Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 08, 1917, Postscript Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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' i.3ZSIflfo
1 !
:ho-Slovaks Demand
Democratic State, Inde
pendent of Vienna
dalists and Nationalist
fkn Movement Hnil R
8lan Revolution
"5 NEW YORK, June 8.
J Arrcvolutlonary outbreak led by the
1 1kasrn of the respective Socialist and
Nationalist parties has broken out In
J ' Bohemia, nccordlnit to dispatches re
? Vlrl firo Tlin'ltnlirminnH Knlllte the
Russian revolution and, American
I'AniS June R
A great revolt nBalnut Austrian ruin hs
f broken out In Uohemln, ncconllnB to "lis-
) patches received here by Jarnslar r Sme
( tanka, pecretary of tho nohemU National
,' Alliance, ulirneil ,y Pr IMnard lle-tien, a
prominent leader In the movement for Iln
ltemlan Independence Tin- tlov eminent I"
' Wild to be helpless to etem thet tide of rcivo
;, lutlonary Kentlment
The outbreak began vellli the openlns
). tension of the Austrian I'ar'llument, May 30
Great riots occurred In I'riistejnv, Mora
I 'slan Ostrava and Dudejovlco In Prague, a
great demonstration took place before the
Governor's palace, participated In ly tr 000
persons. Tha Vtilted flub of riei h inimical
. partlea In the Austrian, Parliament, which
represents all shades of polltuul opinion".
In' Bohemia, Issued an addles .isklnK tho
Union of all Czechs and Klowel. pioplo In
ono dcmocratlo stnte Particular Insistence
Is laid In the address on the demand that
tho Slovaks must be Incorporated In this
stato. During the reading nf the speech
from tho throne, thn Czech deputies osten
tatiously and demonstratively withheld
from all loyalist manifestations The
United Club of Czech Deputies elected as Its
president tho National Socialist Deputj. Mr
Klofaq. who has been In Jail slnco the be
ginning ot tho war
i Prem'cr Count Clarn-Martlnle In vain bc
ached tho Czech deputies not to mako a
t " declaration for Independence before the
v" t Parliament. Tho German parties In Parlla
; tnent are furious over tho action of tho
i , Cxechs and demand criminal prosecution
ofctho defiant Slavs
' The Socialist deputy. Dr frauds Soukup.
M declares In Pravo Llilu, tho Czech .Socialist
1 .dally of Prague, that the Czech Socialist
'party will march with tho nation till the
i end.
British Take 6000
Captives in New Drive
r j "
'Continued from I'fte One
JsutK aa never ticforo heard on this or on
Tatfy Other frftnt Tho barrage pattered
iOlieail of tha British troops like a hall of
'great steel stones A storm of red rockets
arose from tho darkness ahead us tho
Germans madly signalled for help A
'moment later vvhlto rockets told that the
t' British had swept oer the trench and
' were going on
f PAltlH, June S
t Germany has apparently started a counter-offensive
along a great section of tho
French front.
' Today's olllclal report detallod a violent
I i enemy bombardment around St Quentln
ii (and La Kcre. preliminary to nn attack.
, jrwhlch the Trench killed at Its Inception .
f more violent artillery tire centered on
I , Trench positions north of Moulin Laffaux
f antl south to rilaln oh well as in the Cerny
j 'aector anil enemy nttnrks nt various
i points." All attacks failed
V "Southeast of St Quentln hilil the nf-
r ' flclal statement, a violent enemy bom-
! bardment on the line from HI Quentln to
, La Fere was countered bv our own artll-
i , ' Jery. which stopped a prepared attack
1 ' "The night was most agitated on the
entire front North of Moulin I..iffnu&.
y Bouth of Fllaln anil in tli t'eriiv Hector tho
artlller fire was of the most -viol nt char-
'acter .i:nem attacks at various points
Jmci failed under our fire
. I "Wo penetrated the enemv's lines toward
"HVSoualn Hills In tho region east of llelfort.
