PiJwgiBWWTWwwyJw' 9fi !5.' 'T a iiiiHmi ii , i CANNONIE1200 UOMM PRESI SABATO Mi Italian! Circondano c Cnttu- rano un'Intora Battcria Ncmico sul Cnrso AVANZANO SULL'HERMADA JL 'Attnccano c Conquistano Nuovc Po- "t&,i slzloni ad Est di Plava o Vi Fajino t. XT i ni! i 1 iuiuetust x i ikiuiiici ItOMA. 28 Magglo V" It generale Cadorna ha fntlo un nuovo pnsso Innanil nella sua marcln attravcrso 'i I ' tt seltore merdlonale del Carsu e un nan $ '' passo anclie I.e truppe della Terata Ar- sjjLi Jnata hanno catturato nuove trlncee nus- ,Vtriache, parecchl cannonl ed Itioltre 1200 'vJIrlBlonlerl Kcco II testo del rnpporln del ' ", cenerale Cadorna pubbllcato lerl sera ilal y 'lty lllnlstero della Cluerrn Ts'cl quarto glorno della furiosi bal taglla tlel Cnrso la tiostre InstancnhlJI truppe Imnno wlcii le posUloiil glu' ila loro occupate nelli pirte meridionals dell'altoplann I.e poelzlonl gin prene rtegll nttrl iettorl coin) stnte fermamentti :. mantenute Dall'alba nlla sera ill lerl (snbato) si ebbs una vlolenla nzluiin (1 nitlgllerla lungo tutta la llnea ill b-ittngll i Nel po- merlgglo tra Ia ioata. Jamlaun la rontra i fanterla con un brllllante nssalto rlutf a ragglungere mi imnto nl ill In' drill i ferrovla MonfaJiniie-Duiiin a noid-est dl Han Wovanni uVnnurstanilo In forte- rnento orgnnlzznta Quota lli a sud ovest ell Medeazza I.c nnstre trupp el stablllrnno a poclin rvutlnala dl niilrl dal vlllaggln the t sulle faldc octlilen tall dell'Hermada Durante tuesta nzbip nlciinl repirll della nostra fanterla rngglunsero Is po tlzlonl Ml clu era no plnzzatl I lannonl nemlcl r catturarono una batterla da tiim pagna dl died pezzl ion tutta 1 1 tlnta ilone ill munlzlonl e fecero SI-' prlglon- lerl tompresl 34 udlelall A nnrd dl Jamlauo the dlMa d ilia cnitta circa due mlglla e mezzo violenti , attacchl e contrattaci.hl si suitedettrro t durante tutta U glornat.t nppoggl itl da. j tin vlgoroso fuixo ill artlglkrli Anclie Castngnevlzza fu rigglunta ed oltrepassata dalle nostre truppe mi II perslstente e concentrato fuoco dl niimc- rose nrtlgllerlc tumlihe In tiuesto settorn I cl obbllgo' ad evacunre terrenu Nnl pero' mantcnemmo le noHtro pulrlnnl hiiI II m it i , 4 occldentall dl Caxtagnexlzza Nella zona nil em ed a nord ill Hn- rlzla Pazlone d'artlKllerla e' utata Intenia. ,, Xol abblanio boinliardutu II baclno ill i GarRnro e dl HrltoMi da ml II nemlco rltornia Centreo Nel eettore dl I'l.i.i la. fanterli della brlgata L'dlne. formata dal reBglnientl !6mo e 96mo, con un brlllante nttnito coniUltaa le allure nlla UMata della rallc del I'nlllma lolleB.mdo col" le no- (tre llnee del Mrinte i'uiio ion ipiele dellt Quota 363 QopHtc truppe fecero anclie 438 prlglonlerl compred dleil utllciiill e catturarono un iniinnne due mortal da trlncea e oeltr mltraRllatrlil I nontrl elloll lontlnuarono ion ouc cesso II bombardamemn delle llnee dl comunlcazlone del nemlco In una dl iiueste Incumloni la xtazlone ferrolarla ' dl Santa Lucia (Tolmlno) t' rlmasla gravemente dnnneRKlata 'Durante una iMttanll.i aerea wipra Brltoxo I noHtrl alatuii abbntteiono una macclilna nemlca I'n altra cadde In flamnie nelle lcln.uize dl Vertolba Iaanzata lttorlosa deRll Italian! at tmerno II lablrlnto dl trlncee del Tarso e" lata coxl' rapldi nella Rlornat.i dl salialo, i; Che una lntera batterla ill nitlRllerli come annuncla 11 generale ('adorn i, e' stati clr condata e contrVtta ad arrenderHl ml jiezzl con tutto II peroonalc dl parenlilu tentl- nala dl uotnlnl II corrlspondenle del Timer dl l.onilrft coal telecrafa al tmu Klornale dalla fronts , rtallana. ' 'Gil aurtrlacl ronn utatl Hopraffattl