Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 10, 1917, Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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La MisHionc Itnlii-nn Darn' Cmi-
7 4Hni! i a ...!.... ...... n l..
., j- uuiii in -funuiicu our uuiiiu
Mihoni di Dollan
Duo Attncchi Auatriaci ncl Trentino c
a Tolmino Respinti dalle Korzo
(II Cnriornn
l)a fonte autorexulc o unit pun' esscn'
ultra fiinto tlopo riimiiKtiiazleine ile'lu 011
tira si nppri'nilo cho complin prlnclpalc
delta commission!- itntl.itiu !i- kI irea In
America, oltro iho portnro alia tiaxlonr
Americana II aaluto del popolo Hnliano, o"
quello ill tratlaro per rnrqiilMu ill circa
cento mlllunl ill ilotlarl ill ttiaterlalo fcirei
larlo netrll Klntl I'nltl, materlale iho rinii
prenele locomotive. ngnnl e mtnlr SI dice
die. la mlsslonc Itnllana s.ir;i' In America fra
tro scttlm.itie. L'na parte del prcstlti) ill
cento tnlllotil ill ilollari irhV fattn iiU'ltului
barn' spo.1.1 ticll'iirquNto .11 mi prlmo lotto
dl material!) ferroxinrln. kII nnllnl H.ir.inuo
datl piobnbllmento ilurante la pvrmanetira
della mlsslonc In America
II hlsoKno ill iiiatciinb' fctroxhiilo In
Italia ' inolto seiitlto ptr II faltn die quasi
tutto le Industrie che In fornix aim ullc for
roxle ilello Statu wiwi state trnsfurinati'
dall'lnlzln ilell.i Ktierni In falitirlclie ill tiiutil
zlonl c ill at ml. KoKKCttl linportantl ill iIIh
rusilone In Wiishltiirtoii sarntiiiu quelll rl
Ruanlantl la funiltura ilel carbolic p ill
xlxerl e ilel mczzl per tiaspurtarll In Italia
attraxerco la zona liattuta il.il Miltnm.irlnl
A propislto ilella inlHslntie Italian.), n 11
Atnbaselata il'Italla Bono Klunte rlohlosto
da a axsoclazlonl Itallene ill New York. Plnl
t ilelplila. Chicai". I'tttsliii i oil nltie cltta'
Jieichi' la mliloni' si iec!il a lltarle I"
Jiliplialille che hI ceiolieia' ill tiox iii. il
tempo per tina vUlta a paiecclile cltta'
U'po che la inlK'lone sara' Klunta In Wash
lncton SI sa che la inlsslime porttia' on n
una L-ollezlonn ill lllm clncniatoKtafldie
niostrantl I canlpl ill hattanlla ilella fionte
Itallana, Illrns che paranno ecpotp In inulte
cltn p che hono parte ill tina camiiaKna ill
pubbllclta' a cul II Rox'erno ltallano ntu'l
monte si acclitKo. campauna che Kara" '
maKnltlco mezzo per cementare la caupatla
de.le iluo nazlonl.
I 1 II mlnWtro ileKll Kstcrl InKlci-c Hal
four ch''c una lutiK.i. cotixcr.sa.lone con
ramba'clatori; braxlllano, e si crulo die vi;ll
cerca (11 ottchero la parteclpazlone attlva
del llrasllo alia Kuerra contro fill Itnpi rl
ocntia contrail.
ItO.MA. 5 MukkIii
lei I sera II .Mlnl'tero ilella tltlcrra pub
hllcaxa II senuente lapporto del irmrni
Cadnriia cilia la Mltuazlone alia f route Italn
rustrlaca: Sulla fronto del Trentino nella Klin -nata
ill lerl I'nttlxltu' delle artlttlleilc
fu ostacolata dal cattlxo tempo. In
Valdarsa tin reparto nemlco appoKiato
a nn piccolo rontlnci nte dl artlRllerla.
tento' dl prendere unii del noitrl iiostl
o .inz.it I. ma fu ic-plnto dnpo che iof
feihe perdlte cunslderexoll. L'n attacco
da parte dl nn altio reparto nemlco
contro una nostra v zlone Mil Vodll.
India s:ona ill Tolmino clihe pure l'lstes
ro i iHtiltato, e.'-endo ..tato lesiilnto con
Nell. i zona ill (ioilzla a xuU'altoplano
del Car.o si p' axuta sollta attlxlta'
dcll'artlnlleila nemlca the e' stata pill'
IntctiMi nulla serata (initio II no.stro
slstema dl difiva del Dosso Kaltl. II
vldoroMo e lapido lnterxiito delle noitro
batterle X'alse ii rldurre juesto al M
lenzlo lo nrtiKllcrlc nemlche In quel
ecttore InoltiP II fuoco nostie bat
terle causo' una eldoslon(, in un de
polto dl munlzlonl del nemlco dletro lo
Mio llncu dl lloco Main.
Rear Admiral de Chair Tells
Navy League Diners of Ap
proaching Success
WASHINGTON', May 10 In a xpeccli to
American naxal ofllcers at a reception ten
dered b the Nay I.eaKuo of the 1'nlted
States, Hear Admlial Sir Dudley de Chair,
the leadliiR naxal member of the lirltNh
-x-ar mission, asserted that IJrltibh expcits
xvcre at xx'orlt on dex'lces and InxentloiiH for
coplnc xx-ltli the HUbmariiie that Blxe blKh
promlso of succebs. Without disclosing the
method, ho asserted that the Ilritisli ex
perts xverp xxorkliu? alonp the samo lines
that American Inxentors and experts are
"The prnKres made" said Admiral do
Chair, "encouraces me to express tlio con
fident hope that the necessary antidote to
the submarine xxnnld ho found." What th
Hiltlsh olllcer said xxas ri'Kardeil as ery
niBiilIlcant and may explain the Intimations
from London durlitfC the last xveck that
treat proRiess xxas belntr made In tlio Hrit
Isb naxal campaign HKalnst tlio (icrman
submarine. It xxas the llrst Intimation from
an official Hrltisb source that the British
experts xxeic also bellex-ed to be on tlio
road toxx'ard success In dex'eloplnir devices
to combat successfully submarines and tor
pedoes. Admiral do Chair said that henceforth
Ttrltlsli and American expel ts would xx-ork
tofrether "so that all tho Kenlus of the
American and Ilritisli peoples will be de.
voted To It." American nnd Urltlsh naval
ofllcers, declared Admiral de Chair, will not
be content to let things rest xxlth the mer
chant shipbuilding program as a means to
crush the submarine. "As a practical prop
osition," he said, "it xvill bo six months be
fore the full xveltsht of a merchant ship
building prosram can be felt. Declslxe re
sults must be. can be nnd I am confident
will be achlexcd before then by tho com
bined efforts of our navies." He urged
the dexelopmcnt of strategy that would
"place our navies effectlxely on tho often
slx'o against tho submarines, to drive against
their poxx-er not singly or spasmodically,
but with a crushing blow."
The reception was glx-en to the naval
members of the British xvar mission "to
commemorate the close accord and co-operation
achieved between the nax'al foices and
navy leagues of Great Hrltain and the
United States. ,
Discuss Electric War Problems
SEW YORK, May 10. Three hundred
presidents and other executlx-e ofllcers of
electric power companies met today nt
the United Engineering Societies Building
and discussed xx-ar problems which electric
companies will have to face. The Society
for Klectrlcal Dex-elopment, made up of
manufacturers and Jobbers In electrical sup.
piles and telegraph and telephone companies,
met yesteruay.
The quotatlomi on butter nnd eirti given
hrlnw re jmterilmr' rliln irlfi
nUTTEn The market rulrd tmdy unrir
moderate onVrlnxa and a. fair demand. Iiealera
had little dlftlculty In aecurlne the outaide rata
for fancy aolld'packtd creamery, while ttw under
irradra xvere well cleaned up at Inaide Jlvurea.
Fancy prints aold fairly at ateady prices, but
much of the supply was of more or leas unat
tractive Hock, which was dull and ruled In buy.
er"' favor. Quotation!!
Weatern. freah, aolld-packed creamery, fancy
apeclala. 44c: eitraa, 41! 43c: extra flrata. Mc;
firsts. 40c; seconds. aoWc; nearby prima, fancy.
49c: avarace .extra, lawnc: r.rnn. iw.c: see.
ends. 40tM0Hr; special fancy branda of prints
loWklnjr at 48Slc.
' VifiVfl, " ...T . . llttl. t-At mwA ft,, mar-
F.1 weak, under lower, outaide advlcea.
r ample, wuoiaiiona:
i. . per naatr-ao., currem.
Major l'ugh
NOItlUSTOWN, l'n., May 10. Stephen T
Major, of Noirlstoxvn, nnd MIsh Julia I'.
1'iikIi, of Klnu-of-l'ruiisla, a (rraduate of
the NnrrlHlnxxn IIIrIi School, xxere married
In Xex' Yorls yesterday, by the Hex- ("harles
1. Ackley, nnd Immediately left lor a txxo
xxeelui' trip throuKh the .South
AI1NBW May 0. JOHN I' . Im-huml of lute
Hunu M Aanew inn) nun of Juinin nn.l .Xbiry
Asni-xv lleliillxi hihI friend. trlRh'AtnrTlmn
riul nnd rtnpluyes of Kolti's lliikery, Invlti-d
to fun-Till, .Moil, S il in. 11131 Hlsel M o.
mm hleh iu"" of rnpilcm t'hurih of HI.
'Iiiuntiia Aiiutmis H..'1'l n m thurp. Int Holy
L'rois rem.
Al.l.HN. May S. Hl.t.nN At.M'N. lter of
the lute I'utrltli Allen. Itrlatlxes And friends
liixlted tu funernl. Hat., :nu a. ni.. from nieces
renl.lenre, Mm. XMIItam llrnnne. 1'l.lu Winter at.
lliKh re'iulem irmn Catheilrnl Church 0 a. m.
Int. Holy Croia im
Al.THOtldKXlJH l. I'ATIU'ltlN'l' (lle Vhf.
triii i. ulfr. nf Aitnlnh AltrnBK lulir rnl. Hat..
s r,u a m N I! i or. Ilrookixii nnd isl'n ets
lllxh times t our .Mother of Hornmn' Churrli
In n m Int. riilho'lral (Vm HelHtlxrs nnd
frlrniN Inxltnl
Inn" elirt wife of Wen-bin Aii'lcrer ned "H.
Iti'latlxts and frlemla linlteil lo funeral rvlee.
