Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 29, 1917, Sports Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Mrs. Howard Longstreth Entertained at Lunch
eon m Honor of Her Niece-Bachelor Dinner
for, Mr. Walter Fotterall
AFTER a lapse of llttlo or no entertain
XX InB there will bo several affairs to
day, though on a small scale. Foremost
Is tho luncheon which Mrs. Howard
Longstreth gavo to her nleco KUanor
whoso engagement to Lieutenant l'reil
trick Dent Shnrp was lecently announced
Kllanor camo out this past season, ou
know, nnd had quite a wonderful time
from all I saw and heard. Sho Is very
pretty and has very good tasto In the
matter of dress, so she Is a continual dc
light to tho eye, you may be sure
She was tho originator, you remember
of the vaudeville performance which was
given last month In tho Llttlo Theatre
for charity and which was really awfully
good Most of the pretty debs "to bo"
and "that were" took part, and Rllrabcth
Dallas danced and Uytendalo Dalrd Cnner
aaslsted by ono or two othor girls, gave a
phort ono act play. It was a great sue
cess and netted the home for which It
was given quite a considerable llttlo sum
"Well, slnco war has been declared, the
announcement was made of Lllnnor'a en
gagement to young Sharp, who Is a West
Pointer. So In tho years to come Phlla
dclphla will not see much of her, for an
army officer's wife lives all over the
world, so to speak.
Tho guests at tho luncheon Included
Florence Sheppard, Mildred and Caroline
Bheppard, Uytendalo Caner, Lois Jackson
Corlnno Freeman, Nathalie Davis, Eliza
beth Adams, Christine- Stockton, Marga
retta Myers, Helen Marshall, Pauline
Arey, Katherlno Hunter, Martha McAllIs
ter, Mary Dercum, Peggy Perot, Margaret
Davis, Marlon Button, Dorothea Oberteuf.
fer, Nancy Wynne Cooke and Mrs. Jacob
Dlsston, Jr., In other words Sarah Myers
A SECOND entertainment today will be
the dinner which will bo given to
Walter Fotterall, who will beat Nooks
to tho altar by two days, you know.
Walter and Eleanor Dulany are to be
married In Baltimore on Thursday and
Nooki and Helen Parmele on Saturday
at Staten Island.
The dinner for Walter Is to be glvon
at tho Markham Club by cloven of his
bosom friends, Including Sydney Young,
Sam Chase, Tom Koborts, Bill Norris,
Frank Cramp, Joseph Mttcheson, Keating
Wlllcox, Perslfor Frazer, Jr., Billy Pep
per, Julian DuPuy and Ben Rowland.
Something tells mo It will not bo a sleepy
affair. What think you?
I hear that Eugene Slmonln Is expected
homo either today or tomorrow from
France. He sailed more than a week ago
He has been thero since Christmas time
driving tho ambulance which his parents,
Mr and Mrs. Frederick Slmonln, gave
him for a Christmas present, which
strikes me as a decidedly fine thing for
them to have done. Certainly a high typo
of gift, don't you think? He will be homo
for a short time only on a furlough, I
understand, and undoubtedly It will bo
mighty thrilling to hear his experiences
fo near tho trenches. Mrs. Slmonln has
gone to New York to meet him, and per
haps before ho returns wo will have an
opportunity to hear of some of his won
derful accounts of llfo while in France.
The thing Is, moit of our joung men are
so modest one scarcely knows they h,ie
even been across, and we Just happen
upon tho news of It through borne near
friends of the family ur some other un
expected way.
ONE hears constantly of branches of
the American Red Cross meeting here
nnd theie, and one in partlculai Is called
tho Calvaiy Chinch Auxiliary No 34,
under the able dhectlon of Miss Selena
Hey, of Germantown. Tho members
meet and sew like busy bees all day Wed
nesday at tho church, Manheim street
and Pulaski avenue, Germantown. Among
the membcis nre Mrs. Frenrh Reeves,
Mis A B Brecht. Mrs Geotgo Brock,
Mrs George Beck, Mrs. Tred Story, Miss
Maiy Jenkins. Mrs Warren, Mrs. Ellison,
Miss Anna Shipley, Mis. E. E. Dennlston,
Mrs. Edward Dennlston, Mrs. Mills, Mrs,
Tiley and a whole bunch of others.
Miss Ijlorence hheppard and Mr. Court
landt McC Richardson whose marriage
will take place on Saturday, entertained
the members of their bridal party at dlnnt-r
on Saturday night at the Merlon Qolt Club
Mr and Mrs Chauncey Peacock, of West
Cheltcn avenue, Oermantovvn, will leave
on Saturday of this week for Beach Hacn,
where they have taken a cottage for the
At the Informal tea which Mrs Henry
Starr Richardson gae on Saturday at her
home, 2210 Pino street, in honor of the
Countess Eleanor de Clsneros, Mrs Charles
8 Zlegler presided at the tea tablo
Mr Charles Pitman Baker, Jr whose
marriage to Miss Jane Florence Curran of
Oak Lane, will take place on Saturday
was given a dinner last Friday night bv
his best man and ushers Mr and Mrs
Charles J Curran. of Lawnton aenue Oak
Lane, will entertain the entire bridal party
at dlnnet) next Friday night.
