Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 01, 1917, Sports Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Mayor Notified by Governor
That Question May Be
Notice, Given to All Persons Be-
Tomorrow Will Be Last Chance
for Army Service Without
Being Enrolled
tween Ages of 21 and 30
Xet-loa It hereby iln to all mule persons
wha thra reached their twenty-first birth-
tar ! have not reached their thirty-first
birthday on Tuesday, Juno a, 1017, Hint on
fct day you are to present yourself at tlii
appropriate polllnir place In the tlrcllon ill.
V-laleh In which you reside, between the
kurs of 7 a. tn. and 0 p, in., and then and
there be registered under the proclamation
' ef tho President of the United mates In
I sveterdanee with tho act of Congress of
Mar 18. 1917. This you are not In omit
aster any elreunntanres, under the penalty
f Imprisonment provided by said art.
Mayor Smith today was notified by
Governor Brumbaugh that Adjutant
Central Crowdcr, of the War Dcpprt
KeRt, In charge of national rcglstra
Umt haa ruled that the twelfth question
en the registration blank "Do you
claim exemption from military scrv
Ittl" need not be answered on Regis
' tratten Day. Exemption claims moy
Ix; made later, it was said.
Four thousand 3x6-foot proclamations, In
, black and white. Issued by tho 1'nlted States
Board of Registration today brought home
to Philadelphia the fact that Its men of
eligible age must answer tho nations call
.juno e,
The proclamations, which were displayed
at City Hall, will be distributed throughout
Hie city tomorrow and Sunday They tall
Upon-all men of conscription ago to reRlster
Tuesday between 7 a, m and 0 p in at
their, election polling plncea under penalty
cif Imprisonment. The postern carry tho
Hat of 1336 division polling places In the
ty, Including the twenty-six new ones
t cably ncspoNsi:
Admonished by Governor Ilrumbaugh and
l Mayor Smith to make early response In
registration, men who will be out of town
, Tuesday or who are away from home
' flocked to City Hall to Ret registration
cards. This afternoon 2B00 men had
Out-oftown citizens mailed their cards
Bom, and Phlladelnhlan whn wit! ...!
E, ' t town left their cards at City Holl to
B sent to their division polllnir places
Anwnj inose wno registered today were
Maurice Powers, of Deer Island, Maine,
master of the yncht Charles B rrottinnn,
Who did not claim exemption. nlthough hi
parents are blind; Grover W Kranke, of
Ban Fanclsco. a member of the "Ho long
Xtly" theatrical company, and the mem-
bers of the Harry Meyers minstrel troupe,
who left today for the South
A call for the women of the nation
to make Registration Day a irala eent
waa issued today by Dr Anna Howard
Bhaw, the noted suffrage leader, who Is
chairman of the woman's committee of the
Council of National Defenss.
An appeal waa directed to tho women of
Pennsylvania through Mrs. J Willis Mar
tin, chairman of the Pennsylvania branch
of tho committee. She 'called attention to
the service which the women hao In their
power to give tho nation In helping to urge
men to the polling places, following tho
Government's request that the women help
The plea for the men to go to tho regis
tration places early In the day was made In
I behalf of the registrars, who gle their serv-
ice-sto tne Government without charge "Do
P o pile work up on them at the last mo
, went," the Mayor urged,
' i Many manufacturers will gle workmen n
i eay off, with pay, on registration day, It
waa announced. The Mayor praised the pa
'trlotlo spirit shown by this action
Men subject to registration were reminded
' that the registrars will sit at the regular
t polling places of the respective voting divi
sions of the city not at the police stations.
Heglstrara throughout the city began to
4ay to make things "shipshape" for tho
task that confronts them Tuebdav Tho
tt rearlatratlon board of tho Tuentv.sm'nnrt
F Ztogtrtratlon District of the Twenty-seventh
wara met at tne 'iniriy-second nnd wood
land avenue police station and by compari
son wjth the assessor's list decided upon tho
number of blanks to be distributed to tho
division registrars. The registrars will
b sworn in tomorrow by the board, which
consists of Colonel Sylvester Bonnaffon, Jr.
