Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 08, 1917, Postscript Edition, Page 7, Image 7

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I5 f TrUPPe di Cadorna Conscr
! UZ Quasi Tutti lc Posizioni
Gi Conquistate sul Oarso
f " r,nerIc .Cadorna SI Rcca a Roma
" E Aver Sostcndto per 00 Ore
l'Uragano del Fuoco
unMA. R nlncnn.
' .. hnttflKlla vlolentlsslma nella
Po.n.lrincl Rcttnrono tutto lo loro
r' "i'ie dl fresco dalla fronte della
nerr "?" 0 itnllnno hanno nrrestnto a
"'"'i.n.lva nustrlnca. ma l.nnno perdu o
eontron va ,lonl Kundncnalo nella
lcun '",,' del generate Cadorna. Cio
tfWcS T come nnnuncla II Minis
" VPaSrr Krnzle nlla complete stnsl
tewU. .uila fronte russa, che ha per
" r'H austrlacl dl prendere dalla fronto
"! ila nun"10 division! scmbravano
"" J..rle per II Carso. I.e posizioni
I??.!! ItallnnI sono tutto sulle falde
Kuffi" doe' esposte nl fuoco dcllo
'""'"Jlustrlache montato bu quel gruppo
"f'rJp'poVto del gencralo Cadorna
SS.M "rra dat Mlnlstero della
G,,m fronto del Trcnttno b1 e' ayuta
s"n ,mle nttlvlta- delle nrtlgilerle o
-,,5 TJitri dl pattuulle In rlcognl
,o;o1 Durante la notto II nemlco pro
""H' in attneco In forzo nella valle
Jrt Richre. ma fu resplnto con grnvl
X fronte delle Alpl Glulie 1'wtl
..rfi nemlca. a cul rlsposo energl
''Snt.Ta nostra nrtlBllerla. concentro'.
ml I sollto, II suo fuoco su Oorlzla
SKrSlocullta' nbltnto nella planum.
'suffSl oplano del Carso lerl II nemlco.
-uto da numcrose truppc tolte ad
rtnf 7.7irn dclla sucrra. fu Insolltamente
"Si Eo feceioIentl attacchl nulla
'" tlzU,n I dalla Quota 217. a sud dl
KM cow Bulla Quota 31, nd est
Ji Jamlano Questo posizioni furono
Lnnamente dlfcso dalle nostre truppo
JSSVl dhWone. La battaglla duro' per
f t la glornata con altcrna fortuna. ma
X .era 11 nemlco era completamcnto
wmlnto o le posizioni rlmanovano for
Site nelle nostro manl.
i-n llro tcntatlvo dl nttacco nemlco da
nondar , In dlrezlone dl Sabllcl . fu ar
iuta prontamento dal fuoco delle nos
Jl. batterle prima che si svlluppasse.
rnrants I "ll combattlmentl rtol fa
mmo 202 nrlslonlcrl, tra cul quatt.o
"ie'delle nostra squndrlglle dl nero
iinl lancla-bombe eseBUlrono Importantl
kurilonl. Vna squadrlglla, rlsalendo la
lle dell'Adlge. flno nlla sua confluenza
,l .Voce bombardo' con pleno successo
ewre mllltarl del nemlco ncllo vlclnnnzo
5l Meziolombardo, a nord dl Trcnto.
taltra rlnnoo' l'opera dl distruzlona
liiill stablllmentl ferrovlarll dl San
Metro sulla llnca dl Lublana. Tutte le
toatre macchino rltornarono senza dannl
alia loro base.
Telegramml dalla fronte dl battaglla dl
eono che II generale Boroevlc, comandante
austrlaco sul Carso. aendo ottenuto nu
tnerosl rlnforzl prelevatl dalla fronto dclla
Cillila Inlzlo' II tre corrento una vlolenta
ccntroffcnslva sul Cnroo su cul ha potuto
eoncentrare qualcho cosa come duemlla
Da quel glorno la battaglla e' contlnuata
Knia tregua, e bII ltallanl hanno cdntestnto
eon flero accanlmento ognl palmo del ter
teno da loro puadaBnato nella recente of
fenilva. .
