Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 16, 1917, Night Extra, Image 4

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YM ' r'-fc'v, Tr"'W" ' . wv 1" "W -"r"-""-- r , - v f'JVT'tr , t "' . ,'.f. '. - . , '
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that life for the dcneral a tut o bed of
roses, and the rest of U.
iil,ax I',n,,cr- recently reported seriously
m. I recovering, acconlinp to Los Angeles
dispatches. Tho script 'of his fourth K
sanni comedy has been completed, and
awaits it. Llndcr's attention.
8. nankin Drew, son of Rtdner, and liliu.
self a player for Metro, will leave soon to
drive an ambulance in France. Ills next
:? .......
tcretn appearance will be in Te BH dent: Mrs. II. K. nallvtreasurer, and Mrs.
and tho conference opened tmT.,K;"
lic Season" with Kmn.y lCeftlen,
It. M. Ford, secretary.'
tatlon of a three-act dratna bv n, ""H
people of the Delta church. ""WliSfl
Jersey Hed Cross to Raise Fund
Thirty members of the Harrington, N, J.,
branch of tho Camden Chapter, American
lied Cross, aro i lann nir ti nnld t d
Cross day In tho near future to ralso funds,
Olllcerw elected at tin organization, mee ,ng
Inst night are Mrs. Clayton V. Moore,
president; Mrs. O, V. Hlgbcc, vice presl-
Church Folk Present Drama
MAIUinTA, Pa May 16. Tho thirty
fourth annual meeting of tho 'Westminster
Presbyterian Society for Homo Missions
opened' sessions In the Delta Presbyte
rian Church, the Hev, Lewis Hyde, partor
nnd will continue for several days. Lancas
ter nnd York Counties nre well represented,
Moose Ex-Steward Freed
TINODO.V, Pa., May i
'ornier fitewnrrl nt i. -T".
Rush, former ntcwnrd of tho I,0v'nT A p
of Mooso, Mount Union, arrnlgne.i 7 ' Vrilr
Miss Hyland Takes a Dip Into
Fantastic Comedy With
"The Sixteenth Wife"
Ualley's court yesterday, charged 4i.rua
tntlnir tho llnuor Inws ,, . " .""n Vlo.
Intlng tho
liquor laws,
w"3 ncqultt.4 k,
the Jury
U pil JW'WWa ' upyu ms,"
e i
P .'
''Permanent Means of Obtain
ing Needed Money to
Aid Campaign
Truck Drivers Have Volunteered
Use of Their Machines in
Collection Work
Your Automobile liadly
Needed by Red Cross
THREE motortrucks have been
volunteered since yesterday for
collection of waste paper for the Red
Cross Fund. No plcabure cars were
volunteered. Will the burden of tho
collections for thiB fund be left to
truck owners or will owners of
pleasure cars volunteer as well 7
Letters announcing that paper has
been saved for the collector should
be sent to Red Cross Headquarter?,
221 South Eighteenth street, caru of
Mr. Mann, instead of to the Evening
Ledger, in future. If you telephone
you should telephone to tho Red
If you nre willing to donate your
car for collections telephone or write
the Red Cross.
Moving picture houses nve urged
to assist in this campaign by giving
an admission ticket for each bundle
of paper presented by a child during
the slack hours of the day. One
moving-picture man collected KiOO
pounds of paper last. Saturday.
The clty-wido watto paofr having enm
palcn, founded by the i:vhnini l.nniinn ax
. means of raisins money fur th? Heel
Croon, has now grown to perm.ineney
The Evening Leikiku lini, turned omt
the matter of handling the detullH of the
campaign to the lied I'tos. John O. W.il
Ilck. Philadelphia leprexcntntlvp of the Hill
Pump Company, ha- volunteered to per
fect a permanent organisation for handling
the proposition. The KvnxiNej Lhimer will
continue to give complete publicity to the
movement and to assist In kreplns tlin pub
lie informed of the oventu as prexlouslj
In future all letters reporting p.ipcr for
collection and all telephone mespngc5
should be sent to the Ued fros liojel
quarters, 221 South Klghteenth street. In
order that letters may reach tho right de
partment they should be addressed In cue
of Mr. Mann. This will Insure that they
will be quickly reported so that addresses
will be put on the Hits for the earliest pos
sible collection.
