,'(," LB V L' ?JUST GOSSIP Eff r More Plans Are Under Which Will Take jVlace Story of What to Tj.. IT Isn't "ne lenellt It's nnotlior tlicso days, and naturally many of us nre Inter lr.ied In the ltlttenlioitso Siuarc Klower Market, which Is to tako nlacc on Mav 23. m ai tho most icccnt mcethiK held dnrliiB the week by the committor, nn nrmnr.... l BicnW, the heads of the various booths reported much troBress In the completion If- of the. detail work, while with few exceptions nil reported thu list of their aids for f. the various ncparunvnn. IV. Mrs. Mil Kirk Price H clinlrimiu of IS Mrs VV. Howard I'nncont,t. Mrs. Thomas IS irhnmnM Itol.erts Is chairman of IY "v .... ..... .... ir .. ,.ni. rimti urn. Willi .us. ( Ut mm "' -- S Henry (' "oyer nH f-eerctnry and Mr. Htncy Uoytl ns Hens' urcr. Other member of this committee Include Mrs. Charles Jt T. Crcssweli, .mis. .mini v.. i Oroomc. Mis. H. c. ivramnniuir, t f Arthur 12. Newbotd, Jr., ffiR? Mm! Keeil Morgan, Mrs. (looigo vmffl Stuart Patterson, Mm, J. Wll M nam White. Mrs. Jimm M. Will i eox amf Mrs. Edward. V. F.ok Mrs. ItnlilnsH nootn win roprc. IK. .... Iho Chilli Federation. Hut- r Kit, ..." - K tr and eggs will lie Included In i ... ,. ,.. .,.,.. .,- tl;o niticios I or wilt; in mis no partment. The aides Include Mrs. John (I. Clark, Miss Helen llel'licr. Mr. Hodman 15. (Iris com. Mrs. Henry S. drove, Mrsi Samuel MoOllntnek Hiunlll, Mrs. Thomas Learning. Mrs. llnratlo 0. Lloyd, Mrs. Howard Long, itreth, Mrs. C II. Ludlngtrin, Mrs. Norman Muol.eod, Mrs. i, Arthur K. Newborn. Jr., .Mis. ? Ceorpo Stuart TattelTon, Mrs. .1' Kdrar T. Scott, Mrs. Iloiaco 13. II Smith, Mrs. Alfred StonRcl and Mr. James M. Wlllcox. Another Interesting booth, rhlch will be under the direction of Miss Sophy Cadwilader, will represent the Society of Llttlo Gardens. Miss t'ndwnladcr will bn assls-tel by Miss Kmlly I'.ar. clay. Miss Harriet Drayton, Mrs. 12. I,. Lea. Mrs. John Cad Tialartcr. Jr. Mrs. T. J. Jeffries, Mis. Forrest X. SKlce, Mrs. W. 0. flhoads, Mrs. I-'rederlck Graham and Miss Caroline PInkbr Potted plants, garden tools and Indoor boxes will bo .J told at this booth. Tlie Society ef I.lttlo t!:n dens' Is composed of main hundred members who eultivato small (aniens or city ,nrds. Booth Xo. 1! will represent the Garden Club, with Mrs. T. Henry Dixon as chair man, assisted by the following aides; Mrs. Franklin Pepper, Mrs. Marshall P. Morgan, Mrs Francis 1. (lowen, Mrs. Robert I!. (ilendennlnR and Miss Kmlly Foy, With Mis. Sidney V. Keith at llooth Ho. 2 will be Mrs. John W. Pepper, Mrs. Kdnard P.. Cassntt, Miss Julia lierwind, Mis. Thomas I.eamliiR. Mrs. Archibald Bailslle. Mrs John Packard, Mrs. .1. H. Hutchinson, Mrs. Isaac Starr, Mrs. rhlllp Uhlnelander. Miss Haclio. Miss Kato llohortsun and Miss Margaret till) Ion. .Mrs. J Itldceway Iteilly and Mrs. Francis K Walnwiisht will be nt Iiooth --- 1 ..... . ..t ..... SJJ'o. 4, assisted by Mrs. Isaac Hobor R, Mrs. (!. Iliinton ltobcrts, Mrs. Wall Hoborts, Iter f.F'julke, Mrs. Howard Weaver, Mrs. Hob 1 trt b'ewell, Mrs. John Dennlston and Mrs. S. Iioyci Davis. 1 Tho lemonade booth will bo under tht. i management of Mrs. Denjamln West Frazle:', Mrs. Samuel Henderson nod Mrs. ' Bamuel K. Reeves. 1 AH'NXV thliiK happeneil In tlermani , rVtown a few days iiro, when ono of tho most attractive of the younf- matrons whose prematurely pray hair Is always I a thing of beauty and a joy forever, after X having had a shampoo and a wave and before putting on her hat, went to tho window of tho hairdressers' shop to look for her car. She stood quite still, looking In vain for the motor, when two women en- ;f tered the shop and eeluK Mrs. turn from tho window, fairly gasped. "Oh!" they said, "you looked so pretty and your hair was mi perfectly done that we thought Sou were part of tho window decoration." Hardly had my little friend recovered from her shock when, overhearing tho COnVerSatloil. Ilin ni-nhflnti ft,-,, .nncnrl n.l ; rubbing his hands in French faMilon said ijt quite seriously, "Any time Mrs. ui como ann poso in my window for mo I will pay her her own price. Her hair, U Is beautiful, and always stays Just . here I put It. It Is, Indeed, a credit to ray shop," "Well," she confided to lier husband kter, "if you have to go to war and our Mocks stop paying dividends, nt least I Mi earn tho family salt." ' NANCY WYXXi:. Personals Mrs. Itatilnntit, !.- ..,.!, .1..., - If dlnn.. 1 .' ' '""" WJJUU KHVP R' ,. , . cvc,lng nt her home In Uryn fi K u nor or Nr- nlll Blr' Stevens y, --"""Hi wnoso murriago was a recent I Dr. nnd Mr, ii.,Hn r.,.- 1 . 1 II S ..?.". fnr n musical on Sunday. May Fn. , lr "omo ln Itadnor to hear Miss tneen Jones, of Plttbburgh, play. W Mr, and Mis. Frederick C. Stout, of Ard UV. ""re, entcriiiliip.i i i.,o i.. , Iv, Cricket C? ,COB,umo ,,anc0 nt tn0 Merlon m' Itlrh!Js.,.hose Prei,(,nt wero Mr. and Mrs. ' rj.! r.M!.Ncly. Mr. and Mrs. Kano S. I' .- ,; nnu s,rs- Norman K. Conder- VI Hn. ,, 1 . '" ' 'oo, ir, nnu Airs. I1 SSut ifju,!,, rnZ'Cr ttnd Mf' "na MrH- JllrlrFA "lit 1 1.1 I. y.r. vnunni i'. Ferguson nnd Mrs. I1 i'.?S?on announce the engagement of their M,,' 'MlBS (Jrac Ferguson, to Dr. Don ' Munro, of this city, formerly of lloston. . lr". QUIIICV A nillmnr. 