E" lmposslblle descrlvere la battaglla. II
brreno del Carso trema sotto I colpl con
tlnul delle artlglierle ed II clelo e" sperso
pscuata da numerose squadrlglle dl aero
planl che dlrlgono II fuoco delle batterle.
All note la sccna dlventa dl una tale fan
tastlca spavcntoslta' che la penna si rlfluta
dl ecrherne.
Appogglate dal fuoco Infernale delle loro
umeroe batterle, le colonne dl fanterla
austrlache sono stnto lanclata all'attacco
delle poslzlonl perdute nella seconda meta'
dl mapglo, specialmente con lo scopo dl
lmpedlre che bU ltallanl ne completassero
I lavorl dl consolldamento. Ma gll nil
ttrlacl hanno Incontrato una tnsormontablle
reilstenza da parte degll ltallanl II cul fucco
dl mltragllatrlcl o dl fucllerta ha Inftltto nl
nemlco perdlte enorml '12 gll ltallanl,
partendo dallo caso del Faltl, si cono
Unclatl Innanzl In violentl contrattacchl
alia balonetta cd hanno rlconqulstato la
na&gior parte delle posizioni rloccupato
dajll austrlacl nella prima faso del loro
attacco. Sulla breve fronte da Castagnevlz
u a Jamlano gll ltallanl hanno vlttorlosa-
'There are more than 2.000,000 boys he
tirten IS and JO jears. In cltlea and towns,
lot now encased In productive work vital to
the Nation In the present war emergency. .These
commute the most Important hitherto un
oriinlied nnd unutilized labor resource avail
able for this emercency "Department of Airl
culture. While the Government is considering
the question of establishing
t limited number of Boyo whoso pa
rents desire them to become familiar
with Farm Work will bo taken at a
jarce private Camp in the Adirondacks,
but none will be accepted unless really
taterested in adding to the Nation's
Food Supply.
More than 25,000 boys, having somo
preliminary training, are needed by tho
farmers of New York State alone. It
requires only a few weeks to prepare a
?j ord'nnry ability. Expenses very
Address Manager. "Meadowmount." Wad
"ms. Essex County. New York.
Send a
of books
f n v n n v
.ij. " J y "
wwuer son. He isn't drill
tog all the time and amuse
ments are fewer in camp
nan at home. There are
ots of good stories by popu
,?r authors on our shelves.
And the prices are always
School and College Text Books
Bought and Sold
teary's Book Store
Ninth Street, Below Market
Opposite Post-Office
u Public Speaking
""n- ana eventnr.
Both Sexes. Opens Jul? 3.
Ealttmanthlp Aulhorthlp
A.lf.ffvnr.al.a .Fytuatflli tm
"Its or phone tor Instructive, literature, rres.
rnente soatenutn h. . .
nemlco. '" "OY" conrattacchl del
S nd.Vane! L .' &W 0.
nncora la llnea da winJ.. ..nl """Pm
I-a controrV.n.u.a ??.?.'" Wta 144.
"oroevlo ha imn3- -nIla "u'
o'-fall.tacomp&eme? ,0M0 UOmlnl
" generate rn,in..
quartlero cenfmi. V " . P?o dal
M crede T trattera' flno a Th. UOm? nu
che ancora sembra norlre In nn. Pl .nB?RJ
II senntore
RolntnU H. .