K. II. Phillips, of the t'ommotciul TruU
Company, got Into communication with the
KvKtiKO Leikjkr this morning and volun
teered the use of h tlxe-ton romnierrlal
truck. Ills offer Is a welcome one. a the
question of a sufficient number of trucks
and automobiles Is still a burdensome one
Mr. Phillips has not only volunteered the
use of the truck lie hnn suggested that It
can be u?cd more than ono day a week fiom
now until the time when there nre Mifll
clent ai'lomnhlles mid trucks to take caie
f the situation without calling repeatedly
upon the sain u donors.
Edwin H. Smith, of Ketwln II. Smith A
Co., 101" Frankford avenue, has olun
teercd the use of two of his trucks. Ills
drivers, who ordinarily do not work on Sat
urday afternoon, have volunteered to take
turns driving the trucks In order to nshist
this movement. Mr. Smith, as an Individual
owner of trucks, has set an example ulileh
It Is hoped will be followed by many other
concerns, both large and tmall. There are
thousands of trucks owned by Individuals
and firms In Philadelphia, yet Mr. Smith ii
the first of all the owners to come to the
front In time to assist w Itli next Saturday's
Letters are still pouring in from pcisons
in every section of the city notifying the
lied Cross of collections of paper. A num
ber of persons hae done much for the cause
by organizing their entlio neighborhoods
Into paper-having communities, bringing all
of the paper from tho communit together
at ono house so as to facilitate the collec
tion. Mrs. Fred Balmer. Jr.. 121 G South Peach
(treet, gave an excellent demonstration of
how this could bo accomplished last Satur
day. She had collected about llflO pounds
of paper In the neighborhood of her mother's
home In West Philadelphia, near D824 Trin
ity place. She had nenrl all of the chil
dren In the vicinity helping her with the
collection. She suggested in her letter that
be regretted that she did not lime nioic
paper collected and promised that she
srould have a bigger collection next Satur
day. If every community wou.d profit by
Mrs. Balmer's energetic example the P.ed
Cross could soon feel that its financial situa
tion was secures and tho young men who are
going to Europe to fight tho battles of the
republic could rest assured of excellent Hod
dross attention every day cf their stay
The Kvknim: Leduek has a muslin bag
which was collected in the section of the
city between tho two rivers and, between
Market street and UC00 north, which has
no name marked on It. If the owner will
write the Heel Cross department of the Kve
mwo Lkdocr this bag will be returned by
parcel poBt.
Salute Old Glory and Allies' Ensign
as Ceremony Prior to Begin-
ing Duties
Military preparedness has spread to the
hellhrps of the Hotel Walton. Oreanlied
!? .under
the direction of lieutenant or the
s Joseph Pierce, they drill dally.
very minute of the day.
Tneir orin is somenai uinerent irom
tnat of other military companies. They
answer not to commands of present arms.
?!, rltht face, etc.. but the call of "front" Is
trVJ tltslr signal to present themselves to the
OW"cJk. standing at attention, right arm
4VValft,4 In utlllfA ntt fhv rn,lvfl InulpiipMnru
.-.- .--, ...-., ........... ...... ....,...,
to chow tho gentleman to number .
''?-Ai they come on duty, they assemble In
boys' dressing room In the rear of the
I, march lit single file to the hotel lobby.
it face suddenly and talute the Amerl-
Jsi4 flsg and the flags of her allies, draped
War the balcony facing the hotel lobby.
iJtftsr this beginning of their military day.
, , ))tc lads ''all out" of line and respond to
-'' tlMlr various duties,
.t?v. :
5 '!. -
JBW VOHK, May 17. J, P. Morgan A
announceu tney nao roceiveu a cnecK
;00.000 to be banded to Arthur J. I3al-
U or the British war mission to the
States, with a requesttbat the money
for ths bsnent or the war
' Md orphans of England and Scot
5 Tle contribution -Is given "in loving
Jcrf ttui'late Mr. and Mrs. P. Willis
a was or many years head of
f nulpa. James Co.. of Loadon,
t Co., or, WW Torfc
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Philadelphia representative of the
Hill Pump Company, who has
volunteered to handle the details of
the Red Cross Paper Saving Cam
paign, which was founded and
fostered by the Evening Ledger.
Ten-Year-Old Mute Predicts Her
Own Death and Peace in
N'i:W YOP.K. May 10.
