5" JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLlT Annual Flower Market picturesque aau r manciai SuccessFete at Van Rensselaer Place Is Postponed UST 8t flrst yoU know thRt ls nbout ... o'clock In the morning, I was J .. worried about the Flower Market trdyt 'or 'oU Beo cvery ,lttla while MouI4 sputter rain nnd then It would t to black and It really did not seem Hjslble that It could clear, but for tho fct that the 1a8s on lh various build- inci were blowing to the northwest, so j"ecjded not to worry, and lo and behold' ben next I Eazod upon the scenery, the had buret forth, and the pavements ire dry and all was beautiful and bright ind refreshing, and the people who had Mtipent their little all for Liberty Bonds jurned out in full force, and the Flower Market was a thing of Joy and beauty Mrs. Ell K Price, who certainly Is firming and exceedingly to be admired, .roved herself nn adequate successor to Mri. 0. O Meade Large, who originated tin market In Rlttcnhouso Square several jeiri ago. Mm- Largcis living In Prince jon this year, and has taken no active Mrt In Philadelphia life nil season. With Hri. Price were Mrs Henry Urlnton Coie. Mrs J Willis Martin, Mrs John C Croome, Mrs Joseph Lcldy. Mrs Howard Clark, Mrs Jack Holllngsworth, Mrs. jnm Robins and oh' I simply can't be lls to Bay how many of the haute monde. Oh! yes. the very haute were there. Suf- ee It to say that It was a great success, ind "a good time was had by .ill " REALLY, tho Square looked lovely, tho booths were so gay nnd the "tiny touso put up by the Society of Little Gardens was as cunning as could be. The Boy and Girl Scouts and the earloes fiom the Xavy Ynrd lent a military air and Hags of Allied Nations li In tho wind I saw Charlotte Brown trjing to Imeljle a NavJ Coast Reservist into wearing a bmull-slzed bouquet In his towing tie- Somehow he did not teem to think it suited him, though he was wiling enough to pay for It, and any amount to please hei It was delightful to see Mis. Bob Mont gomery taking her part in tho activities. She has been in New York nil winter, you know She looked lovely ns c er. Of course, thero are bound to be draw backs In every one's pleasure now nnd ipdn, and tho loss of n pocketbook by a friend of mine containing n sum of Bor.ey, which she could ill afford to lose, put rathet a damper on my pleasure There was no name In it, but a store, eoln could Identify the owner. I do hope, for her sake it will be found. TALKING about out-of-doors nffairp, after all that long song nnd dance I jae on Tuesday In regard to the lawn fete wf.lch was to be given out at. the Van Rensselacrs' on June 22, hasn't the tommlttee of that affair decided to put it off until fall1 You see. they found that even though some persons had decided to remain In the city for the summer. In vjewof the war. a gieat number are going away to nearby places, and, even though near, it would not bo easy to bring many together as late as Juno 22, and there fore off It Is till fall. EXCITEMENT was Intense out Main Llnewards yesterday nmong tho Tounger members of society, for thero m the loveliest performance of "Jack and the Beanstalk" nnd "Cinderella" in the Elfin Theatre, at 430 East Lancaster avenue, St Davids, and every child who could go attended and enjoyed to tho full the tiny puppets. When the cow swung Its tall In the afternoon play of Jack, the Joy of the kiddles was unbounded, you may be sure As for "Cinderella" In the evening, the performance was really per fect. The wee performers were seven laches high, the giant, of course, being higher. Between the acts there were minstrels, and the Twinkle Toe Slstors danced gayly amid applause. The Misses Plimpton got up these tunning shows for the children; -they are the managers of the smallest theatre In the world, as you would admit had you een It yesterday. The little Mills, and Munns, and Da Coatas, and dear knows how many other children, attended the performances. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mrs. William Gray Warden, of Red Gate, wat School House lane, Oermantown. an nces the engagement of her daughter, "w Agnes Brockte, to Mr John H. Mason, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hailehurst "aeon, of Chestnut Hill Miss Brockle toad her debut two years ago and Is an exceedingly popular member of the younger t No date has been set for the wedding Ex-Ambassador Gerard and Mrs. Gerard IU b the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Kelso Cassatt during their stay here Mr. Qerard will speak at the mass-meetlng to 'e held at the Academy of Music on Friday Bight Mrs. David Lewis, of 26 South 22d street, Jve an Informal tea Tuesday afternoon following a meeting of the aides who, at "ctlvely dressed as Red Cross nurses, will juher on Friday t.lght at tho mass-meeting m mo Academy of Music, at whlcn time ex Ambassador Gerard will speak. By per glaaion of tho Red Cross authorities In Washington theBe girls will wear the of "c'H Red Cross band on their caps and jrma. Among those who attended the meet "r were Mrs. Joseph Leidy, Miss T Llla Jher. Mrs Henry B, Patton. Mrs. Charles "errls, Mga Mabel Brlce. Mrs. Warren Walker, Mrs. Henry McMlchael, Miss Sara Wilkinson, Miss Marlon Hutchinson Button, " Cornelia Leldy, Miss Sarah Nellson, "w. Orville Bullitt, MIsb Margaret Remak M many others. Mrs. Frederick English and her daughter. MlSS l-lntni. n-.a..i- -n-Mn.fl.l- A wat -honl Lu lane, Oermantown, left today for WMhlngton, where they will spend several Mothers of sons In the army or navy or "Mhers interested in the welfare of their wintry are Invited to a tea to be given at " Acorn Club, 1618 Walnut street, to morrow afternoon at J o'clock, by Mrs. (-,.M.jn i-, leaner, Mrs. Teaencii ow.v.4, -" Joseph p. Mumford and Miss' Mary a. gfrett No cards have been Issued. 