Klornall.ti .!;" " .'. 'f"nao con
x-gll ha acRluntn-
"IVnlleama tra l'ltntla e c statl t'mti
"o" UcroammerXHe PW ,m"nran" """
;'. !" ?.. "". "rannlcl. Tutto
future relazlonl "
base per le
.iJh6 ."Tl! of nn 0ld ,eul resulted In
he death of retro nello. of Norwood Mreet
below Hartwell. who was stabbed by six
Italians on Shawnee street CheMnut Hill
..,n.e'10 s attacked unexpectedly nnd It
to have fouRht desperately He shot
one or his nlletred nssallantu Tn. r ..
Vim '?.'n " 8e.rlous condition at the Chestnut
nuiiai. ueiio (ilea beforn ri-nMr,
the hospital. He was stabbed several iim..
Five men have been arrested as a reult of
the fight.
Public Utilities Commission to
Include All Concerns in
Hearing Next Tuesday
The State
. .. THEN-TON. June S.
I'llOIlP Utl Itles CrMtimluInn
today announced, hat It wou.dl.S;9,a,n,
in .K u mPnles of the State, forty-ono
h.M Jn'Ji" he,Br,n,',!t " Bl.t. IIoum
nf i,?i.Tu'lda- June ,9- on the question
"Si. beowe're!,110 CmPanles ,0 1""""
nanr'T.-8 tthlch mJ""t" the greater
St. i .. .e Ka ,,scd ln Nw, Jersey have
" Ita liT :Mn f01R chan' nlnl!
ard r.n i"" adMlune houKh lower stand
?l.l ni, ms,,l,,,nln.''1 """l that the mate
leSlw ur,'1 f0r V"r P'Ises are need
necessar'u? ,n,p,SP W,th a ,andard "
lhnX"Bnt"Iuln., la.now "PPl'eable to all
hi, JT:anl'8 cf lhe s,a"- the board
bMnc nil CXUVd 1,s ,n"ulry ' a to
bring all of them within Its seope
The Public Service Ciai rompany has
ihi. win i? , lncrei""c 't- rte for Bas. nnd
this will brlnK a great gathering to Trenton
from many of tho cities to oppose any at
tempt to ralso the rato.
Boston nnd Maine Strike Is Settled
WASHINGTON-. June , Settleme,n, of
a strike of 20C0 emnlojes of the Hoston
and Mnlne llallroad. Including freight house
cleiks. freight handlers and baggage men.
was announced In a telegram to the De
partment of Labor from John P. Colpoys,
one of the department's conciliators.
8, 1917
&' v JU' Wtf'W
30-32-34 S. 2D ST.
Special Sale
Only seasonable goods. When this stock is gone
(we have only a certain quantity) you will have to
pay double because the manufacturers are raising
prices every day. Come in at once.
We Furnish Everything for
House and Person
Fashionable Summer Clothes for Men, Women
and Children.
Furniture, Floor Coverings, Housefumishings,
Refrigerators, Chinaware, Stoves, Baby Carriages,
Jewelry, Trunks, Suit Cases, etc.
The Bouse that
C. J. Heippe & Son. 1117-1119 Chestnut St. 6th 6c Thompaon St.
Heppe's offer special
service on Records
We have salesmen well
trained in the knowledge
'of music. T h e y can
advise you intelligently.
We carry many special
lines of Victor Records
not generally carried by
the average store. These
records are very useful.
For example, the Oper
atic Records made in
Europe are in a class by
themselves. Then there
are the Educational Rec
ords, the Records in
foreign languages, t he
musical specialty Records
and many other similar
groups. All of this is
part of
fr l h
K v S
JSbScCbSmI1 i
offers outfits
or c
from 115
. i...i rimTa. nnr service
1i..i1i. 12. .. .. h. ith.r in cash, or charge account.
?. ..?!!'; navme"nt nlanT bV which all rent will apply to your
Sr,hi.: I ere" are our outfits and the terr
payment P,an Qjg
outfits and the terms of our rental-
4 10-in Double-face Record. 3.00 Record., your .election.... 5.00
Total co.t $80.00
Pay $5 down, $5 monthly.
Total eo.t.......
