It. ' r rA life,'- i. "i IIS I i EVENING LEDaER-PHILADELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, JUJSTE G, 1917 wutish press on ,Haig's Columns Strike Two Points on West ern Front at, VIOLENTA OFFENSIVA AUSTRIACA SUL CARSO GAIN AT BOTH PLACES LONDON, Juno Field Marshal Hal awung his British olumna forward In renewal of. the offensive. fen thn west front today. Tho Ilrltlsh at- tacked at two tiolnta on the Arran Una lut night. Raining ground at both place. ., "North of the Scarpe wo further pro gressed on, tho western slopes of Greenland hill," Ilalif reported. "West of Ixos we gained ground slightly." Greenland Itltl lies about five mile south ef Iens and close to Gaerllle. Doual, to ward which the Ilrltlnh havo been thrusting In tho whole offensive movement. Is a scant five miles to the west. Ixos Is just north of liens and thn slight gain to tho west reported by tho llrltlsh commander-in-chief Indicates progress of the enveloping- movement nround tho coal eJty, Canadians have again distinguished them elves In the fighting on tho western front. After two days and two nights of lighting thn British aro today In possession of the ruins of the Lens Dower station nn ih Soucncz TUver. The Germans hail turned, the power sta tion Into a, blockhouse, arming It with machine-guns. The British lines were so close to It that ttfcouldnot be bombarded effec tively, sothe. Canadians wero sent forward ttxtalctylb' bj storm, QWO-GEItlirAN.ASSAULTS BURLEDiBACILBY FRENCH TARIS, Juno fi. 32rtremelyrt!eavjTo3ei'wero Inflicted on two OermanxassaJltng waves, which vainly ought, to reach JYonch lines nenr Hurte Wse. todaVa omolal statement declared "THerei was action during the night In thojChemln. dea Dames sector and ulsn to thspwest, between therAIIIotte nnd the Loan WaoVTho AVUr Office stated "The artillery struggle, reached Its most violent stage, especially! east, of 'Vauxalllon, north of the Iafanr. region ancUoround Brao-en-Laon-noU. Wear JIurteblse two German assailing waves auempungr 10. reacn our lines north east ef Monument wero thrown back to IhetratartlnK point, losing very heavily." VIENNA REPORTS 6500 CAPTURED ON ISONZO VinNNA. Juno 6 Capture of an Important portion of Jtallan trenches south of Jamlano with 171 officers and 6600 men was announced In today's mclal statement The ground regained was recently taken by tho Italians In their offensive aUtncchi in Massa Respinti nclla Zona del Vodicc cd a Sud di Castagncvizza GERMAN LOSS IN WEST 214,000 TO 321,000 MEN By HENRY WOOD WITH THK FKENCH ARMIES IN TUB FIELD, June 6 Germany has only twenty-one divisions of troops on the western front approximately SI 5,000 men which she has not et flung Into the fighting line The 107 divisions (1606,000) with which the British and French offensives have hren engaged In recent weeks have suffered losses averaging between 2000 and 3000 per division or from 214,000 to 321 000 men Thesa figures are those of French head quarters Thoy glvo not only a clear Idea of the tremendous efforts which German) In making to stop tho French nnd British ad vance, but also tho terrlhlo toll which tho Allies havo taken In the fighting mo rrencn estimate aro That Germany has a total of 166 divisions of all kinds of troops now on tho western front (This would be about 2 340.000 men) Of these 166 only 128 are divisions of real lighting men, the others being auxiliary corps One hundred nnd sevm of these 128 lighting divisions havo been Identified at opposed to the French and Br!tlnh forces nt some time during the offensives Ever since Field Marshal von Hlnclcn burg's Mslt to the Alsno and Champ igno fronts early In Slay tho Oermnns have glvon Indications of no other plan of campaign than to resist and rounter-attnik desper