Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 26, 1917, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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Former Envoy Tells Big Au
dience of Germany's Con
tempt for America
Kaiser Hhs Tnught Teutons to
Hate Us and Think Us
Only Moncy-Gralbers
Jlcn of America
Despised by Genitalis
J United Suites Ambassador to
Germany at tho outbreak of the war,
revealed to Philadelphians what
Germans think of American man
hood. He said:
"Germans think of us as nothing
but h people of money, and for
teveral years have hated us and
have no respect for our power."
"German'' think our young men
cannot anil will not fight; that they
are eithe. fat, lazy and timid, or
tango lizards and male manicures.''
"Repeatedly 'ho Kaiser has al
lowed insults to be made by organ
ized forces in Herlin to our Presi
dent and the nation. Tor years he
has sown among his subjects the
seeds of hatred of Americans."
"Gei mans realize that the war
with us will be a long one, as their
naval and military power is by no
means broken. They look upon us
with a mixture of ridicule and con
tempt." The tal- ( ilclKorliiR tho knockout blow
to Genua nv 1" ohalily will lie left to the
Vnttcd h'.ii .ilone. for tho war will ho
long and "" unlit'" ' power of Uernian.v
tan not In- H bioken.
This warmiiR i'Jiw fiom the "man who
j.ficd tho Km ! ' .1,1 men v ileranl, for
mer AmliaKaibn
dressed .1 iwtilnii
to ilrrmany. who mi
lled Ciohm benollt inerl-
Ins at tin
i ulpm.v nf Miislr last niRht.
For man
he shIiI, hatrril foi Amer
lea had been em ntiinRnl In tletmany. wheic
American- .in- lielil with eonlempt us
mone pl'.atei- "taiiRn lizards" anil
tealc man" nn - who cannot llRht
In slmii 11 -p sentence. Mr (Jerard
grged ijpitn.iii defeat.
He said i'ii' if IJiiKHla Mucked her arm"
nd the uhiu 11 11 r Uttered the nrcan with
the eoni- "f the merchant murine to tho
point f ' " - most of the burden of
defeailnR 1 ii.mv would he iwddlcd on
I'ncle H.iin
The four 1 1 iiili.iupndnr nlro Rave several
Jnterestmc plt-ie- of h(Ktory. He deelaied
that the im1 to the Sussex note, v!ili!li
committed ihrni.my to abandon the tuth
Ijss nilim.ii in" warfare nnd to adopt crulsor
warfare .i the 1 exult of the audience
tihlch he h.nl with the Kaiser, when tho
German ufh 1.1N tned in every way to bar
his w.i.v 1 1 Hie ImrerlKl pretence.
"I ban hul tn Keep three things during
the lat Him eniK," tald Mr. Gerard as
jn Intn (I 1 mn ihe peuee, i!eiice and my
temper 1 !i ,1 mat war upon which wo
have cmbaiki d and vvlilih ha for its iuufo
democin mil 111 -l lee. We :ee on cxery
hand oui 1 1 1 .u.itiniix for 11111, kucIi an the
lilolntnii-iit hi .Mr lloovei and I cannot
decide "In ti I ailinlie imwl, the Rreat food
teneral 01 the taariou? 1'ienldetit who np
liolnted linn
"But win.' e need many thincH In this
ar w 1 the Ited L'ro.s more than any
thing . Ni When 1 vent thiouRh north-
rn Fram 1 i.v way home the Krcnch-
raen iil me the muKt hae help, not ahmo
from tlm who can make hnntlaRO. bui
from dm 1 11 ti) aid In the flclit aRaln.it
tuberculn 1- mtU which Kiancei Is stricken
CS With a itl.iRlle
'The lii-iinan- continued Mr. t!er
ird tliinlv that Americans are tanpn
lliards and male matdeuies And we hae
& few iienple liete who ate aRalnst UK de
fendlnR uuii-eHc Sincerity of belief in a
fine thine but In times like these slnccilty
ji of belief Mmuld be no mahk behind which
f traitors ma hide
c "The deinianx have had lJ.llnO.OOn men
f tinder arin Ymi will realize what I mean
ithenli'.iv that theie are 5,1)00,000 prisoners
cf war 111 the belllRercnt countries, and there
are. !,oim mm of thse In Uermany alone
Of the 1.' 11110 nun men tinder arms there
, nae been mil about 1,5(1(1.000 killed.
r 'lOCOOl) innte permanently Injured and
tOOOOn pri-oueiH That makes H.UOO.000
men tn the n-ld. not to count the 4011,000
, koys of inilii.li 11RO who hao been called
1 to the LOlmi. each ear since the war
t' started And Uorniany In that time has
ii been enabled to icpluco all tho ships which
f the has Inst That shows It Is no easy
8 Uk befoio us."
Bride-to-Be of Philadelphian a Divorcee
and Prominent in Cleveland Society
Oeorce W i:ikin. Philadelphia financier,
H1 marr Mrs Allcthaire l.udlow Cum
'Wr, of Cleveland, on dune 10, nccordliiR to
dispatches from Cleveland. Mr. Klklni's
on, Ucorpe W Klklns. Jr.. said today that
lie had no knowledRe his father would
marry aRain Mr lllklns's first wife, Mrs.