At and took prisoners "
' The (lK,itiMU battle which began In
' Belgium vusterdnj with the opening of the
great British drive continued today with
Unabated violence Arottid the- cr.ilri of
what was once WvUehaete ridge, south of
ypresi British npiP German soldiers are
fighting wltll demon like fur)
, All Hngland Is ringing with praise for
Field Marshal Haiti's armv nnd thrllla with
pride over tho news that the British are
still pressing onward
The concrete results nf the first elay's
I b, fighting; In the new offensive are
$3 First. An advance of f i iin ono to
j-, ,thre;e miles, along a nine-mile front.
" 'i Second Destruction of the famous
i" German salient that stretched Into the
4 J British lines between Vpres and Annen
tieres. j Third Cnpture of more than OOOO
German prisoners.
i i ourm. ejccupaiion oy tne nritisn or
' . .v. .ilinH e t'....i.nn.A . 1 t
a H'w v.ittifivn ii. e j ine.ii.euitr. ..icnrilltei Ullll
. Oosttaverne and several plecca ot wood-
? Fifth. German pressure against the
lr British garrison In Ypres relieved
k tSixtli Opens the way for the first
steps ri an encircling movement against
the great German base or Lille
After the British had swept forward and
occupied the German positions the German
guns opened ana oomnarueu tne new British
frpnt with great violence. The Germans
fmde counter attacks against the southern
nd of the British line from the direction
tj!,FIoegsteert wood, but they broke down
turner tne gauing nre from the L'nglish bat
Aeries and the machine guns.
Virtually all the credit for the big vle-
,tvwy goea to tho British themselves, nl-
ough they received some assistance from
'Belgians In tha artlllvrv im r,t n...
:.Srton. '
?blspatches from the front say that the
' htlng w,UicJi followed tha long and furious
British bombardment was the most spec-
, tacular of the war Mines which had taken
9" " iwu jciiru co construct were
pff, simultaneously, the explosion being
rd In England. ISO miles awn v. an
Was the force of the) liptnnall II,...
9lfroun4 rpeked like an earthquake and
era -eji cartii ana up-roqted trees wen
wn for miles.
IThfs was the first great mining opera
M. by an army since Grant mined Peter..
ViJIM Germans lost heavily All the Ger-'W"-
troop In the trenches above the mines
lte blown to bits.
Rr the opening of this drive tha Ain.v
otYertjiv on the western iront enter new
Hum. on the Arms front and along the
Alsne niver-Chanipsgne line.
June II teeners! Ilnroevlc having obtained
from the Austrian supreme command very
heavy re-enforcements to meet Csdornas
drive, began four days ago at dawn a ter
rific counter-attack by opening with 2000
cannon on the newly won line being or
ganised by the Italians from the t'arso to
the sea from the source of the (lorno tor
rent to tho mouth of the Tlmavo Itlvcr
Krom that moment the battle has Con
tinued without cessation, every vard of
ground being contested desperately The
earth trembles and the roads rock under
"the deafening thunder of the guns as motor
ambulances pass to and fro on them at
fantastic speed, and the Whole firmament Is
athrob with tho motors of Innumerable air
craft Kast of (Jorlzla all defenses were com
pletely leveled by the rafn of high ex
plosives that beat upon them for long hours
but thn the onrushlng Austrlans en
countered an Insurmountable barrier In thu
Italian Infantry and machine guns Start
ing from the village of Kaltl with fixed
bayonets, King Victor's soldiers, with Ir
resistible elation stormed and reoccupled
almost sll the positions they had been forced
to fall back from Iletween faslngnevlzza
and Jnmlano they withstood nine counter
attacks After ninety hours In the tornado of fire
from the great concentration of enemv guns
the Italians occupy the line from Klondar
to Hill H4 The Austrian counter
offensive. In which 100.000 men were en
gaged, has failed
Persh iiif A r rives
at English Port
Continued fntm I'nur One
rived nt .in ii in. was given a noisy we!