ately, while feverlshlv constructing ut the rear successive series of lines. Mini lar to the boasted lllndenburg line TO ENROLL 300,000 ALIEN ITALIANS UNDER U. S. FLAG Military Attache of Embassy Plans to Enlist Men Here for War Service WASHINGTON'. June 6 - Three hundred thousand alien Italians In the I'nlttd Mates will be enrolled for war service under the American flag, If General Enrico Guglle :i. military attache of the Italian em bassy, can solve the problem of working out a, satisfactory registration mntem This Is general Guglleniottl s real pur Pose In coming to the I'nltid States It was learned toda He deslies to keep Italians with dependents In America for agricultural duty, sending Italians without dependents to Europe to fight under the American Hag No solid Italian regiments will be recruited liovvev er Those Italians who are. prevented from returning to Italy by reason of jieity of. .u..rv.j luuiiiuiicu mere wm Do unsolved jiuiii uiiy iiuuisnment in Italy, to present Indications according $t CONFEDERATE VETERANS r PAY TRIRIITE Tfi Memorial in Arlington Ceme tery by Survivors of Men Who Wore the Gray WASHINGTON. June 6 Itemnants of the once mighty army of the Confederacy are today paying tribute to the heroic dead of the South. At the Confederate monument In Arllng Itary dead of the nation are burled the United Confederate Veterans are holding memorial exercises to commemorAt th. 5 bravery of those of the Confederacy who gMjJbavo answered the last bugle call v .,. . unicucian uianumeni in Arling ton the United States Marine Corps Band layed "taps" while a choir of women sanr the dirges of the Confederate army HELD AS MAIL ROBBER TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES Negro Clerk in Central Postofflce Said to Have Confessed to Captors Cagerness to d&v off mnrtvnt?n r.n t.i. jme led a-negro mall clerk to steal money ':"'.: "uruui vo confession he M SAld bv DOStfll lnsnM(-nri in hau ...,,. ' f today. The clerk Gnrr ir irm t- North Fifty-eighth street, waa held' by United Ptates Commissioner Long under JI000 ball W court U Kent wa employed In the central post office. Yesterday he was caught. It Is al leged, abstracting J2.50 from a decoy letter, and another aura from another letter It It said h confessed having stolen from the tnall s time, Kjent has been Jn the yft mb w married CHILDREN' SET HOUSE APIKE Play With Matches and Cause Damage Amountinc to $500 Fire which Is supposed to have been started by children playing with matches caused J500 damage to the home of Stan Islaw Knazek, 2614 Orthodox street Frank ford Knazek, who was working on the first floor of his home was attracted to the fire l the smell of smoke and he rushed to the second floor and discovered that the lace curtains on the back room window were burning With the help of several neighbors he tried to extinguish the flames In the mean time nn alarm was turned In He told tho police that no stove was In the room and he suspected that one of his children had Bet the place on fire Dr.VON'S HEALTH BISCUITS Relieve Constipation Contains No Medicine Hiclpt bu tkccMiul ilgeillve specialist. A palatable and nutritious food Creates healthy action of stomach and Intestines Inirtaaea ph ileal itrtnsth rromlntnt phialclan ssys. "Thy ara imply marvtloua." 