'EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1917 ?". &v. :4 I BUMPER WHEAT CROP EXPECTED BY HOUSTON & -Secretary ot Agriculture aeca No Danger m snore wnent Crop for This Spring WAY LIMIT USES LATER Restriction from Liquor Making nml MlxliiB With Other Grains Urged WAS1HN'"T(,N. Mn.'" 10. Tlicio Is no i5on Why the people "f the 1'nlted Statis hVut't !' u aimed over the winter wheat thortaRi" wiHl Secretary "t Agilculturu Houston Weather favorable to spring heat ami increased acreage ilanlei1. In his Inlon, will prodilco a liumpcr spring crop If' the weather continues fnvorablo timing the RNiwlnK period. Pcsplto the fio.nnu.OOO-liusliel i1ecreac In winter wheat repotted In tho crop estimate!! jcflerilay. Mr Houston said the supply In Canada ami this country Is milllclcnt to feoil the people of the two comitrlua and allow for t00.flfli.000 bushe's ln export until the iprhiK nml winter wheat is iii the market. If conditions should become had lis tho result of unfavorable weather during tho trowing perlo.1 of the spring wheat, regu lation might l"1 ncccssai y ho said I only wint to sa that tlirrc Is no muse for il'arm at this tune ; but. on the other hand, the nereage of spring wheat should bo In creased, and nothing bo left undone to In crease our production. "Considering tho favonible weather now, the present supply and the fact that tho ufe of wheat will be made to go further by mixing. It necessary, 1 cannot sou any larmhiR condition." The tecretary said that pending legisla tion permitting mixing. If this should be ,,,!' as a conservator, the resttletlon f Its use In beverages and the teaching of eur people t' ue mor mi, would all lend to conserve our wnc.ii s'.ipplv, It may be mcessari . i" i Ue of wheat 1 I last resoit n was point aid. to strictly rigiil.ite the lit this will be done only a." d out thai we should go to the same conditions existing In Knitlaml to day, which permits of a mixing or '.' per cent of wheat Willi corn, rye or barley. other grains, euch as V. S. Ships Fires Upon U-Boat; Save Freighter Continued from Pace One JInck and Lieutenant l K. Kalthftil, of tho British N'avy . Jlr and Mrs. (' II. Xlehol on, Cecil H. I'oiisonby. II. II Hearing. Mrs M. A .Inclines and her sous. William II. and David It .lacipios. relatives of Hear Admiral Delano, of tho I'nlted States N'avy, Navy. Among the thrld-class passengers on the Ihlp were six members of tho Norwoginn back Kkoold. sunk off tho Irish coast by a German submarine on April L and threo Cf the crew of tho Norwegian back Vestelo, tunk on April 21. Tho Skoold was bound from Now York to Glasgow, and tho Vestelo from .Mobile to Belfast Tho nine seamen were very muih excited when the Kiinners were fir ing at the Herman submarine, and would rot ro below until neatly midnight, be cause they were afraid tho craft would appear again ln tho dark mid attack the ship. Tho ship carried twenty-nlno llrst. twenty-eight second, and thirty-four third class passengers. The weather was calm for most of the voyage, the officers said, BUV SEVEN AUSTRIAN VESSELS Federal Shipbuildinp; Board Gets Craft at Half Prevailing Prices WASHINGTON, May 10. Tho Federal Shipping Hoard announced last night It had purchased from Ameilcan owners seven Austrian merchantmen held in American torts, totaling M.fiSt tons, for $0,778,000. jTlio prico Is ubout half tho prevailing prlco for ships. The vessels will bo repaired within n few months and placed In tho war emer gency trade by the board. The ships are Dora. 7037 gross tons ; tho Ida 1730 tons, both at New York; Erny, 6513 tons, Uoston ; Anna. 1575 tons, Clara, 3H32 tons ; Teresa, 37C9 tons, at cw Orleans, and the I.ucla. 07 14 tons, at jTensacola. They were bought from A. T. Herd and Cieorgo A. Parden, Now York jhlpowncrs, who agtced to sacrifice their frolits and sell at virtually the same price they gave for the vessels. P 1 J iL 'Af -KrlliTraiwIil,,' i tirniiirwiTfiS kif nrnninr17'TewK;' jra tRi.4fJ !SlHSiS liStt-n 1 ilfYii"1! i"1!"