Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 14, 1917, Final, Page 7, Image 7

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V.r, A t7.ft.V.
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gyjffliyq LfipqRl-pniLADEtipHiA, aroypAY. may u, ioit
As matters stand now, Charles U Steel, Jr.,
of 812 North Forty-first street, son of
tho Uev. Charles h. Steel, pastor of the
Calvary Episcopal Church, nnd Miss Gert
rude II. Schultz, of Allentown, tinve ob
tained their marriage license, nnd will be
married within tho next few days.
Tha' young Phltadelphlan met the bride-to-lm
when she wss ft student-nurso nt the
Allentown Hospital. When they decided to
get married tho hospital authorities stepped
In and told the girl sho could not continue
her course unless the marriage was poit
poncd until nfter her graduation. This vim
Then the war came. .oung Steel did
not want lo be nmong the slackers nnd
would not wed. until he had been accepted
for Government service. He hns been de
tailed nt last ln tho hospital corps and nil
he needs Is n furlough. It Is on Its way.
It Is said. Ho was one of tho football
stars nt Muhlenberg College last year.
- ' 'ii
. j-.."t
Ordered to Movo Before May 15 or
Bisk Confiscation of
Philadelphia piggeries received their flnnl
deathblow today when Mayor Smith refused
tho petition of a delegation from tho l'lg
owners' Association of Philadelphia,
Charles L. Steel, Jr., nnd Miss Gcrtrudo
B. Schultz, of Allentown,
to Wed
Here's a. case of love victorious despite
tho war, hospital rules and other obstacles.
rescind ma agreement by which 11 atgu
gcrles will bo tnkfcn out of the" "city by MV
16. Director of Publla Ttmtth n ra,.. '
Itles. Wllmer K'rusen, who was present nt Wl
tno conferenrn. until IiIm A-. . ... '1
start clearing away the piggeries May it i
and 18. I
,r.m.!! 41
- i "
Bombardnmento Continuato e
Metodico Che Puo Essere il
Prologo della Nuova ,
decisive Contest between
"1 will make plans nt once," he said "in 'P-
raid every piggery that Is proved nnl..n 1 i l
"Chancellor ana r oes luuy
or tnennco to publla health, Tho ownera rZ
eelved final wnrnlnp tnrfnv. ti... ... Wl
" " . iiiusi go," it
S th
a'Kv jVlllv luiHuiiuii
: , '
4 n
i '!
V ft
" l
resignation possible
COI'KNHAClKN', May 14.
The struggle between supporters and op.
J..ntl Clt imperial muii w.. .. .v...
I'B,thmnn-HollcB has reached a critical
mlp iif iirtvtitn ndvlces from
4 ltM accui"'"n " -
? .,.... a ftln(? of forces seems
w Berlin iouj "
finktlv at tomorrow's Itelchstag meeting.
!peril8ttnt reports m. umi ...... ...
?wlke ttn important pronouncement regard.
I for peace it""
i . .i.. ..nitimn Count von Dernstorff.
w in i,tu "
i fcrmer nmbassador to the United States,
'' hs accepted appointment ns German Mln
t . ... cunleti. but ofTlctat announcement
, - , hi, new post has been Inexplicably with-
The circumstances ot this failure, to
fW uinounce llcrnaioru s uiiiiu.ui.iniii. u in
Wf. .... .,ri Hint the former envoy to Wash-
ton Bethm
hrton Is being Broomed to succeed either
iron Bethmann-Hollweg or Foreign Sccre-
I &nfnad.calsI.berals. Social
,1 .... .r.A n.llierents of Maxlmlllnn Harden
ff,. favoring Bernstorff's- replacement of one
H r the otlier oi iuej iu u, ........... u.......
TT...tlnn Indicates Zlmmsrmann, even
Zrk thar Hollwrg. Is objected to by these
elements. ...kimr to retrieve his
. ..nutation, considerably damaged In the
,J Junillns of tho Mexlciin-Jnpauese matter.
r . ..... .......inc. I.. n.....nn Intrlcriin
ty aCnieVHIK Piim-n" ... ............ ......r...