com- pletamente Uaull Itallanl mil CarHo l,a parte merldlonale dl quento altnplnno ' Intersecata dl caierne e dl rldottp per mitragnatrirt en artiRllerla e vareblie dif ficile Immaglnare una plu' formldabllp poM zlone da attanare II nemlto pero Htalci opraffatlod.il pnmlplo nun bu ilu po tuto rlaerl 'CHI austrhui kI asjetla.tim un at tacco nel nord e mentre Comad i he In comando auprenin aulla fronte Itallana hI preparava per parare ueMo attacco al nord. gll Itallanl nfoinlarono II huo tlam-o con una mera IkIIosk e brlllante rnano- vra Xe' aorpresa flni' a ipiento punto. Nelle auccesle azlonl dcllu Hcomo anno le truppe dell'eatrema ala dentra llallan.i dalla Quota 144 al mare Rea coniliat , tuto una battaKlla dopu I altra meutie a , nord le altre truppe dl Cadorna Ruada gnaxano terreno Ora era II loro turno e furono mandate Innanil nulla uperanra che 11 nemlco narebbe stuto liiganoall l,o epranza era gluMlflcnta penhe' queule truppe incontraronn mlnore realstenza ill quello che preedeano e poterono pos tarsi flno alia bate dell Hermada "Oil auntrlacl al erano liiRamiail ilrca la dlrezlone the Cadorna daa nlla aua of fenaha. II lolt-nto bombardamento dl pochlglornl fa flnl' dl ingannarll o dl icn fonderlCe Comad lion rluscl a toniprendere e Cadorna Intendexa attaccare hu Meulo . Ieonzo o mil Carro Jlercoledl' mattlna gll auatrlacl rltliarono truppe che erano ntute spoate al loIento bombaidamento per circa, dlecl gloml e vl Itnlaronn truppe frenche, le mlgliorl the potetteio troare. per fron tegglare l'atteno attano I.b allure del Faltl Hrib erano tenute dal latUaturt tlro lesl e dagll ungheresl toltl dal Carao merl ri Ionia le. Queste truppe erano pronte per la battaglla del Carao ma II lorn coman dante hon Indovlno la dlrezlone dell attacco e la sorprena fu com coinpleta i he II Rene rale ed II auo Htato Magglure furono Ir condatl e fattl prlgiuulcrl DREER5 Gladiolus aro probably the easiest Krown and the most satisfactory for cut flow ers for the home. Dreer's Superb Mixture is composed df all colors and are first-size bulbs only, 30 cents per dozen, $1.75 per 100. Dreer's Gold Medal Mixture are the most magnificent strain in America. Only finest varieties in cluded. CO cents per dozen; $4.00 per 100. All other summer flowering bulbs and tubes Dahlia, Cannas, in won derful variety and at modest prices. Dfceeda.riante.Iialba reer 714-16Cheitaut Chectnut Hill Academy SL Mrtiw, CkMbrnt Hill, Pa. A 1r an bor3ln Mhool for bora preparing for tftum cr saeuuae scnooi. b.iMciaiir tow rniee ,tttt. Mien tnara. or Kiour. A tai.lla eoulBm.nt- kop caib.- CAVALRY OF GUARD TO BE DISMOUNTED State Troopers to Serve as In fantry When Called Into Federal Service WASHINGTON. May 28 Caalry organization now Included In the National Clunrd of the Htaten will bo ordered Into the Federal union dismounted, the War Department dfflnltel decided to day. No new unite will he authorized The fact that there aro tueiit-rie regi ments of caalry In tho regular armv at the present time and becaUB. no request for mounted units Ii.im been reielxed from France, Is the reason for the decision of the War Drpirtment to dlsiouruge the organization nf lieu milts among the Stale troops The men now taking avalri Instrin tlon In the miliers reserie lorps training iamp will receive assignments In field nrtlllery units or In lnfantr orgnnlzat Inns the de partment Indicated todnj 'Hie i.ualry units now In tlm National (luird will be ailed out with the guardsmen on July 1C, Jnlv 25 and August Ii but tho cnalrmcn will go In tho com entr.it Ion tamps without mounts and will undergo tntenslp trnln Ing ilther