2ftS TVa1... J-..tll. T 1-ml--tt nf A041 !,' Preitel road. Overbrook. will give a dance uesaay evening of next wee aner mo ddlng of her sister. Miss Katherlno Dar- ""ton Llpplncott, and Mr. Raymond E. : MTkln. The dance, will be, given In honor 2 2r cousin, Mlesf Katherlne Drlingxon, wrisDurr. Amonr tn tim "'",,- Proved to Be Its Usual 1 MMWPS I' 1 ' ! I ' ' " v- . . & Photo bv Mirreau MRS. CHAN LE BAR HART Mrs. Hart will be remembered ns Miss Marion A. Kepler. Her wed ding took place last week. Miss Margaret Pcarsall, Miss tlrnee Gelger. Miss Lydl-i Ivemmerly, Miss fjermaliit- Iow nard, Miss Ruth Huston, Miss Ileulali Dim mlck, Mr Samuel Croft, Mr. James Wal lace McCaulev, Mr Charles C Fritz, Mr Stewart Huston, Mr Jonathan S Wllford, Mr Reginald Wnterall. Mr Kenneth Sprankle Mr Courtland Schenck, Mr Wil liam Henry Rrown Mr Brooks Edwards, Mr Herbeit Spackmnn. Mr Clark LnTork, Mr. Pranrln Roberts, Jr . Mr. Paul Mall, Mr Harrv Vernon, Mr Edmund Cramp ana Mr James Marston Mr Lovekln will entertain his best man nnd ushers at dinner on Saturday night at his home. C3;o Drexel road, CKorbrook Mrs Ernest Qulna. of Pensacola. Fla , will nrrlve within a few days to be, the guest of her mother, Mrs Marshall Reld, who has taken a cottngo In Chelsea for the summer Mrs Quin.i was MIrs Grnco Held heforo her marriage last year Miss Gladys Woodbury, daughter of Mr and Mrs W B Woodbury, who left last September toppend the winter In El Pao, Tex . a.i the guest of Dr and Mrs. E. H. Irwin, has returned to her home at Fort Washington. Mrs William Shoemaker and her son, Master William Shoemaker, nf 804 Pine street, spent the week-end visiting friends In Atlantic City. The engagement of Miss Jean II. Shoe maker to Mr. Oliver II B Patton was re cently announced by Miss Shoemaker's parents, Mr. and Mrs J L Shoemaker, of 1728 Bdgeley street. Mr. and Mrs D.avld Fine have sent out Invitations for the marriage of their daugh ter. Miss Emma Fine, to Mr Samuel J Sldkoff on Sunday evening. June 24 Comment ement exercises of the School of Design for Women will tnke place on Fri day nfternoon, June 1 In the eonlng a dance will be glen by the third-year class In honor of the seniors Mls Helen Klmmlg Is chairman of the committee on arrange ments Along the Main Line A reception was given to the members of the Saturday Club of Wayne on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Henry ICoeser, tho re tiring president. Tho officers for the com ing year were inaugurated. They are: President, Mrs. Marshall H. Smith; first vice president, Mrs. Allen Baer , second vice president, Mrs. Louis J Palmer; recording secretary. Miss Fannie Wood ; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. George A. Wilson ; treas urer, Mrs. William A. Nichols, Miss Echert gave a piano solo and Mrs. A P. McGlnnls sang several songs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edward Murphy, of Overbrook, have returned from a motor trip to New York Along the Reading Friends of Mr. Bdwln Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs Harry Stevens, of Wyneoto road, Jenkintown, will be glad to hear that ho Is recovering rnpidly from his recent Illness and expects to be back at the Uni versity In a short time The pupils and alumni of the Beechwood School, Jenkintown will hold a banquet and reception In the rose garden of the Bellevue-Stratford next Tuesday evening. Invitations have been Issued by the board of trustees of the Ablngton Memorial Hos pital for the nurses' graduation exercises on Thursday evening, May 24, In the new nurses' home. West Philadelphia Mrs. Phoebe Bryaon, of 4042 Haverford avenue, and her daughter. Miss Stella Bry son, have gone to Ocean City, N. J., where they have a cottage. Miss Margaret Campbell entertained a number of friends nt her home, 39 South Fiftieth street, on Saturday evening. Among those present were Miss Dorrls Keenan, Miss Catherine Keenan, Miss Irma Levis, Miss Sadie Mitchell, Miss Florence Ruhl, Miss Ruth Nelson, Mr. Albert Moore, Mr. Harry .Waddington, Mr. John Bartholomew, Mr. Harry Dixon and Mr. Donald Donaghey. Mr Maurice Huntley, of 6437 Walton avenue, spent Saturday and Sunday at his bungalow in the Eagle Woods, near M-noa. Delaware County. His guests were M?. James Long and Mr. Dudley Smith, of West Philadelphia. The annual spring danoe of the Alpha rhi