Mr and Mrs H M. Coffin, of West
Hansberry street, Germantown, will !eao
by motor tomorrow for New Rochelle, to
spend several days Miss Hazel Collin
will attend the commencement exercises at
Rogers Hall, Lowell, Mass, and will visit
friends In Manchester for two weeks
The Flower, Fruit and Ice Mission of
Germantown and Chestnut Hill has begun
Its work at 39 West Chelten avenue, where
each Wednesday morning those who are
Interested may contribute flowers or money
to carry on this laudable work. An earnest
request Is made for more helpers. The
mission Is nonsectarlan
The Bpeaker at the May meeting of the
Men's Association of the First Presbyto
Han Church, itv Germantown, will be the
Rev, D. 12. Welgle, secretary of the church
advertising and publicity departments of
the Associated Advertising Clubs of the
World. His subject will be "Church Ad.
vertlslng That Succeeds." The members
of the association liuvd been asked to bring
their wives, as a social hour will follow
the lecture,
The marriage of Mrs. Flora T, Twining
end Mr, Oeorge David, of Germantown, took
placu on Saturday at 6 o'clock In the First
Methodist Church. The ceremony was per
formed by the Rev, Kdward Llnde, pastor
of the church Mr. and Mrs. David left
Immediately for Hot 'Springs, Va., and will
be at home September 1 at 328 Duval street,
Miss Btatrlc Van Rodeo, of 711 Corin
iftip 111 'tS
RMjHjnpHfii m
. . Photo hv rhnto Craftors
Mrs. Sparks was Miss Eleanor
Doxter Morse, Sho is the clnUKhtcr
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrrison E. Morse,
of 4430 Spruce street. Her wed
ding to Mr. Sparks took plnce on
thlan avenue, will entertain at luncheon
Thursday In honor of Miss Grace A Wll
llnms, of Noble, whoso marriage will take
place June 12
The Wedding of Miss nil7nbeth Lodge
Mageo daughter of Mrs George Magce, of
Cvnwjd, nnd Mr Spencer D Wright will
take place on June 0 at fi o'clock at St
John's Church. Cvnwjd Miss Mngco will
be attended bv her sister, Mls Jnne I
Magee, as maid of honor, nnd her sltcr-In-law,
Mrs J G n Perkins, as mitron of
honor. There will bo three little (lower
girls, nil of whom nre cousins of tho bride
They aro Miss Harriet Lodge Crnft, Miss
Marjorle Evans Croft nnd Miss Peggy Dun
can Mr Wright will havo as his best
man Mr J Gerrltt Perkins and the fol
lowing gentlemen will act as ushers Mr.
Hollls Wolstenholmo, Mr Frederick Stunger,
Mr Herbert Reading Jr, Mr Joseph Col
lins, Mr J, Addison Abrnms. Mr Sew all 11
Corkrau nnd Mr Richard M. Shoemaker,
Immediately following tho ceremony there
will be a small reception at Pi tin Lodge,
tho home of tho bride's mother
Along the Reading
A class In fruit and vegetable canning
will be started by tho Jcnklntown branch
of the Red Cross Mrs Andrew Graham
will tako charge of the class
Mr and Mrs. Charles A Beach and their
daughter, Miss Dorothy Deach, of Llklns
Park, will leavo on Thursday. June 7. for
Ventnor, where they have taken a cottage
for the summer
The Home Defense League of Anlngton
held n very Important meeting on Saturday
evening In the Y M C A Building The
speaker of the evening was Mr Francis G.
Gallagher, of PhlHiUlphla
Mrs V R Littleton, of tho Fairfax
Apartments, In Germantown, left eterdny
for Aberdeen, S I), where she will visit
her parents for several weeks
The annual strawberry festival given by
members of the Christian Endeavor Society
of the First Presbvtcrlan Church In Ger
mantown will be held on Saturday, June 9,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Perry
Powers, of Harvey street.
Mr Bajard Henry, of West Walnut lane,
retiring president of tho Germantown Y M
C. A, will give a dinner to his successor,
Mr. Livingston E Jones, at his homo on
June 12
West Philadelphia
Mrs Walter Walker of C225 Carpenter
street, will entertain today nt cards and
luncheon Iter guests will be Mrs Edmond
Miss Bishop's engagement to Mr.
James D. Sproul was announced
dflSn. 'WT1 '.IroclSikBBBHaB
aBuaHac & && i,l.&LrSJriaaahral
I Graf, Mrs. Alva Cttenberg, Mrs. Dennis
Grace, Mrs. Samuel Bcrttomlcy, Mrs Frnnk
Hall, Mrs. George Simpson, Mrs. William
Colledge, Mrs O'Draln, Miss Adelaide Col
lins, Mrs. Elsie Butler and Mrs, A. D Det
wllcr. Mr nnd Mrs Samuel Wlckes Barakat. of
f 137 Washington avenue, nro rerelvlng
congratulations on tho birth of a daughter.