8. Cordon Bromley, and Dr, I), Howard
The readiness of the State for regis
tration was announced by Governor Brum
buh, who said;
v ''Pennsylvania Is comnletlv nre-anlaari far
"roartstratlon, There Is no difficulty In the
, ray. w look for completo registration
with the patriotic good will of the people."
.Evidently there are few slackers in the
city, according to Frederick J. Shoyer.
chairman, of the United States Registration
iSoard. for Philadelphia. Asked If there
hart btenjany appeals to him for Influence In
obtaining exemption from sen Ice, ho relied
tnat, mere had been only three direct in.
, pals; and about twenty Inquiries as to
what could be done to avoid service.
."TO all Of these persons, who were rein.
ttv, P the men In question, I replied that
tho kv must take Its course," said Mr.
Col. Hatfield Looks for 800 New Re
cruits From City Reforc Satur
day NiRht
Army enlistments broke nil records
yesterday, when 23G7 men enlisted, ac
cording to a War Department an
nouncement this afternoon. The lead
ers were New York with 383, Penn
sylvania with .130 and Illinois with 210.
Enlistments since April 1 total 'J 2,0 80
for the nation.
The nmli for enlistments tn nold tho
potslblc odium of brltiR drafted went on In
full swing todas
High! hundred new recrulf for tho army
aro expected by tomorlou night li fol ('
A V Hatfield, I'nltrd Htutis nrm recruit
ing ofllcer. In view of tho fact that tomorrow
Is tho last dn for inllslinent beforo rcglx
trntlon da June X So rttrtilts will bo ,ii
cepted Monday or Tueda, nnd thereafter
no man between twentj-one nnd thlrt-on
j ears old will bo enllstid tmlcsi he tan
show his registration icrtlllcate Tho 'War
Department lodns notified Adjutant rjenernl
Mcwart that reRistiutlon will not prohibit
men from oluntccrlng for any of the fight
ing branches up to tho time the nre
actually dr.iftcd for serlce
Tho paikcr unit of tho ambulance section
of tho Medical Corps, USA. left today
with forty automobiles for the Allentown
fulr grounds Thirty-six men will be In the
unit under tho command of Sergeant Har
ris w Arnor
Northeast High biJioo students were nd
drcssed tod.i by Serge jut Arthur S Collins.
Compiiiy II Unglnetr N ! 1', who asked
for cnllstinentH for tho new romping of Na
tional (Jimrd cnglneerH being organized In
To stlmulato recruiting tho Main Lino
Battalion which Includes many wealthy nnd
prominent men held Its first parade Hto this
tincrnoon at llrjn Mnwr The llifl nun
composing the two uniformed companies am
commanded by Major Robert W Daniel
Tho military unit which Is equipped with
nrm rifles Is connected with the Main Lino
clle emergency organization headed by
George (lllibs, of Rosemont
More than 100 naval reserves of Lancas
ter were ordered tods) tn report nt once nt
tho Philadelphia Nav Yard
Ono -hundred nnd flft reeruitR of the
Ninth Engineer Reserve Regiment will re
port at tho Commeiclal Museum barracks
tomorrow for trninlng until its departure
for 1'rnnco
During May tho army enlisted 1821 men,
tho nay 543 and the marine corps 19.', it
was announced today at the recruiting na
tions Yesterday's enlistments were United
States forces Army, 74: nay. II; marine
corps 0, coast guard, 8; quartermaster
rosono corps 1C, Ninth Engineers, 35
National Guard of Pennsylvania First In
fantry, 17; Third Infantrj 10. Sixth In
fantry. 8, Second Held Artillery, II
Thn following enlistments were announced
rdwtfrd Joseph IllsKlni Jr , 21 782 N 23th it.