Fraternity was held at the Phllomuslan Club on Friday evening. About 150 persona attended. Miss Catherine Keenan and her sister. ... Doris Keenan, will be the guests or mi!! Mae Waif-, of Merlon, during the Fet. Champetre at the Mlserlcordlde Con vent tomorrow and Saturday. ,,,,, Haiel Gilbert, of 410S Poweltop ave. """JirVained I several friend, at a birth. . """ rtt,nea several friends at a birth- d,y party In her home on eaiuraay doi. v fe,w" Vi 0- jgVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1917 North Philadelphia The Northeast High School Chapter of the Srnii Lambda Nu Fraternity will close the high school's social season with a dance at the Oermantown Automobile club on Saturday i Mrs Edward Mercer gao a lawn party yesterday nfternoon at her country homo In Owjncdd Valley for tho members of her sewing club Her guests Included Mrs imrry .Mnrpic, .Mrs Edward II Cobb Mrs Joseph Baldwin. Mrs. W Moran Mrs M Morrison Mrs Harry Steward, Mrs. llnr-y McAllister, Mrs (3. Sterrltt, Mrs o i; Snodgruxs Mrs II. Lowory nnd Miss It Smith The postponed patriotic demonstration and parade of Tlog.i residents, under the direction of the Tlna Business Men's Asso ciation will take plaie tonight The marriage of Miss Helen C, Crlssv daughter of Mr and Mrs William Morris. f 1948 Judson rtrcet. to Mr Harry McCargr. w III take place on Wednesday morning. Juno 20, at 9 o-clock, In St Blliabeth's Chun-H ' Twenty-third and Berks streets, nnd will oe I lonowcd 6y a breakfast at tho homo of the bride's parents The bride will bo attended I bv her sister, Miss Ethel Morris, and the bridegroom by Mr Joseph Collins Miss Lottlo Berg a sister of Mr Charles Berg of 3150 North Sixteenth street, nnd i Mr Jacob Stelner. of Long Island Clt will ! be married or Wednesday evening. June l at tho St James Motel Tho cercmon will , be followed by a reception ' Mr Ceorgc L Role of 3SI2 North -mi teenth street, has returned from a Mslt to Danville, l'n The Tioga Choral Society sang Mendels sohn's "Pnlnt Paul" last night In St Paul s Reformed Bplscopil Chutch, Ilroad nnd Venango streets, the occasion being th sixth annual spring concert Miss Mnv Bbrey Hotz. soprano, Miss Bessie Leonard contralto, Mr Henri Merriken. tenor, and Mr Honald Redding, baritone, were the si lolts Mrs Henry Rowe was the pianist, and there was an orchestra of Beteiileen members of the Philadelphia Orchestra Mr and Mrs N c Welnrelch and their daughter, Miss Beatrice Welnrelch, formerly f North Park avenue, haw removed to I'M 1 W't I'rle atenue Mr and Mrs M II Stern, of 2119 Oreen street will spend the summer at thPlr cot tage In Atlantic cit. "The Princess Bonnie" will be presented h the pupils f the 13 K Peall Conserve torv of Mush- and Art. of Broad and On tario streets, tomorrow eenlng in Mer cantile Hall Broad street nboe Master The cast will Include Princess Bonnie, Miss 131ma Carey Johnson ornl Instructor at the school, Kltn ('lover Miss Lornine J Wilson: Auntie Crahbe Miss Marian Iluber Roy Sterling. Mr lohn Matthews, dmlrnl PnmpoM). Mr Fraiuesio 3r.s?l , Klirlmns, Thomas Folcj Cahtll . Capta'n Tarpaulin. Mr Bdward Oaffncv , Count I'nlsettl, Mr Charles Miller. Jr , Salvadorc. Mr Howard Kenna MIks V I3dna P.ixls will bo the accompanist The opera Is given under tho direction of MIfh F.stelle Kathrsn Hey Ringer. Tho Rodeph Shalom Auxiliary of the Red Cross Society was organized Tuesday under tho direction of Mrs Alfred Rosen stcln. of 2131 West Ontario street The meetings will be held eer Tuesda from 10 30 a m to 4 30 In the nfternoon, In tho Benjamin F Teller Memorial School house, Twentieth and Jefferson streets, and an Invitation Is extended to all who desire to become members or assist tho workers Olfts of old kid gloves aro solicited, the kid to be used In making waterproof vests for soldiers This auxiliary will prcparo hospital garments and knitted bandages Entertainments In commemoration of tho birth of Robert Browning tho Browning Socletv of Phila delphia will present two plavs written bv members on Monday evening. Mav '-' In the South Broad Street Theatre The plavs "rulstaff on Drondwav. a burlesque in one act bv Mr Charles Wharton Stork, the retiring president , nnd "Martha's Mourn ing," by Miss Phoebe Hoffman, will bo pro duced for the t-ocloty bv the Plavs Hnd I'l.ivers under the stago dlrcetlon of Mr Charles S Fox Mr. and Mrs J Howard Rcber and Mrs M L 13 Llpplncott form tho committeo on uiinivtr.iiv night. Mr Stork will preside Tho nmeers and execu tive board for 1917-18 Include Mrs. Lewis It. Dick, president, Mrs I3dvv.ini II. Coatci, MIsh Emily Sartaln, Mm Wilfred Lewis. Mrs John Clarence Lee, Mrs John II Roberts. Mrs Stork, honornri vice presi dents, Mrs O Oram Ring, .Miss Anne Hol llngsworth Whnrton, Mr Francis Howard Williams, vice presidents. Miss Marv Ora bam Tvler, secretary, Mr Francis .1 Mac Heath. Jr. treasurer. Mr II Perclval Al len, Mrs Otto Charles Brodersen. Miss Anno M Earle. Mr Rupert .argent iionnnii. ur Daniel Mansfield Ilovt Mrs Frank Read. Mr Samuel S(ovllle, Jr Miss Elisabeth Somers, Mrs John Sparhnwk, Jr. Miss Mary