"fy ffftViihM HPiiaWW)ll lilt,WiMliiiM Uil.Hlll " l"M " "f rWwPJ p,V V t rw-. i". & 1 1 ,'. .VEV .$" ti ?'. K-Sl.4 ?i ' Y & tV: ItTVtt 1 . L.5 fr-J?. us;. iWV' , :'", i. BVBNEto LElXffiR PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1917 MERCHANTS WHO HAVE SO GENEROUSLY GIVEN THEIR WINDOW SPACES TO LIBERTY BOND POSTERS, TO THE DETRI MENT OF THEIR SALES FROM WINDOW DISPLAYS, DESERVE YOUR FULLEST MEASURE OF SUPPORT. The Safe Keeping of Liberty Loan Bonds Co not neolect to help iour Government because you hove no taoilUlet tor keeping bond). Bank,, Trutt Companlea and Sife Dcpotlt Comptnlci hare ttnerally agreed to hold Liberty oan Bond! in limited amount! Iree ol chart. If you cannot ateure auch ac commodation our Cuatomera' Se curitica Department will hold your bonda in amount not to acted $1,000 and will collect your intereat without charge. TheNationalCity Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Xnr York Cklearo Bib Fraaeltco Boa ton .Pitt, burin No Safer Investment than tha Liberty Loan of 1917 Subscribers to this loan will have the satisfaction of show ing their patriotism in a prac tical way and owning a bond which is probably the safest investment in the world. The income is liberal consider ing that it is tax exempt, with the exception of the Inheritance Tax. William P. Bonbrigiit & Co., Inc. MOniUS WXSTAR STROUD. Jr. J Manarr ! 437 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia . New York Doaton Detroit London Tarla William r. Bonbrtsht Co. Bonbrlght & Co. Olin Finney S: Company AUTOMOBILE BANKERS Offer special facilities for In dividuals or automobile deal. era to finance the acquirement of pleasure cars, for business houses to finance the acquire ment of commercial cars or trucks. If you are thinking of purchasing; a car of any kind for any purpose the KINNEY SYSTEM will make a bettor business transaction for you. REAL ESTATE TRUST DUILDINQ PHILADELPHIA Suppose You Own 100 Conaolldated Arizona 100 Howe Bound 100 Conaolldated Copper Mlnea 100 liar Herculea Tou would not be receiving any divi dend checks right now but you would possess four good possibilities that may some day become big producers. Now Suppose You Own in addition to the above 100 Bapulpa Oil 100 V. 8. Steamahlp 1000 Iron ISloaaom 1000 Standard Hllrer Lead You would be getting a very satis factory return on your entire group Investment the dividend payers car rying tha prospects while waiting for them to develop. Head the new booklet "GETTING THE MOST OUT OF Y0VR INVESTMENTS" that describes In detail the GROUP PLAN of Investing. Write or call for Booklet 858-T.U. JOKES & BAKER STOCK DBOKEBS Widcner Bid., Philadelphia Ball, Walnut 1690-1. Ktyatone. Hae. 2290. jfear Terk lioeton Chicago l'lttaburgh Direct Prtvatt Wtrtt, JOXEB k. BA.KBR. Wtiener Bio., PMIaitlphto, Pa. You mar sand ma your booklet 858-T. U. yarn . iddrt$t QUH ..,.. .....f.