Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 17, 1917, Postscript Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' tw"- ' 'it-W i.
w'F'tfft! " '
-'w tt; -yinrs-M TirTTWTK
Notice toThose Enlisting
a . ti. i . ..
-i etv i
InnLln ....l-ll
noKinit Hold
n do lliflr
llllnic loth
ipovcrnment Issues Call for
Them Pennsylvania Leads
A'gain in Army Recruiting
Ptnnaylvania nsain led In th r-Kular
iiimyifcrultlnB yesterday, with 268 men en
'fitted as BKalnst !1" In Illinois The .lay's
'itoUl all over tlio country was 1923, m,ilv
IJJL ft p-anrt total of 7I.670 enlistments since
Wil 1
necrultlns In nil branches of he service
apened brlsldv today Most of the nppll
tints were within the conscription ace
According to the records of the recruit
ing station at 1229 Arch ptreel many col
lect ftudents. seeing the prospect of win
ning promotion, are enllstlm; In the reRular
irray Twelve men from nearby coHcros
uid universities have applied and been ac
cepted for the lanks within the laM twentv
(our hours These men are wllllnc to vvnrl:
lor their commissions from the lanks In
Iteid of altendlnK the ofllcers' tralnliiR
There Is an excellent opportunity for
tmsterf. bakers and bakers' helpers to
enlist In the quartermaster enlisted reserves
corps, according to a statement Issued lo
ity by l' A Jlusselman, chairman of the
1 Philadelphia lommittee
"All that Is requited of a member of the
nllsted reserve corps Is that (lurliiK .1 pe
riod of four years ho shall keep himself
physically fl' for iervlee, attend each ear.
If ordered to do so, an hi my encampment
for a period of two weeks, for which ho
will be paid, ntul to ptesent himself for
ictlve duty at the proper place In time of
actual or threatened hostilities.
"Men who enlist In this reserve corps
teUIn their status ns civilians, and aro
only required to leave their homes to at
tend encampments and In time of war or
threatened war. At tho present time, of
course, men nre wanted for actual service
at once. Iteservlsts constitute a preferred
class, which Is Riven preference ovci men
shoonly enlist when war Is declare'd or Im
minent "
Telegraphers of the Western I'nlon who
enlist In the Signal Keserve Corps of the
army will bo granted leaves of absence
dtirlr.fr mllitai. nervlre, and upon their re
turn they will be Riven einplovment "as the
needs of the service permit' Cmplnjes
who have not taken their vacations for
1917 will he allowed an equivalent In
money and all benefits under thp employes'
benefit plan will be suspended durlnc such
military service Tho (ioverrunent has Is
sued a call for teleRraph operators. Heads
of the various odlces of tho company will
receive applications from men who want to
,,le PPt-n. to New
Tbrk headquarters
The following enlistments were announced
t&iiay ,
itittw Herbert note. in. Lancaster. Pa. '
Jwiej P Stroud "i. Mid x. Urosil st.
Jmepli Here JI Sparrows Point. MJ
Mr Nelion st-vens. L'.l, Hock Hall. Kent Co..
wuilin i Heim rithlan. 22. P.ock Hall.' Kent
i., ld
Hmry Russell rhide. in. i:aston. I'a
Irnitua KaianaUKh. .-. llir.T N A3d st.
PH1''! Jllll ampliell. J4. Trooper. Pa.
i!'"11 Ernest Wills ill ,-,o:iS Ilaltlniore ave.
n titer John lieuunan I'll, sail N. L'llth st
Jonet re(lell k Mai Lean il Itlverton .V. I
Httry Augustus Ta,or. 'J3. Ilnst Orange, N. J.
M. Marcel Kneeht to Give Series of Il
lustrated Talks This
Arrangements arc beibg made to have
Monsieur Mai, el Kneeht. who has come to
" United states with the r-'ietich Cjm
Ion, speak before the students of the
uiverslty of Pennsylvania during the suin
rar sessions The lectute Is being ar
"tued. for some Tuesday or Thursdav he
twen i July lfi and August Ifi. In the aitdi
twlnth of the Houston club.
