Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 08, 1917, Postscript Edition, Page 15, Image 15

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Ltime's Hardest Walloper and All Round Star
It.,a Have Filled Yawnintr finn i t.
Attack Billiardists Shine on War Scroll
Song of the Raw Recruit
Write not that his heart failed to feel
The fear of the fight;
Write not that his nerves were of steel
In the hurricane blight.
Write not that he stood to the flame
Bereft of all fears;
But rather grave this for his fame
Through the myriad years;
' "He looked to no conqueror's role
Where the Paladins dwell; '
He was sacred to the pit of hU soul
But ho fought till he fell."
Hushey Jennings turned Walter
. Ik. Yanlraafl thft PUrt&ln
Ptoo over i " - . .
. . .rn(s.i the future slate.
( ?',.,,ihv would have sui rendered
1 .BW
.In on hi. club,
rSw.. Bob Veaeh
barring Cobb and,
PIPP tday '
.!. k.wmen of th
ono or tno greatest
o (tame not oniy a
M M.'"iT". hitter, but a brilliant In-
. lirf. ''"..V. greater promise ahead and
u'liwe filled a great hole In Jennings's
Jrt.b'!art'he drove In more runs than
i U.Jr man In baseball, and he led his
' fitfto hoW runs. He Is the game's
Kit wallopar today, barring no man
V iB?lLi to bat. and In tho combination
f'f offense and defense ho has no su
JLSS ! win In Stuffy Jlclnnis or Hal
I 7 Another Honor Roll
i tvir Sir Nearly every sport writer has
' ,Ifn! footbalt and tennis as tho sports
"SriSSSif most 'nllstmcntB. How
! , m Isrds' Here are a few facts-
.'in Hall, national amateur billiard
nhpbyenrs1S.n one Brooklyn billiard
I Htf Oa'rre't" aof0th3e- Missouri National
TJr. t,rl a few Kansan City billiard
m one evening, mw a total of sixty
: CjpUylnr, and twenty-three of these en-
i 'Med that nlsht
f is Detroit recently six men were taking
it In billiard tournament. Five en
Mrs. Bertha King woman pocket billiard
'eiamplon, has Joined the Red Cross.
There are 4.000,000 people In this country
(i'lW billiards. The rccoidn will show
lilllarda have furnished more men for tho
iir than any other sport. These are facts.
S. G. B.
One writer, back In 1908, wrote that
ifred Merkle's -areer as a major leaguer
vm oer for good after a certain episode.
vvVd like to have a doubloon for every
M game Fred has helped to win since
i tut classic date S'nce that day he has
Hired nine years under three separate ban
ter!, and today Is still more than a Jump
.from the end of the highway.
i T. F. W Tia third test shortstop? 'Who
bthe second best?
; Some Day
Te (Mnfc that toe 7iavo always been,
"Mat Earth, the Moon, the Sun and Mara,
Orion ond the other stars
tjuit, Are and never did Begin.
?lmt day, when summer bursts in flame
Ulsma fhe detps of Everywhere,
tSne ood who really doesn't care
Will lose his head and throw the game.
H. C. S.
t t
ttanmf T Anti't rA rrt t nr ef ilso n ft fair.
uw bas but one regular rival In sight By
1 Swimming events
The Farragut Sportsmen's Association, of
Camden, has announced Its program for
cpen swimming events of the season There
lll be three big meets open to all regis
tered swimmers
The day of the three meets will be Sat
urday. Juna 0 Saturday, July 21, and Sat
urday, August 18. There will be three
events for men and two for women. The
tvents will be run off In the Delaware
flver In front of the clubhouse, Thlrty-
dote a week prior to meets and should be
m to F P Tharp, 1236 North Thlrty-
aecond street. Camden Registration blanks
Bay be secured In Philadelphia from the
X A. U 1432 South Penn square
Entries have been received from the
; Turngemelndo and Y M C A . of this city ,
;(tk Philadelphia Swimming Club, the Cam-
den Y. SI C A and other organizations
Toe Farragut Club has offered a season
.trophy, and the events of Saturday will
live the winner a leg on the enp
Syrcause Athletics to Go On
C 1 SYRACUSE. Juno R Tim nthletlf. eov.
jerajiE board of Syracuse University yester-
- jjr aecmeu to resume all college athletics
Jlnnlng next fall. "In view of the ex-
Tft.A.OA ...I.U -e T , . --,, II 1 .1
'. tnlet(c training of vounir men be con-
, gunned '
r The board also rescinded the one-year
i .rule for the rlnrntlnn nt th umr. nnlv In
, far as It applies to freshmen who are
J preparatory school graduates and have not
f?ttende Institutions of collegiate rank.