!"! "iSTir" ImiiiW !"-ii VXrrtte Ei&eSsiL TB', Si('"IJsSi","'i"i -iiiiiil 11 Hi iiIiu, "j'MQ" IjKi. Jp?g l - The destination of the brook : : is the ocean. It gets there, ' " - too ; not once in a while, but ) J'5,?sw-0'-.-'S always. i V v in a Motor Car it is lmmeas- f"0 urably satisfying to liave " gSj&s this certainty of accomplish- !; 'Z-FJ02 ment, and you can, too, if ,g fj C3 f ":Sr3'i your car s a e'' S'x "P "- V -S-W Four l!ettUtiful Pen Mdela $ y.i?ln!$n T S, 4, S and 7 Passenger : I l1' lW7si(&J$W Superlative Performance & Wear j I ? m nnii n85 t $i65 $ I W Mil V x 24-HOUR DELIVERY I M -eJji-KX LA ROCHE BROS., Inc. W mb. &kl Y lr r ' m: milllli ' HI yi ; -JL-ypJj jy Name iKli jElMaMHPP9wl I ft m Street and Number vv. J&0mmimWmmmmmmmmmmW4&8lmsfflu MS Stern Assails Flucks as.Enemies of Transit Continued from Vatit one ent surface, subway or elevnted lines, with out having llrst to lmvo tho l'ubllo Service t'ommlsslon glvo It tho right to do so. Tho bill would Rrcatly cut tail tho powers ot tho l'ubllo Servlco Commission, nn would tho bill Introduced by Itcprcscntntlvo Hlack, of Dauphin, which wifuid penult the city of I'hllndelphla to go nhead with tho high speed Hues, without having to obtain cer tificates of public convenlcnvo from the commission. 1'AVonAiiLY nr.roiiTun Tile Ill.tek hill has been favorably report ed from the House Judiciary Special Com mittee, ot which Representative Stern Is chairman, and Is on tho House llrst leading calendar Its author, however, lias slgnllcd his Intention of having It lccommltted. as It would so nullify the powers of tho com mission as seriously to affect public utili ties companies op cot porat Ions, as well as municipalities or communities, not only nR to street rnllway sj stems but as to rail roads and other public, utilities, "If tho point raised by the Fhick suit was Justified before the passage of the act ti validate the loan," .Mr. .Stern (-aid, "cer tainly tho Flucks are not Justified In try ing to present tho art from belne ntnerd on tho statute hook, or In seeking to raise irr-m oosiacies In the wav of tho speedy completion of tho IMilladelphla high-speed lines , 'it Is the duty of every loyal Phlladel phlan. who has tho best interests of his city at henit. to d.i everything In his power to help push those lines, tint to attempt to tie them up by employing somo legal techni cality. "I have no dcslro to question the right of ntiv citizen or taxpayer to Institute, eotitt proceedings at any thno In older to test the legality of n loan or of a. bond Ifsue, but when the Legislature places the stamp of its approval upon nn act Intended to set tle, once and for nil, the legality of the jr.7.ino,non ,, r f ,hl) olc,.t(m j,t which It was approved by tho citizens of Philadelphia, then I think It is unwarranted and unjustified for any man. whatever his motives may be, to play the dog-ln-tlie-manger. N13VKK IlKAltll n.' KI.l'CIC "It ill heroines, any Individual to attempt to Impair the eiedlt of ids native city as this man Pluck, of whom I never beard of before, Is evidently trying to do. "If the bonds nlieady Issued to the amount of JT.oim.i by the city of I'hila- delphla as pan of Hie Jfiu.lniUiim port mid tianslt proposition should be declared Illegal by tho courts as the result of the I'lncU suit, tho bondholders would receive no In terest until the Legislature of lain could validate those bonds. "Of course, tho city of Philadelphia would not repudiate the obligation Involved, but the bondholder..) would not only b8 harassed but would have to wait for at lean two years he faro they could leallze any money on their bonds. Till is especially true If any of the bondholders might deslro to negotiate their secuiitles- "lf tho courts should declare Illegal tho election at which the loan was approved and tho validating act should not be signed by the Governor, it would