Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 11, 1917, Sports Extra, Image 7

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    W -J tli
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F. P. Gruenborg, Addressing
Rally nt Bourse, Cites
England's Mistakes
Calls Attention to Overwork of Women
in Factories nnd Delinquency
of Children
A nrnlns for tlic I'nltoil SUtrs tn profit
. the experiences of fttiKlalu! nml prevent
ImtovlnR of women nml i-lilMrcn at Ioiir
taiir ? n Indurtry luel thin after
S b" l'rcJcrkk I', tlruenkcip. director
the Hurcau of Municipal Hcmmi-cIi. In im
,," , OI, -Civic r.fflclcncy In Wartime
Scforo n "ivlc .ally In the nsen,l,l hall
til the Hotirce
l'olntltiB to the .llro effects In l.mslnml.
-h,n women ami ihtUlrcn were ruslie.l Into
hard lal'or In ncld and factory nt the
onenlnR "f C "nr- Mr l,rucnl)CI K J
The terrlhlc conditions that had foimci
.y ohtalned In ltrlth-h InJuxtrv hail been
iomewhat amclloiated The tendencj In the
, ,., nf the wal w!tH to tear down In
! ,in what had tc.Hicil thlitv or fni'v
j ears to btilld P '"' H'ermore, the i icruI -lions
leiiilrlnK compulsory cJinntlnn of
rhllJrcn and leitrlctlns the uc of ih Id
utor we.e luccb thrown to the wind, with
he lesult tli.it tots of eeven and tutlve
jears were ilolnB the Work of mlulti In
ficid aid factor.
Worst of nil. perh.il waH the vvnv that
.he women were InJuilMouMv used for In
intrl.il imiiiie for iiianv hoilis n day.
Se.iilte the fact that the sober oxperknoe
rf rl Hired nations of the world had foiced
the conclusion that nil these thlncH were
tirrlblj destructive, of the riuni.ui resomcci
nf the nation
Onlv now l Kniiliinil wnklnu up to the
drndfiil cost of milIi hactv action It Is
beBlnnliiB o be ic.illzed that the prpilue
tlvltv In lndustr of ovciwoiked women Is
". nml that lonB sjilfH nre-lu the 'ons
im, eostl and Inelllclent Urc.it Hrltaln Is
If inline, to ber sorrow, that, with fathers
flchtlns In tho tienchei. the cire and pro-
ectlmi 'f ber ilil'dien should hue len
mcrc-iied tenfold rather than telaxed. and
lie Rood people of llnsl mil nre stnitled to
learn that Juvenile delinquency has In
creased 34 per cent
"Now our Breat and beiutlful country Is
like" UnBlind In Its frrm or.Koveiiiment, In
Its traditions and In Its democratic Institu
tions We should study the experience of
our friends across tho water and npply
theit ixpcrle-ues to our own iiso with Im
mense profit to BiirscUes Ureal llrltaln Is
now thoiouBhly orR.inlrcd and lias taken
tteps to retrieve as far ns possible, those
perfectly natural errors of the eaily diva
"IMs 'importnnt tint the IntelllRent ele
ments of our community think and think
hard Nobody knows what lies before
whcthei the war wilt be of short duration
or whether many haul venrs He linmc
tliatel ahead Hut. in nn event, let us
notV victims of the paradox that havlin?
won the war we shall h.ivo lost Infinitely
tnoro than vktnrv, "for what shall It profit
a man thouBh be gain the whole world and
lose his soul'" "
Mr OrucnberR made n plea for the fchort
ballot, savins
"For a number of veais I bale been In
terested In this short-ballot principle ns nn
Instrument for rlliclent demociac, and I
have as et been unable tu ilUcoiei a sin
gle Bood arfiiiment iiKalnst It
"The opponents of the short ballot arc
either superficial critics, or they arc schem
ing and crafty politicians who confuo the
uninitiated otcr by pretending thit by
electlnff a lirgo number of otllcers the
loter Rcncralb obtains the control
"When the Bieat American iieoplc arc
aroused to the elemental values of democ
racy, and, above ail, the underl InB fact
that democracy and efficiency are compati
ble terms, we shall see tho shoit ballot
applied as one of the eiy first means tu
Bain the end wo deslic"
Secret Service Chief in Philadel
phia Assumes Charge of Vader
land Refugees for Internment
AM.KNTOW.V, May 11
Detcctlie Frank (laibarlno. head of the
Federal Secret Service In Plit'adelphla, his
laid claim ti two suspected Herman spies
who have been In jail heio the last three
weeks The men nro William Larson, nllas
1'ezzocu. arrested April 1J. and Ailolph
Brandt, a las Muzzuskl. ai rested Anrll 17,
both Interned sailors from tho Vatcrland at
Moboken I.nsen came Into the )ollce sta
tion pretty much bedr.iBRled and nskeil for
MoU and a place to sleep, while Ilrnndt was
arrested for being loud-mouthed In favor of
tho Kalber in n saloon and deelariiiB hi
vvou'd blow up the wholo otAUentown and
Its Industries.
