Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 25, 1917, Final, Page 2, Image 2

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C1I?f f IT ft riAVirvO
vSVAAl II. tV fit 111 Mil
Retailers Agree to Push Lib
erty Loan in Counter
$10,000,000 SLICE T A K B N
As Its first Btep In the "Buy .1 I.lberi.
nond Campaign," the Itetall Merchants'
Liberty Committee announced today tlint
more than 2000 stores had entered n plan
to take bond subscriptions over their coun
ters and that approximately B0OO volunteer
bond salesmen would begin active work
next Tuesday.
This announcement, one of the most Im
portant nines the Liberty Lionel campaign
was launched last Monday, nan made at a
meeting In the Hotel AdelphU
"We hae started the IiIk drie said
Percy II. Chandler "that will put the Lib
erty Loan across and put Philadelphia In
first place In the tlovernment'a effort to
raise money."
As evidence that thn committee will "art '
and not "talk," i: J Lafferty, president
of the Loiran Improvement Association, said
that that organization would subscribe for
12000 of the loan and put a blp fore of
salesmen In the field
Prom Maurice Kelner president of the
Klfthlh Street Business Men's AssocUtlon,
came .ne announcement that he had al
ready started to solicit ami that he had
obtained subscriptions for JS000
The committee formed n permanent or
conization and elected IMward A .Voppel
chairman and George V Crowley, of th
Haddington Improvement Assoilatlon, see
Headquarters for the committee will be
opened tomorrow at the Library Bureau
910 Chestnut street
Voppel announced that seventy-four or
ganizations affiliated with the I'nited Busi
ness Men's Association had volunteered for
service, In connection with the selling cam
paign will start on Tuesday
Urleflj, the plan of this committee Is ai
To have builuers mens asHOLlatlons
and Improvement league In every section
of the cll'y organize bonU-selllntr teams
To have these teams make u house-to-house
canvass In order to enlist the in.
operation of small bond buyers
To conduct Liberty Iluml mass-iniei-Ings
In various sections of the itj In or
der to arouse enthu'lasni
The committee Is to act as a subcommit
tee of the general lommlttee In charge of
the Liberty Bond sale, and will be in hourly
touch with that committee
"The American Chain Stole, operating
more thin 1200 giocerj establishments
said Chandler 'will lake subscriptions over
their counters and several hundred other
establishments will be Induced to follow
that example by the merchants committee
Addressing the committee. Chandler made
It plain that thn Liberty Bond sale was
the concern of every man mid woman In
the city
'The Government lie said 'does not
want Iloekefeller and other rich men to
finance this war It is Americas war and
the people must finance It The people do
the fighting, and those not on the lighting
line must subscribe for Liberty IJond
J10.000.0GC SAM'.
The campaign got under way tolay with
unusual dash and vim, and before noon
members of the general rommlttee had an
nounced that tho dav would be a record
breaker for subscriptions
A 10 o'clock the committee In .Blalr
County, In the far western section of the
State, wired Walter C Jamie; executive
cli rrpn of the general committee, that
J10.000.000 of tho Libert Loan would be
subscribed. In that dlstrli t This amount
will be taken by the banks and industrial
plants and later transferred to individual
subscribers on the easy pament basis
Blair County's contribution is one of the
' biggest plums that has been picked during
the campaign and served to stimulate the
general committee
Within a half hour after the announce
ment had been made the Tradesmen's Na
tional Bank turned In a subscription for
1 Today the trained bond salesmen went
Into the Seventh Ward on the house-to-house
Tho First Church of christian Scientists
Fortieth and Walnut streets, entered a
subscription for $15,000 and tho Church
of the New Jerusalem. Wilmington, sub
rlbed for $50,000.
Another bank to enter the campaign to
day Is the Quaker City National, with a
1100,000 subscription
Tho Lehigh Valley Transit Company and
Tork Hallways Company announced that
they would subscribe and arrange to sell
the Liberty Bonds to their workers on an
Installment basis
The Philadelphia Iectrlc Company an
nounced today that it had completed ar
tangemenu to sell Liberty Bonds to Its
employes through Its beneficial association
These will be sold on the Installment basis
The Importance of the Liberty Loan to
the life of the nation' is described In a
statement Issued today by Samuel Ilea,
president of the Pennsylvania Ilallroad.'