1,. l.t. fj.Zr! at I';,rt Nfnirra.'N. v.. and will move L'.Jr er? "n ,Mnday. Mrs. Wharton Slnkler, K ' nss also taken a house at Fort Niagara. Mr. Anil Kf.n n .1 T. tt,,i. v "" uen jivans nave ciosea .neir house n mm !,.... . . .. iveu to their country place at Devon. KMu.'S'' n."'8, Horac . Smith and tho "" Smith will Iirv thn ni(.i,n.- r J-1 y l,ave ,,een ,0Pnlng for the last C.. m '-ana R0 thB cr" of the week to MP May fop tho ijummer. fiJIrm,e5 atrttdllng, of Eaaton, la spend i $"era' daya nt the University Club. h M.a;rthur.Atwater Ke"t. of Rosemont. "Pending a few dayaln New York. v?'a Pha.rl." harpless Jones, of 418 iii.Xi. . i 'louso Ianei oermantowii, left mkZr. Qr. ua'tlmore, where she will rwio aauEhtern. Mm. Llovd firimih n and Mrs, William Bullock Water-' mw J-ooBraa wa Miss Marlon Jones ?. EVENING "MEBHILADEIiMrA, AURDAY, ii&Y'v:iiN ABOUT PEOPLE ' !Saga ENOUGH TO SUPPLY THE DEMAND - Sifcjf ?R KJKST S?" rTHl . m,. t,I?? 5"' M.r" Charles Morrison, . ..iy.rrflirjirti....i,, . . lawless. Yet 1 could not drive wholly from LilM -"ffl Way for Flower Market, LFSj'i" eiaSlIXB,. TOSW'.rnS irTT n TT. on a t-x'i i it. i Ewhu? .',", ' ," ' ,iii 'WrAJ'i'7yVf7Mm'AWyvt ', i'''y7S'i . RIIMl '" h" ptensuro yncht of n million .I" aW.'W May 23 A Delightful H,lc '" 'Mlrlnni 1,ml1 nml "'"' K'lnn 'S1W''?X '. V'iyM, ."". The ,,utwird change was so great my I MA T- a. . W f t 'J J ft 4 J SJ. 'J VIA 7 SIifJI f tJ.. JJi jjT.'sJ f.f.t. I. fi J . yVAAi,. . Ss . una imi 1 ill IT KlnniF lliv l"if' ! H M M jrf.M i-'W uail XJlDt; X1 clllb . The t-prlnir infiUltiff f ilio N'orthwrM Uff'?, 7 W 7 !C w. f VMtM fifo f ' Vjt ,inw .niii .....ri,i 1 if iMnncr. Vulmn ; I 1"V It I I 1j r lil.l. .. . llfJfW'S '' W f 't'j Vi '.ft, "'.'. SJAit 'tf.s 1 ' f ' V' ?', IIP Un lint In ..l.llt IK. tiltt,P i n n lift the executive commltteo and Is ns!si,.,l l.v Wwyn and Mrs. J. Willis Martin, while .Mrs I'luito by ItiM'hnicli, MISS AGNKS HROCKIK Misa Urockie is the tlauchtcr of Mr. and M.rs. William Gray Wnnlcn. . She has been traveling in the West, hut is expected to return in n few days. nnd Mrs. Wateimaii was Miss Katherlne Jones bcfure li,-r marriage a few weeks ago. Mr. and .Mrs. riiarles Lawrence. 3d. of Last Atlantic and Jackson avenues, Mng ncilla. N. .1.. will be at home this month. Thrlr wedding took ulace Mnrch 7. Mrs. Lawrrnro will bo remembered ns Mips Flor ence liable, of this rlty. Dr. nnd Mrs. Cenrge F linker, of tld Oaks, Itosemont, are spending a week at l.dgcmrre, their plRr In I.nkewood. Along the Reading Tlie annual !)tiKiniv mnntin n...i luncheon given by tho Jenklntown Choral ( luh will bo held on nonda, Mny 21, at the Old York Hoad Country ('lull. The members of the Old Vnrk Hond ountry Club will hold nn Informal dance In the club ballroom this evening. Germantown Mrs. .lames Moser. .Miss Alice Ferrv, Mls Marie Crocsiii nnd Mr. Hubert Moser. of llnzleton, Pa., motored to this city recently and nre the guests, of Mrs. Catherine Mc lilone, of West Chelten avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Hurk Kstnlirook. .".IS Wet Johnson street, arc spending n month In Newark and the New Knglnnd States, Miss Until Klnenhower. of Fpjal street will leae today for New York, where she' will attend tho wedding of Miss Miriam Spiers nnd Mr. Cordon McNeil, which will take place next Wednesday. Dr. nnd Mrs. KiHvnrd F. ICamerly. ,Tr 31 West rpniil street, will entertain At dinner followed by cards and an Informal daneo this evening. The guests will Includo Dr and Mrs. lleibert Payne Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwnril H. Mason. .Mr. nnd Mrs. John M. Hubbs. Mr. nnd Mis. John M. Dorrlss. Mr. and Mrs. F. o. Flnkerton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurley Paneoast and Mr. and Mrs uarrison i,. rolls West Philadelphia Mrs. Albert II. Othsner nnd her son. of Knstover. Vn.. are visiting little Mrs ochsner's pnrents. Mr and Mrs. William W. Flske. nt 3103 Hamilton stiect. North Philadelphia Miss Klluabcth Cundey, of 3140 Clifford street, gave a luncheon today at her home. Spring (lowers and ferns formed the deco rations. Miss Pearl Fulls, Miss Marian Vnlsloy, Miss Katharine liawicy. Miss Mir iam Humphreys, Miss Marian Moss, Mlsa Jane Czarnecko and Miss Helen Wcndcl wero tho guest?, , Tho Christian Ivndeavor Choir of the Ann Carnilchael Momorlal Presbyterian Church will sing tho cantata "Ituth and Naomi" on Tuesday evening. Mny 15. In tho church auditorium, Fifth street and Krle avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Klmer Hall, Jr., have returned from their honeymoon trip and are nt homo nt 4689 North Sixteenth street. Tho brldo was Miss Martha I.ockhart, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs, Isano Loekhart, of 2737 North Thirteenth street. The wedding of Miss tlecipin Meherman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S, I.leberman, of 1013 Not th Thirty-third street, and Mr. Joseph It Sherman, of Atlantic City, will tako placo on Tuesday, June 12, at the home of the officiating rabbi, the Hev. Dr. Mar. vln Nathan. The at-home cards aro for nfter July 1 nt 110 Atlantic avenue, Atlantic City. J The Christ Church Choral Hocloty has been organized In Tioga with Mr. Henry Peltz, president; Miss Agnes Simpson, secre tary, and Mr. Harry Kennedy, treasurer. This musical club Is to .bo a neighborhood organization, open to all who ore Interested In choral work. The