w' A i i urif i v'v-vhsr,F,Jw EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1917 . 'vyv&ri'r -v. JLiZ Hitf I n .-si t 1 n i r ,iji r a 11 . JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE 'Annual May Market Will Be Held in Vernon Park, Germantown, on Are Planned & nESI'ITI! ttio Inability of the wenther U man to inovldc us vvltli wnrm NpntiK FyV., ,,ans nro we i unuor vvuy im- mc 'Annual Jinx Market, which tnkea 1aco K. ,h0 historic old Ulster innnlon In ' Vernon '"'. "crmnntown. Mny IS. aW-"rhe procccm wi i uKu... "" '" al'1 - ... .!, Mni-tnti Kfri.pt D.iv N'lll-. laW the "Or ul '" : . . V k v nmi tlio WlxinhlcKon school cum, two nf aormnnuiwn n p.'i umnun. V Wre nil ilrmdf ully nv.li-ni, arrlviiifr N In our motors, which illlrliiK tlio entire P j, u lltcrnllv lln (Jicone street ami tier. mantown nvenuo for xevcrnl miunrci. that ' tiillnff tneni inn "i -1"- ,",;ii,i I'.-tii-n ; -lants, potatoes yes ntul tmlon., too, not to 'I'M ot ,,,'-wet' I'l'lckons. c.inned f toots, butter eSK ml everything else ) i to eat from Mrs. IMvvnrcl Mellor'n Muntry store Is n small matter. This ,i jwture l nlvvnyn the most plenslnjj one, nd last year a tiny RiuntliiK I'lK was i-m J jled a"n' f,'",n lno Bcene '" HCUO" "v ii " roud boy 01 nine yrarn iim-i uriiiKiiis f i coodly sum (iulnrii pips are to bo an 5 added attraction this year, and theie will vj ai sorts of panics for the children. i planned by Miss Marpnret Mellor, no. listed by Ml" Isabel Howell. Miss K.ither jjonell, Mls-s .Stiznnno J"Vck, .miss .Mai garet Brown, .miss uernice .Mcnnenn xtra Edward Walter Clark. 3d, Mrs t Clement Kite. Mrs IMwin Cross. Mrs Frederick (Jardlner, Mrs. Mviniistim Jones, .wis. i;ivv icucc .itjini, .in? u ii Woodruff and little Miss Mat Rarer Mel lor. I'onj. donkey and goat onit i ides ire amonR the attractions, Rbn a nn. kind of fish pond, which proves to be -i yery real looking battleship manned b llx sailors, and thoso sailors will be none ether than liornlco Mcllhennj ntul a 1 group of her little friends. A Japanese tea Kitruen will be Ktace- ' fully presided over by Mrs. lleibert Wcth. rill. . Miss Anna Johnson will have chni'RP of a lemonade well and Mis. Ilenjamin Shoe. maker, I'd. and Mis. LoveilnK Wharton H-ill li.ive a fasclnatinK booth filled with ut flovvcis of all kinds, i-eecls, potted plants and Km den implements. The Wlssahlckon School Club commit tee has arranped a cak.e and candy table, and the Morton Street Day Nursery Aux , lliary will also be In change of a stall 1 ithere similar sweetmeats may be pro cured. I Miss Dorothea Kmlen, Miss Uoiolhea Emlth and Miss Susan Hoberts will hell Ice cream cones, and again the cltv lias donated a band, the Municipal, to add to the gayet of nations. An unusual featute this v,cai' wlll.be the presence of a number of leading citl lens of Ofrmantown, who have been asked to lie present, theieby giving lib erally of their Mippoit In this good cause. Thebc gentlemen will wear badges fiig- ,' nlfjlng their authority as managers, and i the men's committee arranging this pait Of the fair Includes Mr. Stanley R. Yar rail, Mr. James Kmlen and Mr. Walter T. lloore. Despite the numerous classes In emei tency aid and Red Cross work, which aio occupying the time and eneigy of (lei mantoun women, they .still find time to devote a laige p.ut of their interest to this May market, which fiom all ap pearances will bo a big success. AND what do ou think is the latest bit .of remaikablu reasoning which was evinced at one of our local movlo thcatics on Tucsdaj, .loffro day, when medals were being t,old nil over the city for the Benefit of the French orphans? Well, two tlrls, one a debutante of two years past tnd one of tho coming year," went into this movlo house (and incidentally It Is ono of the so-called leading ones, and asked for the manager. That gentleman camo for ward and, rubbing his hands together. Mid: "What can I do for you, ladles?" "We would llko to sell these medals to Jour patrons," "Oh! and what are tho medals for?" "For the orphans of ', France." "Oh, no, I could not allow it. '; Borne of my German-American patrons ould not like it." Now, I nsk you, did you evei! And this ountry at war with Germanv and a. man ' ! afraid to help one of our allies for fear the Germans would not like it. To say the least, tho situation Is humorous, if It ere not serious. Sounds like a bull. I Mmit, but you get me, I'm sure. ,' XANCV "WYNNE. Personals : The second son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Orlswold Flagg, 3d, will bo christened at i St Martin's Church, Radnor, on Saturday. t i o'clock. The ceremony will bo pcr- 'ormecl by tho Rev. John Mocki Idge, D. D t ' St. JameS'S Chureh. Tvi-entv.ner.nnrl nnil -Walnut streets. The baby will be named , wld H. King Flagg. Tho godparents will Mrs- Jagg's sister. Miss Ruth King, uroiner, .Mr, Van Rensselaer King, nnd ; r. Stanley U. Flagg, Jr. After tho cere- n?ny " 'nformal dinner will be given at ' ..',. ables' Vlllanova, tho home of Mr. "4 Mrs. Flagg. IHi.M.rf' .Archlba,d J- Rarkllo entertained iiii '" Class or which eho is a member I i.m --v, ,,h;,ic, uti iutauiij muni- - Mr. anrl Afr All n ,-,, ,,,, '..: ""ertalncd at dinner on Tuesday .vtung. MP, and Mr T7AV.A. lir n 1.1 .. i- riont, ni entei-inin inMH . i, k'Sliv!!iV?ancc t0 ba K'vcn nt the Merlon (Wicket Club tomnrrnw evening ; .