1'rl , 1 I' in . I'ooi s. ITth at. Jb-malmi may
Im xlexed Thure. cxe . 7 p. m. Int private,
r.rnwiio.l f'em
NHi:itS(lN May ll MIN.VIi: MAODX
I.H.S'i:. XX If" of XVIIlUm J Anderann (nee Kl-eli.
lerl Hclnllxen nnl frletnls Inxlteil In funeral
erxlcee, Hat , 'J p m , 'J1UI H Stella axe
Int nrlMite u.ikland (Vm
AVf.VdTO.S' .Xla S. Ililltilll'T wife if
l:tntlon Alnntnn Hilatlxrn and frlcnda Inxlted
lo funeral Sl , II h m hu-di ind's reatd'Mirr?,
H (liblHin k Court (LMth and rhrlxtlan sts (
llluh Mass of Ho, nib m at M Anthonx's Church.
In n m int llolv Crnea (Vm New Jersey
and .XI iryliihi! Miprrs iop
IIA1.I.. Mjx ANNHi MALI.. nKil 73. IleU
tUca and f rl. nN Inxlteil to eerxlcee. Sit . .1 p
in P.IO S Crcll el Intermrnt prlxate 1b
inalnp inoj tie irii'I Prt h to In p ni
IIWT.x tn II MAHV I. Idnw" of I'nlnnrl
l'hirH Itanfe 1'unernl serxlcea Sat.. U p
in '01 Sprlna (laiikn n. Int prlxate
IIAHNI'S Mm l uf leritirn-aplnnl UKlilnKllH
S l.dl'IS. hustuml of Aim. i M 'nn, aim of
Kllrnlntli i. and tate Samu-I X llarnen, aped
4'.i. at L'J IS. Tuliiehocken at , (l rmantoxx n No
Ht'ATTV May ti. Al.r:ANIi:tt. huili.nnd nf
Sirnli Heiitty son of Hllz.il th and Lite James
Heattv. nf County l)irr Ireland Itelallxea
and frlenila. I'.xcelelor Caetle, No 32, Ktilshts
nf til"' (lolilen H.mle Courl Anierlrii No ."7
romaieri of Ainerlrii lntted to funeral erx
lien Sat i: p m. 3J10 XX'hartou et Heniilria
m.i l, xlewnil Krl . after s p in , Int Mi
Xlortnti I'ehl
iir.NKiiii-r m.iv s I'ATn.xiiiNr: iihsm:-
HICT (nee Nujinitl. widow of Krnnlt llinedin
Helatle4 anil frh lids Inxlted to ftmiral Sol
x 3ll a in readier!,., of aNter Mr Maeirnr"!
Sentiiti llllA Wallace at lllch maa Si
Asath.i s I'tiurch In a in Int liol i'roa
iif.itnr.MANV - Max fi xtAHnAnr.T
linilOHMANN dauchler of Uli Philip F. and
Marv It lleuihler t(eatea find frlenrla In
xlted to funeral serxlies. I'rl . L" p. m.. 4 lit N
r.Oth el. Int prlxate. Helxun Cem Hemalns
mnv he xlewed Thura , to 10 p in
BLACK May S. EI.1ZA M . wife of Jnmea
S Hlack. Helatlxea and frlenda. Proareaa Conn
ell. No 29. M and 1). of I. i Camp No 12",
P O S of A.. Inxlted lo funeral aervlcee,
Krl . 2 3ii p m 442 K Halnea at Otn Int
Ixy Hill Ccm it'malna may ho xlewnt Thura .
a to to p m
HONMllDrr May 7. WAl.THIt. son of Mary
tloalir and l.xte John Honahnff, atred 23 Ileln
tlxea nnd frlenda inxlted to funeral. Sun.. :t
P m realdence of parents. 37.'r York rd Int
Oreetnnount IVm. Hi mains miy ho xlexvrd at.
"nmniAX.- May . edxvin u. doavman.
Hi:i3 Itiiw.in at . need 1)1. Ilelatlxes nnd frlenda
Invited to servkea. Krl.. - P. m.. Oliver It. Ilalr
IlldK., 1N2U Chratnut at. Int private Chelten
Hills Cem. Iieinnlns miy be xlewed Thura. from
7 to in ti in
HOVnil May S DHI.I.IIKUT t huali.ind
of Annie Hover llelatlxia and friends Inxlnd
to funeral Sat s 3d n m 1311 N American
at HlKh maaa St llenr a Churih In a in
Int Hol Sepuhhir Cim Uemalna max hi
vpwe.l I rl after 7 p in Auto funeral
lll'CKI.HV Max li. IIANIHI.. husband of
lute Sarah llurhley line Current. Helatlxea ami
frlenda, Cathedral T A II n. tet llnlj Name
Sor letj of St ARatha'a Churih. Inxlted lo fu
neral. Mon . 30 n m 30311 llrnndxwtne at
XX'eat Phlla Solemn hlah requiem iniiaa SI
Aeniha a Church lu n m Int New Cairidral
lirsen May 7. JACOIl huslwrnl of Pauline
Una, h (nee IJo-tz), iiKed ill Itelatlea nnd
frlenda Kensington l.oilKe T nnd A M No
211. rreeman Chapter No. 243. Corinthian
Ch.ireeurs li T No. .TI. l.u l.u Templf. A. A
o N M. s , momlnrii of the Potters Lake Hunt
ini: and KlahltlR Clul) and all organizations of
whbh ho xna n memtier Inxlted to funi r.il
I'rl 2 p m. 1201 I. Indie) axe, I.os.in Int
Wiatinlnater Crm Aulo aerxlee.
HfSCH. May s. In Trederiik i'o.. Mil.. PAVIj
I1CSCII, used 7t Int. p-lxate. In Philadelphia.
(nio O'lveefe), wife of John O Callalian Hela
tlxea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Sat s
a m. risldenco of huatand. 1134 S 2Hth at
Hequlem maaa St Anthonx's Churih 0'3u a ni
Int llnly Croea Cem
CAHI. May II. MAHV J d luuhter of Annn
M nnd late Anson Carl Helathea and friends
Inxlted to airxlrea hat , 2 i m Oliver II
Hair Hide., IS20 Chestnut at Int nrlxati.
Mt .Morian cem
C.XKH -Mav 7 (IHOIllli: husband of Hnae
Mntz Carr HelatHes and trlenda, meml,era of
21M XX'ard Heputillran I'luh inxltnl to funeral
aerxlrea Crl . 2 p 111 . 3122 XX' Gordon at
Int prlxate XVi atmlnater Ci m Itemalna mill
he xlewnl Inure ei Auto funetal
CI.AHKl: May K, JflllN S CLAHKC Hela
tlxea and friends luvltu to funeral RervtiHs,
Thura 7 3d p ni . realdence of his son, XX'illlam
X Clarke, fi.'rJl Morion st . (lernmntown. Int.
Hnlvoke Maaa Please omit tloral olferlnaa
COOl'I'K Mnj 11 MAltY IH'ItNH. widow of
Jamea Cooper nsed M H.MatlXPH und friends
Invited lo funeral. Sal . 2 p m.. aon's resi
dence. Hnhert Cooper 4441 Paul at . Trankford
Int lirivnli. North Cedar Hill Cem.
MAN. HEid 77 Hilatlxia and friends inxltid
to funeral perxleea, Sal, 2 p m. Tann al ,
weat of I'rankford axe Int private Auto
CHO.SIN Mav 8 at naldeine of son-.n-Iaw.
Charles XV Hurst 13 S Coniatoua al , JOHN
C. husband of Sallle H Croaln (nee lliruaril)
Helntivea and friends, Hamilton Lodge Xu,
274 K ". A M Men's lllble Class of the
churih of Atonement. International t'nlon of
Iievntor Cnnatrmtinn Local t'nlon No . In
vited to aerxlcea. Krl, 2 p in. Oliver II Hair
llldir . Is'-'o Chestnut Int Trinity i hurch
Urounda Mooreatown N J
CHOXV'l.KY Suddenly, May !. JAMHS. hus
band of Alice Crow lev Helatixes and friends,
metnhera of the Holy Name Sot ietv of Our Latlv
of Mercv Cliurch. Inxlted to fuuer.il, Sal li 3d
n m l.'iO'i XX' I.ehlKh nve Solet-n reiiulem
mass Our Lady of Mercy Church 11 n m. Int
New Cathedral Cem
CHLP. Isy X. ANNtl' H . widow of Joaeph
It. Culp nnd mother of Mrs Charles M sheaffer.
Wajms l'a aued Sil sears. Serxices and int.
'"cCRHY May R KATHAHINi:, wifo of Rob.
ert Curry Relatives nnd friends invited (o fu
neral, I'rl.. S.3u a m . IMS. N. 2d St. Solemn
reuulem maaa St MUhnel's church 10 a in.
ahnrp. Int Holy Sepulchre Cem.
DUAL Mav s, (ILOHUl; XV . husband of lite
Catharine Deal (nee Kins) nnd son of lato Mury
J and William Ileal. Helatixes and frlenda In
vited to funoral. Mon 7.30 a. m.. sister's real
dinee, Mrs II Sldebqttmn. l.'.Iil S Maraton at,
(2th and Taakert. solemn hUh mass of re
quiem Si. linbrlel's Churih 9 n m Int. Holy
Cross Cem
IiBNNHY May . HAItHY T.. husband of
Catharine Denney (nee Siottl Htlatlvea und
friends. Tabor llenelklal Soiiely. Invited to fu
neral. Sat . 2 p in 1M2 Treo st tlnth and
Jackson sta ) Remains may be viewed ITi .
7 to ti p m.
DOLL. May S. K.LMKH It., son of Paul
Culler nnd Hvrt M Doll (lien Oibaonl. used 12.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral sst ,
ii.Jo a m . realdence of parents 2131 8. 11th
st Service nt All Saints' Church, 11th st nnd
Snider ave.. 10 30 n. m lut llordentown,
N J. via 12 noon train Market st ferry.
Friends may i alt Krl eve.
DORNHY May s, JAMKS I) . husband of
Mary V.' Dorney (nee Kltztcrald) nnd son of
iimothy and late .Mareiret Dorney Helatixes
and friends, Knlrhta of Columbus s.in Domlnso
I'ouncll. Phlloputrlan Society, Holy Name so
cleti, Prlendlv Sons of St. Patriiki lMh Ward
Republican Club. Rolwrt drier Club; A C
Ilarmer Club, nil other organizations of which
he vvhh n member. Invited to funeral, Sat .