members will meet on Monday evenings In tho parish hall of Christ Protestant Kplecopal Church, Sixth and 'Venango streets. Mr. D. Arthur Horn bold Is director nnd Mr. Newell Robinson accompanist. Rehearsals aro being held for a summer concert. Mr. John Carroll, of 1712 North Tark nvcnuo, will soon leave for France, The members of the Tioga fluslness Men's Association gnvo a dinner Inst night at their headquarters, 3543 Oermantowii avenue. In celebration of the granting of their charter ob n business men's associa tion seven years ago. Mr. Wilbur If. Zim merman, tho president, was tonstmaster, Mr. Harry Smith, chairman of the enter tainment committee', Messrs. John at. dross, J, A. Mclntyre, Edgar A. Hobson, B. C. Snyder, Jr.., and Kdward Mllllngton were among those taking part. The music was In charge of the glee club of the as sociation. Roxborough Miss Elizabeth Schofleld entertained last vnln at her horn. 430 Manavunlt n. nue. Her gueata, Included Mr. George fiarida. finnt si HnMui i,.iA f t,i.itn.ini..i.iu ui be held in the First llaptlst Churrh. Oreen lane, Manayunk. next Tuesday afternoon and evening, Mr . H, Wlndlsch, the president, will preside, nnd the afternoon Program will Includs a devotional service "V the llev. W. A Crawford, pastor of the ehuteh; addresses by the P.ev. Dr, C. II. Vtoolstnn, "The Art of Illustrative Teach big : the Uev. Dr, l.uther De Yoc, "Tho Josll)iluir of Moving Pictures In Church Vnrk"; llrlgadler Andrew Crawford, of At lanta. f!a . "dpen-AIr Work." Supper will be seixed from r,:30 to 7 o'clock by the Ladles' Aid Society. In the evening the llev. W. II. homey will have chnrge of the de, votlonal service, and the nddrcss will be riie New Unfa'an Challenge to Mapllst." n.y the llev William Fetler. of Petrograd Short messages will be given by the repre sentatives from the churches hi the uni.m. The llev w. U. Forney Is vice president; the llev. 11. L. NVwklrk. secretarv i Ml. ,1. II. Cope, treasurer; the llev. Dr. Charles I,. S-eashnlen. chairman of tepresentntlve. nnd the llev. Dr A. r. Applegnte. chairman of tlie executive committee The nuxlllnrv board Includes Mr ( W. Pierce. Mr. W. K tlopkin. Mr. Harry H. Illnkln, Mr. Henrv Oeste. Mr. Itnhert Lees, Mr. C. A. Currier. Mr. (i. S. Tlpplu, Mr. John W. Ilarmer, Mr Harry Kulp. Mr, Walter Dletrlck. Mr. rank A. Hltze, Mr. Anthony Wetherlll. Mr. Kdward Pole. Mr. J. Cope. Mr. J. C. Humphreys. Mr. H H. Cooker. Mr. Norman Davis nnd the Hev. p. II. Mover. r "I Weddings wiucsut cahpi:nti:ii Another war wedding took place on the Main Line this afternoon, when Miss Eleanor S Carpenter, daughter of Dr. nnd Mi John T. Carpenter, became the bride of Mr. William i'iixp Wright, son of Mr and Mrs. William Townsend Wright, in SI. Mary's i:p.seop:il Church, Wayne, nt I i clock Tlie IJnv John 11. Townsend, of SI. John's Church. Camden, performed the cereinon . The bride wore a gown of while tulle over soft white satin, trimmed with pearl trimming, with a long court train and tulle veil nnd rairied a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. She was given In marriage by her brother. Mr. John Thomas Carpenter. Jr., nnd was unattended The bridegroom's best man was his father. Mr. William Townsend Wright, nnd the ushers were Mr. Lfster Armour, Mr. oscur II. James Mr. Archibald Uraham Mellwnlne. Jr. Mr. S. Whitney Dickey. Mr. Mnynard bllson, of New York: Mr. Charles (! King, of Providence. H I.; Mr. Sanders.. n Cnshmati. Albany. N. V ; Mr. Arthur i'. Ci linden, St. Louis; Mr. Holi er! S. Holder. Vermont; Mr. Hlchard llarte. Mr. John Van Pelt and Mr. Andrew K. T. Van Pelt. A small reception followed tha ccie niony at Hose Cottage, the home of the bride, in Itadnor. Mr. and Mis. Wright will left for Newport. 11. I., where tliev have taken an apartment. Mr. Wright will be on duty In the naval reserve. COOI'HH STETSON The marriage of Ml.ss Anita Stetson, daughter of Sir. and Mrs. James N". Sletsoil. to Mr. Andrew Allgood Cooper, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. .1 Paul Cooper, of Home, On . took place today In Hie Church of St Luke and the Epiphany, on Tlili tcenth street above line The Hev David M. Steele, rector of tlie church,' performed the ceremony at 12:30 o'clock Aliss Elizabeth Van Duseu was the maid of lienor nnd the bridesmaids In eluded Miss Isabel Urockie Stoughton, Mrs Donnld Kelt. Miss Katherlno Potter nnd Miss Louise Nowiand, of Wilmington, Del. Mr. Cooper had Mr. II. Chase Tatnall as best man and bis ushers Included Mr. II. Cordon Hw-lng, of Baltimore; Mr. Mnik A. Cooper and Mr. Frederick S. Cooper, of Home. Oa. ; Mr. Paxton ltobcrts, Mr. Fred eric II. l.eidy nnd Mr. Joseph Van D. Stet son. I.lttlo Miss Mary .Meigs, n cousin of the bride, was flower girl. A reception for tho families an dlntlmate friends only followed the ceremony. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will live In Home. Oa. W E INT HA U II SC 1 1 Wl IT. Announcement Is made of tho marriage r.f Miss noitlui Schwartz, daughter of the lato Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz, of 2148 North Twenty-eighth street, to Mr. William II. Welntraub, son of Mr, A. Welntrauh. of 13,1 Manton street at the home of the llev. Mr. Partnoff. 