'JW '. ' . . . ' . "-' r ' V ' f I V? ."V y ' irwuvmLXKnmi3E.mT "tyv i w - t :, v v ItoWS--' : "". . - i . - PICTURES SCRAPPLE FRIDAY May 4, 1917 ffiefrger tl 1 uettmg Ifi ., ? kS w'' ".!, v,w"-i-"i- v ft," t SJK ', 8f : - ; L '14 P. sTta K hYhkHt 1 K- ui KV . J fc W f? 8 !, iSTS M fe li Iff rj w Itf K. mri, rf .I'T .L-i (I CM? ,. 1v IS 5-V me ipHi i ' L'r ?. 5vt ,1- H '. kfk fftt 7 ., V-h" V r Z$ M .t X. t a-f :'- ? V v& Hi. The Young Lady Across the Way BRITISH FLAG FLIES FROM INDEPENDENCE HALL Nearly a century and a half after the Colonies rejected it, the emblem of England finds an honored restoration to the "Cradle of American 1 iberty." ' in & i 1 s ' ' y ml s S m MMMMMMMi 'k, : JHI WBmBF MMiginiBllf rji 1 liT'1 i 1 iiM Tlwf'QlKwMnWME wBT IBH i WMMMMMraBMMBMMMHWfeMfr jiwkF ) t r Tho outiB lady ncrosa tho way bays dm bhvr In tlio paper that a eooiI many of'the nut omob lies entered In tho races anvstock cars anil she supposes they'ro Btronster than tho regular passenger ones, hut bIio Etiouldti't thlnlc they'd bo ns fast Dangerous "Do you bollovo that nntlilnc can bo caught by Waslng?" "Sure! I kissed a girl nntl nbo rnuRlit rac." Boston Transcript. AFTER THE POLE VAULT WITH MA'S BEST CURTAIN POLE THE NEXT EVENT WAS THE STANDING HIGH JuJ THE PADDED CELL ) SPRING DRIVES' JK vM H-i7 -- fc " I ECCTET ) I J Hatward1 I 1 , 4' -- 1 lly KONTAlNi: 1 OX. 13 Fireproof Tlio clergyman was engaged In that unprofitable occupation of glvlnt advlco to tho woman who had Juit painted her own iiusband In verr dark colors. "Suppose you wore to try to heap coals of flro upon his head?" he iu(. gestcd. '"Twouldn't do no good' she r turned. "I'vo thrown a lighted lamp nt him several times but be was Jujt ns bad next day." So to Speak Curnou widow,! "I drove n hundred yards yesterdaj, rfllh n nlhllrlf." ( "That's nothing; I drove four mlleiS-l j esterday." "So? What with?" "A Dulck." Copyright, UjrrH & Knuis ENTIRE BRITISH COMMISSION WHICH IS NOW IN WASHINGTON Commissioners in front of Brcckenridp;o Long residence." Seated, lefk to right, are A. A. Paton, Lord Eustace Percy, A. G. Anderson, Mr. Flavell, Sir George Foster, Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, Major General G. T. M. Bridges, Rear Admiral Sir Dudley R. S. do Chair, Sir Joseph Pope, W. T. Layton and Major II. II. Spender Clay. Behind Mr. Balfour stands Sir Erie Drummond. The Horrors of War y h HI HBa 11, ' '-'k?". Hi Hi m ' kMi HI '', HI m v,'HHHH"! "Hi HI' HH ddkK ."'HHHH- -v H "v-- Ip. fwf 8. 6 'HbHHwHH' : HI -' F", li'i ail HHTHm Hi pT,. flr'A'HHHriHW H :.- ,, :f& SsA .SmVcHHHk THT HTRHWHMiTO faSfjTi'J' lf iMr HHHfJr Fi HWJf :i "'. i 16 ' y tHHllHW s ' HHJ f l. -v"HHBt:Hl IfciaL?' uf f ; Hm vl&sSHHHHHA HHHJhL -t HA:i(WPzHHHKB HHHHM - iHH-: ;'Ir??siis;' HHHHHHI H8HHr aHjgplpryH. HKHHKHHH HHHHHHHHHr J9fLjaL. HHHHHHHUv'fl HHB HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH hhhhVhVhV iaHlHR , whVhVhVhVhvhhkhI'- hhhhVhhhhVhhhVhhhhVhhVhhh HhHHm HHsHi aHHHHH'BHVHlHKHKflHKHKflHKBl HVHHHHVHHHr"HVwJjHHHHHVHHCHHaHVH HHHvHHnrHTi SwlHMHHHHHHHHHvHvHHVy V HVHHI ?r C.isucll's Saturday Journal The Golfer's Wartime Lament Oh, plowman, spare that green! In the Same Class , Captain (examining uniforms which are expected to be marked with tho owner's name) What docs this 'mean, my man? Your namo beems ,to bo obliterated. - Private (In tho rear ranks) Xo, sir. It's O'Brien." Tiger. The Pine h of War t ..... L" i. .. "".... J 'it k B :' I Hi THT IIT1 liW 111 t I AT Ideal . ! Klrst Tramp This war Is a curse. Bill. Second Tramp It's awful, Tom. Kvery railway truck loaded with am' lauimiuiii .ut ii cuinioriaoie empiy to be found anywhere I SCHOOL DAYS A VOTING PATRIOT AND HIS PET Five-year-old James Lawrence, of 1636 South '- .Sixteenth street, Js too young to fight and , ; Tw, Wp k; ineligible but boftare wHling to grow IT'S HARD TO JUDGE THE "BESTEST" BABY IN SUCH A GROUP" Dr. Nathan II. Horinstcin had that difficult task at tho Starr Garden Baby Show. He appears in the middle of the assembled entries. t e J .. J " TlKHStpeetfaU Quite True ' "Well, if they over call for volun-, teers they'll put all tho actors and prisoners in one company." j "How so?" J "Havo to keep the stars and strip together." i II Slightly She How do you like my ne3 diess? He Very well, indeed, but isn't Hv a bit long for a kilt? Lehigh Bun.1 A Bank Episode' fl Th Taller Mrs. Jenkins (wishing to convert ',4 per cent Into E per cent walr loan) 1 Shall I have to have a formV of con- verratlon'or mut I have to getla power ) , rz-7mmmmm w.M i; j-., , ,..-,., f'BfB- ' k ' ' K,:,'" ' L.-r.yij.:: ,,L:MSmMm.L! :.$Emm&AwmfflfflwmMffii'. ,;.,.-... je?sarfHHHaiHsr5 $ X1K-