H.30 n m . 1334 I: Jlonteomery ave. Solemn
requiem mass In 30 a. m , Church of Holy
Name. Int St Dominic's Cem . Holinesbun,
Pa Auto funeral
DOUIIHKHTY Mav l, suddenly, at Wild
wood. N. J . JIirFHIlY DOUGHLRTY, need
ill Turther notice of funeral will be given,
from :inon .Market at , Phlla
HLDKH. At 22 N 50th at., Mav I). ALICE,
wife of Jnmta W Hlder, need 84 Notice of fu-
""fllLALIA May 6. In Portueal. COUNT
husband of Ada I'arrar, ased Dl. Helatlxea and
friends, Tioga Neat. Order of Owls, and XX'eat
Indtana Ave. Yearly Heneflclal Asao. ; employes
of Zenith Upholstery Co. nnd members of the
l.lxtnr; Mission Inxlted lo funeral. Sat., 2 p m .
321a N, American at, Int Norlhwood Cem.
Frlenda may call Krl . 8 p. m
FEH. May B. HHHNAHD, ion of Peter and
Mary J. Fee (nee Hudden). KeUtlvea and frlenda
Inxlted to funeral. Sat.. 8.3U a, m.. resident e
of parents, (H37, Iloopea at. Solemn requiem
nii Our Lady of Victory Church lu a. m. Int.
Holy Cross Cem
KIS11KH. May H. ELVA J,, daughter of late
Frank and Anna Haher. nsed 20. Relatives
and friends Inxlted to funeral services. Sat.. 2
p m.. brother's residence. Frank Flaher. 3111
11 I.ehlsb nva. Int. Oakland Cem.
I.KIl. daughter of Catharine and lata Christo
pher Zeeu. aged 40. Itelatlvea and frlenda,
ftaaka Council, No. 27. I). of P.. Inxlted to
funeral. .Mon., 2 p m.. 214(1 S. Opal at. (20th
and Jackaon sta.). Int. Westminster Cem.
Friends may tail Hun. eve. Auto funeral.
UAFNHY.e-.lay li. JAMES P.. husband of
lata Annie Cafney (nee Donahue). Relatlvea
and frlenda. tev. Thomas J. Harry Ilranch. No.
122. C K. of A.i St. Edwards Holy Namo and
Ht Edward's Young Men's Ilenetlrlal Societies
and St. Mlchael'a Catholic and ML Michael's
Young Men'a llenellclal Societies. Inxlted to fu.
neBl7 Hut.. H.3'1 a. in.. B50S N. 8th at. Solemn
reuulem mass St. Edward'a Church 10 a. m.
Int New Cnthedral Cem.
liAI.LAUHER. May li. EUWARIJ. husband
of lata Elizabeth (Jallagher. Itelatlvea and
friends Invited to funeral services, Hat,. 2 p. m,,
0031 Klmwood ave., XX'cst Phlla. Int. private.
OCOllUB. Suddsnly. May T. SALLIE C.
ilaughtsr of Kmm J. and lata William II.
George, aged SI. Relatives and friends Invited
to funsral aervicea. Krl., 3:30 p. ra., brother's
residence, A. T. Oeorgt, (1442 Washington ave.,
W. Phlla. Int. private. Fernwood Cem.
1ILU May 9, FANNIE, widow of Peter
Dili. Relatives and frlenda. Primrose Lodga.
No. 4. I. O. Daughters of St, George, Invited
to funeral services. Hat.. 3 p. m., 305 N. 41st
at. Int. Mt, Morlah Cam. .
OILLIES. My B. at A15 N, 18th at., Mrs.
MARY K. OII.I.IEH. High requiem mass
Cathedral. tSth and Warp sts?. Kr .. 10 a. m.
7. UMERErT.-MO. .MATi . f V".JUI.T
' i
' J
at. Serxlcra st All Saints' rhurch. Prldelburg.
u n, m. Int. Ht, Valentino Cm. . ,
OOOAN. Miy 7, HADlli A daughler of late
John T. nnd Hnnnah P. (logan nnd grand
laughter of late Michael nnd Mary Hunan.
Funeral, to which relatives, friends nnd II. V.
M Sod illly. Church of tho Eplphnny.nrt United
ITI.. s :iu h. m. 102S Daly si. Solemn mass
nf requiem Cliurch of tho Epiphany lo a. m.
Int. Cathedral Ci m
HAK1 May 0. THOMAS C. husband of
Emma llslit tnee Itellerjaril ni:ed 12 Relatives
and frlenda. Camp No 77, I1 O. H. of A l
Pennn Commander! No 3J, P O. S. of A ,
camp No us. P o of A. i employes Middle City
Poetofflce nnd Poatofflce Protective Aaao,. lll
vltvd In aervicea, Sunday, 2 p m . 2031 Parrlah
st. Int Mt Morlah Cem,
HALL May 7 (lEOHUE sun nf Ellznheth
nnd late Abxander Hall, aged '-'.. Helatixes
and frieniN XX'noJin and t'nrp-1 Xnrn XX'orkers'
Union. Local S2.'. nnd emploirs John Hromliyrt:
Sons. Invltid to funeral, Sat.. h'M n. in . moth
er's residence. 2212 H, Auburn si Solemn re
quleni mass St Ann's Church 10 a. in Int.
New Cath'drnl Cun
son of Mirgartl and late Owen Hannon Rel
ntlves and friends Invited hi runeral Sat., S'3.)
n m mother's residence, wnu WhtKolmrklnff st
Fotcmu rcquirm mnsa, Church of the Incaratlon
tun in Int lb ll S pulchreCini AutofunTal
IIECIC Mai li SARAH, wife of Frank
Heck (nee Doughrrty) Helatlxea nnd friends
II V XI Sodalltl. Escelalor Ti mud (loldu
Engle. No so Invlled In funiral Sat. sail
a in. 1027 H Croky st High rcqlili in lnas
St. Edmunds Churih In u in Int Holi Croaa
'lIKSHY May 0. HArtATT. widow of Jsmes
Henry and (laughter of late John and Anna
Meani Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral,
Hun,. 2 p. m.. son's residence, XVIIIInm Henry.
20.17 E. Huaquehnnn i nve Int. North Cedar
lllll Cent Remains may be viewed Hat. rvc.
Auto service
HICKMAN. At resilience of W P Ottey. 2120
N, siitb st.. May s. EH.AIIETII widow of John
W. Illikmau. naed s.V Hdatlxcs nn I friends
Invited to sirxliea ITI tl'.'lll a. tu . ollxcr II.
Hair 111,1b.. 1211 Chestnut t. Int. lleullh (.Vm..
Huaselxllle Pa., on urrlvul of train leaxlns
llron.l St. Sta.. I'rl.. 11 (3 n. in.
liiee IlllileUurn). widow of John 1. Jaluwu,
Jr Rilatlves nnd friends liivlt'd to funiral
servlna. s,t. 'jau p m, from liti teald-.m ,,,
oiks Moniromeri Co l'n Int. st Paula Me
morial Churih. Carriage vlll inirt 1 in p m
tr'iln from Hrond St St.i upon Its urilv.il lit
II iVa S' I
JollS'SUN At 2. S Main st. (Juakertow n.
Pa 1 iiiirlh-day, Fifth Month tllli HICIIAHD M.
JllllNSON aged 7.. IM.tllv.a ami friends In
xltnl tu funiral. Sol nt his late ti.!imi. I 30
p. m . and lit Frlenda' Meeting Houa,. 2 p In
dnughtir of Hlchbell A and Hi leu O Jones,
.igid 3 Funeral services and Int. private,
Vallev Rautlst Cemettry.
KELLY Mai 0 MAT'lllEW, husband of
Mulnl Ui llv (ne I'onnori nnd son of X!m and
late Thorn is Ki llv Hibitlns and rrlenil".
llernft'lli Itetl Soeletl. IlirtVllle Social and
InteruatpM.'ll Mulders' Cnion No I.", invlled
to Inn, nil Fri , 30 a in 2"ils 1' Somerset
at Soli ti n niulilu maaa si Ann's Chuich
Ion m lot V Ann s Ci in
TOI'H , u 71 ll'allvis and frb nils Invlled
lo fiuie-nl I rl 7 3il a ni "on In. law's real
denee Maitin A. iliarv oii tu Xlortori at Otn.
Solemn mass of requii m si Xlrneiii'a (hurch
n a in lut llolv Sipul'hn Cem Auto fu
neral I.ANZI.I. "mid. lib Mav 'i HENRY LAN-
ZKL, .nu jif lnle .loai ili anil .XI.mil Hi lia lain-
CI ril'eii .il i.ei-iuvia hoii irieoii- lll'inni'ia
of Eastern Star Lodge No IMJ, Mooan Loili,.
No al Philadelphia Schuilzeu Soch Iv and
butchers of South 2d St. Market nnd all other
socletb of vvhlih he was n m mbi r. Invlud
to funernl. Sun , 2 p in . HUH Jerome st.
lht Centlnl Laurel Hill Cem Auto service
Relatives nnd friends Invltid to funeral. Sat,
7 3u a in . nsldenie of brother, l'eier Larklua.
lM." N 2,'lh si High mass st Ell ibeth'a
Churih 0 n m Int Hnlv I'roas Ci m Aulu
fum ral
Mai.XLLIsTF.H May , CEIIROE. hn-hand
of lute Margate! MaiAlllslir (mo Roikwill)
Relatives and friends Inxltnl to fiiiieiui hi r bos
Sit, 2 p m. nslilen f nrplinw. Miih.nl
Mm kin .'unit N Ainerliau st Int. prlwiti
North Cnl ir lllll Ci m
M XCPIIEHSON Mai s. at resident,.. 20 S.
If.tll el . EI.I.A J widow or All in Mm .l mill
aged 73 Rilatlxis and frb tola imiliil to fu
niral sirxliia. Sit 2 p 111 the Churih of the
Hull AlHistbs S E i or 21st and Christian
Hts lilt private XXoodliu.la Cim Remains
m.iv be vli mil S.n 11 3il to 12 III a m.
MALONE May 7. JAMES husband nf Mho
MiiIoik Itfliitixes and friends, St. Cibrlel's
Holy Name Sncletv and Leaguo of Sicred Heart
and emploiea of Hildvln l.oi omuttM XX'nrks.
Inxlted to funeral bat S Nil n m. ISIS S.
C.u-nthir st. Solemn high mass nf tequlem Ht.
Oahi Id's Church in n m. Int Holy Cro.ss Cem.
MAN'O Mav it. t crebro-splnal meningitis,
MAHOARET EI.I7.AHE1 II. ilauhhur of Oeorgc
S and Elizabeth Mnuo. ngnl . No funeral.
