H - " ..sv - . I nrrm irwrs I PICTURES FRIDAY Etiening V . AND SCRPPLEe meogFt May 11, 1917 $K N J J(A "i V k &A f& mj' ' ii eh h- &A : tm w fc. RK BKSk S 'i v a o f9r?- '' ' I ,f 4 V ... yt-- ' lllllilllllllllllliHllllallillllllllllllD ALk '"iaa4'l'WkaHiaaaaaiHBK:jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWI .........li.....BL'sS..HBEJtMB-..F HiiBBBBBBHIV flHHVBK7;; 'IlPP fl llaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallaar" .aaaallaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWB i m?i".Jr KIB UHk"'1 x .tMEHIIIHkv 'lta, Jfe--: .jM?vK. . IIIIHHHIIHHHb i'y-'K;;'- .JBImIM. THlllHBlllllllBji, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMLIIIILIIIHMfcal- reJNyQf R& T KKtfiMKKmmmitmKttVfM 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHL1H , 1 .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 F IK.-v'allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilKiiillllllllllllllllllllllllll. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ! lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll v lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHffilBa. HHHH -- .UlllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllV r 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H111H miiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH muH t ' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBlllllllllllllllllllllHMPHt;- v Mp MKHKBK.R Bm HHHllH IHlllllllHlllllBilllllllv MWrWOWBHirf MMBMMllllllllllllllllMltPlllWIwMWWiBMii KBUM 'BIHlllH' illllllllllllHBiinl.SlllfllilBllllllHlllllllHP'il. 'HHHIHIIBI HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHBBalllaBHHHlH E VHHRIIIIIHIHEalllllllllVVMlllllllHIIIHNilllllllHHlllHilBS''llllllalBalllllH -' HIIIHallllllHallllllllHri' BalHSr " iHPI'''laHKHaH9VHIBBSKBVBHaHaBaHaBaHaHa 'V laHHIHs AMERICAN SAILORS WELCOME BRITISH TaUS TO NEW YORK rhoto by Kai.i t Herbert Uncle Sam's jackies, shown in backcround, fraternize with seamen from H. M. S. Roxburgh upon arrival of that cruiser in the United States. The visitors appear to be glad of the opportunity to abandon their "sealegs" after their patrolling cruise "somewhere in the Atlantic." 'm&z . ifr: $ y-f ' ?.? $' t 5& f S-v vs'. . XiS V ??? Ki- !V .- nax: .J,v Rfef i ?i. y-' ii.rr '- A II. M. S. ROXBURGH DROPS ANCHOR IN HUDSON Eager- British sailor boys swarm into the launches for a visit to the American metropolis. The presence of the cruiser surprised New Yorkers, who are getting their first glimpse of an Allied war vessel since the war began. i t t K v 'bbJs't i. ii hi ,1 iM.,,., jj .) ' ' iiMn i iWij itiMn ii if " rf . Mv'9VaaBiBBP'ia1aaK viBaW'fllll iVW &. C (t WV (tCL-uL v $ f v ' "j- i ',,",iiinnjja'.i;V'' . s . J'v Vv'VJN Mjt?y!yyiMaBTMatlL3SaMiJjfc .i my? '.y iK3 BSS B "W .r"'"Nt' -rlllHalilll-lllllllllllBfll9HBHHHlllllllll vs&SssbSS&SESssSS&Ea JjpMltlMaH "'k ""l - - 'V'aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaaiaiaiaiaiaiK SjH ki.i nni.i 'TjaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaWaMWf1 I'aBMW VT B ill' l i il'.MyjTJKTaifcaBaBawtBBBaMtaBa'aBBBBBlaMBBBBBKyaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBaBBBa 3JR '-y.imi'ni ;' i ZZZZZ'KlKt.i 1 'I 31 EViVLall?' r "K &-iiB' wZiJBkiBBMWB b.:HHI.IH:WB jJl'v?!! 'i'jiCfrVfei' SPV'1 3iillB4lilBtsllilMilllllllllllll31111111119(llllllB.lF "7;iHlllllllllllPlllllllllllllllllllllB. T' Bi&Villlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll a,a '&& B'F jtv Jx'lM lfalK wAlfiiv2nSlfc?lllalll jjp jf 'IBb l -iFt HBPjW TkJiBtjL'iitw.iilBiJL&t' av'lllB-iiBKaii9l9BBllllllllllllllllBllllllllllllllll SO fiBn'ZiAJEwAii feMMi.ikkK'llllBBlMh aJLsV Illllk-IK v 4? v LbBu iLv. KJaBKBVirwk LW LbBIlE w LBHBaBaBaBaKK-aBVLBVt fk WIbIbIbW. aK aBBLLHBLLHBLLLlBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLHBB 9flflHBHH r'T3BLI BMBHBl BB"7VTBW ,v Afc ilBBfc A.ABWBBBiBBWy.