P 3 down. $2.50
5 10-in. Double-face Record. 3.75 Record., your .election. . . . 8.00
. , ..$28.75 Total co.t $108.00
P. J$4 down! ,$3 miAthly. PX down. $6 monthly.
ytj 94U.UU viuinuun ah .w.w
.election.... 4.00 Kecord.. your .election... iu.uu
Record., your
Total co.t........... $44.00
d. 4 down. $3.50 monthly.
Record., your .election
. Kf5.00 Total co.t $210.00
lotai ""." .M
n... Jnun. $4 monthly.
Call or write for full particulars
Total co.t $160.00
Pay $10 down, $8 monthly.
XVI $200.00
5.00 Record., your .election... 10.00
Pay $10 down, $10 monthly.
Send this coupon.
Mail to
your re"at-piyment plan.
Nam .'
Co J. Heppe & Son
a Philadelphia
catalogs of Vlctroiai ana particular, bdohi
7 Che.tnut Street
. j TL.M..nN street
or Otn ana immi" - ,
..nd me Uiutiraiea
E. X I
hi 'Ml -i Wr
-"- '"i"iiiv-TiiM-irviiiiTiii-ff;T.iuiiatrr?iiiniM)t-ivif1a.Mitoi-til-l,-'-.''vvJ-TTr.-tiTrn-rTitfj
TO-MORROW, Snturd.iy, will doubtless bo the busiest dny of the week! Tens of thou-
sanas or snoppcrs will be here from far and near! There is no other economy event, anywhere,
like our ANNIVERSARY SALE. This Store at no other time offers so many moncy-savinjf
opportunities. No other store at any time attempts anything so attractive or so far-reaching
in special ndvnnttiRcs. EVERY DEPARTMENT has many Anniversary Specials thousands
altogether. Please try to be here early to-morrow. Store open from 8.30 to 5.30.
Some of the Books
That Are in the Sale
A Vcnctinn June, by Anna Fuller,
with 115 illustrations in color (pub
lished nt $".5.00) now $1.4fi.
The Joy of Gardens, by I.enn May
McCnuley, beautifully illustrated
(published at $1.00) now (W.
The Mother Book, by Marjjnrct E.
Sanpster ($2.00) now 50c.
Her Golden Hours, the confidences
of a modern jirl, illustrated in color
($2.50) now $1.00.
And thousands of other titles.
I - Second I'lonr, Pllhert Street. West
Hudnut's Preparations
SATIN SACHET, perfumed with
rose of Omar, Riven with a purchase
of nny of the following:
Rose of Omar Toilet Water, 73c
and $1.40; Rose of Omar Extract,
$1.00 and $4.00 j Rose of Omar Tal
cum. COc; Rose of Omar Sachet,
$1.00; Plaza Toilet Wntcr, $1.50;
Juno Toilet Wnter, $1.50; Soul of
Violet Toilet Water $1.50; Tout
Mon Jardin, 50c. $1.2.") nnd $2.00;
Violet Sec, Gardenia, Lily of the
Valley, Yankee Clover, Royal Hud
nutinc, White Lilac, nnd Sweet
Orchid Toilet Waters 75c.
. - Aisle 0. Centre
Women's Suits and Dresses
at Very Unusual Reductions
All smart and up-to-date most of them bought especially for
anniversary taic, nnd including styles for practically all
$20.00 Suits, now $15.00 '
Smart belted Mohair Suits, in
black nnd navy blue good practical
styles with pockets; excellent for
$25 & $27.50 Suits, $21.50
Of fine wool jersey, in plaited nnd
belted models, nnd in gay colors.
Very attractive for outdoor wear.
$35.00 Suits, now $25.00
Of serge, poplin, gabardine anil
Poirct twill, in black, navy blue,
gray nnd tan.
$27.50 Suits, now $19.75
Of serge, poplin, gabardine nnd
Toirct twill, in black, navy blue and
some colors.