At a meeting or tho hoard of directors of
tho Hank of tho Metropolis, tleiirgo V. Mc
N'eir, the lcc prcldent, relati d a rcinaik
able htoiy of a tcn-yrar-ild girl, dumb
since birth, who i'P"o on her death lied
and predicted the war's end In September of
tills Par. Mr. Mc.N'eir ha Id tho girl was
bom to wealthy patents living Just uulsldc
New Yolk clt.
Three weeks ago the gill fell seriously
III and was put to bed. One day her mother
walked Into tile sick loom Iteming a vaso
of (lowers She ttubliiil her foot against
an irbhtaUe and as-e and fiuwcis fell to the
floor. I'm the (list time In her life tho
c'im spoke. KOing:
"Why, mother, ou have biokcn the ahe
n( hpllled the fioweis."
Tho mother's ai.lonisliment was Indesci lb
able. Physicians nnd specialists were heiit
'or. They ndvlhcd the mother to iepeat the
'ireaking of the as,c, hoping It might pio.
Juce the phenomena The mother followed
.rihtructlons, but tho child did not repeat
iier hpei eh
Two days later the gill railed her mother
into the nick loom. The startled woman
4'ound the child sitting up.
"Mother." said "he, "1 am going to die
ivlthln a lew bouts. I am thankful this
dreadful war will end In September, 1017"
She adjusted her pillow and smilingly
laid her head upon it Two hours later she
a dead from c.iues not usociatcd with
"ier dumbness.
Mouth Wasli-Gargle-Nasal Douche
Pro-l'hy-Tol is a safe and pleasant antiseptic to ute
it i a harmless if swallowed. S
Use II Twice Daily and Prevent Sore Throat,
Also All Teeth and Mouth Troubles
Uncle Sam's Expert Bacteriologist has proven that i
l'ro-Pliy-Tol positively kills all gcrmj.
At All First Class Druggists ?
Pro-PbyTol ProducU Co., 220 Fifth Ave., New York .
Consider for a
such equipment as Continental Motor, Delco Ignition, Stewart
gasoline system, Hotchkiss drive, Columbia axles, Hyatt and
Bock bearings.
Add to these the prestige and efficiency of the Davis organiza
tion, one of the oldest in the industry, and you will understand
the unusual enthusiasm characteristic of all Davis owners.
Car Shown Above I the "Big Six"
7-Pattenger Touring, $1595 Wood Wheels
Pass. Light Sis Touring, $1295, 5 Pass. Club Roadster,
Pais. Club Roadster, $1295. 7 Pass. Springfield Sedan,
Dealers 1ave un unusual opportunity
i,w s-isj-o
Davis ou'ttrra are cortllallu
avail thrmgrlves ot our
BELL MOTOR CO. 613-21 North Broad Street
The House of lllaU rowered Cars
6 Cylinder Continental Motor
Westinghouse electric lights and self-starter, Bosch magneto. Same
units as used in the highest-priced American cars.
MAD IN 2-, 3-, 4-, S-, 7-TON CHASSIS
Fasiam nistrihistni s ... Anjt m.l d. i a.
Iij1 ' - ---,- -s ww - - m
ilfre9ettoHJ0m M Mssa' flcslsk ,1.
nUllV "The
MMn.lt. Wife, . WTOrd
Vltagrnnn. with !''' i'l'nni Mulb Kl0
Mrlvrnintt. Htory '")'lr,,.vrru',,.nd DuKi'."
SfMfll's "Mury Ann pml ths Otana ""
Dlrrttnl ny liuri !'
Peggy Hyland. lJilllfh to hoi n"rl1
but looking. In a blonde wig. for all 1 1 e
world lllui llaby 1'okI.vs. 1 'onl'tj1,!n" "fu,
Peggy II viand, who used to emoto wnii
Sofl'ern in his pathetic attempts before e
camera, essaying fantastic oomedj o
Fairbanks order-that Is -m',',1n,;'1"e"'r.