M. Kneeht will speak on the wotk which
nce has done during the war and the
ore which his country expects to do in
J",', '"'J" Another Interesting movement
JJien he ts fathering Is the exchange of
im!t etuden,s "id Frenctli jirofessors
I J American students and American piu-
siiir Kntehl lecture will be Illustrated
vhS n;,lon Pictures, which he has brought
' -w u by Bl'ec'al permission of the
ir?. I "government He came over with
V.Z., . Joffre an'1 Sf- Vlvlanl, and will
remaln In tho United States for some time
t'ttie work of the French Commission.
"Ready Money
United States Loan Society
117 North Broad St.
H 8. gh ,t. .g nermn(oiiare.
7 It's the Point
-"that Satisfies
When fitted to your
hand by the specialist.
Allowance on old pens.
W. G. Nichol, Agent
IfllfiForWatermon's pens
Many Autos
were garaped un
der Vanderherchen
th .- t SJS canvas covers ai
Rn.ii 8horo resorts last summer.
m11 wo estimate?
I1 Vjlnif AvttAMLMt. Cna
7 North Water Street, Philadelphia
m vN.
lmi mini
rra. Our m, ,i .'. i ",r ""unilltrn
'Milt' oil? 1. .,.'. i1"11,".'" '""l '"''
nc. ",r """ (houltl wmr iwrfrt
"".!'.'' their
L""'''. i:nl,,,l
We are prepared to execute at
snort notice orders for
y Clothing
Every .Description
for those seeking only the best
in tailoring.
Our riding breeches are un
equaled in the city.
A.B. Mathews & Co,
1200-02 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pa.
Pens Wrecked and Burned and
Animals Confiscated, Despite
Indignant Protests
An offensive un the last ,,f the plRReihs
was started today b n detachment i,f rcRii
bus fiom the Kurt-mi of Health under the
command of Chief Mci'iudilen. of the
tmiselon of Housing and Sanitation
The Invnillm? army ili-nt-ndm Umn the
pens without any formal communication
concernliiR their arrival. Torches weie ap
plied by one companv while another at
tacked the plRRfrles with picks and shovels
Owners vveres In a hlch state of Indignation,
but their temper was lost In the mnUo
which soared over the countrv
.Numerous iilRirerles had been reduced ti
ashes by noon today, and the work of oiiml.
nation Is still on In addition to fifteen
special Inspectors, the attacking party con
sist ed of a cotps of wteckers
Manv wacons were taken nlotiK and In
these the confiscated pigs wore transported
to U.vberr).
Those in Rood condition will piolmbly be
Klven to various cll.v Institutions and de
fcitlvo porkers will be quickly destroyed.
Today's attack Is the result of tin order
by Director Krusen
The nttacklnK partv assembled quietly
at Allen's lane and l'enrose ItjCriv They
knew In advance the location of the enemy
and sailed Into the woik without consult
ing the plRgerv owners as to methods.
Sonic- time ago tho proprietors of pig
geries In the outlying sections of the cltv
signed an agreement to take their stock
cut of tho city by May IS. Thoso who
could not obtain suitable places In the sub
ui hs were given two (lavs' grace Hut
even they did not move.
Klnally a delegation of the prtirletors
called on Mayor .Smith. They reminded
him of the high cost of pork uml contended
that It would be wrong to destroy their
stock at this time
The Mayot Infomicd them thHt they
could talse pigs .1ut as well elsevvheic.
and gave final notice that they would have
to abide by the orders given.
liven then many weie disinclined to
move and the action today was the only
remedy In the case.
In addition lo complaints fiom persons
living near the plggctles. many were made
by ntllclals of tho I'hlladclphla Navy Yanl,
who asserted that the general nuisance, of
j ' -" " "V." Th.r" rt wUl be
continued tomorrow In other outlying sec-
Policeman ' Arrests Man Who,
Say, Admits Striking One
While Patrolman Waters, of the Seventh
and Catpenler streets station, was stand
ing In a doorway at Fifth street and
Washington avenue early today he noticed
a man tunning away from a llre-alaim
bos-. Hiving clnse. he caught Frank W
Pine, Third stiect above Wharton.