25c a box Vor sal br II. C. nialr, fiee. 11. Ktsiii rinltr Acker Co.. Ilroad Ut. Mtntlon liniK Htore, Hhow.ll, Fr,,r Co.. MltVb"?t" yietcher, Thoa, C. Iluka & Co.. K. Urad- W.M I.U.IKV -V. eery Clarke t-a. and other druc sod fro- 3 torn, er dlrtet from a DR. yONS HEALTH BISCUIT CO. L2 Mtft-Kt Market M. . V pnu r i-y-V UOMi:, 1 Glugno OH austrlacl hanno fatto un goroso a determlnato nttacco thntro le posliloni Itallane del Vodlce, ma l'attacco e' falllto come quelll che lo precedettero Questn volta, nondlmeno, si e' trattato ill una vera e propria controffenslva esegulta con mezzl e con oblettlvl ben determlnatl 15 l'attacco non si e' llmltatn al settore a nord dl Gorlzln, ma e' stato esteso anche a sud flno a Jamlano Kcco II testo del rapporlo del generals Cadorna pubbllrato Jerl sera dal Mlnlstero della Guerrn Sulle frontl del Trentlno e della Car nla si sono avute lerl brevl azlonl dl artlgllrrla e plccnll scontrl dl repartl In rlcognlzlone Nuovl tentatlvl nemlcl dl attacco con- tro lo po.lzlonl nostra del Vodlce e ad est dl Gorlzla fnttl ((omcnlca notte a nella glornata dl lerl (tunedl ) furnno frustrntl dalle nostre truppe .Vol pren demmo 38 prlglonlerl tra cul un ultlclale Sul Carso, dopo parecchl glornl dl vlolenta preparazlone dl artlgllerla II nemlco nttacco' In massa le nostro posl zlonl da Dossn Fnltl al mare Sebbena le nostro poslzlonl dl Doso Fnitl fosscro stato dtatrutte completamente dall arlonn dell'artlgllerla nemlcn csso furono stre nuamonto n con successo dlfese dalle truppe del 2IS a 316 regglmentl dl fante rla che resplnsero deflnltlvamcnto II ne mlco dopo una vlolenta battaglln nono atante la f.tta cortlna dl fuoco mantenuta dalle battorto nemlche No I catturammo 63 prlglonlerl Lo nostre truppe rcslstettero efllcaca mento agll attaccht vlolcntlsslml del ne mlcn da Castngnevlzza nlle alture dl Ja mlano e con vlgorosl rontrnttncchl a com battlmentl corpo a corpo rlusclrono a mantonere Intatta le loro poslzlonl nou solo, ma ancha nd occupare poslzlonl plu' avanzato nolle vltlnanra di Castagne vlzza o dl Verslc A sud dl Jamlano. pur mantenendo In tatto le nostre poslzlonl ill ula (sur Tl mavo a San Giovanni) slamo stall co strettl n rettlflcare leggcrmente II oenti. della nostra nuova llnea alio scopo di evltaro II fuoco nemlco Net tempo rat deslmo le nostre truppo operarouo fre nuehtt contrnttacchl per arrestare II nemlco Poco dopo vlgorosl contrattacchl oporatl dallo nostre truffe cl rldettero lo nostro poslzlonl coma eisc erano prima del l'attacco Telegramml da Londra dlcono che In quel clrcoll mllltarl st ( redo che gll Itallanl man tengono una vlgorosa presslone sullo llneo austrlachc, mentre la sltuazlone del mercato del vlverl In Germanla a dlvenendo sempre plu' accentuatamente grave Ora In qucstl perlodl dl depresslone e" sempre stata abltu. dine del govorni dl Herllno e dl Vienna dl pubbllcaro I comunlcatl plu raKxIcuranti circa la sltuazlone mllltare, e perclo' II kaiser pochl glornl fa Invlo' un telegramma dl congratulazlone alle truppe nustrlache per la loro vltorla (?) sul Carso e sul 1'Isonzo A Londra si sa che un romuntrato aus trlaco cho dice che gll Itallanl hanno sul Carso 180,000 nomlnl e "cmplicemcnte cosa da rlderc Ture da Londra mandano che It colon nello Iteplngton, critlco mllltare del Times, dice In un nrtlcolo cho vl e" da sperare in una proslma rlprea deirorrenslva del russl Gll alkali hanno continuuto u man daro In Itus'da ccntlnala dl cannonl p una grande quantlta' dl munlzlonl II crltlio credo che ancora 7,6 dlvlslonl tedescho c 36 dlvlsionl atiitrlache koiio tuttora Bulla fronte russa ma sono In gran parte dlvlsi onl dl Landwehr e dl I-indstulm. non dl prima llnea LA QllSTIOVi: DIXILI ITALIANI WASHINGTON 6 Glugno SI e' ap preio cl a II generate Gugllclmottl, che fa parte deli mlsslone Itallnna agll htatl I nltl ilnurra' qui dopo the I suol com Iiagnl harunno partltl per dlrlgera II reclu tamento degll Itallanl non naturallzzatl ihe si trovano In America e non hanno rlsposlo alia chlamata alle arml in Italia La qulstlonc del dlsertorl Itallanl doe- ill quclla the nou hanno rtxpohto alle chlamata alle arm! e stata una dello magglnrl the la mlalono Itallana ha dlcusso cun II gnvcrnn amerkano fir.i bembra ihe un nccorilo