.( It . i 9 u ft K DUINOGIA'NELLEMAM DEL GENERALE CADORNA Lo Truppe Italiane Si Fanno '.Largo Verao la Citta1 di Tri , este, Loro Prima Mcta CONTRATTACCHI RESPINTI Lo Masse Austriacho si Sfasciano c si Ritlrano in Disordine Dopo Inutili Kitorni OfTcnsivl PAIllGI. 18 Magglo. Un tcltgramma tii Torlna alia Uncrto1 dice cho le truppe del generate Cadorna hanno occupato Dulno, sul golfo dl Trieste, cho dlsta da nuesta cltta' dodlcl mlglla. II telegramma dice cho l'nnnunclo unftlclalo della prcsa dl Dulno sara' fatto presto. nOMA, 18 Mngglo Dopo 11 nrlmo slanclo dello forze Itallano cho dlidc loro 11 possesso it poslKlonl ImportnntlBsltnc, gH nustrlacl hanno fatto uno Bforzo tremcndo per nr rcstare l'avanzanta del generalo Cadorna e non vl sono rlmcltl La glornata dl lerl Taltro fu una dl battaglta vlolontlsslma sulla fronto dolle Alpl Olulie, e dopo una serle dl contrattacchl In forza da parte degll austrlacl, gll Uallanl nvanzarono ttncnta o per una conslderevole dlstanza fill Italian! hanno catturato' da lunedl' 4021 prlKlnnlerl ed altrl cinque cannonl dl piccolo calluro. Le truppe dl Cadorna hanno avaniato ad est dl Oorlzla dovo l'lmportante altura dl Orazlgna o' statu occupata dopo un vlolento combattlmento. Sul Monte Vodlco lo ttuppe alpine e la brigata Flrenze hanno fatto nuovi progressl vereo 11 plcco domlnante della Quota 652. Tra II Monte Vodlce cd 11 Monte Cucco rI sono avutl combattlmcntl dl estrtma vlo lenza Fortl colonne dl truppo auitrlache furono lanciato contro rII Itallanl rlpctuta , mento dopo v'.gorosc prcparazlonl dl nrtl gllerla ma soltanto per cssero decimate rial fuoco dello batterle o dcllo mltragllatrlcl dl Cadorna a per csscre rlcacclato verso le loro llnee IL BOLLHTTI.VO UFFICIALH lerl sera 11 Mlnlstero della Gucrra pubbll. cava 11 scguente rapporto del generalo Ca dorna L'attesa reazlone del nemlco contro 1 nuceessl rlportatl dalle nostro truppe si manifesto' vlolentemento nella glornata dl lerl. ma falllj dappertutto grazle alia calda reslstenza delle nostro forze. Nella zona del Bodrlcz, a nord dl Plava ad appena pocho centlnala dl metrl da Canalo. e sulla Quota 383 nella zona dl Plava, plrcoll attacchl del nemlco furono facllmente resplntl. La battaglla nella zona compresa tra Monte Cuc.ro e Monte vodlce o stata lunga cd accanlta. Conslderevoll masse nemlche. nppogglate dal fuoco dl nu merose batterle, furono rlpctutamentc lanclate contro lo nostro nuoxo poslzlonl ed ognl volta re?plnte, coslcche' 11 bastlone del Forhux. fuI Monte Cuceo, dalla Quota 611 alia Quota B25, rlmaso feimamente In nostro posscsso. Per dl plu' nol nt. blamo fatto conslderevoll progressl verso l'lmportante t-ommita' della Quota 632 lul Monte Vodlce. Nella zona nd est dl Gorlzla contrattac chl ncmlcl dlrettl partlcolarmente contro la soniinlta' della Quota 174 e contro le nostro poslzl-inl nd est della Vertolblzza si Infrnn.oero contro II vlgoroso fuoco dello nostre batterle e delle nostro mltraglla trlcl Poco dopo la nostra fanterla, pren dendo la controffenslva, occupava l'lm portante alturn a RUd dl Grnzlgna dopo un dlspcrato conflitto. Sull-altoplann del Carso 11 nemlco, con l'evldonte oblettlvo dl nlleggerlre !a nos tra prcsslone nil est dl Gorlzla, tentava uno sforzo podcroso contro le nostro poM zlonl dl Monto Volkovnlak e dl Monte Faltl. nel settore settentrionale dell'alto piano Lo successive ondate ill masse dl fanterla nemlca si spczzarono contro II ben dirctto ed efflci-clsslmo fuoco dello nostro batterlo e si rltlravano In disordine dopo aver sublto perdlto gravlsslme. Su tutta la fronts dal Trentlno nl mare (I sono nutc continue azlonl ill nrtlglierla con implcRo dl pezzl ill ogni calbro. ' L'artiglicria nemlca contlnua la sua opera dl dlstruzlone Bulla cltta' dl Gorlzla. Alcunl prolettlll austrlacl hanno colplto Uno del nostrl ospcdall da campo in Cer vlgnano cd hanno fatto sei vlttlme. 