Prank Mlllam Hmllh J.' jiloore l'a
Charles llnyinond Kpeechley Jl 8044 -Montaeuo
Harry W. Hand, New Head of
Company, Finds Big Pro
gram Under Way
Ten ships for the United Stntes navy nre
among twcniy-ono craft under construc
tion or ordered for construction nt the
Cramp shlpvatils, It nn said today, by
llnrry W Hand when ho started his fflst
ila' work ns president of (ho William
Cramp A. Sons Ship anil Engine Building
Two torpeilohoit destroyers, ordered un
der tho Nav Department's old building
program, will be launched within two or
three mouths he wulil. nnd work on two
scout cruisers was recently lugun In
addition, materials nre being bought for
six new tnrpedoho.it ilerlrover?, under the
new navv development plans Keels for
two of them will be Uld ns soon as wavs
aro made vaiant by Hip laumhlng of the
pair of destroyers mm building
Extensive repilr yirds It Is understood,
will be cnrtid bj the company on Petty h
Isl mil to iillow more space for construction
work in the main arils where the big con
tracts now mi the cunpanys books require
all avallabln space Cramps tho IMiIIt
delphK Electric ComMii. and the Crew
Levlck Companv have apportioned m.irlv
all of tho .150 acres of the Islnnd Riuong
themselves Construi tlon work nlrendv
has begun on a two mllo spur track of tho
l'ennsylvanli Itsllrond from Camden to tho
inlddlu of thn Island The spur will run
slst of a, wooden trestle leidlng to an v0
foot druvvbrldge over tho back channel,
which will bo aproached to two 50 foot
glrdir spans on laih slile
Six thousand men nro on tho Cramp p.iv
roll, tho president said This Is tho highest
number ever reached nt tho vards, except
a few eors before the Spanish-American
war, when building or large battleships re
quired 8000 men
In recent enrii, Mr Hand pointed out,
the company has been successful In bidding
for smoller war eraft, but has not been
nblo to hid low enough to i,et contracts for
larger ships
Of the merchantmen to bo turned out
nt the Reach and Hall streets vards one
tanker for the Mexican Petroleum Corn-
pan) will bo iead for delivery on June 'i
whllo another will bo launched In two
weeks, nnd will bo completed three weeks
later Two passenger vessels aro being
built for the Ward Lino s New York
Havana and Mexico service
Five passenger nnd r.irgo boats nre being
built or havo been, ordered by Graro & Co.
for Its lines running from New York to tho
western i-oast of South Atnerlci Two
cargo stenmshlps aro being turned out for
other owners
A 3 per cent dividend on Cramp stock,
announced today. Is the llrst In -feveral
enrs The managements explanation of
the lack of dividends Is that profits hivo
bon spent In developing and extending tho
1000 Members to Take $1000
Apiece and Swell Total
Frd Han font Pop
rnarlcH Wurton lltun 2J 3150 N Park av
WABHINaTON-, June 1 Because Presl.
stent Wilson today notified the Governors
of alt Plates that it would be unnecessary
tor mmm within the registration ages to
' the question. "Do you claim exemp.
military servicer Representative
LfMfususi . vara aiaioa mac ne wouw not
i Ma resolution for action, his measure
fiMCtaanraiat similar action on the part of
Ac camtf to the conclusion," said Repre-
' attrr Vara today, "that It waa not only
untUmucratk: to ask the persons registering
to claim exemption, out mat it was totally
t vsriano with the cplrlt of the selective
ewnvrfprion law",
"i rratirtssl to warn that the War
IajtBnt baa n4a pallon by which
ajBwf in v u .ws,j M ataoo UH
-XT , Hfc.
)P 27 Thesler Pj
Jii-nrr hlrahner - llernornaville N J
Walltr "'lisfer Iolilr 21, Oloilctr V J
,'!!r,ur 'i1!1,"" siceuiieD. di, 2016 h jut at.
