?w "L 'V- tjr A ' w. A 1 ,'' -EiVBiNa 'KEDGER-PHIIADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 19i7 Wk ". AN TO CURB I U-BOATS GIVES HOPETOMVY f Daniels in Optimistic State- ment After Meeting Con sulting .Board pUOT A DREAM, HE SAYS ; WASHINGTON, May 9. It has been learned that the Germans ve maklnu submarines that give out ii.d. Round. These were the outcome, ! K is supposed, of the discovery by Ger many hat ,nc nritish ,,atl devised f mtans.of dctcctinB the presence of sub. ,rjncs under vvnicr, me uuiccuun ne In; accomplished through sound waves linn out by the submarines. ffASHINCJTON". May 9- From n high V fflc!al quarter It has been learned that k. American navy fs In poscslon ot n 1 ..j or Invcntlftn for coplnc with German lubmarlnos and torpedoes fired by them II n merchant ves.'eln that promises tno i palest dements of success when put Into I, trtctice. This statement was made follcw. 1 hr conferences wnicn vv i... oaunuers ana ' ether members of the submarine croup of ihe naval rnnsultlne board had with Secre- lary Ilanlels and ofilcers of the navy. After the. conference Secretary Daniels It said: It We have cone all over the problems connected with combating the submar ines, and experts of tho Consulting Board will continue their experiments with Inventions designed to eliminate the menace, t can only say this concerning their work that their plans nro no dream. They are very Important and ttry far reaching It was Intimated that tho experts work trg en definite means of fighting the sub marine! have eliminated from consideration Biany suggested device;, and now aro cen tering their eierlments on only a few, one or two of which they hop? will prove effec tive against tho underwater boats. Those at the lonferetice were Secretary Daniels. Admiral Benson, chief of opera tions; Hear Admiral Taylor, chief con Itructor; near Admiral Griffin, chief engl titer; Hear Admli.U Karle, chief of ord. r.ar.ce; Rear Admiral Grant, chief of the lubmarlne service, and Captain William i Etrother Smith, who forms the connecting link between the department and tho consult. rg board nnd other scientific bodies. W L. Paunders, chairman of tho consult Irg board, headed tho representation of iclentlsts, which Included the following irembers of the board's commltteo on special naval problem Lawrence Addlcks, chair man; Thomas Kobblns, Ulmcr A. Sperry nd Benjamin II Thayer. Reports also weie available from Thomas A. Edison, who Is at work on a somewhat (Afferent line of Investigation. CONVICTS GRADUATED IN ENGINEERS' COURSE Fifty-one Men in Eastern Peni tentiary Now Take Up Ad vanced Studies Fifty-one Inmates of the Eastern Peni tentiary btarted today advanced courses In engineering, conducted jointly by tho I'enn jlvanla State College and the Central Branch of tho Young Men's Christian As sociation. The fame men yesterday held their com mencement in the same course that tho State demands from students In Its colleges and received their certificates in engineer ing after they had passed with ease tho lame questions and lessons that nre given to students on the "outside." The commencement exercises themselves ere Just as novel as tho Idea. There were a short prayer from the chaplain, n talk from C. G. Gaum, of the engineering exten sion division of State College; granting of the certificates by It. W. Hickman, ot the Toung Men's Christian Association, and a short address by Warden "Bob" McKcnty, urging the men to go out and show the world that the penitentiary was not a bad tlace as It was frequently pictured. The class is composed