1300 South Sixth street, on Wednesday evening. May 9. The btlde was given in marriage by her uncle, Dr. Davis, and attended by Miss Edith Ileinstelu as maid of honor nnd Miss Oeitrude Shaw as flower girl. The blidegioom was accompanied by Mr. Charles llernsteln as page and .Mr. Seymour D. Hums as best man. After the ceremony a luncheon for the Immediate families was served at tho home of the bridegroom. The couple left for a few weeks' stny nt Atlantic City. MISS DOROTHY GHEENEBAUM Tho engaRoment of Miss Greene baum to Mr. G. Gould Hirich was announced yesterday by Misa Greencbaum'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greenebaum, of 2827 ruTK. avenue. 1 K-Ztg. -Zw t if e f ts f . .. ' j v 1 1 v .x.i .v j tuv t 1 , erjisjfj. wsHlrfl I mwi-mKk. f'AirlKM I .If" l'liblishliiE riimp.in !! ,rnt d In Fp",inl nrrnncnnnt. Lawyer You say you can brinu; witnesses to swear that they were in n rov.hoat with you nt the time the horse was stolen. How niu'ny can you brinu? Prisoner Well, sor, ni kin lirinfj as many ns the bont'll hould. CONTRABAND A Uomance of tho North Atlantic Hy RANDALL I'AKKISII Tin; stouy Tiir.s r.i: , CAPTAIN UK II.MI11 11(11. 1, I. of III- Atl.lB Line, who i-tlr.'il from mitIc.' when his fsther. owiit nf lh ronit.in.. died nnd h-fl nlm it smill fnrlun.. In ,u f a iitimt., r nf ltuls on Iw.iril th.' Mirlil Hsin-niliii. owned l.v iJrrtncton. ropp.-r ktnn and million. ill,, of Npw York Vl:ilA CAItltlN'tilllS. the nillllnn.llre'H tilnpteen-reHr.nlil ilstiirhtfr. linn l.rdieil a petty nffiter of tlie v n, nt t,, n.-i rel, h.T oa iMi.-ir.l Tho MtrMIni: inri Is als',iitl' Us Iksmiis.. CnrrtiiKion lino s tiusineH ,.u'in.. In inlnd II" wnnls to rnrner the copper market l.t'r.iui'e of the (Irent War llollls ,lii,enerH Vera one lilKht without knewitk' Iter lil,ntit. l.ut prma ls to keep her Beer, t tltlttl the rrilft Is one ihv out trt e.i, when Ihe nlrl Is to dl-cluK.' her prenenre. I'l'.lt(ll s Mrt'ANN. .1 nillllon.ilre. MIrMIv known to llnllle. Is nnnth.-r Client Tho second nUhl nut a trump ste.inier wrerke the ynrht All hut Ihtllls. 'er.i and MlM'flnil lire Itsved Mild plek 'd up h the lin.lt 1 1 oil le, foreee MH'nnn to h"l hlni hhernte the Cll I loekei! u n MHternnm 'III.- thr, e ttl'tl esenpe In the lt?ht ilnr ir.iUltiK frntn Ihe elern id tun Mlel.t The third nlisht nut th. slchl li er.ifl. Ihe Indian thief, nf Philadelphia nhhh i.ikes theni on hoard when It Is learned th.it llnllls inn imvinnte Hie Imut. The Indt.lll I'lllet Is In n plthitde rmillllna havlns h-en wrriked Itl a storm. The U'esel 1 Intoled to ttle hntrhes with n ,-iri.i nf munlllniis nf w.ir inlisinned In llniuhn-M 111 1 I.I l II.W'OM, the nntier nf the ehlp (ills Ktnke, Ids entire f.irtlllie 111 the entlire Tpiin Its surrrss depends his flllure. nnd (hat nf Ids mntlier. Ill rillliidelphln. When Vera reei'nlx.i's llnseotn us nn nld I'.ilai Iteaeh mounintanre. she ures llnllls to luke entn ninnil of the ship nnd run It Into lluinlmrg. Ilnsenm Is a cripple ss the result nf a HhM.uitoC nrtnlr In which Mif'.itui. In a Jnnluus r.iue. tlrid nt hlni lla-cnni, linw.ArT. was Innnrcnt ,if auv rntnnllclty wph the wnninn. llollls tskrs rnnim.-ind nod , hnoses I.e.,. vord. os Ids llrst mate and Olson, ns -, nnd mule, lie then le.irns that Mii'nnn hns In formed lh crew of the war. nnd Is spr, nd ln iiinney and iilnrhniH i.rnnllses nnirmix the men If they land liltn s.lfelN a( fill American MrOnnn Is made a prisoner to kerp him nway from Ihe irew. hut onlv fnr a short while, ns the men nuillnr under the lender shin nf l.lverponl nnd White nlld enpture llollls, l.enyord and (llon. (II API Lit XMI Cniitlliiiril Tins The HIS discovery vanished the last doubt. The men won and were In fnil posses sion. Whatever had beeji tlie fate of tho others, of l.enyord, Olson, Masters. Ilaseom or niiv remaining loyal; whether they were dead or nlhe. they had been rendered help, less. Fergus Mi'Cnuu was In control by lituc of bis money, and bis chosen lieuten ants wele Liverpool lied and Jim White. What their object might prove remained to he learned but they must seek some ob scuie poll or nn,!!!. safe spot for shipwreck, sacrificing everything else to their own Kitfetv mid to accomplish this they must use mo. Lord! I grlppped that Idea strongly enough, my brain clearing as I teiillzed the Important part I must still iisumn In this odd sea tragedy Perhaps 1 could not save tho Indian Chief, lint there was hope yet that I might bo Instrumental In juesenlug the lives of those wjiom my carelessness had Imperiled, it would have to be wit I must rely upon not weapons or ploslcal strength. I must meet tliesn scheming vil lains with u clear head and a carefully thought-out plan There was water In the chocks of tlie Iron washstand, and I bathed my face, scrub bing as best 1 could the congealed blood from my hair. The wound on my head had bled freely, but was not serious, and the application of cold water lessened the pain and helped to restore my faculties. A line breeze swept In through the open port, and I sat down on a stool to gather together In my mind, every detail which might prove of future value. I was still sitting there, hut by then niert and ready, when a key turned ill til. lock and tlie door was cau tiously opened. McColm's face appeared In the opening, but his eyes were- upon thn bunk, nnd ho failed to nliserrf me whom I sat beyond the desk. He took a step within, still staring