-. taf .:, , FINANCIAL NEWS 1 POOL ACTIVITIES ARE THE FEATURE OF MARKET OPERATIONS IN NEW YORK Industrial Alcohol Does Not Develop Vigor Displayed in Yesterday's Trading Moderate Advances Are the Order in General List NEW YOUK, Juno 8. Tool activities were tho chief features of the stock market durlnu the fore noon trailing today, many combinations of brokers and operators havlns been formed on tho Idea of taking ndvnntago of the display of strength In tho genernl list and nttractlnB a number of buyers In their favorlto specialties. Industrial Alcohol swung within a comparatively narrow range, advancing; to 162 nnd then dropping to 169, but there was nothing In the shape of tho vigorous buying In ovldcnco In that stock before noon which made it the most prominent feature nil through yesterday's trading. Those who should know most about these nffalrs tell their friends that there Is nothing to como at present In the way of favorable dividend payments. Tho stock continued In urgent demand fn the loan crowd, Indicating that a largo short Interest still exists. Ono of tho stocks that pqolcd ex dividend forced Into promlneneo was Distillers' Securities, which was put up from 21 to 23. The Idea of the bull manipulators seemed to be to impress on tho public mind tho increased value of tho product which might result from legislation. The company, however. It Is said, has only $1,000,000 worth of spirits In store, nnd It Is hard to sco how nn ndvance In tho valuo of this amount of spirits could materially Increase the worth of the $30,000,000 of stock. In the general list tho price movements consisted of moderate advances nnd reactions. United States Steel common moved up T4 to 1324, from which It yielded to 131 V4. Minor steel Industrials generally followed It closely on both movements. American Sugar Kenning advanced 2 to 121, with tho buying based to a grout extent on tho extra dividend declared on Great Western Sugar a few days ngo. COTTON ADVANCES, WITH CABLES POOR Unfavorable Prices in Liverpool Without Influence in New York. Steady After Call NEW YORK, June 8. t'nfavorablc Liverpool cables and good weather for the crop wero Ignored again n't the opening of the cotton market today, although many room traders expressed bearish sentiment before the start. The buying, however, was on a fairly large sralo and was of suiTlciont proportions not only to absorb the supply, but to bring nhout advances on the call. July Rtarted 13 points lower nnd October was S points down on the first sale, but was immediately run up 10 points and made tho r,calo unchanged from the previous close. Other months were 2 to 7 points net higher. Spot houses, trade Interest, Wall street, uptown operators and New Orleans purchased, while commission houses, Liver pool nnd some Southern traders sold. After the rail the tnno held steady at about the Initial quotations. Declines of 22 to 32 points were reported from Liverpool at the time of the local opening. Prices were duo to come 11 M to 22 'n points off. Private cables reported some continental long liquidation and a little hedge selling. llecclpts at the ports for the day estimated nt 12,000 bales, compared 13,090 bales last year. Yeet. ll:nn (.'Ion. Open. A.M New York Stock Sales Allj-ChA'mers Mfg , Am Deft Sugar Am Tan AmCar&Fdy. . . . Am Hide & Leather. Am lllde&Lpf. . .. Am Locomotivo Am Mailing Am Malting lt pf . AmSnHt ft Itef . .. Am Sugar Refining Am Woolen Anaconda Copper. . Atl (luif ft W I Ilaldvln Loro . . Ma'tlmore ft Ohio Ileth Steel Claw D t cfs. Last eloee. ftlfh. . 