Pine, the police say. admitted that he
bad pulled a false alat m and was also
charged with having pulled a false alarm
at Foul th and Federal stieets a half hour
eatller. .Maglsttate Cowatd held Pint, In
J inn for mint
For Every Foot
Dainty Isdlv llarefinit Ankle llrst Sure (, alter ' lloom-ror- ( ollege I I '
I'ulllB Inn Mimlal 'lie ton font Honl nve-li ( o-fl ,
3MI Ym I.W M ''M '-,' J',S "",n ,M
HE first 16 years of your child's life rep
resents the period which requires most
care in the selection of shoes that are
correct in principle and accurate in
fit, since the growing foot is certain to be
6hapcd by the shoes worn during that time.
It is, therefore, most important that your
child's feet be given special attention by ex
perienced fitters. of children's feet, on each
occasion when buying shoes. You are sure
nf tJvU attention at the Bie Shoe Store.
Spacious Downstairs Department for Children and Growing
gvgyiyg- ledqer-philadelpiilv, TiitWiur, may it, 1017
Danger to City's Supply,
Over as Strikers Come
Back to Work
All danger to the puritv of l'bitade'phla's
water supply through the strike of n'netv
filter ntlendants at the Torresdale Plant
" IMst. I'nrleton II. PaMs, Water llurcuti
t'hler. rail t0,ia.v a half ilozon of tho
strik-rs returned to work early this morn
ing and seventeen new men were added to
the f,ir,-e nt work In thp (liters
chief Cm let. ,n !; Tivls was parly on the
.lob. and ns fast as men responded to ine
advertisement In the new-simpers they were
assigned to Out) to nil the places made
vacant bv ih? striken' As vestrrdnv s
rtrkers returned to ivo-k tflev were Riven
back their old positions and nothing was
silil ns to their quitting the.rllv'n service
without warning at a time when their
sei vices vver of tho utmost Importahrp it
the mure than a million persons who depend
upon t'.-e wnter stipplv from Tortfsdale
city officials before n o'cloik nunntinced
th fiio that liefnre night a sulT.clent force
"f old and new men would tie at work In the
niters tn mil nm Our of trouble from an
mipuie kiipp'v nf wnter funn the Petawuie
t'.itef I i.im., ilrclar'il thai h- believed n
l.ugn niitnbet i.f the str.kers would renll7.e
the futtlltv of the strike and would retain
I i work before the , lmi f the iltc
Vox Clinsp Jinn's Offer 1'uts Postal
Authorities on His Trnll
Advertisement offering potatoett for 1
n bushel was the lure that mused dollais
In envelopes to shower Into a leilnin mail
box at the Kox Chase p xtonice
1'ostal Inspectors John P Kernan and
.loseph A. .Ionian minted themselves Into
tho situation, however, and placed under
nrreM Archie llger twenty yeaM old.
Thirteenth street near Ii'ntunnd When
taken Into rustndv Ilgcr wns leaving the
Kox Chase postofllce with a hair bushel ,,f
mall He will be given a hearing toilav in
tho Kederal llulldlng on tlie accusal ion ,..
having used the tna'ls to defraud
Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century
If von arc lookitiR t'or a l'rartu.i1 ( utunic. sec
Dewees' Jhsirgj Dress
dres that appeals li ccr winaii
Qualiiyaists -Popular Prices
( p.-i'iitnors arc delighted will l' c-c waists
May Special SI.?)."
B . F . Dewees , 1122 chestnut St.
! !
: i
2012 Walnut Street
Clearance Sale
Commencing Monday and Days Following
Afternoon aha Evening
$75 $135' Formerly $150 $300
Tailored Suits (y Top-Coats
$35 to $85 lonneily $155 to $9Q0
From the Cradle
A Message That Will Interest Every Mother
in the city, we have an uncqualcd assortment
of all styles, sizes and widths of shoes for
every age and foot. E:;pert salespeople who
have made a study of children's feet and their
requirements will gladly advise you.
Feel free to call upon us any time, and
bring the chidren with you. We are making
special preparations to receive mothers and
children this week, and we would be pleased to
see you and your
'TIS A FEAT TO HI tt.t.1
Shoes and Hosiery
1204-06-08 Market St.
