you want
In Saturday's article, which glvea formulas for
various poisonous and nonpolsonous sprays, and
bow the user of small quantities can roll them.
Succession Crops
tv W You can plant corn up till July 10,
mtvlnm n wa W Mini In fallAHT VAIl. . ..
1 follow the, early potatoes, phint turnips or
r celery. All theae. can .be) dried o stored for
wisurune. tiwari wortwismwM.H) a socj juaa
C vsatec BM to '
Oreat prophet,
. J- i ' . I
IN Memoriam
MVINOSTON In loving remembrance of ED
MIJND W. I.IVINOSTO.V, who fell asleep Tn
Jesus June 21, 1018. . , , ,.. ,. .
Sleep on, beloved) sleep on. and take lh rest.
We love thee welli but Jesus loves thee best.
1'OnTEIl. In tovlns remembrance of mMher.
At.iHZtTTr. June 20. KnANXES ALBI.
Z1TT . .Hun-ral private.
Al.Ilir4(lrill. " juiiq i". i,..,.,,. 1.,, .,.
friaries K Aldlnger and daughter of late Wll
llam "d fcllxabeth Oaiikel. aged . ltelatlve.
"m"fr"ends also Tcettjr Jones Women's llellef.
.. . .. ,.- Va fc I'man,,.! f Tr Main.
ISO. lit, anil Ui " '. ..,.-... .,....-
day Hcliool. Invited to funeral, Bat.. 2 P. m..
residence of husband. 4l'i3 fmlck st. Jtanayunk.
Services iri limatiuel M i:. Church 3 n. m.
Int Leverlnnton I em Friends may call Frl. eve.
ATKINl!. Junn i!0. MAY vrlifow of James
II Atkins, formerly of Downlnstown, l'a. Due
notice of funeral.
UAMltlTT At I'oct neadlnir, N J. June
20. UWIIKKvi: J . Jiusband of Katharine T.
Iiarrett (nee Cummlskey). Duo noti of funeral
will li slcn from 61U1 N 15lh st . l'hlladelphla
lunny. June in. rahah h.. ' ?
reptlon Church 'D:3U a. m. Int. New Cathedral
nr.NNETT. June 20, JOHN, husband of
Mary Ilennett (nee 0'IUnton) and father of
hev. M. A. Ilennett. Holamcs and friends,
societies of which he was a member, Invited to
funeral. Sat , 8 30 a. m., H. W. ror. of 17th st.
and I.ehlah ave Solemn requiem mass t hurrli
of Our I-ndy of Mercy 10 n. m. Int. Holy
Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral.
TiOWEN At Oakmont. In . Juno 18. KLOIt
ENCE A lllllCHALL. wife of Asa Horner
llowen Ilelatlves and friends Invited to funeral
services. Thurs . 2 p. m . residence cif W llllnm
T J. Purnell. l'almyra. N J, Int. private. Mor
gan Cem. AnlnmoWln at Palmyra will meet
train leaving l'hlladelphla at 1.20 p. m.
IIHACKEN. June 1R. lH.LA C. into Noone).
wife of James A llracken. llslatltes nnd friends
Invited to attend funeral, Trl , n n. m.. .liw
Sydney st , Mt. Airy. Solemn requiem mass
Holy Croes Churcn 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral
CTllUTTINniIAM. June 10. JIJI.T tirtlT
TINtlllAM (neo Walker) widow f rrleston
Ilrlttlnahsm. aged 2 Ilelatlves nnd rrlends In
vited to funeral services, l'rl. 1:30 p m. sons
residence. Nnlr-an'et Brlttlnaham 1.123 Tasker
nt. Int private rrlends may call Thurs.. 8 to
10 p m. Auto funeral.
nttt'NNEH .tune 19. MAHY. wife of Clement
V. Urunner. ared 40. relatives and friends In
lted to funornl services, Krl., 2 P. m.. resj.
denre of B'in lll-liw. Vl-tor 1) llerg , 4460 N.
17lh st. NIC-town Int. rrlvato. NorthwooJ
Cem Ilrmaine may be Mowed Thurs ove.
Auto funeral ......
Hltf K. Suddenly. In Phnenlxvllle. Pa June
10, IIOHEIIT J IIUCK OKed 72. Kunerol serv
ices will bn held at lit l lalo residence, 244 2d
nve . phoenlxvlllo. Thurs 4 pm. Int nt
Iirldgeton, N J on arrival of train lca!nK
Phlla at noon Kindly omit flowers.
1IUSIIV June 2" MATTHEW, husbtnd of
Harriet llusby tnee Oarth). Itelitlves and
friends, also various nrgnnlrntlons of which ho
was n member, Incited to funeral services. Hat,
2 30 p. m., nt bis brother's residence, William
llusbv, lu Krams ae., Mnnajunk Int I.ev
erlnston Cem. l'rlends may cnll Prl 7 to 0
r" lillTf.nn. June IB, EI.MEH n , son of Joseph
W and late Martha Itutler. need 21. IletntUes
and friends, members of llelmont Ilnptlst
f'hurch. Imlted to funeral services l'rl.. 2 n in,
residence of Bister. Mrs John Kelly, 1211 West
minster ao. Int Montroso fern Trl, nda may
call Thurs. 8 to 0 p. m Auto funeral
CAIN. iune 18 TIIOMAH C. son nf late
Thomas nnd Honorn Cain. Ilelatlves and friends,
Court Sclnivlklll No. lo. I" of A. rratrrnal
Order of Eagles. No 42. Invited to funeral,
Krl. 8 30 a. m. 212H Chrry st Solemn high
mass ot Cathedral 10 u. m. Int. Holy Cross
Cem. Auto funeral.
CATtTEit In Norrlstown. June If). Wit..
MAM I. CAHTEIl husband of Sarah E Carter.
Ilelatlves and frl-nds Montgomery I.odge, I. o
O r Minnie Knunee l.odg. I. O It M ; Clen
eral Orant I'numll, No. h'J. Jr O t'. A M. .
Westminster lllble Class, and all othor organlzi
tlons of which ho wns a member InUted to
funeral flat . 2 p m . State Hospital Norrls
tnnn Pa Remains may tw lewed Sit . nfler
12 nonn. chinel of Slats Hospital. Int. prUite
VauiM'TIIEHS June 18. auddenlv. nt .Mln-
eola Aviation School. Long Island, N. Y . Ser
tles nnd friends arn Invited to services, rrl..
11 a. m . residence foth, r-ln-lnw. Julius Vetter
leln. Merlon ave . Merlnn. Pn Int. private Con
veyances n HI lio In walling at Merlon Stntlon to
meet train leaving Proad St Rtn 10 l."i a m
I'lHl.TON June 18. HAltllH JONES CHtt.
TON. eon or lite Robert P. and Martha J Chil
ton Relatives and friends invited to services,
3li:t3 Locust st Thurs 10'30 a. m. Int pri
vate Hnltlmore
CLARK. Juno 10 I.YDIA, daughter of latn
Clement A and Lvdla S. Clark. Relatives and
friends Invited to services, rrl , 1 3D p. m , 2133
N 12th st Int private
CLARK June 20. Cnptaln OEOIIOE W.. son
of l.itevllchnel W. nnd Miry Clark Relntlles
nnd friends. Orcble post. No. 10, O A It., sur
vivors of 22d and ln)th ReKts . Penna. Vol .
Wllllnm Minn Co. Relief Asso.- Journeymen
Itookbmdrs' Friendly Society, Local irnlon No
101. J II. of P.. Invited to funeral services.
Sat , 2 p m . residence of Jacob Heck. 432U
Osage ave. (44th below Pine) Krlends mty call
Frl . 8 to 10 p. m Int. West Laurel Hill Cem
DAVIE Suddenly. Juno 20. SADIE, daughter
nf Sarah nnd late Robert Davie. Relatives nnd
friends Invited to funeral. Mnn . 2 p m . resi
dence of mother, 317 N 22d st Int Mt MorUh
Cem Remains may be viewed Sun , 7 to 0
"'DIIMPHY June 10. JOSEril A . husband nf
Margaret Dumphy fneo Regan) nnd son of lata
Thomas and Ellen Dumphy. nged 31. tllelatlves
and friends invited to funeral. Sat . 8 3(1 a m..
r04B Charles st , Frankfort High mass St.
Joachim's Church 10 a m Int. New Cathedral
Cem Autn funeral.
aired f,4 Relatives and friends, membcrn of
Hohenstaufen Ileneflclsl Society, emploves of
Baldwin's Locomotive Works, invited to funeral
services. Sat ,2pm, residence of sister, Mrs.
Charlea Eberle. ft&4 N Pennock st Int prlvnte,
Northwood Cem. Remains may bo viewed Krl..
7 to I) p m
EDMONDS. Suddenly. In Orange. Conn ,
June 18. CAROLINE 51 EDMONDS, widow of
William M. Edmonds, aged 7(1. Tuneral serv
ices, will be held at her lata residence, on
tho Race Brook ii , Orange, Conn., Thurs., June
21. at 2 30 p m.
GUSON, nged f,8. Relatlvea and friends. Loyal
Falih I.ode, No. 0715. I. (). O. K.. M. IT. Stone
men's Fellowship. Caledonia Club. Phlia , and
emploves of Fovvers-Welghtman-Rosengarten
Co Invited to funeral, rrl.. 2 p. m 3424 Sun
mslde nve., rails of Scnuslklll. Int. Wert
Laurel Hill Cem.
FISHER Suddenly, June 10, RAYMOND A..
son of Lillian A and late John J. risher. Rela
tlvea and friends Invited to services. Frl . 2
?m , residence M14 Viola st InU private,
'rlends may call Thurs . 7 to 9 p m.
FIT70EnALD June 20. ANNA E., wife of
Thomas F. Fitzgerald and dnughter of Mary
and late William P Conner, nged 2fl. Relatlvea
and friends Invited to funeral, Mon . 8 30 a m.,
2124 S. Rosewood st. Solemn requiem mass St.
Monica's Church 10 a m Int Holy Cross Cem
FLACK. June 10 MAROARET II.. widow of
John W. Flack, aged SO. Relatlvea and friends
Invited to funeral services. Frl.. 2 p. m., son's
residence. E. L. Flack. Woodland rd., Ablngton,
ra Tnt nrlvnte Neshamlnv Cvm.
FLEMING. June HI. EL1.LN. wife of
Thomas M Fleming and daughur of late Peter
and Hose Plley ReUtlvcs und friends Invited
to funeral, Sat. 8 30 H. m 422S Pennsfjrnve
st solemn r'uulem mass at I'hurch of Our
Mother of Sorrows, 111 n m Int. Cathedral Cem
FUASS1KH. June 10. WILLIAM C, husband
of Elizabeth Frazler and son of late William
It. and Anna FrazUr, aged M. Relatives and
friends, lonlo Council, No. 110, It. A.; Car
penters Union, No. 8, Invited to funeral serv
ices, residence ot son, William It. Frat.er, 2001
N. Cleve'and ave , Frl., 3 p. m In North
wod Cem Friends may call Thurt . S t 0 p. m,
QAl.LOP June. 18, MAROARET. wl'e of Ed
ward Gallop aged 30. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral, Sat , 7 3(1 a. m., residence of
her uncle, Andrew J McAnany, 2(fl Montrose
st. Mass at Church of St. Philip Nerl 0 a. m.
Int. Holv Cross Cem.
OARV'IN. Juno 20, WILLIAM, husband of
Susanna Henry Garvli, son ot lata William and
Susanna Garvin, aged 71 Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral services. Sat . It a
m , apartments ot Kirk & Nice. 0301 Oermnn
town ave , Germantown Int. private. Remains
msv be viewed Frl . 8 to 10 p. m.
Kirn), wife of William Gauger. aged e.l Rela
tlvea and friends Invited to funeral services.
Sat. 2 p. m . 103 E. York st. Int, private.
North Cedar 11111 Cem. Auto funeral.
GLAZE Suddenly, June 20 FHEDEr.ICK G
Jr . son ot Frederick Q. and Mario 11 Glaze
,T1BS Uttl, iui I, Bliu ,, ll.i.lt.,. aim (itcniiB,
members ot Alexis Yearly Hen. Asso., Invited
to funeral. Sat . 7 a. m. parents' residence.
2017 Federal st . Camden, N. J. Requiem mass
St. Joseph's Church w a. m Int Calvary Cem,
nnimn.s'. June in. Margaret, wife of
John Gordon (nee Lynch), aged 33. Relatives
and friends Jnvlted to funeral services, bat . 1'
p. m . 1408 E Oxford st. Int. private. North
Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may bo viewed Frl..
after 8pm
GORDON June SO, WILLIAM F . son of
Thomate and Catharine Gordon. Relatives and
friends. Holy Name and Rosary Societies of St,
Vincent's Church, Invited lo funeral, Sat , 7.30
a m.. 0727 Knox St.. Otn. Solemn requiem mass
St. Vincent's Church u a. m. Int. private.
aOKHELL. Suddenly. June 10. LAWRENCE
J., son ot lata Robert and Alice Gorrell and
brother cf the Rev. William J. Gorrell. C. M.
Relatlvea and friends, also Ds Soto Council. No
813. K. of C. . Epiphany T. A. H. Society and
employes of N. Hnellenburg- ft Co.. Invited to
funeral. Sat., 6:30 a. m. 1037 Jackson st.
Solemn high requiem mass Epiphany Church
10 a. m. Int. St. Denis's Cem. Omit flowers.
Auto funeral.
GRAY. June 20 100 Elmwood ave., Nar
berth, Pa.. GUYON W. GRAY. Notice ot fu
neral will be given.
H ANNA June 18. FLORENCH E,. wife ot
Hugh W, Hanna (nee Dannels), aged 23. Rela.
lives and friends Invited to funeral services,
Frl., 2 p. r& at the residence ot her father-in-law.
Dr. Hugh Hanna. 2813 Diamond st. Int.
HAZZAnD. June 10. CHARLES, husband of
Elizabeth (nee Knollj. and son of Thomas D.
and late Lavlnda Hazzard. aged 40. Relatives
and friends. General D, II. lilrney Camp, No,
13, 8. of v.. Invited to funeral services. Sat.,
3 p. m., 2033 N. 5th at. Int. private. Oreen.
mount Cem, Remains may be viewed Frl., 7 to
0 pm.
1IEFERN June IS. JOSEPHINE, widow ef
Thomas Hefern and daughter of late William
and Mary McDowell. Relatives and friends,
James E. Hyatt Council. No. 127. 8. and D. of
L.. Invited to funeral, Frl., 2 p. m.. 43S4 Silver
wood st.. Manayunk. Int. Leyerlngton Cem..
Itoxboroiich. Remains may be viewed Thurs.,
8 to 10 p. m. Auto funeral.
HEI.MUOLD June 16, suddenly, HORACE
T. HEUinoLD, husband ot Kate K. Freeman
and son of late Frederick and Esther L. Helm
bold. Private funeral and Int. In Woodlands
Cem. June 20,
HERIUOTT June 20. L1NNIE, daughter of
Thomas and late Eliza Ilerrlott Relatives and
xrienas inviiea to runerai services. uai., ? p. m..
4BI7 Hazel ava . West Phlla. Int nrtvale
HERITAGE June 20. IDA M.. wife of Alfred
It Heritage asd daughter of Louisa K. and
late John J. Kstterer. aged 3. Ilelatlves and
rrienas invitea to runerai. oat,.
'SO n. m
ilA r.lAn rnii th... Aea.m, ,t Ta.rUI?
ia x-ioii ruan A
FhlU. Int. Wll
.k.. i.,...r. ' .T ..: 'n :" z.
.1" """"" '.-rr,ai . vsay -A"s?i-siiiim
'Tk . mMMf&wms&vz :Riiz?zr&2z
IIONIG June II). SARAH (nee Slack), wife
of Frank Ifonlg, aged 62. Relatlvea and friends
invlled to funeral services. Sat., 2. P. m.. 421S
Wallace st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Auto funeral,
HUGHES. Suddenly. June 10. WILLIAM It.,
husband nf Adj L. Hughes Relatives and
friends. Totem Ide. No. 10(10, I. o. O. ..
and St, Luke's M. K. Church Men's Rlble C sss
Invllrd to funeral. Sat.. 3 p. m . 2221 S. Juniper
el. Int. Fernwood Cem. Auto service.
HUGHES .Iune 10, WILLIAM J . husband of
Iste Isabella Hughes and son of late Joseph nnd
Kllzalieth Hughes, formerly of Centralla, Pa
Relatives and friends Jnvlted to funeral. Sat..
8 30 a. m . residence nf brother-in-law, hdward
llrandon. 0700 Tulip St., Tacony Requiem high
mnss St. I,co'a Chutch 10 a. m. Int. St. Doml-
nlj".Nl'im-June 20, WILLIAM E . husband of
Ilerthn It. Jones (nee Goetz), nnd son of Ida
II and thn Isle Evan V, Jones, aged 33. Rel
atives and friends Invited to services Sat . 2
P m . MID Glrard nve Int. nt Fernwood Cem.
KEEN. June 10, FRANKLIN P.. husband of
Pauline M. Keen. Relatives and friends, lxiyal
Order of Moose. A. II. Slckler Company. Invited
to funeral services. Frl . 2 p. m.. 1811 E, Mon
mouth st. Int. private. North Cedar Hill tm.
Remnlrs rosy bo viewed Ihurs., after 8 n rn.
daughter of Hugh and Annie Kllpitrlek (nee
Foley), aged 14. Relatives and friends, pupils
nf Girls' Catholic High School nnd pupils of Holy
Name School, Invited to funeral, Frl., 8 30 n.
m., pirents' residence, 2010 tl. Norrls st.
Solemn high requiem mass Church of the Holy
Name HI n in Int. Holy Cross Cem.
KlLHl'RN June 18, at resldenco of son,
John II Kllburn. 138 w. ITpsal st Oermsn
lowm EI.IZAMETH HOCKLEY, widow of Ed
win Kllburn. nged hO. Services and Int private,
KuENENIJEIlO, aged .18. Reverend clergy, rela
tives ond friends. Invited to funeral. Frl morn
ing Offices of tho dead 8:311 a m Solemn
requiem mass Seminary Chapel. East Chelten
ave , Germantown. II n. m. Int Seminary vault
LiHIIIIANItT At 3244 N. llrond st , Juno
20. FREDERICK, husband of Ida V I.eibrnndt
nnd eon of lato Frederick and Maria Leibrandt.
Relatives nnd friends. Corlrthlan Lodge, No.
,11. F and A M . Ht. John's Chapter. No 232
Ht Albans Commindery, No. 47. l.u l.u Temple
A A. O N. M H , Pn. Society Prevention of
Cruelly to Animals nil other organlrallnns of
which he was a member. Invited tn funeral serv
ices. Mon. 2 p m., David II. Srhujlir Illdg .
llrond and Diamond sts. Int. private.
I.EIDV June 20. EI.OISE E . widow of Paul
Lel.ly i 'id daughter of late Stephen and Louise
Hill Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral
servicis Sat., 2 p. m., apartments of Klrk ft
Nice ("301 Germantown ave.. Germantown Int.
L1TI.I5 At Delanco. N. J.. June 20 KE
Tt RAH O. widow nf John 8. l.ltle, aged 60
Relatives nnd friends Invited tn funeral. Sat..
2 p m . residence of son-in-law. Frank Toy.
Center ave . Delanco, N. J. Int llrldgeboro
N J. Remains mny be viewed Frl . after 7
ffilXlAN. widow of William J Llovd Rel i
lives and friends, also II. V. M Nndalltv nnd
league of hnirrd Heart. Invited to funeral, Frl
8 3(1 n. in. 4SIJI Woodland nve W Phlla Sol
emn requiem mass St. Francis do Sales s
Church. 10 n. m Int. Holy iross I'm Autn
UM 'ilb'EY June 20. PATRICK, husband of
Sarnh Mnliony (nee Kelly). Relatives nnd
friends all societies of which he was it nvm
ber. Invited to funeral. Mon, 8 30 n m, Ilel
tnont rund Oanvlew, Del. Co , Pn Solemn mass
of requi.m St Charles's Church In a. m. Int
M. Charles's Cem No carriages
MARTIN, aged 81 Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral services. Frl , 2 p m . 2142
N Lambert st Int. Mt Morlah Cem
MARTIN. Juno 10. WILLIAM, husband of
Eliza A. Martin (neo lllell). aged 7f. Relatives
and friends. Frtnkford Lodgo, No. 202 I', and
A. M.i Pequod Tribe, .Vo. 18, I. O. R M. : Wei.
come Lodge, No. 220, I. O. O. F.. and emploves
of Water lluriau. Invited to funeral services
Snt.. 2 p. m.. 2012 N. 2d St. Int. North Cedar
MATTES Suddenly, June 18. LOUIS, hus
band of Catharine Mattes (neo Schullzl and
son of Anthony and Maria Mattes (nee Alcher)
ng.tl 21. Relatlvm and friends members nf
Arihconfrnlernlty of Holy Family, Si. Peter's
Hrnmatlc Assn. Phlla. Lodge No 31, I O. (t.
M. and employes of P R T. Invited to fu
nornl, Frl.. 8 30 a. m, 14.11 N lliilililnson St.
Requiem miss In n. in., st Peter a Church.
Int. Most llolv Redeemer Cem
MeliuNOl'Glr. June 20. ANNIE wife of
Lnwreiue J. MrDonough. Sr. Relatives and
friends and Altar Society, are Invited to attend
funernl. Sat. 8 30 a. m. 2221 S Cnrllslo st
Requiem high mass Church uf ,Mt. Monica 10
u. m ini lloiy ( ross t em
McKliNNA. June 18. HUGH. husDand of
Catharine McKenna. Funeral, to which ths
relatlvea nnd friends are Invited, on Frl, 8
a m , from his lato resldeme, 213 Wilder st
Solemn mass of requiem at Church of the
Sacred Heart U'30 a. m. sharp. Int. Holy
Cross Cem
MrNICHOL Suddenly, June 18. ANDREW,
husband cf Susan McNIehol (nee McCloskey)
Relatives and friends, Holy Nnme Society; II
V. M. Sodality. Altar and Rosary Society,
League of Sacred Heart of the Church of Our
Lady nf Victory, Cnthnllo Sons of Derry. und
emploves of P.. It. T. Co., Invited to funeral,
Frl., 8 30 n. m, 3321 Pearl si.. West Phlla
Solemn mass of requiem Church of Our Lady
uf Victor lo n. m. Int. St. Denis's Cem.
. McWIIiNNEY. Suddenly. June 17. JAMES,
husband nf Annie McWhlnnev. Relatives and
friends. Franklin Circle. No. 13. 11. of A.l Purltv
Home, No. II. II 11. C. and emploves of rln
trlcal drrnrtment nf William Cramp A Sons
bhlp nnd Engine llulldlng Cn , invited tu funeral
services, Frl. 2 p. m., 3012 Almond sl. Int.
Greenwood (K. of P.i Cem. Hemalnti may be
viewed Thurs.. after 7 p. m.
MILLER. June 211. EDWARD, husband of
Ellen 1'lnder Miller nnd son of late John E. and
Eliza Miller, aged fill. Relatives and friends.
Chestnut Hill Council, No. 213. O. of I. A ,
Court Germantown, No. 33, I1'. of A : German
town Ren. Club. Business Men's Asso. Police
Pension Fund Invited to funeral services. Sat.
3 p. m. 3730 Wayne nve, Germantown. Int.
lvv HlllTem.
MOIIL June 18, MARY ANN. wife of Albert
A. Molr nged r.8. Relatives nnd friends, Al
berta Mehrer Home. No 11, 11, nf A , Invited to
funeral services, Frl.. 2 p. m.. 222 E. Ashmead
at., Germantown. Int. private. Remains may
be viewed Thurs. eve.
MONEY June 10. LOUIS W., husband of
Harriet M Mnxey, aged 73. Relatives and
friends Invited to funernl services Frl 1 3(1
p m.. 203 Svdney at., Mt Alrv. Int. private.
MURRAY luno Hi, NELLIE R, daughter
of llrldgct and late Jeremiah Murray, aged 20
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat ,
8 30 a m., funeral parlors of M. J. Fltzpatrlck
8722 N. llroad st. Solemn high mass nf requiem
St. Stephen's Church 10 n. m. Int. Holy
oepuienre i em. auio luner&l
aged 00 (formerly of New Drtttln. Pa.). Rela.
tlvea and friends Invited to funeral services.
Frl.. 8 a m., residence of niece. Miss Anna M.
Murray, 2M2 E. Norrls st. Int. private New
Hrltnln. Pa.
Nf -"SEll Suddenly. June 10. CHARLES J.
NElt.'EK husband of Lnura Nelsser. aged 01
Relatives and friends, members of Phlla Lodge.
No 3 Ancient Order of United Freemen, Djers
nnd Merierlzera' Union. No 1, nnd Local No
7(12. Invited tn funeral services. Sat, 2 p. m.,
182 W Atlantic st. Int Greenmount Cem
NEUMAN. June HI. IIRIDGBT, daughter ot
lato Patrlik and Ilridst Nruman (nee Ilrndy),
of Larra Countv t'rivan, Ireland. Relatives and
friends Invited to funernl. Frl.. 8 a. m., from
parlors of Wm. McConashy, Lancaster and
Wyoming nvis.. Ardmore. High mass at St.
Denis's Church ll 3(1 a m Int. Ht. Denis's
Cem rrlends may call Thurs., 7 to 10 p. m.
Auto funeral.
NORMAN. June 10, EDWARD R , husband
of Ueesle (nee Wilson), and son of Edward II
nnd Esther Norman, nged 24. Relatives and
irierus invneu lo runerai services, ..il-r nnars
wood si., Sat., 2 p. m Int. private. Remains
msv he viewed Frl , 7 to 0 p m.
, O'DUAIN. On Jl.-i 18 1017. AL1CS M.. be
loved wife of Georgo E. O'Draln and daughter
of Margaret nnd late Jamea Hlckey. Relatives
and friends Invited to funernl, on Frldav morn.,
nt 8 30 o'clock, from her late residence &303
Grave nve solemn requiem mass Church of
Most Illessed Sacrament 10 a. m. Int. Holy
Cross ( em
OLIPHANT June 10. JOSEPH F.. husband
nf Sabella A Ollpliant. Relatives and friends.
Washington Camp. No. 4. P. O. s. of A . Fidel
Ity Lodge No ,'l, A. O. U W., Invited to fu
neral servlies Frl.. 2 p m, 114 Washington
ave . i olUngswood. N J. Int. private .Re
mains may bo viewed Thurs eve.
MANN. husband of tho lnte Taullne Oepermann.
aged 82. Relatives and friends, also members
of Hermann Lodge, No. 123, F. and A. M . Phlla.
Rifle Club and all other societies to which he
belonged. Invited to funeral, Frl., 2 p. m. 743
Spring Garden st. Int. German Lutheran fern.
i'i.iian June is, suddenly, juii.n u.
PERAN, brother of Mrs. A. Lapetlna. Solemn
requiem mass Cathedral Church. Sat.. 10 a. m
Remains may be viewed Frl.. 7 to 10 p. m ,
Oliver It Ilalr Bldg., 1820 Chestnut st. Int.
PERKINS At Mnnreatown. N. J.. June 20.
CHRISTIANNA TERKINS (nee Slim), wife of
John Perkins, aged 70. Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral Sat.. 2 p. m., 2S8 W. Main
at , Monrestown. N J. Int private.
RICKARD June 10. ANNA J., wife of
George ll Rlckard and daughter of Albert T,
and Margaret Jones, aged 36. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral services. Sat . 2 p. m..
IDJ .i nun St. int cernwonu v em
RUDOLPH June 18. HENRIETTA A., widow
of Frederick Rudolph, aged 37. Funeral, to
which relatives nnd friends Invited, Sat., 1 p.
m , residence of Thomas Uooth. 2322 S, Qth at.
Int. Hillside Cem. Auto funeral. Remains may
be viewed Frl., after 0 p. m.
RUFFNEIt June 20, WILLIAM A., husband
of Catherine Rutlner (nee Downey) and son of
late Edward and Julia Rurfner. Relatlvea nnd
friends Invited to funeral, Mon , 8.30 a m . 1018
Ilrewn at. Solemn high mass of requiem St.
Stephen's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre
widow of Charles C Savery and daughter ot
Iate Alexander nnd Sarah A. Purves. aged 74,
runtral services, Frl.. 2 p. m , Hamilton Court.
SUth and Chestnut sts. Int. private.
daughter of late John nnd Anna Marie Schaef
fer. aged 77 Relatlvea sed friends Invited to
funeral, Frl , 8:30 a. m.. Tni Widows' Asylum.
1401 E. Susquehanna ave. Msss St. llonlfaclus's
unuren in a. m int. m ieier a urm,
SCHMELLICK. June 20, suddenly. CARRIE
V. , daughter of Carrie C and late Paul A, c,
Schmelllck, aged 21. Relatlvea and friends In
vited to funeral services, Sat., 2 p. m.. 213 N.
Horton st.. West Phlla. Int. Arlington Cem.
Auto funeral.
SCHWEMMER. Jurur 18. T.OUIBA. wife of
Ferdinand tichwemmer (nee Ruppel). aged 38.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv
SEAL Third-day. Sixth Month 10. EMILin
THOMPSON, wife ot Joel A. Seal, aged 70.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, sixth
day, 22d. 1 p. m., 811 N. 22d at. Int. private,
Falrhlll Cem.
8IDMAN. June 10. MARGARET, wife of
Isaac V, Sldman (nee Calhoun). Relatlvea and
frlenda Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p. m ,
2030 Amber at. Int, private. East Cedar Hill
Cem, Remains may be viewed Frl., after 8
,P' SMITH WILLIAM SMITH, of Lambertvllle.
N J formerly of Germantown. Philadelphia,
and husband of Mary A. Smith (nee Yates),
father of C. Percy. Archibald O.. Elsie A. and
Russell D... O'JO p. m Juno 17, at Buffalo.
N Y aged 67 Relatlvea and frlenda Invite'
to services, St. Stephen's M. E. Church, Oer.
mantnwn, Phlla., 2 JO p. m Wed. Int. Ivy
Hill Cem
BTERZER. June 18. EDWARD U, son of
Kate and late Edward L. Sterzer. Relatlvea and
frlenda. Resolution Council. No. a, F. P. a..
Plmas Tribe. No. 72. 1. O. R. M., South East
IV,P.nbJ.,e"J tL'.H?1i.lnvi!1 to funeral services.
2967 N. Falrhlll at., Thurs., p. rn. Int. con:
I Tr-L'Ji.. r- .. ..-. .
wsxhbihi:, w t.ewsii
i ., tb, At Montreal. Canada. Jnn in n.
te'1'.!. uifm. Inland. . Ilelatlves
and friends Invited to funeral. ,,. 53" "-Pl'i
'."Jv-.-tT.t.ine "1 AUGUST WETZELL,
aged 70 He atlves nnd 'rfds. German llene.
nclal Lodge, Hiawatha Tribe. No. 34, I O. 11.
m if iilssshoro. N J, Invited tn funeral, Sal.,
Reformed Church, Olassbnro, 10 a. m. Int.
OIWILSON.-June 10, notlERT JM.tr.4, son of
Lizzie and Iste John i. Wilson, aged '
Hies and friends Invited to services Thu,,,,
p. m, 1441 8. I ajson st
Int. Montrose Cem.
may call Wed.. 7 SO to- p. m. Auto-
m0w'i?.bOJun. lA.MArtY S. WILSON (nee
KSffuicsand frlepd, invited to Vi neral service,
ivi an. in., residence. 803 Em st Camden.
N. J.
Int, Evergreen Cem.
jricnaa may -sail
Thurs. ove
rou rot RTii or .iui.y
5c Per Doz. and Upwards
Leon Blanckcnsce & Co.
SI.R0 up Dull' JO UP Mklv.
Am. Pl.ln.
raclOc nnd Arknsa Ues near Ilea, h Ele
vator Hot und cold running water In rooms Pri
vate Imttis mining iroin iniu-- ,.j v ..... ...... r.
Capacltv 300 Ilunklet
Hotel Boscobcl
Kentucky ave. near
lJenih. Open nil ear.
rine table, nkit
Phono 117. A. E. Marlon,
FREDONIA HOTEL T-nf,",1oaaik
Newest mod brlik hotel Amer. A. Euro plans;
central location Cap 230, standard table, te
aerv . ebvntor, baths, run water, lockers for
bathers, garage Mrs O W. f'armany & Sor.
Westminster Ky- a0' n'ar ""?' Lulcv' ,0
wesunuisii.i ftTttt private baths, run.
water, J10 up weekly. J2 up daily. Chae. lluhre.
wii.nwnoi). n. ,i.
Open all year.
The hotel with the Incomparable situation,
2200 feet above tho sea on the summit of tho
Allcghenlcs Golf, tennis, boating nnd the finest
of fresh-water bathing Modern Improvements
For booklet nnd terms address
NOW OrnN inth 8fannn, superbly situated
en tho North Khore nf Mass i!0 ml Us from lio
ton: comm.im.lnt; r mark.ihlo v'nws nf tho surf
and achtlntf A d llghtfully cool resort, capo
clallv nttrattl l pirtlrular rpoplo oppre
clitlnir dltlntlc f-nvlronment Ttnn.n. bathlne,
yachtlnff center. Superior rulslne Booklets.
A. IF &. n LAND. Trops.
Ilotli Srven
Commercial Education
Intensive day summer courses In Shorthand,
Typewriting, Bookkeeping. Preparatory Ac
counting. Office Devices, etc . In session now.
Young people must bo prepared for tho great
demands of business and the government.
Enter now
llroad nnil Rerks Streets
Temple University
llroml nnil Berks Streets
College Courses for Teachers Preparatory
courses for entrance to professional schools
Courses In Household Economlts. Hospital Die
"Almnt n CountrT Silionl" on the rnrkwar
IKMS 140 N. 1 tit ll ht. (Illtl.S
1100 N. 41et street. Is lea Inn l'hlladelphla for
JJast Liberty, l'lttsbureh, l'a.
Hilinn I lnvlf
trained, always In demand, so.
t iiuig -"-ra euro ft pesltlon through our
roursn of Instruction l'hlladelphla School of
Tiling. Ulu t'hestnut st . third floor.
BROWN PREP J'arKway Illdf.
UIWYVH river Br0ad and Cherry Sta.
Summer Pehool June 20 Kend for catalog.
STRAYER'S Th" I,f,t Business School,
6th nnd Chestnut Streets.
Positions guaranteed Knter now. Day or night.
Teachers Wanted
Istratton for
Positions wiiitinir rr. reg
istration for College and Normal graduntpi.
Modern Teachers' Ilurenu, 1003 Market fit
HAVE FII.I.KII over 13.001) positions. Free aid
to schools. D. II. COOK. Mgr., National
.-......-. ninirj. i errr mac,, s'niiaueipnta-
WT.ST rilr-STEB, PA.
BothJ Sexes. J20tf-$2fi0. O. M. PHILIPS. Prln!
Swim for health and pleasure In water
Y changed and purified dally. Cost. In addl
M Hon o membership, $2 00 a year, $5.00 fol
O S months' uae of pool. 0 private lessons
A 15.00; single swim 25 cents.
T1MK In 20 lessons or Money Back. Bklt
CERTIFICATE Lost, certificate No. 1740. IS
shares capital atnek Standard Roller Bearing
Co.. application ,'ornevv certificate proposedf
A. C. Johnson, Link IleltPn.. Nlcetown.
FAN Ist, somewhere downtown vlolmty of
8th and Arch sta.. 1 S-luch electrlo fan. 3
rasor straps. 1 razor. 1 pair of aclsiors ha.
wsrdjfrslurned to 1010 cjlnton st.
NOSEqi.ARSES. In Ase. lost Sunday, between
XdS;??,lraY.,,0,'nl, ,rom " Church o"th2
POCKETIIOOK Lost. black leather nockeu
book, containing gold vanity case. "? wis!
jyiMekinI)rlyJJ5 reward 1420 N? 8th
B,J.'XI:,V.TKAUAI'1' -l"0,t itTnJlghbSrhSortf
Columbia ave. and Watts st ltewsrTi il
brought to 1333 N, Broad at. "wfd If
eral polnta of type brilliant opportunity to
secure complete mach ne. can be Inspected at
any time. Apply superintendent'- olflcV roue?i;
floor. Blauners, 833 Market at ' our,b
vbnn4 Tuuua jauf,
son- n-law'e residence, aimn Vi. fhiieeh of
Memphis st Solemn requiem mass Church ol
the Vntivitv lo a. m. Int. Holy cross i em.
lhTon.IS.-June; 10. IIAKIIIRT IJAI.B. wife
of Herbert Toplis. aged f.0. Relatives and
friends Invited to luneral, I rl.. stlt.t,n,ivv Hlli
Sevmour at., Germantown. Int. private ivy nil,
1' lfig8S
4tttt-lttJKi t.
Pend Inr Pries .( jj
J Instruction Book Freo M
it. 1219 Arch 3t. (TJJU)
ll ( rhllaaelphia W'Sf
Cosflnurd from Preceding ColrnnH
The President of ths United SUIes
h.T Minted I to i the great Industrial army
SftK nation and to the necessity for
a generous, unseinsh observance of duty
Sn the part of those who may beat
serve In that army.
The telephone system of the country
Is to Play a conspicuous part In the
conduct of the war.
Rell Telephone operating presents It
self as a vocation for Joung women
"herein a no less patriotic than valu
Ible service to the Government may be
If vou are between the ages ef 18 and
24: apply at 400 Market ;t.. Phlladel
phU. any day. except Sunday, between
8:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.
New emplores are paid while learning
and are assigned to offices near their
homes The work Is Interesting, the en
vironment most agreeable and efficiency
Is rewarded by ready advancement.
Comfortable recreation rooms and
dining rooms where meals are served
nt cost In every Central Office.
Apply Now.
Olmbel llrothers require a buyer for their
dressmaking department! one with or with
out European experience. Apply personally
or by mall. Address Daniel Olmb-I, Olmbel
llrothers. Philadelphia, Pa.
COOIv. experienced, with reference: apply Thurs
day morning; go to country for summer. 1400
r,' llroaa st.
Olltli wanted for general housework, no vvaah
Inc. rnut have referencel white girl pre
ferred. E. A Ilernsteln. 10th si.. Oak Lane.
GIRLS experienced In steel pens: steady works
good price schedule. Turner 4 Harrison, 1211
Spring unraen si
GIRLS forshlpplng department. Apply q F.
Hornet Ilros. Co.. 8. E. cor. 17th and 1 air
mount nve.
GIRLS lo wrap nnd box nies; steady work: good
pay. APPiy tuin l rnnnmru ave.
HAIRDRESSER Young lady with experiences
Bteadrposnion. liocn. iu n. iain,
HEMRTITCHERS, experienced, on ladles' shirt
waists, steady work: good pay. Haney, Kutt
ner & Rniib, 1320-34 Vino st.
HOSIERY Experienced girls wanted on topping
and knitting and atrlng frames; learners
wanted, paid well while learning; can make
best wages in city when learned. Wallaoe-
Wilson Hosiery Co., ea.ia urcnaru at., tag,
HOSIERY I.OOPERS wanted; good wages and
steady work Apply Hngar Hosiery Finishing
Co.. c nnu vv estmoreianu sis,
HOt'SEWORK Mlddle-nged woman for general
lousewnrk Apply 7038 Woodland ave. Wood
land 8i',(f
N't'RSE Wnnted. n practical nurse to assist
nurse must b strong and capable. Apply
l.eamy Home. Mt. Airy. Pa.
OFFICT: CI.lfnK, experienced, good penman,
quick nt figures, neat accurate; good opening
for bright young lady about 20 5 ears old.
South Camden factory, dept. "L." I 803,
Ledger Office.
oriHATOItS, experienced nn cuff and wrlat
bandlntr of custom shirts. Mann & Dllkf. 1100
Chestnut st.
For large restaurant, experienced.
A 10. ldKer Office.
SII.K Kxpertenced hard silk winders and
doubters, also Artificial silk spoolers, B.
Hoolpy ft Son. 43! N. Hroad.
blKNOOltAi'ltUH, somo knowledge of bookkeep
ing, ono with some technical experience In
mechanical line preferred, central location;
atate salary and experience. "N-l," P. O.
Ilox 3.100.
faTlNOOHAniEIl. public, can use, typewriter
and phones In llroad and Chestnut office In
exchange for few hours' services each day.
O 3-.U. LedRcr CentraL
iTHNOailArunn Wanted, ccmpetenl lady
tplst and stenosrapher. permanent position;
ij 'efjXPP Tie ncp ana aaiary, aui, iru. uu.
STKNOOKAl'lIUH, ounK lady, neat and accu
rate. I'nderwood machine; state ago and ex
perlenco M 4 17, Ledger Central.
STHNOOHAPlila. experienced; reference; Jlfl
week steady position. Q 3ftft. Ledger Central.
STr.NOClHAI'HEK. experienced; 115 per week to
start I1 h22 I.edeer Offce.
WAITRESSES nnd all Wnds of hotel help want
ed for thn Hotel Ilellovue. Ocean City fall
P-ld Federal st , Camden, N. J., 2d floor. Bell
phone Camden l.lflS W.
sleep In
! capable women for laundry work;
Lenmy Home, Mt. Airy.
WEAVERS wanted, female, on plain white
work; good wages. Imperial Wooltn Co.,
Main and Rector sts.. Manayunk.
WOMAN or young girl to assist with light house
hold duties; also assist with care of 8-year-old
child P S24. Ledger Office.
4PM .
LEARN to fit corsets and secure good position:
private lessons, day or evening. Johnson
Corset Company, 11135 Chestnut st.
ACCOUNTANT Wanted, eiperlenced char
tered or certified publlo accountant for 1m
portant work, good terms to suitable applt
cant; Rive age, experience and whether mar
rled or single. M 707, Ledger On lee.
wortK: must nn over in, chancb
HOY wanted, over 16, to assist In order depart
roent and look after stock: good opportunity
for bright, soung hustler: 4S-hour week.
P.onetr Suspender Co.. 315 N. 12th. sixth
2200 N. HROAP ST.
BOYS wanted, good wages, steady work. Brook-
lyn cooperage to., need ana Mwanson BtB.
BRASS FINISHERS on box and turret lathes
wanted, nlso valve, assemblers: highest wages
and bonus paid for good valve men. Apply
Nelson Valve Co., Chestnut HIM. Pa.
CARPENTER wanted, steady work. Tearson
l.udaseher Lumber Co . Westmoreland St.
CHAUFFEUR, white, for 7-passenger business
limousine, very, little night work; permanent
position, northeastern aectlon, BtRte age, ex
perience, education, religion, height, weight
nnd two references; must be able to pass
Physical examination. Address S 2, P. O.
llox 3143. .
CLERK Experienced voucher and detail clerk:
must be quick, accurate, efficient; good oppor
tunity for young man who can master this
w.firkv Bi,e rt.r;ience' s- Camden factory, P
82Q, Ledger Office.
gEfoLPiATUrYs 5n:
LiygoV.RT5ipFT,.coNFiDENTiA &
DRAFTSMAN, mechanical, competent and effi
cient: cap. of designing special maohlneryi
V1"- J" ":nan. drawing; atate wagea de
sired: Camden mfg. plant, p 811, Led. Off.
. Office Building Service.
Light, Steady Employment.
Apply Room 444,
larriiatnmeri tn xtomhu h..
Steady lob: eond nnv. Nf.,m,. a.,...,....
Aply William Mustard, Ridge and Laboratory
lane. Falls of Schuylkill. ""-
Uyi?v?"I,.RIVE,i' levman and tongman for'
4500-lb. steam hammer. Apply Time Office.
Henry Dlsston Sons. IncT. Tacony. Phil!
Ilivn DAVncna
Hss vacancies for
Hand aandera
Machine carvers
Veneer Jolntens
Locomotive crane operator
F''ri!,l'.cir,l woodworking machinist
Double-head molder operators
Facer machine operators
Hardware fitters '
,, Rubbers
Window cleaners
Stevedores and laborers
Apprentice boys, over IS
, . 48-hour-week schedule
Physical examination necessary. Apply
, Victor Talking Machine Co '
App Icatlon Office, 83 Cooper at c.a.. N ,
HOSIKRY Youth, knitter, on Paxton - O'N.if
or Banner machines, to learn fixing lirnwr,"
for men with ability! can board i,hm.,nt
company at very reasonable w.t it lr.a
Apply 43 N. 17th it.
LAIJORERS tor Inside wort, i. .7 : -
steady work, gc Wages ArX'-rf1 wofksi
lienry pl.jtonT So"! Inc.fP.'S ?.1!f'
LABORERS wanlST.tiki'rrir55-1-
dr.el,.r Lumber Co.'' W,.l,m0rp.t"!C8
lXborers TVANffiX ' ' T ,
01 ,-CMtTH-
Coallniifrt rom Prrccdlno Column
LAnORERS for night shift George W. Smith
A Co.. Inc., 30(17 Powelton ave, omn
MAN WntM for V"tTu araUVrSrk' iraduTt
famllyjledlajj'a P 818 Ledger Office.
MEN wanted for packing and shipping depaTTT
ment, experience preferred, but not essential
Apply In person Monday. June 23, railroad
fare lo Trenton for Interview paid. "ju.J
Tiubher Co.. lnc . Trenton. N j. .
MEN. to young American, wanted' tn orersiT
presses, mixers, cutters, etc., wage 32c to JjJ
per hour; living quarter; provided. Apply"??
person or. by letter to Aetna Explosive Co.
lnc.jXIt. Union, Pn, v-"
' .." .AnKAWA ,- Tlnerf nn.4 Un... "'WOg-
lyil ,ll,'. . .. ' ".. ...... . W..HMBU11W,..
MEN employed all or part time can make good"
money on side. A 18. Ledger Office.
A farm 80 miles south ef Washington
(In Virginia) wants married men, pref.
erably with families, members of which
can milk; we use Empire machines and
want to contract with milkers by the
year, Scandinavians, Germans, and Hol
landers preferred. O 333, Ledger Cen
tral. PIPEFITTER wanted for general factory reosi?
work: reference required. Apply northwest.
corner IHh and Brown sts, "'" '
PULLERS-OUT nnd molders for rruclble steeT
meltlns fjrnace. Apply Time Office. Henr
yjsston&8on s. Inc.. Tncnny, Phllade 1 phla.
SALESMAN Active, ambitious man wanteS
for our eales force. Frants Premier Dial
trlbutlng Co., 730 Marliot st. "
We know our new offer to salesmen holds
greater possibilities for him than does any
other selling proposition offered today. Our
new Liberty l.oan Hond feature Is a winner.
If you are not making money come In and
hear our proposition. Wo furnish leads and
allow drawing nccounts.
130 8. 13th at., corner Walnut.
Owing to enllstments''wj have n. number of
vncanclea In our sales force that must bs
filled quickly hy educated Americans seeking
pormanent positions; advancement Is sure
within .10 days to most of those who Join us
now, hlfth-rlnss, dignified, with selling pos.
sllillltles vastly superior to anything you
can sell this summer references required)
drawlngnccount. F 45, LedgerCentrai
SALESMEN Several men wanted for West
Phlla.. good oppor. for advance, and chance
to mako money. Frantz Premier Distribute
Ing Co.. 7 a. S2d st.
SHIPPER AND PACKER Wanted, experienced
young man state age, experience and refer
ejres. Address O iTA, Ledger Office.
STENOOHAPIIHR Steamship company wantt
bright cirl. willing tn use dictaphone and as.
slstteLexch1 KfjtarL c 823, Ledger Oft.
STENOGRAPHER Young man about 10 yeara
for Investment house, good chance for ad.
ancement. I' 81.1, Ledger Office.
rVrHNOilHAI'llHH Experienced young man for
general office work. Camden manufacturing
p1ant. P 720. Ledger Office. "
STOCK HOY, experienced, to pick out orders in
shirtwaist factory; ateady work, good par.
Haney. Kuttner fc Raab, 1320-84 Vine st.
TELEPHONE OPERATOR, preferably eldTriy
man with exp. nnd reliable. Ap. bldg. suit.
Autocar Sales & Service Co.. 23d - Market.
One with the experience of repairing oil and
vinegar barrels, ateady worlt to good sober
man. Call or address Monocacy Barrel Works.
Rethlehem. Ta, Frank J. Illt-el. rrop.
WANTED ror broad silk mill, box-loom fliers,
123 per week: warpers, 118; twisters. 120, and
wcaera for crepes, georgettes and plain sllksi
steady work, good pay, good mill conditions.
Apply Altshuler llros.. llrldge and ltlvcr sts.,
Pateraon. N. J.
WARP PRESSER wanted Apply Imperial
woolen uo., .Main nna nector bib.. .Manayunn.
WEAVERS wanted, male, on plain white worki
good wages. Imperial Woolen Co., Main and
Rector aia.. aianayun.
YOUNO MAN, colored, experienced, to assist
shipper In shirtwaist factory; steady work
good pay, Haney, Kuttner & Raab, 13:0-34
vine st.
YOUNO MAN. energetic, for clerical work;
high school graduate preferred; good oppor
tunity for advancement; state reference and
wa gen expected Address P 821. Ledger Office,
YOUNO MAN for shipping office; must have
exper.: good opportunity P 733. Ledger Office.
HOOKKEEPER, sales ledger. s'JU; COST
ri.ERK, 20: BILLING, CLERKS. 2, 1B
PRICE CLERK, experienced, $1R; CLEnKfl.
general, J12 up; STENOGRAPHERS, 2. 7
mo. and 100 mo., DRAFTSMEN, several
good positions, $20, (25, $30 up, SALESMAN,
oung college man under 31. I1USINE33
SERVICE CO.. J301 Land Title Bldg.
COOK and downstairs work, lady closing her
house wishes good situation for excellent
maid. Telephone Media lBft
COOK, chambermaid nnd waitress, 2 Bisters, ds
sire pos . exp . good ref. 2.11 W. Cornwall at.
COOK desires position, country, city or ssa-
snore; gooq reierence. m Aipen st.
DAY'S WORK I would like to get day's work,
every day or 3 or 4 days a week. 220 N. Van
. Telt st. Call or write.
HOUSEWORK Useful companion wishes post-
tlon. Atlantlo Cltv refa. O 144. Led. Cent.
LADY, middle nged. refined nnd educated, de
sires pos. In nlco homo as housekeeper or com
panlon. broad exp. .ref. Gi 447. Ledger Cent
LADY, educated. Intelligent, desires position as
lady's companion or housekeeper for gentls
man's home. A 24, Ledger Office.
LAD7 as nurse or attendant to elderly person!
scai..ore or mountains, iiu. a as. i,eq. un,
SEAMSTRESS or lady's maid would take care of
Invalid lady, best city ref. A 18. Ledger Off.
STENOGRAPHER Young lady desires posltloni
several yea rs' exp j 12-$1B. O IB 4. Led. Cent.
STENOGRAPHER or private secretary; 10 years'
experience, references. A 27. ledger Office.
STENOGRAPHER villi do extra work, day or
evening Q 3.11. Ledger Central. ,
TEACHER, public school, wishes employmsnt
for summer months: clerical work at eummer
resort or ea companion preferred. M 710,
Ledge r Qfflce i
WOMAN, settled, caro of Invalid or elderly per
son, experienced, careful, salary $10. A 34.
Ledger Office
YOUNO LADY, rapable, brains and Initiative,
wants responsible position. Qrearly. 1241 SU-
ver st.
FRENCH COUPLE, chauffeur or butler, lady's
maid or chambermaid or governess, wish po-
sltlons. best refs. llostayme,1024 Christian St.
FRENCH GIRL, soung. desires place, maid or
chlldnurse. 2214 llalnbrldge st.
ACCOUNTANT will accept engagements for au-
oiung, Balancing, preparing statements, S7S
lematulng. O na. l,lger Central.
ACCOUNTANT, exp.. desires temporary or
steady position. O 54. Ledger Central.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly, experienced, will
audit, open, close, wrltiiup books, day or
evening, moderate terms, liell phone wood
land 41M M.
BOYS A number of our Rainbow boya want
. summer lobs. Farmer Smith. Evening Ledger
BUTLE'r. white. Protestant; beat reference.
Address 14 S. 20th st,. city. .
CATERER and decorator, experienced, wlshsi
to associate himself with a caterer or florist!
Is capable of managing, best ol reference.
Address C 332. Ledger Office.
CHAUFFEUR wishes position, Vrlvate family!
2 yrs exp. ; can be had by writing John
Lavelle. Jenklntown. or phone Ogontz 1012 w.
CHAUFFEUR, colored, married. 7 ears' ex
perience, wishes position; private or truck!
iririenyp. iiruwn, 1UII.1 PI JlSl St.
CHAUFFEUR, white, wishes posltloni 7 years
experience; reference. Robinson, 1308 Glrard
avenue. ,,
EX ECUT1VE Thoroughly experienced In office
detail and sales correspondence; fully compe
tent to take charge of an office and assume a
position of responsibility. O 446. Ledg. Cent.
HOUSEMAN ard butler, colored, wishes posi
tion; cook; private family, city, suburbs; best
reference. 6 442. Ledger Central.
JIA,N.-.. educated, experienced, wants local so
liciting, traveling, managing or office; know
all commission schemes, A 104. Ledger Off,
MAN end wife, white, cook and butler, expert
enced; reference. 2001 N. Darlen at. ,
Salesman with considerable experience
and who Is capable In affairs requiring
executlvB ability, Is open for a posi
tion at moderate salary; 4B years old,
gave up last position solely on ao
count of ill health; has now regained
lull vigor and punch, and is confident
that ho will prove of value to any con
cfTf). ,n '" market for loyalty and
ability; willing to take hold of anything
which offers ; best of reference. Address
C 310, Ledger Office. "
SALESMAN, traveling, deciding to give vv
road work and locate In Phlla., desires con
nection with manufacturer or Jobber: baa
several years' office training previous to go ng
pn road: age 32i would consider Inside position
It no selling position open, o 160, Lea. Cent.
SALESMAN, 23. rejected for service, wants a
line to represent In Phlla. A 14. Ledger Offjcj.
YOUNO MAN Sophomore civil engineer, expert-
ejicedjlraughtsman: age IB. A23. LedgerOfjj
YOUNO MAN. handy with tools, can drlve"an3
repair automnhll..A in;. Ledger Offlet.
HipH SCHOOL BfUDENT7l3. wa"nt position
.&r..ium,m..'r,..n." nad ome experience In me-
rnanleal drafting linil-m.Hwartr.more, P?i
HICIH SCHOOL student Krnnkford "wants posl-
tlon for summer O 388, Ledger Central.
S fliambrmll. ch Idnurses, house-.
5KJff1LiA.7I);? wJreaei want nosilloniUi
Dguherly.Vlli'ia' ?flr,i-c,,u J"8'"' M'" Biy
'''' lNiisWi' ' a-ihrtHrtW.
MACHINIST, nrst-elas.. for nitht work. AwiJ
Hires Condensed Milk Co, Malvern. Pn,
feu a.lcw:.H!n5,,oT W ifi