seriously rcllect upon Philadelphia's financial credit. "There Is no connection between tho vali dating act and the other transit bills now pending in th Legislature. Tho latter bills were Intioduccd for nn entirely different purpose and will bo mado tho subject of a public hearing to bo held In cither tho Sen ate or the Ilnuso chamber on the after noon of May 22. Tho hearing referred to by Stern will be held In cither the Senato or House cham ber and will be conducted by tho Senato Judiciary General Committee., of which Senator Kline Is chairman, and the liouro Judiciary Special Committee, of which Stern Is chalimnn. What heailng. it any, the Ulack-Mlller bills may havo on the sltuntlon Is uncer tain, but tho opinion Is that any attempt to curtail the powers of tho Public Service Commission on tho part of tho Legislature would be vetoed by tho Governor. Hoth the Hlack and Miller measures aro "repealers." Tho Miller bill would repeal r Valley Forge ONE-DAY OUTING SPECIAL ONE-DAY FARE 75c ROUND-TRIP Saturdays, Sundays Memorial Day Philadelphia & Reading Railway paragraph D, of section 3, of Artlcl III, of the net known ns tho "Public servlco com pany law" defining public service companies nnd their duties and liabilities, prescribing, defining and limiting their powers, etc., and "to a limited extent regulating municipal corporations engaged, or about to engage In tlia business of public service companies," ns well ns "creating the Public Service Com mission and defining Its Jurisdiction over such companies or corporations." Paragraph 1) gives the commission tho "excluslvo power to regulato tho construc tion, alteration, relocation, or abolition of tho crossings of railroad corporations, street railway corporations or other public service companies, nnd of public highways by the tracks, or other facilities of tho said com panies." ' DOCTORS OFF FOR WAR FRONT Oniccrs of Reserve Corps En Route or Ready to Sail WASHINGTON, -May 10. War Pepait ment orders disclosed that eighteen offlrers of the army medical olllcers' reserve corps nto en route to llrltlsh nnd Krench base hospitals, or havo been assigned to units which will sail In the near future. Colonel Alfred K. Hradley, of tho in my medical corps, now attached to the Ameil cm embassy In London, will direct distri bution of tho units. The olllcers nre to ic port to him In Hngland Those already departed nre Captain Stan, hope Hayne-Joues nnd Lieutenants lletija min M. Vance. William D Jack, Percy Mils ginve, Cieotgo L. Stlckney. Kverctt D. Plasa and John A. C, Colston. Those under onleis are Majors Haivey Pushing, linger I. Lee and ttobert 11. Osgood; Captain Geoigo S. Derby and Lieutenants I'M ward It. Towne, Henry Lyman, Gilbert Itnrrax, John J. Mut ton, Jr, Oswald 11. Hobertson. Thoina- It Goethals nnd Samuel C llarvcy Waste Crust, Waste Bullet, English Economy Slogan LONDON, Mny 10. MAXIMS distributed by the food economy department of the Food Ministry includo the following: "Rich people who make their din ner of lobster salud nre good pa triots. The rich man who eats neck of mutton and bread is not." "Tho woman who wastes n crust wastes a bullet." "Eat slowly nnd you need cat less. Five people out of ten nre dijiKinp; their Braves with their teeth." "The dustbin swallows tho food of millions." GOOD LUCK FOR RUNAWAY Ncjrro Roy Finds New Suit nnd Al lowance by Sleeping in Dor Kennel Sleeping In a dog kennel brought pood fortune to a fourtee;i-ycar-ohl negro boy, Kcmlngton Gross, lie had been living In a Kennel on the grounds of tho Urown man sion at l''orty-flist nnd Locust streets lor mole than three weeks when he was found by the police. lie broke down nnd salil ho tan away from homo and was working lather than go to school and not support himself. William T. Harris, who lives next to the mansion, heard of tho case. Ho not only Hind tho boy out In new clothes, but wl'l nllo.v him mi allowance If his weekly I'poi's ,n ..hold alo good J Your order for the new TmmAAmf Ph Encyclopaedia Britannica printed mm Jmfl on genuine India paper must be WwW sent us. on or before Saturday, pWKWM May 26 if you expect to obtain a set. (It may be that the last set will be gone a day or two earlier.) NOW or neVer! When the last set is sold, no more can be offered printed on genuine India paper because there is no more India paper. Before you order be sure the Britannica will be tfseful to you as help ful to you as it is to the. 180,000 men and women who already own a set. In Philadelphia, see and order at GIMBELS 9TH & MARKET STREETS But do this today. Decide TODAY whether or not you really want one of these last sets on the famous India paper. If you do, then leave your order for a set. Or, if more convenient, send in this reserve order to us at once. Only $1 down (or with Reserve Order) secures a set. You may pay the balance in a limited number of SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., Chicago, III. Eleaae reserve me a Bet of the "Handy Volume" En cyclopaedia Britannica, printed on genuine India paper. I enclose $1.00 as first payment. Send me an order form which I acree to sign and return immediately. Stotesbury Defended in Statement by Bell rnntlmiMl from l'ne tine Service man. turning to Stotesbury. lie then ordered his assistants to check up the party and while tho financier stepped down from the platform ono of tho committee romnrked sarcastically that Nyo was a Secret Service man, nnd at the samo time Hell stepped forward nnd told Nye Just v ho tho financier was. Njo nnswered: "I am iv Secret Servlco man. nnd t will run things to suit Nye nnd not Stotesbury. Tho Humidor replied that he would not tolerato such reinatks "I AM IN CHAIIOH" "I am In charge of this train," rejoined N.vo deteinilnedly, "and 1 don't Intend to have any Interference." At this point Captain Mills thrust him self into the argument nnd requested that tho ladles iccelvo permission to board the car. "Mind your own business," said N.ve to Mills, who turned tho color of a beet. "This Is not ii police mutter. You havo nothing to do with this train and I don't Intend you shall." Assistant Secretary of stato Hrecken bridge Long tried his luck with N.vo. Ills attempts weio as futllo as tho lest. "If you want to run things." remarked the Secret Servlco agent t. Long, "go abend and do i and I'll go back to Washington. I am lesponslble for the party nnd I will not allow a reception aboard." "Now." Mr. Slntesbuty said. I'll take u band in this. The Unlit will move when I say s." "Vnu move the train'.'" said Nje "I gii("-s not I shall glvo the word at 2 .'!D ami tho.tiaiu will pull out " OFF ON TI.Mi: Tho financier, who controls the Heading. small monthly payments. But finally, it is NOW-or neVer if you want the Britannica printed on genuine India paper. Those who cannot so to tht store may ast thtirtstntordtr form, which will be legally Uniting upon us to reserve one set for you, just the same as If you ordered it In person. called Agncvv T. Dice, president of tho rail road, to one side nnd tohl him not to movo tho train until Mr Stotesbury gave tho word, The train was scheduled to lenvo at 3 30 promptly. Mr. Stotesbury gao the signal and tho train left on time. JCSSKUAND AltltlVnS Shortly after the train pulled out, Am bassador Jusscrand, who had been to a grcnt extent tho Innocent cnuso of tho trouble, rushed up to tho gates nnd wns informed that tho train had gone. "Jim" Cortclyoii, chief postal Inspector, stepped forward and volunteered his as sistance, with tho result that special ac connuhdntloiiR were obtained for M. Jus sornnd nn tho 3 o'clock train, and ho leached City Hall, In New York, beforo tho envoys themselves did. "How?" queried Jnffre and Vlvlanl when they saw him whom they thought they had left behind. "American cflleiency," replied ttyo Ambassador. AMERICANS HELD IN TURKEY Washington Learns Number of