Stella M Klkins. died In 1013.
Mrs t ummcr Is prominent in Cleveland
oclety .she is the daURhtcr of Colonel W.
H Ludlow of Cleveland, and the divorced
lfe of William Cummer, with whom she
lived but a short time. They were separated
ty a court decree several years ago.
Towanda Jlan Dies Suddenly
TmvwpA May 26. J. WashliiRton
Ingham who died suddenly at the home of
Ws son, G T Ingham, In this place. Thurs
day vvaM buried today.' lie was born In
wllmot this county, October 21. 1833. Ho
survived bv one ton and seveial Brand
Children liritish Mission Drew
Closer Bond for Allies
pLACKIi Lulled .Stntoa nnd llrltnln
In doner sympathy.
Effected fat -teaching understanding
l trade, matters, so Allies will 1)8
elven preferential ttcutment In com
merce HrouRlit about probability of Joint
Allied buyliiR commlsBlon.
ArranRcments nlado to liuvo United
States co-operate, no far us possible
In maintaining BiUIbIi blockade.
Britain has dlbcloaefl moans of
(urtlier curtailing wasteful use of ton
nage. Definite understanding reached to
cover both American und Canadian
wheat for sale to the Allied wheat
executive, Canada co-operating with'
United States.
Munition control and purchase to
l centralized through Allied buying
Government loans to Kngland He
cured at 2'A per cent, or at cost to
wis Government, nt tiuvlncr of 14
Per cent to Britain.
Ceremonies at Luwnclalc Will Be
Attended by 2000 Cattcll
Will Speak
- - -- I
.J'1'1;1"" "'' Griper, will ho unruil"! '
,."'."' A?" "inimcr opcnltiR of tho furil
.?.,,. n""'' ""do"- Thin will be ui
fii !y .". "i1"" tliroiiRhoul tho city
i-iiMi V. ,K r,inK President of Hi"
i . "''""'iliiR Oonumuy. In expected I..
! J'.'.'.T,11.1 ,1" ",''rntlon. which ill '
nrii. VIMJ. ,,y 20flo I'"'""". inrluJInc ..f- '
i?i, .".. ,h rurl1" nuhllcatlnhfi. 1: .1 1
..ttell Ity SUUMlrian 111 1C ,lc ,.,.
I'Hl KpCHliPr i
I,,!1'; "Hohrnilnn. hodnnttiK with two !,.., - ,
rn Iln2n7 nt,2:1" " '"' W, CnJ '
V," 20xtO.f.,l naR to n Flxty.f..,,,
. , " . ',,lllll'l"K Company tiip '
M?n?ni i",VrT1"' ltl of lMwnrt tl.,k
. in T , ,,1Pi i'1",1'0 """" Journal. Mn-i.
ll he furnteheil l,y the twoiity-tlirecplor..
n,ch..Mra of thP UrcU i:nRrnvlr,R 'onM,,v
Stanley "to, rCm mmlUco '" -'l'!" '-
Tim li DO eniil.e f Mp0in nrolhet- '
in .shoe mnniifnaurer.i nnd .nird. s. h..
er ft 1 o ilnthlnn mnnufaottirer, 1111H..1 !
1 dnuhn dac inisniR in their joint htiii.l
iiik nn the northeHst corner of Tweim- 1
second nnd Market streets thin afternoon
Sexmnl Immlred dollars' worth of nRs wet.. 1
n I he deinoiistratloii The rmplnes nsseni- I
hied In the btuidlnR atidltorliim at 1 o'eln. Ii I
to hear addresses by William r,mle. .I0I111
Mi'Ivcnn and tinner! M Mnwlev ' Al :i
or look 1 in flaps were unfurled from Ihe
windows and llxe uhmp dnot-u .mil ! .
1laR whs hoisted to the top of the elght
stor bullilliiR.
Iladdnnfleld will turn nut for the un
furling of old ilnr over the nauticl In
strument wokks of .lohn K Hand hn
"oinpatiy, At'nntle nnd WiishlnR 11 iim
mies, llitddonneld Shortly before 3 n't'lm k
a paiade, IncludinR the band anil Company
T Thlid New .leriev Infantry X. 1 . the
.lunlor Drder of t'nlted Ami.rl.-nn it
eh.inli t. Ho Smuts nnrl thei nnrnnli-.i. I
tlons. foimed on KlnR's hiRhn at ilmve
street and immhed to the plant Patriotic
addresses were delivered nt the fine raisins
A patriotic dlsplav will predominate nt
the second nnn'inl memorial services of the
Stonemen s l'Vllowshlp. which will he held
on liehnont I'lateau, Kalrmotint Park, to
morrow afternoon More than ;no,00n per
sons arc expected to attend, with larRe dele
patlons from Ilrooklvn. Plttsburch. Wll.
