""VHI UlfKKP ,, H . ill t'OFFENSIVA ITALIANA NELLA FASE DECiSWA jl Genomic Cndorna Mini a Trieste ed n Lubiana La Forzc Inglesi Coopcrnno con Lui WASHINGTON, 23 MaBRio. La bnndlcra Itallnna scnln1n orrI accanto nlla .Star and Stripes, alia bandlora frnnceso cd a qui-lla hiRlcsc, e gtentola dappcrtutto In Washlimtnn, dagll edlfizi publillcl enma da quclll prlvall. La miislone Haliann, alia cnl testa c' 1 prlncipp di Udlno, c' Rlunta qucsta matlfna qui con treno spoclale. Alia ttailonr la mlssionc era nttej dal tcsrclarlo dl Stato Landing e da altri alt1 funzionarli cd ulficiali amcrlcanl. Con la scorta dl due squadron! di cava), leria la tnlssionc si o' recata suhito alia residenra di Joseph Lcitcr, dme ho nron allORclo. Un tclcRramma da 1'arlgi dice clip il generale .lofTrc o Vivlani sono Riunti fcllccmcnte in Francla, a Hrest, dne sono sbarcati, ' di ritorno dagl! Stati Uniti. ltOMA 23 Macclo Mcntro pull.i fronte dell'Ison;o sembra lubentraln una certa cnlmn. rrsa m'cesqarli dal fatm chp occorro orgnnlzz.iro Ip nuovo poelzlonl per frustraro ufinl ritorno offensive! del nemlco nella zona a nonl dl Oorlzla, In cuestl clrroll mllltarl si rltlcno oho la crande o(Tenla ltalUma Inlzlata II 1G ror rente dallo fanterlo dl Cndorna nssumcra' presto aste proporzlonl cd un carattero declslio Lo Stato Macgloro nuMriaco sa che tl generate Cadorna mlra a I.tiblana c ta. che Lubiana dl'ta non plu dl 1G0 nilRlla da Vienna Ad ognl niodo sembra che l'oblettio Inimedlato dl Cadorna sla quello dl lsolare Trieste, la cul pcrdlta nondlmeno non sarebbe un colpo dcelslo per lAustrla, e dl Inranalare lo forze ltallane nella alle del Vlppaceo Oil austrlacl panno che se pll ltallanl glungcsserr. a Lublana osil nrobbero cla tanti a loro un asto terrcno relatlvimento piano m cul opernro cd nanzarc erso II more dell'Austrla Se Cadorna rluvlra' a forzaro la la che porta a Trieste, la Ruerra del Carso aumera' un carattere che potra essere derlsho dl tutta la fruerra curopea B In questl clrcoll mllltarl non si na-si-oncle che fra qualcho meso la guerr.i itallana pce?a entrare appunto In questa face de cisis Gil austrlacl sono conUntl che 250 000 Inglesi alutano gll ltallanl sull Honzo e nel Trentino ma In realta' si tratta soltanto dl parecchlo batterle dl artlsllerla dl Rrosso callbro cho Rll lngUsI hanno m.ind.ito alia fronte itallana, e queste batterle danno a Cadorna una tale bupcrlorita' sulje frrze nemlche che e" loglco attenderal I piu in teressantl slluppl nel prosslmo awcnlre IL BOLLKTTINO UKFICIALU lerl sera II Mlnlstero della Ouerra pub bllcaa 11 seRuento rapporto del Renerale Cadorna circa la bltuazlone nlla fronte italo tustrlaca Sulla fronte del TrentlnS- II nemlco nonostante cho nel glornl hcorsl fosse tato rlcacclato Indletro, perslste ancora nel buoI sforzl slegatl cd lnutdl dl creare un dtersio per le forze ltallane Im pegnato sull'Isonzo lerl ell austrlau fecero incurslonl In forz.x contro le no stre llnee aanzato dell Adamcllo, nl I'asso Caentro nella alle del Chiese, In Val EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, HAY 23, 1917 . . . , BUY A BOND "iou can do It even with a small In- come. You can pay $1 now, $9 on June 28, $10 on July 30, $15 on August 15 nnd $15 on August 30. That Makes It Easy For you can meet the payments gradually as you earn the money. Help Your Country Clumella e mil nio 1'onale Tuttl qucjti oltarrhl fumiio resplnti dalle nostre tone Trn II Las i dl Oarde c la alle delt'AdlRe II nemlco, dnpo um Intensa e prolungata prepirazlnne dl nrtlpllcrla nella quale, furonn Implegatl nnnonl dl ognl callbro, pronunrln un attacco contrn le notre pnolzlnnl dl Monte tinn Mi,. u.., ... del Lagn dl I'nppio c sul Monte Zugna Io fu resplnto con Kravl perdlte Altrl attacchl Incall II nc. Ico tento' lerl nella alle del I'oslna Bull'altoplano dl Aslago e nella Carnla o tuttl falllrono Sulla fronte Ululla nel settore a nnrd dl rjorlzla. 