Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 08, 1917, Sports Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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' fMfift W .."SOT" r,75FTj:i
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Junker Party Angry as
Chancellor Courts
"Wc arc unable yet to obtain the
peace necessary to the G,crman people:
wo must light for It," declared Vice
Chancellor Karl Helfferich in a Itclchs
tag speech today, scoring (he radical
peace movement. "The peace desired
by the extreme Liberals, would not
mean bread hut hunger: not liberty
but oppression," he declared, according
to Herlln dispatcher.
nmivi; ia s
If reports rnm'nc from ine tinnier are to
bo trusted, political event of MkIi Import
ance Impenil In the iirman llmiilre The
position of I)r Min lirtliinanii-Itulhvei;, this
Oerman Chancellor Is lielnis watihed with
the utmost Interest .m ii result of hl re
cent close association with eertaln tier
man Socialists In i oneiiienre of this alli
ance th Junkers (war and con niet pirly)
are. belli aided hv I'nnePrv.itUes In bitter
warfare .iRnlnst the i'hnm-er, despite the
fact Dr on tletlimnnn-ltollnee apparently
courted the Socialists to further the rnoc
rnent for a seiarate rieare with Kus!a
It Ik now prohlemat.i'al when the fjermait
Chancellor will dellve- his peace addres
He was scheduled to make It heforo tho
Foreign Affairs Committee or the Rplchstai;
In Herlln today, but late advices nay It
probably will not be made until liter
Ktnll Zlminermann. editor of the r.o!;al
AnielRer of Flerlln. Is (tuoted In dispatches
s payliiK
"It Is liellrteil ihat the Chancellor awaits
otne eent whlrli will make his position
easier before be talks of peace There am
rumors that HOitiethliiR Is expected to hasten
peace Ijst week did not Iticiease our
political optimism It broucht to us thu
breaking off of u-latlnns with (Juatemala.
Haiti and llolMa It Is to be hoped that
this process Is not to lie continue l in
definitely, for otherwise, een If we mado a
favorable peace our world trade would lie
an almost insoluble problem. een for thu
ablest (ierman merchant "
nraii.v.vi.vc, to ciiack-
That a crisis Is near Is the Uevnoto of nil
article in the riusette, of l.uusanne, fas a
dispatch from liermany toilaj The .i7.oto
Is credited with halnpi excellent sources of
Information and the article was lead with
ido Intcrist in diplomatic circles here It
Is headed "The waKenliiK of (Jermany,"
and shys In part
"Vhoeer Is able to hear through the
walls or pee through the i urtalns can dis
cern that there is no doubt that th !ermaii
Kmplre Is hecltinlni; to craclt Ulp fissures,
perhaps (-till Invisible to the nal.ed oye, am
beginning to form '
The writer dwtlls upon the latitude al
lowed the (Ierman press In dlK'U.lnK polit
ical refoims and peace The conclusion he
draws Is that the (Sosernment has come to
realize the power of the prcs., especially
the socialistic sei tlon of II. and fears to
treat It too harshly
Frenchmen Arrive
in City Tomorrow
Continued from I'a en One
Chance to welcome the hero of the Maine
and other members of the party
In honor of the quests a holiday h is been
declared In all the public .schools tomorrow
Many of the municipal oltlces will bo cocil
and other m.irks of esteem and honoi will
be shown the nnovs
The partv will leae llroad Street Station
for New York toinoirow afternoon at i 30
Mayor Smith said this announcement was
The Board of IMucatlon Issued an an
nouncement this aftennon to all Klrls Un
dents of the Wl'llam I'enn Illch School, the
Cllrls' IIIkIi Sihool. the (Kris' Normal and
the West Philadelphia With School for
Girls to be at their respectUo schools not
later than f 30 n in They will hIhk the
'Marselllalso'" In front of the William I'enn
House as the reception parade passes, prob
ably at in IS
ACTO.MdHlI.i: TOI'll (iK 'ITV
With n tlttltiK csiort. the eiiojh will be
taken throuuh tho arlous streets of the
city In automobiles Whither or not stops
will be made at Independence; Hall and other
places of Interest will depend mi how much
time tho cuests have at their disposal.
Police lueasuiis for the p.oteetlon of tho
French enoys and of the thousands of
xlsltors who will crowd the stirets durlni;
the day hejran to be felt this afteinoon
when moie than n scorn of alleged nim
flammeis." pickpockets and "ion" men wne
rounded up bj the 20(1 city detect ives
ordered Into action b; Captiiln of Detec
tives Ttate Detectives Hold, Uiimboiow
and Claik alone anesinl ten suspects in
the foielitn scitlon of the cit
ArianKementi. wcu- competed this nfljr
riooti for the disposition of the 301111 and
more policemen who will be pressed Into
service Kvery bluecoat not actually en
Kapcd m patrolllnpr his beat will be used
Tho route of the parade was turned over
this afternoon by Mayor Smith to Super
intendent of Police IlohliiMin, who con
ferred with his captains over the policing
of It
According to the plans, Captain William
II. Mills, of the tiafuc division, will co
operate with I'nltcd States heciet service
men under Crptalii Matthew (lilllln In
meeting the trail at llroad street station
Part of the escort to Independence Hall will
be formed by the mounted police under
Lieutenant Charles tiucliler who will be
relieved there by the motorcyclo police
under Lieutenant (leorgo Kilt. Prom heio
tp City Hall Captains .Mills and Nicholas J
Kenny will be responsible for the policing
of tho route. At (llrard College Captain
William .f. MeFadden will nssume responsi
bility, which will be taken up at tllrard ave
nue bridge by Captain Charles S. Tempest
Captain Francis Callahan will have cIiiura
at Franklin Meld.