E Converse, Mrs M I. E l.lpplnuott. Mrs Matthew Woods, Mrs J Bertram Llp plncott nnd Mrs Daniel R Harper Tomorrow evening the girls of tho Central First Aid nnd Emergency Corps will glvo a dance at Collego Hall. 1705 Cherry street. The proceeds of the dance will be used to purchase omergency kits nnd equip ment for the corps. The officers of tho corps are- Miss Reba Fixter, president , Mlsa Marlon Wilson, vice president , Miss LeAJlso Spangenberg, second vice president; Miss Marlon Hollweck, sec retary; Mies Edith 11 Gllroy, treasurer. Dr Frank Boston is the medical Instructor, and under his directions the corps Is doing some very lino work The patronessess aro Mrs Charles R Haig. Mrs Frank Hollweck, Mrs Francis Mahan Mrs Harry Nuss, Mrs Harold Pratt, Mrs Frank Tally Musicale A musicale was given last night at the Delmar-Morrls, in Germantown, for tho benefit of tho Delmar-Morrls Auxiliary of tho American Red uross, oi wnicn .virs Wayne Do Long and Mrs C B Brewster nre the organlters There were several dinner parties given before the affair, among them ono by Mr. and Mrs. Da Long. Mrs E L. Hopkins entertained a few friends, as did Mr and Mrs, S. P Ander-.- Miss K K Lewis and Mr William Sketchley. Jr A number of young women nctcd as ushers and were dressed as Red Cross nurses Mrs Wilson Woelpper was In chnrge of a Red Cross membership enrollment sta tion and added many names to tho list of subscribers. The ushers were Miss Dorothy Burgess, Mies Sarah Alcorn, Miss Maud Scott and Miss Margaret Duffus Weddings CLEMf:NTS WOERNER The marriage of Miss Rose Aloyse Woerner. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Gregory Woerner, and Mr. John Aloyslus Clements took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock In the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, The 'bride, who was attended by her sister, Miss Nancy Woerner, as maid of honor, wore a gown of white georgette crepe and satin, trimmed with duchesso labe. and her lace veil was caught with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. The bridesmaids were Miss Marie a. oiey, aiibo v., ... Frani, Miss Agnes FiUpatrlck and Miss Catharine ClementB. Miss Evelyn Fisher, of Cane May, was the little flower girl. Mr. Clements had his brother. Mr Thomas Clements, as best man, and the fotlovvlng eentlemen acted as ushers Mr. Matthew J. Woerner Dr Leo a Flannery Mr John D Hansen, of Washington, D C , and Mr. Martin McLaughlin, A breakfast immediately followed the ceremony at the home of tt bride's, parents. 2J56 North Broad street Mr and Mrs. Clements left on an auto mobile tour, SWEET, GENTLE LAMB llWrpi W" 'IHS' rvA$nii I M The lnvi'i r.u'iiw I in I in Neither time nor nuc cm il in my bcinit! The lamb (in the hnrkgrouml ) Il.ih: CONTRABAND A Romance of the Koith Atlantic ny RANPALL PAURISII t'lIAPrBH WMI trontlnnedl .T WAS afraid tiny might tin'i.. if b J. filed up " ' Taint llkelv. so tho funnels don't git ter blasln' The only fellers with en brains are In thct boat clow In alongside, sir. .in' thev e.int see nulhln" fiom tliar Them common fo castle rats In them illnr boats never won d notice bit mure- sinkv "What Is It Li-ivord Vou have n plan' Speak quick in in , wo can't stand talking here " " 'Tnln't niueh ' a plnn. sir " h ( -plalned brleflv 'onlv I don't see wbv wc couldn't Just nntur.illv heave tint oust Mc Cann overboard, or else kill him Inst as ml please Eny two i" us could ktip thut quarter-boat crew from rtimln' up tho lad der, an then, If Masters had bis boilers het up, no damn nmlniiit coii'd cv.r ealch us. Thet would leave us ono hand at the wheel " It was true, tho very 8lmp1k.it of it making me curse my own stupldlt I stared into his face without ultoring a word of i liniment, vot with my mind gripp ing Instantly tho necessary details With a single step I was bending over the bidder peering down Into tho depths below A faint far-awa light nppean-d at the bot tom , "Masters'" 1 culled. in voice thrown downward through hollowed hands I saw his shadow emerge Into the circle of light ,ie. sir" "Have ou an pressure now?" ' I'alrl) good sir. W II st ind bv for nil the stenm possible, and give It to her the instant you get the uifjr.il onlv be careful not to flume your funnels You lienr me "Everv word, sir ' "Ron did ou nnd the water .. .. - . ,nkle deep in the engine r"orn. Ho., ,.,o bunkers falrlv Hooded It's ' drawing nil n bit now. Then s no great harm done, sir, an' the wet coal will give me full steam In " Jl" ' ......... "All right ; stand bv nnd don t fall us Now, lads," I said, standing erect ' First It's the lifter cabin, and then the deck Douse the glim. Olson; we're bettor off In tho dark Follow me. and mind our foot- Tho gloom wss no handicap In that nar row space where wc could feel either wall with our lingers but I emerged Into the labln with caution, fearing the possible ...... .l,r.. i,f MH'llllll. who lllllillt (l-ll have brought a man. or two. b.n k on board t,. n.slst hint The licngltig lainii nnu own extinguished, or dse It had bin in out fr.mi lack of oil but thoie was a faint