Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 14, 1917, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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.,- tai3BiHiiiHiHiBaiiN4fHH . . . nMuufcMujxci ' i i..i.
ir "' . ? mmmmamam'm h mtmmm!mMmmmmmMMm&mmwm!
BR....... . .KliiiiliBBm ! Ht -v BHr
MrTrr"TMryTrTTnTrr iNi , , , ,t lli,lilrlil.;'llli, mi,, m-Tr inmilMMWiir MUM "mn'i 1
Nei Circoli Ufflciali di Washing
ton Si Dige Che Egli Sara'
Nominato Alto Commissario
ROMA, 14 Giugno.
TelcRramml d.illa capitate dclla
Grccia dicono chc truppe alleatc Bono
sbarcatc al IMreo c Bono orn In marcia
erso Alcne che etldentemcntc Bra
occupata. SI sa pure the altre truppe
alleatc sono sbarcr.tc al porto rmco dl
Ion Kranccxoo Savr:a Nltll, l'llluitr
fconomlKla fd II tnlnlstro a cul It Mciio
Klorno d'Halla dve una rrrande orera ll
reueniione ncricoin. ta (nauslrlnle come
nuella dpi Krande rerbatnl d'acnua. rl.
I marra probabllmente In America quale alln
cemmljfaMo Itnllano. Queeto al e' anprrsn
ncl clrccll umelall delta capltnle. nel quail
I si e' conMnll che Ton'. N'lttl ila 1 uomo plu'
addatto nd nssolvere II difficile eompltn dl
i tanpresentare durante la Ruerra I'ltalla In
Amerlcn per tutlo quanto Bl rlferldce alia
parte nnnnzlnrla ed In general eeonomlen
Oil altl commlsBarll delle potente iilUate
comtltulranno In Waahtngton una rpeele dl
comltato che nvra' relaztonl u(tlcloe con II
Eoterno amerlcano curera sopratutto
I'acqulBto e la dlstrlbuilone dl vlrerl e dl
materials per la euerra Flnora vl erano
state parecche cnmrnlealont delle potent
deU'Intea, e qualche volta erano ortl dls
nccordl confllttl per quanto rlxuarda la
dlatrlbuilone del materlall acqulatatl, Con
la formation? dl queata commlBBlone unlca
sara' ponllle etlmlnara cent conflltto e
nello Bteeen tempo raggltinKe're una plu'
cqun dlBtrlbuttone delle rlsorao flnanilarle
che nil Stall Unlll mettono n disposition
degll alleatl e del vlverl e del materlale
acqulBtato o chc bI mi mano mano ac
qulBtando. Non folo, ma con la coordi
nations del lavoro delta commleslone per'
quanto rlKtiarda fell ncqulstl sara' poBalbllt
ellmlnare la concorrenta e KM altl prezti
che re rlaultaano
Claecunn degll nltl commltsarll nprlra" un
ufTldo In New York da cul mlRllala dl
aubordlnatl aparsl In tutto II paase
Baranno dlrettl.
Inaomma In questl clrcoll Kovernatlvl
amerlcanl questa oplnlone perfetta
niente RluMlfleata al rltleno che nesauno
negllo dell'on. Nlttl c' ndatto a coprlre
I'ufflclo dl alto commissario Itnllano negll
Statl fnltl.
Da fonte ufflrlalo Bl e' nppre'o qui che II
gablnetto ltallano Bl atn rlorganlzzandn alio
Bcopo dl raggluiiKcre una magKlore nrmo.
nla neceaiarla per II prixegulmcnto dl una
pin- lRnroxa guerra 12' Blato pubhllcato
qui II geguente comunlcnto ufflclale emanato
dal uoerno ltallano
"11 Kablnetto a' rlunlto per dlacutere
OJ 4
circa- I mett dl proegutr la twem tt LJ
imiaiur tiioii, t,rano preatnu tl ;
mlnlktrf Alia MlultnaUna At mauUII. jitfr
. . . .... HVIiuUflVlll WVIHTIfll Tr iO' I
etato dato al pubbllco 11 aeruente eamm J ''
ntcato: ' ,s
Non vl e mal atato alcun perlcoto 4'S
una cni generale mlnlttexlaU In
he vocl che sono atita nm In - I3sy .'1
xlone recentemente erano evldenten
baaata su Informailonl nenatte. IT
bablla che vl slano alcunl camblamewtt
portafogllo tra I mtnlstrl attualment . !