MARTIN'. Mav s ANNIE wife nf James
Martin (nee Martini ntiil diuglitir nf Sar.ili nod
Into Owen Ma.'tlu. of Ciahel Crabln. County
Donegal, Inland IlelutiMs and frit nda Altar
nnd Hos:ir soiblv u,,l r M Soilthtv of
St. Agatha s Cbuiih. invii.d to funeral. Fri .
P-30 a. m. 3S12 I'olaom st Solemn mass of
requiem St. Agathi's Churih 1. n. tu. Int
Hull Cross Cem
of Samuel J. McCauslln. agid 80. Relatives
nnd friends Invlled lo funeral servlies, ITI. 2
P. m. reyldenco of sun-In law. 0231 Jiffcr-um st.
Int. prlvnle.
Mellt'dll .M.11 s. PATRICK .1 lup.h mil of
llrldget Mi Hurh Helitlvis ami frluids lil
No 7 A O. II. Invltid In fun. ral I rl s :!ll
a m . lsi3 XXolf at Solemn high requtenl mass
St Monlia's Cliu.ih 111 a ni Int Hull I n
eem vxuto luiiernl
MiII.V.XlNE Xl.iv s JOHN F . mhi of Lit.
Charles nnd Julia .Xhllvaiiie Rilatlves and
friinds, .Xlariiuette Counill. No 2s'i. K of C
and all oilier organic illona of whkh he wns h
number. Invited to fuiural I'll, s-.to a m
nsldenie of slalir Mrs E I'.iv . IhiHI XV. Erli
axe Solemn liiiuletn mass Churih of 111 llolv
Souls lu a in Int St Anns Ci hi
MclNTYRE. -Mai II. EI.I.AHEl II. xxlf. of
Mars'leii XV Milutli. Hilitlvea nnd frb lids
Inxltnl to runeral. Sat 0 3u a m. MCi N 3'ilh
st. Solemn requiem mass m Akitha's Chun ti,
II a. m Int. New Cithnlia! Cem. Hemaiua
may be viewed ITI 7 to 11 p. m
.XlcIxNIlilll' Mai !i. WILLIAM J husband
of Margaret .XtiKnlght R.latlvis mid filends.
Calhedral T A II Socli ti . st ('.murine and
Leo Columbus I c, ll c Socletlis. ,san Siha
ilor Council. K of C . inxlted (o funiral. Mon
h.3ll a. m. Kill North st Solemn requiem
liuihH Caltii'lral HI n in Int .llolv (Toss Cim
MEAl.tFF May s I'HARLEH S . son of
Peter and Elizabeth Meallff Relatives and
friends Division SO, A o II.. nnd cmnloits of
I'hlln. I'leetrlr e'n , iimiiii to fum nil. I rl . s.:;t)
a m residence of pirenta 17tl N. 27lh st.
Solemn requiem mass st Elizabeth's Church
III a m Int. Holy Cross Cem
MEL!.' n.--Sudduilx, .XI iy K. WILLIAM C
husband of late Estella Me llor aged 32. Rela
Itves and friends, also m Hilars of Lcnal 307 and
37th I. A. T. S. E . Invltid to funeral I'rl.. 2 r
m. residence fall r-ln-l iw. 313.1 N Tailor st
Int private (Irienwood, K of P Cem
MI.HR1TT May 7 ELIZAHETH It., widow
of William Merritt Relatives and friends
Altar. Rosarv and League of the hairel Heart
Society of Holy Family Church. Invited to fu
neral, Fri . S.3U a tu li.ns. Sinlck at , Mona
lunk Solemn requiem miss llolv Family
Church lu a. m Int St Mnrj's Cem.. Ron
borough MILLS. May P. LVDIA A widow of Samuel
O Mills Hikitlves und friends Invltid to fu
nernl services, Sat , 2 p m 113 S. 2d St.,
Colwyn. Darbi (formirli of Paschnllvlllc). int
Arlington (Vm
M1NZKNMAY. M iy ll. Ml N Oth st , Cnm
ibll, N J. AMELIA widow of Christian
Mlnzenmav nged 40 Rclitives und friinds in
vited to funeral. Sut 3 p. in resldinie of
(leorge (loelz, 1323 Russ.il al. (13th at. ubove
Ontario, Tioga). Int Norlhwood C m. He
mains may he xlewid I rl . s lu lo p m Autu
Ml'lCIIELL. May S. CHARLES W . husband
Caroline Mitchell (nee lllani . aged 72 Hela
tixes and friends. Courtlind Saunders Post,
No 21. 11. A. H . Surxivors 3d Pa. Heaxy Ar
tillery, lhsth Pa Vols.. Inxlted to fuiural, Tri..
8.30 a. in., (ilia l.arrhwood ovv. High muss
St Carthage Church 10 n, m. Int. Holy Cross
of Charles Moutgomeri. nged .'i4. Rilatlves and
frlenda Invited to funeral seniles. Sat , 12 noon
l'JJO N. Alden st. Int Hillside Cem. Remains
may bo viewed Fri . 7 to 0 p. m
MOORE May V. JAMES, husband nf lata
Isabella Moore Inec Hutchinson), aged fiu, Vua
notlre of funernl given, from 3007 XV. Cilrard
MORROW. Muy 8, MAY S.. daughter of Re
becca J. and the late lieorge M. Morrow. Rela
tives and friends invited lo services. Sat.. 2:30
P. in.. 3017 N. 10th st. Int. private. West,
minster Cem.
.. Ml'I.CHINOCK -May N. MAHV. widow of
Noah. Relatives and friends Invited to funcrst
Sat .Ha in , residence of son-in-law, Francis
.1. Harmer, 231 XX'hlte Horse pike Audubon, N
J. High mass Ht Roso of Lima Church, Had
dun Heights, u,3u a m Int Holy Cross Cem .
. viPTr:,STIN,; Mn!.. " at Hurrlsburg, Pa,
ANNA E, wife of Shirinau Nolestlue Rela
tives and friends Inxlted to funernl s-orxlces.
Sat.. 3 p. m., brother's residence, John A
stahr. at Park hxb.. Elklns Park, .Montgomery
Co.. Pa. Int. private. Mllford, N. J.
aged 7.1. Duo notice of funernl will bo given
from residence of brother. Charles F, Ohrecht.
2443 S. Watt St.
O'MALLEY. May 8. formerly of 1045 Slgel
St.. CATHARINE, wife, of John O'Malley And
daughter of tale Edward and Catherine Cusaek.
late of Wesport. County Muyo. Ireland Rela
tives und friends Inxlted to funeral hat., 8 30
H',m",.,ro.IT1 f1"1" sister's residence, Mrs. itoran.
lsjii H. Kith st Solemn reiiulem muss St.
Thomas Aquinas' Church Hi a m Int. Holy
Cross Cem Chester pnpers please copy
ORR. May 7. .MAHOARET. widow of James
F. Orr. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral
services, aoivln-law's residence. Joseph Heth.
erlngton. Croyden. Pa . Fri 12 3d p. m. Int.
American Mechanics' Cem. Phlla.. '3 n. m
PERKINS. In Vlnejund N. J . May 8.
CONSTANCE GORDON, wife of Rev. C. M.
Perkins, rector of Trinity Church. Vlneland.
Relatives and friends Invited to servlcea, Fri.,
2 p. m , St. Andrew's Churchyard, Mt, Holly,
N. J. Omit flowers
POTE. May 8. ELVA POTE. daughter of
late John XX'. and Susan I'ote. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral serxices, Hat., 2 p. m.,
1020 E. Husquehanna axe. Int. private. Mt.
Teace Cem.
RANDALL. May 7. ANNA M.. widow of
Thomas Randall, aged 70. Itelatlves'an friends
Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p. m. from 3752 N
"'J.A'.'x.'V1''11' 'it- Private. William Penn Cem.
HEAVY. May 7, PATRICK, husband of
Sarah Heavy. Relatlvea and friends. St.
Aratha's Holy Name society. Iiiv. .No. ni
A. O. IL. and all other societies of which he
xxas a member. Invited to funeral, Fri., 8 30
a. m.. 71.1 N. 30th at.. W. Phlla, Solemn,
requiem mass St. Agatha's Church 10 a, in.
Int. Hnlv Cross Cem.
RE1CHERT. May 7. WILLIAM, hualiand of
Emma Relehert (nee Young), aged S3. Itelatlvea
and friends, members Court Allemanla, No. 38,
F. of A.i Courtright Metal Hoofing Co. and em
ployee Inxlted to funeral. Hat., 2 p. m., 2040
Cambridge at. Int. Mt. Peace Cem.
ROBINSON. May 7. CATHAJlINE.- widow of
Alexander Robinson. Relatives and friends In.
vited to funeral. Fri.. 7.30 a. m.. realdence of
son-in-law. Charles M. Darrab. 043 Wolf st.
Solemn requiem, maaa Church of the Epiphany,
0 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service
ROUINSON. May 8. suddenly. FRANCES IL.
wife of John P. Robinson. Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral service. Bat., 2:30 p. m., 1517
Diamond at- Int. nrlvate. Laurel Hill Ceni.
"5VSA1 " ??:.-. ?.,
nnd friends Inxlted to funernl, parlors nf M, (',
oulnn lilt n "d ,t, j..r, a ,,, m, ,. Ml.
lvato Cem
ltl'PPERT May 8. FREDERICK, husband
nf Lllmbeth Ituppert. nged ill, Relatives nnd
friends Invltid to funeral services, Sun., 3
-K iii. 2241 s. lllcks st I tit private, trlnllv
Lutheran (Vm Friends may call Sat.. 7 to 10
P. m Auto funeral.
PAVAOF.. May 7, JANE HAVACIR rnee Don.
fell!), widow o' iiouert Smug" Relatives
nnd. friends, Ix-oguo of H.icre.1 Heart nnd It.
V M. Hodalltv of St Stephen's Church, Invited
lo funernl. 1311 Liromlng st , ITI.. 8:30 ti. m.
Solemn high muss of requlnu St. Stephen's
(.hurch lo n. m Int Holy Sepulchre Cem
HERO (nee Hitter) wife i.f Peti r Schoenbeeg
aged so, lie latlv. n and friends Invited to fu
neral Si'rvkes Fri I P, in. on .loc kaoti st.
Int private, Fernwood Cem Friends mnv cull
lliurs. 8 p. in Omit llowirs Autu cortege.