20! i ,T !).!. rnu . m , 75 . lot . ftS'i 110 IWi . MK . rV,( .112 . tw. . 7Hi 147!.' Central Leather Co 05 ChesftOhlo 01- Chlno Copper ,WJ4 Colorado Fuel & Iron fiflVf Corn Products Ref 32? i CruclbleSteel Kll Cuba Cano Sugar 4Hf Erie 25W Oen Motors temp cfs 101 (it Nor cfs for ore prop. .. aiJi Insplrat.on Copper MM IntMrr Marine 271 Int Mer Marine pf 80) i Int Paper 43i Kennecott Copper 40j Lack Steel 0!) 0. 2!f 77 10 (V,i 7.VJ 104 r'i rrw. 20 05 M'4. 76M 15 5713 TI0i 110 121U 112'i in hH MWS S5i 116 112' raw 07i 71? 7Vi 149'f 147? 14RW Of).' 07 OS',; 59 59H ofl'i 32 81!i 44 2i! 15:20 p v. 30 ma 2 77 10 avi 1 5 lOlf 57W 110 120'1 54' i 8SVi 115h 07H l' MV 60' 5,M 33H 82! 45H 25 104 Mi o:. 28f 82H 44 4S 100 60 69M SOU 32U 81)i 44M 2.1' icmi 103H atJa 34Ji MM mi 80'i 43 47H 00 04!a 28 SIM 43Ja 47! a 09 New York Bond Sales Bl. $lnon Anxlo-Preneh iii;mi Amrr lei oa,. 000J Alrhlion utn 4n 1000 Allan Co Line lat 4a tiKXI Malt Ohio Sa, fi(H)0 Halt ft O Hwn aUa. imx) llronklvn n T fl llil 2CMHI Crnt l.rathrr lat Aa xoon Chill Conner T V2a nmKi Chra Ohio eonv Aa. . MS II 01.0 Chi n A Q joint 4a U(l 4 2000 Chi H g III alii.. Hit, iiiimi cnl Mil St P rv 4Ha om IIIOll Chl II t ft P M 4a.. 12 ISfioil C n 1V ct Aa on ata 7n 4CKNI cnic nvry na. ...... &O0O Dla Secur Corp Aa.. souo Hud ft lan rid Aa. . 11000 Inlrrb Met 4Ha noon Inlrrb It T rf Aa. . . 4(M Inter Ar Aa ROrt Jap nw 4H a .1000 K C I't H ft M 4a.. 2000 lula ft Naah 4a... f.nOO Mldvalo Hlrrl . . 1O0O Mo Kan ft T lat tioon N T O L S Hi. jzuifu .- 1 i.- et 11 fla. zomi N Y Cltv 4H 100S. 1IHHI . i u 11 l' 4a. nuini uo na . . . 2000 N V llwv aril f,. .. 1000 Nor I'ao prior 4a... 21100 Nor Pac sen Ha inno Parine (! n lnnnn inna ten ct 4H.. i(inp I rnna rn 5rtS 20no Publle Bfrv N J Aa. iiiimi iteaninir san 4a. Hum iiwy sti urn Aa 1B3 innno St I. ft fl l- at Ba.. . innon Ht I. ft B K arr A 4a. 2000 South Pall Aa 1000 South Vac ev 4a Itonn smith Pae eonv Aa... 1000 South llwy itrn 4 . . . Anno tr s rtubher ct Aa... 14000 U B Steal a f Aa toon t;nlon I'nc cv 4a... .1000 ttn Ilwya S f 4a.. . lAinon V K of o II I Sa. anon 00 nvia mis 22non 4o AS a lnin new 1000 An AH a 105t jtono Va Car Chm flu 2000 Wcat Shore 4 a 12:20 llllh I.OW p.m. . BSS 9S.4 S . v V Data . sou no w . MH sis slfa tint, new tJ . 001 vuk tioS 11 ti8 MS . tnou mow lonu Ik I24U isny, H SAH slvi Hl'm D1H 01 H 72 72 !i 7" 70,, 113 Hit 01 4 01 AH A'4 AKja I4H "S fl4f B4Vi OlH B4V4 7 70 70 S3 S3 M., 70V 70t 70J1 B4 04 04.. 4a... 07J4 OIW OJJt 714 7t4 7IH lofl'i loW loH . 10.1H 10.1U 103t . . 711 79 70 . . 00 on 00 . . 2Si 2.1't 2A OH'i H4 !" S2Vi B2l njt aas aai RaS 00 OA'i 0(1 102V, 1024 1024 S7!4 SJS S7'4 niu ni'4 up. no on 7i 07H B3V4 B.1H 07 Oil'i Sl'4 si'a nou pos nai oas S7 87 I04U 1(I4 SO'. 32'! 07'4 ooS 00H om ons 83 o 32V, 074 00S nn H ORS oos 85 01i no B7i nsu ons 81 'J no J? 37J4 80'4 .12(1 07'4 nns oos os ons 85 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NRW TORK, June 8. The market for coffee futures opened barely steady today nnd unchanged to a decline of 2 points. Trading on the call was quiet, sales amount ing to 6760 hags, with continued outsldo liquidation In the near months. July Auauat . . , Hrmrmber Or tohrr . . . Novrmher . nrcemrirr January . . Frruary , March . . . April Mav ...... Hid. Today'a oprnlna. . . 