carlca. t mlnlatrl sono In perfetto ac
cord o per quanto rlguarda la politic a- -.
tera del gablnetto. Eaal hanno una.'"'
memente rlconoaduto 1'opportunlta' 41
procedere ad alcunl camblam.entl alt '
Bcopo dl rendere plu' armonlca ration
del gablnetto o plu' rlapondente alte neei
ell a' del momento.
Tall neceaalta' Impongono una mac
Store attlvlta' da parte dl tutte te branch '
del governo e plu' apeclalmente da parte i
dl quelle tecnlche,
Come prova conctualva che non vl bch t
atatl dlaaensl buI prlnclpll fondamentall a
che tuttl I mlnlatrl Bono animal! dal!
Bteva fede, eaal hanno unanlmemento
dato Incarlco al prealdente del Conalglto,
on. Iloaelll, dl procedere alia rlorganli
ratlone del gablnetto nella manlera cb .
egll credera' plu' opportuna.
SI puo' facllmente edere che nella do
llberailont del gablnetto non vl e' un ao
cenno qualalaal atl'attegglamento del
I'ltalla In fatto dl poltdca estera che
rlmane eaattamente quella che era a ch
e' stata flno a lerl.
1 tic Diuccouts
halted on the
l.n....i 1 ... At- ... ' "' ! M PIHIWIWWBI11 IMII (PMJMWWkifHPJMinVIVm
in-buii luuuy muir Krcai vasK ot combing Philadelphia for men who have failed to register tor the draft. In many cas.es men have been
streets ana maiie to show their blue registration cards. In some districts the house-to-house canvass is under v,'ny, as the picture shows.
illiam Freihofer Proposes Plan
to Government to Instruct
Army Cooks
A plan to train baiters for the new dlvl
llon of 4000 bakers and 10,000 cooka which
the army quartermaster corps needs for
the nation's huge military forces was of
fered today to the Government by William
rrelhgfer, head of tho Freihofer Baking
Mr. Freihofer volunteered to advcrtlso
for recruits and to train them In field bak
ing, provided the War Department will
furnish a field baking outfit nnd an ln
itructor. After two of hl3 sons are In
itructed In field baking, according to the
lakery head's plan, the company would take
ever the task of Instructing tho recruits
"Should the Go eminent nccept tho offer,
I propose to have the field baking outfit
uected ona lot adjoining our plant, where
tread would be baked under field condi
tion, which dlrter radlo-'ly from bread
making machinery In bafiirles," said Mr,
rrelhofer "I propose to ndvertlie for re
cruits and to undertake to train those
tccepted bv tho army. In this way tho
Government would be relieved of the
trouble of training Its men "
The plan was submitted to Captain L. L.
Dietrich, of the quartermaster c rps, who
organized the twelve bakery companies now
In the regular army and who has been put
it the head of tho newly created divisions of
the corps
Captain Shcrrard Coleman, quartermaster
corps j W H. Smith, cavalry. J. C. Pegram,
Cavalry, and C II. Dickey, cavalry, will
be assigned to department commanders as
epeclal ofilcers to organize bakery com
panies. The companies, which will consist
of 100 men each, will bo stationed In the
eixtcen national army cantonments and
tUteen national guard campi.
Two "hello girls," having heard that the
Ignal reserve corps wants telephone opera
tors, applied today To Lieutenant Douglas
MacFarlan, at the recruiting station, 121
South Fifth street. They were told that
only men are wanted, but were thanked
for their patriotism. Technical men
tireless, telegraph and telephone opera
tors and linemen in addition to a few
cooks, barbers njil veterinarians, are
Wanted for tho three mounted battalions
of 239 men each that are being raised.