with th" Held arllllirv units or Infnntry brigades The tnenty-flvp riglnieiits of tamln mm In the regular nrnu will not be dlstuibed but may be held in reserve for uo on Ilia Mexlt.in border or for other uses The MIHtln lllire.iu todi n relied reports from nil tho States showing the lonilltlon of the uiuilri units now lu stitp senile The moiintid troops in the guird now total four regiments fourteen separate squad rons forti-seirn sepai.ite triops two hend ituarters trooiis seven imuliine.gun troops nml two supplj trooiis lnstrmtlons ptcvlousli had been sent to the adjutant generals of Stntcs tlmt the new units of lavalli were not desired al tlioiiKh the Militia Bureau Indliated that the pnsetit organizations lould lie recruited up to wnr strength Japan to Send Army to Russian Front entlnuril from I'aze One It.illin fmnt flghtliiK 1 1 liming i.ipmre of 13.000 prisoners from the eriemi since he. ginning of the tenth Isonro battle Pillions fighting was reported 'I he tixt of the oirii I il Mat emeu! follows On Xitnnlai our lounter IIiiusIh on the heights near Vodlie drove off nn nltail. Near Kostnujivka tlie enemv adi.iiic. was brought to a stninltlll in front of our foicmost tienrhes lletwtin .lamlauo and the sea Mveral rights t lunged hinds npertedii, hut our defenders' lines reinilned unbroken and firm The Wnr i illli e (.Imilngli praised the hraverv and leniiltv of tin Ausiro-llun-garlan troops m mlonlng s eral contingents muillHllllllliamiluiniiilHHi.iiiiiiiiiuiiimiJiitu immniiuiiiHi jnjiii niBHIIIHUlinimilHIIItlUt mimmmnmim iiriniifflitmiffliiiiwiHiiiiiiiiiwiimifflwiii 1 n 1 hi ill sjm tiTltf f if f nfflsni Ml mtn Maxflson & DeMan 1115 Chestnut Street (Opposite Keith's) May Clearance of Hals at One-Half Off and Less 10$ 7.50 Hats 8$ 8.50 Ha'ts 15 $10.00 Hats 4 $12.50 Hats 2.50 5 $10.00 Hats 12 $12.50 Hats 19 $15.00 Hats 5 $20.00 Hats 5.00 21 $18.50 Hats 8 $20.00 Hats 3 $22.50 Hats 8 $25.00 Hats 7.50 Furt $tortJ over the summer at 3 of value, including cleaning and ineuranee againtt fire, mothe and 'burglary. Furt remodeled now will eave you 25 to 40. miimmmmmimmmmmummmmwmmmm Science Keeps Step The Fox "Keep-Young Wonderboard " roltsC alfowtd xoung men wishing to develop themselves to the physical require ments for army and navy enlistments, such as height, weight and chest expansion, can do so in a very short time by using our "KKEP-YOUNG WONDERBOARD." This apparatus has been constructed for the readjustment of the muscular structure of the human body, including the development of deep breathing and blood pumping, to influence and stimulate the growth of life tissues. It ileaves a most soothing effect upon the whole organism. Using M in your home only ten minutes daily will develop and keep you in better physical condition than any other method known. DemonalrafionB and Trialt Daily at ' FOX AUTOMATIC EXERCISER CO. Becona Floor 1627 Sansom Street, Phlla., Pa. "J3VEK12CG LKDUbL as performing especially noteworthy feats of valor The War OfTlce said. More than 260 offlcers and "000 men have been captured by us nlnce Wednes day and 11,000 slme beginning of the tenth Isonzo battle ANGLO-FRENCH BEAT HACK TEUTON ATTACKS I'AUIS. May 28 Itenulse of n Herman raid, made with blazC fire eprnvs around Mrflt lllond was -IJIIiihilil liv the War lce today as one " Z "nuinl.rVo desperate Herman attempt. U, rorie the Trench to relinquish some , of ihtlr reentl gained tcrrltor 1 lie state met t lontlnued In the Champagne at nightfall there were two ntlntkH roun.l Mounts I'asnw and 'leton which were cvet where le . i.mI Sest of the Meuse. In the region of Iim 301 and