$7.50 Voile Frocks, $5.00
Plain white voiles nnd white bar
red voiles; colored voiles and com
binations of white nnd colors.
$8.75 Voile Frocks. $6.75
Figured voiles nnd combinations
of white and striped voile; in tunic
and straight, full-skirt styles.
$9.75 Dresses, now $7.50
White Dresses of dotted voile,
dotted Swiss, plain voiles with lace
or net trimming.
$17.50 Silk Dresses, $13.75
Afternoon Frocks of taffeta, in
coat effect with crepe Georgette
sleeves. Black, navy blue, French
bluo and plum color.
Afternoon and Evening Gowns Reduced
All that remains of our high-class Afternoon and Evening Dresses,
formerly $30.00 to $200.00 now $25.00 to $125.00.
5- Second rioor, Centro
Matchless Values in Gloves
We arc more than sustaining the reputation of this as tho leading
Glove Store, by offering values like these when Glove prices are stendily
increasing. Thrifty women are buying in half-dozen lots:
60c Two-clasp Silk Gloves, in white and black now 40c
75c Two-clasp Milanese Silk Gloves, white, black, colors 55c
75c Two-clasp White Washable Fabric Gloves now 60c
$1 Two-clasp Embroidered-back White Washable Fabric 80c
$1 Two-clasp Milanese Silk Gloves, while and black 80c
$1.15 and $1.25 Two-clasp Milanese Silk Gloves now 95c
$2 Two-button Washable Doeskin Gloves, pique-seven $1.60
;' - Alslew 12 and 13, Market Street nnd Centro
Aluminum Ware
Utensils Extra !
$l.f0 Preserving Kettles, C-qunrt
size $1.10. Covers, for same, 40c
value 28c.
$1.03 Frying Pans, 9-inch 85c.
$2.50 Teakettles, 5-qunrt $1.75.
$1.35 Cooking Pots, 4-quart size,
with cover $1.00. Seven-quart size,
worth $1.75 $1.25.
30c Lipped Saucepans, quart lCc.
$2.20 Straight Double - lipped
Snucepans, 1-, 14- nnd 2-quart
$1.35 for a set of three.
$1.05 and $2.15 Skillets, with
ebonized handle; !)- nnd 10-inch sizes
$1.50 nnd $1.85.
$1.05, $1.23 and $1.50 Lipped
Saucepans, ebonized handle; 2-, x
:iH- nnd 5-quart 85c, 05c, $1.20.
$1.35, $1.55 and $1.75 Berlin
Saucepans, with cover, ebonized
handle; 2Vi-, 3Vi- and 5-quart
$1.15, $1.30 and $1.45.
K - Daeement
Automobile Tires and
Tubes in the Sale
With every Quaker or Akron Tiro
purchnsed in tho Automobile Sup
ply Storo during our Anniversary
month, we shall give away a Red
Indian Inner Tube:
Kite )unker Amerlran ltrd Tube
30x3 $15.80 $12.90 $2.55
30x3V& $19.65 $16.00 $3.00
32x3V6 $22.70 $19.15 $3.10
34x1 $32.90 $27.70 $4.20
.35x4 $43.90 $39.50 $5.40
36x4 $44.40 $40.00 $5.55
37x5 $52.50 $47.25 $G.70
This Store is a service station for '
Goodyear Tires and Tubes, and wo
have a complete line of nil the pop-
ular sizes, in "cords" and "fabrics."
3 y Floor 4i Filbert Street.
$8.00 Trimmed Leghorns, $5.00
A special purchase, at a price-concession, of Untrimmcd Leghorn Hnts,
which we have trimmed in our own workrooms with our usual good taste
and distinctiveness. All fresh nnd new, and ready for Saturday $5.00.
0.00 Trimmed White Hemp Hats $3.95
An cxtensivo variety of excellent shapes, attractively trimmed with
pompons, llowers, wings nnri riooons, in new summer enects.