glimmir of light In Miss Ciirrlngtoii s stateroom, (ii.ibllng me to discover at a glance that the main ealfin wan unoccupied Her dmu stood wide open, but with no signs of con fusion within What had happened' There was nothing to tell mo tho truth Had McCann succeed ed In Inducing her to necompnny him on deck? Had ho taken her there by force or, had tho girl finally yielded to his In sistence, after cxhnurlng every form of de lay. her last faith In my return having vanished'' Nothing remained but to follow them, and find out what had occurted, and. If not already too late, attempt a rescue "Thore'H no one here," I said In n whls er. "Wo'll try tho deck , quiet both of you We reached tho bead of the stairs on our bands nnd knees. I had my revolver gripped In my lingers, Leayord his Iron bar, whilo Olson hnd found a hntchet some whore in tho darkness. The ompanlon door was but half cl.n-ed and 1 Mueer.d my body through the opening assured no ono occupied that Immediate pi.itlou of deck Tho other two follow, d nolsebssu-, and wo huddled close together In the bla. k shadow of the cabin So still It was I could hear their breathing, and mv ( trained b long set vice In the durkm ss bo low wero ablo to distinguish objcith for ward beyond the mainmast There was nothing living visible, to all appearances the hhlp was totally deserted ; the lust strag glers had tnken ti the boats It un a black night enough, but Willi warcely a breath of nlr stirring, and onl a flight roll of tho sea Tho ship rose and sank r.itlmr slckenlngly as In the tropics, the looho cord ago slapping licavilv against tlu ards aloft I could only cntoh the gleam of n .li -le -.tar overhead, unit tho obscuring clouds hung low and unbiokiu It seemed to mo tln heav atmosphero presaged a storm before many hours; thero was n, sluggishness to It mo3t unusual in 'that latitude. Olson who lay next mo on tho deck, Jorked my slcove, lils uplifted hand pointing toward the starboard rail amidships "There's two of 'em " ho whispered My eves caught the Indistinct outlines, unable for tho Instant to make them ap pear human Indeed I was still In doubt wh.en McCann's voice with tho old hateful sound In It, called Into tho darknrsB. "Below there, are jou still fat?" "Aye, fast enough, an' blamed tired o' holding on," grumbled somo ono below testily. "Why don't jcr come nlong down?" "In a mlnuto Is every ono in tho boats'" "I do'n't know nothln' 'bout the steward : nobody n!n t seen him et, less he got In somewhar else; nor Tom Dugan. Tony bcz he's in tho cabin " "Well, ho isn't ; I JuM como up from there We won t wait for tho damn fool You flooded the engine rom, Tony?" "Sure I did, with both cocks wide open; there's nve feet o' water In her by now." "Good; then It's time wo'ro off. Send a hand up here to help me. Liverpool the girl won't go along " The men below laughed "Can't yer handle that llitlo bit o' a thing, mister?" sang out a new voice, "with out the help o" a sailor man'' "Stow It, Joe Sachs." roared Bed, and there was the dull thud of a fist blow "Now up yer go to give the lady a lift, mo lad. Jump er I'll take tho tiller ter yer upward ' Bads? ut have etarttd bis II ' I li it r. lit .u ( . .Iii'i . in i i for vou. h lie- of th" p.is-tun vvhnh consume ' li'iil. for Mci'ann drew back from the roll, in.! as ho did m, the girl broke free from his gr.u p Tho man, however, although ap P'r.ntlv uik"n by surprise was quick enough to get between her ind tho com pinion Sin mils eM.ipeil the crip of tils hind In- shrinking bark against the tail I was ii readv on nn feet. alii, as Mci'nnn who. led nliout, we frontel each other What he thought I mnv never know but tho shock of Him seeing mo must have momentarily pu ilwed the follow, for bis ees stared tlkn tln.so of a fr ghtened labbit and his mouth remained wile open But I gave him no time oven to utter a cry of ulnrm. my onlv thought bting to rid the deck of such scum Uefoie ho i ould move to escape, or oven throw up n hand In self-defense, Lhnd him b the tin out. my otliT hund twiutcJ in his waistband He vvns n man nearlj, If not quite, my own weight, et. nt that moment mine was the H'rength of a giant. ami with one m'ghtv effort I lifted him clear . IT the deck as helpless In my grip ns If ho bud been i child und. with one Jesperate heive, swung him out over the rail, and let g i 1 staggered back weakened for nu InMtiiit b my own violence, I heard him irv out, the sound muffle 1 in his thront ns he fe I , Vera gave utterance to a sob, and tho whirling bndv sttuck the black water below with a splash plalnlv audible SHU gasping for breath I leaned out nnd looked down The .n y light was a lantern held up In tho hands of n man In tho boat nt the foot of the ladder I ould see his face, nnd the dim flgureH of three or four others , be yond that narrow r.ijlus all was black I could not even perceive Knchs half wav I ul the ships side ve'. I knew ho vvns there allnglfg tight, because of tho tiutluss of the rop ! strands There was no need to conceal the facts longer, we must fight In the open now Leayord, 'come