Larsen was not boisterous, but was sent
to Jail because under examination he said
he would take ordeis from the German Oov
tinment to blow up no matter whom or
what, even If ho sacrificed bis life In earn
ing out such orders.
The arrest of tho men was reported to
Garbarlno at tho time, and today he fetched
them for permanent Internment in n 1'nlted
Mates in Won and such other disposition ns
the Federal authorities may see lit to tale
In their cases.
Resolution Passed in Harrisburg Ask
ing President to Conscript Wealth
as Well as Men
HAimiSBUItG, May 11 The Pennsyl
vania Federation of Labor today adopted
resolutions pledging the suppoit of organ
ized labor to the nation "In this grave hour
of trial," stating that, while labor Is op
posed to war, yet because conditions of the
country ' threaten to becomo acute, caus
Ing distress and suffering," tho power of
the labor of the State will do Its part that
"the people of the United States shall not
nutter want nnd the war shall be Bpeedlly
A resolution was passed asking the
President and Congress to enact laws that
lll conscript not only men, but wealth,
that "tho burden of the war, may not fall
npon tho great mass of working people now
taxed by tho high cost of living"; and
further, that It "be made a penal offense
to gamble in tho necessities of life."
Along the same line was nnotber resolu
tion to have the Stato Grange and tho Fed
eration act together to conserve tho food
of the State.
Cardinal Gibbons to Givo Luncheon in
Honor -of Balfour's Secretaries
SALTIMOHE, May 11. Sir Eric Drum
" and Mr. Dormer, private secretaries
it g.nt Hon- Arthur J. Balfour, head of
ine British mission now ilsltlng the United
. ?' wlu bo " of honor at a lunch
Si n.reieAomorrow afternoon given by Car
oinai Gibbons.
B.1ile iher quests will be Monslgnor
: -Barnes. Cathnii.. nv,nni.i ... n-t .,,
Among Them Is One Giving
Higher Pay to Election
Til a Staff Correti'ondtnl
IIAniUSIlUmi. May 11.
Veto of the Kline bill to ndvanco the pay
of election otllcers of Philadelphia, Pitts
burgh nnd Scranton from JS to $10 a day
wbr announced by Governor Brumbaugh to
day The Governor sas that the duties of
otllcers In those cities nre no more difficult
than In other districts of the State and
there can be no Bod reison to ndd $100,000
to tho election expenses of the Common
wealth 111 that way He adds that they
perform their work ns n mitter of public
duty and not of compensation
other Senate bills vetoed today were as
follow s :
Providing that corporations be permitted
to change, locitlon of office, the Governor
explaining that lonfuslnn would result from
such a measure nnd that It would be a de
parture, from unproved methods
IleipililtiK proceedltifis In commitment of
nn insane person to be tertllled tn the In
stitution where the person Is to be com
mitted, the Governor bIvIiir It ns his belief
th.it the piocedure Is necessarily burden
some nnd expensive
Providing for the sale of real estite held
for poor pin poses, vetoed as special legis
lation IncieisltiR bounties nn tho killing of
weasel anil Imx. the Governor lirlii.vim- n,
advance to be unjustified anil calculated to
, r. " j.v 'W -f J ,
f - 'v '
School Buildings Not Used xor
College Purposes Must Pay
on Assessor's Levy
The Court tod.iv filed nil opinion on the
appeal of Br.vn Mawr Collego from the
taxation of Its propcrtv by the count of
Montgomery nnd tho township of Lower
The assessor made n levy of $i6 0nnnn
property other than the actual collcse build
lints. The Court finds that the portions not ex
empt from taxation which had bc.cn as
scssed hv the assessor, are
College Inn assessed nt $5300, tho Low
Building, assessed nt $11,000, and five anil
one-half acres of tho tweuty-ncie trait, ns.