sla stato ragglunto e che la mlsslone abbla ac cettato II puntn dl vista del governo timer! enno quello cloc" di non togllere gll Italian! che lavorano qui al loro lavoro ihe e' tanto lirnllcuo .igl! alle.itl quanto lo e' 1 opera del solil.itl Nondlmeno II generale Gugllelmottl rcclutera quantl Itallanl si iiffrlraniio spon taiieaiiiintc I: prohabile the il tnarihrse Ilorsarelll che ha trattato la qulstlone ion le autorlto' amerlimie, fara un piinumlo In proposlto tr.i hieve I; si dice lie egll r.u eoni.inde lebbe al parlainento Itallono dl npprovaro una legge nccordante amnlstla agll Itallanl non naturallzzatl che esiendo In America nun hanno potuto rlspondere alia chlamata alia iirml Ad ognl modii II piano del gene i.ila Gugllelniotti e' quello dl fare per ilascurn Itullnno, Indlvlilualniente, quello the unnimilitla generale nou avrchbe potuto fare. II principle ill I dine sta tnegllo La tern peratura e' oalat.i da 104 a 100, 8 ma I'lii flammazlone delle tonsllll tontlnua ed II prlncIpe non potra ahbandonare II letto per tutta la settlmana lorrente nffermn il med ico curante dr Florla Ska! dim ' y .'-S Photosraph by Ilarrn Knlns SEES A DIVIDED CHINA Dr W. W. Willoughby, Amencnn cnnstitutionnl adviser to the former Chinese republic, today declares that a division of China into two nations seems probable as a re sult of tho triumph of militarism over the Constitutional Govern ment. ' AUTOCRACY WINS IN CHINA REVOLT Republic Virtually De stroyed and Division" of Country Seems Probable BITTER STRUGGLE PENDING URGE NONPARTISAN BALLOT Organizations Asked to Oppose Change in Third-Class Cities Bill TU5ADING I'll , June 6 Secretary A D McMillan todnv sent notices to all members of tho Chamber of Commerce and allied bodies In tho State, ahking them to co operate with Heading In protesting against the nbolltlon of the provision for a nou partisan ballot In third class cities under the third class lt bill, vvhlih was recom mitted to the State Senate Committee on Municipal Affairs Thn members are asked either to lie pres ent at the committee hearing In Harrlihurg nt 2 oiloik tomorrow afternoon or voice their protest bv mall or telegram to Senator Vare. tlialrmiii of the lomnilttee Rids for Improving Public Squares lllils weie ritelvid tnil.ij lij the Depart ment of Public Wmks fur Impriviug a number of public squares tluouglinut the cltv The amount involved Is $30 000 Kftlmates Included n laretakerH lodge In llartram s Garden n nmtnlentp Million In Westmoreland Pink and the demolition of buildings on squares In the Tweutv llrst Ward By RALPH TURNER TOKIO, June . Autocracy's forces In China apparently have triumphed and today It appears that the Republic Is virtually destroyed A divi sion of China Into two nations seems prob able A long struggle of militarism against con stitutionalism may be expected to follow the present revolution Dr W W Wllloughby. American con stltutlonal adviser to the former Chinese republic now en route home to the L'nlted States thus summed up the Chinese situa tion today The revolution Is most serious.' he de clared "The republic Is virtually lost I look for turmoil of long duration between militarism and constitutionalism The pres ent trend Is strongly lo a monarch) The militarists absolutely control the situation now And even If, through a compromise, a new government was established In the north of Chlnt chaos would still continue throughout the whole country since the secession of the southern provinces would be most likely "As It looks today a division of China Into two nations Is probable "The. democrats of the southern prov inces are more active In support of a cen tral government than the people of the north "The illltarlsts' object In the revolt Is fourfold first, abolition