--.. ..fc D iX Mr. anrl Xf ii.Mit .... -... HoH 01 iniaiii j. nerriu, 01 iiaver- ltd. ?J:1 al" entertain at dinner before f ""n uancc. ' Mr. and Mr, t....... a ,,..., . ,,..... ler !: ya" aro tslting their daugh ri Mra. Robert W. Daniel, of Rosemont. r. and Mrs. John 8. Freeman, of Whviio. bit T Invitations for the marriage of it t,, " Anna JIary' nd Mr. Her " J. Watt on Tuesday evenlnr. Miv 16. rarchClvk' '" the nadnor Tresbyterlan iiii ., -, x-. j small recepvion t. i i1? at the homo ot" tho bride's par , " t Runnymede avenue. ' . Hd Mra. Arthur II, Bonsor, of 706, - i-'ihi, camoen, announce the en- oi,tnelr, flauhter, Alice Helen B. WmmutlM 'A A.. t., ,.m, . 4iHTKVin, May 18 Many Features for the Event mm . MP, - ,MiMgl mmMK MP-flllH l. . ... , . , W"V." MISS MARGUKR1TK 110YLK Miss Doyle will kivc ii specialty dance this evening at the nlTni'r given at the Rittenhouse by the Women Writers' Club, of this city. Octolier Mr and Mis llonsor entertained nt hineheon-bildge In t lie IllU-i'.ulUin to day In making this ami'uum menl The following guests wcie pnent: Miss oiui.i Hardy, of Sandusk o. ; Ml-s liertrude Cronln, MKs tjrrtrmle McMnmis. Mls Kllzaheth McManus, "Mls Anna Mclluch. Miss Hi'leii lowi.l, Miss Dorothea Miller. Miss i;mll. Atuood. Mhs Alfred.! Duncan, Mlsn Cli-nnor .McN'ulty. Miss Florence Con liu. Miss Helen Kellv. Miss i:thel Itonyor. Mls r.llz.ibeth 1. likes. Miss Maigarct l.ultes, of Uinc.istei, l'a J .Mis John I! l-'llik. Mrs ( Ardlv Shednker, Mm John Feirerk. Mrs l-'rank I. Stmr and Mrs Thomas l:. Hughes Ml.ss I!eh.i Woridlngtnn was ngieeably siiipiised hy u il.ilnt luiicheon jeMerdii'y leleliiatiug the first annhersaiy of a ino.st suci-tssful liiisinrss ear Tlio adlolnln;; olllce In the Heal Estate Tiust llmldlng In which the luncheon was held, was in I'stleully deroiuted with K'.ft bouiiuctH of Japanese hacliiths, naiiissus and su.ip-di.igons The liim-heon was arranged and attended bv ".Miss WooilltiKtou's Girls," among whom were Ml.ss Floienio Dlckl'ison. MNs Kinlly Kline. Miss IMlth Johnston. Miss Kathai lno Dietiich. Miss Ruby Mousely. Miss (Jl.iily.s Young. .Miss Hetty lleleh and Ml.ss Mario Warren. Roxborough .Mrs. William F. Dixon, of s:i.-, Ridge avenue, piesldent of the Twenty-TTrst Waul Ho.ud of Trade, left on Monday for York. Pa., and later will spend some time In Jlanlshtirg Mr. mid Mrs. Joseph C Henderson, of .IIS Rothello avenue, WlssaliTekon : Miss Doiothy Hendeison, and Ml. and Mrs. Joseph C. Henderson. Jr, have returned from an extended automobile tilp through the South, visiting Washington. D. C, Mary land and Viigtiil.i. Miss Ullen Wnldeel: will cnteitaln this evening at her home, l."..'!i Manaunk ave nue Her guests will include .Miss Hthel l.ec, JIIss Hlsle Leonard. Miss Marian Towusend. Mrs. Howard Schweitzer, .Mrs. William llaeherleiu. Miss Sophia Lackey. Miss Mabel Mlltenbeiger. Mrs. Ittclinrd Farrand, Mrs Carroll Thompson and Mls Ittbt'cea Loon.nd Miss K.Uhh'i n Ferry, of ltldge avenue Wlssahlckon, entertained at luncheon nnd cards on .Monday at her home. Miss Myra Wartman, Mrs Joseph C Henderson, Jr., Mrs, Joseph Culley, Miss Myrtle Silver- wood, Miss Katharine Rhlnehnrt, Miss Lucy Fox and Mrs. Joseph Hradshaw were the guests. Mr and Mrs. Chester Hopkins nnd their daughter. Miss Hcinico Hopkins, of Rochello avenue, Wh,sahlckon, will spend the week end In Washington, D. C, as tho guests of Mrs. Hopkins' brotlier-lu-lnw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Robblns. Rev. Dr Flovd W. Tomklns. of Holy Trinity I'roUstnnt Dpiscopal Church, will make, the address at tho commencement exeielses tonight nt the Falls of Schuylkill Hi .inch of the Young Women's Christian Association. Germantown Dr and Mrs J Hdwln Hronson, of 10 West Chelten avenue, will entertain a number of friends at "500" at their home tomorrow evening. Arrangements aro being completed nt tho Uermantown Hospital for the com mencement exercises of tho graduating class of tho Nurses' Training Schoo.. S x teen will tccelvo diplomas, Tho follow ing wl'l graduate: Miss Alice I,.' Ilardsley, Uermantown: Miss Mary H. Memtnert, Nazal cthi Miss Sue M. Peters, Cernian town; Miss Klliabeth 13. Hrown, Potts town ; Miss Mabel V. Ke.lcr. Columbia ; Mls3 Alice L. Johnstone, Oermantovvnj Miss Rose Hasslnger. Wllllnmsport ; Miss Kllzabeth P. Cuplt, Oermantovvn : Miss Mabel II. Springer. Ilarbados, W I, : Miss Margaret M. Springer, Ilarbados, W. I.; Miss