11 numero del prlglonlerl fattl da nol da lunedl' ftno n lerl sera (mercoledl1) saliva a 4021, dl cut 121 ufflciall. Dlspaccl dalla fronto dl battaglla dlcono Che la battaglla contlnua vlolentlsslma spe clalmente nd est dl Gcrlzla (d a nord nella tretta valle dell'Isonzo che porta da Tol mino a Gorlzla. Lo condlzlonl dell'avanzata Italfana sono serai diverse oggl da quella cho erano nel I'ottobro scorso quando gll Uallanl erano ancora dominati dal nemlco cd erano co trcttl a guadagnaro laborlosamente II ter reno su cut pol dovevano ammassaro le loro artlgllerlo e le lc.ro munlzlonl. Ora gll Itallanl hanno 11 Monte Sabotlno, II Monto CalarIo o Gorlzla. L'anno scorso le loro operazlonl erano sempllcemente preparatorle della grando e vera ctfonslva cho si a Bvlluppando ora. ASPCTTI DELLA BATTAGLIA Un corrlspondente nmrlcano dalla fronts 01 battaglla dell'Isonzo scrlve: "Lunedl1 mattina alio 11,15 vldl la ranteria dl llnca attraversare II flume bu Plccoli e deboll pontl gettatl in fretta dalle truppe del genlp a Plava e schlerarsi .. uiim sponua per rnttacco cno iioova "lire Bu per le rlplde falde del Monte uucco Da quel momento la vlltorla--Mltona contlnua. metoaica, come aveano Pre isto i plan! dl clu raveva organlzzata H-rf!?'"10 a tutta la Ilnca' J n0iUrl "Ne-1' a ttalia fanno la loro parte superbamente "Per parccchl slornl scorsl I pontlcrl del Se ,1!? avcvano acoltatc aua o la' il polso oelllsonzo La ploggla avrebbe Ingrossato il numo flno nlla plena, cd 11 caldo cccesslvo avrebbe fatto. squagllaro le nevi dello njontagno portando pure la plena. B lino a ultimo momento, quando dal Comando oupremo emano' Tordlno dl aanzare, non era slcurl che II caprlccloso Isonzo Barebbe stato per gll Itallanl o per gll austrlacl. d.u nreParazInne de'lo attlgllerle Itallanc i ii? essere eonslderata come un mera Jiglioso sucecsso. I cannonl che rnstrella ano il terreno era sussldlatl dal grndi mortal da trincea dl cul gll itallanl hanno atto una loro speclallta" svlluppandoll flno aa una efilclenza straordlnarla. Macchlnc ji calibrl diversl flno a died poind lanclano '"na nrmo bomba nd una dlstanza dl 2500 JJietrl con un fracasso che asStlmlglla a rh 1 u" tlfnc- K sono queste macchlno tH nno econvolto le prime llnee aus 'riache ed hanno stesb la cortlna dl fuoco "i na protetto I passagso dell'Isonzo. ..'GIi ?U8t''lacl come sempre ranno, rlspo- tin V mente flno a luche- lunel' mat .' ? l0 "lve del flume non si anlmarono con in masse di tantcrlo Italians che converge ".no verao I pontl. Allora l'arla che bo vraBta alle ncque azzurrognole dell'Isonzo ' riempr Improvvlsamente dl fumo coloro rota caratterlstlco dcllo scopplo degll shrap "el austrlacl. p.P"servavo la battaglla da un punto vlclno ' " In Vcaevo un ponte su cul passavano jo ranterle Itallane lanclate ali'attacco del nco slnlstro dello poslzlonl nustrlache del , ""- Per sel volte I fantl Itallanl at iraversarono dl corsa II ponte suite acque Kitate dallo scoppla del prolettlll austrlacl M v'evano llstrugcere JJ ponte. hi "perazlone b! svolgeva come un pro oiema dl matematlca, con metodo, con calma. i.ii esa,tezza. I battagllonl ui splegavano ujia rlva sinistra a mlsura che passavano " Pn'e, e sublto dl corsa ali'attacco dello vet ?. boBC06 Ide del monte, coit una rt ii cho sorprendeva gll stessl coman- ' n. i Mnl 'luestl soldatl avevano mostrato maggiore entuslasmo o magglore slanclo dl "J ehe.erano lanclatl a sfatare la leggenda t i ra frmatu attorno al Cucco. " I Bll-atUcantl sparlvano, Buccedva . QUello che era' avvenuto. B