mliiKlon. amden. Stone Harbor. Vorrls- I
town. I)olestown. Altootm and Consho-
Iirtnti '
The Itev II C Stone, founder of the fel
lowship, will be the chief opcnkci A salute
of twenty-one ruiis will be fired in memory
of the dead members, nnd Mps will he
sounded by 11 corps of buRler" One minute
of sllctiee will be observed XInn bands
will pla patriotic nlrs
Thi'onjj Watches Ex-Czar and
Czarina With Children in
Vegetable Garden
PKTIKltlllAI. Alav :'ii
Mr nnd Mrs Nicholas Uomanotf. will,
the Misses Ilomanoff and Master Ilomaiioff
have Joined the "oack-tn-the-soH ' move
ment The nie plantlnR and hoeltiR pota
toes In the path of Tsuikoe Selo palaie
wheie the same Rioup when the wen
known as the io.val famil used to deal out
life and death to all the Itusslas
The spectacle of the seven meuibeis ol
erstwhile inalty In peasants' clothes dolus
p"nsants work was eajojed liv a hlR 1111
dleiii e today Soldiers and i Milan's aliki
lined the feme to the estate. peeriiiR thiouRh
the teel bais nnd vvutchliiR cer move
ment of the shovels and liowels that the
former Un. I'rarlna. t'zarevltch and the
four liraiid IMichesses made
U. S. Leases Notth Carolina Health
Resort for Civilian
Kn emits
WASIIINUTu.V Ma.v 2d. Herman civil
ians Interned in the Tutted States will be
quartered at Hot HprlnR. X ".. a famous
health resort
Sccretar of l.aboi Wilson today au
thorized Hie leiital of the .Mountain Park
Hotel at Hot SprinRs lniRe number of
the iliin 1 lei mans now held at iminlRrntlon
stntlons will be sent 10 Hot HprlnRs as soon
as quartets inn lie prepaied.
The Hermans who cannot be quartered
nt the Mountain Hotel will ho sent to
other lesoits In western Ninth Caiolinu.
Secretarv Wilson unmanned as picpurn
tlonn aie made for recelviiiR ihem.
Kansas Woman's Heart Torn
tween Devotion for
Two Lands
The heart of Mrs. Ilertha Horner, of
Aikansns City. Kan. Is heavy Tluee of
her sous are in the United States army and
her two brothers are llRhtliiR In Herinany.
Now she Is roIiir to give up a fourth son,
who will join tho Kansas National (iunid
"There are millions of Herman people In
this country, and thev will bo loyal to
America," sho declared
"Wo are all Americans now. but naturally
we Uermans cannot keep from IovIiir the
fatherland Rut we are for America first
My ho8 nio roIiir to fight for I'ncle Sam
1 have three more who will ro if necessary."
Loses Control of Mnchine, Which Over
turns nt Pleasantvlllc, N. .1.
I'l.i:AKANTVII.LK. .V J. May 2 Mrs.
M'iry (llldner. about thirty seven vears old.
'wife of a hatter of 1320 Atlantic avenue,
Atlantic City, was killed In an automobile
accident here, and Mrs Itaymond I.,
t.-ino. also of Atlantic r,lt, was bruised
about the bead and othcrwlte injured
Tho two women In a loadster. with .Mrs
Hildner at the wheel, were roIiir out Wnsh
hiEton avenue, and when they attempted to
piss another machine a. hoavilv leaded
autotruik approached Mrs Uildner lost
codiol of her machine It collided with tho
truck and overturned Tho machine
landed on bet head and neck. Her skull
vv-vs frai-tured. her ear almost torn off and
her neck probably broken.
City Appo'ntmen,s Announced
Cltv appointment-" today Includo Juntos
II Soutberland. 7H Tulip street, assistant
operator Bureau ot Surveys, ,900: John T.
liHev "COS North Twelfth street, black
sinlthVBureau of Water. J3 75 a day ; James
McCann 2506 lUst Cedar street, Ironwork
er Bureau of Highways, U 50 a day; Isa
f n lturr 1701 North Seventeenth street,
rierk Bureau of Health, 720 a year; Hd
wfn K Lockrey. 201 Hodmai. street, fore
man hureau of Highways, J3 a day and
IV): m BroRglne 2530 Spangler street
tt&' ill00' .
Wills Admitted 'to Probate
Wills probated today Include those ot
rimrlcs c Fredericks,.! COO Wayno avenue,
men iv i private beoVts. disposes of prop-
wl.'l fvnimVd at J130.0 0. William S. Mar-
"."VtilO HpruiJ rtr et J'tOO and Cath-
Miss .loan Can-. if (icrtnuiitown.
who tonk part in a piny tit tlio
South Hrond Street Theatre Ins'
niRht for the benefit of St. Francis
!o Sales' Church, forty-seventh
street nnil SpriiiRllelil avenue
Glen Opposite Belmont I'lateau
Staged for Historical Dem
onstration fifteen hundred school children took
pu-t In the historical school piiseant held
this afternoon In 11 Rlen nppoltp the ttel
mnn' plnte.m In Tall mount Pnik The
paReant minks the tenth anniversary of the
Installation of the Department nf Pbslcal
I Mm. 'it Inn in the public schools
Th" paReant unfolds the development
of American life from the time of the aDO
liRiual Indian to the piesent da.v It
opened with the i.ilnrful scenes of an In
dian village with Its Rumes and dames,
afler which followed the lnndliiR of th
v .11 loll" settlers, then the bulkllliR of the
colonies ,md the slirrliiR times of the Itevo
lutlon The proRress or the countr.v was
diplcted bv the shnvvliiR of the Rreat Amer
ican Inventions and theli effect Umn the
life and habits of the people
(trnduallv the play life of the mericnii
1 hildren Is woven into me ihaiiRliiR sienes.