Military Age Are Ueing Detained WASHINGTON, May in. Americans of military age are hnving illfllcult.v in leaving Turkey nnd tho embassy at Constantinople Is making urgent Inquiries. An ntjiolal dispatch received by way of Stockholm says twenty-four Ameri cans got nvvav, but that twenty men be tween eighteen anil forty-five were not per mitted to depart lit the last moment. Those who did get away Included Consul General l'.avndal, Vice Consul Young, Commander Morton, the Ileiser family nnd the Messrs. Gulliver nnd Tompkins. Report of Revolt in Unllvia Denied LA I'.V.. Hoivli, May 10 Tho Secretary of state denied the report of n revolution In llollvia. lie sulil the sltuntlon ln tho republic was tranquil. miu 2&9?nifti$&KaftR tesm xr A WONDERFUL NEW VOLUME rpilH publishers of the Kncyclopaedin Britannica - .iiuiotinco Unit they have, made, arrangements tl f Issue, us soon utter tmisiiiie, of a new volume, containing n full and .uulmritative history of tho war. The new volume will ho written by scholars nnd export. of the samo hlKh character ns thoso who uioto for tho Ilrlt.mnlca Itfculf, and by many of Uh own contributors. It will bo absolutely impnrtlal. excluding all paitlsan icellns nnd prejudice. H Will contain : 1. A Judicial account of tho real causes of the war. the prouresH of the slriiKKln and the, lesults all over tho world; with maps, ns neces sary, to show cliatiKes In boundaries. 2 Tho lives of tho new lenders, whether civil, military or naval, In the belligerent countries. 3. The results of the war outsldo tlm rphero of flRhtlnc:. tho progress of surgery, tho pre. entlon of contagious, disease, tha new scientific discoveries, etc. The new volume will bridge the gap between the days of peaco beforo and after tlm war. It will be printed and hound to match tho Tlrltannlca and the publishers guarantee that no matter how dilllcult and costly tho supplementary volume may be from tho editorial point of view, tho price of it to all who purchase tho rirltnnnlea during the present sale will not bo moro than that of a. corresponding volumo ot tho Britannica. H. WASHINGTON LIFE CO. Vi-. IS ORDERED S Court Acta to Safeguard Ai sets of Pittsburgh' Life i nnrl Trust &1 NF.W YOIllf. May 10. Supremo Coi Justice injur has signed nn order on tl appllcatlon-of Insurnnco Commissioner PI lips, directing" lilm to tako possession tho Washington Llfo Innurnnco Company which was controlled by tho Plttsbui Llfo nnd Trust Company, because of acta of olllcers of tho company and by person ; pretending to net as agents or olllce,? which wero Inimical to tho Interests of th .n1lil linliln.a 'l ""' """" jl-K These consisted of tho remotnl frorau , . ,.,.. ... .... ... 1M pair nepnii ios ni pccurmca utjiuiieu nine riV? in tf0!) Iiy tho Pittsburgh Llfo and Trust, fW, Mtrnnco with tho WnrtihiBtuii TAtc, by whtchVM -J they wero to pecuro tho Washington Lift, ,v'v policy holder through tho deposit or se-.jiy.nY curlilcs In rxrcwi of the Irjrftl rescrvo of the 7 K1 policies. CommlsMnnor riillllps stated that '3 vj . it l-trrrn miitntltv tt tttn Mfriiritlrs had bMA ) pxchniifretl for bonds of Daro Lumber Com- it!'' pnny, which arc of ipeculatlve vatuo and V( nre not proper collateral to bo deposited ?' HiwIrH li fiiltteitrfi linn nitreMMMir Till f)ffl i.!'i.i3 ..., .......A.1 .'. ...,-tl.l. In !,. MtM1 .- ,... ..- (1. Vt11ntt-livr rvHIrhla nf Wnt.lt.. SktA Ington Mfn: Alfred Leury, prosldent; Wil- ' "fhn Ham D. MarQuestton, vlco president, and jta Ceorge A. Nicol, director. . Justice Illjur's order restrains any al leged creditor of tho 'Washington Life from, tnklnp" tiny action nnalnst It nnd also en joliiH the iiispnsitlun of any of tho asset of tho company. the emi or the war iih E. HOOPER, President fclfl ,i & aJ ' i '1 Jk'.1 ' 31 . vs 'M '.L m i-j V ' "wM .' .1 ffl 8 ? m ''in & -"ya rwttl l ' t.mmmv l uunwlf iBL" . I. Wmi ivWmN&rmXul TZ5r.' m mm oi.vtiii - ,B.Vt M WsSmLwWM M. r - r.' iy j iai