uno doDO ti Ul? ' bB!ldnl al dlleiuavano nel fitto MApnTrrDEUS F0RGET PRICES ATJ3IIAD DINNER ""tin? ErnnK0 Rom" nd En- Joy L f at Annual Outing on Hanks of Dclnwaro 'v"d a8goodPnbIcn8,I!!,OUK,,) ench d re. contract chnnga wlm ,.,.. vern f.. .... "71 ""rs UX irsvr-Eisra, KuBler-. M SE A??.. ??."lJr at ware '"" -lUII on the Dela. The contractors ufirjsr ess ucrchee!SOnndSnandsC"rr,h,,0,al1 ttn" a "'"' Exchange. ORGANIZATION IN CLASH OVER POLICE IN POLITICS Amendments in Committee of House at Harrwburff BrinB FIRht Rumors. Urged by McNichol Men HARnignrnn, Ma; ISAnotflfr ,'5"r hBlw' '" Mcvicho. and resu t or " '8 Si,", loom" u" "u of the affirmative reporting by the nan bill ,0 make It almost Impossible for Safetv n n.6f, hl DPtment of Public tt oelSVay " ' b" Jtii i ,forri' Xn,Wr " Provision, t will bo unlawful for any such employes UnIBd"LCirS? "'" .' "te ,,'e miiii '. 'J"""on m nttrnrl any po. nfi.iM i - .-.' "l -,r '"-Rnnixatlon. or part In political campaigns; " 'i iiirriu km : in rniA nna active to canvas nro- i-uii'i, 10 innuonro ...ill, .!, ...... .;""" "! '" HUIIHTO Vntftra ni tr. !.. ...... ...v ..ii.iui-i 01 cieciinns in anv way It has been passed on first rending and should reach the 1elutlnB .stage llM week! As originally Introduced It made violators liable to a fine and imprisonment of .five In the Judiciary General Committee, of which Mr Beyer, nf Philadelphia, I'cnroe McMchnl floor leader of-tho House, i chair man, It was amended to make the violator liable to two yeni' Imprisonment nnd dis missal from ofllce, and maklne It the rtiiiv of the Mayor or department head to dis miss the offender. Also It was amended to Blve nnv taxpayer the light to ue to re strain the payment nf cnmpenaJlon to "any such appointed oincer. rltik or employe who hai loiated any of tho provisions "of this act." by which It l taken to mean that the Mayor nr the Director of I'ublle Safety may nlso face suits to hold up their sala ries If they neglect to dismiss subordinates accused of political activity THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. Mav IS For eastern Pennsylvania nnd New Jer seyPartly cloudy tonight, with probably showers in extreme north portion; Saturday fair; moderate shiWng winds. Light rains oceuned In portions of the Lake region and In a few small and widely scattered areas in tho far West during the last twenty-four liourp, but fair weather prevailed throughout tho gi cater portion of the country The temperatures hae fnllen slightly nnd temporarily along tho middle Atlantic slope and nie somewhat below nor mal this morning, while thero has generally been a continued upward trend elsewhere east of tho Kooky Mountains The greatest rise was about fifteen degrees around Lnko I.rie. and nearly as much' In South Dakota. Lamps lo Be Lighted Autos and oilier telilrlen 7:10 p.m. The Tides TOUT ItlCHMO.VP I.riw water n n .m. Hlrh water 11 11 n m Low water il 13 p ra. CHIISTNUT STREET WHAltF With water it .11 a m. I )- p m. llSipm. ,ow water High water High water Low water High wtr High water Low water High vater iiiircm ISLAND . 8.00 a m. . .1 OS i m. . R. 3.1 ii m. . R 4.1 u in. it .Ml a in. . 0:13 p m. mtlUKWATHR Let Us Wash a Tubf ul of Clothes for You to show you how simple nnd easy It APl'X. Say goodby to irksomo washdays goodby to tho rub and scrub Do yours elec trically with APHX. No work; no wear. No rubbing clothes to shreds against a washboard; no boiling to rot tho fabrics. APEX Electric Washer Is the natural vacuum suction washer. It draws water through and through the clothes, dislodging every partlclo of dirt Cleans dainty laces and heavy blankets; cleans collars and cuffs and skirt bottoms The wringer swings to any angle. If your local electric supply dealer has not APHX. write, call or phone Walnut 280 for booklet or better, let us send APKX to your home to wash a. tubful of clothes for you No obligation. Price, $75 Terms to bult your convenience. Elliott-Lewis Electrical Co.,, Inc. Sole Distributors, 1017-19-21 Kace Street ALSO ON KXIIIIIITION AMI N U.II AT Central i:iertr)e i. Lock Co., 12 N. 13tli kt, II0MK1I1 lilll nnoii. WWI iic.m.h r. l. IIIUTIUHI & 1 .. -o r. ."