Marlon C. Illank, L'aston ; Miss Kllza beth D. Riley, Atlantic City: Miss He.en M. Palmer, Latrobo; Miss Josephine M. Oreswold. Uermantown: -Miss Knthryn W. Keefer, Altoona nnd Miss Miriam John son, West Philadelphia. North Philadelphia There will bo a debate tonight In the lec ture hall of the Krle Avenue Methodist Kpiscopal Church, Seventh street and Erie avenue, between the men's and women's Bible unions. "Resolved That Women Should Vote." will be tho subject. Miss Ipno Gray and Mrs W. Smith will speak on the affirmative side, nnd Mr. Percy Porter and Mr. Richard K. Hutton the negative. Messrs. C. W. Shelley, W. D. Rubrlght, Lin coin Loney, John Nelson and James John ston will be the Judges, All residents of the section aro Invited. n-h. Tinm Thursday Club will close the teaaonV meeting ;tod wlt juncheon Pynwyd. Those who will participate aro Mrs. Wllllnm Crispin Clnrk, Mrs. Jnmes Thompson, Mrs. Joseph Kinsley. Mrs. Frederick T Jennings, Mrs. Flank Hall, .Mrs. A. I,. Thoin, Mis. James Hogg. Mrs Henry tlarry. Mrs Wllllnm Carman, Mrs, Hinrles IMw.ird llnllowell and Mrs Ch.irlci Husscl'. Mrs. Walter Stephen Holmes, wlio lias bien the guest of her hrother, Mr Charles 1). Itcckuian, of Tioga, has returned to her home In South itler. N. J The members of the Tioga Methodist Kplscopal Church, Tioga and Klghtrenth sttrets. will ipeoghlze both father and mother In their rclnbr.itlon next Sunday and rail their annual servlco for tho sec ond SutuViy In Mny, "l'nrcnts' Day ' In stend of "Mother's D.iy" Thf young women of the ihureli will conduct n nursery In the chapel for the care of the babies and Munger children of all parents who wish to ntteml thf meetings The Hc Samuel McWIllhims, the inlnltter, will preach In tlie mornltig on "The Christian Home, and In tho eenlng m "Ihillstlng " Mr. and Mrs. Heorge llnmlll. Jr. hae returned from tholr wedding trip and an occiitiylng. their new home In Kllzaheth N J The l.rldo was Miss r.thel M n.tllcj daughter of Mr and Mrs John W Halle of West Krle aenuv. West Philadelphia Mr nnd Mrs John M. Cover and their daughter, Miss Alice (ier, of tl", S mtli Forty-fourth street, will go to Washington V C on S.Uiinlni for a week anil will at tend the ginduatlon of their daughter. Miss Margaret Kllen 'oer, from the National School of Potnestlc Art and Selemv on Wedne.fday. May 16. Mr and Mrs JanuM 1! St ink of tii". South Fifty-sixth street, are entertaining Mrs ltonia Frlrdlln and her -on, M.istei Samuel Frledlin. nf .Vol folk Vu. Mis i Frledlin Is a sister of Mr Z.nk Miss Ada Krr'haw and Mls Mai Urnil p of t033 Spring Harden Mmt who cr lerently returntd from a trip to Cuba haw now Kime to Atlantic i'il tor u lew it- Weddings YCSII.M 1.ARIIM N mie wedding of Mls.s IMitli l..irgm.tn daughter of .Mr. and Mrs I ..i l trm in .1 ui mi Germantown nw-nue. and Mi Dinl It Vuseni took ilae at noon tmla at the l!elleue-Slratfiild. with the Hi Dr Mar vin Nathan, of lleth Israel Temple, nlll eiatmg Mr. l.argm.in gave his il.iugliter In uiairhiLe and she wa atiendeit In- Miss . i7,,i,,iii ikoui in. ereinony was- lonoweu b ii breakfast Mi. Yu.em and his lrld. left for n trip to Nlaearii Falls, the Gnat Lakes and Canada. Tin will he at home after September i .it I ."." Ninth Twelfth street. Logan. CO.Ti:S iillADV A prettj May wedding wai solemnized at :l o'doek estcrd.i. aften n In the Church of the .Wcuslnu. D and Westmore land .streets, when .MKm Anna 1.. Hrndy. Fister of Mr Stephen Hrady, of Ml Alle gheny nenue. was man led to Mr. l'hlllp J. Contes, of 1.102 West Urle avenue. The ceremony was perfniincil by the Itev Dm iiIk J lintighal, and was follow eil b a reception at the honie of tho bride. Mr. Iliady gave his slstir in man logo and she was unattended The hrldegiooni and bride, upon their return f n in an extended tilp, will live In Tioga. TISDAI.i:- MeCARTIIV Miss Mai l: MiCnrthy. of Hidle.v I'.uk. beeainc the bride of .Mr. Henrj H. Tisd.ile, of Chester, at St Madeline's Chun h, llld ley 1'nrk. on Tuesii.i Tho matrl.ige was solemnized at a nuptial mass of which the I'.ev. Father Houston was celebrant. It was a very quiet event attended only by the Immediate meinbeis of both families and by closest fi tends. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss K.itlteriiiei MiC.it thy, of Trinity College, Washington. I C. and tho bridegroom bj .Mr Alex V. Tisdale, a brother liumedl.itel.v aflei the c leinonv Mr and Mis. Tldile left for New Yoik and liuf fnln for a shoit honev moon It Is under stood that Mr. Tisdale will enter the train ing camp at Fort Niagara for the coming summer. Garden Fete (me of the Impoitant events of the i onuiig week wi.l be the huge gaiden fete and bazaar which is to be held on Wednesday on the estate of Frank Thompson at Mulnn. Not only Is this an occasion of Interest owing to the social end. as Main Line society Is expected to be well repiesented, but It will be of great benefit It all those who take a personal Intel est In gardening, ns practical depionstiatlon in i anting vegetables, laying out truck patches, llovyer lieibi, pruning, weeding etc. will bo glvm These institutions will be given nt set Intervals during the afternoon by tho pupils of the School of Hortlcultuie at Ambler, and It Is tho alumnae of this school who have p.nuncd the fete for the benefit of a $1000 endowment fun 1 for the school Many of tho ex-pupils who aie now ex pert ganhners have nuuh In the ta of practical advice to give to that large anay of amateur gardeners, whose first expeilence comes this vent with the call for univeis.il planting, and there ale many who will be gkicl to avail themselves of tills oppmtunity of gleaning knowledge The conunl'tee Includes Mrs. C C Kite, Mrs, Henry Cnttvvrlght Jr, Miss I.'inlly Reed Fox and Ml.ss Helen (iibbon Wilson, all of whom will have charge of the (lower booths. Advice on landscape gardening will be given by Miss Kmlly Kxley and Miss Frances Shinn. MISS ALICE IIELENE BONSOR Miss Bonsor's engagement to Mr. Frank Atwood Starr, of Camden, was announced today at a bridge luncheon, at the Ritz-Carlton, civen S5LrS2 i h JEyv' ji&rWhi Hm ll tit && i ' 1 , Mr. and MtB. evldehce that we were traversing the tie In , the roll of the waves, maklnr L rv-w tVj'iai;L".c.q,.V. onc.aUlht,euot',gut ov&tom& &:s&K$iW$ GREAT AMERICANS Ht9&xwllBBvRwff4HKHfi9RvL 7 isTjflQpHHtf yjBmyj ! 1 Wm$mMNm3mmy um n WmWlil mm I I .lPJI-lKht Ife l-util .ll, t I lllp.il Miss Fomln Katon, who has a stomach specialist ciikukviI by the year. CONTRABAND A Romance of the North Atlantic By RANDALL PARRISH Till! SKIUV. Tilt S l'll CAITAIN UK 11 Villi Hill. I, IS. of lh Ml.m bill" who relln-il from s rvlie Vlj Ills fiilur own, r of the emiitmii.. ilieii nml left liltn u kiii ill furtune is one r n nuinlur nT Kiimls en boirl Hi" v u nt Hsmer, Ma oiilli.l liv I'irrlllKtetl 01per Mni; nml inllllunnlre. of N Vorl.. V r.li.v Is h iiuiik niiin.ui of nineteen, vvim 1ms Irtlinl ii lllj- "nicer of ih jniht lo i.irete li.r mi l.nnl The vmhtliiR I'.irtv Is. iibwdulilv slim lir.iii Cirrliiulon hns a I.uIihks Mlnni- In mind lb- wants m enrm I Hie iiil'l'i-r iniirlol bee mie "f til" Ureiil VVir llnllix illw-nvers in; in iilnlii but tirnmlam lu K n Iw r sw ret umn the infl Is one l.i "in I" "' win n tn.j Blrl - In ilisi lusi h. r identity to t-iitilnn- ' "ri'.IKil - lft'NN, n inllllniiBlre. stlfclll Ii known to Mollis ts.motllM "'"' The neiiinil nmlit eit a tl.uill; slesj ller re,ks il.e vs. lit All but Hi-Ill;". i.n.l t,c.inii .ir- .iv..l nnd j.n k-d up i v the lout llldlls fnrees Mll'nllll III nell bint llh, nil- llir Plrl lurlted In u ftniero-mi flie Hire- tli-n e-i-ii- lii ill" llBjit dory tr.nlliliK liem lb" s" "; t the '"!" ,i, Tin tlnr.l iiiulit mil tliev s slit a "rift. Mie In.ll.iii i-hl.r nf l-bllailelphli. wlil-h l.ikj 111, III on beard, when It Is I"-'."""1. ', '; ',' llnllis nil nilvliMte the boat 111" ,'"" '," i Mill f Is In a liltluW- foinllllnii bavliiB b. ,u wr.'ik.d In n storm The ves.el H looled in tlio luiUbes wllll b iiirif" of muni tlnns of war enlislKiinl In Itlimlnirs- I'llll. IP ll-IIIM. the owner "f the shin, Ins Bt.ikid bin nitlre foitune In Ui-' mis lur, . I poll li sie "- ,ii i-,,,,-,..-.-.- unit lli.it nf bin mother, ill riiil.ubll-hl.1 Win ll Veri r ml7-s lhixenm iih nil ol.l l-allll ll-.li ll in ilUJlllt.ini Kh- urges llnl llii, tiil.e loinnnn.l of lb- ship iin.l rim It into lliiinbiirt! IkiHiom is a "fl'i'"; "' Hi,- r,ult "f a llootlm: iiITtIi In whlili .Miriinii, in a onions nk', nre,i in hini llasiom linv.ewr wb" liiiu"-'tit ef n' com l.ll, 1 1 with the woman llnllls tnKoH i-utiiniinil ntl'l ehnoses l.ei ,or.l u Ins Hrst mine iin.l "'Isoii ns seeoii.l in I, lie then burns lint .Mn'iinii tins lii bumeil the n. of the w.ir ami Is Bin.. i.l Iiib iii.inev nml Klnriiius nroiiilsis iiinonu 111 ni.ii If lh. lain! him saf.lj nt nn American '"Vlrfallll is lii.lile a prisoner to kfep hllll nivin frnn. in.- . rew When llnllls In ce, the ship's post on n few ili liter "hll" in. I l.iierpool, the InrtliiB , InsurKentH mom; Hi. m. n show parti, nl.ir Int. rest In the njit li.iallon of tin- ship as com nariii to the American const. Vera tells llnllls for the first time who she Is. She Is t I lunht.r "f,y '"'"" host of the party OH hoaril the III I lleil Ksmrrai'la. cn.rri:ii . (Cnntiiine.i) ..lTri:i,U what of It."' Indignantly. "Is Wthat going to lob me all my life, ot my frcedotn to be ,i real wiitn.in'.' ltelleve me, I net enough "it that suit nf thing ashore. What good me my f.ithcr'H millions nut here, or mv sncl.il poidtlon ill New Voih.' Vmi did not save me from Hie sinking i:s. merald.i because I was lietald I'.iuingtnn's daughter." , , I cbi not mean to dlspleae vbu I s.uil i.illieslly "Stllil.v von cannot ' nisidi I me a snub or any mere, wcushlper of wealtli'.'" Ni I do ii'it. Vou