come In the h irbor and a tremendous ova
tion at the pli r
When II doikeil n guard nf honor lined
up on the binding stage !m hiding high
Hrltlsh iirinv and nnvv nlllcers. headed bv
flemrnl Pltniiru t'nnipbell and Admiral
Stllfinan A di tat hment of tho Welsh
rusllIerK in tul us a guard of honor
nxciiAMii: or noxtms
The soldiers stood rigid at salute as The
Slur spangled H.inmr" was plaveil and
Pershing descindid tho gnngpl ink lie
formally Inspected a group of Hrltlsli sol
diers stopping to chat a moment with one
guardsman on whoso sleeve he had noticed
stripes showing ho had been twlio wounded
Pershing wanted to know inn wn nun
wherefore of thn stripes and of the wounds
Then the Ainerliati geutral and his staff
returned aboard ship, lining up on the deck
In salute as the band pluvcd "Clod Save
the King '
After all these forin.U rei monies ileneral
Pershing received a large partv of Amcrlian
and Hrltlsh newspapermen, answering their
questions cheerfully and teadlly
"We nro glnd to be the standard-beams
of our country In thlH might war foi civ
ilization " General Pershing said "To land
on English boII and receives such a welcome
is slgnlllcant We appreciate! It very
deeply "
During the vovHge a concert was given
on ship board at which General Pershing
made nn address
There was great entnuslasm on board
vVhen I'ulted States destiojers wero sighted
It was an Inspiring sight to sec the Stars
nnd Stripes flying nbovo the grnv battlo
paint nnd members of tho Pershing party
lined the rail and .cheered
"Black Jack Pershing, soldier par ex
cellence nnd Major General of the I'nlted
States regular army Is In England Cable
.advices announcing his arrival at a British
is as unwise as home-made surgery.
Don't try to cheat your dentist you only
cheat your teeth.
Don't trust to the impossible claims of a
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The only way to prevent tooth decay is
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This means regular visits to your dentist
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Ask your dentist about S. S. WTiito
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medicated cleanser, deliciously flavored,
made by the world's best known manu
facturer of dental equipment and
Your druggist has it. Sign and mail tho
coupon below for a copy of our booklet,
"Good Teeth; How They Grow And How
To Keep Them."
nn t
"J .4. .
port reached her today And with the
sens of gratification which was "
by officialdom centrally over hU safe r
rival cam a realisation that at last the
entire united service Is In the ar,
Krom now on units of ?"rr,br?n.c?!I,JS
service will proceed to France by "electea
Routes' Pershing'. Initial command wM lb.
made up of regular and marines Other
divisions, comprising such addl lona regu
lars as can be spared and selected unit of
the National Guard which wi',"l'e.r0"
the Mexican border, will take their pace
on the line from time to lime And later
on they Will be followed by the new army
to be made up of the selective con'crUded
troops who wilt be taken from the more
than tO.OOn.000 men who reglitered last
The French mission told the President
and his Cabinet and tho War College that
what was needed most on the west front
wss men Two clnsses of organizations
were demanded railroad men. to take over
the transport system and rebuild and re
organize tho railroads of France, and light
ing men. In replace the exhausted I rench
soldiers nlolig the wide battle front The
appeal was not allowed to go unheeded
Pershing and his troops were Immediately
put under orders and then the War I ollege.
working iliy and night rushed along Its
plans to throw every fighting unit that
could bo spared across the Atlantic so that
all of the warring people friend and enemy
-might reallre thnt the I'nlted States In
tended cirrylng out the Injunction of Its
President and utilizing all of the man power
snd the gold power of the oountrv to secute
the continuation of democrocv
Nnturollv all plans for sending the troops
to Prance will he shrouded In absilute se
crei v Secretary of War linker has pointed
out the rtangei nf speculation as to who are
to go. or the way they are to go There
will be no announcement at anv time nf
units that are going although after i ert.iln
troops nirlve It Is expeeted thnt the War
liepnrtinent will from time to time author
ize announcement nf their snfe nrrlval
The rnrlv leports of the passage of Gep.