JVIIIIam Atlee 25, 2.M3 Kimball at
Harry Jsmea vvhitelaw 17 7620 Holiteln ave
Krtworrt I. Jackaon 31 Nw York cltj N r
lldwsnl II Koley 80 41R W .M at
Dantrl I Cochran. 20 400 N Malfont t
Jamra II ratten 2l 302 N Marshall at
Thomas A Coulter 21 43 laboratory Hill
Thomaa II I arklns 22 New ork city. N' Y
Joseph K O Nell 21 2U31 N 8th at
Iamea A llamaden In Lawrence Mass
Albert Ulonlanu II) 17111 H Chaitnrlck at
John J O lloyle IP. 780 N 2tltll at
Tony Naruone 22 12SJ Alter at
Charles II Amoilel 38 7.1.', i:arp at
Karle It While 21 727 N 2Ntll st
Jamra i: ratlwrll 20 vvilmlnston r)l
Nathan Lamlers 21 ti0-'7 UooJIand av
Joseph II Canetleld 2V 227 " lth at
llenjamln B Havnse 21 1JSI N 41at at.
'John P llarrelt in 302 K Price st
Jack It Xollott 21 4111 N Vtarshall st.
Anthony Rnaera 21 D1J Vfounlaln si.
Lewis 1! Laton, 2S 351 Armat st . Oerman-
Jamea II Fee 2I 714 Courtland si
Clark H rowelaon. 33 Dutjueane. ra
Andrew Mlltnn Mowbray II, BUT N 54th at.
Klwoo.1 Mpad 10 Mowfra Del
Charles Benjamin Moody 21 ir47 N Opal at
Joe Henry Henlor, 20 131 K Indiana nve
Clement Claton Ilrown 2t 744 i 18th st
Herbert Joarph Ilaxter 111 1M4 N 24th at.
clydo Kucena Holley 28 Cambridge Mass
Joo Henry Henlor 20 .114 B Indiana ave
llarhert II lllaektnan 2 222 n Graver a lane,
Chestnut Hill l'a
Joaeph T Huuser. 24 Delaware VV ater (lap Fa
Henry 8 Campbell .0 1812 N 12th si
Alriander N L'lmer 23 1IS14 N Alder at
i.IIIIam F Orover Jr lonn N Park oe
Thomaa Hmyth, 21 Hill i: Paaajunk nve
IMlllam Ferry. 27 3341 N Howard at
Jamia Van vranken Jr. 27 2212 Lombard st.
Howard Thompson 22 Washington I) o
Aloyalua J Kelly, 25 DO0 N 4 lilt st.
Floyd O, Minor, 2 504B Haael ave
William II tleletr. 21 11300 N 7th at
Thomaa V Collopy 21. 4830 N Inth r.
John W. Fawcstt. 2s OH city Fa
Alvan C Artman 21 Narberth l'a
Altwrt Wilkinson so Harrington, N J
Wilfred Harbutt II .Wynncwood. l'a
Theodoro It Itltchle 2U Narberth, ra
i'"iT, McAleer. 22. 8(1 N 3(lth at
Harold K Rhon 2H Rhlnn.n.),,i n.
J.Ienry HoUbelrleln 21 Waahlnslon. D C.
jonn j- ij. reeioy. 21 llaileton. Fa
I.ouls Dlvae 23 18.'rt N 18th at
David J Durrin. 24 2501 Ihl.h
Charlea A. Myera 24 8438 Norfolk at
William Halmer. 52 Elkhart. Ind
HtnryC. Haitian. SI, Jersey Shore, Pa.
Earl a Bennett. So Clean N Y
Domlnleo lionlnl 22 1S25 Juniata St.
Foter Uradley, 20, H2D H Blth at.
Charlea I- Hren, 28. Jersey tihore. Fa
Ray I., llurkholder, 28 Avis, Fa
Charlea B J Hllli 10, 4204 Glrard ave.
Clarence W. nines IS Jersey Hhore. Fa.
John C. Hearer. 21, Elkhart, Ind
Io J, Hollaran, Is, Jeraey Shore, Fa.
Frank J Iluaaer 22. Cleveland. O
Charlea W. nickel. 21, Elkhart. Ind
Ward K. Daual. 22 Elkhart, Ind.
Ralph F. DoUilaa. 21, Cleveland. O
Edwin H. U. FUher. 53. Elkhart Ind
William J. D. Uraham. 28. 7157 Torresdale
av , Taoony.