The duties of tho "service of Information"
I1I be to keep the armies afield In com
munication with headquarters by means of
outpost companies on tho" firing line and
wire and wireless companies. Thirty per
cent of tho enlisted men will bo non'.om
Jiissloned ofilcers, so that tHo opportunities
for advancement aro good. One hundred
ad fifty men wero enlisted up to today.
Orders to recruit trained radio operators
for the finishing school at Harvard were
announced today by Lieutenant It. V. Cad
"ro. of the naval coast defenso reserve re
cruiting station at City Hall. Men who
Uve a minimum ability of receiving ten
words a minute will bo taken. All begin-
win be taught in tho Parkway Build
lag, where classes will begin next week.
The 65-foot power cruiser purchased for
Government service by Stanley II. Frei
hofer, son of the bakery president, has been
taken over by the naval coast defense re
ve. On board are young Freihofer and
two chums, Edward" Schmlttheiser and
Herbert Pfeil, together with a full crew of
The opening of National Guard Week, In
which the Pennsylvania units will mako
n effort to recruit to full war strength,
been tentatively fixed as Juno 25. -.
wuncll of ofilcers In tho city will' ask
Governor Brumbaugh to designate the week
a State-wide period for recruiting the
niilltla Yesterday's National Guard en
wtments in Philadelphia were: First In'
Jwtry, eight; Third Infantry, two; Sixth
infantry, five ; Second Field Artillery, seven.
The following enlistments were announced
Pofcert L. Conway. 21. rhlla'delnhla.
to)1' McCarthy, 20, l'hlladelphla.
fiurke Megahan. 1!0, Philadelphia,
lojmn B. Noonan, 28. St. Louts, Mo.
Ii.iS.k B .01d"' -- Philadelphia,
Jifrnun A. Hobertion, 24, Philadelphia.
nX.'M.J- Itoaenarant, 22. Wllkta-IIarre, Ta.
e;W. Near!. Jr.. 18 Philadelphia.
N?"9 w Wlnttrboltom. ll, Cgt Harbor.
ienur 'ollowlna Unlveralty ot Pennsylvania atu
Harvey K. lllernana. Merle J.' Duryea. Henry
,. 1;nno. Hobert 8turl. Leland J. Hpnd,
jSJ.1?,1"? H. Jullante. Charlfa L. Maud'lot,
ian P. Urldceman. Loul. J. Heral. William
?;kUfel, Ueorge W. Jaxua, Krnt C, Hill.
-aVld M Ha,, -.man' Arth. T ITolthllul KrOII-
J !,ii - Ooraey. Karl C, Edinger, Charlea J.
!S?in& t'harles " Stanton. Joseph Pratt,
Ittnry K. Oulbrndaea. Theodore II. 8njdr. John
i.A"aour, Wlllliim K. Hoyt. Robert P A.
ff'gr, Srim-- H Meilachowlti. Iteutxn l.
J'Jrk-lllrd B. Moore. David W. Huahea.
s?!?.-..McMnn Oraham V. Lynch. L1U P.
J. .rJ'on U. Kennedy. Henry K. Abbot.
4mea L oay. jr , Itlchnrd U. Myer, Norton
i.-r"sJL,B Thomaa K Pipn, Milton naron.
Jm. y Mct'lure. I awrence U. 8hlos. William
l4i0J!'V.,.lr' John M Greet. I.on Hendron.
cSl',hr.w11 '-' F Chn, Thomas U Mo-
,Jf? ,9ll H It.fner Jr Oeorjro W Wolf-
f ;,wrrv a uun, ieonaro; j uuaei, uoucri
KV.MWn T 'c'm,, W P'"r". Charles A.
fiil-f.' i.'r.r M U"blns-n William A Btoll
gwwan ..-rledmin. Pavld Morrla and Arthur
James n Null. 2.1, 2224 N. tilth t
Maurice rornhiatt, 22. old N 7tli et.
riiomas I: fhler. 21, 14-'l H AMh St
V,h?ri''",.T.'s'"'lr, 22. M.dli, Pn
Italph M Paull. 2H. Cheltenham. Pa.
fi!,M,'!k "nltmnn 2.1 2017 S Houvler L
W nm final 2.-.. 2T1S N Mil M
Mil am P llnz. 27, 1412 N 23th et
Wait, r A llrown, IS. 23or. a American st.
naval coast inrr.Nsi; rksekvi:
llpy KlnB Welsh. 20, 39 N. 10th St., Darby.