He bought Liberty Bonds and urges others
to do P3 Mr. Ilea said-
I have subscribed to the I'nited .States
loan and I urge other citizens to take sim
ilar action It Is a patriotic duty and no
safer Investment can be made It will
be used to attain and uphold world-wide
democracy, freedom and orderly govern
ment, livery man and woman who en
joys liberty must actively share the re
sponsibility and conflict to preserve It
Subscribing to the Liberty Loan Is one
way to assist.
Details concerning the Issue of $10 bonds
which are officially designated as $10 par
ticipation certificates have not been com
pleted by the Philadelphia Reserve Bank
New York has adopted thlB plan, and as u
result the Liberty Bond campaign In that
city has been Immensely popularized
The certificates are sold over the counters
In dry goods, cigar and grocery stores, by
corporations, banks and bond salesmen
Thousands of men and women who can
not participate In a plan that involves
weekly or monthly payments covering a
long period buy the certificates
Announcements that they would sub
scribe for bonds and sell Jhem to their
employes on the easy payment plan were
made today by the lMward G Budd Man
ufacturlnc Company, Henry Dlsston 4.
Sons, and the American Railways Company,
vrhlch operates public utilities In Chester.
Wilmington, Altoona, Brldgeton and other
Further to promote the selling campalKU
In the bite Industrial plants a meeting: will
b held In the Manufacturers' Club,
Monday night. Richard h. Austin, Federal
Reserve agent : Joseph Wayne, Jr., and
Oreenvtlle D. Montgomery, will address the
manufacturers ml urge them to Join the
Vegetables Relieve German Crisis
WASHINGTON, May 25. Travelers ar
riving from Switzerland today advised the
State Department that the food situation
lit Germany has been materially relieved
by the spring vegetables. It la their opin
ion that tho populace will thus be enabled
to hold out until the next harvest
Guilty pf Robber Near Tolice Station
A bold robber Indeed Is one who will loot
m house next 'to a- police atatloa Joseph
StutskI, of lis Christian street, nowever
srM oonrlcssd pf such an eKitnse, having
"'roitlMf lira. Jennler naUusNV.Ct 41 Rnnih
MrB. p-rederlc Schoff and Othera
Point to Need of Good
Women's Influence
A inulilllzutloii of mothers for the pur
pose of sending regiments of good women
to the vicinity of nnny i snips to offset the
Influem e of the thousands of bad women
who Kather around tliein wiih undertaken
this afternoon it I a meeting in the orn
Clidcr the Itudernhlp of Mis I'rcderlc
Schon piesldent of the National Council of
Mothers nnd Parent-Teachers' Association
representing C 000 lino women, more than
llftv prominent womtiti wltfi .isrimhled at
the club signified their Intent Ion of doing
active woik to Inject the homo atmosphere
Into i amp life
In n stirring speei It Mis i lion told of
her visit to all of the cam;H on the .Mexican
norm r nun ine vns mm son iviuirrpru
tin it- Shu hail with her u pamphlit I'sumI
lv the American Association of .Social
1 1 Clone willteti unib-r tlm uutliorl.illim of
tlm I'nited states Government teirlfving
In its frank trvd.itlon of the Immnralllv .it
t mlliiK" camp life
"Tlit li'd Cro-s " Mis hchoff said does
i wnndirlul worl. In i.itliig for tin- wounded
nnd (ljin' but ,niv mm who Ii.ih vIMtrd no