Pnrbnra Irene, on May 18. Mrs llnrakat
will bo remembered as Miss Irene Amelia
Hnyward, of West Somervllle, Mns
Ml" Clare Cnwi spent the week-end In
Atlantic City as the guest of Miss Caroline
South Philadelphia
Mr and Mrs Jnmes 1 Tolc, of 1923
Manning street, nro spending several wcU
In Sea Isle Cllj
Mr William Robertson, of 1213 South
Twrntv -first street, who has been ill with
a severe ntt irk of pneumonia, is recuperat
ing In Atlantic Clli
Mrs Margaret llolibs
Twentieth .tr, et will
t'lcinentnn till week
of 1510 South
visit relatives In
Miss Kitlieilne Kllnger of S2I7 Poutli
t..iml rt r ,t his gone t ttantlc "It
f 'f Hi in nor
North Philadelphia
The no, ling of Mi' I'vn FranVel
iliiigiitu if Mr and Mr tnnlel I'mnkel
'f 1 Nurtli Twcntj-nrst -tnet and Mr
llni Mild, tiberg of 2430 North Twen
UpiIi urn will take place on Sunday
ii i p Iuiii 10, nt the home of the bride's
par, i i Mtfs Anna I'mnkel w'll be her
"t in maid of honcr, nnd Mr Abraham L.
i ilr irg will lie hl brothers best man.
Tin i iiii iiiv will be followed by a recep-
nnnim -cinent is made of the engagement
f Mi I'dmi Theresa Utumcnthal, iliugli-
tor , r Mr lllumcnlhal. of .1859 North
-H-vrni.fnth Mroct. to Mr. Joseph LlmUucr
The nniitinl out-door entertainment of
tin I'lirhill I'lrst-Ii.i) Sihool will take
linn- mi sitmday nt Hurholme Park
Mis m Klein, of 10 West Venango
street will spend art of June .with her son
and datiRhtu-ln law, Mr nnd Mrs Charles
Klein in Atl intlc Cltv
Mr and Mrs William V Rclnert. of 2.12
Lemnnte street have Issued invitations for
the wedding of tlio'r daughter. Miss Estelle
Mav Itelmrt to .Mr Roland R Shlllndv rji
Wcdm-ml iv evening June fi In Kt David's
Protestant Episcopal Church Kraras ave
nue. Mnnnvunk The bride will be attended
b.v her sister Miss Rena Reincrt nnd the
bridegroom bv Mr Louis Rospnselter The
ceremony will be followed bv a reception at
the homo of the brides parents The nt
homo cauls nre fur after Juno 20, nt 221
Lcmonto street. Roxborough
Tho wedding of Miss Marie Wrlglcv
laughter of Mr anil Mrs lames Wrlglnv of
430S Fleming street and Mr Wllllim Mne
Ilugh, also of Roxbprough, will tako place
on Wednesdnv morning June 2I, nt 9
ncloik In the Church of St John the Hip
tlst. Manavunk nnd will bo followed bv a
breakfast at the home of tho brfrte's parents
Tho brldo has srlectrd Miss Iva Hare as
maid of honor nnd Mr MncIIugh will have
his brother. Ml Roy MacIIURli, for best
min The at-home cards are for after July
1, at 323 Ljccum avenue, Uoxborough
The annunl lawn feto of the Bethanv
Lutheran Church will ho held tomorrow
afternoon nnd evening on tho church lawn,
on Martin street
A very pretty wedding took place on Sat
urday evening In the Memorial Preshj terl.m
Church of Wenonnh, when Miss Esther Mho
Dodamead, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs Ilairv
II Dodamead. became tho bride of Dr Amos
Parker Underwood, of Woodhur) The
marriage ceremony was performed by the
Hcv. R II Gage pis-tor of tho church, and
the bride was given In marriage by her
The brldo wore a gown of white satin nnd
tullo with cimrt train nnd veil nnd carried
a shower honipiet of Hride roses rind lilies
nf the valley Tho maid of honor, Miss
Marjorle I'vims, of New York wore n gown
of jellow Tho liridesmiids Miss Cath
arine Rrodhead, of I'rankforil nnd Miss
Ruth Fnrr, of Wenonah, choso gowns of
yellow over white, nnd enih carried bou
quets of jellow daisies The llttlp Mower
girl. Miss Dorothv Underwood, a nleco of
tho bridegroom woro a white frock and car
ried a basket of jellow daisies The chan
cel of the church was filled with palms, In
terspersed with jellow nnd wliito (lowers
Dr J Harris Underwood, brother of tho
bridegroom, was best man, and Mr Charles
Stlner. of Camden, and Mr John D llahn
Jr , of this city, wero ushers After tho
ceremony a reception was given at tho homo
of the bride's parents on South Clinton ave
nue Dr nnd Mrs Underwood will bo at
homo after October 1 at 25 North II road
street, Woodbury
A wedding of Interest today will be that
of Miss Kntharlne Darlington Llppincott,
daughter of Dr and Mrs Joseph Llppincott,
of COtl Drcxcl ro id, Overbionk, and Mr
Raymond I' Lovekln which will be sol
emnlzcd at S o'clock In St Paul's Mcmotlil
Church. In Ovcrbrook. by the Rev Jnmes
II Darlington, D D Plshop of tho diocese
of Ilarrisburg assisted bv lllshop Thomas
Garland Miss Llppincott, who will be
given in marriage by her father, will wear
a gown of liberty h.atln covered with white
silk -tulle The court train will have deep
I Utiles of silver ribbon, caught here and
thcio with orange blossoms Tho veil of
tullo will be arranged with a band of silver
ncross the forehead, nnd will be fastened
with clusters of orange blossoms Tho bridal
bouquet will consist of lilies of tho valley
and Bride roses
Miss Dorothj Goodllffe Llppincott will
attend tho bride as maid of honor, and will
bo gowned In pink tullo nnd silver cloth
A plcturo hat of pink chiffon will also bo
worn and she will carrj a basket filled
with pink roses
Miss Lvcljn Hird Dlmmlck, tho tiny
ilower girl, will wear a dainty pink and
white llngcrlo frock and will carry pink
roses Mr Lovekln will have his brother,
Mr Walter Lovekln as best man. and tho
ushers will be Mr Charles Darlington .Llp
pincott Mr Wlllard Kwlng Mr Oscar J
I'tterson. Mr John I' Humphreys
A large reception will follow tho cere
mony for 200 guests nt the bride's home
The marriage of Miss Anna M Neville
and Mr Rdgar 11 Tlrrlll, of Holden, Me,
was solemnized on Saturday at 12 30
o clock In the Church of Our Lady of Vic
tory by the Rt Rev Monslgnor P. Coghlan.