SHEA l iv 8 MORRIS son of lain Morris
nhd Mary Shea (nee Kane). Relatives nnd
friends hulled to fu"rrnl. Sit.. 8-30 a. m
aunt's residence, Mugurct Kane 2IISJ E.
rhompaor st. Sob mn 'oiiulem miss cimrih of
Natlxltv, III n. m ll.e New Cathedral Cem
sou of Micltael and Ellen Sheridan, und grand,
son of late John unit Hose Shcttdan nlsn Daniel
nnd late Hnnnah Mi Cue. Relatives and frlendt
and children of Sue ml Heart Parochial School
Invited to funetal ITI ii. in . from parents'
residence lie I'irnon st Solemn mass nf re
quiem Sicred Heart Church 0.30. lut. Holy
Cross Cem.
SHERIDAN. Mai 7. I.I'KE J., son of -.tile
nnd lain Ros Sheridan Relatives and friends,
members of lloli Name Hocletv of St. (Charles
C.hureh. Invited to funernl. ITI., 8.30 n. m .
father's residence, o'.'u S. 23d rt. Solemn high
mass nf rcqulim Si Chnrlis' Churih lu i. ta
int Hnlv Cross Cem
SMITH Fifth Month 2d nt Fresno. Oil..
HENIAMIN F SMI I'll, nged 31 Rilatlves and
friends Invltid to funeral. S.xthdai. lltl..
2 p. m, parnits' nslilence llotsnsm Po
Silljll At -.311.1 Webster St.. Mill 0. ENEAS
SMliI, nged .Xs 1 uneral stviiih ami mt
(nee Hurch). wife of James P Stanton, aged
dl. Relatives mil frlenils l.nlv .Xleade He.
bercti Lodge. I (l o I-' of Phlla . Invited to
funeral serxices fhurs s p m . 1,'llu Knlghn
axe . Camden. N J Also eervbes lit Pnlrlck
Icwn M E Chun h. I'rl. 2 p In Int Peel,
ricktewn (V.n Hem tins in iv be vlew.el Thurs
afti r 0 3D p in
SI'EAIl Mav ! ALFRED STEAD, ngid 111
Relatives nnd frb nils also I 1 11 Liiuri . No IJll.
F and A -XI Nnrrltimn cluiptvr. No llul It
A. M lluti hlnsiin Commuitilerl, No 32 K. T :
l.u l.u Tirnpb' (leorge l.lppnrd circle, No. si
11. of A . inxlted In tun-ral serxices, ITI . 2 p
in 3Piit Howmaii st . lulls of Schuilklll Int.
prlvnle tlulph m uto funeral.
band of M irv c strike Itelatlvea and friends
Hohnesbur-r Me-n's Assn . .Men's Hlble class of
llohneabuig M E chu ill Invltid to funernl
services, ITI 2 p 111 l.'ll Tort i tid ill nve
Taconv lltl priviili North Cedar Hill Cem
daughtir or Xbriilllh A itttd Katharlite Sulll
van HelillMS ii'oi friend" 1'iilleel i l tin. I n-se-rxlies,
".it 3 p in '.'U.'l'. N Istli at hit
tirlvale. XII Xenmii Cim Heuuiltis l.itiv be
xlewed 1 rl s lo In n in
SI'XIXIEItS M iv N nt Atlantic ('If J
MAHV PARSONS wife of l 'I iridic e I. Mini
Hurt aged lis It'lutlvcH and friends It, vited
10 aervicea ITI 2 p m. Oliver II Hair lll'l-'
IN'.'O Chealnut st I'hlln Hit private No
"ri.EHY Mav 'l JOHN hush mil of Ella
t'lerv (nee Clothier), aged 71, Relatlvea nnd
frlenda, emiiloiea XX'elabrod A. Heas Hrewlng Co .
Inxlted to fuinir.il Sun . 2 p. in , 2020 E. Mon
mouth st. Int North Cedir lllll Cem
husband of Margaret It. Fmsle.ld He latlv a
and rrtchds, tell organizations cf whlth he
was n member Invitee! to funeral services
Thurs . s P in Ul3"i Sprue, at Int. private
Relatives and fi b nds Invltid to futiir.il. Sit,
s n. tu . res'ib nco of his slstcr-ln-law. Mrs
Catotlne V.illone, tuns S. sth at Rm'iie m mass
Church of our Lath of Hood Council ti 3D a. m
Int llolv i'roas Cm
X'A.MERSLICE Sinl.leiilv. nl Wnablngton
11 C Mux 'i .IXXIES A . husband or Ida and
son of lite billies A and Mnn-lilel Vllllileialli . ,
aveel II It l.i 1 1 vi. s iin,l friinds hulled in ru
neral sirvli.s Sat I p in. 301.-, N' Anils r
at Int pllv.it, North Cnlar lllll Cem Ret
ail Ins in tv hi vie vm el 1 il . v. In In p in
wife of Wlllliini It Van Kleeik lMitlvi.
anil filenils luvl'i'l to funiral, Fri 2 'In p in
2us Cresswe-ll m Hlilliv Pirk. Pa Int prl
aV'AI.CII -Xlnv 0 SXR.XH A elauitltter of
Thomas T ti li' I Miirgimt J Willed IdlatUia
nntl rrlilula iiivin ii .lie wervieca .vttui ;
parents resnn on
Hunt prlval.
ngid C3 Relitlv.
Ill llll Si rVleeS M,
3il N Cniicstoga al. Inler-
rrlc lids invitnl in ro
ll in ii sun me or John
Hi Von Pa Jin Radnor
Nash LalieiiMl-
ITE-elDE - Mtv
mends XX'nahlnet....
SIDE Rilatlves and
Lodgi No" Ml
Chupti r No
K T Phlla i
ete rans and L
services Sat
Int private
I inn .v ai aertisiiim n.
1 Mtirv Ciittimauil r No .'It.
i oliaialnrv 3'd el.grce Mnsonle
tl l.u Temple Invited to runer.il
2 p 111 .'212 Mt Vernon st
... $15
Loans Sltlllt) for Sill, tiring lour ili.iniouiU,
watrlies und jewrlrj tu the largest pawn-lion
In Hie world.
Walter's Pawnshop, 904 Vine
iiiiM)i:n to tin; crrv
DAV sclietol Is in siBstcin the entire summer
Special courses are being organic. d now to
prepare girls to take the positions in hanks
nnd common lil bouses vacated by iho men
called to tin front Oni house will be short
forty men. Olrls must im trained Immediately.
Indivlduul Instruction Start Now.
Temple University
llro.id street below llerks
tlT (HEslEK, p..
Iloth Sexes t20tl-2lll) (I M PHILIPS Prill
ATLANTIC (ll N. .1.
Et. Charles Place. First house from Death.
Exery convenience, American & European plans.
Westminster '' r,er?,rn,,,eat:h',h--'ev-,0
street. Prlxate bathr. run.
xvater. tip up xxeekly, f2 up datl. Chas, rjuhrs.
rtL-'-"llJ 210 s. nnoAi) st.
-tAGTJ.Xin In 20 lessons or Money Hack. Hklt
; inalled free. CHltl-TEN'SEN Piano Schools
152U Chestnut St . 3S20 Uermantown Avi
1S20 Taskvr bt Phona Spruce -JUT v""
Swept by llreezes of
Ocean, Hay and Itlvcr.
The present udxautuges of Ocean (late
are Yacht Club. Uoardwalk. Water and
(las. Bandy lleach. Hnllroad Station. Post
office, hundreds of Cottages und Hunsa.
lows. Stores, Hotels und other distinctive
A purchase there of cottage or bungalow
sites will be an Investment for a lifetime
of health and happiness.
Lota very attractively located high and
dry at the price of
$75 Up Easy Payments
For FHEH TICKETS and photographlo
vlewa, 'phone, call or write.
Great Eastern Bldg. Corp.
II Hrvd for Price let 1
J Instruction Boole Frco i
jut .j-incoin mag., rnila,
i,f Wiwtt.-i ' ' Htm.rMtX' it
CAPE Lost. Tuesdny llUlll. tlellexue-tltrntforil
or xlclnlty. n blai k, braided pony sUln slioui.
der niw. fo inllsr llevvnrtl. (ashler, llcllc.
xue-stralford Hotel
DO(l Lost. Itoslon bull, while, brln.llo mnrlt-
Ingsi long tsrs. ItewnM 212.1 Hansom
DHESS l.nt Mnl " from nutomnblle, Phlla.
Paoll, while satin ilnss Heiurn Aut mcbllo
Club, 1!.M nbnve Fhislnut Hevrard
Poi.ll'Y Nollcei Application has been made
to the Fire Association of Philadelphia for re.
tevlnl of policy of Insurance No. 4tssi. J2000.
Insured In name of Jos. Devenney which has
been lest or mislaid. Information thereof will
bo received by C 2li7. Ledger Ortlce.
XX'ANTED (lood Jewish boiirillng homes or
children. Ap. Juvenile Aid Soe . .ill) N. sth st.
ix. x.n il.li levvleh heinins for several children nf
same family. Apply Aid Society, SHI N. 4th.
XXANil.D (lool boarding buries for Infill, ts.
Apply .luxenllo Aid Society. .'HI N. I Hi St.
XX'oile riar lour liome In pleasant nnd
healthful Biirrounellnas with excellent
opportutit'les re r rapid advancement.
There nre iwentv -eight bell Central
Oftlces In PhlHtlelphla probably there
Is one within n lew blocks from lour
home I'nueual opportunities for earn,
est. Intelligent loung women between H
nntl 22 rears of age.
New emploves nre paid vvhllo learning
unci are rentllly mlvanced
Plcasint dining rooms, where the best
of fno.1 Is sold at tost, In every I'en
tint e.rrl'e
Comrtrtible sitting rooms for read
Ing and nlnxatlnu vvhcti olf duty.
flood opportunity for senior nntl su
l rvlslitg losltlons
XPIill nt inn Mirket ureet dnllv. rv
ieit Seindtv ,ti n. m in ,-, p m.
HiiriKlllNUEllV (I1HI.S wanted. 11112 Cherry
ItooiHvEEPEIl line) stcueigriipln r. thnrniuhli
i mee rb in eel lu oiricc of hullis' shirtwaist fnc-
toiv, wive Itge, I Ipciieiit,., refetences ami
snhirv leiiulred P si-,. . (1 ix 311,1,
COMPANION tor re lined widow, itgeel ;.-,, In
(Jerinaiitown. n ply Willi rets (' :I12, Led Orr,
lOOl llellnhle Plntpslntit xxhltoovom ill to go
with tamlli to Whit- Mountains Troin June 2t
until September refer, tte.e .reciulred, good
wagis L'Td V 'rutin hot hi it nt , llernnntown.