ressed at $30,000 The other properties
which were assessed arc found to be exempt
In that the nre used and are'necessnry for
college putposcs '1 hey Inc. hide professors
hulld!mt.s and two school buildings, one for
children's Instruction anil the other for
training pupils for tctchlnsr
The Inn and the Low Building nre found
b the Court not to bo pint of tho college
propert but nre Used oiitsldo of college
The flic nnd one-half-.icre tract Is found
to be lint iivod at the present time cvicpt
as a place or retirement for students for a
quiet hour or rendition In Its cooling
ah nle, not being put of tho cimpus oi ath
letic field The Court holds tint, being
exempt fiom iniint tax, the propcity Is
also exempt from township tax
Wcstcl Pupil to Give Recital
make mere bounty hunters of olberwlso Idle I ('h irles Westel announces n plum Ctuile
l,cb'c ' itecltal," to be given b his pupil. Porotni
'uht ciiaie onis vetoed
Providing for return b municipalities of
assessments uhen they nre declared to h.uo
Iwen Improperly expended
Granting compensation to dependents nf
game win den hilled while on duty, pio
nnmiccil u worth measure, hut uninnstl.
The House bill amending divorce 1 hv was
also vetoed because It would make the
granting of divorces easier
The following bills were approved
Permitting cities to contribute annually
to the support of National Guard batteries
and regimental sanltar troops
Code for construction and maintenance of
nioilng.plctiirc booths
Amending the Philidelnhi.i Munlpimi
Court law for appeals under existing law or
those to be In the future emctcd
Authorising cities and school districts to
icrpilro bonds for the safety of Hhor and
material during construction of buildings
Amending borough code to permit the
erection nf boroughs from p irts of conso'l
dated boroughs
Carried Matches in Powder Plant
LIIWISTOW.V, Pa. May 11 John P
Brlttlan and n'ne others, charged with car
rlng matches in the plant of the Aetna
Powder Compan, settled the c ises In lourt
here b pa Ing the costs and forfeiting re
coKiilzances The powder company icfused
to entertain nn application for rc-emplo-ment
from tho mn
Carlisle Plans Hifj Red Cross Drive
CAULISLr.. Pa. Ma 11 With Kenneth
Pray and Miss Margaret Kly. of Philadel
phia, as tho prlnclpil speakers, a monster
mnss-meeting to aid In Bed Cross work
will be held here this evening A drive
"Is nn to secure ir.00 members In ten days
In Carlisle and vicinity
Kro I nt Presscr Hall 1711 Chestnut stuet
on Pridiv (veiling Ma IS, nt S oiloik
Tim public Is Invited to be present Mr
Wist 1 1 will talk on "I he Development of the
Plino Ktude "
Vegetable and
Flower Seeds
May Still Be Planted
Beans, Beets r.irint Sweet Coin,
Cucumber, Lettuce Melons, Onions,
Parslcw Parsnip Peas Itullsh splnirh
Karl Turnips ami Ihrhs of all kinds
villi give excellent icsults It planted
Old-Fashioned Hardy
Pcimanent flowei garden plants
blooming ear aftei vear In a profusion
of colois A constant delight Wed
verv 1 ttle attention and well icpi ou
foi the sm ill amount of thno spent on
liner's list of Hardy Pcrennlil
PI nits, the largest list In the world,
affords suggestions Without end to beau
tlf the home burroundlnss
DSeedi, Plants, Hull,
reer 714-16 Chestnut
: i : iiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii
Straw Hats of Character
A style for every taste,
but only one standard
of quality the best
that aptly describes our
line of straw hats.
They're smart, as
usual, and combine
maximum comfort with
i-rxcca yj.ou it upivards f. JvU ' ,A '
'.'W '.J-
D 1528 Chestnut St
For 70 Years Hatters to Particular Men
L t sM.r U ,'t f.jf t
New "Keystone" Pumps at
The Value -Giving Power
of Intensive Co-operation
"xX fssmi
V x. A
W T-sVf,rrw J
A rSNv
1 tfc J
A Quick
Jut intide
the Door.