Tho only attendants wero Mr and Mrs Al
fred D Thomas After July 1 Mr and Mrs.
Tirrill will be at home In Holden, Me.
A quiet wedding took place on Friday,
when Miss Marguerite Yocum, daughter of
Mr Isaao D Yocum. of 3G14 Spring Garden
street, became the brldo of Mr Albert W.
Roseman Miss Yocum was attended by
Mrs. George V Rose as matron of honor.
Mr Roseman had Mr Oeorge D Rose as
best man After Juno 15 Mr and Mrs
Roseman will be at home at the Margrave
The marriage of Miss Isabella de Meyer,
daughter of Mr and Mrs, Gabriel H. do
Meyer, of San Francisco, Cal., to Mr Krncsv
Illehl, of 1637 Diamond street, was sol
emnized at 6 30 o'clock last evening In tho
Grace Daptlst Temple, Uroad and Berkt
streets. The Rev Dr Russell H Conwell
performed the ceremony, which was fol
lowed by a dinner at the Iiellevue-Stratford
Mr Illehl and his bride, upon their return
from their wedding Journey, will be at
home on Mondays after Jun 11, at 1C1T
Diamond street
A Romnncc of the North Atlantic
CHAVTI'.II WW. Continued
XI nnd
White vnu possess the strength
nnd nervo for this sort of Job, Miss
Carrlngton hero suspects that the owner -r
this ship has tost his mind I just found
Dubois Ivlnc on tho cabin deck tnur-
dered "
"Dubois, sir?"
"Yea; he had been stabbed In tho back
"And you believe the owner did If'
"Thero is no ono else on board who could
He Is looked In his stateroom, nnd we've
got to get him out Como on now, both of
ou "
I led the way down tho stairs In no
p'casant framo of mind I had no relish for
tho Job, but was determined to seo It
thoroughly done An Insane man running
free aboard, animated by a deslro to kill
added to my other responsibilities, increased
our dangers mnnlfold The cnliln seemed
ro dnik after the brightness of tho deck
above, that 1 grasped tho stair rail and
advanced nlmost blindly 1 had reached
the center of tho cabin before my eves dis
cerned thnt there were two bodies out
stretched on the deck Instead of one I In
voluntarily shrank back, gilpplng the sleevo
of Whites shirt, nnd pointing
"Good God; look here' thero are two
bodies, he ho hns got Dade also"
Tho sailor sprang pist me, nnd dropped to
his knees
"Ae, It's Dado, nnd tho poor cuss Is
done for sir It s another knife thrust In
tho back "
"And no longer any doubt who did It,"
echoed Olson, "for there's not another man
aboard been nft "
"tight vou ate," I said, gripping mvself
rendy to net 'And wo must get htm at
once Come on both of vou. If theie's a
tight It mav take tho threo of us Ilo has
a knife, nnd thero was a gun in his
Tho door of Raseom's stateroom was
closed, and I grasped tho knob with no
thought that It would leld to mv fingeis
Hut It did, nnd 1 nlmost fell forward Into
tho room, catching mvself nnd staring
about The others crowded through after me.
tliplr pjes searching every nook and turner
Tho last gleam of tho sun streamed In
through tho stern ports, nnd eviry object
within was clearlv revealed at a glance
The mat wns not there I drew back the
iiirtalns concealing tho bath, but the spaic
waH pmptv onl one of the mund ports
vina pirti.illy open, the nperture fat too
small to admit the passago of a body The
bed had not been slept In, and was ueitlv
made, ono drawer of tho desk stood open
and papers were scattered on the rug be
neath, a chair was overturned on the deck,
a chest In ono corner had been rummaged.