? In ItU'sla. There Is u doubt of the tie-
K, ln . .... ....... ...I.I..I. f.r.. illroptr.il tmvtii'.l
M HUMOUS eiiuiin ............ -..
S Hparato peace with Russia. Zlmmer-
v mann Is consiaiuiy inMiK.umN '"" .-ini-K
elrcumstantlal reports that a Htisslan nr-
'5- -.f)r Is Irniicmllne.
it Bernstorffs friends here declare his se
"flection as the .Stockholm Minister Is nn
K effort by Zlmmermann and his friends to
Mtpt Bcrnstorff out of flic way.
fi . l.ONDOX. May J I
'A Chancellor von Hethinann-HollwcB will
(robably niinoiince the Central rowers'
pce terms m a speech to the Helchstai;
Ktpmorrow, an rxchaiiRi- Tclngram dispaieh
Wtinm Amsterdam asserted today. The
f, Chancellor has Jtwt returned to Hcrlln from
ifeaterles of ronfc'rcnces with olllclals ln VI-
Jwna. rrlnr to tins no went to Herman
!"""" '"' - -.
fl Kaiser-
Other repoils from Oermaiiy, iccrlved
K via Poland. toda indicated that the t'lmn
P cello on Tuesday would mahe a. speech ln
Bthe ItelchstaK. outlining the ccneial ml li
ft tary and political situation, but not cover-
M . r '.. nAnn.. nl...n C...1. ........
Ing ucini.iiin irti?? ...iitn. .-.. ii .. ni. (la
ment will be withheld until .luly, when tho
Reichstag Is to be reconvened, according to
German newspapers.
"I'Sm Believe German Destroyer Raids
ijm t, r" t.- n i
'A. rrusiiji uiK"11L11- vuinesi.
oi r iceis
- i
t' l.ON'nON", May 14.
.a Whether Oennany may bo making le.idy
, to pit her battle fleet against Kngland In
the naval engagement which all Kngland
ft and he world hao looked for since the
jk Itart of the war. Is a question recent
ii destroyer raids hero brought forward today.
J The belief Is strong among naval nu
. f thorltles tlmt theso frequent and apparently
A tlmless destroyer raids on the British coast
k nay be "feelcis out" for such a great sea
tattle. There have been a dozen or more,
destroyer nnd crulsor raids of lato on the
Ylpllloh nniot
v The way the British naval experts look
it It, Germany certainly Is up to some
5 faipe ln rushing her light cruiser squadron
" eut of Kiel and engaging In apparently
futile attacks against defenseless towns
maneuvers which havo Invariably cost her
,. Bore heavilv than the British.
$ The theory on which this hypothesis of
IS, Germany s plan for a great sea battle Is
sj ted Is evolved from the Idea that Ocr-
5 many may be trying to draw tho British
, witchdogs In the North Sea off their guard
K ana distract attention from a major opera
M tlon which they Intend to spring as a sur-
..' Prise. AlSO tho raids ni.iv hn merelv n
t "testing out of the watchfulness of Britain's
u patrols, seeking a weak spot In the naval
fe a.
UOMA. li MaBRlo.
Lc notlzic che si hnnno orr! dalla
frontc Italiana indicano rhc VofTcnsiva
del Rcneralc Cadorna sta per csserc
itilzlata. Lc artiRlicric Bono state at
tivissimc c violcntc nellc ultimo qunran
totto ore su tutta la fronte da Tolmlno
al marc cd i, gross! calibri Bono stnti
implcRati inslcme con I ,5ez7.i da cam
pagna cd il lanciamine,
L'inlziativa dl quest! bombardamenti
I?' stnta presa dagli Italian! c gravl
dannl sono stati apportati allc lincc di
resistenza austriache, speclalmcntc n
sud-est di Gorizia, dove probabllmcntc
si fara sentire il maRRior peso del
1'azione delle fanterie italiane.
UOMA. 14 Magglo.