Trimmed Hats at $3.50
Panama, satin and white split
straws, in smart summer styles.
Attractively trimmed in a variety
of dainty summer effects.
Toyo Panamas, $3.00 to $4.50
Japanese Panama Hats, in man
nish effects, with pencil-curl edge,
and crowns in several styles; trim
med and lined. Excellent value.
Toyo & Adamba Panama Hats
In nil the latest styles, including
the pencil -curl brim, telescoped
crown, side-roll and largo-brim Hnts
95c to $4.50.
Iteadu-to-Wcar Hats, $1.95
Combinations in satin crowns with
transparent brims; also new effects
in black, white and navy blue with
fa'econd Floor. Market Street, West
The Best $2.25 Table Linen We
Know of, in the Sale at $1.75
An exjtrn-fino Double Damask Table Linen, full bleached, two yardsj
wifie, nnu in scvurui huiuihuiuu uurui imiujiiia. 11113 is uur return! ?.ui
grade, which ns most housekeepers know is better than most Linens
found elsewhere at the same price. At $1.75 a yard the opportunity
should be seized immediately. r- Atulo 11, Centre
Corsets Many at Half Price
Some less than half price. All are up-to-date in style and desirable
in every way. Girls' and women's models included:
$1.00 and $1.50 S. & C. Special Corsets now 65c
$2 S. & C. Special Corsets, low or medium bust $1.00
$2.50 to $5.00 S. & C. Special and other Corsets $1.50
$5.00 Smart Set Corsets, very low bust now $3.00
$5.00 to $10.00 Hien Jolie Corsets, various styles $3.50
$13.50 and $15.00 French Jessica Corsets now $7.50
50c to $3.00 Dc Bevoisc Brassieres 25c to $1.50
Buy Nemo Corsets Now Tho prices of the following numbers of
Self-Reducing Corsets will be advanced on July 2nd: Nos. 318, 319,
320, 321, 324, 326 and 344, price $3.50, will bo advanced to $4.00. Nos. 506,
508, 522 and 523, now $5.00, will be $6.00.
a - Third Floor. Market Street West
Girls' and Misses' Apparel
Exceptional Anniversary1 Values
Everything in tho way of summer Outer-apparel is included. Vncation
needs should be provided now, when tho savings are so unusual:
Girls' $1.65 Wash Dresses,
Plaid nnd Mrlped filnirham nnd mart
Combination Dresses; Blzes 6 to H years.
$1.85 Washable Smocks, $1.50
For Klrla nnd mlsRes Belted Smork.i.
of whlto drill, with colored collar and
cuffa ; colored I.lnene SmockH, with wlilto
collar. Sizes 12 to 10 years.
Misses' $5.75 to $8.50 Wash
Dresses now $4.85 and $6.50
Of sheer lawn, colored oe. plaid
Klnjrham mid combination materials.
Sizes It. 1C nnd 18 yearn.
$10.75 Sports Coats $8.50
MISSIES' Coats, of rose, ureen and cold
novelty cloaking Now tlo belt, fancy
pocketH, deep collar. Sizes 14, 16 nnd
18 years
Girls' $3.50 Wash Dresses,
Intermediate ClIrlH' Dresses,. of blue or
pink percale, with whlto pique collar and
pockets; belted. Sizes 12, 14 nnd 1C
Misses' $1.50 to $2.25 Wash
Skirts now $1.25 and$1.85
Of white cordellno nnd pique gathered
back, patch pockets. Lengths 133 to 37
Misses' $13.50 Dresses, $10.75
White N'et Dresses, trimmed with fine
lace nnd ribbon Rlrdles Sizes 14, IS
nnd 18 years.
Misses' $19.50 to $29.50 'Suits
now $15.00 and $19L50
Full belted Sports Suits, of fine .diag
onal wool jersey nnd shepherd checks.