arm) ci nip, and who In convcrs.ml with
Ilia (iitiitiMons that 'xlst In lis vielnltv
ktiowH ih.it the moral dangers tho ilangers
tu the 1,1 vs from the bad women, are ln
tlnltdv uoisn than tlinm from shot ami
"Wo inollKis must -.anil tor piohlbltiuti
tluutiKlioui this war lint that is not
enough The temptations of cump life, the
Irimllticss, the cnmiuiintlvn lillenesH. the
feeling that thev ate forgitlen all have Its
tflut on tho men The nttllurie of the good1
women of tin, sin ill towns who ount It a
illsgiaco to be seen vvltn a foldlei or salloi
this, unlit be limki'ii down We must i?o to
the vli Inltv of the tamps mid lle them and
hunt; to tin hots the molhctlv attention
.nut woinanlv inte that ihe need"
I'nllimliiK Mrs Si linn W O Huston,
etn-ral seiretnrj of the Cenltal M J
of Philnilolplil i ami .1 Whttmore re
ligious secretaiy of the lntetnatloii.il M
i , spoke
Mi n.iBinn told of the ti imitations tlm,
he-ei tho uniformed man just in tiausli
from the Philadelphia Navv Yard to tin
Villi sticot building, nnd of tho action of
the V M (' In providing Inciter for
the Mildlets nnd k.iIIoik where whin off ilutv
tlwv might jump out of their uniforms as
Hicidllv n- possible and thus teiisi to In
maikfd men
Mi-Atce's 8 to 1 Shot Outsprints Even
Motley Kntry in Opener Con
fiscation .Shou.s
IA.MUi V I. I . Mav 25 lolimiv .Mc
'laggart was plaied In ihargi, of the favor
ite Scabbard In the list sprint of the d.u
here this afternoon but the even-inonev
entrv oil III do no better than plaic, Ual
last at 8 to I coming home In the lead
Cunflsc.it Ion paying I to 4 for show wa
third Siabliaid paid 2 to u for plaic
Tliete were font also lans
Pitt IT ItAi I: maiden two year u.ile S'imi
Minted -, furlongs
I linllaH 1 1.1 VIcAlee 8 to I 5 lo 'J 0 to 1
J hrabbaid in J Mrtas
Brl llol : lo.l out
3 I'linM'futlnt! I1J r.bblnnnn L' to 1 a tu Ti I to 4
Time lllll-i Voc.il,ular. Old llumentead
ltlllet lioux and lumtile In hIsu run
Hl.riN'l Itsi'R lliiee nr-olil. and Uli jron
added 1 t III inllen
t lUlArrv l andle 1JI. J
U Illinois '' in r, ,,
.' HKhllle lull VI liarner IsloA 1 lu J nut
.1 Hdlidl lolt Amlirns III to I S lu ., I In '
lime I 47 3 "1 rrmib uutl Sea Ua aleu
'III lilt, MViK Ihe "oulh Shore llindleap
liures tlirie ear olds and up $1100 added II
I Julia Leon UN 1 Mr
TaGgart w lo 10 l to .1 0 to o
J IVIrv Vtaud lull Vli
V.te 18 to ' I to 1 1 tu 3
1 hiarlel Hake 113
Vtnurn, . I J to 5 4 to . I to 4
I line I 14 Midame Herrmann nnd Tee
lotiliT iiImo ran
lot Hill ItAl'i: IIUAlllaml ellitu; Mal.ee
lliree nr olils ti iiio iildtil li Illrlonxs
I Klldee lot ) MiTamart 7 to I n to J 7 lo ,
J Cloomv litis 111 Uolilm.011 IN lo n s fo I tu;,
,1 IMIddnil 101 (lamer U tu H 1 lo J I In ,
Time llll'i Kllta Miuler .vli Crjth i:ie,
tlon Dunca till) Kins llatfot Polls J arid
JJtar I Itirli aleo rati
PIFT1I It.VCi: Inu lear-olila s. Mine J-.Oil ,
I Vfrlmn Vrrow tin V
Collins in I .' io I 7 lo tu
J Prank Ivioall I in Iveculi 7 to J 7 In Jo 1 to 1
.1 lllepond II'.' vv'llltaina ! to 1 (, to I j i l
Time I 0. U 3 Wood Thruxh Ituid r. r nnd
rreaeurc Trove aleu ran
Woodbine RcsuK.s
I llisi llAi'L' maiden three year ulda and up
nnrd. I. furlong
I Parr in" l.yk J.'l 00 IS Til J1 sn
.' Ileautv Mot till Ilrver II .'(I 10
,1 i:hurler , tUS lefTiolt J 40
'lime MIIS Vli trot i Thlatle Quern Ml"
but. (la Life ami ?prliur Sonir alaa ran