rl Pershing and his staff came to the
press associations bv cable, these rabies
having been pa-oil bv the British rinsor
We took It as a matter nf eourse that
he would get through nil right said Gen
eral Bliss luting i lib f of stnh I pre
Mime he will leport In ills own good time '
Bronze Memorial to Southern
Leader, Erected at "Bloody
Angle," Is Dedicated
Beside that field of waving yellow wheat
across which General Pickett led his mem
orable charge against the Union line at the
"lllnodv Angle In the battle of Gettysburg,
there was unveiled today a bronze statue of
the valiant eoinmiiniler of the South's forces,
It)bert II Lee
It lacks but a few davs of fifty-four venre
slnco tho Confederate and I'nlon armies
met In blonilv strife on this field In the de
cisive battle of the Civil War As though In
rialllrmntlon of the union of the North and
South agilnst a common foe. this bronze
statue of Lee Is the first of a Southern
commander to stand on the Held of Gettvs
burg It was unveiled by his granddaugh
ter, Miss Anna Carter Lee
Tho equestrian statue Is tho gift nf the
State nf Virginia to the nation. Govet
nors Henry C Stuart, of Virginia, and
Martin G Brumbaugh, of Pennsjlvanla
with tliolr staffs, together with a crowd of
thousinda of Virginians nnd Pennsvl
vanlans. led bv tho old boys In gray carr
I g thi stars and bars attended the rere
n.orv Governor Stunrt Entertained
HAItltlSBUHG, June 8 The Governor
nnd Mrs Brumbaugh entertained at dinner
In the Lxccutive Mansion twelve members
of tho Governor's staff and their wives. In
compliment to Governor II C Stuart, nf
Virginia, and Mrs Stuart
- .,. -.rviJri-iLi
i Grow and
Would-Be OAkera Will Have
Chance to Qualify for
Army, Nnvy nnd Marine Corps All Do
Well Registered Men
Enrollment nf men for the seeond of
ficers'' reservo training camp will begin on
or shortly after June 16. according to an
nouncement today at the army recruiting
Captain A A King. U S A. who as
slsteil In examining the men who went to
Fort Nlngaia. N V, said the applicants
would first be examined by army medical
officers before having a mental test at the
headquarters to be opened later
Bright weather brought out a larger
number of recruits tndav Bv noon thlrtv
three men had enrolled In the armv with
the nav and marine corps also mnklng
a good showing
Men of conscription age who present
themselves for enlistment nnd rennet show
registration receipts must be taken to City
Hall and registered before thev will be
nnentrd according to a ruling todav by
Major lohn Handy Hall. Assistant I'nlted
States District Attorne After Mondav he
nld such men would be taken to the
ill'trnt attornev's nlllc
A dearth of recruits because men who
registered June S are under the "'"""
Impression that, they cannot volunteer, wu
announced today at lh "Mao"""",
lh Quartermaster Reserve Corps, 21 South
Twenty-third street. In a statement which
read, In part, as follows!
"I'nquestlonahly all men who have reg
Islered would b very glad to know that
they are privileged to volunteer, Many of
them would much rather go Into the serv
ice of their own frco will than be drafted
ii i. neertstiv nValmhln that the quarter-
master's enlisted reserve corps be mado up
of volunteers because skilled men are
needed far In advance of the mobilization
of the army "
Tt. nr.t rnntrlhutlon to pay the ex
penses of the new wireless school for naval
coast defense recruits. In the Parkway
Building wns announced today by Lieuten
ant 11 V Cadmus, at the City Hall re
cruiting station It was a $R check from
Dr. Gordon M Christine. :04J North
Twelfth street.
How war stimulates the flow of men to
the colors was shown In comparative army
recruiting figures for Philadelphia Issued
today There were 7213 applications, with
3088 enlistments In the period of June 1.