Edward I., Hanley. 51. 3723 Sydenham at.
Raymond O llanner. 23. Jersey Shore. Fa.
John D. Hetns, 28 1015 N. 24th at.
William F Kaler, 22. Elkhart. Ind.
Arthur H Koppeie, 20, Cleveland, o.
John 8. Kennedy, 23. Jeraey Shore, Fa,
M.Win Kins, 52. Cleveland O ,
Walderolr A Koenls. SO, 1410 Poplar at
Walter It. llcllenry. so. Jeraey Hhore, Fa,
Kdaar O. Martin 22, Cleveland o.
James F ilorrlson. 27. Jersey Shore, Fa,
Charltl U Moaa. 22 Elkhart Ind.
Charles T U Murray, la. Elkhart Ind,
neiaon c nuiion v, r-ianart, ina
William J Roche, 22 Cleveland O,
Ony F Rolte 22. Jersey Shore Fa
Andley O Hhcppard 31, Cleveland. O.
Contract for Sheets a Year Ahead
NEW YORK. June I What is thought
to be ii new record for contract deliveries
of gray goods was established In the local
market, when business waa closed on
thlrtjrslx Inch aheets for shipments run.
nlng through thei first flvo months of 1911
IStoms af. these, shipments Wi J therefore be
aal t0Vt' a year hence.
Adamson Bill Would Permit Making of
Expensive Drug
WASHINGTON, Juno 1 Tho Federal
Government Intends to authorize manufac
ture of B.ilvarsati for sale vlrtuallj without
profit In this lountry during tho war.
The Federal Trado Commission will be
tho manufacturer of tho drug If present
plana go through
A provision In the Adamson tradlng-wlth-thc-enemy
act will permit the Federal Com
mission to authorize manufacture of sal
varsan and other products controlled by
enemy patents This provision will Includo
the following sentence
Tho Federal Trade Commission may
prescribe the conditions of this license (a
license to manufacttiroa product or pro
cess under any patent owned by an en
i mv ) nnd the rules unfl regulations under
which It may be granted
Tho trading-wltr.-the-cnemy act will be
reported to the House, ptolmhly next week
balvarsan nt present costs (4 50 per
Even Money Favorite Nosed Out in
Opening Sprint at Belmont.
June Bug Third
ni:iMONT PARK, June 1 Johnny Mc
Tnggart ngaln failed to send tho favorite
home a winner In tho opening event at thlH
track when ho piloted Sun Rose an even
money bet, to place this afternoon with
Ballast first under tho wire. June Bug,
rode by Klecger, wan third
Seven two oar-oM.s wero boked to start
In this event, but two scratched Irish Kiss
and Plancy were the also rans 'I he price
on Ballast was 7 to 2, even and 1 to .1.
FIRST RACE for two-year-olda aelllns with
1000 added purse. 4li lurlonga """ win
1 Italian ill, McAtea .7 to 2 even 1 to 3
2 Hun Hose, luo J McTaasart even 1 to 3 out
3 Juno Huh-, nil Kleerer u to t Stan 1 to '
rime. 8J 4-5s Irish Kiss and Fluncy uIsS
ion Scratched Cockle and Corydon
SECOND ItAflJ steeplechase, for maidens
four-iear-olda snd up with HHMJ added about
2 miles
1 Itoyal Amber. 142 Rowan 8 to 1 2 to 1 even
2 Wolfertou II. 137, Falmer IH to A 7 to 5 3 to
8 Doublet 142 Haynea tM to 8 7 to .1 .1 to 8
Time. 42 4-3 Sparka Pandean, uiatant
Shore, Oriel and Masterful also ran Beralched
THIRD RACE, the Richmond Hapdlcap for
three-year-olda and up, with 1700 added. 0 fur
lonsa: ur
1 Isidore, lift, Tloblnson .7 to 2 0 to 8 " tn r.
-tassari. .. ..... 7 to n 1 to 2 out
. 8 Ipperjr Elm. Ill, Troxler.8 to 1 8 to 8 T to lo
Time. 1:12 SB. Lottery. Torch nearer. Tn"
lels'sn, II, and Uunpowdtr alio ran Scratched
Old Koenlr and Hafa
Montreal Itesults
FIRST RACE three-year-olda, claiming t.