After being delayed for more than five
hours by a wreck at Areola, III., the envoys
Changed trains and nro reported 'making
haftte eastward.
Celebrations planned for the party at
i Pittsburgh have been postponed so that
they might reach Philadelphia as toon as
possible. Tho distance to Pittsburgh Is
349 miles. Thfe fastest trains make the
trip In eight hours and thirty minutes.
Without mishap they should arrive at 0
a. m. tomorrow.
It became known today that the only
h person Injured In the wreck was Lieutenant
jtColonel Cosby, United States military at-
Jk (i.l tlla .l.li4 lav vt'9 liriilt
1 . while the city Is extending Its onen-arm
'reception to General Joffre, ex-Premier
v. Vlvlsni ana oiner memuers ui ine visning
party, the Faerai cpuria in tnts city will
Cr.i Hi fiecsslon by uusnenulnir he.arlnr
';intll 11 o'cibek In order that the Judtesand
jUtacnes or iiib cuuri my tvv mo paraae
?7'rom the Postofflee nulldlng.
Wnen me visiviiiK iMtrij iki aown
that 1 Street, Judges Thompson and
lOnl.or me genera 1 courn. anacnes
teurt.nt cterKS ontce win took
1 vMiiars . i rem me
t. .
KIO DE JANEIRO. May 8. Urnzll is RoinR to co-operate actively with the
United StntcR In the war ni?alnst (Jermany. All the tremendous resource of
Urnzll nre to be put at the disposition of the United States Government and all
the Brazilian harbors are to be thronn open to the American fleet, It was an
nounced today by Senhor Nllo I'ccanha, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs.
.Scnhor I'ccanha jpoke of Brazil's policy as one of firmness, "without boastful
ness." "It Is to be our object to do everything possible to strengthen the friend
ship between the two nations," added the Foreign Minister.
.i:w Yoiuc,
14 for !tnrt-. bus
May S Thf fJI-cel; steamship r.irtlicnon, which left here April
been siinW by a Oernian imhmnriiie. neeonllng to ii pilv.it"
dispatch received here toil.ix The vessel
here deelated.
NKW YORK Ma V--Three thousand cliRlneci's who enlisted villi Colonel
Roosevelt's division today offered their services to Die tiovcrnment ns pail of tho
first unit f Americans to K" to the front In France
Ni:W VORK. Mav ' An American hnspltnl cnincent of 2i sutccons. C5
wninen nurses 11 ml 1"3 enlisted men salle-l for Kurope from n fnltid Slates port
todiv. This Is tho first hospital corps to so nbro.id with reRill.ir United States
army surgeons In Its personnel A surpeun of tho reroilar army Is In command.
A number nf the surgeons arc from l.al?esdo Hospital, Cleveland, f).
WASHINGTON. Mav f The (invertiinciit tod,i pmvlinsed 100,000 ounces of
silver nt .TTT.'i 11 n minco fiom the Ameticnn Smidtlnt; and RefinliiK Company for
dollver.v nt San bYnncWcn. The same amount ,isi was bmight from the Ameilcan
Metal Compare at T.MTt for delivery nt Philadelphia, nntl riO.noo ounces vverc pur
chased nt .7"i'0 Ironi the United Smelting Compnnv for dellvei v to the Mini
It became known today that win I, would be lcumcd liiinu-diaich mi League
Island I'nrk when Director Date-man iinmuuicrd that he would open bids I'tlday
fur nearlv (ill the pilnclpal buihllncs to be cnnsti 111 n d In that (( tnm of the jiark
west of Rroiid htteet. The ens.1 of these bulldmcs will l,e nliout $20n.nnfi The
Director mid there vvetc thlr(-llvo acres in the p.nl; for iIiHIiiik pulpites.
opened nnd regular business pi needled with.
United States Secret Service men escort,
lug the juity already have mado nn In
vestigation of the vvti'Lk William Nve,
Secret Sen Ice man In charge nnununced
that In his opinion It was entirely ac
cidental. The engine and four of the six cars left
the Nil's and a buffet car was ditched
M. Vlvlanl and Marshal Joffre weie dining
when the accident occuired Onlv the for
watd end of the diner left the Hacks, nnd
tin J.u was comparatively slight
Ma.vor Smith, on learning this morning
that the tiiiln (.irrjlng the '' eiieh in.o.vs
could not possibly reaci. this city until
caily tomoirow. expressed keen disappoint
nint The M.ivoi and mcmbeis of the
executive comnilttei 111 harge of the 111
langemenls met early anil started the wt rk
of getting Into shapn a new program that
may icsult In a loiiRer stay of the envoy In
this clt.