of men of all colors and ages. The course Is not com pulsory and there Is nothing to spur the Ren on. His PRESIDENT SEEKS RELIC Asks for Saddle and Bridle, Father's Gift to Mother CANONSBUna. ra May 9. President -.,- " xuuuu iime 10 wnxo y. u. 70"! ' a farmer, living near here, concern-' ow.oB.ume anu nnaie which the Presl nU father, tho Ilev. Jos-jph Wilson, gave wa bride at the time, of th-slr wedding. The mswentg parents lived here for two r following their marriage. "I hnv. ImhuI ...i.i. i . . .. . rt. .l -' """ a Brea' aeai or in I ..in President's letter reads, "that V m i ,a, . !" your Possession a saddle taothM... .k cn my fatner cave to my Wi intr.t. V l lneir marriage, This IV' i . t "" ou ueei"y mat i ,am writing to K. a II by any chance you would be will- It J? J? part wlth thet" to me. I realize, If jJ . that there Is no basis for putl i niue I ' t"em' Dccause their K riiiA. l. '"ut" ennancea Dy tno asso II k.n. .? wnlcn attach to them, but per ls. m h.,. .u " M Benerous enough to let wihr;: '".v" ai 8ucn a price as you ' ..1m. r?Srred .tne Ietter- announcing , "S Tot have the sadrilit nnrl hrlrtlo BIGGER NAVY BILL PASSES ; This War No Pink-Tea Affair," Says "epresetnative Mann in House WASHINQTON. May 9.-The bill to ln 0oJ!e war s""ength of the navy to trai'ii... a . nu lne Marine Corps to 3Q.00O Th. '" ths House. io new enlistments u-nnM ,. ,n. fr- ttt.,","!"". for. the war period or as tho Th.Tiiilma.y Prescribe in his discretion. hratv . . cs ror many additional tem 't3Sl l ana raarlne officers of Junior I Va?i .5 tle debate Republican Leader IfcttnltVy1.''1 t0 th0 "0US8 to realize the m the 'e tasl ahea1 o th9 nation It'Th. . nn Germany. tfomn n? We Bet ovcr lhi I'11 '" 'thls Eaju" ? d '5 tfl's ,IoU3e t"at we are con- kfiii..; I. "" "wins circle or a pinic tefMai" Bald' "th0 better " wl" bl t . . ;; BERNHARDT STILL WEAK rati tfc1 be .? "ans Intimate Noted Actress Is In Serious Condition iWYonw xt... .. . ..-.-..-.. LJ2 condition of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt jrious, wr her four phyalclana, 2"' urer, Uaruch and Llb- lauowlnr; bulletin l.trom CURRENT EVENTS DEPICTED BY THE AMERICAN CARTOONIST k K, Ax will' 77J- AT 7 A?TONLT KYrfZ. DUE ATTACCHI NEMICI RESPINTI DA CADORNA Gli Austriaci Battuti dalle Forze Italiane nel Trentino e sulle Falde del Monte Vodil LA BATTAGLIA IN FRANCIA ROMA, 9 Magfiio. Un violcnto terrcmoto ha scosso la rcgionc calabrcse oggi. Gli abitanti, invasi dal terrore per le frcqucnti esperienze del passato, sono fuggite dalle abitazioni ed accampano al l'apcrto. Finora non si ha notizia di vittime. HOMA, 9 Magglo Terl sera II Mlnlstero delta ttuerra pub bllcava II Keguente rapporto del gencrnle Cadorna circa la sltunzlnno a'la fronte Itajo mutrlaca: Sull.i fronte del Trentino nella glor nata dl lerl l'attivlta' delle artlgllerle , fu ostacolata dal cattlvo tempo. In Vnldarsa un reparto ncmlco, appogglalo da un piccolo ontingente dl nrtlglierla, tento' dl prendere uno del riostrl pos.tl nvnnzatl, ma fu resplnto dopo che sof ferso perdlte conslderevoll L'n attacco da parte dl un altro reparto nemlco contro una nostra poilzlone sul Vodll, nella zona dl Tnlmlno, ebbe pure l'lstes so rlsultato, essendo stato resplnto con perdlte. Nella zona dl tiorlzla e sull'altoplano del Carso si o' avuta la sollta attlvlta' dell'artlgllerla nemlca che e' stata plu' Intensa nella ternta contro II nostro blstema dl dlfesa del Dosso Faltl. II vlgorooo e rapldo Intcrvento delle nostre hatterie valse a rldurre presto al sllenzlo le artlgllerle nemlche in ipiel settore. Inoltre II fuoco delle