of the present provisional constitution , setond retirement of Ll Yuan-Hung, third the establishment of n new government at Pckln fourth a new Parliament and a new tonstltutlon "President Ll Yuan-Hung ould retire If that action would benefit the country but he considers that the masses of tho Chinese people expect him to defend the democratic principles of the republic against the military dictatorship which is sure to come with establishment of a re genc He feels that his declarations of Independence would only have the effeet of solidifying the people for a republic The u.rrcpondent of the newspaper Asahl today cabled from China that the American Minister, Or Paul Hellish had advised President Ll Yuan-Hung not to resign on tho ground that hlH retirement would be a division of China Into northern and southern nations FOX OPTICAL SERVICE, QUALITY and PRICE You Cannot Beat It Fprtuclm and nyfRlnsti mad by u A yr-Htm Affo ar now brounht buck for renewal of lfnna The frnmr nr nn nervtcnhl." nn eer no btttrr EuaranUe run h offer"'! NVnrly nil em t hancc ulthin livn .Hn Hotter hav jour yen relented tvfort our ocullut "tm(n in war dn t Ir A If ran mk a correction In Itun tlm than It took for the original tent If ou ha no (hole of an oculist we Mflll cheerfully prnld it with our lntrnd htlrni cart) InrlutllnR reous. for minimum thnrire to on- It will vnv to hae our prescription for ftlfipae filled bv un and Prture th nam Kxpert Service Quality and Price hr 13 ean nito FOX CO. OPTICIANS E. Cor, Cheat & 17th St.. Philadelphia Pa nut j0r Store Chits Daily at 5.00 P. M. VsVr fmy i- 'dS Vhixr. fortons& 3. trtuf Q4?tf&c,, June Clearance Sale Offers Remarkable Opportunities for Economy in All Departments Household & Decorative Linens Napkins, pure lin en, spot, stripe and floral dc- yiriT 20-fflta .fVTtfl, rK7 i signs, 20 x inch. Values $4.25. Special $3.33 doz. Pattern Table Cloths, 70x88 inch, pure linen. Value $6.00. Special $4.65 Turkish Bath Towels, ex tra large, red, blue and white border. Value $.20. Special $2.75 doz. Madeira Luncheon Sets, hand-embroidered, thir-teen-piece. Value $5.50. Special $3.85 set Linen Scarfs, 18x 50 - inch, lace- trimmed. Value $1.25. Special 90c Cluny Lace Centrepieces, hand - made, 20-inch. Value $2.00. Summer Bed Spreads, plain stripe and floral patterns : Single-bed size, $1,50 Double-bed aire, $1.75 Dix House and Porch Dresses Special at $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 The newly-arrived assortments present a splendid oppor tunity for securing a goodly supply of attractive dresses for house or porch wear at a small cost. There are pretty summer styles in tissue, gingnam, enmity or cnamoray, in checks, stripes Six styles of House Dresses made of good quality of gingham, chambray or percale. Sizes 34 to 44. Exceptional value. $1.00 or plain colors. Bungalow Aprons made of excellent quality of check or plaid gingham. Formerly $1.50 to $2.75 Special $1.25 & $2.00 White Washable Silk or Satin Petticoats, some have hem stitched flounces, others more elaborately trimmed. $3.75, $5.50 and $7.50 Cotton Dress Goods Reduced Printed Voiles, 40-inch. Were 28c and 30c 18c yd. Black and White Skirtings, stripes and plaids, 36-in. Reduced from 50c. 38c yd. Striped Japanese Crepe, 30-inch. Reduced from Oc.25c yd. I -4X , n ' ' Printed Skirtings, 36-inch. Reduced from 35c. 25c yd. Silk and Cotton Voile, stripes and checks, 36-in. Value 75c. 38c yd. Washable CorduVoy, nar row cord, velvet finish, 36-in. Value 75c. 45c yd. KRONSTADTPEACE, PLEA OF COUNCIL" Workmen and Soldiers Ap peal to Rebels to Quit Separatist Movement CONTRARY TO REVOLUTION pirrnoonAD. June Th Workmsn'n nnd Soldiers' Council to day appealed to the local council of that organization at Kronntadt to