first showlnR the happv . outdiioi life
that thev eujo.ved In the sparsely settled
communities, and finally the life they lead
durliiR the pln bouis in Ihe cities, rep-
lesented b 11 street scene of a, larRe iltv
that ciowds the teal play out of the kid
dles live Si cues then followed shovvlllR
the new conception of orRanlied play as an
educational factor and a part of the iihhI
em education that hllnss the spirit of
play back to life
The iostum for. the paReant. all of
which were made by 7he Rlrls of Philadel
phia's mi 1 lull" schools, were deslsued by
Miss Isabel M Jacobs. Mbs Alma V An
deison and Mies A Hie T. Miller, of the
ph.vstcal edutatlou depaitmeiit
The paReant Itself was onl a pan of
the Rreat lleld-dnv exenlses that were
Riven 011 the plntiau A monster demon
stration of the activities of the school chil
dren was witnessed also Troops of Uo
Scouts and tllrl rtcotits from the various
pluRi'oumls eiiRURed in R.vmnastic drills
and minor athletic events
One of the features was a seiles of
lllllidi- baseball Raines Xlue diamonds
were laid out and eiRhleen teams battled
without bat und balls, gloves or umpires.
Instead ot icallv plaltiR the Rames, these
tennis simplv went thiouRh the motions of
Prompt Payments Shnw Peoplo Realize
Country Needs Cash
for War
WAKIII.ViiTnV Ma 2! Tieasui.v le
paitmeiit nllb ials are elated over the pii
tiiotic spoil displaced by the people of the
i outitrv in sending in their income taxe.
Sn far this month a total nf $SS. "14.(11)0 has
been turned -Into the Tieasury. cnmimred
with $3.35.KOii for the corresponding period
of last year So far this ear the Income
tnx receipt have amounted to $1 15.5GI.70ii
while during this period of last year the
amount was only $27.12S0nu
As the Income ta is not due until Julv
1 ' the utiusUHll.v laiRe volume that ha"
aheady been turned in Indicates thai the
people' ret ognlze the fact thnt the (lovern
ment needs all the funds It can Ret to
tonducl the war
Government Plans to Huilil Great Fleet
of ParKCs to Relieve Railway
ST t'Al'U Minn. Muv .10 The liult
Co-opeiatlve KxchaiiRe announced toda.v
that plans aie under wa to make St Paul
one of the woild's Rieatest grain markets
The Uovcriimont, It was said. Is considei -InR
loiwtructlon of a Rreat lleet of baiRcs
to move Rraln down Hie Mississippi Itivcr
to iclleve rail coiiRcVtlon duiliiR the war
If the Hovcrnment decides nut to construct
this line the exchange will build Its own
...ii.,.. to IS. A. Thlel, seeieturv trcas-
uier Thlel said that negotiations aie under
way by which tho extianRe intends to
handle export Rraln on a laiRe wale
Consecration of Jlcmorial and Festive
Tree's Feature of Program
Tho annual consecration or mcinoilal
and febtlve treo will he a feature of the
twentieth sprinR exercises of the National
Farm School, near noylestovvn, l'a , which
will bo held on Sunday, June 3 (Jllford
IMnchot. Samuel fnternijcr. Ur Alonzo V
Taylor and ex-flovemor lilvvln Warllcld.
of Maryland, will take part In the exer
cises part of which will be the formal In
stallation qt the freshman class. A special
train will leave the Heading Terminal at
9 "5 und cairy lsltors to tho school
lUbbl Morris H. Lazaion. of Baltimore,
will deliver the Invocation, the Itev Wil
liam Armbold will recite tho Kaddlsh at
tho consecration of the memorial trees, and
llabbl Montaguo X A Cohen, of Harleton,
IM will deliver tho benediction Director
Ilernatd Ostrolenk of the Farm Si hool, will
award the IrUes to students.
Prophet of the Celebrated Weather Pipe Explains Chem
istry of Great War and Meteorology of Unusually
Cool Maytime Load o' Terbacker His Reward
When the sun poked Its noe tlirmiRli
ihe ilouds today tn hie hunches of Roldeu
hue Jo spread iimnnR tho farmers
Hut there wn a little chill in the air
nevertheless, and lhe feu red that the
lilEhtness would be shortlived. Some said
11 would Ret cold UKiiln. and other said
11 wouldn't The more the argued the
wmse they felt.
In order to nun out Just how Ioiir the
iicent condition would endure several of
the Sehu.v lklll farmers called on Samuel
1' Mnketuncher. Prophet of the Snows, to
Kit an accurate Hue i4i conditions. Tho
tut that It snowed In MhhlRan durliiR tho
1.1-t few days only Increased their alarm
The farmers anked Simeon out of bed
before the sun was working
"How lonR Is It Roln' to be cold" Will
It snow In Pensllvntryer" When will the
Mimmcr start'.'" wero some of the questions
I urted at the prophet with tlRhtnliiR speed.