7.7.1 It 7.70 ".'. 7.8507.89 7.09O8.01 .. 8.1A1T8.1B ..8.18 ..8.22 Tratrrday'a clear, 7 78U7 78 7 827.3 7.87W7.88 7.01 07. 02 7.05C7.0B 8.00 ft 8.01 8.0AW8.OB R.10M8.11 8 1B4J8.17 8.21WS22 I1WS.27 8 2ni PARIS, today. Paris Bourse Is Quid June 8. The Bourse was quiet Sales in Philadelphia" Hlfh, 10 n A S t C. 84 18 Cam Steel. 1 ABM. BO Kleo Ktor.. SH ft U Asph pf , 1 4 Key T C pf 88 00 Lk Sup C. SI 10 Leh Nav.. 7W 400 Mldvale .. BlVa 402 .Penna R It ASH 0 Thlla r.lec 80H 215 PRT tr cfs son 10 Reading... 0H .11 Un Trac. 4 lit Un O Imp. 78 175 do war. . 7 3J0 U R Steel. 18tU Its Wm Cramp 81 Cash. nosns Illsh. 11000 City 4s 1941 cp lOOVa 600 Elec ft Peo Tr 4s... 81W 1000 Lk Sup Inc Cs 47 1000 Lehigh Val cons 6s. ,107 1000 renna Co temp cfs 4Vis ... 9 10000 Phlla Elec 1st Es.,.100i 7000 Spanish Am I 6s. 101 12:20 '.! t4 15BH 1H 8114 6SH Nat char. 544 H T 01 110 J014 tev, 0H ASH S0V4 S0V4 B814 43 78 SOU lSli 87 100W 70V4 ei 80 HI 7 H 70V4 V4 07 V H 5S4 30H H SOH Va 0314 lVa 4S 78 SOW M 1S1 Vt 87 47 12:20 r.M. 100K 1H 47 Net chie. SH S 107 107 08 SO 100 100 U 101 101 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS PROVISIONS There waa a llRht Jobbing demand and lard rulrd R ahada eaalrr. Tha quotatlona wrre aa followa: City bf, In aeta, amolird and alr ilrlrd. 354 c: waatern beef. In aeta, amoKea, SAHc. city bref, knucklra and trndrra. amk" and alr-drled. 30Hc weatern barf, knucklra and trndera. amoked. 8Wc. bcrf hama. 30 32; pork, family. 144.50045. hama, S. IV cured, looar. 2A025S4C. do. aklnnad. looae. 27l274c. do. do. amoked. 2302840. other hama. amoked. city cured, aa to brand and avrraaa. SJJMIit. hama. amoked. wratern cured 2H 204c. do. boiled, bonrleaa. 41c. rlcnle ahould"". B. P. cured, looae. 214 e, do. amoked. 224 e. bellies In pickle, according, to "raga, looae. 20e braakfaat bacon, aa to brand and aversie, city cured. 80c, breakfaat bacon, weatern cured, 8Ac. lard, weatern. refined, tee . 24c; do. do do tuba, 24c; lard, pure city, fc'ttle rendered. In tea., 24c. do, do. do, In tuba. 24c. REFINED SUGARS Th market waa oulet. but eteady. MeCahan and the renneylvanla Sugar Cjmp'nr qj; 'd 8n and tha rranklln Company 7.50c for eitra fine granulated. DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEESE There waa a fair demand for de al rabla at oc7 and valuea of tola deacrlptlon were nAMBRTA STEEL MAKES ANOTHER GAIN TO NEW HIGH RECORD PRICE Local Market Opens Firm, But Later Many Issues LoJ Early Gains Keystone iciepnone x-reierrea Declines 7 Points Little buslncs took place In any Issue, except United States Steel wmmon. during the early trading on the rh"Bd.elp.a 'nr,n Exchange today, and, after start ng nrm, many of the stocks lost most of the early gains. Cambria Steel continued to a tract attention by making a sensational l;m of 4-i to 1B9H. another new blgh record price. Yesterday It scored a record uhen It reached IBS. The gain today was made soon after 11 o'clock on a small sale, the first transaction of tho day In this Issue. Klectrlc Storage Mattery was higher again, hut was not nctlve. It vance.l Tt to 63 74. Pennsylvania Railroad v. as up a small fraction, but Reading was weak, losing a little more than a point on a small turnover. Philadelphia Klectrlc was up a trifle. Lake Superior Corporation, the most active of tho local stocks, was orr a quarter, as was Ihlgh Navigation. The announcement made following tho ..