reconsider Itt action In nelilna; the, fortress there 'The neliure of tho city wax an assump tion of power contrary to the policy of thn Ilusslan revolutionary democracy " tho council asserted The I'etrograd general council's action followed a formal report on conditions at Kronstadt submitted by one of Its com mitteemen, M Amission:, delegated to make an Investigation. . LONDON, June C' The turbulence In retroRrnd. rcsultlns from the establishment nf n Pre Rov' ernment nt Kronstadt uas WW""'. tho Lasts return of War Mlnlstir Kcrciisk from the front M Kcrcnsky. who In now regal ded the man of the hour." Is imiklnB heroic efforts to establish order, but It Is P''l.t, b Mnxlm tlorky nnd others that there will ln much bloodshed before tin D-issHe nnnichy can ho overcome" The chaotic economic conditions huo re. stilted In the resignation of Jllnl'tcr of Commerce Konoaloff. and It Is believed in some quarters that soon the Cabinet will conilst wholly of Socialists The Council of Workmen a and Soldiers' Deputies Is apparently paying more atten tion to International affairs thin the urKent domestic nccds," said a dispatch from I'etrcjKiacl tnil.iv ".lust now it Is woiklug with nil Its energy for an International league of Socialists which will make future wais Impossible When the itusslan dele gates meet In Stockholm next month the llrst decisive steps In the formation of such an organization will be undertaken The military expert ot th Tin,7r"i3 I'lilicu iiij iii.i mo evuiuiiotl lit B"rI has practically wrecked the 1917 11 "J'W of the Allies. It l;nd been plannrt' tn dertake a Herrul offensive i-cai,,., un (ierman Allies on every front ,mi,,1.0, oulj ,utls BfllACSA&0? Uprlsht, large sits Upright, tine order Fin, tone Hardman Chickering Lindeman & Son Leins u"Hghrt;,Th0"n" Bellak ""b."""1 Cunningham Grand Steele Grand Piano PIANOS $150 $170 $145 $85 $130 $350 $275 1129 CHESTNUT STREET e 11 JlS leaping in the.Klass impatient j 6jN G E R Al j ill ll the throat -that is Clicquot ecfub Sfitj cHSa?"6""""- ill III! "r, Lemon Sour, Root Beer, Sarsapanlla and 1M TWlTHTHt purest suoa j Ijll The Clicquot Club Co., Mi!li, Mais., U. S. A. j!jj jjj J"-L S. MASS The House that leppe boi FOUNDED IN 1SG5 ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IN lt'Sl C. J. Hcppe & Son- int; 11111 1 iic-stnui st lOth mil Ihotnpsnn StJ I I'dl Kllbfrl L'.ISO IKeyitone- rtiu Inns Victrolas and Records delivered free to any point in the United States Victrolas or Records purchased at either of our stores will be delivered to any point in the United States. We have special boxes for shipping Records, and breakage is practically impossible. Orders received by mail or telephone will receive the same prompt and careful attention that we give to orders left personally at our stores. This delivery service is only one of the many real advantages that we otter. ,, y fev a. Victrola from us from $15 up. Settlement may be made either in cash or charge account or our Rental-Payment Plan, by which all rent applies to the purchase. The list of our outfits is given below. HEPPE OUTFITS VICTROLA IV $is.oo 6 10-in, Double-Face Rec'ds 4,50 Total cot $19.50 VICTROLA VI $25.00 6 10. in. Double-Face Rec'ds 4.60 Total cost $20.50 VICTROLA VIII ,.$40.00 Records, your selection. . . 5.00 4 Total cost $45.00 VICTROLA IC $50.00 Records, your selection. . . 10.00 total cost ........ .960.00 VICTROLA X Records, your selection lotal cost $85.00 VICTROLA' XI $100.00 Records, your selection .... 10.00 Total co' 511Q.00 VICTROLA XIV $is0.00 Records, your selection .... lb.00 ToUlco, $160.00 VICTROLA XVI $200i00 Records, your selection .... Jo.OO Totai 0,t $2)0.00 $75.00 10.00 i9K. ft ii 1 1. 1 fa f mt CayWnr Fnf Paytv,r, &, -'' tjyi4ir" ii t W , -'JS mmmm& "