." .. imfMiw Ji:un iii-mmaLut i filHI iipmamMmns New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. BOSTON, MASS. SPECIAL NOTICE . Policies containing the ONE YEAR War Clause with FREE PERMIT for military service within the United States will only be issued until Thursday, May 31st, 19.17. We suggest that those interested in insurance protection communicate with us immediately and learn the details of this most advantageous form of policy. , Land Title Building, Philadelphia Bell Phone .Locust 850 gVENTHG LipDGEKn - CATHOLIC CHORAL CLUB IN IRISH SONG FESTIVAL Ord Melodies of Erin and Novel Numbers From "Orechetas" ' on Attractive Program A progrnm more Irish than John Mc t'ormack and more arled in its presenta. tlons of the hopes and sorrows. Joys nnd Pangs and humor and sentiment of "Dark llosaleen" was Bit en last nlsht nt tho sec ond annual concert of tho Catholic Choral C uli. under direction of Nicola Mr.ntnnl. choirmaster and organist of the Catholic Church of St. John the' Kvangetlst And, like a McCormack concert, It packed tho Academy from pit to d.ime. It Is hoped by those Interested to mal.o these Irish song festlxals of yearly occurrence us a Phlla dclphl.t counterpart of the orecntui:," or Celtic bardic cyclei which liavo been tho chief manifestation Worn the esthetic and artistic standpoint of the Irish renaissance of arts and letlets running parnllel to the economic and political progress In tlnJ Sinn Fein Many of the rexerend clergy were prev. ent. as well as person prominent In the literary, artistic, muslral and Boclal circles of the city, and all these gao unnualllied indorsement to the purposes nnd hearty ap plause to tho merits of the undertaking Such composers a Percy Grainger, Victor Herbert nnd Reginald do Kovcn liao e. prosed npproal of the plan to hae an Irish kin to tho Cymric "Klstedrtfodau " successfully transplanted to this country bv tho Welsh Kxceedlng nrlcty both of executive me. dium and proRram. marked the fetl,il There were solo, mixed choruses enenihp ny tho male voices nnd the female umfi alone; there wern tin. ni.i iin.ntinnni u,.,,,. of Krln nnd there were pieces uoel tni sld.- of the water but fnmlllnr to frequenters ,of tho Irish festunls "home." The cmhollc Chonil Club of ir,0 voices has been carefully drilled by Mr. Montnul. who Is aide to obtain cm client effects of tonal light and shade, of dynamic gradation nnd of Intcrpretathc xalues from his fon.c The quality was sweet nnd pure and t'li quantity amply voluminous The mixed chorui won Bre.it applause In Tom Moore's words, "The Meeting of the Waters" set tliu: a tunn which folklotlsts say Is the oldest Krse melody cxtnnt, n nrlnnt of "The nlil Head of Iirnh rite Coolln" was another of the traditional melodlcn going hack ma) bo to Pnlnm Pattlck, Ilrld Bid and Columbia, rendered by the entire chorus. Then there w.im "Thc'lionny Weo Mure," a raring song of the sportliiB wirt loved by Lever nnd Lover and celebrating a Donegal turf contest ananged for full chorus by Mr. Montnul. Spirited work was done by the ihorus In the rolllckiiiB measures of tho ever favorite "Kerry Dance." The women's chorus contributed two of the Moore ljrlcs set to his "Irish Melodies." namely "Tho Harp That