'fhHN"rIti clTy- Ju"e 8. The WIncester
'i.r n!l,,vcl08Jd..,t" "thlctlc activities for the
faS.. . .basabatl season which wa curtailed
oinr to tha death or Captain Walah's father
Jim..". ,alI'y u:ea8fur Three of the four
rT-S fisjeu were -won
IhfcS "i?.y1,,I)an,i ' Atlantic City. wa tha
Oo?rJl,h." Winchester athletes to (so Jnto tha
imI r.!mTnt "rvlce He went to Washington
lull w.elr ,. ....,. ... , A .u. iinii.il
liilrJl Secret Service Jardlne was the flrat
(feiil ''?"! thl' ey nd Gardiner Perry, of
ih?.?- hai1 Previously Joined tho American
-ES?!Bf..Corw 'a France Dan Scott and
i,nom Valentine are working on farms.
I i
Amateur Baseball Notes
Tl,iJ1e,ton A C a first-class ejenteen-nine-'ftSKi'"014
"am would like to eor from any
'S?.!1" "avellne team. C rkmlns. 1324
jt Hewson street
Bi'iaVfV"'. ro,,r Home would like to hear from
bK',"07 IOUrteen.flfleen.venr.nM ten ma nlnvlna- week-
ji"r ball. A E Brager, 700 Church lane.
'in ii "a'urday, June 0. the Oceanlca Juniors
iS","n up against the Triangle Juniors at Bel
'ami ... '.I? .management has a few open dates
,SJ: yM like to hear from any. flfteen-aeven-,JJIHr,ol4
teams, ii. Qrogan, Sixth and Flti
fwier streets,
SOUlhua-t. Tl -..-, , ,M ,11... . a.
rrtft - esuii leam woum nivc w :
let .11 .iie with any home teams. In er out
lr V!y- Paylnr a good guarantee, D. Clune,
I"" Cedar avenue,
fnS1i,."l.rLub would Ilk to arranae Sunday
'wlloVr i iany home ,',m' D' Coh'n 63
i . . . . . . . -
Sfeort.?. '.' "OV Cub haa open flaiea ror ony
f-I!?rteen.eliteen.veAr.nM teams if Friedman,
B v Starr Qarden.Stxth and Lombard streets.
Bdlent Susncndcd bv Drcsnahan
. Trtt.Rnn t B J.-... .n.i.n
r f CMt.k rw' . '-. June o.jnuenniin aur,,-.w..
CsTpl'.Alr .,lu.h nedlent has been announced
EAm.iit-"1.1 Manager Hresnanan. or tne loiruu
SirVi11 Asaorlatlon eluh. Iledlent went to
fa 5 at Falconer. N T, early In the week
9 restate nn. h. .1......... .iv Ita
vraatt'i.1" un1r the selective draft
to U?.? rfturned the following da:
awing day Falllnj
Hresnanan declared
ErenlHsr Letlsrer Letter Box
re It a lettw In tlta'aMe o-f the Bporls
dropping Richie Mitchell
and Freddie
sill l.?e v0 tw of the " PI"""
SnS itl "2 by- Cnarllc White is
i2 ? ,nd" bu,' tne maln barrler remain
Ing Is Johnny Kllbane. who already main
unp imp. TCIIhtna la r--. i J
hitter, who knows how to box and who
moves along with the wallop attached,
llo is also adjacent to every trick of the
trade. The two. towed Into one ring, should
provide an entertainment well worth In
spection. For where speed and hitting abll
Ity are sent against the same there Is al
ways a possibility that the Old Haymaker
may Interpolate its thrill.
"Can on outfielder thrn-nr rnrtti,- iv,
pltcher7 queries S C K. On an average,
yes. Outfielders are trained for an extended
range. All throwing records are hold by
outfielders The first established record of
135 yards was held by an outfielder, and
the record was broken by Lcjeune, another
outfielder. Pitchers rarely attempt the long
peg, as a different motion Is required that
might result In Injury. It would be Inter
esting, for all that, to see Just how far one
Walter Johnson could toss the old missile
on a bet against the longest throwing out
fielder now extant. Which reminds us
again, who Is the longest throwing out
fielder, Dae Robertson, Trls Speaker,
Harry Hooper, or who?