Sl.i CIM ItAl'i: InojearoM filllea 4'a fur
I stornibounil lit". lefTiolt J3 40 IJ JO ti lo
J IVrn Ilanillev. Ill'i l.ske .-40 J III
3 Sear. Ill'i Mink i.- L'll
Time oris VlntaKH and HattleCroxtun alno
IIHItl) ItAl'i: mnlilrn tlirt-i tor olila ami
upwnril. aeiitnir inlt-
1 I VV Huntlev, l.ske $20 00 III 70 f mi
J Unmet lou Jei.cott on ,1 Jo
I Twin .stream tos linvle r. uu
'llmi 1 44 Datnlv Pay, Alter hire Iieteutinn
anI Aleilu aleo ran
loUnTH HACK, three year old. and up
ward mile:
1 Iron I'roea II 100 I.yke til 4)0 J1 ml (.' ,u
J lliindave us Collin . .' Ro Jin
,1 VII --mllea Ills, Mirrlmi-e j tu
Time 1 111 . I)r Carmen and IliL I unh
Ainu ran
t-H-'lll ItVCK four year-olde and upard
at, etderhas aliout J inllee
I Vlinh Court. 131. Hmltli 115 TO J14 jo -, -,u
J Kluiin US Claris 3 111 .130
.1 Mniniun rtlver. 147 O'l'on
nor . . 3 do
Time I 1J Nww Haven Welshman t'liarUa
V (IralnKir Culuiiettu and Munlral llunouis itlsu
Louisville Results
Kills I' nCK mil and TO ord
I Mafeli Plrst II'.. Con-
nnll Ilo JO J3 mi .1 .ii
j hoi hi i uaievvoou ini
1 1 luhl Pair 107 Hunt
J 'Ml J Ml
ill 1,11
Tlm 1 4li l.-i Tom .Vlaneon VVIiiiiIh O Iii
Pieelston lionnl I.smh1 and Jeae) ( alsu ran
sp.cosn HACK 0 turlonra
1 Othello !U liuWf 15 1,0 1170(1311
i' Droll 1'ih VVInstleld 3 ",u 4 on
J l.utky It lo7 Kleeger -, lo
Time 1 til 4 5 Plei-lRbelle Peter Ia Mi)
VV Klnsrllaher Plltaway anil Vlaxeau H alan
Til Illl) ItACU 3 furlonsa
1 Nepe. UJ. Ixittua tl Mi J no J 40
1! Honolulu 101. Mlmpaon I so J SI)
3 Ouarletta ION Hleeaer .. 3 so
Time 1 11 1-R Carl lllnansei Mien Polly
np.l K'-pw-sth alen ran
1 opporiunltt ton Kelaay 14 oil SI 10 SJ 40
fluy l'orlun 100 Connolly 7 30 I 711
Top 0' the Wave 101 Uonae 3 oil
' Time I 13 '.'-n llroom Sweep su uiimj
Itlgll clear and Ilourbon l.ass nlao ran
At co Philadflphtan will be
interested in the building
of Philadelphia1!, greatest
conciete bridge on Ben
salem avenue over Penn
pack Creek Valley.
Now under construction by
To the I'eojilc of J'fnimyliiinui . .
THE President of the United Stales, under tlute of May 18, 1017, '
June 5, 1917, ns tho day, nnd the several votinp; precincts ns tho "Pf"0
pluces, for tho rejeistration of all male citizens between the ages ot twenty
ono nnd thirty, both years inclusive. This registration is to occur be
tween the hours of 7 a. m. and 0 p. m. It Is the will of the national iern
ment that this service be done in thoughtful apprehension of its siEnincancc.
The President ftnther directs that the tiny be carried in our hearts as a
great day of patriotic devotion and obligation, when the duty sha 1 .ie upon
every man, whether ho is himself to be registered or not, to see to it , tnnt ine
name of every male person of the designated ages is written on thpsc lists
of honor. . .
Thus, by executive decree, every male citizen is made responsible! for a
successful and complete registration. Because Pennsylvania is so large a
part of the nation nnd because her splendid record in the past is ti P!:ccnt
appeal to us, I now call upon all the people of the great Commonwealth to
take up at once the patriotic service of planning in all commendable wnys to
make June 5 a day memorable for commanding loyalty to the nation and for
a result in service wot thy of our best traditions and in keeping with the
dignity and prestige of the Commonwealth.