Once Through Tarn's Halls" and "Tho Mlnstr! !' v ' and among 'others "Mavournecn Deellsh," a. lovely thing Tho male Uiutu- whs heard In a number or selections such ai "Widow Maehrte" arrnnged by Victor Herbert fimn n poem by hla grandfather, Samuel Lover The solo list wnn etenslc Cathenu Sherwood Montnul, a soprano of rrjstalllne tone nnd excellent method, fi.iw tho rlglit touch of wistful sentiment to the County l)en wing, "Would God i Were the Ten der Appln rtloiom." and also sang Samuel Liner's "Oh, Did You Ne'er Hear of the Illarney?" Special applause greeted an original work composed for this event, "Oh Sweet Tlppeiary," by a young Irish poet of Philadelphia. Shan Mclntyrc, with a melo dious coro by Mr. Montani. David Orlflln. a suave-voiced baritone, was beard In the celebrated "Hallynure Ballad." "Over the Hills to Mary," an Irish song b Afines Clune Quinlan, nnd "Malre." a Uric of rare beauty by W. M. Daly, and John o'Malley. a nsliiB young Irish singer with an nsrecablo tenor voice, Bavo "The Ould Plaid Shawl" nnd other songs Miss Quin lan, a medalist of tho Royal Academy of Music, Dublin. ao tho Philadelphia premier of "Itonnjbrook Fair'1 and "Top o1 tho Mornln1 " by John Prlndle Scott and a delightful, frollcsomo fairy song, "Lepra chauu Dance," celebrating the wee peoplo, by Porcj Grainger, who haB done much to recover waning Irish melodies. The ac companists of the evening, who rendered ndmirablo service, were Mrs Helen Dooner Moore, Anna O'ltrlen, Kathcrlno O'Donnell, Hllzabeth Michel nnd Hmma Sleeblc. The program opened patriotically with "Your Flag and My Flag," Mr. Montanl'a setting of Wilbur Nesblt's poem, and ended with a heartfelt singing of "The Star Spangled Manner. ' W. It. M. Jui, A. dimming!) & boni, 4510 Prank. torn Ate Modern l.lrrtrle Minn, 171. North llroml St, i ii m ".".wiii lAVh'.MIWI'.H"!! Ith (I WOT In, 7 UK, i MARSTON & SMALLEY General Agents PHILADELPHlA, FRIDAY MA.Y 18,' 1917 MEN! Imnortant Nwct Our Men's Shops Are Conveniently Located entrance of its own In the center of Many men llkn tn tnim nni... a 515,?, - In The Hnrle Store accessory for a man i V. i.".- .'.,, ...HI veniences of men n specially shop. Tomorrow, The Earle Store Announces A Phenomenal Sale &ttktt ! ?w(JWo till V K32SlVvi 4lrCl55Lr?TttlWf 1 f J1 i Extraordinary ! A Maker's Sample Line of Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Union Suits Exactly 412 Garments to Go at This Special Price They nrc in the more popular nth letic stylo for summer wear. .Made, of tino solsettc, nainsook or madras, in plain, checked or silk-striped effects. Being samples, sizes rango from 38 to 44 only. Owing to tho li'nltcd lot and tho biff values- ennnot nil mail or telephone orders. Men's Fibre or Silk Plaited OQp Half Hose i2PC Slight seconds of tho usual 50c kinds. Choice of fast black, white or colors. All have double soles; all sizes MEN'S SECTION MAIN FLOOR The Pride We Take $15 For Young Men and the Men Who Always Stay Young Is Justified For They Are Acclaimed as the Best $15.00 Clothes in the City It is the pride of a deed well done. It is the pride that our efforts are being appreciated that makes us feel well repaid. For months and months last fall we purchased our woolens to protect you against present high prices and to insure you against shoddy qualities. When others were marking time, waiting for the season to open up, we were planning with our tailors to make these suits up, so, as to 'insure best tailoring and workmanship. And we feel proud of the result No sale no inflated values to induce you to buy our $15.00 clothes. We offer them to you on their merit alone the merit of them being worth every cent of the $15.00 we ask for them. Join the army of smart-dressed men "who feel proud" of their appearance and confident that they have the best suit of clothes that S15.00 can buy. Single or the Popular Double Breasted Suits All Around Belt, Belted, Pinch or Plain Back Suits Quarter Silk Lined or Half Mohair Lined Suits Suits of Blue Serges, Plain Color Worsteds and Cheviots Suit of S "?rd Check, Novelty Worsteds and Mixtures Suits for Regular, Stout. Short or Tall Men As a "Patriotic Economy Sale" Special! 