at tho rumpled blankets, nnd I had a gllmpso of the cnflanied countenance of Liverpool Just beyond bis shoulder. "Hell's flro!" ho ejaculated In startled voice, "Tho fellow's not here; he's got nway !" Hed laughed and pushed past, but still blocked the way with his great body. "Oot away! Where could he havo got to with tho door locked? He's here, all right." I stood up and faced the two, the desk still between us, but took tho precaution to grip tho stool by one leg. "I am certainly present," I said coldly, "If your reference Is to me ; but I advise you both to keep your dlstnnco. I'll brain Ihe ilrst mnn who attempts to lay hand on me." ;ed must have felt the challenge of my words, and I could tell ho wns In liquor by tho vivid flamo of his face. An oath broke from his lips. "You trlod that before; 'twill pay yer to bo civil now." "There wefo pome of your ragnmulllns who tasted the weight of my blow," I answered, "and I only hope it may bo your turn next, you dirty dog of a mutlnear." "You'll git no chance to ever break yer stool on me, damn yer." ho roared, Jerking a. revolver from his Jacket. "Do yer seo that? Well, we've got the ship " McCann grasped Ida sleeve, . "Let up on that, Hed," ho said shortly, his voice having a tone of command In It which surprised mo. "We didn't come here to beat, Hollls up, but to talk with him, This la my game." The other did not resist, only to mutter behind Mb teeth. Tho gun still glistened In hla hand, but I felt no fear of the fellow, and returned tho stool to the deck. "Tell me what you mean, nnd be brief nbout It." . , McCann'a eyes met mine, and I read In them uncertainly. He was not yet quite mm thst he had my measures liow far I would resist, or what form my opposition would take. Perhaps for the moment money did not seem to him quite so important a weapon ns lie had found II elsewhere. "I'm sniry the crew beat you up the way they did," he began apologetically "They ntc a lather rough set " "Don't wnsto your lime over that," 1 Interrupted In disgust. "I can deal with an out-and-out fighter, nnd still respect him. but your kind only engenders disgust. Thero Is no low. loHt between us, Fergus McCann. so stale your purpose plainly, and without lying." "Hy Ood! T ".:." he snapped, "and I'll put It straight enough tills time to satisfy own you The only tcasnn I don't let LlM'ipool hill you Is that you are more val uable in me alive. f'e hated some In my time, hut there never wns a cur I despised win so thnn l do you." "Thanks." I snld quietly, 'i ntu honored." "And more than that, I pay my debts." his temper now entirely ruined by' mv pre tense at Indifference. "So I ndvlso you to keep a civil tongue In your head you're no longer In command of this ship" I smiled at (lie two nf them, calmly sitting down on the siool. It was not certain yet what hand I held, but determined to play he cards coolly. "So you fi'llowH are In control; and you come to me now with some sort of proposi tion. All right ; what Is it?" "We need a navigator for a few days; one who will lay out tho course wo decide on." "And I nm the only one nn hoard." "Vim are b rnr the most competent," he confessed. "Hut you need not think from that we ate helpless without you. I have no doubt I could figure ln matter out falily well if I had to, nnd 1 nm perfectly aware Hint Miss C.irilngton possesses some knowledge of navigation. I imagine you might piefer doing this yourself rather than having her compelled to show her pro .Ilclency." "Whole Is Mis, Canlngtnn?" "In her own stateroom; I havo not seen her since we took possession of the ship." "And Ihe others tl.iscnni and the iff llceis?" .'"liiey'ro all right," broke in Liverpool, "except for some sole heads. We downed tlie owner and tho second mate easy, but I.eajiiHl and the engineer made some tiniihlo and had to be soaked. We got 'em all quiet enough now, whero they can't make any trouble." "Where are they confined?" lie winked at mo In a half-drunken leer. "Which Is none o' er business hey, Mr. McCann?" CII W'TLIt Will A Compromise rpHE Impudent manner of the follow X served to fully awaken mo to a realiza tion of the helpless position I occupied. Only n consciousness of absolute power would give, him liberty In speak like Hint; and It as Instantly flashed over me that If I would save tho ship and give these others on board an opportunity nt escape, tho only possible chance lay In an apparent yielding. I held back tlie first hot retort on my lips nnd forced a smile. "I get tlie IdeiL" I snld, pretending u good nature I was far from feeling. "I nm to merely work under orders. Well, I'd rather do that than let you wreck the ship and perhaps drown the whole company. What Is your object In this affair? You surely don't hope to dispose of this Vessel and cargo?" "No, I don't." nnd McCann took a step forward, bis hand resting on Iho desk. "To be frank with you. Hollls, this affair has gono farther than I Intended; it got the itnrt nf me while you hold mo prisoner aft here In tho cabin. There's nothing for mo to do now but work out of tho fix as best 1 can " "Mutiny, then, was not part of your i ilglnal plan?" "Not open mutiny no. I'm nn fool, and I know what that means. I started In to make Iho crew dissatisfied, so they would force you to put back to an American port. I offered them money, but with no Intention of resorting to force. Then you locked me up. and this other thing happened. We've gono too far now to back out. Tho only thing left to consider Is how wo are going to get away safely." "And leave tho Indian Chief uninjured?" "Certainly. If no real dnmago Is done In dollars nnd cents there will bo no object In pursuit, onco wc aro safoly away. Who Is thero to care?" "Your point Is not a bad onn from your standpoint." 