The reception was proposed by the Public
The wreik occurred m the middle of a
cornfield as the train was tpceiiing east
ward nt the 1 ate of fort miles an hour
after leaving Springfield. 111. When near
I'llson. about llftv miles northwest of Term
Haute, lnd. the tender of the second loco
motive suddenly left the rails. The track
was torn up for several hundred feet and
th buffet car. Immediately behind, was
The Pullman car bearing newspaper cor
respondents was behind the tlrst car nnd
( rashed Into It befor It duelled, but did
not turn over
Two other cars were derailed Several
peri-ons were slightly Injured
It was learned earlv toda.v that Investi
gation near the scene of the accident ills
closed a broken rail about twintv feft be.
hind the rear end of the wrecked train.
This might have been lunken by the heavy
engines drawing the train 01 hv a plotter
That Is undetermined Hieaklng of the
1. ill bv the two "locomotives pulling the
train would explain tlm insults
The engine passed on and the other cars
hitting the b-iak. jumped off the rails
on to the ties cutting 1 he fishplate bolts
which join the rails, thus letting the mils
spread and throwing the tars 1 ff the trad;
U. S. Ships Suspected
as Teuton Carriers
ontliiiieil from Pane line
tint the Wagner lonipan.v was pio-tieiinan
Wagner came to New Voik about two jears
ago fmm Milwaukee nnd organised the com
p.uiv with capital of JS.fiUO.OOU
SAN JUAN. I'm tn lllco. .Mav 5 There
an- Gorman submarines in the Atlantic,
and until vei.v leceiitly they have been
supplied fiom the I 'lilted Slates bj ships
Hying tho American flag
This is necoiding to statements by mein
beis of the (lew of the btcamshlp Mani
towoc, which for several weeks was de.
tallied In the h.iibor nt St. Thomas Twen-tv-one
of the crew aie letuinlug to the
I'nltcd Slates nfti r dilllfultles with Captain
!' Ilogstead. master of tlm ship.
Tim Manitowoc. .Muskegon and Olagu.tsh.
all belomrliig to the same line, shoitlv be
fore the Danish Islands became the Virgin
Islands U. S V put Into the harbor at
St Thomas Thev were bound fiom Ituenos
Aires to New York supposedly to await
t rders ' They weie still waiting for or
ders when the Islands wire transferred to
I he United Suites According to their manb
fests, all tluee ships can led coal -ind other
fuel supplies
Members of the (row of the Manitowoc
say all the visseds were loaded with contra
band for (ierman submarines.
"When we left New York last we weie
supposed to have a caigo of coal exclu
sively." said one of the crew "Underneath
the coal were all soits of fuel and food sup
plies Suppotedly the cargo was destined
foi Iluenos Alies Iletween St. Thomas and
Ilueons Aires wo got rid of our largo nn
the high seas to German submarines, We
had no cargo when we reached Hucnos
Aires "
At Iluenos Aires that ship, the Muskegon
and the Olaguash all took on general food
cargoes, oil and other fuel supplies which
were coveted over with sevcial hundreds of
tons of coal, they said. On tho .Manitowoc
there were also placed two Iron chests filled
with gold, each supposed to contain $250.
00a These, according to the men, nlso weiei
hidden Under the coal
Brother Johnny Pilots Juaninta II
Home in Second Place in
Pimllco Sprint
PI.MLICO, Md . May 8. The brothers
Tommy and Johnny McTagcart had ) close
battle In the opening sprint for two-year-olds
here today, with Tommy piloting Afri
can Arrow home In the lead of Juahiata
II, rldeo by Johnny, Producer took show.
All three were well backed, with Pro.
ducer allghliy favored. This price on the
winner was (6,80, 14 and 12.50.
FirtrVT HACK, ts-o-jnr-oldi, jiurie IT0O, 4H
1. African Arrow, 112. T. Mc-
Tagiart 16.80 M.OO $2.50
2. Juanlata II, 112, J. Mc-
Ttnrrt,v.,M.i,...i. .... 6.T0 2.f0
3. Producer, 112, Parrlhston.. ,.. .... 2.80
Time. :37. Laudator, Oeorra W, Avery and
xlnhlcart aim ran
SHCOND HACK, (hree.yrar-olda and up.'