cir the other way Von aie sn'.ifrald that 1 might imagine jnu wele inti tested in me because uf these things that you fall to be natural. You liked mo on tho Ifrmctiild.i, nnd when we were ailtlft lu the ho.it?" "I ceitalnly did." "Vou weie not nfiald to show- it, or let me iciillze Now- you are. Vet, Mr ll.illln, I am exactly the miiio woman. I am ulciiie on this ship, dependent ontliely upon our cnurte.sv The clicinnstance.s ilu lint justity miv inlsundci.st.indlng between us. . er tulnlv no silly bat I lei m of sncl.il rank, or wealth. I want the old fiiendshlp or the open boat, when I was morclv Miss Vera to you- a waif of the sea. I I cannot ex plain what I mean, but but this suit of thing maddens me." 1 endeavoied to answer, to stop her, but, before I could do either, sho had tlung open tho companion door nnd ran down tho it.nr.s Tho nest moment, without even glancing about, the gltl vanished within her Btnteiooni I blared down Into the illmlv lighted, de serted cabin, startled by her Impetuous words, her sudden disappearance. I had not previously realised that my actions toward her had so noticeably changed. I wanted to tell her so, and even took a step down ward with tho puiposo nf nipping nt her closed door, yet completed the Inclination, nnd leturned to the open deck I could seive her hef-t there; nnd tomoirow to moirow she could bo mado to know tho depth ot my Interest, yever until then, as I stood thero alone, gazing out across the rail over the black tea, the memory of her face before me, did I grasp the Influence she had upon me. Into the very depths of my being her words cut, and biought pain nnd Joy. C'lIAI'TIIK XM III the linnils nf the crew THi: hours of the night gave me ample opportunity for thought nnd careful con sideration. Tho wind held steady, and while tho sea roughened somewhat this slight change was not sulllclent to diminish our progress, or cause any swerving from tho course set. All remained cutlet forward, tho watch on deck (hiding little to do other than their routine duties, and no member of the crew had any occasion to como aft, except those detailed to tho wheel. There seemed no reason why I should remain on deck, as 1-enyord and Olson proved them selves thoroughly competent In handling tho vessel, yet tho responsibility rested upon me, and tho Importance of tho night's run prevented my having any wish to re tire below, However, I found no occasion to lnterfero with the operation of tho ship, and remained mostly on the main deck, where my watchfulness assured me there was no communication passed between fore castle and cabin. I poll It siloes II' 1" mo lit-, ""' Only twice during tne nigni aia we nave .i ranirrmnit mil staibnaid quatter. but so far away as to give us no iiiiiiisluiss Again and again 1 watchfil it Hash iilnnp the slsy, possibly the ulteetlim of mime distant searchlight on a man-of-war, but. nt last, even this vanished, as we swept steadily forward Into the north. Some coiisdlerablo time after midnight the lights of a steam.'r cnsthnunil appeared oil" our port bow, nnd we husheil our engine,, bntelv holding steerage-wav, until the crent liner pasnl us nt full speed, her polls d.itkeiud. appearing the merest gra shadow' as she swept between us and the nun line or hnimin The otilcer on hit bi.Ige m.iv have had tt Intinn glimpse nf nut- outlines, for bet siren sud denly slit It ke.l ii wild challenge across the black water Hut theie was no slacken ing of speed, anil, within a few moments, the last gllnumr of liht disappeared and we hail n sumeil our c out so, with etiRlnes at full speed Olson, nn watch, bailed over the rail, and spoke to me on the main dick below "A ( iiu.ird liner, sir." "That would be my guess. Mi. Olson; which pinves that we aro on the noithein edge of the steamer lane They had glimpse of us. ' "I doubt If they were cpilte sure sir. A lookout law- our shadow, but they took no chances They'll aigile nbout It all d.iv tiituoMoW' on thuM' clocks " "Av, ami nn doubt report a mil row escape limn n tinman raider. In the log. Perhaps tliev aie sending the news wireless now" "It wouldn't have to travel far. sir. Tbete'sa warship somewhero out vonder did j on see tho seaichlight an hour ago? ' "Ves; but wo nuKht to have the fellow hull down before ilnv light; wo must bo do. Ing eighteen or nineteen knots now." "All n that, sir; an" If ou notice It's ml.Miif cp a bit." This was true enough as 1 verified by a trip to the pint lull, and the fog grew steadily mom dense, until at dawn we weio steaming recklessly through a thick cloud of vapor, bawdy ablii to obsetve. the sur. lace of tint seu dull, sodden gray, a few arils In advance of our bow. Tho dense, watery folds swept along our sides, and Ihei rigging dilpped moisture onto the glls Itnlng deck planks. It was a gloomy, dieary morning enough, and, even as the light of eat Ij dawn strengthened, I