1 ndmltled. "Hut If ever I get ashore alive the port' officers will compel me to make a report." "Weil llx up the report on board," ho said grimly. "It will bo no trick to fake that." "Hut suppose cither Ilaseom or I refuso to sign such a document?" "Seo here. Hollls, you may ihlnk this Is n pretty little play, but It la not. We know what we're In for; we've tAlked It all over, and decided on the best thing to do. We don't caro a damn for this ship, or Its cargo, but we realize what mutiny moans and that some of us would likely face a life term If we get caught. We don't mean to get caught. So IPs up to you to decide whether the Indian Chief remains afloat and no lives lost; or whether the old hooker Is never heard of again." "You'd'scuttlo the ship?" That's for you to decide ; It's my advice to you not to take the chance," 1 could scarcely believe he meAnt this ; the proposition was'so absolutely heartless, go cold-blooded. I could hardly associate It even with Fergus McCann. The last week to be sure had pretty thoroughly revealed n m the deBPlcablo character of tha fel. low; I believed there was no crime too low his face and sought LHerpool, who wns leering at mo lii drunken gravity. "Is this true. Hed? Have you fellows held council?" "Home ov us have," ho said sullenly. "Jim, Dugan, Sims nnd me, wo talked It all over with Mister McCann here, nn1 agreed what wus best That's why the two ov us como ter see you." "I'nless I consent to sign n report show- ing your deseitiou of the shin Justified, you propose to sink tho Indian Chief?" "You, nn' Hnscoin both ov' yer." "And If we do sign what then?" ""mill sail us within fifty miles ov the tho neni..it open pott and woi tnkn to boats nnd leave you to be picked up." "You'd report our condition ashore?" "N'othlir was said about that. Yer drift would be southward, an' would soon bring jnr in tlie track o' ships; besides there's enough left ter handle the salts ter give the hooker steerage way. Wo figured ye'd be snfo unless there was n big storm." It wns certainly a cold-blooded proposl Hon. but tho fellow's tone was so matter-of-fact I no longer doubted this to ho their final decision. McCann, evidently sud denly aroused to the danger of his posi tion engendered by the violence of the crew, had schemed this method of escape, nnd gained their consent. Liverpool nnd White would be rlpo for anything they might hope to profit by, and tho others would bn afraid to oppose. Knowing how useless the effort probably was I played my last card. "ioc here, Hed," nnd I drew a paper from the drawer of the desk. "Do you fellows realize tho value of this ship, nnd tho cargo below hatches?" "We don't glvo n damn." "Well, you better, for It's a tidy little sum. Now see here I'll pledge tho crew nf(y thousand dollars, to be divided as you ilioo.se. If ,ou will dock the Indian Chief nt Hamburg." "Who'll pay if" "Tho owner, within ten days of landing." "An" If wc get snnppcd up by an English or French cruiser on tho way over, all we'd ever get would be a Jail. That sorter: plan don't make no hit with me, nor mv mates. We'vn talked It all over." McCnmi struck the desk with his nst. Impatient nt tlie discussion. "Your price Is too low, Hollls. Tbio Is nn piker's gnme. Hed knows It Is worth more than fifty thousand to me to get back to New York." He laughed sneerlngly "You might lie able to do me up with your fists In an open boat, my man. but when It comes to a showdown m hard cash you're licked off the boards eveiy time. So now, will jou help us quietly? or shall wo havo to make you?" "What Is it you desire of mo?" "That you work out nn observation once a day, nnd set the ship's cohrse as we di rect ! then tell us when n certain point has been reached." "What point" "Fifty miles northeast of Rl. John's." "And then what happens?" "Wo will take to tho boats, and lenre you nnd your officers to do what vou please with tho ship." "Aro nil tho crew with you In this muti nous deal?" (CONTINUED MONDAT) Horse Show Plans Several women of national prominence, ns well ns members of fashionable society in tills city, will net ns Judges at tho annual ladies' day of the Devon Horse Show Asso ciation, which will bo held tho last day of the thirteenth exhibition of the organi zation. Tho show will begin on Memorial Day, .May ,iu, nnu inst until Saturday, June 2. Entries close next Saturday with the cxecu tlvo chnirman of tho show, William T. Hunter, of Devon. Mrs. David Wagstaff, of Tuxedo, N. Y.. will bo one of the Judges of saddle horses. Miss Ethel llarrlmnn, of Washington, will bo n second saddle horse Judge, nnd a third will bo Mrs. John Oerken, of New York. Mrs. Oerken, Mrs. William A. Llebcr, of Hryn Mawr. and Miss Carolyn V. Gerken will be the Judges of ponies. Miss llarrl mnn, Mrs. Charles A. Munn, Jr., and Mrs. C. Cecil Fltler, of Hlverton, will bo tho Judges of harness