Chiefly ono or two of a kind. Sizes 14,
1G nml 18 years.
S) Second Floor. Mnrltet Street
A Corner for Men!
Many New Lots Added to the
Men's Clothing in the Sale
And every Suit which makes its first appearance in the Sale to-morrow,
fully conforms to the high stnndards always maintained here
faultless workmanship, reliable fabric, correct style and sterling value:
Men's $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00 Suits $19.75
Smart Summer Suits, from Hart SchaiTncr & Marx and other
famous manufacturers. Fine worsteds and cassimeres, including some
two-piece Suits in extra-light weights. All sizes, regular and stout.
Men's $18.00 to $22.50 Suits now $14.50
Youthful and conservative styles; all sizes in regular, stout and
short proportions.
Men's $15.00 and $18.00 Suits now $11.50
Conservative and youthful styles, of smooth and unfinished
worsteds. All sizes, in regular and stout proportions.
$40.00 Silk-lined Worsted Norfolk Suits now $28.50
$30 to $40 H. S. & M. Silk-lined Suits now $23.50
Men's $22.50 and $25.00 Silk-lined Suits now $17.50
$15.00 Suits, broken stock lines, incomplete sizes $8.75
Youths' $13.50 Long-Trousers Suits (15 to 20 years) $9.50
C ,. TvniKiPva ?3.00 Trousers, $0.25; White Flannel
separate i ) ousei s Trouserg( ?B.oo; $3.50 and $4.00 Trou-
- i onc. tmn .nj c r,n Tmnsora nt S3.75- Khaki Trousers, $1725
0 nra n t a:.;tii: fiii.uu uuu ww Amvfuuwsu t
Di,ta v -' t --- - 4 (k ne
and $1.75; Whlto uuck irvyi
$6.50 Rubberized Iiaincl
25 and $1.75.
4.50 Thin Coats $1 to $5.00
2$ - Second Floor. East
Thousands of Men's Correct
Straw Hats are in the Sale
From London's finest hatters, from some of the best-known American
manufacturers, from tho West Indies, nnd from South America, como tho
smart, comfortable Straw Hats in this Sale at much less than tho regular
prices. The collection nt $2.00 in the list below is made up of samplo Hats,
from Jacob J. Seeds & Co.; special purchases from Tress & Co., London;
specially-purchased lota from good American manufacturers and Includes
split straws, sennits, fancy braids, Milans, Leghorns, Bankoks and Macki
naws: 3.00 to $5.00 Straw Hats, 1917 styles $2.00
$5 and $6 Panamas, slightly imperfect $3.25
$2.00 Sennit Straw Hats, good styles $1.15
Men's $2.50 Porto Rican Palm Hats now $L25
Also $1.00 Cloth Caps, 50c; Silk Caps, $1.00 to $1.50 grades, 76c;
Cravenetto Straw Hats, soft and stiff, $2.50 and $3.00; Henry Heath London
Sennit Straw Hats, $4.00. - Second Floor. Mnrket Street. East
Men's Furnishings Under Price
Thousands of Neckties, Belts, Garters and all thoso other incidentals
which are included in tho summer wardrobe of tho well-dressed man will
be found in the Sale at considerably less thnn the regular prices:
$1.00 Silk Four-in-hands, thin band back 70c
$1.00 Silk Four-in-hands, new band back 70c
$1.00 Washable Four-in-hands, new stules65c
50c Washable Four-in-hands 35c, 3 for $1D0
$2.00 and $2.50 Fine tiilk Four-in-hands $1.15
$1.00 Silk Bow Ties 65c
50c Bow Tics now 25c
25c Washable Neckties 18c
25c Four-in-hands 18c
$1.00 Leather Belts 75c
50c Belts (imperfect) 25c
25c Garters flow 18c
$1.00 Suspenders 50c
50c Suspenders 35c
50c Garters now 25c
D Aisle 1, Market Street
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