I IHlIx i Vi" rle lit, ll wllili Protisllllt irefi I reel.
lee g lltnnov I Call nl 2U1J Plm si be.
twieti I iiivd In 'lliurs.lti itii't Frhl.iv
coeiK AND i.XI'VDHESS for fainllv of four:
htrtie nititrtirtahli loiitn anel ptlnite bith Hox
IS.. SI. Iiivltls Phone avne .'lilt .1
l'IK EM'erlelneil look wanted for pMte III
Hosemoiti, coocl vviigts, icfirnie. p w,
Leile'er Cllflce
COOK while, temponrv position, teferinct
III I Plhe Ht. Phone Filbert HOT .1.
CIHIKINO anil tlnwnstnlrs wtuk. c htimherni'ild
nnd wntltiss sisters or rrlends tirererred
Apple KIT Pitt" St.
conitl'.SPiiNDENT, IK to 2." lears: one Invlne
Intel cMierlence lu answering lettirs In n busl
nissoillee. Applv 'liiursdiv, 11 o'clock. Curtis
Publishing Co . 7th nntl Snnsom sis.
Expert Wllbt elmpers, sleeve HI ike tS.
eainlile of talcing ihirge, and Im
laoiers must haxe referencis rnnn
l he nicest fashionable elressni iki rs
good wages, lung So (sun Appli nil
week. French Hit smnklng Shop, hrth
thiol. Market St., west
FILE CLI'.ltK. female, wnnteel; experienced.
Al'Plv llll XX'Idener Hillbllng.
IHHL tor gcneril hotts-iworl-. fantllv or 2 icter-
eltees reqlllr-'el APiilV 212 E Illglll.llld tile..
I hestllllt lllll. or plume, lllll r l! p 111 , Chest-
nut lllll I'm XX'
(lllll. Willie ror Clinking . Iltel gc lie rill tiotlsi Work
sin ill adult ramllv. good wages. 'HIS St. li
tem live. Chestnut lllll Phone XXhltiUI.elPh
lllltl. wanted HI vears olel. to asslsl In t lilt
must hove sum" knowlnlge er shorthati'l niol
ivpMvrtllhs. state ngit nnd saliri cxpcctnl
P .IIS. Ledger (1111(0
PEP. WEEK '1(1 .' I'AHT ItAl'ID
lllc.lli:-,!' HXTES PAID HONl'S TO
l'ANV IlLEVOI.liEN. PA.. 12 MIN.
(J1HLS Tind until uire otTerc I steady emplov
ment In fuse plant light work, under tlrst
cIihs toitilltions. good pty, with 'itlvanctinent
Appli dalli between hours 11 .'lu ii. m. and
P m. r. 'lu nnd S p m. Phlla Entploi.
mint Department, EddvHtuno Ammunition
Corpuiatton. 1.112 rclt el. Itootn 2
UIP.I.S wanted, with or without etperlence:
starting up new miclilnery; good vvar-es and
paid vvhllo learning. Apply Crlswold WorstM
e'elnpanv Dtrbl', Pa.
(HHI.S to wrati and box files! steady employ.
nietit good piv. Apply HITS Frankford nve.
(io EHNESS. French, for 2 ehlMron liest
rifirciteei lirtulrcel Aej.lreSS Ledger Ilranch,
lalb and Master
liOl'SEKEF.PEH -Xlan. with two ihllell.n. 14
' tine! IS. eiesires servlns ol tompeieni. eeo
I uomttat housekeeper, sitisfai tnrv eompenss
I Hon. no objection to 1 ihlld. c :i.li l. -I. of
i HOI'S I'UEEPEIl. working sm-ill adult fnmlly tn
suburbs; no Washing P 001 Ledger Otllce.
HOFHCWDHI (ilrl for gene i il housework
I while, inliill fantllv. modi rn home In Weiet
! Philadelphia, xcrl ileslrahle placo tor reliable
help piinne XX'ooellaiiil lOT'i
KOt'SEXXOHK Experleni'd white vvomati. small
adult fainllv Cill W.'s (iermantovvn live
l LAI MIIIESS 111 prlvilto fnmllv Atlnntli Cllv"
lor summer. Appli between it ami u (1. m
10(11 Spring (lurdun si
i)HDEH ri.Eltl', with some derlc.il experience
I si ite nge. ri rerenee sulci silan 11 HIS.
Ledger ( entrnl
SILK XVINDEHS' Experienced hard silk winders
ami doubters, also artificial silk spoolers and
J' rimers oxer 10 years old. II. Hooley Jt Son,
1.1.-, N llrnud nt
STENOOItAPHEIt, sotm- knowledge uf bookkeep
ing, one with some lietinhal experience in me
chanical lltj pri'Terree!. citural location, slato
Sltlary anel experience II 117. P O. Ilux Hellll
STENOOHAPHEH Young lady wanted: stenog
raphv artl clerical work, resident of Frankford
or xlclnlty prererred t'nlted Oas Improxe.
ment Co., I IJTyl'raitkrord nve third door.
STENOdH.XPHEllt one with goo I Inndwrltlng
given prercreuce) state itge. experience nnd
lerereneesj steadi position, with good chance
fc.i advaniAment 1' SPl Lcelger OITlce.
hTENOHHAPHEH. must have nt least 2 iears:
experlencv siliry $.. per month to start
good chant e for alliance ment. Wells Fargo
i,o Express S22 Chestnut st
STENOOItAPHEIt experleilivil, know ledge" nf
bookkeeping would bo useful, but not neces
'sarv . slato experience unit salarl desired.
P Oil. I.e.lger CIO Ice
STENOOItAPHEIt Itellned nntl mpable louruj
hull wanted able to take engineering dicta
tion find tarn for filing. C a2l. Ledger Oftlce.
STHNOOHAPllElt, experienced, for wholesale
house, $iu per week to start, advancement.
C ..'ll, Ledger OtTloe
STHNOclHAPHHH and bookkeeper for Invest"
ment btnklnghouso. HH7. Ledger Central.
STENOUHAPIIEIt. competent, olio" with experi
ence Address M til. P O Hox ni I.I
TAPE 1VEAVEHS wanted. Applv John'side
botham. Inc.. 1317 Orlscom su, Frankford
TELEPHONE OPEn.XTOIt, Inlgo cill hotel, prl
vato hriitii h exchange, permanent position,
good salarl 11 410. Ledger Central
WEAVERS wanted (female) on plain white
work; good wages. Imperial A'oolen Co.,
Main and Hector ats., Manayunk.
VOUNO LA DY. experienced In general nrrico
work, bv large manurarturlng concern. P. O.
Hox l.'i17. Phlladelnhln.
ULACKbNllTII for Bt-nt-rul rolllnc mill work.
Apply tlmo office, Henry Dlsston & bons. Inc.,
Tatony, t-hllflUeluhla.
nOOKKl'nrnU for wholesale plpctrlcal supply
linunei well erji-pil In nccountlnij, general
office work ami nystetnatlzlnK; n dfslrntilq
poatllon U ofiertil to an i-nencetlr man wish
Int to ailvume lilmself, reply with full tie.
tnitu as to oxperlriico and f onnt-L'tlonf. which
will bo held ronll4-nUaI, C 3J3, LuJffcr Of-
UOOKKl.Ul'KU ut manufacturing establishment
accuBtomtrt to payroll: lonif houra; eood
salary. M 145. I.nlgur Central .
flOVwantpJ In ru-rountlntf room: must Im oi-r
Itl jears of nue: reference retiulred; salary
$7 pr week Apply th Darren Co., 3Jth
Hnil (lrnyn lVrry np.
HOY wantt-d; telephone operator: llttlo or no
experlencn retiulred. Apply Supt. nf Ttldsa.,
Autocar aSqlf & Service Co.. '-'3d & Market uta.
HOY, 1(1
rH.a to learn the optical huilness
splendid opnor. for advancement for bright
xxau . uens, iiio t nestnui st.
HOY. in or 17 xears old, xvlth 1 xcar's expert
enee In tnacblna ahOD.
llroad and Federal sts,
.,,, .., .n,
allct Co.,
HOY wanted In office of wholesale house! M to
start: chance for advancement. P Hit,
ledger Office. ,;
IJOY, about 17. In pawn shop: reference, Apply
-HeervvBld,I.ancaspprave. und Preston s.
HOY vvanled for general office work: etafe wuges
vvj,nled. C 3J7L J.edger, OfflcJ.
1HIYS wanted. HI years or over, (Otind fin per
week, Apply ut once. Decker, Smith . Page,
Water and Snyder ave.
HOYS, HI to IS years of age; permanent post,
lions of advancement for desirable appllcantat
positions for clerks, auto bow. mall service
and errands; also 2 boys to learn the jewelry
polishing trade. The Halley, banks & lllddle
Co.. l-'il Hansom at.
HOYB. 1(1 years of age, by wholesale house:
splendid opportunity , for ambitious boys to
learn meriantlle business. Apply Young.
Bmyth-FleW Co.. ,181(1 Arch st,
UOYHwait7d7(lay xorlfc Apply fith. floor.' H06
chsatnut ..,, , ,
Ccillitiirel row I'mnWui Column
iniiiii'VTI'ltS for plain plledrHer. t'nll SSI
l'w' Yorl Vtl. n?ler'ilP. m..J. K Mu'ullen.
I'MIFFNIHHH. nut nf town. .I.'i tents all ear
'rounih .xppl.i:ri.N.Jllh si.
fllVFITIH'll. i-nlored. prl. fsm.i !'"1'"''''' ""
I gtiprlicel rarsi references 1MU I'atliarlne.