Its contents Hung aside Mv ejes fell on
White, his mouth open. Ills faco grotesque
In Its coating of coal dust
"Damned if ho ain't got nway. sir" ho
blurted out, "but ho never went overborn d
through that port a cat couldn't h i' done
"No, he's aboard all right," I coincided
Hut vvhero? nnd for what purpose' There
Is no knowing what a man in his state of
mind may do Good Heavens! be could
wreck tho ship "
"Moro likely he's liuntln" for MLCnnn,
sir," Insisted Olson 'Tho lady said that
wus what ho went crazy over"
"Hut McCann is on detk. nnd Ilaseom
never camo out of tho cabin; he's either
hiding In ono of theso staterooms, or ho
has gone forward amidships through the
passage Get a light White tako tho labln
lantern OImiii and I will have a look be
hind theso doors first, and then we'll cx
ploro between decks"
Wo found nothing, not the slightest trace
of the fugitive Itejnnd doubt ho had gone
torwnrd, either sicking to escape, or with
the thought that he could attain tho deck
through somo opening nmldshlps I was
tool enough bv now to realize the peril we
faced between decks, searching for tho
madman whom wo might encounter at any
moment .
"Run on dei k. White " I ordered, "and
pkk up a niuplu "f inarlln spikes I have
a revolver Toll Mr Leavord tho situation
and have him keep his eves open Better
havo him nam McCann and MIks Car
rlngton had best remain near tho wheel
until we get our hands on this fellow Hurry
hack now "
Olson and I remained motionless our
eyes on tho black opening lending forwnrd.
the dim rajs of tho lantern falling on the
ghastly faccB of the two dead men out
stretched on the deck It was a gruesome
spot, nnd my heart was beating like a trip
hammer 1 made wire my revolver was
loaded dropping the weapon Into a Jacket
pocket White rejoined us, grasping tho
spikes, ono of which ho pissed over to
Olson, who tested the weight In his hand
'Quiet as a June inornln up there, sir,"
he unnounced, squinting about "There
ain't nobodj seen nuthln' of n maniac I
rockon jer better let Olson carry the lan
tern so you and I can be sorter freo to
grip the chap; vvo're bigger than tho mate "
"From what I've seen of Olson he'll do
his sharo of tho lighting." I answered
knowing tho Swede to be hot-tempered and
touchy about his size "However, ono will
havo to carry It "
"Ifs all right, sir," said Olson quietly
"I'll hold the glim, but If that big duffer
doesn't stand up to the Job I'll bust glass
an' all over his head "
We certainly made a thorough search
of It I doubt If a stray rat got by us
without being seen, but from the after-cabin
to the engine-room ladder wo found no trace
of Bascom, no indication even that ho had
ever passed that way Beginning with the
steward's pntitry. we explored every nook
and corner, flashing the light of the lantern
Into bunks and behind sea chests; clamber
ing over boxes and barrels in the storeroom ;
even lifting the Iron cover of the lazarette,
and prowling about among the various ar
ticles stored below
The effort to locate liascom's hiding
place was absolutely vain the cunning of
the madman overcame our diligence and
wit, he had disappeared as though swal
low id by the sea, leaving not so much as
a clue behind.
Tinvnnd the hole leading to the engine
room below our advances were blocked by
Onpiiiffht, I,lfp PuMlahlnn Onmpmy Itrprlntrrl by pc!ii Arrnncemnt
a steel bulkbean, watertight, pierced by a
single door to bo sure, but this wns closed
I and locked securely To tho best of my
knowlidge this door had never been opened
slnco the ship left Baltimore, and Its
mechanism had probably been operated
J fiom the demolished bridge I could con-
ceivo or no wnj in which the crazed man
could havo proceeded further forward Prom
this point clear to the ton peak tho cargo
had been loaded almost chock with tho
main deck and tho hatches had not been
lifted for a week. Indeed, thej wero bat
tened down nnd It was likelj tho nlr was
foul enough bv this time to stranglo any
human being
"Is theto any communication between tho
forecastle nnd the hold White? I asked,
Blaring helplessly nt the steel barrier
"No. sir, tho fo'castlo Is all above deck "
"How was tins door mnnlpulatid? Do
olther of j ou know ? '
"Well I bad charge o' loadln' the nfter
hold, sir ' and Olson scratched bis bend
trjlng to temember 'Tint door never was
opeiiid but once when Cnptalr Hadlej
tested It befoto wo left Baltimore, or mav he
aftir wo got out in the Chesapeake I think
It wuz opened an shut from the bridge, Mi
Hollls "
"That Is the usual arrangement, but
thete is a slot hero for ii key; still, tho
door Is steel, nnd It looks too heavy for any
ono man to operate "
I leaned over and looked down Into the
lighted engine room at the bottom of the
shaft All I could seo was a gnat wheel
stcadllj turning
Tho englnier stepped Into view and
peerod up into tho darkness; ho appeared
burly and shapeless
That jou. Captain?"
' cs Bnscoin, tho owner, lias gone crazy
nnd lias hidden himself somewhere on
ho ml '
Well, I'll bo damned' Can't vou find
"Not jet; we've searched every plnco aft
lio basil t visited jou?"