Tlio combination Is plea'ant, and the pro
ductlon has been Well taken rare of t ita
graph Some stunning Oriental "" '
shown In connection with the harem Into
which thf erotic nohlemat. wants to im
port tlm Amerlc an girl posing a u. Iluw n
dancer. Vcty little that Is MtV marks
these shuts Tho grouplrg IB g"J "
humor of the story Is usually unite a 1 Ittlc
better than good, though occasional
oxerplnys ltelf. and becomes strained n
trend the narratin In melodrama anil face
mixed, the former quantity being often mild,
the latter often bustling and lfnr,y- A
for leaders, Vltagraph Is not taking Itself
as seriously as before. We loam that the
Puke, or whatever ho Is, 'presses Ills suit
while the Iron is hot." Now. If only the
pink tinting could ho eliminated, here would
be u comic feature well woith tho lime and
money of all who llko frothy, weU;P;hmVj
amusement. The end Is a. trlltc feeble, but
the film has the right touch t.t gacty and
HBKB'S Movn: nSOLlfH
"If your arc doubtful as lo whether or
not your real fans Know whom Margaret
llltnnlon I, thru you'd better forget this.
"Hubby itns roliip I" sftoof himself,
thinking lie wiui busted, but when he ur
tired til Ihr office the nett day he Uls.
entered thai faithful oc -ier', pretty
Illanchr, hud smnl Ihr day will, her ten
thou.' "
On the whole, the production una yen
rrnlly llltis."
Lovingly culled from Will's .Voa:lr.
t ..i iim Illimitable and prlciless Mr.
ii,fn,,iiif wim rntm "The llradstrert of 1
riliudnm," thinks we are, as he would say.
not "hep" to his merits, It may be ntldtd
that he not only offers Invaluable aid to
the exhibitor, but constitute.! ono of the
most curious and trenchant llgures In the
plcturo game Ills moUe sense Is astonish
ingly ucutp; his rye for detail sharp; his
sincerity unquestionable. Hut well, Ohio
l.cvtr was Urong on "fine writing"
This Is the day that William S. Hart
becomes a twenty-four-hour Phllndelphlnn.
Tho luce star Is slated tn appear In peron
at the A I nulla and William Penn The
utics, and will be the- guest of honor at
a dinner In the Ilellcvue-Stratford thls-ee-nlng.
Prominent local film people and
photoplav critics will aim) be ptetcnt. It Is
tinileiMnod Hill Is traveling In Ills western
togs, disdaining s.utoilal Huff. Whether
he brings his "little hawss" Kritz or his
funny wolfish dog is not known. At all
hnzaids: howdy. Hill!
The eill'or Is In receipt of an interesting
letter from Mack Sennett, founder of Keystone-,
in which he asks for rilticlsms of
his product. "You arc In a position to hear
more than I, and I always welcome con
structs e comment," he says In effect. If
rendcru can gle uj any tips on the public
attitude townid the brand, they will be for.
warded to Mr. Sennett. who, by the way. Is
in New Yoil. city for a short stay. It's
posslhln he maj Hot oer to Philadelphia.
vnonvci: .votes
Wits who may have noted that II (l i old
Holster is rice president of the General
Mm Company, arc teqursled to restrain
their punsice longing, We already know
nuuio ijimao ;i uill JT
litrltrd to rail on us and
srrvlcu and atntstanre
0 t v f m iiuiui WvMH wWOT
t,HtHui.YtJmem Svsr MTsrW,..
By the Photoplay
H mmmmmmmmmmmsT B! WSBjUm
mmmmsmss. smmmw 'Bii iHIHnOaakv
E, Hl OiillllllHw!Ilflfillr
More people are drinking and serving ginger ale because Clicquot Club Ginger Ale has taught America
what a fine beverage good ginger ale is. You will find it at most fountains, hotels and clubs.
Clicquot Club is made of real ginger and deep-spring water. It has a snap and sparkle, a high carbonation
and guaranteed purity. It is the standard ginger ale of America and there is probably no better in the world.
Good grocers and druggists sell Clicquot by the case
Ginger Ale to the
( ePoJioiSRced Mee-Ko)
Have You Unlimited
Telephone Service
And Do You Use It?
About one cent an hour all the year around is
what the Keystone unlimited telephone costs you.
That telephone can be used as often as you like
without extra charge.
If you do not have that telephone now you ought
to order one today and then give strict orders that
it must be used on every possible occasion.
You'll be surprised at the diminishing amount of
your telephone cost brought about by this unlim
ited service.
135 South Second Street
- " .. i i ' : i " ...
L? if.T.