1916-May 31, 191". ns against 2153 applica
tions, with 79 enlistments. In tho period
or June 1 1916-May 21. 1916
Yesterdays enlistments were Army,
thirty-seven, navy, twenty-one, marine
corps, three
The following enlistments were announced
Henry Bunherer Is North Wl P
Jnhn K IMnlerton St BUS H ITIh l.
VVIIIInm lu-tls in New '"tle, Del
Walter F llullar "i l.'.."i H Msrstnn st.
Cleorse II Mer Is New I'ssile. Del
K.c1enril J Kane 21. BliO'i Chestnut t
Thorns" M Jones 33 Sll VV ellenn Ve
John VV rl Sfl sis rerklomen it
VVIIIIsm It eVircailden ,11), 'iWiH N Jld t
Wllim-r M louns 211 Downlnxtown I's
llsrrv i" Olltwrt to 282n Pierce. M.
Krsnfc llelfsyew 10 7112 Pork ve
rtuilolptl VVslter, 22 1S0II I'llbert t
Forrest W Dnblilns 21 Headline Ps
tohn II hreeth 1 ttMti N I.awrenc st
tohn MiQulston 1!) tim S 2lh st
tnhn I Halottl tr 21s V IMrlen st
Thomts Hslnrsn 21 12008 llith st
VVIIIIsm F Wrlsht 21 t(12l Mulherrj ft
Walter II Traubel 10 an W I'amhrla t
Two Buyers
Which Is
"Mrs. A is a widow; conducts a small board
ing house in West Philadelphia. Said she was glad
she could pay for her Liberty Bond in installments
for by doing her own cooking and watching the
pennies she could complete the payments quite
handily by autumn."
That's only one of a hundred similar reports made by canvassers
for Liberty Loan subscriptions.
Think it over men of means!
Think it over when you toss down a check for five thousand that
should read for twice that amount! Think of that courageous
woman's splendid loyalty and compare it with your own if you
have whispered "ten thousand" when you should have held your
head up and proudly said "fifty thousand."
Is the poor man's patriotism finer than your own? Is his sense
of honor and duty and fairness a nobler one than yours? Is it?
Do your full duty! There are many who have not!
You can buy your bond, easily and quickly, for
cash or on installments, from any Bank, Banker,
Life Insurance or .Trust Company. Or ask your
employer how you can subscribe your share,
paying a little down and a little every week,
Third Federal District
108 South Fourth St. Philadelphia
A (,.
7....J5 nmithtrtr. 19. Chester, i s.
war. g'.fo H& .aut
Charred Bodies in Ruins Near
Flemington, N. J., Reveal
Triple Murder
FLEMINGTON. N. J.. June 8.
Kvldence of a brutal triple murder was
discovered early today by resident, living
on the outskirts of this community, when
U, charred bodies of William 1! Queen
well-known farmer: his wife and their
twenty-year-old daughter ' f""
the ruins of their home, which had been
"Sto" ""r. attracted to the Queen
homestead by the glare of light against the
t when help arrived It was too lato
,o save the family The cond tloti jof the
bodies when, recovered proved to local au
thorltlcs that tne lamuy n u.. .- -
and the house subsequently set on fire anet
''""relson Is known for the murder the
Queens enjoying a wide acquaintance nnd
having no known emenles Queen was a
brother of cx-Judge John Wall Queen, of
Jersey Cltv
The Patriot?
Du Pont Fabrikoid Obtain. Decision in
United States Supremo Court
WILMINGTON. Del. June 8. The du
Pont Fabrikoid Company has won another
point In Its legal fight to protect Its rights
to trade secrets Involved In the manufte.
ture of leather substitutes.
The United States supreme Court,
through an opinion of Associate Juttics
Holmes, has reversed the finding of th.
Third Circuit Court In tha case of the du
Pont Fabrikoid Company against Walter F
Masland, a former employe, who, it Vu
charged, sought to use In a business of hlj
own knowledge of tho manufacture which h.
gained as a confidential employe of th
du Ponta. The way Is left open for further
action In the District Court
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your Printer or
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Papers for All Kindt'
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