11 duello dellc nrtlgllerle. che era gla" Mace dlvenne plu' lnteno nella Ferata dl lerl, ma non fu scgulto da nl cuna nzlone delle fanterlc La poalzlone cho nol conqulstnmmo recentcmente sulla Quota 363 ad est dl l'laa, e' stata con solldata Un ennnone cd una trentlna dl prlKlonlerl caddero nelle nostre manl Ad et dl r.orlila 11 nemlco tento' rlpctuta mente dl cacclarcl dilla Quota 186, a sud dl lirazlgnn ma falll grazlo aH'cfflcaco azlone delle nostre rlerc dl nrtlgllerla lerl sera uno del nostrl dlrlglhill bom bardo' le llnee nemlche nelle xlclnanzo dl Vogrlsca, nella alle de Krlgldo (VIp pacco). e ritorno" qulndl senza dannl alia propria base LA MLSSlONn ITALIANA WARIIINC.TON-, 23 MhrrIo La mis' slono itallana nrrlera- oggl a Washing ton doc sara' rlceuta con tuttl rII rnorl che furono nccordatl alio missloni francese ed Inglee L.i mhslone Rlungera" a Wash ington con treno speclalo sul quale si trova nnche l'nslstento seRretarlo dl Stato Breck lnrldgo Long, che e' andato ad incontrars la nilsslono al porto dl sbarco La misslnne sara scortata da due squa dronl dl cnallcrla dalla stazlone alia real denza dl Joseph Letter dne esa .illoggera The New Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph What other phonograph has stood the test of comparing the artist's voice with the record of that voice! Only Mr. Edison has dared to make this comparison. And of over 300,000 persons who heard both side by side not one could detect a difference. We invite you to hear music of a quality you never expected to come from a phonograph Music's Re-Creation. Moderate Terms. Ludwig Piano Co., 1103 Chestnut ANNA I ASK Built in Philadelphia Driven Everywhere si m Bv I EamtfB it NiihU xmAmz ft- 1 I The Counterbalanced Crankshaft MOTOR PRODUCES CONSISTENT ECONOMY IN UPKEEP Ths RUSH engineers, pioneers In the adoption of a score of rev olutionary mechanical Improve ments, have totally eliminated vibration by the adoption of the counterbalanced crankshaft, 307 More Power You can race the IIDB1I mptpr and then stand a pencil upright on the radiator. Think ihat- this means when the truck- Is delivering a half-ton of fragile goods. ?on can throttle the RUSH down to three miles an hour on high In traffic or take the worst hill In town with never a knock or Jerk. 1009 More Flexibility Stupendous power Is hooked up with silken flexibility. You have prolonged life and marvelous economy In gasoline and oil con sumption. The RUSH body Is a thlnr of beauty, finished like satin. The car Is smart and energetto looking a fit representative to send out among your customers Express Body , $845 Chassis ' $750 Panef Body $870 ,,- MP The RUSH factory service station it always at your command. Demontlratton on Reqaeit RUSH MOTOR TRUCK CO. 1014 N. Front St, Philadelphia rhrae, Market 4911 I xm i yZm g l&sTBnrasMBiikBSHSBssapiiim 0 V L E o G - r'1 y ypl' arf VAjKyM The 185,000 Buyers of tlie Britannica wuj.nmiMiHL. MUtW.'gWa" tfMmiaLui.!jtL J i OPPORTUNITY POWER- EDUCATION -EFFICIENCY- PROFIT-ADVANCEMENT-SUCCESS -PROSPERITY -CULTURE m V more S $c Saturday means your last chance to buy the new Encyclop uritae aedia nica TODAY is your safest way of making sure of getting a set Your first payment ' of printed on genuine India paper If you really want one of these very last sets, you simply must be quick. You must order at once. Putting it off even for one day may lose you this splendid opportunity and when it is gojie (when you see the last door in the above picture closed) it will be gone forever ! This is a short advertisement because we haven't any story to tell except this : It is NO Wor neper if you want to buy