Pend Man's Hill, arlllkrv tire was verv artlve In the region of I ffholtr InAKiie 1'reti.l detarhmeiits penetrated the sec ond .nemv line finding inat.v deuil and bringing b.iik manv prisoners l.oNim.V Mav :S (lerman nlglil ntta. I.' northwest of C heresy , south of Lens were repu sed ii. I niimbu of prlsoneis taKeti Held MiisHl lag repoit.d todav Ills report follows Ihe enemv sufTered severo loses Successful raids bv the Cngllsh (.er man support llnis north or Armentleres ,.. also teported between twenty and tblrtv inlsoiiers being taken FRENCH PRESS RATTLE TO DRIVE FOE TO MEUSE H IWNKY WOOD Wl'lll Tin. i in. ''ii AllMH.x m:ii CUAiiNMl Mav te,nlilv through om eniti weik a bat tle has hi en raging around rnonne wlilili ma ultlmatel.v Toice (lermanv s tetliement to the Meuse The Kretn I. rommunlques liavi not nuntlniied the lighting exrepl in i Itleiitnlh but It has 1011(11111111 Iniwiiiiii Ultterlv nnd vlitorlously for the Trench Alreadv the Ttemh troops Inve desi end til fmm l.iioii lilnliau Into the allev of the Mlelle Todav thev vvele steadllv drlv Ing n twu-edgul nml fatal widge Into tlie Odinnti Hues Om e this wedge Is stillli lentil plunged Into the inemv 1 front, the 1'icnili 11111 turn ilther north or south or In both directions dlmullaticousli A siRCHsful movement In iltlier direction will be sulllileiit to force n (Jermin re tirement to the Meuse line, to save ltlnden tiiiigs front noithwnril tlirougli linn, St. (iuenlin r.imbrnl and lioual lrejili the battle has ndvniutil suf lli lentlv to insure tills result If It continues favoiahlo to the Trench Hut several weeks' innttnunus operations ,ue likelv btfore tho dcilsiie moment in this stroke Is reached That the lirrmaits appirclitn the exact degreo of the meiiaie was Indliated toda in the numb" 1 and fieri eness of the enemv lounter-ntni ks Mint hid agiinst trie Klein Ii The 1 raonne billle lias lurl no sptctacu- n-.... ...u. ..-.. ..M.....M -. H Inftnwn t Itri n tmnrfi n rftmfTli f Hlf ffinn lilttllililttlti Three Opportunities If You Need a Summer Fur Wolf and Fox Scarf. 1 rry Hprrial Taupe. White lied. I- 24.00 Kaiiu liatk.i. lluttleshlp Hlate, Urav Choice Fox Scarf of Superb Quality alnr t'niiircrdrntril Taupe. White Tied, Kami hatkn Slate, Hattleshlp lira) 38.00 Mole, Ermine or Kolinsky Scarfa t'jlro .sn (til I'tilne In long straight effects or shoulder or tapa models 68.00 mnmmmmmmmimxxEni With Great Demands . ALL. DLL1 :.l. :.( lar mention In the dally official statements because the French, Instead of launching Immenso assaults on an extended front, have temporarily adopted the strategy of rapturing small bits of the line at a time hy small and almost dall) attacks around each position The last week has witnessed steady ad vance of the viedgc toward t'orbeny Mean while the French have completely raptured all observatories dominating the Allette Vullej b a battle fought with tactics simi lar to thoe being pursued In the Craonne set tor 1'urther sunesses reported today noith of the .Moronvilllers rrest Is one other men nro to the flerman line which mav force their retirement Another ivedgo Is being driven here Into the big bend In tho (Jetman front This Is far behind the present Ger man linn ngalnst which the Ilritlsli ate battering to the, north whi:at and flour pricks fall Dnivmvnid Trend Due to Encouraging Crop Reports From Northwest .MINNEAPOLIS Minn Mav .'S I'nder pressure of the optimistic crop ne of the vetu (limine; from pracllcallv eier sec tlon of the northwest wheat nnd flour prices 1 ontlnued their downward trend todnv riour sold ut til la a barrel wholesale Flour has dropped $2 11 In two wicks Mav wheat has gone down 74 itnts and Jul "S tents Receiver Authorized tn Sell Judge Thompson In the I nlttd Males Mstrlct Court todav aulhorlretl Hobert Wftherlll receiver for the .Standard fast lion Pipe and Koundrv t'ompanv to sell the assets and realtv of the comp.uu ex tluslie of merchandise to T Woodwnid 'Irnlner a Chester real estate broker fir II. 