horses. Miss L. L. Flelt man, of New York, who Is also very well known in borso show circles, will Judge hunters and Jumpers with Mrs. A. J. Antclo Dereveux and Mrs. William L. Hirst, both well known In society In this city. Miss Ituth Clendnnlel, nf Kenncdyvlllo.Md,, will bo tlie veterinary Inspector. ' A notable list of horsemen has been as sembled to Judge the entries oh the first three days of tho show. Mr. Joseph 13. Wldener, of this city, will be ono of the Judges of heavy harness horses, arid will also Judge harness ponies. Mr. J. Mncy Wlllets, of Far Hills. N. ,r., will ho one nf the Judges of heavy harness horses and will also Judge hackneys at sp6ed. The third heavy harness horse Judgl, will be Mr, II. K. Illoodgood, of New York. Mr Pierre Lorlllard, Jr., of Tuxedo. N Y., will Judge light harness horses, with J. Garner West, of Oornersvllle, N. Y and Alfred H. Maclay. of Mlllbrook, N. Y. Mr. West will also Judge Clydesdales In the breeding classes, saddlo horse classes for road hacks and flve-galted horses and harknoys at speed. Mr. Macloy, with Mr. Hobert K, Straw-bridge and Mr. John It, Fell, of this city, will Judgo hunters nnd Jumpers. Mr. Herbert L. Camp, of Mlddietown. Conn. ; Mr. Iewis E. Waring, I'lalnfleld, N. J. ; Mr. William du '"out, Wilmington, and Mr. John McE. Dowman, of New York, will be the Judges for saddle horses. Mr. War ing will also help Judge saddle ponies, us will Mr. Dowman, Colonel du Pont, Mr. Fred 1'abst and Colonel J. Wesley Allison will Judge hack ney and Pcrcheron breeding classes, and Colonel Allison nnd Mr. l'abst will Judgo In tho Clydesdale breeding classes. Mrs. A. Cantrell White and Dr. Oscar Sceley will bo the other Judges for road hacks and galled saddlo horses. The veterinary Inspectors will Include Dr. J. W. Adams, Dr. C. J. Marshall and Dr. II, p. Llenhardt. TODAY'S MAKRIAGE LICENSES Thomas I,. Mulvnney, '-033 K. Huntingdon nt., and Mary i:, .Mills, 2.111 N. 7th t. Joseph 11. Ksrrell, Jr.. assa Ditle st.. nnd Marl caret l. l-nlj. HIT Ashland at. Patrick W. liulann, ISiiu S. 21t et., nnd Mar- snret A. Metlulre. Wynrnte. Pn. John J Abbott, r.223 I.uillaw at., nnd Helen H. Hulllvon, 1020 N (Iratz at Randall E. H, Thnmrson, 20,12 B, Ontario St.. and M.' Helen Koerwir, tun N. 3d at. FJdward Otto, .112(1 Wilton at., and Kellkala Kakrcew-ska. 1 :i 1 1 1 Wakeiimr st. Mlehael J. Marklewlr 4(113 Mllnor at., nnd Helen Klorkowekl, 447.1 Salmon at. llnllalaw lllenknwskl, 44.1(1 Almond at., nnd Rtanlsliiwa riiymanska, 4(1.10 Stiles at. John M. Thnaa 414 V. Husuuehanna ave., and Gertrude It. I'assmore. liuncannon. Pa. James MaeHlroy. Jr.. 2101 Jlrandjwlne st.. and Marlon T. Cratae. Atlantic City K. J. Hdward O. Ilurton, ,ini7 8. H31 at., nnd Clarn M. Collins, 1113.1 Catharine at Harry K, Foater, loirt Columbia ave., and Mary linkelsteln. Hit II Columbia hs. Harry n. Hrenner. 414" N. nth at., and Hilda P. Schlegel. 3H&4 N. Huh at. Marjlan Dybalskl 4731 Mllnor at., and Mary Kednlva. 472.1 Mllnor at. Leon Pakow"akl. 47(13 Jamea at., and Mar- garetn Yaknwlei 470.1 Jamea st, Carelora A"ldel Btn Fltiwater at,, and Mary Mils no, 1210 Morris at. nsffalls niadona. 1013 W. Ontario at., and loiilss n. Inrln, 300 N. 11th at, . PMIIn 1. Thnmaa 12411 Alfler at., arid Klla J, nozell. SM Paris' at. Arthur. P. nrnnka. Huntlnadon Valley, Ta., and Anna M. Bchultz, llvbeery. Pa, Oinseppp Rturnloln. 1012 8. Oth St., and Tlosa Pino. 1121 Moore at. rtavmond M. Kerrlaa;. 2170 R. Tioaa at., and Kmms. M. Huh 3471 Amber at, laldnr fiaker. -S4n WUiton at., and Fanny Cohen. 344 Wlntnn at. Leopold. 01ueb:'"klm?.'.,,fl Tllln t.. and Helena JaaplnaVa. M8S Tlltnn a), Alan H. Your.. Ojrnwyd. Pa,, , and Mary It, !.esy. Narberth, Pa. ' John 1', H"blnreuje;, Mfrrna Hook, Pa,, and ltri 11. C'out 3717 t.udtow at. W0lla" U. rinl-. I. rV H. Prairie, and Ifelen V. Jnnraon. 1130 . 24 Ih f, ' Mlehael A. Cne-erie-i lain sj ilcu.ivond at.. erry da Clavre. 21?.l sj. Humor-land t and it.ftha R. Behr. 5517 Baybrook aw. ' i led joarsrf ai. '' i. '."" r.. v, snarl at . - ' . . f". TONhGI Veeenililr. AdtlnliU Hotel: C:30 o'clock. Members. Salesmen's Annunl tlnhee, Parkway Hulldlng, Broad and Cherry street, exhibi tion by Floreneo Kerb nnd W. F. Kllnger. Admission charge. The Print Club, first annuel exhibition et contemporary American etching, engraving and lithography, nt the Art Club, Uroad ajid Locust streets, J;J0 o'clock. Invitation. Hrent eastern rongress of Snlratlon Army, llroad street and Fatrmount nvenue. Free. I'rlenila' Yearly Meeting, Itace Strert Meeting House. Free. 1'ntrlolle rending nnd tableaux by the Philemon Drnmallc Art Club, 4010 Chestnut street. Silver offering. MOTHER'S DAY TO BE OBSERVED TOMORROW Carnations Will Blossom Out in Thousands and Churches Will Hold Special Services Carnations will blossom out In thousands of churches tomorrow ns Mother's Day la observed with appropriate services. Congregation, forgetting for tho time being the stress nnd turmoil of war time, ' will wear the carnation, the flower of motherhood. Pastors will preach special sermons on the significance of motherhood, nnd In Sunday schools the lessons will Illus trate tho Influence of mothers. Every mother who nttends the morning service nt the Susquehanna Avenue Presby terian Church will bo presented with a car nation by the members of tho Hoys' CoV- ennnt