Kuntera' ateeplechas Handicap, puraa I7U0, 2ft
hW.$ ii. ,.06 h,A
sl-COND HACK, (hrm.ytar.old'a and
and uarpo umci unith $1000.000, ascnts
Friction in Mechanical Sorter
Hiiilding Set.s Smokeless Pow
der Afire and Explosion
A workman was fnlallv burned ami two
others siorched today In a powder Hate at
the Carneys Point, N J. plant nf II. I dti
Pont de Nemours & Co.. that destroyed 3000
pounds of antnltvless powder, n small build
mg and ihrce freight cars
The Injured die
I',.,.U'1"' M WKLrtT Iwvnis-three ems old,
II Oak slier! Silcni N J soaevwrHv burned
Him i.hvelii.ins ut Hi,- Mam nesiilliil s.iv Im
will ,ll.
jrisniMI V t.i;t.l,i:v twrnu four jenrs old,
misiphvIhw menu.. i.,ir, lirnmh. N I lieml
ami Isidv titirned 11, .1 s, rliMmly III Innate
JOHKPM . IAIIl:li:i, rlsl,lr..n jurs old air,
'et Tvvnt smh strtel New orli. super
tlilnl burns, return..! it, work
Tlie three men. who were alone In the
mechanical. sorter building, wero running
powder through (he machine when filctlon
dnv eloped such heat that the smokeless
powder caught fire. Harlng up and Igniting
Kckrrt's clothing Tho building caught lire
and the (lames spiea-l to two powder tray
c.us and . 'nx iar on a siding, burning
these also The lompany's fire depailment
ihcckrd the flames The building was a
small one-story stiuiture Isolated from the
other mil's of the plant
England Lost if
Aid Is Delayed
tonlhiiied friini I'.nce One
efforts, lie fell. Is converging toward a
stiieesvful outi'onie Inventions have been
tihd out aie! several grouiis of r.ieu work
ing on the problem urn beginning to co
ordinate their work In the dlicctlon of an
actual "olullon
A new plan to combat tlm submui Ha
ls being consldeied by the Navy Depait
ment and olllclals of the nrltlsh mission
Construction of s large number of light
barges to be towed by huge ocean tugs has
been suggested as a means of overcoming
tlm U-boats
Naval expeils nsbcit that powciful
tugs 1011I1I tow a dozen of those loaded
b.uges (uioss tho ocean The barges could
be constructed at comparative! low cost
and would otter u poor mark for toipedoes
It Is said
liermany finally has exceeded her quota
of sinking one million tons of nier nan'
shipping each month. Piiring t lie four
weeks whlrli ended last S.uuida the
U-boats sank vessels totaling a trltle more
than Hint tonnage This became known
today following the gathering here of the
naval consulting board to which has been
assigned the tatk of finding a leniedv. for
tho submarine menace.
The members of tho board include W L.
Saunders, chairman, who last Saturday an
nounced that the remedy for the submailne
had been discovered, hut who later modified
this statement to say that mateilnl progress
had beep made; I.awience Addicks. Thomas
Tlobblns, Ulmer A Sperry and Ilenjamln
H. Thaer. It was said in advance of the
conference that no announcement of re
sults would be made.
"We will let the success of any plan we
may complete talk for Itself." said Secie
tary of the Navy Daniels 'It Is Idle to
speculate 0T1 tho subject "
WHY? Because no other hop in
'Philadelphia ha our dowmtatrs econo
mies, our tremendous buying power
and our special arrangements with
America' bett maker of men' fine'
That' the tory In a nutihelf.
1200 men proved our Value in 1
200 ipring style in "Maiter-Ma.de"
Shoe and Low Shoe to choote) from.
Don't wait too long. They're going fait.
Come In this week. See the "Maater
Made Style," which undersell all
Philadelphia by at leatt $2 to $4 a
Boot Shop
f UK HOlfOf Nltr
iLVbV.t JV ZzL siziS
Better Shoes at
A nihSte
r- 4
fDGfl3R-PHILAiElj1PfltA' TUESDAY, M AY ,8 191P
I . ' '
Philadelphia to Supply at
Least One of Nine Regi
ments Wanted
At least one full rCRlinent of ftilte.1
Statts army engineers will be oraanlr.ed
Immediately In Philadelphia
This was announced today at the offices
of the United States CnRlneer, In the With
crfpnon liulldlnjr, where men are helm; en
listed In fho army engineer enlisted reserve
corps. Tho reRlment probably will be una
of the nine composing the nnny of ciiRlnecrs
that Is to bo rushed to Prance, as announced
by the War Department
The Ninth ltenlment of Iliifrlneers, as tho
Philadelphia unit will be called, Is to be.
commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Herbert
Deakyne, w lib Lieutenant W. F. Tompkins
as adjutant. It was announced today It
Is to consist of loliS officers nnd men
Unlisted men will receive from S3R to $7B
a month, with clnthlnc nnd food allow
ances Men needed are expert workmen, me
chanics, (luarrvmen. miners, skilled iar
pent era, brldcc carpenters, blacksmiths,
plumbers pipe. fitters electricians, pas and
steam enRlnenien Ilremeu masons. rlKKers,
expert nxinen and men skilled In bulldliiR
construction and enKlneerlnc work, as well
are survevors draftsmen, photoRraphers,
llthograihers. sketchers. boatmen and telec
raihers A limited number nf hoi sesljocrs.
farriers, teauiMers, cooks ami musicians
also Is 1 errilted Enlistments are for the
duration of IV vvai P.ecrultlm: Is In
iharce of ('Bpta.n Joseph C'.ucavaio and
Oaptaln Ch.illes p O'Connor, under the ill
rei t supervision nt Major John C (takes.