'Oft Out) The merchandise and material will bring nbout JlnnflOfi or enough to pav Hie tecelver. expenses nnd all creditors fJ,Cum 1 V. MAY 2a 1017 KNOX URGES GERMAN PATENTS BE RESCINDED Senator Asks for Report of Bill Authorizing Army and Navy to Use Enemy's Inventions WAHIIlMJTtiV Mav 28 Itesclndlng of all ticrmnnv s patents by this (lovernment was advotated by Sen ator Knox today when he asked that a bill authorlilng the army nnd nav to use tho Herman patents In malting 11 blood medicine be reported balk to the Committee on Patents for enlargement Senator Knox said that Inasmuch as we aro at wnr with rlermanv It Is a neiessnry loniluslon that w6 should use eicrthlng rightfully In our power to aid this country Industrlallv and In a military wav For that reason, Mr Knox said he desired that the bill be sent to committee for further con sideration nnd expansion 'There are hundreds of fSerman patents In this counto for the making of dves, medicines and mcthanlcal appllantes which should be rescinded during the war nnd used b u added Mr Knox ' I under stand that this matter Is now under con sideration In the Patent Utircau and the Iieparlment of Justice " England has rescinded Hermin patents held In Hreat Ilritaln and it Is understood that tlermanv Is not protecting our pat ents If this tourse should be taken in the I'nlted States It would be a great boon to humnnltv and stimulate the upbuilding of the dve inditstrv i ! ' i 1", ' " " Free Storage of Your Liberty Bonds The banks and trust companies of Philadelphia have vol unteered to store Liberty Bonds without charge, giving a receipt which only you can use. Your bonds will be available at any time for thecutting of coupons or for any other purpose. Any one every one can go to the nearest Bank or Trust Company; it will buy the bond for you (or lend you money to buy it) and hold it (subject always to your order) without charge to you. LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE Third Federal District 108 South Fourth St. Philadelphia, Pa. HEAVILY CAPITALIZED CORPORATIONS CHARTERED DOVE.V Del May 28 The I'nlted Arms and Ordnance Company, to manufacture ntitf sell torpedoes cannons, guns nnd other war munitions was Incorporated heic todaj with a capital sloik of JlOOOOOnO lu torporators M I. Ilogers L A Irwin llnrry W Davis Wilmington Del The llalph E Weeks Corporation to deal Gifts for the Bride From our large assortment of sterling silverware a pleas ing selection can readily be made. Vases Row Is Pitchers' Haskcts Flatters t iMitre Pieces Mrcatl Trns Candlesticks Tea Services Chests of Silver S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut St. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWKLEIIS SILVERSMITHS ' , " t In securities, was Incorporated with a cap. Ital slock of 3,000 000 Incorporators, Herbert K letter Henry M 7t,oblnson! Wilmington Del : Clement M Egner, F,ik! ton Md Certificates of corporate amendments were filed todn to Increase the capital stock of the Ilooth Fisheries Companv, of t'hl. cago. 111. from J20.000.000 to $60 000 000 nnd to Inciease the capital slock of ths Mark Manufacturing Company, of Chlcaeo fiom $10 000.000 to $20,000,000 1 lAfm fa Jem 1. X fatWMML. tinOmuiti 'if. A r. -.