Alfred William Hnlfeld, 24. 7ml S S2d st
Llmer Kllsnorth Curtis, Jr. 22 ltocklcdgo ae
MontRomefj County Pa
John Jackson Van Hoden. 22. Swarthmore, Pa
hrederlck Daniel Kegel 21 301 N U3d st.
Joo llenrj henlor. 20, r.34 i: Indiana ae
Paul Bretherlrk 24. 1II3H Moore st
Joseph Milton Worrell 27 2W Newklrk st.
WlnHeld Cupp 2.V .'.130 Chestnut st
James Patrick Culllaan 22. .Norrlstown Ta.
Karl Newton MrCullnuah s 12.1 N Oross st.
OeorBB Wall Nlekel 21 11131 Woodland ae
Louis Pjerly Coldren 21 227 S 01th st
Dald Charles Jones, 22 2100 lurch st.
Pellx Henry Leuaudonskl. 22 Wilmington. Del.
Nineteen Arrested
in Hunt for Slackers
n 't
Continued from Page One
streets, nnd sent to the Federal Building
for further Investigation:
HENRY HANSON, 24 ears. Norway Seaman
WILLIAM LUNDEL1N. 2D ear, England.
THEOnuORE ALECIKIO. 25 years. 301 Oasklll
at , Greek.
HOLLIE LEWIS, colored, 10 years, 810 8. 18th
st Aro questioned
ALEC McKEEHAN. 20 sears, England.
The following were arrested In the Fourth
Tollce District, Fourth and Itaco streets,
and sent to the Federal Building for further
BTANLET YOCOI3. 21 years, 242 Race st.
TETER TOCOn. 27 years. 242 Race s.
The following were arrested by the police
of the Third District, but were Veleased
after Investigation:
JOSEPH HUISSRILAKIO, 22 jears. Wllmlng
, ton.
Wharton st.
MIKE DELANO, 32 jears. 318 Oasklll st.
FRANK YARRIS. 23 jears, 138 Kenllworth t.
JOSEPH CHEAK. 24 jears. 337 8. 2d st.
FRANK BULLOCK, colored. 21 jears, 807 S,
11th st.
DALLES LEWIS, colored, 22 years, B10 8.
18th st.
ANTON LINCJO. 28 j-ears. Sweden.
JOHN BUSA7.IO. 24 sears, 1031 Locust st.
JOHN SHAW, colored. 22 years. 1118 Locust st.
HENRY SHAW. 21 jears. 1118 Locust st
MORRIS KALLAN, 32 jears. 718 S. Bth st.
Tho first actual steps toward drafting
Into the se.-.lce of tho United States the
young men registered on June 5 hao been
taken by Provost aeneral Crowder.
Orders reached Philadelphia through
Governor Brumbaugh, the regular channel
through which all of the conscription or
ders pass, to divide Philadelphia Into fifty
one districts for the purpose of collecting
together the young men for examination.
Tho Idea at Washington, It is understood,
Is to call the registered men before the
boards, put them through an examination
as to their claims for exemption, If they
make such claims, and then examine them
physically, If they aro not exempted on
gome other grounds. ..........
Just how tho city Is to bo divided is not
understood here, and General Crowder has
Franklin Field, 33d & Spruce
Mimic Warfare
i,r V . Marine Infantry, Machine
nun 'companies, Radio and Aero.
?.M Ict.cl.m.nt.. SHAM IIATTLE.
NASTIC8. Tickets Free
at WMton OmceNews.