Corps of KiiKineets Physical examinations
aie helm; inndurtfd by Klrht lieutenant
John l Paul
Tli etiKinni" in the army nre either
ocriipbd in extra-harai dolls work, where
the percentage nf mortality Is enormous or
.ire eimaped In safe labor with no loss of
life Tin, extra - hazaidous work of tho
(iiKlneeis nmfs wiienevet an advance Is
oideied Then Ihev po out llrct, ripalr
hrldKCs. clear up kiouihI. icpalr trenrhes,
'Ic. all In face if a file from the enenn
The safe work Is done behind tho lines,
wheie the (tiKlneers are riiR.iRcd 111 build
Init and keepliiK open lines of rommuiiKa
tloii fiom rear t" front The etiKlneers fiom
Amirlia ,ui to be used for the work be
hind the lines
The vaiiKUaid of men selected fiom this
eitv for the ollliers' tramitii; camp at Fort
NlaRar.i will leave this city next Smidav
nlRht at S o'lloik from the Heading
Terminal It will be known as the P.eil
White and H'.ue Special and three sections
will be requited to transport (he tlrst batch
of Philadelphia's to the I'.imp
The Third Pennsi lianla lufnntrv, a
tlnnal (iiiard. Rained two vmini! athletes
today when Klehard M Scholes, central
HlRh Sihool b.iK'liail and football ftar
and Wain r I" llaker. track star of the
West Philadelphia lllph School enlisted
AmotiR today's Naval Coast Defense te--erve
recruits was twenty-one-year-old l'd
wlu Karpes, son of Albert F Karnes, pres
ident of the Indiana Munitions Company.
Kvansville. Ind Voiiiir KnrRcs, who Is a
Wharton School student at the I'nlversity nf
Pennsjlvanla Is a former ensign 111 the In
diana naval militia.
It Is still the belief of guard olbcets that
several leclments fiom Pennsylvania will
be Included In the firs, expeditionary forco
In France This belle'' has been stieiiRih.
ened by the appointment of three regular
army olllcers lis inspector-Instructois In the
Ituard units of the State l.leulennnt Har
old K Mlnuor. of tli Sixth Field Artillery.
I" K A. will be attached to tho Second
Artillery, formerly the Second Infantry.
Major Curtis W. Otwell, KnRlneer Corps.
I', i. A., will be attached to the newly
foimed Pennsylvania Itculment of i;ri
Rlneors, while First Lieutenant ftobeii C
F. tJoetz will be attached to the Third
Artillery. Wilkes Parte
The task of obtaining the names of all
Phltadelphlans who enlist m the aimy or
navy may dela.v the plans of the cltv to
Insure thoso who Join the colors. Councils'
Committee to Investigate the Innuiaiue
Plan itceived coiumuiiicitlons toda.v fiom
Lieutenant Commander L. C. Farlev, of
tho nav. and Adjutant (ienernl II T
McCain, of the arin.v. !-.ilnR It would be
Impossible to give Philadelphia loinplcte
list of lesldents of this city who enlist, a3
It would enlall indie's work
Many of the members of the oounell
manle committee believe that this will
seriously delay the plans but Selei t Conn
cllman James 13 WaNh. dialriuaii of the
committee, believes that this temporai.v
obstacle mav be overcome He u,i ,e
would not Ioe hope of bringing the pro
ject to a conclusion until he heanl from
Sedelar.v llaker
Communications from Jlnvnn of spveial
Cjiuadian cities show that the Insurance
plan has proved to be ptaetlcable The
ilty of Toronto emplnved an Insurance
Patriotic Plaque
8V2 Inches in Diameter
This shield in Red, White
and Blue is surmounted by
an Eagle, reproduced in nat
ural colors on a gold-bronze
Lithographed on Steel
Durable Attractive
The ideal adornment tor au
tomobile, delivery truck or
water craft. Worthy of the
place of honor in home, office
or store or as a window deco
ration. Price 50c
If your dtattr cannot tupply
you, tint prtpald on rectlpt
of prist.
Phone Lombard 2878
k tii .i "a feu..
WStt!rwFFj?m v
pert nnd insured the live of 3d,00t) men.
The casualties Incidentally were very heavy.
The following enlljtments wero anrfbunced
Carl HiimMirfjs, la, Jnldntown. IM,
.lumen Ilutchlnaon. 20. Iflltv I 1ral at
Kdivanl P, lionnell, i'n. len .MrKan at.
Harry T. He.vmour. 17, Hit McClellnn at.
Harry (1. Walmaley. 17, HnxtmroiiRh, I'a.
.Inmes A. llestey, M. TO." N 11th at.
Itonard A 11'aifii. M Ilea N Mine at.