1. Hazelnut. 104, Donohuo $11.10 17.10 IS lo
2. Wall mreet. ios. Campbt . 2o 80 11.80
3 llrlsht Band l. Wlllia. . " "cm
Time. 1. It) Dominion Sweeter Than Sugar.
Swift Fox. At Hudson and Frliaht alao ran.
SECOND RACE, two-year-olda, claiming- 8
1. Lord Herbert 112 Farrins-
ton .. . 3 00 1.1 oo 12 no
2 Sincerity, 10O, Merrlmen , 3 Jo 3 20
S.Howard llland, lot JefTrott 4 00
Time. 1.04 Lady Moore. Scarf, Wlchaka,
Melrose and Fleet alao ran,
THIRD RACE three-year-olda, claiming.
74 Illllo
1 Little Abe. 102 Hanea, .13180 111 SO JB Art
i wuien ovis j, ttaru , IQVU TOO
8. Yermak. 1 00, Wlllia . ... , ea 80
Time. 1 IT 2-8 Utile Neppa. Margery A ,
Two Royals, Farlor Hoy, Wolf'a Bath, Circulate,
Dultar, Lady London and Varda H, alao ran.
AgKrcgato Reaches $101,000,000
Small Investors Show
Patriotic Zeal
The I nlnn League has iokiiihiiIciI t"
I'nclo Sam's appeal for money nnd hk a
boost to tho Liberty Loan l organizing n
Liberty Loan Club of 1000 members Tacli
member will subscrlho for a ftnoo bond
making tho total subscription Jioooooo
Ibis was but ono of scons of I.ihirtv
Loan clubs orgtnlzcd toila, but stands out
more prominently b'couw of the bigness
of tho prnmlM.il subscription
Lato this afternoon the Phlladolphln
Liberty Loan Fund reithid tlotooofion
This leaves n balance of f 1 4C 0(in ooo 1 1 be
tiilHPit In Iwelvo more working ilnvs Tlw
largest subscription to bo iciotded trdiv
was ncilvcd from tlw. Kingston ( oal i fmi
pnnv of Kingston, Pa This concern sub
scribed for $1,000,000 arid tho Cumberland
Valley Railroad CAmpanv i inn In for
J200.000 Tlie Bristol Lumber Companv
nnd Penii Clicmlcil Works entered a sub
scription for $100,000 each, and bulks from
l.chlgh Cnunt reported subscriptions total
ling S5C8,r75
Subscriptions from the Manufacturers
Club wero tabulated today and amounted
to 130,000
Reports from tho school ti ii hers meet
ings held csterdy nfternoon dlsiloso a
llvily Interest In the fund nmnng teaihers
Ono of tho first hentd from vias tho fourth
district In West Phllatlclphl i Subscriptions
amounted to $17,100
Tho Retail Merchants' Liberty Bond com
mittee held n meeting nt tho Hotel Adelphla
nt noon and reported lint subscriptions nre
being taken over tho count! ra In more than
2000 Philadelphia stures and that innro
than 10,000 men nnd women am ailing as
bond salesmen
Reprisintntlves of business nnd Improve
ment leagues were present und reported suc
cess in tho otg-inl7 itlnn of bond-selling
teams 'Not u homo will est ape from tho
buj-a-bond nppeal ' slid l.dward A Noppel
chairman of the committee ' llverv section
of the city Is now linked up with tho inm-
pnign and will remain so until tho cam
paign ends We Intend to put the bond sub
scriptions over the counters In moro than
COOU stores und reach evirv man and
woman lit tho city "
Ab evidence of the work being done bv
tho committee emphasis Is plaied on the
work of Miss Gertrude- Leouinl In chatgo of
tho mcrchiuts luailciu.irlc rs, old i hcstnui'
street Working on the tele phono sho has
organized seventeen bond-buvlng clubs nnd
(Actually sold sixty $50 bonds
The Haddington Improvement Associa
tion Is co-opet'atln with the Haddington
Title and Trust Compiny, and Induced tltnt
Institution to raise Its subscription from
$50,000 to 1100,000
Boy Scouts, according to un official an
nouncement, havo tnkeu subscriptions for
Tuesday nexi h is been eleslgnnted of
ficially as Liberty Loan Day This day
originally set for Wednesday, was changed
to make it correspond with registration clay
for tho mllltnry draft A b'g demonstra
tion will tnke place at Independence llnll