350 Men's .and Young Men's $1A.75 NEW SUMMER SUITS at . . A" There is a saving on every Buit embraced in this group at $10.75. Ono of our makers allowed us this special lot as a suitable "Economy Sale" special. They are in conservative and belted back models, in' worsteds, cheviots, mixtures and cassimeres. Newest spring colorings and patterns. Sizes for men of all builds. MEN'S SECTIONS MAIN FLOOR wmmnmmmanaammm Market Street the block -with a special n .. . -, .... " ff X fln.1 ..... . ". - c'. .."."?.. nn." " room with all the con- That Cannot Be Duplicated for Less Than $5.00 Wo are emphatic in tho statement that theso shirts were intended to sell at $5.00. We nro emphatic in tho statement that with the present high costs of silks wo can hardly hope to see such quality silk shirts ever sold again nt this low price. ' ' We are emphatic in the statement that theso shirts arc not made of slazy China silk, but an extra heavy quality twilled tub silk, and under regular condi tions could not be sold at this price. , 1000 of These Wonderful Silk Shirts at $3.59 And this is the story of how wo hovo thorn to sell nt this low price: A large women's shirtwaist manufacturer had a largo lot of tub eilks on hand but ho needed ready cash. Wo collaborated with ono of our best Philadelphia shirtmakero nnd had him buy tho silks at a wonderful concession in prico nnd then had theso Shirts made to our order. They nro wonderful shirts the kind of shirts men feci proud 'of when they shed their vests nnd coats in tho summer time. All cut nmply full, In coat style, with soft cuffs. , The patterns shirt. 59c WO Suits . Tenth Street About 100 tialr.i of unusual 00 appreciated wnn the present prices others are nsktnir. Made of genuine gunmetal calf, over a smart custom last, which has all the Bnap and "go11 of a 17 00 oxford. MEN'S SECTION MAIN FLOOIt the Premier Shirt Bargain in Years of SILK SHIRTS nro rich, yet conservative! in fact, what MAIN Straw Hats Will Be on the Heads of All Men Tomorrow "BWBlfeMWahdKjawtltHlg WW tr.ilJXAninimZAamKtaxii on. Our stocks ar complete. Wo prepared early, and every correct kind Is here to assure you ot a. hat that you will like, i, Jtl SO O $1 95 Two Popular-Priced Groups At V I Cfc V I Tha' embrace every new style shape every A w Jk new heliiht and every now crown effect. Choice ' . . . . ., of sennits, splits, macklnaws and fine Italian straws. We have seen hats of no better quality marked nt higher prices In other stores. Genuine Panamas for Men, $2.95 In nowest blocks and crown effects. Boys' Straw and Wash Hats at MAIN FLOOIl In Our pffl ' - w,w.'i'wt v'(:':iHK. $15 Til , mm . .j . il .i V.. r ' tw v W V 9 An Extra Value in Men's Gunmetal Oxfords $5-00 !? merit sure to $.59 3 you would expect In a $5.00 silk FLOOR MEN'S SECTIONS And Many Men Will Buy Theirs at tho Earlc Store. The Bfaeon has been rreatly delayed but the weather man Is very op timistic, and promises us that "Old Sol'1 will be very much on the. Job from now and $5.00 59c and 98c ; . ftA h hlith JT 1 i ;; i titii Mm i 1HW K t m uf Ali .'! il! . ii 'K MM 4 i iijj i-ti 1H1 r ii ''H i 3) v 1 u U'J iJ M r?.M iMUmallA r.h Ia ..nn& k.ni,.ilcliintn fl ,vT y r "t. h i i ,rw !&- r-