FOI'I'F.lt FI.VTI2 HNOHAVHll , , ,
Flrst-elnst man for collier pl-ilo nnd steel
dl '"hToVS?; 'J'lTx'ffANY I.IMITF.D
Lithographers nnd l'rlnters,
XX'Innlpeg (.'smell
JUNTA I. iHll.NI'HIll mill polishers w inted
tone Int Mperleniecl nee.l npply. Fnlon Dental
lii"trinieiit Mtiiiufiiiturlng Co.. R.il rherry st.
tiliM'T'.XIIlN. ptivxirhntise draftsmen for boiler
ri'ie.ni weirk. rieatlv position; stale nil In flrst
Wt'V II -I V o I'ox fll"
liltlVHIl, xxhnlei tl. greiecrv. clmjhle t inn. re f-
ere'll.e rciUlr.el I' llll. I.e.lger (IflHC
lll'lVI'IlH J. experlenceel fur Ire vvngnn. must
"V sober nn.l lndutlrlnus, hustlers riqulrrd
Atlnntle lee l'n Old York road nnd llutl-r st
Pit H f-l.t'W' On lie) wHiitcd. experienced. Ap
ply 1411 Wldcnrr lllrtc.
litis X.ie ant IfM fe,r
II ind S little IM
tlorlng tn.ii blue operators
Unlet Jnlnli rs
panel ri-siw (IIts
lll'i snwvers
I'lllll'g-lip snwers
M ll blue inrvers
Veneer Jointers
First-class tniihlnl!
llotlblehciiel innleler cipcratnrs
Double-end tenun null hlnn operators
W'lnilotv i let in rs
e-leve'lores and laborers
Apprentice bovs over is
(illli i. bovs Id viars and nvt r
IS.httUI-Wee U Sthceltlle
l'livsletil fvimlti illiins necsirv Xppl
Applbntloli ufflte :i"i i nop. r st . I'nlilden. N" .1
"tXNTrilll white, mi lie age, eMierlenee, refer-
lice, silarv M r.lu. Ledger I'entr.tl
JOH I'tll'!!'! FIII'IHIH wanted. Applv lo II. I.
Ilui'h. "lib Hour, belli Chestnut st
Laborers, xvhlle nii'l colored, vvanled for
IVniM. II It., sleady work; ndv.inccinriit
for men with ability! cm bo-inl with tho
ccenip.itty nt very reasonable tost if desired.
Apply 1 1 X. ITth st.
LxIHtllllltH wutited for nlgltt work. Hires Con
densed Milk Co.. Malvern. Fa.- Apply Hires
Condensed Milk Co 1113 Arch.
LAIIOItHltS lllll wantid. Applx nt once,
'lhiitnp'''Ui-Siurieti c'eiinpani's construction
office Friiiii.iiisbtirg. F.i.
l,XH0ltllHS vv.ilitcel, stendv work, good wages
no strike Apply Henry Dlsston S. Sons. Inc.,
lnronv. I'liil tele Iphl i.
I.AIlOIUlltS wnnteel. Ml. tel weirk gooil Wilgiw
IVttrsoil . l.tl,lal.liri Lumber Co, ,stnioii.
bind st wharf
LAUoHllllS xvtintid for ge n'rul vvurk. steadv
position good pax. Applv nurtbwtst corner
tub iiid.llruwn
LXr.Olll'.HS. llKIl, he.ivv imlslde work, gnud
wage- Wllll.itn Foster litis X .'list st
LALOlHlll. fur 1 .vnrd gooel wnts Apply
Waverly Co. .'.Ith und XX'litlby axe
I'.ll.XCH ST
l..xrol:i:its wuiuc.l Applj L'iWJ I'.irrlsh
l.i:l)(li:it CLlllllv X'ouns man. xvlth expedience
hi posting i.ici p.iv ttietils: prevlotn experience
in piano or tllisi.iiuiietil noue-e preiirrcu. nut
not c-Htuttil; gnoil Mttt.iry Apply 1'. .1. Heppe
Son. HIT Chestnut l.
I.I.N'i:.XIl:.' I'lrt-t-rl.isi electric light' men:
eii ni v work .iiui gnud wagis. Apply xviiuam
I'oste r IJili X Hist ki
MAX. c.ip.lble, vvaitteil to ni.lst 111 oITIci' work
Applv bv letter, giving full details as tn age,
iliMllflcitlons, etc Address 1, r,23. Ledger
lli.tneh. inr.s Oeriniiituwii axe
MAX, big. .voung. hiiny built, nt lent il ft.
tall, for gasoline station on ltro.ul st . slate
tei-e. slnglo in in prefenvd F tntd. Ledger
MAX, strong, i olored, xv.tnled for i,eneral
wtuk nrounil f.iilorv Appl I tr.i rtell.- i Smith
Co lllh and D.iupliln
MAX AMI WIFi:, lint It r and eiiok. best refs.'
mil ixpir. inicsar.v I, s. I', o. Hot Jlllll
MHCIIAXIC for Autocar, I'jekird nnel Dorrls
ceerv trucks, steady work, II cHjs vveckl,
llrst ckiss m.iu onlx , good wages ltreer.
Plh tttid Cltntbe rl.tlld sts
MI'CIIAXIC wanpel to overlnul gtsollne con
crete nilvers. Apply Ilrcliin.iuu I'.ivlug Co
'.'H'.''.' FarrMi si
MHCHAXICAL DltAITSJIHV. ixperbnte.l on
tools and gauge di sign nt Sl'Jitf) .mil Sl.'l.'i :
per nuniiin. cltlren Apply FranUford Arenul
Jinx AND HOYS vvinted for nleht shlfL.ln box
shop, r, nights, fiiii) hours per xvctk. Apply
northwest corner Plh nnd Itrovvn.
MHX XVanttel, hollerinakers, locomotive ma
chinists, car repair men laborer, locomo
tive cleaners. Penni. It. H 1711 Fllh'rt st.
MHV. Iteavv iiutsld. work, good wages. Apply
William Foster. Hius .V nist t
OFFICII HOY. mat. for general office xvorlt;
state age nn 1 references, n sin, Ledger
OFFICII HI IV. over III; reference. Apply third
Hour, northeast corner ".'.Id nnd Market
oitDl'if!.! . S.:u pei month nnd board' I'nivcr-s-lt
v lbynltal .'llth and spruce -ts.
I'lHCLItS wanted. Apply John JS times Dob-
son. Inr., ill itiket Mills, Stotf lane, Falls
of Sihuvlklll.
i'OHTr.It. mldlle-agcd xvhlte Apply third (loo-
noitheast fin nc i .'.iMmd Market
1'OHTHUS nnd vvinelow cleaners, white, steatiy
rlnplovincnt lli-br il.t $ls to J.'l per month.
Applv Itoom VM. Land Title lllitg
rnoornnAnrn wanthd: iin
Mi;.xinnit of TYPomtAi'iiicAi.
SALLSMAN wanted, ti man of rhnrnrtcr and
ability to plaee stock for high-grade financial
Instt ullnn. references und expirbnce must be
staled or no iittentlon will be gixen uppllci.
Hon II n.i.i, l.edgerCennnl.
HALHSMAX for foundry xuuipment nntl "snir.
Piles, ono hnxlng had practical experlencn "n
foundry prefernd. sule nge. experience '!
sulary deslre.l 11 -nn 1dger Cxntriil.
SAI.US.MAN XX'e run use un oggresslxo snlesT
m.tn who Is looking for nn opportunity to
forgo ahead through his own efforts Francis
..Premier Hist. Co. 730 Mar'let st. ""'vis
SAl.Hs.MAX. stock nnd bond, "wanted; exiierU
ento not ni-ccssuryi mileet bo falrlv eelunited
and of neat oppearance. M 4SS. I-ed Cent
SAI.HSMAN. xvlth mechanical" ability?' to self
well-known sjenm specialties: salary and
commission. P 818. Ledger Office.
SAI.KSMAN Incandeorent "lamp sales"mn
wanted by a large , inanufacturcr. Can
lloom llll Wldener Hldg. -. i-ail
ba .i.noiA.-viAui.ii Kiderly man r, nt.i.-.-.
ronv ncing speech and perxonalltv-j references
retiulred. 7-jr, llulletin Illdg. 'vie.rences
SCALKHS and catchers for sheet roin ak.i
time office. Henry Dlsston ft otV. AK?,y
Tacony. Philadelphia. a"B' '"-.
SPlNXHll wanted; phone, write or caiTTm-Srr
atelyAmencan Asbestos 0? xSmstoIn'" pda1
hTHNOUItAPIIUIt MusfhaxTat i,.,H.i r -i
STONi:cUTTHrt wanted. Apply WmMKliT
xan, Norrlstown. l'a-v "'"" vvm. ai, sulll.
WHAVEIIS wanted, male, on nl-iih -.m..
good xvages, Imwr i xpooiE). V.whJi'. worki
Hector st... MiriiaVunk. t0" Maln
l,!nUi)fer1!,town 're.?' 'in
In Oermsntown real estate , nA"!"-. '"'"'"
Inside and outside' worKi,?h.n?Inf '.-,r...A
SVaW0' T"hl Pa'ty- -- bermantown
In. pwn handwriting ilSiS- -2"f ?i, Addre
n pwn nanawrltlng, giving iiJ:;l.,,uro;
nsferencea. o guT, Y Jf(ffirlenco and
VbUNO MAN. aboutUi7eJrfinffirf-r-J -rrr-
(fit'YIIol.l.llIt WANTHIi FjHt N (1 ir
i-si-i- i'iti:i'i:ni :i .x.xi.xitv i
!x 'ic xv x !n:it :. i'. .v.. '""
ii r.Ni'V Vti i i:t, fii-iii fi.ooii.
l.-t c- nil e.., i.ri iie... i.ij lllllll l',.SS
TUADi: AND Sill.l.IXO A lllllll CLASS Alt.
rici.i: . ,i'iti:i'i:ii.xiii.Y a M.xiiitii:i max
hi:txx'i:i:n ,n and is, xo.ni: nu'i tiiosii
WITH PltOVHIl S.Xl.l'S ItlH'llltD AND ItllST
iJi;,:lH,:,:u-u'I''v- i.u;ii
i fiiitivixniiiM. i ii ii npniifiit
or Pittsburgh' W A Thomson "ni V"1,".!;!!
8AIjKSM1X Wanted, aeveral men tn'nrti ati.ili
Piped imtrlotlo books; ble money tnrlZ ."a'J
BUPnniNTFNDnNT, FOrtrMF.V TPir,r.n
ADDitHSb uw"1 LubaEtiuoFFicS:DAV-
CIIXMIIt-'tlMAttv .... .....
iiA.vinr;i!.viAii, txu., Prntrsisi.1 ')-
suintnir inoiiths, ref t i, II?.1". 'i
COOIv. first class, wants tasltt.. i il
. Call .'. W. Scdool I tne litli '" M, Jl
.iiiiipl0Vin --.