We klndii fear." said one of tho call-
1 h, "that betn' as there wui snow In Michi
gan that It mlRht blow over In this direc
tum and smother our unions an our 'la
id s."
Mnkrmnclier lilt the window sill n vicious
wlimiR mid showed Ills teeth
"Sufferlii hnllvwoR," he shiiuted. ' Just tie
k.iws the sti wv snow In Misherstn ain't no
tiasnti tiler's a Roln' ter tie more snow tn
Penllvsner That' all poll.vuhoddle
I'on't he a Rliip or a folRnssler Jlst when
ir toad thitms in them papers hook at
what tliev n nbotlt me'
SiM-Koant at I'hiladi'lphia Army J
Recruiting Station Receives
President's Commission
I'n -1 vciam ! hns vvnii foi Sci'Rinnt
.lininiv Wab-h t-'or Ihiec .veals he ha"
been stiitloueil at the Aim ItectulttllR
Stntlnn I.'."' A i eh stleet
He an now lake the "Sergeant" and
the "Jluim.v ' from tils uiime nnd write It
Captain .tames It Walsh. Arm.v men. who
Know n real soldier when Ihiv see one.
iiareed that .lininiv was of the ilaht stuff
Ills hiaver. Iiidustr.v and vvilllnRtiess to
perform any task was Inm, iiro lecoRtiKed
It was leained tisln.v thai hi" Just te-
vvnld came this week when he reieived
a commission fiom President WIImiii The
new inptnln has not lost an of his Rental
demeanor, and Ihe title will not 1 hatiRc his
attitude toward his fellow workei"
Walsh lives it 1 I14.' I'.aM Livingston
street. KellsltlRtou He enteled the servk'e
when ver ouiir and has had ni.in.v lose
calls He served as nil liifuiitr.vnian in the
Hpanish-Amerlenn Will and was detailed
In the Phllipplne.i for live ears He wa-.
also stationed nt Honolulu wheie he ot -Hauixed
a (ompunv of Chinese which won
11 competitive drill. althoURh its member"
had but three months' expeiieuce While
there Wnl"h also orRanlZed a Chinese base
ball team which suhsequentl toured seveinl
AmoiiR those who lecoinmeiided Walsh
for uilvani einent were ilenernl M M Ma
I'niiili. president of the War College' the
late fieneinl Kredrrh k c'unstou and Major
(ieneral rthur K. Conklin. chief of staff
of the Honolulu Department.
Plan to Purchase Land for Military
Training Center
TUKNToN. Ma.v id
New .leise.v mililai.v nlllclals ure In Wash
iiiRton todav wmkliiR to obtain foi this
State one -if the Rieal traiiiliiE i-iimps to
be established In the east A site of tuna
acies near WrlRhtstow n. BurlliiRlou fount,
is beliiR urged and options from fat hits on
this land have been obtained It Is pin li
ned also lo bu.v the farmers' growing crops
Ml but uboul five acres of the land, if ob
tained, would lie utilised
The site would accommodate about 33 Omi
men and Too it animals A small town with
electrlct lighting and all the activities of a
small community would he established It
Is calculated the tost would be $25,000 H0
Only Ono Survivor of Crnsh nt Cross
ing in Ohio
AKfli'N". ". Mav 2 Five persons
Ihree men and two women, were Instantlv
killed between here and Man 'ill! late hist
night when a fn! Krle Huln strut k Ihe
automobile In which they weie riding
News of the accident leached here early
today when the sole survivor of the r.
tho driver. Henry Hose, telephoned the
Sheriff's olllce foi help Hose has slnie ills
appeared. The dead ate David F Munson, poolroom
propiletor; W H Van Horn, ruhher
tvoiker: .lames Harder, mechanic; Beulali
Snodgrass. May Harris.
i:x-inmatf: shoots cop
Attempt to Arrest Paroled Patient of
lnsano Asylum Results Seriously
Attempts lo ariest a paioled foimer in.
mate of tho Nnrrisloiv n Hospital for the
Insane resulted in a serious wound fm Po.
Ilcemau John Uelglltmi of I iipei liarhv
township heighten was shot h Fredeilck
llulgh. the formei inmate, at Ihe door ol
ItnlRh's homo In Fernwood. H.ilgh. waving
a revolver, warned helghton not to come
near tho house. He shot the imllcemun in
the stomach, (illlcer Snydei. of the State
hospital, who was with helghton. nnall.v
subdueil Halgh and he was taken to Norris
town, helghton Is In the Preb terlan Hns
pltul Lancaster Htisincss .Men Visit York
YOIIK, Pa., May 25 hamastor business
men. about slxiy In number, members of
tho Klwnuls flub, visited this city They
held it luncheon and meeting with the char
ter members of the Klvvanls flub being or
ganized here Mayor HuRcntiiglcr wel
comed tho visitors and W It Armstiong.
of Buffalo, N. V . tho national organizer
of tho organization, was the jiiliiclp.il
Roy Scouts to Give Flag to Church
Appropriate ceremonies will mark the
presentation tomorrow of a Hag to nton
Del (Old Swedes' Church) by Boy Scout
Troop 101 Following Ihe presentation nn
uddiess will ho delivered by tho Itev. James
A. Montgomery, ibalrinan of the ihapInluV
reservo corps
Imported Jersey Cattle
Annual Auction
"Linden Grove"
Coopersburg, Pa.