Speaking of able-bodied, long-distance
veterans which no one was there Is also
tho case of Mr. Clcottc. of the White Pox
Mr Cicotte was a mate of Ty Cobb's on the
Augusta club in1005. That was twelve
years ago. Today he Is one of the leading
pitchers of the game, apparently getting
Just well warmed up with tho best start he
has eer known
Treat Your Feet Right by Wearing
Dr. Reed "Footform" Shoes
Dr. Reed Cushion Shoe
Obtainable at This
Address OnlyB -
8 N.
"TMiT"111 1 1 mi mi ii m
Biltwel Construction
In chrorne, nickel and vanndlum
eteel. with which goes the new,
heavy duty Continental Truck
Motor Stewart Vacuum Feed
Enclosed Disc Clutch Re
movable Tube Radiator Four
Forward Speed Transmission.
These ore the reasons why the
Velio Is one of the Big Four
leadership tn every part of the
world. These are the reasons
why the Velie has records of
Economy not matched by any
other make.
Truck users now know that
dependability and freedom from
506-08 INortn
jiS WORM EAR EKEVEi 20for W SmSP AM Ooltdfu ' 1
Twenty-four Players in the
Select Slugging Society
at Present Time
t,uh I.1!"? """"Res of the plovers In the
Philadelphia Shoe Manufacturers' League
up to and including the last game p'.ayed
show Jean, of I.alrd-Schober Company to
bo at the head with nn ncragp of 6fif.
A perusal of the list shnws that twenty
four plnjern are batting In the 300 clrns,
and this Is a noteworthy feat considering
the alr-tlght pitching In m-inv of the eon
tests A coincidence Is noted in the fact
that the first player of the chimplnn A r
King squad stands eighth In the list, and
that two of the Regal nine the newest
acquisition, are among the leading four
President Charles Schmidt announce that
double-headers will lie p. avert by all the
clubs tomorrow, starting nt 1 30. as follows:
Lalrd-Sohober crsus W W Lenox, A
R. King Company crsus Schmallz-riood-wln.
J Kdward Company erss Regal
Shoe Company The contests nro all
played at Point llrerze Park
The complete statistics arc appended-
J'n t.alM.Srniber
J'onUzn. ricua! Shoe To
Vin Oetm t.nlM'Scholr
Zlnnl. Hal .llfcnl shoi- "o
(I A II It It.
4 fn
4 14
4 IS
5 7
4 1
5 17
2 it
4 J
r. si
4 IS
2 5
4 111
a id
4 in
r. in
2 n
! !2
1 111
a in
4 14
, .. 21
4 IS
. a 2t
.1 SI
ft an
. a 12
: 20
a 13
. 4 in
n in
2 in
. 4 ir
r, 2ii
. .' 20
4 15
', 211
.-.ruin i-;mnrin
O'llrlen. Lalrrt-Fchotrr
nuhr, IjilM Schober
MaharTey, A. It Klnn ..
t.lnn v n Kine
It Waller rMM-nrrta
Nao, ltnllatian-Heal .. .
'.on Hallahan-llfBal ..
Scum- llallntnn-rtKMt ..
Colllna Lalrrt-Srhotwr .
Den, Lnlr.l-Schnlicr ....
turner A n Kine
McOrnlh, A It Kins . .
aold SmfcltiGoo-lnln
Jarknnax w W Lenox
r-ilmrr. A P. Kins . .
Thnmaa w w I.nuox .
Sehoegfl A n Klnn
Matlaek. t.alrrl Prholer . .
Dill A It Kins
KllpMrlck A It Klne
Morrla v w I., no
o Nlll w V L.iiox . . ..
Ulnner A II Klnc
n Srhmldt Kmaltz Goodwin
Orllc'c. Smalti-aondnin
fuenport W W tnnn
MrCIure w W Luiox
Oaiiher talrJSehnber
Drunim. W W Lnox .
Ilonser A It Klnir . ,
It Srhmldt Smalti Oooduln
Mlnton. Litnl Scholar
Oeir'lch Smaliz Onmlwln
Ibo Smalt-Qondw In . .
IJroun Smalt2 (Joodwtn . .
Hrown Smaltz Gnodwln ..
Martin, hrtuard Cn
Ixmdon IMarda Co
I.olfv A K Klnit
Jonx, A It Kin?