AMn t.awnon. SI. Ills .V lll.l at.
fharls II. Itlvlir, In. Hehuvlklil. Va
HaroM .1. Purty. 1, 1311 N Si.l at.
( laucte H HraitAhaw, yo 4(10a t.ftneatr ave.
I.verett W ljulnn. Ji. roper rnlrmount, IM
Paul A lleln, 2.1. 2S-' lilrklnaon at.
l'fter If Kumfrs. la, S'.'isl Westmoreland at.
Maurlre Keenan. 35, ltll I 'J.1.1 at
I'oleman Nevvatailt 19, I'll f IM at.
.toph I) Muhon. Is. Bfiiu N. rtth at. ,
Li-rny Plsher 22, Mil N 2d at
.tolin Delrakv, 20, 270.', It Monmouth at
IloMrt P Mullen 21 ISO .V Vern t.
Iluunne t, IIHah In. la'jl Pirrleh at.
Prnnk P HukktIj. 21 l3s Wnlf at.
Clmrlea vv rroas 22 t'nlan.l. I'a
Paul H .MrCnrthy 2U iM.liatnne. Vn.
.Inhn Ablmtt 27 llmlnalon. Del
John W Wtf. sr afd', N Sth st
t.enn VV Arnold '.". 30us Cahot at
Iloyd ( Smith. 31. Atlintn. (la
.lilna J VWI.nter. 27, l U. N. ('Amac at.
llobcrt O Hall. Is. 72l .eei) at
tohn A lllhei in HrliUTTt, IM
Itot.ert n Ittmenlielm. 2. ns7 .V. .,th at
(leorse A Uonlon 'J I 112 lllehmoml at.
I'-rcy H llllt-brtl 20 a 143 Klnr at.
HovTartl Conway 22 atltl Powelton ave
(Hear .1 llelke. Hi Su"i F'lrlcwkK al
William M Sllnsluff 21. ConslHfliorken.
(Iwirse A I'ornlan. 2ll. Ill" Cienae al
William I' r.ii'lol. 21 22111 Sprlnir Garden at.
DllRh Mrllril'le. 20 Jlr.x H Tilth al
Wnllice .niiirln 2d :i72n Market at
Itohi-rt K Klllntt 21 Hlli l'narhall ave
Million c llHrn'r .11. 212." Anh st
Charlfs Swift, 21, 23112 N ilnutler at
loaeph It llr.rt, II. 117 Shur'a lane
Inmos J. Dempster l'. 40V) H (Kh at.
vinrent Mslericik 21. 2J2", A Ine at
Lawrence MfPolln 2.. 2713 Tlt.in at
llnrvc K llutterwrrth. 21, ISJ I.aurlston at
Sainil'd ( lurk 21. tloxtiorourh IM
William P to I- 2.",, 1II4J .leffermn st.
Churl's y Pltrpatrlek. 20, i..ir. Col.
.Iim'.ph VV Dovle. 20 11142 Jefferson st.
Max rrinlnmn. 2it. Kanaaa Mo
(leorire A Im "bio. Ill I.aiicanr. Pa
Miurlre It Itnsrntilaeth. 20, ISJS S. 21III1 at,
Vltirfnzo Vlaairoatafno. 22, til N. Slmrain H.
Dinlnl Kline Jil. 21 ID P 1'hlllp at.
Toiin VVarnes. 21. 222, X'lne at.
Simiiel Ziros, 21 Nv York fltv, N Y
IMmutid It Simon 22 1Ht2 N HMIi at
Itlvln t. Trlii. hnril, 2.".. 3.11.1 N. 17lh at.
.Inhn II t.'-i'h 21. H7KI l.rels at
Thomas I I'r.lliie jl, II12H N 2il f
Ituben ino rt Oilhfrt an. m.12 p. wihart at.
VMUiuni ,1oseiii H-.kT in 2222 N. 17th st.
Ileriiui'i Kns. 2.1 inrt Hermit at.
Icaepli I Mario, in 201.1 P 11th at
Krmk I(os Mi.sMbb 21, BllMl I'plaml st
llov ('oilman Dillon. 21. Christians. Pa
J. n Jami-s Tomer 2.1 Ardmor,-, Pa,
Waltr t.-lle IMxsnn 22. .iir.bllle X J.
1-ellx Alberl Wllllama. 22 V . rons I'n.
jrioorl llutlan.) llicra. 20, Morion station
Iontomrv County, IM
Mllis vii ior llretidk, 20 1027 Kalrmount ave
William John D.' I.onir. 1t Johnston City, Ta
I onii mhiiI.. (lh!..v
r.ilnir franklin SrbnecU. 3", Easton, Pa.
Il.i) ..unili Vallr llnrsi 30 Phlllpslilirs, .S J
f,h.it! l,Hrrn- (J'l)rhn. 2C 1'hlllraUurir,
JanKS I.uthT VVIsor. 23. Wilkes llarre, ta.
Hlrhnr.l II fhols, .11 CIS Chestnut at.