Ilncessanto duello dello nrtlgllcrle sulla
fronto Italo-austrlnca numenta dl tntenslta'
ognl glomo plu'. A Vienna e' stato an
nunclato cho II duello del cnnnonl duro'
ierl per quasi tutta la notte, ed II generate
Cadorna aununcla die II fuoco dello bat
terle Itallatie ha causato Incendli nelle llnee
nemlche. In ipipsti clrcoll mllltnrl quesla
nzlono piolungata ed lntensa delle artl
gllerie. nella qunle sono Implegatl cannonl
dl ognl c.Uibro. o' intcipretata come II pro
ludlo dl tin movlmento offenslvo da parte
del generale Cadorna.
K' sulle nrldo roccle rtel Carso che si
evolgera' l'orfensUa italiana. sembra, par
tendo da quelle poslzlonl cho II generalo
Cadorna cotuiulhto' nell'anno scorso. 1,'of
feiiHlvn avrebbo 1'oblrtttvo di tagllare
Trieste funrl dello comunicazlonl con VI
enua o l'nltro dl ragglungero I.ublana, e
farwi mnhf-dtie q.iestl oblettlvl cho sono
liitlmamentK legatl. SI prcvedo ad ognl
modo che II gl-nerallsslmo Itallano dovra'
affrontare nn formldablle concentramento
dl forzo austriache, data hi calma che
unetira regna sulle fionti di Oallzla e dl
Ierl iera II .Mmlslero dcll.i Ciueira pubbll
cava II teguente rapporto del generalo
Cadorna circa la siluazlone .ilia fronte Italu
austrlaca: Iattlvlta' iltlle aitlgllerin contiuuo'
normahnenlo nulla j;lornata dl Ierl nolle
koiio della Carnla e del Trcntlno, ma fu
notevolmente. plu' lolenta sulla fronto
lllulla d.i Tolmlno tlno al mare II fuoco
dello nostra batterlo causo' Incendli ed
rsploslonl nelle llnee nemlche, c le liatte
ilo austriache causarono llevi danrl ail
alctinl degll edlllzil ill llorlzla.
Ill comliuttlinentl svoltlsl stille alturn
ad est dl Vertoibizza nol catturammo
una dozzlna dl prlglonlerl, tra cul vn
Aeroplanl nemicl hanno lasclato cadera
bombo su Isola Mormoslnl ed altro loca
litii" della bausa valle dell'Isonzo, uccl
dendo un borghese.
I nostri ldroaeropl.ini hanno rlnnovato
11 bombardamento della base di nvla
zlone nemlo.i dl Prosecco, a nord di
Trieste. Duraulo un combattlmento
aereo notturno sopra Gorlzla I nostri
uvlatotl abbntterono una inr(cchliia
Da Ztli'i Mundann die II Ministern della
(itierra austrinco ha nnnunclalo che lungo
tutta la fronto dl battaglla tra Tolmlno
cd il marc gll llullanl sono stall attivl con
le attlgllerle o con lo mncchlne lancla-mlne.
II fuoco della batterle Italiane duro' per
tutta la notte p contliiua ancora, annuncla
Vienna ihe ngglunge che le batterlo austrl
aihn rlspoiidevnno clllcaccmcnte.
Notizle dall'AJa dicono che nel clrcoll
pailamentaii tedeschl corre voce che II can
celllero BDthmaiiii-lIollweg si e' recetao
recall al quartlerc generale tedesco per
offrlre le prorlo dlmisslonl al kaiser, dl
mlsslonl che pare non slano stnto nccettate.
Questo passo sarebbo slato provocato dal
l'linposslblllta' dl reslsjerc alio prcsslonl che.
egono al cancelllere dal conservator! o
dal radlcall, 1 prlmf protestando contro lo
rifonne che bono .stnto raccoinandato dal
comitato generale del BckhstuK ed 1 secondl
domandano l'attuazlono inunedlata 'delle
SI dice che II kaiser. I conservatorl ed
I militarist I sono iillaninrtlnlml per quanto
ha dcclso II Belchstag. e che von Hinden
burg d' speclalmento Infurlato per II fatto
cho II llelehslag tenia dl guadagnare un
certo conlrollo sugll nffarl dl ordino mill
tare. 11 kaiser ha inltiacciato dl chludero
la sesslono del Belchstag, conslcche' II
l.ivoro coiupluto dal comitato generale
dovrehbe cssere rlfatto quando sarebbe con.
vocata la nuova sesslone. Betlimann-Holl-weg
era contrarlo a questo provvedlmento a
animonl' 11 kaiser circa le conseguenze. Ora
si sa cho II cancelllere fara un dlscorso
domanl davantl al Belchstag.