Pape7,nd : chestnut: Telegraph Cen
H'nJSd an" South PeSn Square ;
Ure,:.nTrieirriipS Bureau. 1024 Cheat
PMs"Treet. also U. S. Marin. Re-
Broaani Arch.
been asked by the Mayor's ofilco for fur
ther Information The telegram from
Washington merely ordered that the city
be divided Into flfty-ono KUbdUlslons, nnd
the nucstlon has arisen as to whether this
division Is to be made according to popu
lation or territory, so many city blocks to a
Tho final house-to-house round-up of
Blacken which the city pollco Btartcd yes
terday will continue today and every day
until the entire city Is combed nnd tho reg
Istration lists checked up The results of
the canvass so far Ind'cato that compara
tively fow men failed to register.
From 2 o'clock every afternoon until 10
at night the 2000 or more policemen of
tho city will continue tho canvass In the
fifty-one registration districts When a
man questioned by the pollcejcnnnot pro
duce his registration card or give satisfac
tion that his ago la under or over the
twnity-one to thirty-one period, the patrol
man will place him under nrrest The
case will be reported to Frank I. Garbarlno,
of the Department of Justice. In the Federal
Before the canvass was far under way.
about a score of voting men confessed they
had failed to register They declared they
were either absent from tho city or were
ignornnt of the law or thought they were
exempt because they wero foreigners.
More than 500 known Socialists and rad
ical anarchists, many of whom attended the
meeting held a few days before the regis
tration by Kmrna Goldman, deserted ttv.
ranks of tho Socialists and obtained their
registration tickets before th expiration of
tho time limit.
Major John Handy Hall, Assistant United
States Attorney, who. with T. Henry Wal
nut. Is In charge of the registration cases,
found that every man on tho "suspicious'1
list appeared before the registrars
"In most Instances the men who shouted
loudly against conscription slipped around
the corner after nightfall nnd obtained their
tickets," said Major Hall "Many young
men, foreigners who are unable to read or
write, failed to register the first day, "but
slnco have presented themselves So far,
there havo been In this city, to the knowl
edge of the authorities, only two cases where
men wilfully violated tho law"
When the ' round-up" orders became
known generally about the city there was
a marked cNodus of characters who fre
quent tho tenderloin section Many joung
men who have been attending the drug
trials In tho Federal Building wero absent
yesterday, and Information reached Lieu
tenant of Detectives Theodore Wood at
pollco headquarters that there had been a
general heglra nf underworld characters
Through tho pnllco Informants It bernmo
known that many of theso men left foi
New York nnd other cities.
Convinced that the public can be of great
aid In bringing beforo tho authorities the
names of men who have failed to register
United States Attorney Kane again Issued
an nppeal to the residents of the city ,o
notify at onco the local ofilco of the De
partment of Justice nf any susplcUius cir
cumstances Letters or telephone commu
nications, the United Stntes nttornev said,
would bo regarded In every Instance as con-fidentlal
Friends Seek Loophole So Henry
Kuehnle Can Fill State Job
ATLANTIC Cm, June 14 Political
friends of Henry Kuehnle, n nephew of
Commodore Louis Kuehnle, Atlantic City's
old-time political boss, have not yet dls
covered any loophole by which he can get
out of the United States navy to accept a
political nppolntment
Kuehnle, vvhllo waiting for action upon
his application. O K.'d byhls once-powerful
uncle, for a job as Inspector In the State
Autotnohllo Department, enlisted ns an
able-bodied teaman In tho coast defenso
reserve. Ho received a few days ago a
belated announcement that his application
had been granted
Kuehnle Is signed up. however, for nn
Indefinite term In the const patrol Bervlce,
and Is now said to bo on board the. Klsen
lohr yacht, a patrol cruiser, "somewhere off
Capo May "
Russian Submarine Feared Lost
pnTROGRAD. June 1 1 Tho Russian
submarine Barsctant, which put to sea on
May 1C, has not returned to her homo base,
according to an announcement mado by the
Russian Admiralty It Is feared tho vessel
has been lost
5c & 10c Store uctuiiu i iuui UK&iAma j
-e.-?r. .-. . .-.- -. , . v -.. r., .-.