,UDGE that power when we
tell jou that tlieso dainty
pumps nt present market
vnluo should bo sold for $0 or
$6,50. Only eloso co operation
with tho "Queen Quality"
factory makes this popular
prico of $1,75 possible.
Patent nnd
dull, Cuhnn or
Louis h o o 1.
Special milled
feature, superb
ivory nnd pearl
fjray kid; nNo
w h i t o Kgyp
tlcnno cloth
pumps, with
dainty Louis
covered heels.
The "Vogue" of Buckles
It has caught the fnncy of fashion. Scores
of Geutintr styles especially designed to bo
worn with buckles. i
A Special Buckled "Vogue" Pump at
Shoes and
for the
Th Stora of Famous SKob I
U '
Every Foot Professionally Fitted
Three G exiting Brothers Supervising.
So. 11th
A quick
yi'HfJgiWjJjJiiJ MJ!JjM.Mf j 1 1 1 1 1 OiJJJJJ H UJ l HlMiiiijiiig
ailp-" '' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii.! M ii-lirll,iii,,v,,i,rf-,Tf.lniVf
By concentrating your
purchases at
The Earle Store
the store of plenty, tho
store of quality, the storo
of liberal nssortments, tho
store of lowest prices, the
htorc that serves .voti best.
Whatever you need is
here everything to wear,
for the table (excepting
foods), for tho home and
by making your purchases
here you will bo nble to
afford your usual luxuries,
Better poods for the same
money, or the same goods for
less money than elsewhere.
Market St.
Men's Union
Suits, 95c
Soisetto, pongee,
plain or striped
m n d r a s, athletic
10th Street
A Large Assortment of
In Popular Sports Models
Mntio of white pique, gabardine and
rep, nnd neat striped effects. Gathered
back nnd belted styles. Regular sizes.
Other Wash Skirts at $1.98
Also wonderful values.
KIX'OKD Ki.oon
SPECIAL! 200 Lawn Tennis Racquets, $1.50
200 Tennis Lovers Will Welcome This Worth-While Saving ' X
Extra strong; medium weight hickory and selected white ash frames, with mahogany throat,
strung with white and red gut. Spccinliy priced, $1.50. BASEMENT
A Wonderful Purchase of Over 350
Women's & Misses' $20.00 to $32.50 $
Tailor-Made and "Sports" SUITS
! Hsk -
We add 200 garments from our own stocks, making this a wonderful assortment
of this season's newest styles at savings that are fully one-half. Not many of one style
but the size range is complete for women and misses.
Dozens and dozens of styles, fashioned of Poiret twills, gabardines, serges, poplins,
worsteds and checks in smart tailored models. The sports models are developed of silk
taffetas, silk jerseys and velours, many showing braid, button and contrasting color silk
Also an Extraordinary Lot of
500 Women's Coats
at $7.95 and $14.95
Ranging in Values up to $32.50
Dozens of tho season's best selling models that we bought
below regular nnd others we reduce from our own stocks.
Sports and diessy model" in both long and short lengths.
Lnrge collars predominate, some trimmed with embroidery,
nnd others with self stitching. Fashioned of poplins, velours,
gabardines, twills, s-crges, silk tnlTetns, tweeds and plaids.
Gathered back, belted or fitted models.
The loveliest group of summery creations you ever saw and this low prico M m
should prove a mngnet to several hundreds of women Models that are adapted J
after leading Paris style creators and their original lines are well followed.
Fashioned of crepe georgettes. La Jurz silks, some in Khaki kools and Yo Sans, others in taffetas and
satins. The trimming effects arc not ovcrshowy, bjt very dressy for tr"et and sports wear.
New Silk and
Lingerie Waists
SI. 89 11")
Crepe de
h i n c, geor
gette crepes,
)j Jap. silks,
U striped tub
silks, organ
dies, voiles &
lawns. Large
collars predominate, others with
frilled or lace and embroidered
fronts. Size range is complete.