''m"!,'.1"'!1' !'""" rJ' "' 'hsmlierv,ori( . '. 'J
II vi. Ledger Itrittth, lull viL?i nltrievJ
I)lll:SS.l.L'i:u wishes rngiRPR,.... . -J
. KernV)'n;,e0"1S""' WmoTlej
Ulill.. cnioreei, replied, etluentnl a , -tlou
us mother's helper l"o"t v(?,,,r t
- erteja .,
OIHL. Uermiin. wishes n nnalilnn " "" JJ
me-iM. '-'.lu Chew st . elne7 n " 'tttawl
OIHLS, L1. Protestnuls, wish sllusii. . "ej
ni vvnllrc-BS nnel chnmbermtilii . !Mxl
M,.rrls st. (lermntiicwn lnseielfy-MlJ
I llll I.U -tl tl til iniittlf.t.d ., 1 'sXj
ef;-nce.i)l3''i N. Front H't ItKJ
OOVHHNIISS (French) of refinement . "V
p.isltlon. experienced, Xc"K "l. "t-Wln i
Si .4.-1, Ledger Central "nl 'ftti,
IIOOSIIKllHPnil vvnnts position bTT
home; capahlo taking Entire cnsrlrr1!
refs. lo ihar. given II an ""H'tati
.-UK.. (Vm2
INFANT NFIP-ii:. ir.ilned ,fn,r , 38
oughly nxp'il. wages tin wk c 313 "Vi Uxrf.
LAD' i losing liouin for the suinn-.. T...
sitionM for ;i exi client servants ,.,""' t
berm.llil and vvnltress nil 1'-?.?K tk.T
STi:XO(llt.U'lli:it. 'J years 'nTfi-r'
$111 M 1-7, Ledger Central. "" Ut?
WOMAN for dax's work nf anv TiisaTT -w
vote tam Iv, inn do hand etnliretlt.' '"r w.
Westminster nve emurolej,,, j-jj
XXOXIAN. inlnreel, vv shes day's wn.T-li
kind H13II Mountain st " '" H5
WOMAN, (olored, wishes day's w,t; -r
ltln.l 1st.-, Monlroso st ' " worl 'FS
Yol'Nd (lllll." one year In this coum..
lluht (h.niberwork and nw .iTlU'T;i,Wi5
lilu S llroad '" ('lliir,v
I'.OOKKIinPHIt. thorouchlv .....i.JT":
nuellt nccoiints mien. 1 lose niielvvr leui'k,l
d.iy or evening; mot ernte terms iinir "Joexs.
WtlOilllllliI llii.l M m" n,-Phe)
liOOKHi:r:Pi:il, married, thnroughly e,M-i-S
nciolintnnt. excellent reference! Et'!'""
itblllty. full ibarg... salary inodera'le 1?,'!?
I.eiUer Central lc' h Ml
llt'TLHH or valet An experlnre,rj;u7-,-ntiese
w'ltll good references, wishes '!
Add. l-.-aw.-ita. S ll cor attth nnd W.K
CAHPF.XTHIl-FOItHMAN high ei-i.s-rlyi
Intriiilent; llicirmiBhlv umlerstandi .JH1,
tural elraf ting, engineering form iS1
etc . neee.sirx for anv Job ran iSnci?."41
Intrgrltv A-l. nge 31 d.lre,, "1 i,1"-1:.
3t si. Wllmlinloii Del " '-elW.
CIIAI'FFIH'H llrst il.tss olnreel. ti
1 iirii, . ,,,--.i .11 t.-i'Trntcs UUh.. . '
Hltion lu 11 llrst-il.iss fimiiL 11 a-l ''i'
Cc ntrtil J' Ul-M.
HAI'ITIirit reliable single lv"hiu ".---!
rears' experience innke all rep irJ. ff'-J
rears experience intiKt, al rerilrj' ti-J
nr vote fain v refs II 1-.1. 1 U..V -
CHAFFFHl'lt. thoronghlv eoinpetr.Tr'i
liable, strlrtlv sob. best lefifiRL ""-.ft
n...ln .I...I "eitii.e, ss-f
-"" -' " I
CIIAI'I'FHI'lt Ihoroughli iompelenr,7TMi
liable, strictly sober best reference !,,-
loo st 1. uejk
CIIAFFFIH'H. single, strlctlv tetnperaeTTT-i:
pin . we 1 recommended 11 1 1 . 1 .,:'.B t'
CIIAl'FI'llt'll. colored wishes position hiTTSi
Jnrot-i-enillf.imllv inr. Cnrtlnt? it4
rnn' (1 Ml. lil-TPr llr.uifh iMi vl! W
l.',f.l.milv,A-H .-'..WVisYf - ,'"ltl0!
MXX well e.liliiite.l legal Ir.llnlnrTtaS;
business uiienlllK II HI Ledger Fcntril
" -.-." JJlt""Cii rBl?' l,'au'f''u- f outM".n
V-eilVCl MAV- H.....en.i u, l "----:
......... ........ .,.,,,.- niMooKrapner and dml
keeper, nged 31. Protestant nine jtari m
l.riMiii empiuver, wishes to change nosltlosu
account of religious persecution; flm in
.ence and gooil talker nnihiiioui anil fluT
ulnger II -III. Ledger Central J
YOFS'H -MAX Willi 111 vears experience In ten
lug stock cost bill of 111aterl.1l and projS
riMinl" ib-slree to 1111k. 11 hangs; ran f
,.,..i , ', ,,,,1.,.. 1 ....I ---,
YOt'VlJ XIAN eleslr.H 1 lion -wllli prltauiS"
111 Ilil.lniT .. rn nt . n .. .....I ...... -1-,,.T
... .......... ..... ... ,..,.-, ui,., Ki-uerauT i,l(rs
k-cmd driver, country preferred, c 313, Ltits
lll" HAHVHV. llllll ltlltenhnuse Smiart. fc.
rui-i. Iliilllllte lor i roust mi LOIIIOIIC COOU
XVflltre'HSC M SWeellMll. orue.elnn r.ilu.
Irish ih.enil,.riiiild ptrlnr inaljs, flrn-cm
I lilies' maid, -i ..irs' highest recoramunfi.
tlon. hiiusektiiierH. giivirnisses, well reco
eiit-ii.ti-.i wtiiii. anil eoioreti c ouples, I J to I.
OOUS (lti:iih(iniiMs ihililnurses. tioustvTsni
girls. Infant liurse's and mothers' hel-wrins.
peisltious, wanted, eoc.ks nntl housckeerefi to
I .tlliollc rettnrr Mies ltoe llouiherlr. 11U
XX. Iltrarel nve
LStlLIMi Prot, cooks, .' tump, housenorkililt
other llrwt-tbiss lielft, with ref, Wlahllto
tlons. Mrs Kaln. .Ml s pith st f-priMiffl
L OOlv.s. waitresses, nurses, but ers. housiim
klichen maids w.inteel. lui-t rtltttntton
Sciuare t
MAn.X.Xli: PLATZ. 30.i S lllh at wantl ail
supplies vvhlto help. Telephone Wajitutj;':
WAXTFI). nt Fplscon.il OITIe e. .IIS S litll
i oiiiie uauri'sies, c n.imuer eis. nousew k kits
I'or Sale
We will sell you this week only
1916 Touring, rebuilt, painted
and guaranteed,
Tho follow Ing CIIAXDLUHS are all retratt
repainted nnd guaranteed
1117 Sedan, run Mm miles like new. I
117 Chandler, I pass ltundstcr.
1U17 Chandler Touring Car 'f
lUIil Chandler Touring whiter top. t
HUH Chandler Cabriolet v
1UIII Chandler Sedan.
1UI7 hludebuker. 7 pass, il i j I. , Irani
mill Wlnton L.iiidaulet, perfect
HUH Pulgo Homlstir
mill l-iil. Jeffery. llko new.
mid P.ilgo I'alrllcl.1 "ll." -1
Hilt .stuelebaker. 7 pass run only
miles; make offer.
lllll Itamhler Tonrln 'l
llil I Oakland Touring. Westtpghouse ttartt'
llii.l Hudson, M,-,, Touring.
Ottklnnd Speedster, very faat.
1U15 Hudson Small 0.
Herbert-Cook Company
N. E. Cor. Broad and Race Sts.
Munuger Used-Car Ueptirtment ti
Call, wrlto or phono Spruce 4S53.
ALLUN L'-passcnger roadster; new ovfr'Sj
run less than i"UU miles, bent ol con"
IIUI ChxBtnut st. Spruce ini.,,..,.
Distributors .Standard "8" and Al en V
i,.,,., ..... ... ...,,.. .' t II.BU '
ejn iv mie inouei; lutiy c eiuu-tu. --.,- s
starter, big bargain, also HW other "-
oc-teci iroin. .. .w rf
L. 8. 1IOWKHS CO.. 23U N. nro.
.. . . lights tH
uaijii.i.ax; (.passenger louruts. - m
nASTnnx sioTons cortPCiiAnov
luai cnestnui si. spruce e... ,.,
DIstrlhutors (Standard "R" and f"Sn-z
77...... ..... . TXtr, t.i. eharsej
eALfii,i,Av. luin ana luiei '"e. -v M s
overltauled, repainted and Bur?,n,pi,oil
Automobile Hales Corp.. lH!NiEKJ-j
COLI! 8 cylinder. 7 passenger; paint "
good; oxtrns. ...n.TtnvI
KAs-rr.itN motoiis COItronATlua
11134 Chv?stnut st. Spruce ,,.!
vil.ll ... u. .......... I cee ..ml Alien.'i-
I'laiouuiui. eitniiuttiu o J-' ." '-jT. .
FOItD TOUItlNQ Laio" model; l" "".
ubout; niustjio soid 1 SdJNj. urai. -HUDSON
Model '37 touring. 5-paine
lent condition. .. itioM .71
1U31 Uni-llUl SI. euruv. .- ..sj
Distributors Htje? ard '" .ndJXIleiLj
illlPMOtlll.K noADSTHIt. 1011 ...nl 3
Bprlngtield tires; rxcellnrt 'ondmon.
HI34 Chestnut si. .ftruee J'..J
l-VIa Irlli. ,1... Mli.n.lnrd elef .nd AUCB-ni
JEFFHIIY 4-cvllnder. 7.paieneer. ,lM
Ing: A-l shape; will sell rea"onauiJ..0!(
11134 cnestnui si Dpru.o -,i
jJistriDuiors bianuaru i eii---
' r'... ...... "ei,ei ft.XS
Five-passenger touring, painted ni arw j
iwnt rea unpins. "" J? '. far
vsrar avirsciivo car lue "" ,v J
vilue man new carut same p'"-' vi
5314 Market St.. PhlladelpM.,
F. M. Hantaan. Mtr. Kicnansej
MAlBlON 101l IBlft-MODEM
Alio used csrs ot other maw
- FANNINO matiub ",
nnnin inn HAOE HTJvt.
John T. Cunningham, Manager,
J istWi.."tsgJU&ryjrsl JtB T
iljlf AeiB
V ' I
lo-4rlve trw'
' -""Ifi
j'Tj.lsaastliirT J Jft I fjJL