President's Recommendation for
Creation of Suffrage Commit
tee in House Stirs
Women's Hopes
Hi of the tw , requests made of Presi
dent Wilson bv In-. Anna Howard H'mw In
an Interview the venerable mlvmnte of
woman suffrage had with hint soon nftei be
moved Into the White House wns that he
would recommend that a committee he ap
pointed in the limine ,,f ltepresentntiven fur
Ihe consideration nf womnii suffrage
The other request wns that (he President
nickc favorable mention of the KiHlernl
woman suffrage amendment in his first ad
dress to Congress The latter whs Ignored
bee. in-,' f the President's belli f in ltUs'
light i
Thm wii.-i live vcars ago The first Kqtiisl
ha i jitii lift ti Binnti'd At the niiiiounci'menl
thst l,n President has written Chairman
rue. of the House Committee on Commit
tee, urging an appointment of a special
c inmlttee for the consideration nf woman
suffrage suffragists are letting their hop.'s
sour higher than the) have rvei dared to
etnl thenl up before
"President Wilson's act mil Is bound in
menu yiiiiethltiR favorable to u said Mi
l.uev Anthonv ntec-' nf her fain-Hi, aunt I
Susan II Ant'ionv. and im-tm Sha's mm - I
retniv The President has bei n our rt lend !
from the veiv start, and It pinks a. ilimigh I
we wile going to thake It I -s beher 111 s,,it
rights In one month be made -u publn-illteiHtii-es
In fiivnr of woinnii .iifTi.ig. lie
has iloue iiimi than nnv Pieslileni b.is hit
don, broie Ki,r venrs and e;,ri mv iiunt
worked for the appointment nf n ip.M-i.il
e en nltteo tu the House lo I'ltnsldri our bill
? le sin eeetien in hip iscnaic oui tiiieau
iniriiv in Hie House l in'imn we are gru, (-
to get vet v verv soon that whl, i we hive
been fighting fct for n veiv lung time the
liatinniil i iifr.int iiiseiucnt or viomen
"The stand the President has taken'
Mis Heorge A Piersol, prominent sutTinge
worker, snld "Is ,,f vital Importance to mir
cause There have been special commit
tees on hog- mid special committees on In
dlntis but although we ha.ve been working
elnee sTK when Susan It itthon intra,
duced the bill since unmed for her. there
hii' been im committee for the recummenda
turn nf woman suffrage livery nthet sub
It, t on fmth seems to have been of moie
tcnirtnite than that one
Hue,, fore although our bill has been
to Sweet Sixteen
In our Children's DcDartment. the largest
Girls, Boys and Little Gents
Introduced every year It has always--In
the House - hail to be referred to a com.
uiltiee which has never bad the time to give
it a fair champ because 'other things' de
(juuided attention With a special com
mittee thete wit) he m, 'other tilings Thetc
has been a special committee on suffrage
In the Senate ror a number or vears Now.
wnn one in the House. Iheie will lie
pigeonholing or our bill. It I
the Presalent hn done for in,
a big thing
The Presldcnt'H letter to llrproentntlve
Pou suggested that the creation of the Com
mittee on Woman .s'tiftrnge might be a wise
ait of public policy. There wns. however,
no mention i,f t10 merits ,,f woman suf
frage Thl suffragists declare. Is but a
sl.rtli iiiMjiiisiuncp which dncj not lessen
the, i optimism I i 1 1 1 1 - bast
Frank QiVonnor Will Appear Heforo
MaKis'.nitc Persch. on CIuii'kc of
Assault nntl Hattery
t'etcctive l-'raiik li'Cnnuni attached
Ihe ileteulve Inireau at Cltv Hall, will be
given a hen lug todav before Magistral.
Pet li on the hi ciisatlon nr hiivlng n
milted assault niul Imtterv on .iwe,ti
lilt, hie Vlnlli and Carpentet streets
Ariest or iii'ntinni is ni.e of the ,,r
shotils ,,f n,r ,.i e erusad- In Hie Thnd
Ward Kit, hie and his wife and three otliei
persons were nrtesfed several week- ngn b
ti'Connor and A, ting Hetectlve stanlev
I'lllnn They were charged with stispl, lou
Chestnut Juniper South Penn Squar
Engraved Crystal
For Wedding Gifts
When Elaine Sterne
I "viV f
Mhs Elaine Sterne the classes.