Low enough in front to be
comfortable, high enough
in back to be correct in
style. "RipwoocTis -the collar
for warm days.
St., Mr
15 cent
Collars I
fflie bet Sivle is your Style
IL 'lw
Universal Service of
United States Tires
Common sense proves that no one type of tire can give supreme results on
all types of cars,
any more than one size of uniform will fit every soldier In the army.
That is why the United States Tire Company produces five different, dis
tinct types of tires,
one for every need of price and use,
the 'Royal Gora", the 'Nobby' Tread, the 'Chain' Tread, the 'Usco' Tread
and the 'Plain' Tread.
One of the five is exactly the tire to give you the lowest possible cost per mile.
The United States 'Royal Cord' Tirethe
Monarch of All Cord Tires
The 'Royal Cord' is incomparably the cord tire of supreme resiliency and
elasticity, of endurance and toughness, of low mileage cost, of anti-skid service,
of beauty and distinction.
It is built on scientific principles which are In complete accord with tho
laws of nature and the facts of experience.
So nearly perfect is the service which 'Royal Cords' arc giving that the de
mand for them is straining our factories to their capacity.
We assert not merely with confidence, but witli absolute knowledge, that
the 'Royal Cord' is the supreme type of cord tire construction and service.
The 'Nobby' Tread the Aristocrat of the Road
The 'Aofefiy' Tread is the acknowledged master of woven fabric tires in
general anti-skid and mileage-giving qualities.
It is not anywhere nearly approachable by any other tire made In all of
those qualities of tire service which you and every motorist demand.
Look at the long and honorable record of the 'Nobby'. Tread you will
find that it corresponds with these facts about the tire:
that it is the supreme antiskid an examination of the remarkable
tread design makes that evident;
that it gives a low mileage cost that has put the 'Nobby' in a class apart;
that its amazing sales increases are a daily demonstration of tho amount
'make-good" which is packed into the construction of the 'Nobby'.
It is the one woven fabric tire which has neither peer nor superior.
Then there are-
-the Chain,' the 'Usco,' and the
'Plain' Treads
Each of these three, as with the 'Nobby' and tho 'Royal Cord,1, serves
a particular purpose of its own.
Ijach of the three stands for the most that can be got out of a tire of its
particular uses.
Service is crowded Into their design and structure just as in tho 'Royal
Cord' and the 'Nobby' Tread.
Each was designed to do a certain thing and to'do that thing superlatively
While a versatile man Is no doubt very admirable, the specialist is the man
to depend on.
Each of the five United States Tires Is a specialist in its service.
Get the United States Tire designed specially to suit your needs, and you
are bound to obtain the absolute maximum of service.
Any United States Tire Sales and Service Depot is competent to advlso you
as to which one of tho five is yours.
And, depend upon it, when the dealer gives you the advice, ho does 60 be
cause he knows.
because, being an expert and wanting to give you and us the best possible
Bervlce, he will see to it that he makes no mistake. '
Proof of the Universal Service of United States Tires
The proof of everything lies In results.
United States Tires are giving satisfactory results to tho automobile owners
who use them.
And the automobile owners who once use United States Tires are continuing
to use them,
and, because their low tlre-malntenance cost becomes known, other
automobile owners in vast numbers are becoming United States lire users.
All of which is summed up in this blgfact,
the tremendous and amazing sales increases of United States Tires.
Motorists buy, and continue to buy, in ever increasing numbers only be
cause United States Tires give better service than can be obtained elsewhere.
United States Tires
Are Good Tires
Tfnnrtl Cnrd'
'Usco' & 'Plain
A Tire for
Every Need
of Price
and Use
United States TUBES and TIRE ACCESSORIES Hate All the
Sterling Worth and Wear that Make United States Tire$Supreme
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