Wall. 1 K llaket so .Mllll Jlnrkot st
il'wi.' I! It'-'lfern l'l. Atlinlle Cltv
John II Calhoun IS. SIJ V. 2sth st
Wll'nm J Nultall. 20 7M21 I.Mins av.
IMsnr J Clark In nit IVntiui i
John M'llnlK.'Ul la. N Newklrk- at
Itavni'ind Maurlr..-Kox 20 311", AliK"r terrae
Paul Wllllatn lllrkuian 22 2to0 Hurlnir (lard"n
John ti (Jlinv Dohan 20 DirUns Pa
Ministre Viviani, Marechal Joffre, Soyez les Bienvenus
Dans I'cnlfiousiasinc tie cede reception vous trouvercz noire picitx souvenir envers
le General Lnfayelte. qui rint a Philadelphia, il v a 110 aus, pour la
defense tic la liberie, fire la Prance.'
A Special
Women's Spring Suits Reduced
Were $18.75 to $32.50, now $16.50 to $23.50
Smart spring models of serge, poplin and gabardine, including black, nilvy blue and
Belgian blue; also colored velours and black-and-white checks in the collection. Made with
plain-tailored, belted and plaited coats, some braid-trimmed; many with attractive over-collars.
About one hundred Suits in all, taken from our regular stock and reduced for immediate
clearance now $1G.oO to $23.50.
$55.00 to $165.00 Suits, $47.50 to $100.00
Very elegant Suits, silk and cloth, only one of a kind, and many copied from French
models. They are made of the most fashionable fabrics of the season, and include practically
all fashionable colors, black and white $47.50 to $100.00.
Great Variety of Silk Suits, $25.00 to $37.50
Silk poplin, taffeta and glove silk, lined and unliiied models, with smait belts and collars,
and the attractive pockets which are so prominent a feature this season. Silk poplin, in black
and navy blue; taffeta, in black, navy blue,. Belgian blue, taupe and plum color; glove silk, in
white, black, navy blue, Inch blue and purple. !v ()11 , MaiKct airett
Women's Batiste
Night Gowns
Unusual Value
These altogether charming
Night Gowns are of pink ba
tiste, and are made in the fa
vored chemise style; brir
stitching around the neck and
above the Waist-line to give the
Empire effect ; neck edged with
pretty Valenciennes lace, ribbon-run;
sleeveless style, the
edge of the armholes also with
a finish of Valenciennes lace,
Mail and telephone orders
promptly filled $1.00.
y Vrhlrd Floor, West
trifiir ---i later rtfi---,- r11
"' '
John Stfovel Matlack, 31. 309 S. 33th at.. Cam-
den N J-.... .,...,- ,B T,.nlnn. tsf. J.
(' Union IJavvui ii"n';o ;,' -v. ,,., .,
Itxrrv Dealer Pr,1ay. 2. -i"2,-,-;.. Than at
Itobert Kdmond rre. 211. 1S2T V. MJUf Jl.
Kdward Michael Keatlnir. 20, Huut.. I.ans-
Fr.nk I'al-lwell Wa f,n.r, M. T.MH (treet, at
llob-rt tlarl MrMsatiT, 22. Ml! I leln l
....11 ii'iui-m ii.ir.irf. Is. (Ii! 1.1 Olraro nv
home, Pa.
rll William Hurna". is. as ti'rarn ave.
Christian W l-Inll.l. 3H. iMPI K. li'iuvler at
1. .in. .i 1 ... .".
Xleille, 21, I'fflabursh, IM
ti........l tilAlnh UIaiIIa
inhn v.rnon ifouaham. Is .".in N IMxon at
Elmer nnmt pnemajer, 27.3,07,ors at
lli 1.13.) i: Stella.
Enrle HanJolph llulbit.
Howard Atexajider Hannn. -A.PW"!;J:,
John Ettlns llihlnsnn. 21. IJllS N '-'tn t.
Irfiuls Cohen. Ul. 3211 South at.
Edwin Foster Welch 19, .IIS Pine at
I'ramla .loaeph Mutray, Si, Vlllsnoxn ollene.
ArVh1i',rnjor"ian.''jr. 21. 2 Porllen at. (Ierman-
Pritmis Earl Walrcrs, ts. 27.1.1 N (tratx at.
(l-2?s- lli" Is "charter. T rlnir- VVvni.en.elil nve.
clarence Monro" llanka, .It" Vllrmna. IM
Archie I lepbirn MncPnrland' is 43.MI O.aBO
ChaVles Kaufmtn Feutman. 23. 2122 Pprlns
Ppnfi"'ilaunier Ha. 22 full Spruce at.
Allen Aahly Jeter. 21. W'llmlnston. Del
tam" Nl"hobis Marnell, to Atlantic city, N .1
Prsnels Patrlrk Allen. 21. Vlllasinv.. ('ollese,
Owrsenilrnr)',Mlmott 2-'. ai'Jil Kuelld nve.
I.ilvrnr.l IM iiuml Stephenson 22 1.121 Ituby at.