nostre batterlo causo' una esploslone In un deposlto dl munlzlonl del nemlco dletro le sue Unco di Dotco Malo II fcenatore Gugllelmo Maiconl. prima dl partlrc lerl alia volta degll Htatl Vnlti con la mlsslone Itallana che si reca a portare al govcrno ed al popolo amerlcano II saluto della nazlone o del governo Itallano, ha fatto la seguente dlchlarazlone: "I.'Italla o gli Statl Unltl hnnno molto dl comune In questa guerra glacche' ambedue le nazlonl dcslderano una pace permancnte per luttl 1 popoli Io posso testlmonlare dell'lmmcnso sentlmento di grntitudlne che rlemple gli animl dl tuttL I mlerl compa trlottl per tutto quello che II presidente Wilson ha fatto per 11 trlonfo della demo crazla, per la protczlonc del dlrltto e per la Instaurazlone della pace e della glusttzla. "Questo sentlmento dl simpatla portera' le due nazlonl a plu' strette rc'azlonl ce mentando un'amlclzla che sar.V dl incal colabllo beneflclo a tutta Intera 1'umanlta " Telegramml da I.ondra dlcono che le truppo tedesche sono rlusclte a rlconquls tare la horgata dl Fresnoy, ad ovest dl Vlmy. che era stata conqulstata cd era tenuta dalle truppe canadesl Queste non hanno potuto reslstere ad un vlolentlsslmo contrattacco operato dalle truppo tedesobr cho avevano ricevutn grandl rlnforzl, II marcsclallo von Hludenburg aveva concen tiato gran parte delle sue rlserve nella zona conpresa tra Arras e Lens e bferro' II contrattacco nppunto contro Fresnoy. Kublto dopo pcro' le truppo canadesl si lanclarono ad un nuovo contrattacco e rlus clrono a rlprendero le pcrduto poslzlonl ad eccezlone dl una, evldentemente quella dt Fresnoy. Anzl un recentlsslmo dlspacclo dalla fronte tenuta dal canadesl dice che Fresnoy e' dl nuovo nello manl delle forze dl Halg, ma cho I combattimentl nttorno al villagglo sono ancora vlolentlsslml. Telegramml da Amsterdam dlcono che II conte Tlsza, presidente del Conslgllo unghe rese, aveva Invltato I leaders dell'Opposl zlone a parteclpare ad un rlmpasto minis terial. I leaders rlflutarono. Orn 11 conte Andrassy, parlando domenlca scorsa In un comlzlo, splego' le raglonl del rlfluto del l'Opposlzlone. Egll dlsse che l'offerta tra nlente altro cho una carlcatura delle do mande fatte dal partlto costltuzlonale per la riforme elcttorall e per la fine del regime assolutlsta che prevale ancora In Ungherla. II conte Andrassy agglunee dl essere certo che la lotta, tanto dentro che fuorl del Parlamento, prendera' una forma plu' ln Unsa ed energlca, CUPID CAPTURES SOLDIER ERE MARS MAKES CALL A wedding hastened by the war took place Monday evening In Altoona, when Miss Katherlne M, Penrose, niece of Sen ator Boles Penrose, was married to Herman H. Blrncy, Jr. Blrney Is a mounted orderly In' the Thlrd'Penneylvanla Infanty. The IUv. George R. Bishop performed the ceremony In St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Forty members of the supply company of the regiment, In full uniform, attended. Lieutenant Max It. Stockton. United States Medical Reserve Corps, of Swarth more, nnd Miss Jane Marie Fox, of 6400 Angora terrace, have also hastened their wedding plans on account of the war. Lieutenant iltockton has been ordered to go on active service, so the ceremony will be performed either tomorrow or Saturday at the bride's home. HUGE STEEL BARGE TO BE LAUNCHED TODAY Ope of tno largest eteel barges ever floated on the Delaware will be launched this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the Emmanuel It. Cllntor Shipbuilding Com pany. Delaware River and Ontario street. The barge, which Is called Venrut IV, will be used In uirrylng lumber between Cuba and Florida. otu. i.n.l I. 194 rfeet In lencth. 