this wonderful Library of Knowledge ! The few sets still unsold are all there are printed on genuine India paper. If you don't get one of these last India paper sets, you will never have another oppor tunity to buy one. Because these are the very last Indiapaper sets in the world. And no more India paper can be made for printing the Britannica. You certainly know NOW whether or not you want the Britannica. If you do, order it at once-NOW, TO-DAY, IMMEDIATELY! This is not the time to wonder if the Britannica would really be useful to,yqu as it is to the 185,000 men and women who have already invested in it. You have time only to decide to invest in it. If you don't know which binding you preferor if there is any point about the Britannica that you want settled before ordering then go and see the books at GIMBELS 9th & Market Streets You can compare the various bindings, learn about the convenient terms of payment and leave your order. If you can't visit the store, send in this "Reserve Order" with your first payment of only $1.00. But do it NOW! Remember-this is the eleventh hour of the sale of these last sets of the Britannica printed m the famous India paper. There are no more I There will never be any more because no more India paper can be had ! An Unsolicited Letter 70s Freeman Street, Valparaiso, Ind. ' M7 97. Dear Sir : -I can assure you that I would not sell the eet for two or three times what I paid for It If I could not cet another one like It. Youra very truly, (Signed) REUBEN E. SWANS0N (A Student at thi Unieerilty). Watch the doors in the above picture! Only 3 more open! secures you a complete set (29 volumes ) of the Britannica. You have the use of the hooks, and can profit hy all this knowledge, while paying the balance in a limited number of monthly amounts, as low as $3 a month for the cloth binding. A Wonderful New Volume THE publisher of the Encyclopaedia Britannica announce that thejr hive nude arrangement for the ittue, a toon after the end of the war as poxible, of a new volume, containing a full and authoritative hittory of the war. The new volume will be written by scholar and expert of the ume high character a thoie who wrote for the Britannica iUelf, and by many of it own contributor. It will be absolutely impartial, excluding all partisan feeling and prejudice. It will contain 1. A judicial account of the real causes of the war, the progress of the struggle, and the result all over the world; withmap, as necessary, to show changes in boundaries. 2. The lives of tie new leaders, whether civil, military or naval, J the belligerent countries. 3. The results of the war outside the sphere of fighting, the progress of surgery, the preven tion of contagious disease, the new scientific discoveries, etc The new volume will bridge the gap between the days of peace before and after the war. It will be printed and bound to match the Britannica and the publishers guarantee that no matter how diffi cult end costly the supplementary volume may be from the editorial point of view, the. price of it to all who purchase the Britannica during the present sale will not be more than that of a corresponding volume of the Britannica. t4h-J President Those who cannot go to the store may use;tbl "Reserve Order" Form to reserve one set tor you. fast the same as It you ordered It In person. 9 1 i, SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., Chicago. HI. i Please reserve me a set of the "Handy Volume;" Encyclopaedia Britannica, printed on, genuine India paper. I enclose $x.oo as first payment. Send me an order form which I agree to sign 'and return Immediately. a. m Name ' Street and Number. City. State P. 0. Address , r 4Ta, -'..K. V? ' .i ? 't, urtj 5M "$& , it &L y wamm . " -' ...i'ikij . ..-jeH