In all places of public assembly, in all newspapers, in all institutions, in
inu numc uiiu irum vnc ieniiiv in
IIV HWOIbl llllll IIUIH IIIU ICIII. .' Jl. .,.,, VVOO.b.,, - .......-
oxercise your utmost endeavor to inform all persons concerning
portancc of tho service and the dignity of the duty that day to be pet
I call upon each of jou. all of you. to use all diligence in securing a c
icgistration and in making manifest the penalties for failure and r
oaitcisc your utmost cnticavor 10
or compliamc with
the executive decree.
llarrisbuig. May
(.overnor Uses Veto Ax on lfc
Nienol Measure Action on
Many Bills
It i ti siil IT I i M -poniO I
llAltlllHIll IK I Mav -.
Viiiiuit; ih liati-li uf vetoes haudeil down
b Hovel not ItiiimlkiuKli todav wu mie
kllllliif the MiNnliol bill prnvldliiR fur In
erenses in the fees paid to the rleiks of thi
I'lillailelphia ( oorts of lljcr and Terminer
The hill also adds Items, the Uoveinnr
Hlntid In expIaliiinK his leusons for vetoliu;
the hill 'for the ihniltltiB of fees not nott
provided bv law The effei I would he to
unic.ise in a veiv substantial w.iv tin t
or those :n knovvledKinent"
Since llt salaries of these i lei lis nie fixed
l llio drtirt nnd cannot exceed Ihe amount
lecelved In fies it Is manifest that the pui
pose Is to increase these salaries Hilt tin il
ls no reason Klvon foi sui h Increase N'o one
has asked for such ipcreae nor dm It
appear thai thoM- salaries) mav not bv Hie
normal i tic tense of the business tiefoie the
courts be adequata for the ce" Ice rendered
'To nvold the Incie.isid nt of sui li m r
lies ns li law thoso olllclals peiform si-ems
to me to be In Ihe Interest of the peoplc
I.eKal busbies-- must be souitht bv nil i(ople
Its i ost should not he n bindeii, urn should
It he Im rnaspil wllluuit cnod lea-nuis
illvono Brained on tin triouniN of
hopeless Insinltv is n nullltv and thli bill
if appioved i otild not help hinh iHvoitc.
the liovernor stated in vetoluc the Salii"
dlvotio bill "Tlilx bill attempts to vnlid.iti
ilivoices Kr.intcd mi tin- urounils of hopi -less
Insanltv he lidded under the in t of
April IS. llWI The net or litis iloi - not
make 'hoIiss lusmllv a Kriiunil foi
divorce It men Iv proviilis for -ervhe of
u libel of (IIvokc on a In nelcslv Itisino re
spondent, who has Klven (,itsc for divoice
on exIstliiB ground"
Ainoutr the bills Hpptoved In Hie Coveitiot
Tlie !eei bill pieparnl bv Olstilit At
t'lruev Itotiiii's otllie, IiiiikihIiik n lino of not
unite than $riio iiikI an iinprlHinnu'iit of
not mnio than a Mar 01 ilthu, m lioih,
ilpuu the opeiatnr or n motor vdiiilt who
Is louvlcted of runuiiiK awnv fioni the
nfiie of u motor vehUle aiiuldit fm whnti
hi in n spoiiHible
The flans hill innferriiu; upon iiimii m. o
i oinpii ill s ihe jiowei tu make iuxutuiui
New England
I Vacations
P Bar Harbor and
p Mount Desert Island
p Hfiiutiriil iiioiiiituiiis,' lukfs. woods .ind
otcan all t'ombiiird. One of the world's
P lieantv, spots
Maine's picturesque coast; island
jp marvels; charming lakes; forest
H rivers, and primeval woods. Every
variety of summer pleasure.
p White Mountains
Four liuntlrftl hquarr inilrs of peaks and
forests. Oomis of resorts with every
p fncilitv, for rest and iecieation.