14 In width, II In depth, schooner rlwed-ah'd, has THE. .r&TsSTA SKEERED 0' GERMAN AIRSHIPS, 0' COURSE; THAT'S WHY CITY HALL IS DARK! EH? Maybe, Since It Is a Noticeable Black Spot; the Aviators Could Hit It After All, But Who Knows? City Hall Boys Talk It Over Why tako an unnecessary chance? City Hall nil ablaze with light would be n great target for wandering Herman airmen, who could cally speed 3000 miles ncross the Atlantic, skim over New Jersey, not to mention tho Del.iwnre. nnd drop n bomb on our great municipal stone pile, re ducing It to crtimbs. Yet. this eems to he the real reaon for keeping the lai as black as Ink The secret was discovered by the City llnll Hoys' Lunch Club. "I!ut." argued one of the bovs, "the very scheme of keeping the hall dark makes It a line target for nny German aviator who may mnko the trip Doncher git me' Listen! "Hroad street north and south nnd Market street east and west nro each a long blnzo of light. But when you come to Ilrnnd street thero's a big squaro patch of darkness. These aviators Is wise guys. They all have plans of the cities thcy'ro goln' to crumhlo nnd they'd know that tho big splotch of black was the City Hall, nnd blng! down would como to tho bomb nnd six thousand good bell linger and divi sion carriers Is out of work." While the bo.w vvo' buzzing In the cor ridors and seemed to have a good argument, thev didn't havo anything ufllclal at to the real causo of the nightly gloom An Kvc.s'iNa Lr.Donn man saw Director Wilson lie paid the lights wero not put out on account nf fear of airship nnd raid he thought tt might be u matter ot economy But this Is not a eood ruesaJ u Caun long ago appropriated money tor llghlri the hall and this appropriation cannot be u't lAllhil tno nntllklHM .la. 'l' It it possible that when the power A- that bo at the hall realize that the very ';.s blackness of tho building will make It mora . of a target than when it was Illuminated i the blaze will hn turned on. 1b But who knows? CAKRANZISTAS DIE IN WRECK Fourteen Killed nnd Moro Than 100 Injured LAREDO, Tex., May 9. Details of th wreck of a military train near Queretaro, Mexico, In which fourteen persons wer hilled nnd more than 100 others were In jured, were brought hero today by passen gers arriving on tho first train to reach the border since last Saturdiy. Feven Carranzlsta soldiers, four women and three children were kltled In tho wreck, the arrivals said, COA7PJLrNG T HOLIDAY PROCLAIMED enrolment or troops as Xew Jerey Day, yrkT Tr 4 tT ixt tetjcjttiv to 1, observed ns n holiday to hono those I UK JJKAH IN JLKbbYj who iIwlpatp ther ,lw .o macnj. thp Governor Edge Orders People to Honor I world safe for democracy nnd the principles All Men Who Servo ! "f l"':CP Democracy TRKNTON. -May D Declaring that the raising of a military force by selective draft Is necessary "to successfully resist the mer ciless domination of militarism with which all free peoples of the world nre threat ened." Governor Kdge today Issued a proc lamation fKltig the date to be named by Pre'ldent Wilson for the registration nnd The tlnvernnr asserted that "in autoc racy's latest nnd boldest challenge of democ racy nnd democracy .1 ld"c's. N'ew Jersey recognlzts the wisdom or the L'nited States Government In determining to match null, tary elllclency with ml'ltary efficiency" The Governor declares that there H to be no conscription save for these who do not volunteer to register. Only the slackers, ho Kays, who remain away and oblige the law to enforce a semblance of patriotism will bo drafted fijf.ij J:iiiiSi Colburn's Mustard. and "A" Rso Label Brand Spi If you have used any of them, you already know tho purity, stronRth and rich flnvor of them all. For the quality is uniform throughout the whole line. And all are under tho famous "A" Red-Label brand. 