here." I ordered "And . ( (ll,(0 ,no wh(1( nm, r,1R (h( engineroom for full speed ahenil Jump Into II lads ' I sent my voice below, stem with threat "(let down that ladder, Sachs, Just as quids as God will let you Let go, you man with th lantern, or wo'll swamp you alongside Ho you bear tho steam, Liver pool" Its full steam ahead, you fool!" It ns Red's voire which echoed back: "Is that you. Captain? What happened? Who went overboard?' "McCann ; bo's astern of vou. and you better pick him up as you go Move quick ' Vou haven't n second to lose Good God. man you 11 be sucked under, If vou don't let go'" They were seamen enough to realize tho Imminent danger of their position Llvor ttool nnd Whlto both called out, nnd the otbeis grasping then oars, backed water furloiislv I saw Sachs tumblo back Into th boat and n, face or two staring up ward nlces roared nt us, tho fellows curs ing lustllv , then tho darkness seemed to swallow them completed, and I knew from the tieinnr of the deck planks that wo were underwnv I sprang to Vera and lifted her to her feet "ou aio not hurt?' "No, only frightened nnd bruised He throw mo to tha deck Are we safe? Have they nil gunc?" "Ves, nil who can mako nny resistance. Hold her just as sho Is, Olson; there's a bono In her teeth already; It will tnke moro than oil s to overhaul us Does any one know If thosn fellows picked up MrCnnn?" 'I think most llkolv they did sir, they vvns svvlngln' the lantern alongside" ' Bring me- tho night-glasses, Leayord aye. they're on tho shelf In tho (apt, tin's stateroom. ' lie icturned .villi them hi foro I had fin ished whispering n word of hope into the Rlrl s ear but even that short timo had so luoadenel the expanse of water I could I percdve few details through the lens. j rhi ( of the boats were noso togoiiier. hiinilud as though tli.-li meupants were ' .Jtlll iim-are of Just what had occurred; the rou. li noai tno one vvo nan jusi ten, no doubt - was much nearer, and must be entln Iv out of sight of tho others I got It falrlv within my focus, but the occu pants wete Indistinguishable, at that dis tance ; all I could bo sum of was tint the fellows wero engaged In rigging up a Jury mast foi a sail, and thnt they were no longer att( mptlng to pursue us, or making any iroit to rejoin tno otner Doais. !.. vou me 'em, sir?" asked Leayord, inipatUuee overcoming him "Yes; Liverpool's boat Is nut there, head ing due west, and tho men nre rigging a soil " 'And tho others, sir?" "To starboard, at least a quarter of a mile away " 'That's tho game then," he said, staring nut Into the blackness as though ho saw It all Them fellows don't care, a damn what b. comes o' the three first boats so l.,ng as the git safe ashore I'd bet they rather th.-y wild drown than not. I won der did they pick up that millionaire?" "No reason why they shouldn't. He must have struck within ton feet of tho boat They wouldn't be likely to leave him be hind, when he's their meal ticket If they ever get ashore " Where they heading for'" White Fish Hay " "Well, they may git thar, If It ain't too fur Thet's n good boat they're In, Mr. Hollls; an' Liverpool an' Whlto are both sailors all right I'll say that for 'em. But Just the same they're a-goln' to have ter show their tratn'n' beforo many hours." "You mean a storm? I don't like that mist myself" 'Taint only that, sir : It's in the air ; vou kin sorter breathe It like Besides I took a squint nt the barometer when I went below Its rauin ier ocai ncii "Then we better look to our own safety . we aro far too short-handed to stow sail before a wind " "I reckon there ain't so awful much to stow." with a glance upward Into the black . nlnft. 'There's only the Jib, sir. left on ber n' "h0 need 'k' er eUa 0M man could ever hold her wheel Likely 'nough we may have to reef that canvas If rt blows great guns: besides Masters can't git along alono down below I he'll have to have a fireman. "All right , there are two men below deck now vou can rout out and put at work " Two sir'" "Ave Mr Lcnyord Dugan nnd the stew, nrd Tho latter you will And In one of tho staterooms aft , here Is the key I leave It to you to persuade the fellows to take hold " 'I'll do that sir. with pleasure, and maybe, come the need, even tho owner would give us a hand? ' "We will not count on Mr llascom: ho could scarcely keep his feet In a seaway." 