could scitiely distinguish a thing forwaid of the mainmast However, theie was no slow ing up of speed or Rounding nf siren. Con. vim ed that we weie now safelv to the noith nf the usual com so nf ships, I ptefened to Hike the chance of possible collision Tho lemcmhrunco of that warship to the south wist and nf tho wireless message which might have been sent nut from tho sus picious IMinanler uiged me to accept the unknown clanger lurking amid the gloom ahead, rather than chance the mom cettain pet II hoveling usteiu. Sllentlv without a light glinimeilng nt tho extreme of our spud limit, the Indian Chief plunged head, long through tho gray, butting the mist asiile. occasionally l.euyoiel. on watch, hailed the lookout forward, and tho ie spouse came echoing back, u mem tin end of sound Hut ntheiwls.i there was noth ing tn hear ejr see. liven the sails were obscured, the lower yards a mere shadow, wteathod about by gray mist, while the boats hanging lu tho davits uppeuied shape, less and grotesiiue. My e.vea vvctu heavy from lne.k of sleep and long staring nut thinugh the black night; my senses dulled by hours of In action, during which nothing unusual had occurred to arouse me to a realization of Impending danger. I no longer even sus plcloned trouble or any active hostility for ward. If mutiny was being considered some symptoms surely would bo apparent before now; tin effort would have been made to communicate, with McCnnn nt least and vet I was nssurecl that no such uttempt had been made. N'o one could havo ciossed that open space of deck un seen, either from forecastlo or cabin, ana the light burning In the latter enabled me to seo every foot of Its interior. With tho dawn the density nf fog enwrapping us seemed to Incieaso and completely blot out every glimpse of sea and sky. liven Len ord leaning over tho rail Just above me could scaicely bo distinguished as a man, and evidently his eyes could not make nnj out nt all, for he hailed doubtfully; "Are you still on deck, Mr. Hollls?" "Yen," I answered, staring up at his shadow "A bad rog, "It Is, sir. Would wo better reduce speed? It's a blind gamble whnt may be ahead of us." "No. not vet: I am counting on opon water, unci would rather chanco striking a stray than risk being overhauled by a Iirltlsh cruiser "Tho sun will split this mist before noon. and meanwhile we must make all tho northing possible. Thero Is no storm brewing?" 'I think not. sir; tho glass registered fair when I camo on watch." "I know: I looked at It myself an hour ago. Wo'll hold on, then, Just as we are for the present. If my figures nrc right thero ought not to he a Bhlp yonder for 600 miles." Thero'B likely to be floating Ice, sir." "Scarcely bo far down at this time of year, Mr, I-eayord, and the drift would bo nearer the Newfoundland coast. Wo are well to the east ot that danger. I'll go for ward and havo word with the lookout." I heard his "aye. aye, sir," as I crossed to the port rail. The vessel plunged a lit tle In ,,ttu roll of the .waves, maklnr a It, tir in I i" .Sftr, see a ynrd ahead, and the deck underfoot vvns slippery with moisture, I had reached u point nenrly opposite tho broken stump of tho foremast, when I was suddenly con fronted by two blutred figures emerging noiselessly from the deeper shadow cntt by n qunrter boat swinging In davits. The fellows must have known who I was, and tho path of my approach ; no doubt they had been close enough aft to overhear my conversation with Lcayord, At least they were on mo almost before I truly reallicd their near presence the one gripping the nrm I flung up In startled defense: the other driving his fist straight Into my fnce, a sledgehammer blow which sent me crash ing bnck full length on the deck Stunned, dazed as I was by this vicious attack. I made an Instant's struggle, but was quickly crushed bnck, n merciless hand gripping my throat Almost nt tho snmo moment the revolver was removed from my pocket, tho cold mumle thrust against my cheek, "l.lo still, damn you," muttered a tens voice, and I knew tho speaker for Jim White, "or I'll blow tho whole top o' ycr head oft." I retained sense enough to obey, White knee pinning me to the deck, but some sound of my fall must have carried nfti for I.eavord sang out through tho fog' "Forward there! What's all that racket about?" White's fingers shoked me Into helpless silence, his knee crunching hard Into my breast It wns Liverpool fled who an swered sullenly "I knocked over a capstan bar. sir, never saw It In the bloomln' fog" I.eayord growled something, tho words falling to carry to us ngnlnst the wind, but n moment later, satisfied that no further Investigation vvns to bo made. Liverpool thrust White aside nnd lifted mo to my feet, his eyes glaring threat Into mine. One whimper from you an' yer over board." he muttered hoarsely "Take it from me, wo know whnt we're about Come on now