"Not to my knowledge Tony is back
In tho Hrernom, J 11 nsk him "
Tho three of'us clung to tho ladder gaz
ing down. the. light from the lantern re
vealing our fueiH. Masters was not gone
a moment, but Ids voice had changed
"I'oiij'b klllul sir." ho called in, rxciimiiv
"He's ljlng on tho ion! In 'o 1 bunker, cut
in tho back with n knife "
The words were not out of Ids mouth be
fore wo vuro scrambling down But our
h.isto gained us nothing Tho only trail
Bascom had left was tho dead Italian
Mirtched out In the half-emptied coal
bunker, his lips closed forever It was a
knife 'thrust whlih had killed him Just
such a thrust as had done for Ills two mates
in the tahln above, but tho madman had
However, here was proof posltlvo that the
fellow was still on board, still hiding be
tween dicks Ho had not reached the open,
ur Hung himself Into tho sea Surely with
in tho narrow lonllnes of the ship we could
urn him down Yet tho situation was baf
fling enough Mnsters lould tell us noth
ing, he had luntd no sound, seen no
shadow Ho had been oiling tho machlnerj,
mid a innn could havo slipped down the
1 idder unobserved nnd escaped ngaln' In
tho samo waj Thero was no other en
tranio to tho englno room, tho forward
bulkhead was solid, thero were two venti
lator shafts, hut neither was large enough
fur tho p.assago of a man's body, and tho
coalchuto was kept closed nnd Iockid at
sen Nevertheless I hud theso examlnid
determined to tnke no chances, nnd our
lantern penetrated every inch of the engine
room and coal bunkers At tho end, ut
terlj dallied, White g.avo vent to nn oath
"It bents me sir," he confessed hnaisely
"unless Its a spook wero a-huntln' for"
"I wish It was, tho trouble Is It Is a
man, and a mighty dangerous one Well,
Iio'h not down here, nnd ho must havo
gone back by way of the ladder Tho fil
low has either found some means of get
ting Into the hold, or else he's managed
to slip on dick and perhaps Is hidden In
tho forecastle no one messes there now '"
"No, sir."
"Then let's have a look up above; come
on. men "
"Yer nln't goln" ter leave mo down hero
all atone, nre jer Captain'" questioned
MahterH an'xlouslj-, "with Tony ljln" dead
in there, nn' a damned murderer prowlln"
"He'll not bo down here ngaln, but 1
supposo jou must have a fireman White,
j mi better stnj-."
"""ain't no Job I like, sir; I shoveled
coal hero already for eight hours,"
"I'll tacklo It, sir," Interrupted Olson
quietly "That big boob would throw a
fit clown hero every tlmo ho saw a shadow.
After jou get thoso hatches off send him
In on top o' tho cargo There'll be no
danger o" his gettln" hurt If Bascom was
a hldln' there "
"Yer n damn liar! I ain't no moro afraid
than j'ou are"'
"Thon why don't j-ou stay hero?"
"I'm plumb tired out shovelln'"
"That will do men," I broke In sternly
"There will be work enough, nnd majbo
fighting enough, for both of jou As long
as you havo volunteered, Olson, you may
tako a turn down here, and White will go
with me. Keep a sharp oyo out, jou men
below." '
Madame, You Save
It is you, Mrs. Housewife, who takes
care of the family thrift fund,
laid by for rainy days.
Save This Way
Put tho thrift fund into Liberty
Loan securities. They nro the
safest investments in
tho whole world.
ARtiouncca That Ho and Mrs.
Cummer, of Cleveland, Will
I5e Married June 19
George W L'Iklns. of Elklns Tark. todnv
confirmed tho news that ho will be married
to Mrs Allethalrc Ludlow rummer, of
I'lev eland In New York on Juno 19
Mrs Cummer Is prominent In Cleveland
mulct .She Is tho daughter of Colonel
v II Ludlow vice commander of the Loval
Ltglnn of the Stnto of Indiana He fought
in tlio CIM1 War In the Tenth Indiana In
fnntrj Mr. Llkins In confirming tlio news of his
engagement nnd coming marriage said that
be legntted that the facts had become
Known at this time He Intimated that only
mimdlnto members of both families and
intim.uo friends would bo present nt the
Mrs Cummer was married to Wllllnm
i iininier, n wealth clubman of Cleveland,
several jears ngo Tlicy wero divorced,
litivv over, cm tho grounds of incomnntabllltv.