IT is full of tho lure of the great Btcel industry.
Newport, Back Bay, Nob Hill, Fifth Avenue,
niul the Lake Shore Drive will find within its pages
the living, forward forces which keep the world
from going hack.
And to fiction lovers everywhere, Elaine Sterne's
story of "Big Bill", fighting his way up, will be a
veritable inspiration. It's a great novel.
At oil bookstores. $1.35 net.
P. S. Don't overlook the fact that Annie Fcllatcs Johmton's
"Georgina of tho Ilainboics," after a sraton'i tuccru, i
right now selling near the top.
ieiieral Accident
lieneial flullding Philadelphia
Philadelphia Branch, 421 Vz Walnut
Payment (
Do YouRealizeThese
Terms Are Unusual?
No cash payment and 50c a week brings to your
home a little but genuine guaranteed Columbia
Grafonola It' plays all standard records. -Made
in mahogany or oak, and includes S00 needles.
Complete With 6 Selections, $17.25
Three 75c Itecords
New Records on Sale Saturday
Gfe &a&mt3la Slums
Columbia Headquarters
1109 Chestnut Street
of larcen) llltrhle charges that before
O'Connor arrested him Ihe detective beat
him severely and then took him to Central
Station without n warrant.
1 r'sga H 1 J
Going Fast
I.'ccause our spring Oxfords arc
$7.r0 and $8 values
Recause our downstairs econo
mies enable us to sell them at
Iiccausc s in a r t Philadelphia
men KNOW THIS they arc
Roinw fast.
Our tip is if joii want your choice
of fine leathern in our hit; $." sprint:
vhowing if yon want to save from $2
to SI the pair come in NOW.
Royal Boot Shop
For Men SS
N. W. Cor. Market & 13th Sit.
DOWNSTAIRS-Ent. on 13th St. &,
Articles of utility
nnd decoration
Not expensive
Road of
she did a smashing piece of
This is a man's hook. Likewise,
a woman's hook.
It's the story o n big man's des
tiny. A6tory for tho masses and
PHILADELPHIA'S municipal buildings
are among the finest in the world. Phil
adelphia also boasts of one of the largest
Casualty Insurance Companies the General
Accident which has its Home Office in this
city. Is it not reasonable to believe that
Philadelphians requiring Casualty Insur
ance of any kind will best he served by the
(eneral Accident?
(tier Id million ilnllari palil
In rUimi In the t nltfd Platen.
It respectfully suggest if you want reliable
Automobile, Burglary, Public Liability, Elevator,
Workmen' Compensation or any other kind of casu
alty insurance that you request your broker to place
if with the
Give your taste
plenty of scope
when you gc
to buy that new
Spring: Suit!
at $15
offer you
to choose from!
J When the Madam
goes to market, she"
wants to see stall after
stall and wagon load
after wagon load of fine
fresh up-to-the-minute
varieties of good things
to tempt her skill and
your appetite.
Cf Perry Suit Selections
this Spring arc as won
derful in variety as
they are beautiful in
pattern !
Cjf Do you like a blue,
but something a little
different on that order?
There are blues here in
all the tones and shades
except that of the
morning after!
I How about a gray?
MaVvelous what the
mills have done in
grays and grayish mix
tures! Light, medium,
dark, and each again
many times subdi
vided !
tj A green, a tan, a
brown? Yes, and min
glings of tones and
hues that put new
names in the catalogue
of colors!
f Checks, overplaids,
stripes, twills and
homespun mixtures
that are like a wheat
field in ear, sprinkled
with cuttings from the
conservatory !
J Models? Scores of
them, with the individ
uality and touch of
Perry Style that means
Thousands of Suits
Hundreds of Patterns
Scores of Models
and Perry Style
at $15,
$18, $20 and $25
"N. B. T."
16th & CJiestnut Sts,
' -I
- Kf
- ".rthln In Can..!
3 ( Bign ol Iht Half
. ,. v '