an' don't attempt nuthln". There's nobody forard hero ter give yer a hand. Take him bv the collar, Jim " With White's hand gripping me, nnd my own revolver nt my bend, any attempt to break away would have been simply sui cide The thick fog hid the scene from those on watch aft, and that the two men wcrn reck less and desperate, their plans well laid, was evident. The gray light revealed their fai'es and theie wns no mercy in the scowl ing eves. forward r go, sir!" growled White, bis fingers twisted In the Jacket collar. It's damn little more ver'll hav' ter say ubn-ird tills booker " "What do you propose doing? This Is mutiny, men "To hell with the mutiny. It's war, air we're lhigllshmen ; this ship's loaded with warstuffs, bound fer (Jermany. That sort o' talk means nuthln' so come on. and stow the gaff." They forced me around the bulk nf the windlass to the head of tho foiecastle steps, slid back tlin door In Its grooves nnd thrust me staggering down Into the murky depths below A slush light, swinging to a blackened beam lu the deck above, cast a ghastly vellowlsh glare over the Interior, revealing to mo at least two-thirds of thu crew, clustered about, evidently awaiting some such event, llalry faces peered out from bunks, and men wcro sprawled nbout nn boxes and tho deck The place was damp and smellv. the odor of oil mingling with bilge wnter, and sodden clothing swinging to wooden hooks on the side walls, l'or nn instant the dirt and filth, combined with sharp swa.vlng nf the vessel under foot, al most sickened tne, and 1 grasped the up right of a berth to keep erect, my eves seeking to dlstlugujsh the faces, rcndeicd scarcely visible by the mlserablo IIbIiI White held to my collar, but Liverpool closed tho entrance, shutting out even thnt fnlnt bioath of pure air, beforo speaking a w ore! "Well we've got the main guy. lads, nn' nn shindy," ho said cheerfully, "an' a gun came with him Now a few o' us will see If we can persuade the furst mate into taking a trip forward " "Where's Hilly Olson?" asked a olcc (CONTINCIIO TOMORROW) OPERATIC SOCIETY TO GIVEBRIAN BORU" Komnntic Irish Opera Will be Pre sented ns the Fortieth Production Hi lull Horn." Julian Edwards's: lomuntic Itlsh opera, will be given tonight ns the fottleth performance of the PhiladelpMn Operatic Society at the Metropolitan Opera House. Musleallj, dramatically and sccnl cnlly tho opera Is built upon heroic lines, demanding for Its proper production nn exceptionally strong cast, a chorus nf 150 voices, a ballet nf 10 and an opera or chestra Tho principal inles will be In the hands of some of Philadelphia's best-known artists, lesser parts giving an opportunity to members drafted directly from the chorus, all ot whom have been thoroughly drilled In the intricate stago woik by W. II. Fitzgerald. A patriotic touch has been arranged In a beautiful tableau, with Mario Stone Lang ston us tho central (lgure Robed as Co lumbia and bearing "Old Glory," tho popu lar continlto will be attended by represen. tatlves of tho 'three branches of the serv ice the army, represented by nn Infantry man ; the navy, represented by a sailor, and tho Red Cross, represented by a nurse. After this she will sing the 'Star Spangled Banner" and lead the audience lu the sing ing of "America." The presenco of two American composers, Reginald Dc ICoveu nnd Victor Herbert, together with thnt of Mrs. Julian Edwards and Mrs. Stanllaus Ktange, widow of the librettist, ns guests of honor will give the affair added Importance In the musical sea son of 1917. MAItKlhT Above 1CTII MARY PICKFORD IN FJIIST ritF.SENTATIO.V Or "A Romance of the Redwoods" Cr CLAItA KIMtlAM. VOU.NO In "TUB IIASIUST WAV" hus been delayed by the 3Ut Ucmrt of Censors. Date ot rirat Presentation ulll ba announced later. "DATA OT? 1214 mahket smncT rll-Lt.jEj 10 A. M. to 11 :15 P. M. PAULINE FREDERICK In SLBUPING FinES" ARCADIA .frirs. C:45, 7:45 & D.4S p. . Bessie Barriscale in.-Tlii"xsslAnu!" Next Week-Two Exceptional Feature' Mon.. Tue., Wed, "HAPPINESS" A Delightful Play of Colle-ge I.lfo Thura. Frf Sat. ''SKINNER'S ni'IHlLE" ISrquel to "Skinner's Ureaa Suit") TT,'?XT'T, MAHKET Ilelow 17TH XVliAjriluN u a m. to litis p. m. Dally. 