nt 9 o'clock. In which 1500 men will start
their days work Tho entlro assemblage
will unite In singing 'Tho Star Spangled
Banner," after which they will march up
rifth street to Market, thence nest to City
Hall, clown Broad street to Spruce and
countermarch to tho Dellevuo-.Stratford
where a meeting will be held
The procession will bo composed of silx
companies, headed by a military or marine
company, and followed by automobiles with
members of the general Liberty Loan com
mittee, officials of banks trust companies
and members of the Philadelphia, Stock Kx-
change Next will be tho Follco Band, fol
lowed by the volunteer salesmen, llfo In
surance division of 300 'ed by 13 J Pans
ier: Boy Scouts und their own bind
Thnddeus Rich concertmaster of the Phil,
ndelphli Orchestra took charge of tho de
partment store booths vestcrdav Mr Rich
visited Glmbels, Snellenburg s, Straw bridge
fi. Clrthler'B Llt's and Wanamaker s Straw
bridge & Clothier reported moro than 1500
subscriptions up to last night
Subscriptions at the Franklin National
Bank reached $4,500,000, not Including tho
bank's own subscription Tho II K Mulford
Company took $10 000 , tho Franklin Sugar
Refinery, $13,000 for Its emplojes, nnd the
Buffalo nnd Susquehanna Railroad Com
pan), $100,000
In commemoration of a like service per
formed 140 ears ago tho Presbyterian Mln
Isters' Fund took $100 000 In 1777 accord
ing to the president of tho fund the man
agement of the corporation voted one-half
Its assets to tho Colonies to aid in the
prosecution of the Revolution
The Corporation for Relief of Widows and
Children cam" forward with $50,000 and
the Lester Piano Company with $70 000
Subscriptions of the 'lctor Talking Mnchlno
Company, previously announced us $050 000
have climbed to $712,000
Among tho firms to announce the accept
ance of the Installment plan for their em
plojes were the Atlantic Refining Company
Thomas Lcedom Company, Bristol, Dol
flnger'a Standard Dairies, the Jacob Miller
Sons Company nnd the Customs House
Collector Berry has signed 300 employes
to the fund To the list of Installment firms
was added the Kddvstone Manufacturing
Company and the United Stales Motalllo
Packing Company The Liggett t Myers
Tobacco Company Is appropriating $50,000
among Its employes
Private Bequests in Wills
Wills probated today Included those of
Innlel 1". Deal 6401 Hnverford nvenue
which, In private bequests, disposes of prop
erty valued nt $52 800, .Mary C MrCall.
1727 Mt Vernon street $11000, Julia r
McMchnl 1251 South Twont) -fourth street.
SI "00. Llrzlo J Keller, who died In the
State Asvlum Norrlstow n $4000 , IJmma V
Kelm P.elnmn, N I $1250 nnd Mary
L llollls 412 North Nineteenth snreet
Grieved by Daughter's Disap
pearance, He Trios to End
His Life
Grieving over n runaway iHughter ac
cording lo tho police, todav rati-ed Gottl el
J Kocnlg. thirty-nine jcars old, 1713 Maple
nvenuc. lo place the girl's photograph over
his heart, nnd send a bullet from a revolver
through tho picture Into his left bre-f"! He
Is In n living condition nt St Lukes Hos
pital According to the police. Koenlg's daugh
ter left home sometime ngo The distracted
father mnil- H cltj-vvlde search for the
girl and became despondent when he could
find no traco of her
Todav relghbors heard groans and forc
ing an entranco Into Koenlg's home- foud
him MtiK on tho cement lloor of tho cellar
with a revolver by his aide and blood flow
ing from a wound In his chest. The pollen
were notified and he was removed to thei
hospital Physicians applied the X-ray, but
could not find tho bullet.