4 Washington Bar Harbor Express
p Hell Gate Bridge Route
ip Now llirouglt linin composed exclusively
of 1'iillmtni cars no coarlies.
'riimiiph fonipartinent and tlrawiiiR-ioora
bleeping cars (o IJnr llaihor; through
sleeping cars to Portland, Me., and
Rockland, Ale. Club car. Restaurant
Beginning June 29, thiough sleeping
enr to Rrelton Woods will be added to
this train, ninning iu New llaen and
the Connecticut Ricr Line.
I.t Washington - 1 lnl' i.t Bar Harbor - - 3 00h,
" Jlaltlmore - - - 2 16 1'. " rtookland - fi.lfil'.
" WllmlnKtoii - - 3 4UH, " rortUud - - o OOlC
" Win I-hlUUelphla - 48l, " Ilretton Woodi - , BJOlfi
" North Philadelphia 4 StlVj daily Kxccrr auHOAir
" Trenton ... 6B0h, I.t Naw Ilartu . - O aOAi
" N.rk - - - 0 31P, Ar Niw York ... a oaAZ
" New York - - - 7oal' " Newark - - . Q.33U
Ar N- Harou U81H, " Trenton . . . 10 40AZ
daily cxcceT uoNOAr " North Philadelphia . 11 .BO A,
Ar Bretton Woods - - 7 6a. . Weit Philadelphia - 11. OO A.
" Portland - - - oaov,' " Wilmington lBOSK
" Hookland - - - 9 0SU " llaltluiore ... 1.331',
" Bar Harbor - - ISOali, ' Washington - - 3 37(4
UectoDlni June 29 e Uedonlo( Jul 1
For additional informatift) nnd advance Pullman
reservations consult IVVcl Agents.
Kb i'
juui yn conscicin-c, v....... w(..
iniuim mi persons imiiiiciiuiih int
'he dory
iK,'ilni-t lo in iliinuico catl'ed Ii botti"
li iiiliin nt, invuslon. Insurrection, rlni, elvll
win in (ommotiiin ami milltnr or usurped
The Sihaiitz bill providing for the con-
lidatioii of the- two Urtlileliems
The llntiRli hill providing for n line of
not less Hum " and not mini than $100
or ImptlKoiiiuent of foi nnl mnro than
three iiioninx m laith ns the penally for
mi lntirii-nted peisnn linndllnc or driving
horses, or othii niiimals. of teams or
vehldis, on tin- pilbhi biKlivva.vs
The lieiib-i bill prnv idlnn Hint evcrv
dopi-d p.K kaiio i oiitniiiini; apples ttrnun In
the y nto Mliuli Ik offiied foi sale shall
hear upon the mittiili of one end the unmn
and nddress of the pel 'on bv whoe ntltlior
llv the npple weie paiked. Ihe true name
of tho vnrletv- i-nntalned theieln and the
minimum k7i- m mmieriial count of Hie
fruit In the package
The Ilnffinaii bill tnnvldiiiK foi JOuOW.
or so minii as m.n be uei-essarv , to tlm
Hurcnti of Xonlottv in the iKpattment of
AKrIiulluie as a ili-llileniv niprnirlatlnn
fm tho Iwn flsi.il v,-ir li'KlnnlnK June
I next
Former Head of Chestnut Street Firm
Succumbs on Travels Funeral
Here Monday
The ileuth of William llenrv Sewhold,
former head of W II N'ew hold's Son
Co, was nniiounied today fioni lloston.
wheio he died at midnight .Mr New hold's
home Is at 405 South Tw cuts -second street,
and tin- nlllie of his Hi in at 511 Chestnut
Mr Sen bold was bom In Philadelphia
Derembei 31 1 841 lie became connected
with bis rutin rs fit m and followed thn
haiiklui; nuil broker irc business through
out his ai live laieer lie resinned the
position of senloi partner In the firm about
tlirie ears iiku Slnio that time he has
traveled (ousldcrablv
Tho bodv will bo IiioiIkIiI to Philadelphia
tomniiou bv members of the family, who
left today for lioMuu Kuneial services
will be hdd in St Muni's i:piscnp.il Churcli.