- .. ft, ,rtat AMt.. .. rturo ui ,,,.nv.w icokctuay j .-i Mayor a reiusai oi mo transit lease drawn did not causo any weakening iM speak of In tho trust certificates of tlM I'niiaaeipnia ubiiiii iinmii company Ther' wns very llttlo nctlvlty In these during tv1 fnmnnnn ttAR.alnn nnd Ihpv anlrf r.rr .. n lfHnn T.flntlnn warn ttt U nt 14ft, . art(r ",,,u" """" " " " " lorcubj uuriain nun ouoiiuuimnna trust Certlfl cates iicciiiicu u iiuniicr m o4'4, a new n for the year, nnd Keystone Telephone era ferred. on n sale of four ohares. . J, , 1 from the last sale in the week of March it l tho lowest price nt which It has u V'i ih Inst two years. William ivom- . " certificates wero unchanged. Mldvale 8t.!il wns off a. "I Steel common sold ns high as UiK ..1 .1 .In.lnw .V.M .! . . ' SIM ,,1IU i,,,.v. ......r. ... .....,,.,, ip, UUi cased ort to lazu, up a quarter. B000 shares changed hnnds. Ultrfl New Tork. 5c. apeclala new. saw ateadlly maintained. Quotatlona: full cream, fancy, new, 244 higher, do. do, fair to good do, part aklma, 119200. POULTRY LIVE Tha market ruled Arm under moderate offerlnga and a fair demand. ".'JU0,",", Fowla, aa to quality, 23024c: rooatera. lnf"c; aprlng chlckena. not I.'Bhorna. f "mp. Jiiow efclnned, weighing a.tTl' l,,"i"f4"rS;.a,11i,' Whlto Irfghorna. weighing ; 014 Iba. P''"; 82ea.V: ducka. Pekln. 2ff21c: do. Indian Run ner, 1718e. plgeona. old, per pair, .SB'-sc. do, young, per pair. 20W22c. FRESH FRUITS nealrahle atock aold fairly nd values Ben erally ruled ateady. The quotations follow. Apolea per hot. Uen Uavla, t4ff.1: naldwln. nS. I.' 5&; do. ungraded $34; Wlneaap. No. 1. 1800; do. "ngraded M?- . 'X.P 5V per,hK,'x".,"l'3ff4'f VrinoMda A ?rate nrlght. fancy. se.VR0; rusaet. fancy. 1208150, poor. TSctf II 50 Orapefrult. Florida, per crate. I2.50SA. IMneapplea, Torto nice, per crate 120,125. Btrawberrlea, per nt Laalern Shore. A8c. .Delaware and M'J"n,,-lnlJ?15'-niackberrlea. North Carolina, per nt.. 9Ue. lluckleberrlea. North Carolina, per nt . 15 18c. Tearhea. Oeorgla. per carrier 12 '32.50. Watermelona. Florida, per car. $2500400. VEGETABLES Tha market waa quiet and barely steady with ample offerings. Following are the quota Hona: White rotatoea. South Carolina per bM. No 1. llo.Aofrll: No. 2. I8BA0. cul vni4,S Onlona. Texaa. per crate No. 1. Sl.AOtrl s.1. No 2 I125W1.W Cabbage charleaton. Pr KM .rr.tr. 11 50B2. 00. .-SOriolK. rrr HUfrur I2W2.SO. lttuce. North Carolina and Carolina, per baeket. A0cj1.50. Celery. da, per 10-lnch crate. II 2. Ileana. Houth Finn. South pera, rter Mrglnla. telephone, 2: do. do. do, per do. do. small, per l-.l-Dlil. bnaket, ".Veil??' rena, i-;aaiern nnore. nmnii, per 't-bhl, fcti.i 7ltri.tf. I ucuilliiria. fff2..rMl. Hreia, I4ff5. Toma lUBnruuins. .r, -,,,. nnnri. ainri.jn Carolina, green nnd wax, per baaket. !;....' North Carolina, preen and wax. per haakai A1 .1. Kggnlanl. Florida, per box. IS.IOoi f "l I'QS, ttliu ,f ill! Mqunnh pt-r,.". 