10-Cent Sizes. Most good Philadelphia Rrocers have them. THE A. COLBURN CO. Philadelphia, U., S. A. &Y 11 WHERE BUNDHAR SCORES AGAIN! A JsrcX The State Capitol Of Oklahoma has just been furnished throughout with DURABLE. A& IRON Rugs and Carpets OUR GOAL: "A Bundhar rug for every home in Philadelphia." Your neighbor uses them Oriental Rugs at Before the War Prices 4lARDWICrfdlVAGEECa 1220-1222 Market St. MANN & DlLKS U02 CHESTNUT ST. Uaxutaclurtrt and Importtrt DensiDie Economy is practiced by those who buy Tyrol Wool Tailored Suits 23.75 24.75 27.75 in preference to those made of fabrics of lesser utility. (Tyrol Wool Garments arc fashionable, durable, sensible ttli aaAtiinl n nnr-a- VtW Strawbridge & Clothier Special Announcement for Thursday A Remarkable Mid -Season Sale of Men's Clothin: To the readers of the Evening Ledger is presented an opportunity which is indeed unusual, and every man who needs Clothing should be interested. We have had many special lots of Clothing during the present as well as in former seasons, but seldom, indeed, have we presented a more attractive collection or more excep tional values than are offered for TO-MORROW: Suits Under Price 1,000 The collection is divided into four differ ent price-groups, and every Suit in each group is marked at much less than present market value in fact, many have been selling in our regular stock at the figures noted below as the value models and sizes of which but few Suits remain. Others are special lots, advantageous purchases from reliable manufacturers desir ous of closing out end-of-the-season lots: , Men's Spring Suits Regular Price $15.00 $9.50 Men's Spring Suits M O f& Worth $-18.00 pX.OU Men's Spring Suits (T1 h ( Vorth $20 and $22.50 f plt.OU Men's Spring Suits Worth $25 and $30 $19.50 Included in each of these four groups are Suits in plain colors, stripes, neat checks and mixtures; in models designed for men who insist upon the latest style-touches, as well as for those who desire the more conservative styles. All regular sizes in each price-group, to begin with, and also some for stout men. $15.00 and $18.00 (M A A OVERCOATS PlU.OU $20.00 and $25.00 ( "I h r OVERCOATS plr.OU MEN'S RAINCOATS Formerly $6.50 $5.00 iMjt l r In the three groups above are more than four hundred Coats light-weight Overcoats in various styles and fabrics, and tan Rubberized Raincoats, excellent for motoring. Five Hundred Pairs of Men's Trousers $3.00 to $5.00 values at $2.50 and $3.75 Neat stripe effects. All regular sizes to begin with. Youths' $12.50 Long Trousers Suits $9.00 Youths' $15.00 Long Trousers Suits $12.00 Two very exceptional values. For youths of 14 to 18 years. Regular Lines in Unrivaled Assortment This Store is headquarters for the famous Stein-Bloch and Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits from $22.50 to $45.00. Belted-all-around Suits from various hfaydl class manufacturers $16.00 to $25.00. Men's Knitted Golf Suits $20r50, MeiiSM uneviot uon amis, witn two pairs of trousers $25.00 and $27.50. Men's GoWl Raincoat Jackets $12.00. - -r sowi rumtt . 51 STRAWBRIDGE & CL()j aUMWT M. j t .j j.. rt . 'i . , '. . -. B&EBufft rey....,. TSj. Vi -.-" i.-if if.ii-. J.." - A h fetltfeat'AatfrV.U ? .... v t- , H4& m 4.n. i - p . !' D' .,1 -. : - i .-.'n