Testimony of Coroner's Physician
Challenges Theory of Accident
At the Inquest today Into the death of
Benjamin Bnrnfnosky. seventeen years old.
of 7.10 South Fourth street, who died Mar
i from gunshot wounds, Louis Zeldln, nine
teen icars old, of 1123 South Fourth street,
was held without ball to await the actloq
of the Grand Jury
Zcldln, It Is said, wag with Barafnosky
at the time of the shooting The two wero
schoolboy friends, nnd all evidence ot the
Inquest was In favor of Zcldln's Innocence
nf the shooting until the Coroner's physl.
clin Dr W S Wndsworth, gavo testimony
to show that the course of the bullet In
Bnrafnosky's body could not have fol
lowed from a self-inflicted shot It was at
first thought by the police that the youth
had accidentally shot himself
r I
I ms Is
i Kema
Sylvan Dalslmcr, head of the firm of Syl
van Dalslmer & Sons, shoe dealers, wot
Market street, will celebrate his seventy
fifth birthday anniversary Sunday
On Monday night the eighty employes of
the store will give him a complimentary
dinner at the store.
Mr. Dalslmer was born In New Orleans
and came North when fourteen years old!
He established the business almost fifty
years ago.
Louisville Results
FIRST RACE, .44 furlongs
$2 80
z so
I Frank Wilson. 112 Hanov
J Lady O lOO.floos , ,
S Mlsa Aanea. 100. Varflft
Tima, 6!-Ss. Kile. qeoriU b'y. ;Ja
Herrmann. 7.M Zu Lary Laxury. llrtsiOjIt,
Xllmehj'. Skyborn and Oriental, Ctrl; alao rf u, 1
t - u ....
Two Sentenced for Extortion
Philip Laschell. of Thompson street near
Fourth, and James Moore, o( Randolph
street above Glrard avenue, convicted of
extortion, were refused a new trial today
and sentenced by Judge Ferguson, In Quar
ter Sessions Court to two years each in the
County Prison Tho evldenco was that the
defendants blackmailed Charles Fu of
lts Lofevre street, a bookkeeper, for.
merly employed by the standard n.i....
Company! North lawrence jstrM, and i
foriwd him tn natflli.M tAAhA I
-T-r- ''. w w-j fc"9 vvvvp, ,
3000 Suits of New Summer Clothing
Every woven strand of it all-wool
at Wholesale Prices
In Our Great June Sale!
Unseasonable weather has overcome every
consideration in the minds of manufacturers' but
Knowing Oak Hall to be the greatest cloth
ing clearinghouse in the country during June,
they have offered us their stocks more insistently
than usual.
Result !
3000 Suits in the Sale Now
Thousands More Coming!
$9.50 for Hundreds of Suits worth $U.50
$11.50 for Hundreds of Suits worth $15&$18
$12.50 for Hundreds of Suits worth $18&$20
$15 for Hundreds of Suits worth $20&$22.50
$18.00 for Hundreds of Suits worth $25.00
$22.00 for Hundreds of Suits worth $30.00
Thousands of men pay full, all-wool prices
for co.tton mixed suits every season in Philadel
phia and wonder why they do not get good
This year thousands more than usual will
do so because there are more cotton mixed Suits
than ever before in the market. But no man
can buy aught but all-wool in Oak Hall and
there are 10,000 Summer Suits in the store today!
It means something to know that there is
a store where all-wool is an absolute certainty!
Here Is Our Word
That every suit in this sale of 3000 is all
wool worsteds, serges, fancy patterns, home
spuns every cloth in it.
Wanamaker & Bro wii
Market at Sixth for 56 years
MHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaassBBSsaaaaaaaMk- B