7 -v v - -fow?f -s r.7' rA'. ,$o f 4j, V V J 'JS ... . " .,. '. ri '1 X '''. ' ' V PICTURES '.' THURSDAY May 10, 1917 x A ND Aliening iUE00er SCRPPLE .ujrr . lt p -tf . . tm ' -aS1JKAis VW Z v s Si sr fcfc W The Younj; Lady Across the Way GIVE DANCE TO 15UY FOOD FOR POOH Members of the auxiliary of the Northeastern Ladies Benevolent Society, which Rives a Jlay Hop tonisht for the benefit of needy families. : '. : l: I U WHAT "TOOK" JOFFRE MOST ABOUT PHILADELPHIA Whichever way he turned, the hero of the Manic faced a battery of Evenino Ledgeii photofrraphcrs and their comrades. Yet he ncyer failed to "look pleasant." jr -w-ac -r"mfl " ..Attr.AtA. 'X'.l' Jk VJV 7 ," K'&, ATI. ' Mil. tifvtfjT -.a. dC.c.' - " . " vTa&jwirx.TAtbr '. ( if . m& . -t . mr. & . MrX AiS(X i ft . .Si'.-A . fc v. .. 'A ... , ' - KMMf J r KrH?S$& .S viKf-. f V . t A "o i ' aLX ViJiiXjy w 'lf.' WTWIAM TJTITT.AT1VT.PHTA M AMIIPAP.TITnRn 1' .Colonel 'A. E. Ford, its first president, sets out to " " ' - ' ' 'Suppliw' Association, ' LITTLE FLAG-RAISERS OF CAMDEN Mary McCall and Cooper L. Johnson hoisted tho Stars ond'Strlpca over the . , Pennsylvania Railroad Terminal a) Jy Vo uokpil tho younir lady ncros tho way If the bride's Rifts ran In nny special direction and ?ho said she Kit seventeen salad forks. The Difficulty "Do you know thin Kiiy Htnltli crs''" "No." "Theti don't." "Why"" "ic talks so correctly It sounds ns though ho was nlways maMnu mistakes." Gargoyle. TUP TFRRIBLE TEMPERED MR. BANG FINDS THOSE FRAYED ' COLLARS HE THREW AWAY PUT BACK IN HIS BUREAU DIUi By rONTAINB FOX. THE PADDED CELL Oh. WOMAN ! y , I J 'BUT THAT Sfir " . ) - - v FUMliV- EVE-yfOHlUgSt f X I GQHG Or IN PRICE ! ' LiSTEM;WlFE,HERS ITS AWFUL." LA&T-. 1 6ooyone : "THs I V vweEK i pAib-rFw (?ASDM Y'HAVE To PAY T J". - ' SERVANTS SUCH HISH T-" I WAGE. HER& 16 OVIN6 ? ). lb THE. INCREASED ' ' r ,- ' Cost of IvoRy " x $g .5 Vha HA HA ha ha ha , -tfytms iC' 1 ha-waro I He Who Laughs Last aalja ' Th Sketch. The Horse (bored by an enthuiltit who has borrowed him In order to prw'- tli'f; during a short lcae while train.; Inc) I'll learn him to laugh at chany. ers. f Obeying Her Own Precepts Gerald had been accused ot tin.;,! seemly behavior five times within in. j hour. Ills mother almost despaired j of accomplishing a refoim. "I hato to punish you go o(Un,t fche said. "Why don't you try to be Rood?" t'Why, mother, I do," he replied hopelessly. "I Just wish you'd try It some time and see for yourself ho hard It is." Entirely Accomplished SAFETY FIRST Cornell Widow. Fair Visitor I suppose a certain class of-fcllows have a habit of falling In the finals? '17 Yes, in fact they have developed quits a faculty for busting. -Idol Lady (engaging new maid) Another thing, I'm very particular regardlnlfol-; lowers. New Maid Same 'ere. mum. Ycr can't he too careful nowadays! SCHOOL DAYS 2Mfo ." Dajnon aixllj&tes. i 1 Quite Likely "Wliy are children so much worM than they used to .be?" j "I attribute It to improved 'dtMli I.iiIMIik." "1 "How so?" 1 "Shingles are scarce, and you cai spank n,boy with a tin rooI'j5 Awgwan. EPIGRHYMES: A Frenchman, judgln' from Ills name, H-O-U-X, it's spelled (I'm good at playln" checkers, but at French I ne'er excelled), wroto some thin' fine 'bout KVIL, thet he's UFTKN made me say thet crooked THIUltl'IIS trndlu hosses, In the end don't pay, A faller may feel good cf he he's sold a hoi's with heaves; BUT what a low-down sense o' shame that trade most alius leaves I I XKVKIl knowed a cuss thet looked you straight, squarln tho'face, thet didn't have, hid in his past, a bunch o deeds o' grace. An' now, today, I'm plcturln' this U. s. land o' ourn.'ln human form, a-sliakln' hands out tliar beside my barn. Ol' Uncle Sam he's got thet look thet sort o' gleamln' eye which says, "nigHt allua CONQUERS Wrong; email wins don't sig nify." An' that's the reason confidence hes grabbed both me an' you, that, In this war Our Flag will prove that fine. hfflV Kttvlrt' fTriiA h ; rtOBKRT ItUSSEL "Evil often triu,mphs, hut neveri quers." 'v A.