Hand. Tho sermon will be preached by tho Hev. Dr. Itichnrd T. Jones. "War and tlie Mothers of America" will be' the subject of the sermon of tho Hev. Hlchard Hadcllffe at the Cookfnan Methodist Church's Mother's Day services. - A, Parent's Day service at Hie lTnloti Tahcrnaclo Presby terian Church tomorrow nftcrnoon at 2:30 o'clock will bo addressed by J. M, Shinier. Commnnder Eva Booth, of the Salvatlcn Army, will speak on "Mother. Home. Chil dren" at Mother's Day services at the Urthnny Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning. Other churches observing Moth er's Day will Include the East llaptlst, the Friendly Messiah Lutheran, St George's . .Methodist, tho Park Avenue Methodist, the First Methodist of Oerninntown, St. Stephen's Methodist, the Harper Memorial Presbyterian, the Fourth Presbyterian, the Gaston Presbytf rlan. the Noithmtnster ' Presbyterian, the Temple Presbyterian, tha First Ilefoimed nnd the Cnlvcrsnllst of the llestornllon. NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH TO HOLD ITS CENTENARY National Convention Will Begin Tuesday Delegates From Every State and Abroad Several Government ofllelals and more than 300 delegates, representing every State In the Fnlon as well r.s Japan nnd Canada will attend Ihe centennial natlonnl conven tion of tho Church in the Now Jerusalem which opens In this city next Tuesday and continues until May 22 Sessions bearing on the relation of the church to the war will he held on Wedaes day. Thursday and Friday preliminary to tho general romentlon which opens Satur day with a patriotic demonstration. Mayor Smith Is expected to attend Saturday's ses sion. A banquet nt Ihe Hellcvue-Stratford will follow. t Tho National Alliance of Now Church Women, which numbers In Its membership leaders In women's activities from many States, will meet Saturday morning. Wom an's pnrt In the great war, the burdens which must be taken up In tho fields and Industries nnd tho duties of-mothers, wives nnd sisters of America's fighting men, will be discussed. Tho speakers Include Mrs. James H. Carter, of West Newton, Mass. ; Miss Ednah A. Silver, of Hoxbury, Mass., and Miss Mary Hurnhe.m, of this city. BEDFORD RAISES FLAG UPON HISTORIC SPOT Ceremonies Held on Ground Laid Out by William Penn and Tread by Washington HEDFOHD, Pa.. May 13. The citizens of Bedford nnd many from a distance as semli!ed on Hie pubic Isquaro today nt the raising of a largo American flag on a staff erected on tho spot laid out by William Penn and once hallowed by tho tread of General Washington. The flag Is the larg est ever raised In Bedford and tho pole is slxty-flvo feet high. Thero was u concTiinyuTjwJtontTH7iT. and a massed choir added to the musical part of the program. Attorney IJ. F. Ma dore made nn address, following a, prayer by tho Hev. J. T. Hell, of tho Hethford Methodist Church, The llev. K. A. Bishara, pastor of the Bedford Presbyterian Church, pronounced the benediction, Captain A. I. Lyon, a naval veteran of the Civil War, proslded, THOUSAND BOY SCOUTS AT RELIGIOUS SERVICE An Impresslvo patriotic Hoy Scout serv ice will draw more than 1000 Boy Scouts to the Episcopal Chinch of the Saviour, Thirty-eighth street nbovo Chestnut, to. morrow night. Troops from every section of l& city will como in with tnelr American flags, forming nt 7 o'clock on Thirty-eighth street, from which they will march In a body Into the church. The service, beginning at 7:45 o'clock, Is expected to be the largest of Its kind ever held In Philadelphia. The scouls will bo addressed by the Hev Dr Hobert Johnson, rector. Wasslll Leps will direct tho music, which will Include "Tlie Star Spangled Banner" and "America" played on the church chimes. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES ' 7!?. thirtieth annual meetlnc of thn Phlla. delphla llranch Jewlah Theoloilcal Hemlnary wui r." .'j'.w.toj ?"..? .rop.rn;-roiiewe'el llroad and York streets ti K JA?kl: wr:txn-R,id u" ": naDDi i,puia nher John nandall Dunn, of 8t, I.bula. will clv a free lecture on Christian Bclence tomorrow afternoon In the Orand Opera House T llrSad atrtet and Montgomery avenue. The lecture i under the ausplcea of the Third Church of Christ Sclent lit. and wil begin at 3:30 o'clock cnr,t' Ernest Thompson Seton. naturalist, and head Ml of the Woodcraft Leau of America, will I devote Met il nsrt of all addreaa In tha fnrnm e, ,kJ N.lTV'? . Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 3 30 o'cloek aS Jo th alma and purpoaea of tna organisation? .H&K Mr. Heton'a talk will b followed Dr h"lua"lo"i. t& feugene Camp, of the Heabury Soelety of niw'i York, will addreaa tha I'reabyterlan mlnlit.r la p Weatmlnater Hall Monday morning. Ills tenia 'f will be. "Men. War and tha Churchee." A rt. O. Alexander, ef Char'otta. N. C. wU4'?'"J .. n'elnel. Ills .nh ... .!,, t... ...T1? ?. ' V rophealea.1' , The Hev. A. J. Coleman, pastor, of the taW mantown Unitarian Churrh will deliver his IE. d mon, "As Common a Dirt,'1 at ,U o'cleeJjTaq "A Man'a rraytr'" la the totdoof t) of Klngaton, Maw:, at.ta Fir - to iia delivered or law nwr. anoner cnurBO. , - - , A s-9 IT " 1 v...., "V- w nvzim w xtsm vjw &m '1 m 'w4 'Wl m r JS - l 4S& .nt vesa "m 'ta ,13S .1 ' &J Mm 1 i yfti i t.yj -,A1 .ItS .fel 'K!vfl m ;.-. i vi n $ m M llfi tiwm&msz feacTi -.!, 'MaHtkmssm v