Mr Llklns said Two jears ngu Mr Hlk
Iiib was Introduced to Mrs Cummer at Bell-
urn-, riu, w ntro eacn was spending tho win
ter Mrs Stella M. Rlklns Mr Rlklns's first
wire, died In April, 1013. Tho Ablngton
Memorial Hospital, on Old York road oppo-
mm uuuiimn nvenue, was erected by Mr.
i.utins ns a memorial to her at a cost of
Mr Llklns hns been prominently known
for sovernl yenrs as an expert golfer, horse
man motorist nnd vnehtsmnn. ns well as a
financier and clubman Ho recently pre
sented his ncht Juniata, to the United
States Government
Ho returned Inst night to his home. Chel
ten House. Llklns Park, from Niagara Falls,
where ho arranged for a cottngo for his
daughters, Mrs Giorgo F Tjler nnd Mrs
Wharton Slnkler, whoo husbnnds are nt
tho mllltarj training camp at Fort Niagara
Mr Llklns Is a son of tho lnte William
L Llklns traction mngnnte nnd founder of
tlio largo Llklns fortune
Thor, Known to Rocky Mountain
RanRcrs ns "The Grizzly King,"
Shows Paternal Love
Jnmes Oliver Curwood returns In his
storv of Thor tho biggest grizzly bear In
the Rocky Mountains to tho manner nnd
spirit of his earlier great success, "Kazan '
tho enthralling romance of Alaskan clog llfo
which was published serially In tho Lvevivci
LrnciEn more than n jcir ngo Mr Cur
woods renders expeit from him quickly
mounting climax and excitement, and they
will not bo disappointed here
Rut thoe who are unacquainted with
"Kazan" will find In "The Grizzly King"
the title of his new viork. qualities which
thej do not associate with the ordlnarj
author playful humor and fine tenderness,
an amused nnd nffectlonato sjmpnthy with
tho noble nnd exceedingly engaging hero,
Thor, crusty old bachelor, who ndopts a
motherless black cub
This Is at onco a fascinating nature Ftudy
and a Stirling talo of tho outdoors It Is
certain to make a multitude of new friends
lor tho author who read "Tho Grizzly
King," which biglns in Saturdays L"vbmmi
Remomber that jour news dealer carries
only a limited supply of Lvenino Lr.nnEns,
so bo sure to place your order with him
now for all Issues In which 'The Grlzzlj
King" nppears The storj will lie pub
lished In dally Installments, commencing
Betrothal Announced
That the Jews In this city will support
tho nation in the wnr with Germany was
made evident in patriotic speeches at the
buffet luncheon given nt tho homo of Mr
and Mrs Herman White. 1110 Snjder ave
nue, last night when thoj nnnounced the
bcttothnl of tliclr daughter, Miss Lillian
i: Wlilte, to Mr Kamucl Stutman
A patriotic effect wns given to the occa
sion ns nil the girls were dressed In nurses"
uniforms whlli the walls were decorated
with lligs and bunting, representing tho
colors of all the AllUs An orchestra played
military marihes throughout the evening
Thoso present nt the affair were Miss
Para C White, Miss Lillian G Gutlof. of
New York. Miss Lstello C White Miss
Reatrlce White, Miss Dorothea White, Miss
Roslyn Stutman, Miss Saia Stutman Miss
Sara Flshback, Miss Lllzabeth Pabrcen,
Miss Annette Feldman, Miss Rosalie Horn,
ultz. Miss Sadie Heck Miss Rheba Selfer
Miss Ltbel Selfer, Miss Rosnlle Raker, Miss
Rheba Baker, Miss Rae Kennel, Miss Jean,
itto Salvatore. Miss Gladjs Llbunoff Miss
Ruth Llbunoff Miss Lvelyn Llbunoff, Miss
Helen I'alln Miss Dora Moss, Mr Louis p
White, Mr Harry Wltteky, Mr Jack Stut
man, Mr Morris Marks of Pittsburgh ,
Mr Sam Drown, Mr Wllllnm Abraham. Mr
Uenjnmln Raker, Mr Herbert Jaspan, Mr
Mjer Green. Mr Samuel Moyerman Mr
Nathaniel Feldman. Mr Jack Silver Mr
Maxwell, Mr Waittman. Mr Samuel V ir-
nett. Mr Ldward Goldman Mr George
Owens, Mr Samuel Gold, Mr Henjamln
Gold. Mr-William Raybln. Mr M Chadnoy
Mr Harry Pressman, Mr George Stutman,
Mr Harry Stutman Mr Ben I'alln, Mr Jack
Moss, Mr Louis Russo, Mr and Mrs M
Stutman, Mr and Mrs J Stutman, Jr , Mr
nnd Mrs I'alln, Mr nnd Mrs L 1 Llbunoff,
Mr and Mrs L Lowenthal. Mr and Mrs J
Baker and Mr and Mrs A Wiener
$30,000 to St. Agnes's Hospital
HARRISBURG, May 29 Among Sonate
appropriation bills reported to the Senate
were these:
Philadelphia Navigation Commissioners.
$63,000 , monument to mark Washington's
Crossing of the Delaware, 25,000 1 St
Agncs's Hospital Philadelphia, 130,000;
Tabor Home, Rucks County. $10,000; Chil
dren's Home. York. 1000; State Hospital,
Nanticoke, 5110,000; State Hospital for
Insane, Allentown, 3123,000: State Hos
pital for Insane, Wernersvllls, $104,300 ',
Baglevllle Sanatorium, Montgomery County,
310,000 ; BUta UoipltaL Traverton, 3. 97,000,
Steering Gear on Auto Brokfc I
Kcport, Causing Crash Mo- 41
torman Seriously Hurt f
Two passengers nnd the motorman, of ,.
iiiri cr were injurca enny loaay wno-Jv-s
no cur crnsneu into a neavy uainwm uv
comotive Works motortruck at Thirtieth
nnd Spring Garden streets. The rootorv?
man, William Smoker, 910 North MayS
nirccc. siincrect concussion or tno oram ann a
a possible frauurcd skull. Caspar Gam-'1
ner tzs North Robinson street, and Wil
liam Greer. 1520 North Flftj -eighth street,
wero bruised and cut by glass.