Women's Smart White Pumps &
OXfOrdS,Snou White$
Nubuck, White Kid, Egyp
tian Cloth. T.inen nnil
Canvas, in Plain Pumps nnd witn straps, iugn
and low heels; also, English sport oxfords with
rubber and fibre soles; sizes 1 to 8, and AA to
D wide in the assortment.
Dr. Carson's Cushion
Sole OxfOrdS The Shoe that
is pleasing thousands of
women; sizes 3 to 9.
and Bin Girls'
White Pumps and Oxfords
Special lots In Ilngllib
Unnr, flvr,! nltll
White Rubber Solei
and Heels; also Plain
pumps snu wnn oirsi J7, r-n
(slight factory hurt); alio Wblte Can
ras nutton tsuoes in "" "
College Girls' Coco-Tan $ ft Qr
unaiisn uxiurus ai uvw
,, t i vi.,,,. in rit rlemnnd now: all sizes nnd C to E wide.
very smuti ivwmi
- I,,, fl
fhH.lrpn's PuniDS.
t.i i j j,.n
rate ni. mm u"
lanthpr. nnKto
ana ihbucji
otrnns In 1 i (?ht
factory hurt).
Men's, Boys' & Girls' Tennis Oxfords
fSfc. 4L
ubi 3ti
Hack and white can-
'nn cememcu ruuucr
Olfl on sixes uy
to men's 10,
Men's Trade-Mark Qxfords
$2-95, S3.J5, $3-95
. li ui. wall.lrniMxm mnkprfl.
Samples ana special ww w ..-- -"r"
FlorsheifSs, Barry., Regal., Kneelands and oth rs;
l. 11 aivAa in Piirn hivih. uul Hit nmvw .-..
. ,i..l "-'-- Uli Xaiuttutou Air KS
r Open
Kir nip
Sold by all
Good Clothiers
Like a Thousand Litdc Windows
Is die Open, Porous JVcavc
HEN Summer turna luc corner nnd the sun ehincs
hot sny "Good Bye!" lo wool and worsted. "Welcome
washable PAOI BEACH!
J Though it tailors into shapely, sightly suite, it's as
licht as a puff of ocean breeze. There's a luxury of
finish in its patented texture, and n remarkable degree of durability
in its weave.
J Look in the windows of most good Clothes Shops. There, in
tlic suits displayed, you'll sec the trade-marked PALM BEACH
Label. That's your cue to enter for you've reached tho finnl
milestone on the Road to Summer Comfort.
J Seek an introduction to your Genuine "P. B." this morning.
Then, with body cool and fresh with mind alert get on friendly
terms with tho day.
Look for Vp this Label
f-lrDkST ouuuau,wuh9icuwu
il t::::::: H- 3,
,.1M:fS3r ftw.
4h Jldvertisement by
The Pullman Company
Courtesy. tZ
struction for Pullman employes occurs
the phrase: "The most important feature
to be observed at all times is to satisfy and please passengers,"
and again "the reputation of the service depends as much upon
the efficiency of employes as upon the facilities provided by
the Company for the comfort of its patrons."
Such personal service cannot be instantly developed; it can
be achieved only through years of experience and the close
personal study of the wide range of requirements of twenty-six
million passengers.
To retain in the Pullman service experienced car employes
of high personal qualifications, pensions are provided for the
years that follow their retirement from active service, provision
afforded for sick relief assistance and increases in pay are
given at regular intervals with respect to the number of years
of continuous and satisfactory employment
A further inducement in which civility and courtesy are
counted of great importance, is the award of an extra month's
pay each year for an unblemished record. As a result, a large
percentage of Pullman conductors and porters are qualified by
many years of experience to render passengers the highest
type of personal service.
, - ii
i v
. .1 v.
V Vs
'',"'', . -t?; :
it r
y" aioors. aa. "u
rrderal aL
vairiacrtv a,
;sk m