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM fcV-J aB BbV'BBBBBBK V TBl W ikBWUr v tfMkBBV fcBr3 BBTt " BgHMLlKtt4HHHHrBBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB tifc BO '' J SBM1 BBBBH t TKbV f bVbBBBBbV,1bBBC1i?'Y r 3bK' aBBSBnHNVEBpBBBBBBHHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB K Jl -JBtpB5j HJPfcf'S rBMBl'BP''lPViBL''tM E3L'i'i(BBBBBFB,'S !s,r' 1V&BBBBBBBZ?TV?3Bl2ialtt&9NBfl BVY' ialBW jM. '? V afBBWaH' ' If 'VBffiBBBMBMiBS'lllBHBaBBMBMBtiBBHKBBBL jl B1?9JCilV'BBBlBBWBt mBbBB bBtSv '.' I J' ''''''"BBbSSSbBBBBBBBBBB " trlaBlSlki L lBBrflBBBBnBBJIBBiBMBJmibfBABiBWTiT8f ''iS'lvMXlimrKM BE.4 ; . .' ' ' IT 0-i 'iS'-"-iBBBBBBPiBBWii' g'l'Mt- BIBTl 7 nBfjBBkBfBTBM I MbBbWbTTbMIbbM IbT TMJ'tfltV' 2WS BffiH. !fe'VVl''r.-ly'r'' VjKMLrBBBBBBljBBiBBBttiit'w BaBBBWBlBBBBBBBBBflSfBBaiBlBBSB t Ha .- "fcX!1. "' . AUTOS ARE DESTROYED AS nALTIMORE.ANn OHIO U'AIMJOAli PHfalOHT'SHRIl T1I1RNR " ' iW.-" .iLJ-"t ',.'' V.,J. tI'Vllk .lv'mnu..a ..ilil.li uun.amamJ' UAn. J nl. . . a.. I ...1. J... JlV Tu.il.. AU J. a. Jt.f ll ...1. V . . The Young Lady Across (he Way emMwc- hh Tho youni? lady across tlio way fas Bh saw In the paper that not ons of thn fntnl'dlsfaaps In hereditary, but nil tho samn sho'd a llttlo rather not Btay In the room ery long with a ytr-in that hart ono of them. In These Da s of War He You say you nro a paclflit? What would 3,011 do If n. crcat bruto selrcd you unannres nnd Id-s'cd you'.' Sho I should turn tho other check. lampoon. THE LAST .DESPERATE EFFORT TO MAKE HIS MA LET JIMMy Kit J Is II I I I ll A M l (conscripted j-ZQ .'II ( BUT l"Yoa GOTTA (, J.ET HIM COME OUT - HE'S .1 CONSCRIPTED "v rosTAtN-n rox3 THE PADDED CELL ) Selective - I JICTeAK,SIR?, f 1-OBSTeR? CAP0A1? I Sreem Soo&a? k PUNKtLD SHAb? X 1 s-n0 I MiLK AMO 1 J n 7 jw A Vyfc 1 "HAWaSSD I Practice Common Seiw,-J "What vould you men do if' were women? "The first thing that I woull I'd wear my winter furs In and my summer Iiata in un Lehigh Burr. Nautical Term 5 THE CAPTAIN' PORING OVER A 1 Mystery Solved A sophomore boy In the Hr High Echool swallowed Wi fS)M clasp the other day. The scnto! i respondent now believes that i up the mysterious disappearncl Ink bottles, compasses, penclli,t rulers so puzzling to thi, )adij that school this winter. Kanii ( Rtfir. i ?! ' . i i J I Old Family Horse Dies Fred Muesch's old family horse died recently at the age of thlrty-on years, according 'to the California. Democrat, which adds, "This was one of the oldest horses around here." Kansas City Times. A Story With a Moral A -PBP- BBBBBBa--J Princeton Tliar. Vat It Isn't such ft disadvantage to have a wooden leg, after all. Hooky How's that? Vet I can hold up my socks with thumb tacks. TnE SUNDAY ROUTE MARCH ; mmm jrxjwiy imm -NTi ,.Wi "IM f Yi !m riiBMBbiTS.' 13 -( ff.?-tfJ,HW I iSSa llHrW hschs !.s- amWiMni&ir .&&x IIiCW"iMW' ISf Hi' i .11 P"W L?- . iKsyzz. i'ua. a-L nut i i jcrrr. i ri.iiii n'i watt h.h. v t mmMM) I JSjrwfeD Th rmln ho.J .tn7i,l.rgeant.rCa",your.".If a volunteer! Grousing because you've Ptf stand guard over the regimental berare? J hort J1?..ByrJ, flltn,t vo'un,eer, V "'and about doing nothing -when virf body else li drinking beer. I wou dn'r. i.j .. A .-i..i bif4 pre?endBthenrelMrd0Ver!bUtWhenther' a,n,t' cruelty to anlmiU,ul SCHOOL DAYS 'StW Stop! Vjor "havni sake!' Tott dip.ll iTl iMi "trim it fun m 'MaWA iW',nVi;:itiNlliu4 jftt f O' Vale "Has the plumber flnished work?" "Oh, yes, more than two hounl TT Am atmnt ai4iF n 19V.'U EPIGRHYMES: My books are old; their pages soiled like some aad leaves of life ; tho saddest are the empty onei, ........ !-,. 1.11.9 OB.I1S CUlCIt, BAI13 t:illlU, ,"1 sans wife. But IIEVIIO tOVW J ino pictures painiea mere for mind and heart need NOT despair of finding writ His vision's countermart a worded lmare of the love for COUNTRY, friend or clan that spells our God's mtllen nlum. the Brotherhood of Man. No soul on earth CAN. by his LOVE, turn "NOTHING" Into good; no acorn, then no oak; our old friend Johnson under stood the seed of love. Ya maidens fair, heed well the truth; Give scorn to him whose love for you forgets Ik land vl.A.Jk llA Wfifl boml Robert 1 "He who loves not his country love nothing.1 Qualified An application paper) handed Into a civil servlcS e had the following answer to the questions: , Ques. Have you had any ence speaking before publo Inga? v n Ans. 'Cxyo months worii ., --"- TIb nt hAT. t Lt' ,JV.f mllRlilCTrBTB 1 " hi iffWiWBMto