1. Peaa. North Car0.or.llV ie. per 4 -bbl. baakrt .7. aitf 1-3-hbl. basket, tlOlU-.8?,9 r l-S-bbl. haakM. 75ceiiJ! rirt. Hmx i. nar la. lli - lumbera. Florida, per baaket ti A 1 , South Carolina. Mr l"i SlJ!' 1 tcea, Florida, pe? "rate, iJ'aVl I a, per 4-lb. baaket. II 01.50. " 1 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAU STOCKS Bid MncN'amara. Midway ... Mlzpah Ext Montana .. Vr,rth Star . Ileacue Kula .10 .14 .1(1 .20 .10 .23 C.OI.DFIEI.D STOCKS niue null 01 Honth O" Comb Fraction ni Dlamonfleld II II 03 Iialsy "J Oro "1 andatorm Kend 03 Sliver Pick in MISCELLANEOUS United 3.1 Aik4 .16 . .11 .71 i .1: . : .01 ' .09 .06 .8.. .0 I .11 A rlvnn.i Vet-nda 111 I Tccopa Mining 31 .30 BAR SILVER Iindnn Toda Teg. (pence) . 3R HH't Last Frl. 38 .It lilrh. A-e 3S'i M were with July September. . October November.. . December. . , January. . . . March 22.0H 22.12 21.08 22.nl 22.04 22.11 22.27 I2.A0 21.00 22.il 22.13 2.78 22.12 22.24 12 M. 3.82 1:00 P.M. 22.78 22.13 22.10 22.2 1 Liverpool Cotton LIVKRPOOL. June S. Cotton futures were quiet, active months 7 to 13 points net lower. Sales 7000 bnlcs of which 6800 were American. July-August H.Sfid. October-November 13.73d, .lanunry-February la.BOd, March-April 1.1.33d. DAIRY PRODUCTS The qnntntlona nn butter nnd eggs siren below are jeaterday'a eloalng prlrea: HDTTnn Puycrs were ehowlng Increaaed In tereat nnd with stronger outalda advlcea the market ruled firm, but without quotable change. onVriiiRa w-re only moderate and dealera were able to .'ftert n fair clearance of all grades of aolld-packed creamery. Fancy prima wero well cleaned up and nrm. but there waa soma un-attrai-llvo stock around, which waa little wanted and Irregular In value, quotatlona: Weatern. freah aolld-packed creamery, fancy apeclala. 434c. extra. 4140424c; extra flrata, 404 c, flrata. 40c. aeronda. 3r. nearby prlnta. fancy, 4.V, aerage extra. 434, 44c; flrata. 41 42c. aeconda. 3,40c. special fancy branda of prima Jobbing at 4H&'51r 110(18 There waa a further decline of 15c per caae In this market, due to freer offerlnga and lower oulalde ndvlcea. At revlaed flgurea. fancy atork waa pretty well cleaned up. but moat of the aupply waa of more or leaa drfective quail Ilea which wero dull and Irregular In value. Quotatlona. Nearby flrata. 110.50 per caae; do. current re celnta. 110.20 per caae. weatern extra flrata. tin 50 per caae. do. flrata 110.20 per caaei fancy selected rnrefully candled egga wero lob bing at 41 42c per dog. Mexican retro'eum 10H 10.'t HUM 103 Miami Copper Wi 40'. 40) 40)i Mldralo Steel flOK ft"1 fiOU 07 Nat Knam & Stamp .... Sn'i 4t)H 41) 40x KewYorlcCcntr.il O0J 91 WA 01 Ohio Cities Oai 140'i ltlU 141 UHi Pacific Mall 'Jt'j 20 4 2." 2JU Pennsylvania R li fi3U ,W 63.1 S3H Peop'e's Gas Chlcaso . . 7.5 75 .5 75 Wtb & West Va 2Si 2SU 2S'f 28 H Ry Sloe) Spring fiO!, 77-j 7fi!f 77.J Ray Con Copper 30!i 30J, 30! i 30J ( Readinc 03! Otlf 91M 04 Rep Iron & Steel Stlii 03U 02!f 02W Sinclair Oil & lief 551J 6(1 55!, 65!i S'oss-Sheff Steel & I 0234 A2M r.2", 02M Southern Pacific 03K !)2Ji 924 02!1 Southern Railway 27?i 'JTJi 2ifi 27! SupenorSteel 47 47!i 47 47W StudebaVor Co 79H 79i 78J,' 78Jf Teas Co 222 220!i 220!f 220!f Third Avenuo 23lf 22J, 22Jj 22M Tobacco Products 681. 