J O-flrlpn. l V t.nnx
Mifman v v I-nox
r-ohen Liird Srhohr
llNrlll Snnltz (lnodln
GallaghPr t.nlrd Schnh, r
Ttosattn Hallahan ItrRal
Whltf. lMuird
. .1
fi 21
r 22
n in
i in
,- 21
4 n
2 R
2 n
-. 2
Put them into stylish, comfortable
shoes, built by ir.en who have
made the foot a lifetime study,
and your foot troubles will leave
you entirely.
Corns, bunions or callous spots you
will never have real carefree com
fort until you wear our anatomi
cally correct shoes. DO IT NOW!
For Men
& 'Women
13th Street
Open Saturday
Look at the Depth
and Strength of
the Frame the
Long. Heavy
i Silico-Mangan-ese
Steel Springs
the Timken
David Brown
features of thia
Quality throughout-this is
the famous
upheep expente are Insured only
by the sturdiest rrucif construc
tion worked out by truck building
science, only possible to euch
long experience on such a vast
scale as that which produces the
Velie. Two models now being
delivered: Model 25, lJJ-2-toa
t21G0,Moacl2G13Vs ton,S3500
Cab, Gas Headlights and Prest
O-Llte Tank Included besides
regular oU lighting equipment
We carry a full stock of para
6ervice at all times. Ask us
about our liberal time-payment
uroau j;
All-round scnsatlonnl player with
. the Browns, who led the league in
hittlnR tlurinp; the first part of the
WithinRton. Coach, in U. S. Service
MAHU-O.V VI Jun a Pr Paul Wllhlnt
ton, coach pf th t'nhfralty of Wlaronam foni
ball turn haa nllM1 In the Hoton ni- Hoa
ultal Torra of the Ilfd froaa and haa announreil
that h would not return tn thl ri ahnuM
the unltratt deride to rlav ronfi renin foot
Perrln Elected Perdue Nine Captain
LAFAYHTTE Ind June a I i p.rrt i of
Wen niden. ind haa hen eie, ted cantaln of
the Purdue Cnleralt baaeball aoind here Per
rln la a Junior In the arhool of ele irlral
eniclneerlnit He plaa third biae
El D M mkliTtik M Mm m m m l SB
a 200 IUbbbbbui aaaaal BTffil a7-lV. I hV WMI B "!. CI bbbbbV .A Blal aaal BaJ VaaaTOa. ... aaaaV WaaaaV. aaaV
.' tai
if d J0mSSBmmW
i " 7 JC9 j"rTmiii rrrMii i inLaM?iiniMaMasW'?-riC? JI-? -MtfzLBar
J&g m . I
Ii f aMW t'jwfm esc n o r 9
1 M'tilmiyA octciSTy. less
l MJSfl UMl e they re Mud
; &r Swlm M JnM im i&Jl Sure as you're a foot high
' i jtsJfMftH EF$iik Sounds 8trange,becau8o you never
; xt&jp r'l Jw $lM$g before smoked a mild cigarette
1 ' iiimim that did ihat'
I fr 'W&fiM Yes,Che8terfield8"reachhome,' ,
; jr liMuj$f y iet yu know yu are Bmoif
' W I ing-they "Satisfy" !
J r I Still, they're Mild! j
S !; i JJd A new blend of pure, natural j
C kct Imported and Domestic tobaccos t
I f:J that's the answer. And the
I JmMz ( blend can't be copied. ',
: Wlr (w Make Chesterfields your next A
' WwMW'm -si
h3p w& vs(V I m
i yyTWfy'X - fcatew--t--o---t-aBneiii i n mil nu iintiiMmm-rwrarrtimaBBSMBammmm : ' "a
rltn)rAjt' cflzt
I , Y&Uk "n e . ' 1
Cardinal Star Takes Up
Pace-Setting, Then Breaks
His Leg
W. i: Cruise, who patlmea In the left
garden for Miller Muggins, accomplished
two cxents jesterday The best thing he
done was to take the lead In National
League batting and the worat came In the
second Inning of the game with the riraes,
when ho took a nasty fall rounding second
base. Injuring hl leg to such an extent
that he had to retire It so happened that
Bob rtecher. who replaced him, sprained
his ankle In the next Inning.
Today Cruise leada tho Tener hitters.
Oeorge turn has dropped from first place
to a tlo with IMdle- Roush for second. .1.