l,oi list street in-iii Sixteenth, on Monday
Interment will be nnde In tho ihurchvard
of St J lines tho Less Calls of Schlljlklll
Ml Newbold Is Mirvlved by his widow,
who formerlv was Miss Itoherta (Jray, two
daiiBhters Mrs Itoberl K WuitH nnd Mrs
i: II Mii'iillnuRh and a Mn, Tienchard
i; New hold president and treasurer of the
Hi in of llradlee & Co i halns 72G Rich
mond ulteit He was a member of tho
rt Itaiquet and Philadelphia Country
Tin Strrt Car Route
- 1
Increase Is More Thnn $5,000,000 Im
ports Fall On"
' i;xioitn uf tlie port of l'lill.iilcllilii for
tlie montli nf April thin je.ir nrc more than
IB.OOO.OOO tn exceee of April Inut veftr
The ngurc follow irll, 1117, $3 SS'i -973:
April, 111C. 34.C.83.fl8l On the otlin
linnd, ImiiortN for April of thin cnr nro
lc than for the corresiiondlnK month of
lant 5 cur
The impuil flBUreit are ' April. 1917,
ill 103,80::, April. 191R $113.10,351
Six Jurorn for Jlooney Cnsc
fSAX FHANOISCO Ma 25 A call for
more venlremt-n wiib sent out nt clone of
court In tho trial of Mrs rtena Mootiej, nc
cuned of murd;r In connection with n bomb
explosion hero July 22, 1918, which cost
ten lives Six Jurors have been sworn and
121 talesmen have been examined
Copyright Hart Schaffner &Marx "'
. The military sport suit
Brand new and stylish
Everybody likes it. The buckled belt gives "
. the narrow waisted effect. . The chest is full
and athletic. There are several variations in
these smart, sensible all-wool suits; right for
-, -any spirited, well built American. -
Look for the label
- ' See h sewed the coat; a small thine
to look for, a big thing to find.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Good Clothes Makers
... . .
r w"" ii ii di na,
Strawbridge & Clothier are the Philadelphia Distribute
JKr- 8lsP?.r '-Wtoer & Marxmthino- . ..-
WLUm&ui J ' v .a',, . . r .
Governor Refuses Signature to
Bill Affecting Philadel
phia County
IIV n Hlaff ( orrru(l nt
HAnHlUHt'IlO Mav 23
The Ilriuly I.IH providing for mi Increiisn
In the tiilarles of Municipal Court Judge In
I'hlladelphla has been vetoed bv .oV(nior
This action will loine hh fevere blow
t., ihope who cvpeclrd to benefit bj the
llr.ulv bill They had been nnsiired b those
close to the pollthnl lcndero that the bill
wiitild K throURli
The liniindiil omlltloti of remisj4vniiln
anil the fnct that the propoeed Increase
would mvt the .ludnes (.f the Municipal
' fit' kln
rSlWi! 4 W Mh K wWLi
" W "4K t& cJJCr fjl C V X&
s i ' m filrWi
' ( ffiR --
r it ii'PB
Court n lariror salary than the Judce in
Commcn Pleas Courts In counties of ic4
Ulnln llll,10 nt lhlln,lAll,U ." tMI
(lovnrtior tn onnoso such n uleti ial
Succeeds Hoover in Belgian Work
Charles Huys de Iteeretidroeck a m'.mi..-'i
the Chamber of Deputies, has been eel.,.. I
in lii-ail the llelaian Itellef rnmn,i.I,.'"t,H
(eedliiB Herbert C Hoover a w..' .e
noiinced today H"
IJoll Weevils May Unit Seed Intnon.
1tA UllfVrlTVV Mn H-. ... ' '
'nlldesptead dnmaire to cotton crops throu.6!?
Invasion of the tleadlv pmu t0ll Worm "JJ.
pronaiii; n-uii in un import nbie.'
against (ottonecd nnd cottonseed proUucta
Fifteen Trolley Cars Ilurned il
MKADVILIit:. Pn . Mav 5K t.-i 11
determined orlfrln here carl today U"
stroyed fifteen, trolley cars nnd wrecked iiN
barn of the Western Pennsylvania Pnii.1
Company Thn loss was $S0 000
Hart Schaffner
it's .,