00,. 67H OOH Union Pacific 1,'JOJi 138U 130!j 130) United Al'oy Stoel 48 i 48 48 48 Un.ted Krult 138J, 140)f 139U 140U USIndAlcohol 100! 102 169 101 US Rubber Oi (it!, 03 03M US Steel 132 13JJi 132H 132( USStolpf 117i 117-f 117i 117.i Utah Copper 114i 1161. 114!f 115 Va-CaroChem Wi 4U. 4t 44W Wabash pf A 4SW 48 48 48 WabashpfB 2o!i 25JJ 2.5)4 251 WestlnghousoE&M .... 63J 53JJ 53! 53! Worthlneton Pump 33 K 33!i 33f 33!i Wheellng&LK 14'i 14!i 14i 14, Willys-Orcr'and 28 M 28)i 28 28 Ex dividend National Lead, 1; Cheaapeako no unio, 2; central i,eamer prererreo, 1 ; 1 ' ; preferred Kennecott tapper, 14 . National Knamellng and Atlantic, Oulf and Weat Indlea Stamping preferred. li 14. : Mackay Company. It4 : do. Italdwln Locomotive preferred, 84 Itapld Trnnatt, 14. Woolworth preferred, preferred, l; urooKiyn CORN PRICES DROP AS OFFERINGS GROW New York Curb Quotations Aetna Hxplnalvea ctfa .... Amer Int Co Chevrolet Motors Coaden Company Cnnlrn Oil Si Oaa Curtlsa Keroplane l.rhlRh Valley Coal Sales. Magma Copper Seneca Copper St Joaeph Ir-ati Submarine Hnat t'nlled Motors t'nlleil Verde Kxtenalon . . Wright-Marttn Wright-Martin pfd Ex dltldend. Bid , SS . 4H, . P5 . 13 . 13 . 84 78,, - 4,tr R1r . 18i . 32S . 27i . 30i . 5 . 50 Aaked 314 50 100 13U 13U 35 K4 48 10 10U 32 4 28 4011 5S CO MORRIS BROTHERS COMPANY MUNICIPAL & CORPORATION BONDS 1421 Chestnut Street WIS KKCKIVK NimsriUITIONS, 1VIT1I OUT MKJIVICK CIIAKOK, FOR U. S. LIBERTY LOAN The Ilaviland-Armslronn Co. 1118 WALNUT WT NEW YOUK riiu.i)RLriiiA 11UM1U74 Wheat Declines Also as Liquida tion Increases on Expectation of Good Crop Report Citizens, Attention!! ?! l.l-OAI. NOTICES nSS" ESTATK OV KIllVARIt O. TII05IAS, aJS Ueceu.ed I.ettera teatamentary on tha above ralate having been granted to THK PKOV1DCNT 1.IKC. AND T11U8T COMPANY OP PHHADELriilA. all reraona Indebted to the aald eatate are reoueated to make payment, and thoae having clatma to preaent tha aame, without delay, at the orflce of the aald Com pany, 400 Cheatnut at., Philadelphia. p " . ASA 8. WINO, Prealdent. Or their attorney, WM. E. STOKES, Eaq.. 1227 Commercial Truat nidg., Phlla.. Pa, ANNUAL MEETINGS lrST PIUL,DEI.P11IA COMPANY FOB ItC OVAKANTEF.INO MOHTOAGEa Zti Land Title llulldlng Capital 12,000.000 Surplua and Proflta 044,080 v Phlladalphla. Jun. 8. 1817. The Annual Meeting of tha Stockholder, of th Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortiagra will b held at tha office of tha Com. pany, 224 Land Title Dulldlng, on Monday, June 18. 1017. at 1:30 p, m, , for tha purpoa. of elect ing fifteen Dlrectora to aerva for tha enauing year, and to tranaact auch other buatneae aa may ba brought before tha meeting. Ilr order of tha Hoard of Dlrectora. SAMUEL C. EDMONDS, Secretary. DIKBCTOUY OF ACCOUNTANTS CHICAGO, June 8. OfferlnKs of corn were liberal this morn ing on favorable weather In the belt and re ports pf larger offerings from the country, nnd the market was weaker. July opened nt $153 to $1,621., against $ 1 53 'i at the end yesterday; September started at $1.43; to $1.41, compared with $1.424. yesterday's last price, and Decem ber was quoted at 99 Vi to 99c. nt the out set, contrasted with $1 