Kranela Michael Dora-v. 23.1s2ii Wallneo at
Thomas vlir (trammel. 31 IllverslJe. N. J.
Jnaeph IMssrd iMrne 22, Ablnston, Pa
Alfred Jamea Dnvla Jr 2107 N Ilunllnir
John A'laiMtlno Klne 23, .1711 Filrmount nve,
llnrrv l,.graff I.evan 21. 3I3'J Media "I
You Can't
Jr l
For Easy Terms
This "Eclipse" offer in nil that the. name
It is the greatest value ever offered made
in mahogany or quartered oal;; 200 needles
Complete with (5 Selections, $27.25
Three 75c Ilecortls
'he Grafonolu
Viv 1
1109 Chestnut Street
Columbia Headquarters
Purchase of Two Hundred
Crepe Georgette Blouses
$5.50 to $12.00 values,
now $4.50 to $6.75
Manufacturers' samples and surplus stocks
of fine Crepe Georgette Blouses, in eight lovelv
uesiaes sneii pniK and white.
beautiful trimmed styles hand-embroider
bended and lace-trimmed. Some with flu
others with dainty vestces or with
rever enecis some wun pepiums ah tins sea
son's models and up-to-date in every detail, not
one of them over shown here before.
These Blouses are really extraordinary
values, and we would advise getting here early
to-morrow, as two hundred will not last long at
these prices. Two Blouses from this collection
are sketched.
Women's Smart
Morning Dresses
Unusual Value
Attractive Dresses for prac
tical wear about the house and
when doing marketing in the
morning. Of cotton poplin, in
lose, pink, Copenhagen blue '
and lavender, trimmed with
white silk poplin collar and
cuffs ; waist is prettily' smock--ed,
as indicated in the sketch.
Slices 36 to 44. When ordering
by mail or telephone, give first
and second color choice, as well
as size $2.65.
- Third Floor, Filbert "street. Weal
' ' ... v-
- - 't' -r , tU'
William Itasmond IIacrty, 18, 1U Vft
.. unl., Il.w..ili on .....
ceorar rc-iionci', ,iu.,niiii, , uilll VVOOillaM 1
Walter Atunatua Slckel 21, Trevpaa, p.
llerliert Chureh, 2ii, 2317 i l.aney pir., -I
IllCharil I.OUIB Unamnn. i (, lias , (itn ,,
ViailllP" Urinn , -, ltf',1
Kfont at, "
!.,ul, Hvllcster Ilenrv. 23. Cbialr t.
,ljn Mlltiin Day. 2D, M7 .V. mil at , t,m.,.
v t
charba Porter, 1,
Chralet, Pa,
Herbert William
(l.nrirn K Harm
'" ;,m!f '-'..ui'?1,! "Wsk.niM it
man, 21. 2.i3li llrpun at '
l.nmb, SA. 23ii!l N. l'niriiih .,
Shlehnn, hi. 3: Church '!;,.
Chnrlea Henry l.nmb, ift. 23ii!l X, Pnlrhih .i
Jnmea Pratiila Shlehnn, 111. i Church ,.
'rank liuswll lleaih, la, 3.1KI HMl.nhnni ? '" t!
IMssr 3 minor Partner, 21. Ilo2il N ljroad"',
Chnrlea Partt. 23. .11211 Maarlier si "r0M " 4
.lonn can t arier i. v nianovn im, ;t
Wilbur Emery l.ovefaml, is, is rfl . j
Clarenrn llurnsldo Pepper. 2fl, P107 v Som'ri.i ,
Howiird Andrew Poster. PI, 31120 Arrai ,, 4
Joseph Mrciny 23, 1307 iloblnnen t ","
cinrles Merrill Phllllpa. Jr
I'M 01,n. I
mnr,i ni
Itnbert Cravvford Dowry. 22, 1M.1 p.,
llowaru 11. njpnrr, ,ir , 1,.
(horse Wiiahliidton ilibxer
irrn.lA st
r in. 2ns n. TV
Charles llrnoke. 23. lllrdsliorn. IM
Allen (Irnvea Williams. 22. Portamnnih
John Stevens Hlnkle. Jr.. Ill rSu7 i hriti. .. 9
Abel lleiae lamia 20, l.-inadownn. V1"",I . I
ll.irry .lliir.M , .fi''cm-r. .k.
liiviu jatnes iiainmui, .i, 0111
("Hi N ,i, ,lfi r"t
John Joseph Tallent. 21. 4711 Dim-anter ... !'
IMwnnl Hon land French. III. 3727 lariiai '
IMwnrd Prleo lliirley, ss 1.10 N n.l ", " '
I'nrl Ooilfrey Kredrlc Korn, 23. 2338 w ni..,, '1
.a lie
Olr.rj ft
Beat This
All in
- S.'Lond Floor, Centro
M wSkly
Inc. W
-tjS Z
V.. 7
"-' A-
. . AS V; .
fry WiMW 1
v mmmt .
iff 4
flu . !i 1
' sj
1 .
. i w f t. '.
A-r v
'.. 4 -