M3 Miles N'orth "r ''mla '
Wednesday, May 30, 1917
Get catalog at the sale.
Established 187 J. Coopersburg, Pu.
"Ihin't er see the sun sprcndlnR out to
day? Wnl. that's Jlst the beRtuiiln'. nn yer
Roln' to have the kind of boat ycr ud to
aforo er know It An' let me tell yer.
that air sun's a coin' ter keep nn Rlttln
strnnepr an' strangei until the beans nnd
Ihe 'tatet plants uretch out tlwlr arms In
Jovful Rreetln' An' as fer that snow In
MIsherRln JnRRernot '"
Simeon then Rot his pipe from Us old
Iron box In the fireplace. Its shlnlni;
stem was black and Kitty, which meant
rain and mist There wasn't the sIlRhtcRt
Rllmmer of a blue streak omen of snow
011 any part of the pipe
The farmers looked lo be satisfied
"lint." nuerled o.ie of them from near
1 'onshohoekeii "how iln oii account fer
the winter weather tUe dns nfor the first
of .lime "
"f.lsteti " snld Simeon "ther wind Is ear
ryliiR fmni lUirope oil ihe 1 hemleals of
war In which there's lots of carbon and
hot nlr Thin here IWU nf wind Rlts In
nmonR the reRllr heat uiolecules In the May
all and breaks them up The heat Rlts
further and fiirthei e nraied until thei
Hint enoiiBh nf It in 1 hunch to warm the
small t'ie of a sprln-T ant and there yott
are Hut the waim spell wilt be nu us In
side nnother week
"I.'riuI lie's rlclit ' nul the rurnlittea.
nnd to show Riatltude one of them lliitiileil
Simeon a plpi'lnad nf tnbacio before he
ilnttcied dnwn the hill-lde
30 KILLED, 1000 HURT
Storm Sweeps Two Counties
and Property Loss Ma.v
Reach $1,000,000
HI'TCIIIXSiiN Un-. May :t
l least thiilv ei'Mons todav are known
to have been killed and nenrl Inttn In
jured. tnan fatnll. In a tninadn which
swept throURh llaivey and "tcdgcwlck
Counties last night the proert loss may
leach I.OOI).OIIO
Andale. a village nt J Ml in the south
iciitral purt of the Slate. va hardest
bit b the twister, whli h was mjn iimpnnlr.l
bv lain ami sleet HightiMn lives vete
lost In the vlllHRe and virtuall.v nil m
the In nines torn fiom (hell foundations
before the loiuado swept on to the inn III
SweepliiR through Newton Ilia tnttliaqll.il-
tei of n mile wide, the storm veered off
anil "klrtrd the edge of Scdgcwlek. nib
bllng vva onlv a few houses on the edge
of the town.
lepoit thai seveial llvci- weie lost
in Howard. Klk Count. lould not be un
til nicil A special train hh.v or doctor"
mid nurses was dlspati lied trom here
short I.v before iIh.vIIki
The tornado anise so "ilildi'lilv thai teh'
Riaph and telephone wires were snapped
before u warning miild be lln.-licil The
bodies of most ot the victims vvcie brought
heie '
Patriotic ICscrciscs Will Include
liaising of American
I'Mliiotii' eercses will imiik Ihe opening,
on Memorial Da of hincnin Park on the
Delaware, familiarly known as Philadel
phia's foney Island The park has been
ihorouRhlv overhauled and lenovated, and
several new amusement devices have been
added to Its attractions, im lulling a large
dame thiol, a theatre and u corrouscl
The i hlef feature of the opening dav e.
cre'ses will he the raising of a laiRe Amerl
. an (lag over the alhleth Held. In addition
tn the fluR iiilslng fheriv's Boston Band
will include mau patriotic numbers In
Iher Milled program Mile Vita folangelo,
considered bv ni.in.v musliul expetts to be
one of the best woman cornetists In the
win lil. will make her (list uppearutice in
this section of the tountr
i omplete illumination sstcm. to make
night bathing not onlv a pleasure, but to
lendii It entirelv safe, has been Installed
Huge scan hllght will light the bench every
niRht. begiiiiiing Julv I when the night
bathing vv III begin
Accident, Says Wifo of Ilnrry Chester,
Expected to Recover
Harry Chester, thirt.v-flve venrs old Jilt I
N'orth Ilees. stleet. shot himself in the
ilRht temple toda.v In Ihe bedroom of bis
home and was removed to the hplscop.il
Hospital, where physicians sa he will re
i over
AccoidltiR lo Chester's wife, the shooting
was accidental She told the police that
Chester kept a pistol under bis pillow nod
that It was dischsrRcd accldentallv i.uh
lod.iv white be was examining It Mr
Chester mid her sistei. Theresa Wal-h
.vere held as material witnesses by I.m i--trate
fllenii. They weie released on iln-n
own recognlzaiu e.