10c; Kir I5e. VIOLA DANA "oob'h law VICTORIA maorakeJ lll m. I'rlce 10c. 20o ' DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "IN AGAIN OUT AGAIN" Net Wek UTHEL HAnnYMOnE In "THE CALL OF HEH PEOPLE" ClfESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE LAST WEEK TWICE DAJLT, StlS, SlIS GERALDINE FARRAR aa "JOAN OF AltC" In "JOAN THE WOMAN" TRICES 25c, 60c. 75o a i' a'i muht, u.oo ATi'IT'T PUT TONIOHT AT HilB JXlJlUUr nl 11.50 MATINEE TODAY NAZIMOVA (Herself) In CEPTION SHOALS" T VRTP TONIOHT AT 8:15 t LlXXXiVj MATINEE 8ATUKDAY "fin ItMR IBTWV' Ml .,. -"V- "VV".wjra' Wrf- Af TrfK jY S1 sD Continuous vJloJfffUmyn to ' ,--v' y-ry w 11:13 P.M. tm rrniMLTrmtt nr imrv V rUlUflLEi TLAIDU Mfj TIM rrDMAMTAWM ' Wnkeileld Young Men's Glub oh VJtlVU UIU VJllUIil J.U- night I) HK Germantown residents are looking for--. ward with Interest to tho production of 'the' J Gilbert nnd Sullivan opera, "Patlenci" .r ; which Is to be given tonight and Saturday night by the Wakefield Young Men's ClUb? .. It will bo tho sixth annual musical produce Jrc tlon of this enterprising club. Tho Ameri can lied Cross and tho Belgian Itellcf FuntfJ are to share. In the proceeds. ? Although most of the principal parts are being taken by members of tho tlub, sev eral well-known Philadelphia soloists will nsslst Among these will he Miss ntheltt Nlethammer. of the Matinee Musical Club.'T who will sing the part of Patlenco! Msj Margaret Hock, who will sing Lady Jane.il and Mr Ilubort I, Iloyle, who tnkea theJ part of the Duke. Dr. Albert V. Steele, prcs-, blent of the club, will sing tho part of Uun thorne, and Mr Prow S. Haines, whoY' coached tho Frankford High School for it production of tho "Pled Piper of Hamlin" last week, will sing the part of Grosvener. The cast nnd chorus follow: . Patience, Miss Ethel Nlethammer; "Bun thorne, Dr. Albert V .Steele! Lnely Jan MIsh Margaret Hock, Grosvcnor, Mr. An drew S, Ilalnes, Colonel Clavcrley, Mr. War- rcn Jost ; Duko of Dunstable. Mr. Hubert P.. Hoyle: Major Murgatroyd, Mr. Samuel Dut ter; Lady Angela, Mls.s lMna Gloeckner; Lady Saphlr, Miss Helen Poore; Lndy Kiln', Miss Marlon Jones, tho Solicitor, Mr. wai ter Hubbard I ChoruH MIrs HeMrlcfl Ansty,' V&V Klchf-I. MIsh Kntherlnc Ualley,- - Ate lio DnvK Mis tilndyn Davis, jUig Ia Il.s.11 rlaa Innal (.'n'n n Mloa - r)1'V Miss Julia I Miss HIancb Miss Priscllla Dell, Miss Janet Swan, Miss Mao Hunter. Miss Kmma Kester, Miss Ger . trude Meyers, Miss llthelwynne (icsslcman, Mls.s Kmlly do Coursey, Miss Anna Fnber, Miss Eleanor Horelen, Miss Hllde Meyers. Mls.s May Itamsey, Mls Ireno Hook and Miss Edith Cnmlcy, Mr. Frank Wells, Mr. Rowland Longstreet, Mr, Albert Reld, Mr. Frank Christ, Mr. Huston Hunter, Mr. Nel son Leek, Mr Roy Thompson, Mr. Warren Jost. Mr Carl Jost, Mr. Henry James, Mr. Ftank Chllds, Mr. Wllllnm Hook. Mr. Mel- vln Oessnlman, Mr. Elmer Ilea. Mr. JohnJ Hinds, Mr. Hcorge Parsons, Mr. Frank Wesko and Mr Roy Smith. Mr James A. Willnr'el, Jr, who has dl-1' rcctcd all the club's musical productions. Is" ngaln In charge of the coaching, with Miss Heleno Gloeckner as accompanist. NOW ', 2:15 EVENINGS IS DAILY, 2:15 EVENINGS, 8:15 FORREST BROAD AND SANSOM STREETS A POSITIVE TRIUMPH! THE VERDICT OF PUBLIC AND PRESS .or ncavMratii tfTOiw DDC3Hiaiii!7lia vs TIMELY! THRILLING! ENTER TAINING! NOVEL! SCIEN- v, TIFIC! MAGNIFICENT! ,, SEE the "Monster" That Filled the World,, With Terror. SEE tho Actual Ulowlng-Up of a Ship In Mid-Sea. 'ii SEE tho Deadly Torpedoes Speeding Forth.j on Their Mission of Vengeance. ' SEE tho neautiful. Entcrtalnlnn 'Wonders of the Deep Hidden for Ages Beneath'4 tho Ocean Now Terrorized by the U-53. ., SEE the Dauntless Captain Nemo Rescue a Pearl Diver From the Tentacles of ao Giant Octopus Most Terrifying Combat Ever rhotographed. SEE the Hunters In Ocean Depths Battle with Ravenous Sharks. T Nothing Like It on Earth, '' PHOTOORAPHED AT THE BOTTOM OF t THE OCEAN AMIDST GREAT DANGERS11 Mats., 25c & 50c; Evgs., 25c to $1 Reserved Scats in Advance n Aujjmented Symphony Orchestra v TAKE THE CHILDREN TO THE - TREAT OF THEIR LIVES Come to the Brilliant Outdoor Maytimt" Pageant-Drama - t MASQUE OF :; AMERICAN DRAMA; Hy ItfglnsM do Koven and Albert Trombly. . ' ! at the Univ. of Pcnna. Botanic Gardens t - $K for the weeK or may iui , nVENlNOa at 8:13. HATUHOAY MAT., 2:30. 700 PEOPLE ORCHESTRA OF 70 Tickets r,0c-i;.l0 at aimbfia and Houston Club. The .ntire proctedi iclll Iw denoted to thti r,";?,l of thu t7i.Ucr.lll MWtarv Ba,, lloiiiital. WALNUT Mat. Today, 25, 50cti VV1-" Evenings. SSe. BOo. 75c. l.- Statu Now Two Wccka In Advanco fPKm 17b fiM . r i il,ii Hint iiii OLaiTcae n at b. r. 31 refl'wrt "PrwQo'c? . K2SS Celebrities ,J; THEATRE , . Kalmar & Brown, Florrio Millership aTiOBE Theati-ej'SSSSSfaV JXJJ '-'-' YA.VUHVILI.H Contlnuoua.Jy 100, 15c. 25c, 35c 11 A. M, to 11 V. M. " "Models Abroad" Mu,al ??Bpttf Tom Linton and His Jungle Girlrf CROSS KEYS Ji5K2K!l?vV.v H0W GIRLS REVUE" . .I, .. i i ai vin?fn rrrvrsll " nNl , ir,nsa - BROADWAY ""...OT V XmV nOTTT.D Blwrtw Ccm,dl,n. MtfJ lVll VJ-- rti Wllli ,1J WM. FARNUM -"""JtETHQDy-; , PIIILA,. OPERATIC BOCIFrrV. MAY 10 n. Sliroixiiii wi.- ...,- ---. j Brian Boru comedy operXsj geata 50o to J2.00, J 108 Ch.atnut. ' ; ;? j Knickerbocker 4$Sffi, tock ST.ELMQ" 3g.E3!fr P.ASTNO Hip Hip Hoomy walnut Ab. mi, Pt Girls-Big Foatttwf oi!rto0'.cKiS2 Qm .nt i ' MWIlAMBItiiMlMl r... i ? t -J 'il" S a:VS ?.! 3 i V3 MAi.'lJI fvi JiH .slf.1 ra m m . m m t ft & n '!i 11 m & 'Mi ( i ii i- 3 , 'W ',?H &i$. wfcw MfJiffl w v . f.tt4 w'.,j( SS ""TSi r'.-s- ' ."..- ll '.