1 answered firmly "Uut wo have ono more In the (row, nevertheless Miss Carrlngton. hero ' The ladv, sir?" Ves ' she brnk In engerli Tuptsln Mollis knnwH. Mr I.eavord, for he has tested my srnmnnshlp I could take tho wheel such weather ns this Mnv 1 not relievo Olson now"' 'Yes ' 1 snld, feeling It best to encourage her enthusiasm, and truly ponsesslng faith In hot capability to handle tho ship III keen vnu there vvhllo wc get snugged away Mr Olson '" "Ave ae, sir" 'Let Miss Carrington relieve you Stand by a moment until certain she has the trick f It , nnd then come forward " e jve ir.' but less henrtllv, n strong doubt In his voire ' I s all right Olson , she'll hold her thla n rather Now, Mr l.enyord, bring the other two men on dei k " IHAI'TBIl Vie Slrht WMII lloikt WHAT Immediately followed, how we made ourselves shipshape tho best wo i mild and holn on for the next few hours, has comparatively but little to c with tho interest of this storj 1 know I worked as hard as tin) of the others, ronvlnrod bv a hasty Bin nee nt the Htoadllv falling harim- eler that the time was n it long absent when we would bo stiuggllng for life In the grip of n storm of no ordinal severity. Even without that guide, tho Increasing ugliness of the sky was siiffii lent warning to one accustomed to the moods of the pea Vet. work ns I would, tho ono dominant I mcinorv, us 1 ,o K back now, is that of the stomlcr figure nt the ship's wheel, barely visible to those of i.s on the main deck below, an outlined against tho slightly brighter sk her hands gripping the spoke,s, her hair ntul skirts (lapping In tho wind Moru than once I hailed her nnxlounlv, feirful lest tho Ren which was steadily rising, should mako tho strain too heavy. but only to iccelvu icheerful response, and c. refiisi.l to be lellnved And thero was so much to be done I was not insistent irovriNiTEU TOMORROW) Farmer Smith's Column SELF-CONTnOL My Dears The othci day I took a trip on a rallload At the end of each bridge we passed over stood a soldier I sighed as I rcallxccr that wo wero really living In wnr times Mow straight the sol diers stand Their first duty Is to OBEY Discipline Is a j,reat big machine, with obedience a very Important part of thnt inn chine Self-control means a lot to a soldier. He knows nothing lipt obedience How Is It with jou ' Do you obey because the ono ovr you knows what Is best' A soldier who ' sassed" bis superior olll cer would not last very long Wc aro all soldiern In our own way all obeying somo one somewhere Lot us try to be obedient, hoping nil, trusting nil, It always comes out right In tho end Lovingly, jour editor, FARMER SMITH. STRANGE ADVENTURES OF BILLY RUMPUS THE MEDAL , Uy Farmer Smith ' Hurry up!" shouted Billy Bumpus to the woodpecker The medal, jou see, was to bo the top of a tin can upon which the woodpecker was to Inscrlbo "To Billy Bumpus for Distin guished Vulor." You can see the picture, can't jou? There Is Mister Woodpecker veiy, vcrj- busj' and behind him Is Billy Bumpus, who squints around nt his companion once In a while "Ilon't look ' ' exclaims Mister Wood pecker "All right," Hilly would answer At length tho beautiful medal was toin pleted Mister Woodpecker wanted to get the string around Billy's neck Hnd the medal carefully strung before Billy had a chance to read It, so ho said Come, hurry up, sorrj I was so long Mj, but j'ou will look fine with that medal shining In the sunlight ns you go down tho road " Billy was to tickled at this he did not stop to read what tho medal had on It. Lucky for the Woodpecker ho didn't "If you were a goat, I would kiss you," said Billy "That would be my way of thanking you " "Never mind, run nlong." nnswered Mister Woodpecker. It seemed to Billy he had never been so happy In his life as he trotted down the road Ho stopped once beside the road and what do you think? Mrs Hop Toad saw him and laughed ' "What aro you laughing at?" asked Billy. That medal Oh, me' Oh my' Ha, ha, ha' lice, hee, hee" Mrs Hop Toad's sides shook with laughter Billy couldn't stand It. so he ran off And who DO you think he ran Into next? BOY SCOUTS ON EDGE FOR BIG FIELD EVENTS Annual Meet to bo Staged on Belmont Plateau Next Wednesday- Variety of Contests Philadelphia Boy Scouts are making preparations for their annual field day on llelmont Plateau on Maj SO on this oc caslon tho final eontests will be staged be tween tho winners In ten district field meets These latter have been held during the last month The Decoration Day exercises will be pre ceded by a Hag raising at Belmont Man sion Following the athletic contests a mass drill In which 4500 scouts are to par ticipate will be. held Major Joseph Klapp Nichols will bo the Judge. In addition to the events mentioned, there also will be contests In tent pitching, long distance signaling, nrst am worn, ana sev cral Bpeclal features 421 RECRUITS TO RED CROSS Ardmore Branch Expects to Add 500 by This Afternoon The four days' campaign of the Ardmore branch of the American Red Cross for workers ,wlll come to a close at 2 o'clock this afternoon Mrs It C. Iricholson, man ager of the campaign, announced today that 421 new workers had been obtained thus far and that It was expected that the num ber would total 600 when the campaign closed The undertaking was begun last Monday, when a force of 103 women began n can vass of all sections of Ardmore. Mrs. Nicholson was assisted by Mrs. Grenvllle D, Montgomery, Mrs. Trenchard Newhs.ll. Mrs. William West. Mrs. Frederick Mehl. Mrs, Rlohard Norton, Mrs, Shelton Hlbbs, .Mrs. Matthew Balrd, Mrs. Campbell Roblten. WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT . l'mnoilinnl Muieum nnd Hehool of In dustrial Art. commencement exercises, Broad Street Theatre. 