Lingerie Blouses at 98c
Made of sheer quality voiles
and organdies, prettily trimmed
with laco and embroidery. Also
several sports styles, in all white,
and assorted stripes. Sizes ISO
to 10. sevond n.oou
Marabou and
Ostrich Capes
Are New, anrl fc
is a very lowfi
price for themUKj
Five strands, J
marabou, while j
others aic com- "
bined with ostrich. Natural col
or, finished with silk or tassel
50c and $1.00
Sample Neckwear, 25c
Including separate large collars
and sets, in various styles. Made
of satin, organdie and in sports
effects. Your choice, 25c.
main n.oou
A Big Clearance
Girls' New
Spring Coats
tln'nVa't $.00
to $10.00, at J
About 100 coats
in very smart styles, but not
many of any one style.
Choice of serges, velours and
checks in the wanted new colors.
Sizes from G to 14 years.
Girls' White Lingerie
Dresses... $139
Values up to $2.50
The daintiest styles imaginable,
made of fine voiles, batiste and
organdies, elaborately trimmed
with lace and embroidery. Sizes
G to 14 years.
second Fi.oon
Best Value in Town
Boys' 2-Pair
Pants Suits
Sizes from 7 to fi
lu vears. lm i
Made of excel- VVsVfVV
lent quality mate- V2H Vfl
rials, in every de
sirable color and
wanted fabric. This
is nn exceptional
opportunity to se
cure practically
two suits for the
price of one, nnd every mother
with foresight should take advan
tage of it.
Other Boys' 2-Pair Pants
Suits, $4.95 to $12.50
MAIN floor
We Arc Leaders in Offering
New Japanese Panama
Sports Hats, $1.95 & $2.95
So Desirable for Summer Wear
They combine comfort and smartness.
Shapes suitable for both women and misses.
Stunning shapes indeed, in large & med
ium mushrooms, rolled
and poke effects. New
colored bow nnd band
around crown, giving them
the jaunty appearance, j
Many have telescope
crowns and leather sweat
bands. Four of the many
style shapes pictured.
Black Hemp Hats
with White Flange,
Large dress shapes in
various effects.
Hats Trimmed Free
$1.95 rm'
sV 1.93 ft for
White Hemp Shapes, at $1.95
The very newest effects all white
with black velvet flange. Stunning
large sailor and drooping mushroom
effects. MAIN FLOOR
Thousands of Men Will
Want Their Straw Hats
Two Very Popular
Price Croups
$1.50 $1.95
No further delays "Old Sol"
twill bo on the job from now on
and tho well-dressed man will
wnnt. V,n nnw qfraw Viof n
J once.
Two popular price groups at
$1.50 and $1.95, showing all
the new style shancs and heicht
crowns. Choice of sennit, splits, mackinaws, Stoneman Straws.
Genuine Panamas for Men, $2.95 and $5.00
In newest blocks and crown effects.
Boys' Straw and Wash Hats at 59c
& m
JsfiT 8b
u- . tro "-wa -.rMi t t mmm
VlrTT VS. ' -sfl V JSln
VI TMT BKfc ZftL ?
Stand Forth Pre-Eminently for Their Snap in Style,
Their Superior Quality and Top-Notch Workmanship
The Best Clothes in Town at $15
Honest clothes in every particular. Honest in quality of material honest
in workmanship and honest in their being the best that can be produced to sell
at $15.00.
Others will tell you about sales quoting inflated values but in com
parison garment for garment you get no better if you get as good.
Fall in line join the regiment that is now wearng Earle Store $15,00
clothes you can buy no better at $15.00.
Single or the Popular Double Breasted Suits
All Around Belt, Belted, Pinch or Plain Back Suits
Quarter Silk Lined or Half Mohair Lined Suits
Suits of Blue Serges, Plain Color Worsteds and Cheviots
Suits of Shepherd Check, Novelty Worsteds & Mixtures
Suits for Regular, Stout, Short or Tall Men '
For a Very Special Group of
Men's & Young Men's Suits
We bought these at a saving and pass the saving on to you. Good clothes, and
15 patterns for choice, in light weignt mixtures.
of quality that will "stand up".
Plain, conservative or belted back models.
Blue serges aplenty.
Men's Blue Serge Suits $1 &75
With an Extra Pjxir of Pants. AH Size
Vftralt.. -".w.. wiiuiiinm i uaiuiu U IH-
ZE'sii. . )! nov' Dr- " th nw-
5JUUSJ s, miMii"ijtinmmjj
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