Smith, also of St Louis, is fourth man, nnd
Stalk Wheat has Joined the 'first fUe"
Wheat returned to tho game a few days ago
upon recoxerlng from nn Injur;, sustained
almoat a month ngo
In the American League Tv Cobb dropped
from .140 to 33 hut retained second place
'o other changes incurred In the American
Here Is how both '
l'laer. ( lull.
rille, M. I.otil
llurna. Nfi ork . .
ttoiieli. Cincinnati
.1. "-nilth. M Ionia
Mhoale. llnmkbn
' VMP.Itlt A
Plaier ( lub.
Speaker. Cleirlinil
nlili. Drtn.ll
Mrlnnlt, I'lillnileliihla
U nlker, lloion
11ainht'. tleielmil
(Irs! flic' nre bat-
(I. All. It. II. v.
H lot) ?l !, .S3.1
S'l I.M 2l M ,111
SI lis 21 41 .141
.111 11)1 IB .11 .til
2.1 W 10 20 .320
l-K(lt K
li. Ml. II. II. Ai.
4n ion ti m ,-ini
41 III 21 B1 .131
40 111 13 W ,3i
.10 101 II 31 .111
is inn it si .301
... 1 117' - 1" X5 fc-7Ta r K ' - XX ' M .fl
Junior Event to Be Played at the Cricket Club.
Saturday Alexander in Charge of
Visiting Racqueters
THE dl appointment felt by all lovers of
tennis at the calling off of the Intercity
match between lloston, New York and Phil
adelphia for tho Church Cup, and which was
scheduled to be plaed tomorrow, has been
tempered bv the announcement that n Junior
t'hlladelphla-Xrw York Intercity affair will
be plaed In Its stead The mntch will take
place on the courts of the Philadelphia
Cricket Club nt St. Martina, beginning nt
2 o'clock The New York boys will leave
the metropolis nt o'clock on the morning
of June 9. In charge of Frederick H Alex
ander Alexander Is Just as well known
and equally as popular In tennis circle as
Is his namesake among baseball fan
A tournament was recentb held at tho
Qerniantown Cricket Club for tho purpose
of selecting a team Tenl bovs. those
with the best tecords thus, far this season,
or who may not have shown particularly
good form this ear. but whose gams
shows especlallv bright promise, were In
vited to participate In the trial tourna
ment It was won by Tlodney Heck, who
will lead the Philadelphia team ,V round
robin tournament for the purpose of -determining
the respective order In which the
bojs will play in against the New York
team has Just been finished
As a result of these matches the Philadel
phia team will play tomorrow In the follow.
Ing order- llodney M Deck. Oermantown
Academy: Herman Pornhelm. Prankford
High School; (! n Pflngst. Penn Charter;
Hlchard Mvers. Penn Charier P .1 Stccher,
Central High School and Andrew Morgan
Oermantown High School. In singles The
doubles will play In the following order
tlodney M Heck, Oermantown Academi.
nnd Herman Pornhelm I'rankford High
School. F V 'Wilson, Cvnwyd and O 13
Pflngst, renn Charter: Headley Harptf.
Lpiscopal. and Carl Fischer. Cynwd.
The New York team will be drWB
through the park In the mornlnr. anil
both teams will he the guest 6f th PhI.
delphln Cricket Club nt luncheon.
In addition to the bo a match . in
exhibition doubles match will be playd In
which Frederick Alexander and Harold
Throckmorton, of New York, will be op
posed by William T Tllden and Wallac
Johnson Tho exhibition match wilj ba
Played on turf, nnd the boya' Intercity
match on the clay courts No admls.lon
fee will be charged
The singles events will be played first.
The New York team will be made up a
follows No 1. Denjamln Letson, captain
and also boys' champion. No I, Harold
Taylor ; No 3. Fred Anderson. Jr : No. 1,
Oeorge Throckmorton. No 5, Gerald Don
aldson. No 6. Frank Anderson Harold
Throckmorton will not play aa previously
Ni:V YORK. June S Only eight horses
are expected to go to tho post at Belmont
tomorrow afternoon to start In the Hubuf
bnn Handicap The Finn has been made
the favorite by the handlcapper. He will
carry ISO pounds
Western League Head Resigns
ST JOSEPH Mo Juna At a apeclal
mteilna of Weatern l.easue haaeball cluha hera
President Zehruns of the leasue, preaenttd his
rraUnatlon it naa aald there " poaal
Mini that B It Dlrk'rton. preilAent of th
Central larue mlsht succeed Xetirunx.
w tor Fey IB,
" ft.
j l ,,.,.ui..i ..l i. - ..-..t -Mt&n. .....'... . ;., . . i atiifi i'ftslMa-------------l----i-------l-HW