8 o'clock. Free, Lecture, "Music of the I.lne nnd yorm In Etching," under the auspices of the Print Club, nt the galleries of the Art Club, Broad below Locust streets, 8 30 o'clock. Invitation lecture by Owen It. loiTeJoy, general secretary of the National Child Labor Com mlttee. "Snfenuardlng Childhood In War Times A 1-esoon from European Ex perlence." Merlon Cricket Club Members. Pnltrd lluslnens Men's Ansa latlon of Philadelphia, monthly meeting, New Bing ham Hotel, 8 JO o'clock Free Spring enneert by the Cmp1ieiny Society of Frankford auditorium of Frankford High ichool, 8 15 o'clock Free I'ntrlotlc ilNnonttrntlon nnd parade, Tlogn district under auspices of Tioga Huslness Men s Association Free. The Municipal lUnd, JanUt I'ark, K nnd Cu uga streets Free Jefferson Itopltnl Training Hehool fer Nurses, graduation exercises In hospital amphitheatre Free COMBS CONSERVATORY AWARDS ITS DIPLOMAS Thirty-second Commencement Hold at the Academy Harold II. Barker Wins Prizo The thlrt -second annual commencement ex( ruses of the Coombs Broad Street Con servator of Music, 1327-31 South Broad street was held last night at the Academy of Muslr with n uiiistinl program presented bv the graduates ntld the conrervatory or chestra, undei the direction of Gilbert Ray nolds Coombs Those completing their courses In the va rious departments were ns follows Degree of tiaehdor of music. Elnnra Frantx, piano diplomas Nellie V tilefcnderfer, Carolina E Oelger Helen A Raymond, William 11. Moom y nnd Josef W Noll, voice diploma. Helen E Whitney, theory Harold H Bark er, Marj t; Brown nnd Edward A Barker, nnd orgnn Harvey Bechtel. Teachers' rrrtlflcatfi plsno Penrose Collins, ltebu V ln Hsrhel M Klnkblner Ilcrlha M. "inrniner i:nzntin ei uimnoran IlaiM T llo.Ue Anna 11 Jackson Krancrn (' Mahtr. Ku.tura H Vllllard. KrlciU llambo Miriam A. Vust vlntin Mtnevlrve Hhaushncsay and Loll 1; Wanda rcrtltlcatcs of rubllc school music upr vlaton viari J llrcnnan laiulae Coraon Paul Jl ITnutc i:natth I. netsilnrrr. Florence I. llnwklna Viola IJ Hoffman ll-nrva Karr, Allleno A Madden Jay riimclc. Mary I. Tuaon, Marlon H I mlornoo.! tunlnit Krank Portar. Harold H Bnrker won the prize In musi cal (omposition uttered by the Omlcron Chapter of the Mu I'M Epsllon Sorority BIG TENT FOR JACK TAR AT PLAY OR PRAYER Gift of the Rev. Dr. John Mockridge and the Rev. E. M. JclTerys to Men nt Navy Yard An Ideal place fcr gymnastic stunts and other pastimes has been provided for the men nt the Philadelphia Navy Yard through the gift of a large tent by the Rev, Dr. John Mo(krIdge, of .St James's Epis copal Church, and the Rev E. M. Jefferys, of St Peters Church The tent can uccommodatc fully a thou sand men nnd wilt ho nvallablo for religious gatherings ns well as those of a social nature Poctor Mockridge Is a chaplain at Fort Niagara and Doctor Jerfervs Is on the way to Franco with the I'ennsvlvnnla Hos pital unit Scribes to Go With General Pershing WASHINGTON Mnv 24 - Assurances havo been given by Secretary linker that the Amerlenti press will he. allowed as lib. cial representation ns practicable with the (list expedltlonaiy force to be sent to France under Major General Pershing CONTINUOUS 11:1S A. U. to 11:15 P. it MARKET Atiov lflTH OLGA PETROVA In TMH t'NDYINll FLAME" Ad led Attra Hon Exclusive Sho" In Rittenhouse Square Flower Market r.iMltlie Annoiimssnent All Next Week CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IN Till: MPCH-DIHCUSSKD PI.AT "THE EASIEST WAY" "DATA HT? ,2M MAIIKET STHEET Jril-rlvwiJl 10 A M. to 11:13 l il. Prices. 10c. 20c. MARY PICKFORD 'MTL,- Nut VVck Douglas Kmrbanks' Itevue ARCADIA S,S,.r?.STi: It 45. 7-4n 0:411 p XI DOROTHY DALTON ' mlZl"Mp'' A1dri. Itorjcnn A r buck I In Itetklea Ilomeo AIko tmtinar' lUIntr Hook of Natur ALL NEXT WEEK Hunrrmn Intent of tho Beaton "WITHIN THE LAW" resturlng ALICU JOVCE and HAnRY MOREY "D T?1T?XTrn MAIIKET nolaw 17TH XVCjvjiliilN 1 ham to hub e. u. Dully. 10c: Evn., me. NANCE O'NEIL VICTORIA oMttWii. Prleti 10:, 20c. OLGA PETROVA '" Soul &;,.. Neit Week- Hoht Warwick "Silent Mntr" FORREST Da"k IB. ISc and 50c. Evrnlnsi, 8 IB. ajctall. Jules Verne's Thrlllln fsubmrln Drama Positively Last 9 Days RESERVED flEATfl IN ADVANCE Augin-tnttd Symphony Orchestra frTeOBE Theatre&tSHSA.. VJAJVyJ-'J-l yAVDUVILLE ConUnuoua 10c, 13c. SSr, 31c 11 A. M to 11 P. M. "THE GOWN SHOP" -A DREAM OF THE ORIENT?' y-iT-iCia VPVQ MARKET Below 80TH CROSS lVllj 1 O Dallr.S:80;ETi..Ta .THE GARDEN BELLES" T-.i-k A TVUr A V Bro"ad and Bnrdtr Art. BR0ADWA1 DallrS. U5, TJTl?Tnn PIANO ACCORDION FlllllKU WIZARD. OTHERS. NORMA TALMADGE "lL- n. f. Florence Moore Keith's THEATRE AND IJROTIIER Frank Moore Marck'a Junclo Players TUB NIGHT BOAT" DlINnAR'S DARKIES THE BHARR0CK8 AND OTHERS irr-Tn TONJ(5tATBi15 LYKlb jTatineb haturday, ::jj "SO LONG LETTY" With CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD TrJ:1,Knl7ir TlI AND MABKXT KnickerDocKerMatl Tu...Thur...6t.,js THE WOMAN HE MARRIED" Knit Week "Th Ufa of Shoo Olrt- trocadero ysMswaa trrx a t d, V VYJbl 1M JPSri' tmmm g0 LdWicl (5RA g'Sfe, and PeaS; wW tffl dUi I I m V V. d . 's Bln MttOUr, HatCVO"1"" -.- -