at tho close yester day Tho position of the cash article, how ever, was strong, although the technical sit uation was believed to have been softened somewhat by the recent buying. The re ceipts here today were 186 cars. The market at Liverpool was steady, but the feeling there was less bullish. Ship ments from Argentina for the week were 933,000 bushels, against 1.631,000 bushels last year; the visible "supply there Is 3, 600,000 bushels, compared with 14,663,000 bushels a year ago. Liquidation caused lower prices for wheat. July opened at $2.22 to $2.21, against $2.22 H nt the close yesterday, and September at $1.95 to $1.04 '.i, yesterday's final quotation. The Government report at the close was expected to Indicate a yield of winter wheat of about 400,000,000 bushels, and of spring wheat about 270,000,000 bushels. The market at Liverpool was dull and easier on expectations of liberal world's shipments for the week. Kxports from Argentina for the week were 699,000 bushels, against 1,790,000 bushels last year. The visible supp'y is 6,290,000 bushels, com pared with 17,290,000 bushels last year. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth were 243 cars, compared with 244 cars last year; at Winnipeg, 368 cars, contrasted with S73 cars; at Chicago, 33 cars, against 21 cars. Oats were easy under selling for over the Government report, which was expected to Indicate a production of about 1,400,000,000 bushels. The market at Liverpool waa dull and inclined to go lower. The receipts here today were 127 cars. Keep Gold's Destination Secret NEW YORK, June 8. United States gold coin to the amount of $700,000 has been withdrawn from the Subtreasury, The des tination of the shipment Is withheld, MONEY-LENDING RATES PHILADELPHIA Call, 4 per cent, Time, 40$ per cent. Commercial paper, three The undersigned Trust Companies and Banks, convinced of the vital importance of the success of the Liberty Loan, and realizing that all have not yet subscribed in accordance with our historic patriotism, make this public appeal, with the hope of impressing upon our fellow citizens he imperative necessity of doing at once everything possible to meet the call of the United States Government. No loyal citizen can escape his responsibility in this national crisis. If you have not yet subscribed to the loan, subscribe today; if you have subscribed, we urge you to increase your subscription, as each of us proposes to do, giving to your Government, in the issue now at stake, the generous support of your money, without which success is impossible. Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities. Girard Trust Company. The Provident Life & Trust Company. Fidelity Trust Company. Philadelphia Trust Company. Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Co. Commercial Trust Company. Philadelphia National Bank. Bank of North America. Farmers & Mechanics National Bank. Girard National Bank. Corn'Exchange National Bank. First National Bank. Central National Bank. Fourth Street National Bank. Franklin National Bank. 9mHSmSMlSt1'- 1 to els montiM, H VK jrW-M ' CM- - -.f-eir j 1 I !, ,i. vf, , -i .J J k&dr' . &aKi'A"V' , .;,) .; . '.'.: '., .( 'f -- .'i;r y. -:?& && - :s rtt,- i.'.