.lai nh VV(nssnir JJS V ."Ih st nnil m.t,
K.illin ;lir. S lllh l
.Inserh Darrah. Ilrlstul I'h unci Alii.- K mi.
Ilrlmnl, P
W lliliitn II Vim lifxiltier I'llister. I'nr .ilnl
Ihnmu Sihwah 'MM N lllh st
ClKirli'M lllltlrr Itll.t Mnuiltltlll st , Hllil l.alii.i
SmHll IMll Mnuiiliiln si
l.nrov Vonrh.. II III Citv line sml lllsle Km
1. 1 ills I. a .Mult Pa
Thnnias Mall l.'ittl I'nlsr i nnil Annii
lirennan. Hi tnml lani (p rinsntown. PhlU
lleiirKe H Mill.r 'ais.1 Sprlnslteld si mt
Ukannr Kimh huui v S.Vi H ."iHth st
Karl ItaiierHfelil 4.i"i1l Cainse HI . anil Ami t
11 Karri L'llll VV Itoslnu avi
llornanl Mi Hush 1 1 li: N Philip St.. iill'l Juli.i
M llvan s-s V l.ilh l
.tiiH.-ph i: ill.ii.. r. J'.'n It "tn- si anil MaiMin.
SmuIIm -S7t Anils-r si
Charles U IJlnmi ."i3 Manhiim SI . anil Kalll
leeii Irish Nnrrlsiown Pa
I.iiiiIk Milmniilil 72!) VVulnui at. suit I'm i
Thiinia Ills Hprui I- si
William II (Inlilier Minium V J, ami lt i.
Chntinrxt tlj UeiMi-lil l
Jnmrll llenkel 1331 t Talli-v M mil .M.irv
Kiev in. 1127 Sliunk al
JnzaiMs l.iiuilu" I'heaiir. Pii ami Hiinhn
VlrkHh.i i'lnlr Pi
1'iinils Mvers Pit Hiini'r hi uml l.hiUth
Milinvi rn MUI llriiwn st
vl.i-.ini nlir.iHl.v s.'O .vinini si .urn 1.11 in in
l.-inii r. sjo M
Ifceady Money
United Slates Loan Society
117 North Proad St.
Ill S. Qlh si. 2318 (ifrnitiiitonn are.
Operations May Be Avoided
through timely ut.e of our
for Hernia In its many forms
Dislocation of the Organs.
Distended Abdomen. etc
llxpert In the uko of trusROs.
in connection with which our
Fatentcd I'uiN of new design
are n Rreat a u c c e h a
Call ur write for c'rcular
1. B. SEEIEY, 1027 Walnut St.
'. in vi uml .( cji er rfcroic
1 'Jif I
f llttin
- ft'r s
"T tt M
l.etween Arch street, the southern
terminus, u point of connection
with the Murket street subway, to
I'nllowhill street no construction
work of any sort has been done.
From Cnllowliill street northward
lo I'Vankford creek work is vir
tually complete, the laying of con
crete lloors on stations alone re
maining to bo done. Above tho
creek to Unity street supports for
the superstructuie me in position,
lictween Unity and Dyre streets
foundation work is under way. Tho
sections from the creek to Unity
street and from Unity to Oyic
streets can lie made ready for
i ails and equipment within six
months and nine months, i espec
tively. If contracts for rails, cars
and other equipment ho awarded
promptly the line probably could
bo reaily to operate within two
Governor Approves Measures to Keep
Horse Handlers Sober
HAIllllSBI'ltH. .May 2C. -- Covernnr
Brumbaugh has signed the Hough bill,
aimed at Intoxicated persons who handle
or drive horses or other animals along pub
lic hlgbu-'ys. Hereafter olllcers aro rin-
IHiweieu to arrest such On conviction, a line
of from $5 lo $100. a Jail sentence of three
months or both may he Imposed
Drivers of automobiles who iun down
peilestrluiis and drive avva without slop,
pins to ussist their victims ore made liuble
to a fine of 5iHi. a year In Jail or both, In
a bill just approved bv the Uovernor.
Van Plans Dinner lo Sprout
Senator William C Sproul. dean of the
Stute Senate will be the Ruest of honor at
a testimonial dinner In lie given in the
lliirilshiirg Club next 1 uesdn Invitations
have been Issued to State Senatois fiom
Philadelphia nnd other distiuts The din
ner i-i being given tindi i the auspices of
Senator V.lie
Ocean City
Stone Harbor
Cape May
Atlantic City
Sea Isle City
jpNi"iW'impi!ffl.,.,niiii 'I'MHiiiiii'iHU'iiiifiiiihiU m i'ii! r mr
Information is wanted rela
tive to James Powers,
brother of Thomas J. Pow
ers, of Detroit, Mich.
James Powers was last
heard of at Philadelphia,
about 188&. Thomas J.
Powers is .now dead, and
James Powers, if living, or
his children, if he is dead,
are the heirs of Thomas J.
Powers. Please communi
cate with
1604-11 Dime Bank Building
, -uivvsiiiMttWiiiiwwifca:
Talk of Leasing Transit Lines to
Independents Put in
All talk "nf all Independent operator for.