Russell Dlsbrow. 2121 HDrlne Gardn
street who drove the truck, escaped ! il
jury nnu was nrreetert by policeman A
mant of the Thlrt) -ninth street and tan-:
caster avenue station
Dlsbrow was driving the truck west on
Spring Gnrden street The street car w
coming in the opposite direction Neither
Dlsbrow nor the pnssengers could explain
the accident It wns said the steering"
gear on the automobile broke and whirled
the truck Into the pnth of the car. The
passengers went home nfter treatment al
the I'resbytcrlan Hospital Smoker, the
motorman, Is in n serious condition at tho
hospital ,
riajr Dedications In Many Towns
NORTH WALI-.S. Fa May 29 Special
Memorial Dav exercises will be held al
North Wales, Ambler Lnnsdnlc Perkasle.
Sellersvllle nnd Quakertonn tomorrow,
Flag dedication exercises will be a part
of the program at most of these places.
Ilelnmnt Improvement snoclnllon, special
meeting nt 4053 Olrard avenue Free
Thlrt j. third nmiunl ronvrntlnn of the W.
c T U of Philadelphia County at the
Seventh United Presbvterlan Church, Or
thodox nnd Lelper streets Free
MiiKs-meetlnx of Italian rltltena to ar
range for entertainment of Italian envoys,
Heneficenze Hall 9JO South Llghth street.
Municipal lliind plnjn nt Fortyelchth
and Brown stieets I'rce
Dinner, I'lilbulrlplila Tile, Mantel and
Grate Association, Adelphla Hotel, 7 o'clock.
IHnner-iliinre, Nnrsrs Altimnad Assoels
tlon of Jewish Hospltnl Rlttenhouse Hotel,
8 o clock Members
srinlnnniml iirrtlng of the Germantown
nnd Chestnut Hill Improvement Association,
Germantown High School 8 o'clock. Free.
Orbiitr, "Itesolvril, That irhfin the United
States and the State governments abolish
tho legalized liquor trnlllc compensation or
reimbursement for the loss of actual In
vestment bo provided" D Clarence Gib
bonev affirmative, Itev Dr Clarence T
Wilson of Washington, negative. Baptist
Temple Admission charge
Annual Miij Imp, oung Men's Progress
lvo Association, Roal Dance Land, Seventh
and Morris streets 8 30 o clock Admission
Graduation exerelnes. Women's lfomeo
pathlc Hospital Union Methodist Episcopal
Church. Diamond street above Twentieth
street 8 o'clock Free
Graduation rxerrlses, (Irrmiuilown He's
Plt.il Church of the Redeemer, I'enn and
Chew streets, S o'clock Free '
Pageant, "Anierlrnn Uxprncllturei," lie th
an y Temple Admission charge
11:15 P. M.
MAItKLT Above 10TH
First Presentation CLZ.NICK Picture
Clara Kimball Young
In the Much-Discussed Photoplay
"The Easiest Way"
lil.Jun.UJli io a m to a us. p. M.
Prices 10c. SOo
Douglas Fairbanks Revuo
10 11 A M. 12. S, SI'S,
t, 4,'. T 4.1 k tl 45 P. If.
I'lcturlzitltiii of Hazard Vellleta
The Most Patlnfylnc Drama Ever StacwL
11 A SI to litis P. M.
imin me l.vgi.. 100.
Prlees 10c. 20e.
In Tha Pelznlik Picture
Adapted from E Phillip Oppenhtlm'a
Thorn Trl Pnt Vllrlnm Cooper In "Th Lla.
B. F. Keith's Theatre
The BiRRcst Show of the Season
The California Boys' Band
Wilfred Clarke A. Co , Raymond A Cavtrlerl
HcrtMrt Dour, and Others.
Dally. 2:152Xo and SAv
Evta , 8tl5 2tVo to 11.00.
Augmented Orchestra
Theatre juniper ars.
VA VVB VILLE Conttauoiu
10c. 15c. 25c, 8tio
11 A. M. to 11 P. M.
f y" w 'J5wv
Jfl ! JBrST2Sr'
iml. XTnlvll4' DUnnnnn" Y TH
ess" :;k, mi
.sS?" M
Xliu iiuufciii'O' jl uiiicao
TrxTTrvi7Tnnniri7.n orn
ivinivji.jjj.vwww- Tll,8
.. . ... 1. .C.1. -
Mati. Tutaday. Vdneaday, Tburadur, SaaV. f
"The Life of a Shop Girt"
Neit Week "HER UNPOrtN Cinur
r VTJTr 8TH WEEK Evening. SJl.
Jjllvli-I Mat Tomorrow Deat 6Mt (l.M.
Jrocadero WSSP&Wm