Ihe lily's high-speed transit system was.,.,
put far In the Iwckgroimd loduy as a result Jr,'
of the views expressed yesterday afternoon .
at the second puhlle hearing before ( ourlv v'
tils' Finance and Str-et ltallwas Commit
tees on the lease pic posed by Iho lhll(i'
tlelphlit Uapld Transp t ompany
Although the meeting was devoted en
tirely to.lhe opponents of the pnscnt lease.
It Was made perfectly char that tho city
is by no means read to local, off ncgotla- i i
tlons vvltli Ihe Uapld iiansit ftnnpany. On '''
tlio iiuitrat. ndinlnlstiiitnui und council'; j
manic letnleis i win bopeful nf reaching a
satlsfuctorv agreement vvltli the company
In spite of Mayor Smith's statement at "
HarrUhurg Tuesday that uulest the leRls
latloii pending there tutssed he had no hope
or Htiy succesful coneluslon to the neRotla
tlntis William Draper t.evvls, legal transit ad
visor of Major Smith, plainl.v nisertcil that
the presenl lease wan so faulty that It
should be redrafted to suit the city The
one conclusion drawn from his address by
transit followers today 1 that Director
vvlnltiR will Im Instructed tn draw un a
now lease and stioinlt It to Hie (.ompany lor
When asked lodaj If he thought sueh a "
reipiest from founells' Joint committed
likely, tho Director said It would hardly be
proper for him to anticipate Councils' ac
tion He admitted nt the nime time that
Iln had his constructive ptogram m thor
oughly worked out that be mild draft such
a tease In a short time pinvlih-d tho faro
clause was left open
Colonel Sheldon Potter, one nt the city's
(representatives on the 'ti.ni-it company
directorate today said that In lil- opinion
the hearing .vestertla pmvid i nncluslvely
that the I. It. T lease could mver be ac
cepted In Its piesent form
Discussing the construction phase of the
irniislt program, folonelP ottir exuressed
'he h-vv that bevause of Hie nrisent extra
nidltiar cost of labnt and ui.itcrhil.'i ho
was beginning to believe that it might be
wise lo defer the constrtn tinu ot all but
the Frankfoid elevated until the end df -the
war The Frankfoid high peed line,
be lidded,, .-lioulil be riishid lo completion.. ,
ut once nun tne s)stem put Into operation.
The opeiutlon of the line mold he under
i.ikeii b the clt or by tin company on a
lease that would expire about Hie time the
lest of Hie compieheiislve svstrin Is com-
hjiteted. miorilliig to fohiucl Potter, who
sain nun ur. was verv nun n opposeu 10
splitting up the entire s.vsteni on leases
as Individual lines. I'llrtlui thiin reaching
the i inn lustfin that the cllv' transit sys
tem should be operated as a unit Colonel
Poller added Ihat be had not given tho
ipicstioti of operation detailed 'tud
Tho beailtig before Councils' Joint com
mittees will be continued nct Friday,
when Director Twining will lie the chief
speaker His olijeittous to the proposed
lease will be Illustrated with lantern
Befnie this hearing the Ulicitor will
make another effort to have the audit of
the Transit Company's books lomplctcd.
The work Is being done by h bland. Boss
Brothers & Montgomerv. expeit account
ants, under the dltectlon of Controller Wal
ton Junuar.v 'J- the Mav or signed tho ordi
nance uppropilatlug $1(1, nnu to the Con
Holler's department to have the audit made
Time and again the Director has been
assutcd that the audit would he i omplcted
in time for hearings Haih time, hnwevct.
he has been disappointed Adinlnistiutlon ,
leadeis are determined, however, that no
dellnlte in Hon will he taken on tho lcass
until they have the results of the Investi
gation of the company's hooks In their
Small Landslide on J'unnntu Canal
PANAMA t'lTV. Ma.v .'". - small land
lllh' luiK imurieil In Ihe i liMirr.i t'ut of
tlio I'.iuniu.i '.iii.il,. hut It i- imt luttrfcrlns
with ii.iMK.illim
Tour Wife
Will Save
At Least
A Dollar
If you brine th ntlra family
here tomorrow for dinner.
We eene the beat only at
price that elven little profit but
lota of rmtrons.
Take No Medicine
Eat Dr. Von's
Health Biscuits
A l4iutlv nnil Nutritious 1'ooJ
Krreninifiidcil br rlilclaa
riiey will prevent wll an ovrrromo
nv i if ntlltlon: jtrciigthn thi.
entire ditlve trm uml i.romoto eood
fwultli They vontaln no mutlun
CblWrrn love tliew bluculti.
Try a Bgx TodayaS Cent
fe j Twelfth and H
S twSKWV Arch Sts. I
y II (CiitraitLa on Itth SI.) W
h 1 1 CLAtUB M MOHn. 1
!i i
SI Jilllllsrt
M m r-0J- H
1 jfeuHnr0 ". idissi I
K from jS jetteJ-J
I Dr. Von'i Health bUcuit Co. Wp&
I llllHUK.I.I'HIA. l'liNN 1 , .
ivjriiiiimiiMxtptW RtMffi'iMttHiMftiMHfftftinwEMiCT
' -n .
i j
v.," ssc j