v'f. .' ;t "' rVz WhWyi " raV- -' v ' EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1017 : ''--U f THE SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY PATSY KILDARE'S CHILDLIKE IMAGININGS ?jeirf - 'f vw .' EYING THAT MPULSE-A TOUCH OF SPRING MADNESS Hping A-Maying Often Fraught With Grave j$g : Danger The Small Town Dweller Truly Ap preciative of Cosmopolitan Life - j i Pm "MS ' l 'TnOBTllJ -tm-r, . , ... . .... l iw"" .waij in one or nis nooK.i, iWJvJ". I've forgotten which one. but it u-n. S'Av -Conrad, says that come time In our youth sfflj,'' come to a point where It seems EStT Jlob. or go oft and get married, or do i;;'t Bomeiiiing equally desperate. The former &lHs rarely done, but tho latter well, this mo urai ot my, spring is so seductive ,and falling In love seems to be de rlgtieurl Too often tho man nnd girl who find themselves perfectly happy when thev fco a-MayIng together bellevo they were destined for each other from tho begin- .' nlng of time, and'wlth little consideration of the problems of life take the matri monial plunge. They fall to realize that they will not gn through life hand-ln-hahd. hunting violets and Quaker ladles, hut must settle down to n prosaic every- day existence flanked by roast beef and potatoes. It Isn't the person who thrills ou ho will necessarily make you happiest, but the one who makes you feel per fectly at ease and comfortable. Domestic tragedies could be averted If youth had the happy faculty of Injecting a little humor Into Its romantic day dreams, of realizing that ery often this Is only n touch of springtime madness, end not real love. aJuuiM. Vvn Vyvettes fc& BV ,T,""T l'",r" rrnm fn American itlrl serf- Inr Willi ItlA Milk nf milManl In m Vmrntr-t snny liii.pllai buck of the .Mnrnr rontllute hi i L """.ninsi iniiinme nnu noiv istltu thin wrurli have hern siurd fur mir rnmfnrf niif the whirlpool ot rmbntllrd Kurone. I find nf ,.. ..... ....,.,.., , ,-i,.u,iiim-m r.uriiiKT. mill L .V 'c!!'r1 ""' (rimnriit of true atone- "-". iur inn iiukc mn Hnil milliner or wi 1 ij nun tells with n wonderful polnn i . iVi ,0" nnu miitoim or the T0 TOU know - the small town the man 01 unman of has n keener appre ciation of life In tho great city than he who has spent his life as a cave-dweller? The city affords more opportunities for development, contains great libraries, chools, art galleries, musical centers. A hat both broad nnd hili, with pompons two on top nnd an other ns far nway aa possible, for good mensure. everything to stimulate Interest, yet the people. In It very oflen know Ilttlo nnd caie less about tho big thlncs happening under their ery noses. Hooth Tarklngtun and Julian Ptteet, themselves "Middle Wosternc.s." as u of the effete I'ast like to stylo them, sum up the case of the small-town dwellers most eloquently In "The Cminti Cousin " When asked bv n New Yorker whv ib IngeiH inaiiablv had so many literary circles and cm tent events classes. Nancy J'rlca from o-hlo says ery slmpl.v. "We Iti the country are forced tn write about the things von city people live." And when she spoke nf New Yolk's Vtondei fill sk.Nllne a Cotlinmile gazed at her tin comprchendlnglv, then said be supposed ho was so used to the "nondeifiit .-kj-llne" be had never leallv looked at It. wonderful pnltnnnt &Akn... II.. tnl. itlfiiAitft r? rvtiifi-r (Inn nf lh trnl.l ..,.. ..i.i unmniAtH. THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Letters and question! submitted to thii department minr lr u-rlltcn im qiio ilir n the paper only and sinned lollh fio tiomc of the tortler fijirtlnJ i;it' ric.t like those nlven below are invited. It is understood that tho editor docs not neccswily indorse the sentiment expressed. All communications lor this department should be addressed at jolloics: THE WOMAN'S KXUIIANflU, Eveitiiio Lcdijcr I'hiladtlphia, I'a. TODAY'S INQUIKIES 1. How Ionic should tsk he nllowed tn liroll? 3. .t hot tunporstiire does nlhumfn 9 fongulatp? bfRln S. How rnn tho tmrint" snd rore from npploo bo iitlllird? t. How run Toll U worn? Minliurn to iroinloit hfli nn 2. Vtlirro willt lirforo dfi Iho lirltlpcronni nnd !irt nmn Hie Mrtldlnu ir-rpninni? 3 On Mhhh wide of tho urddlnir rliic 1 tho onimitomrnt rliiR Morn? ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES 1. Mntor may Intsrlnhlr bo ublltiitl for Bilk In s rake rrtlpe. S. Tho flaTorlnic rhould, rthoootor polhlo, ho ddrd to dlhps sflfr rooklnic, othomlio It lno much ot tin ttrrncth. "t 3. Tandlo tuh ran be mplteil, lralnd throush choetocloth and utilized In urallnc Jrl 11ft and pmrrtfi, Cooked Salad Dressing To the Editor of Woman's Page: Dear Madam Can ou tell me hon to mak cooked aalad drceeind' HI.SIK T). You will find this a satisfactory lecipe. Two eggs, one cupful vinegar, two cupfuls milk, one tahlespoonful oil or butter, oiia teaspoonful salt, one teaspoonful inustaid and one-quarter teaspoonful pepper. Tut the oil and dry Ingredients In a bowl and mix thoroughly Add the eggs, beat Ave minutes, then add the vinegar and beat one minute. Now add the milk, place the bowl in a pan of boiling water and 100k until the mj sauce thickens, usually anout ten minutes. Stir constantly. That wlilili 1.011 no not re quire immediately can be bottled for future use; as It will keep a shot t time. iMore Milk in Cooking To the Editor of IComan' Page- near JIadam Milk aoupi provide an ncl lent way of supplying protein at h low 4 oil. sometimes It may bo mixed with a ueak btork ' nd aometlmea, aa In vegetable purees. It may forfn 4he baala of a dish of bean. pea pota toea. corn or celery pulp. Milk saucea are valuable nnt only for the nutritive value, but as a help In u-ilnr up left-oers. Small pieces of meat can be made attractive, by nUnclng them and servlnc them on ma-it. with a creamed saure, and wnrme-1 over ege tables are muoh lmproel by a saure. There Is no end to the puddings and other desserts which can bo made ulth milk, blanc manse. Ice creams. Junket taploi as, cu-iturds. rice. etc. (Mrs.) C. J. Orange Filling for Cake To the Frtltor of TTomrm'-i Page; Dear Madam Can you tle a recipe for oranao flUinat for cake? K. One-half cupful sugar, one egg, one heap ing tablespoonful flour, one teaspoonful but ter, grated rind and Juice of one orange, one-half teaspoonful lemon juice. Mix In the order given and bring tn a boll, stirring constantly, then cook for ten minutes In a double boiler. Spread on cake while warm. Sally Lunn a-rt the Kditor ot TToniait's Poor. Dear Madam Please print a recipe for Sally Minn. 1 airs.- u. 11. Two cupfuls flour, two tablespoonfuls cucar. two eggs, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cupful milk, one-half teaspoon ful salt, one quarter cupful melted nutter or shortening. Mix the dry Ingredients nnd sift several times, add the well-beaten eggs, the milk and shortening, beat well, pour Into shallow greased and floured pans and bake twenty minutes In moderate oven, . Oysters Out of Season To the Editor of Woman"', Page: Dear Madam When do ojsters r out of season and whv aren't they eaten In the sum mer, because they are scarce or not good? N. M. ES?T 11 1 nui tuiniururu pair iu cv ijyeicrn iL-yv.fMM tVij. Ant nf tav until IVia flt-et' nf Can. ''VH - M,,J -- -- -.-.. - -.r- Ltf-il-R-- f ember. To Make Noodle Paste To the Editor of Woman's Foot; Dear Maddm Can you sits me directions for making noodle pastej f KKFIB C. i ' Beat one egg lightly, add one tablespoon- ' A,V fut waiter, one-quarter teaspoonful salt and jt-t'Sffour enough to make a stiff dough; knead Vll ior inree ininuic, auains; more nour fneceesary. ft oil out as thin as possible. t lnjstrlps ana cook tn soup or bolllns: ter. ni Removing Scorch Marks li-fptke Editor of Woman's Pate: 1 'Bear Madam Pleas tell me how to remove irom a wnue waist. jvi. u. ret the spots with cold water and place 1 garment in the strong sun. ,' To Wash VeiU iti, Editor of Woman's Page: juaim ooms urn ago you cava a suagesllon ror wasning ella. but I sti remember whether you aald to use gats I r ilcohol. Which waa It? (Mra.) T. L.. 3lBi'th veil up and down tn alcohol, then .ImttMlia.tt as diy as possible and shake It; :witr find it has lost none of its crisp- h-ll" 'CIcMssis; jBiMtle Glotea ii wmmt rue: . s tn. sm now auay swvw - i. ; n w mi I l.lnen. kitchen. Ilncorle. tllk nlmkirii; nnd mlsrollanconn showers ere lhni mot freniirntlj glien for prnieilhe luidci Hi, ink. briile should write per(nnl letters of to nil tlioe who have mmi prl'ent tn 1. The mother of the hrlrii niriiples the llrt pew nn tho left side of the rrnler nUle nf the rhurrh durlnir the ceremony. Visiting Nurse Society 7ft the l:dtnv of irojiinu's Page. Ileal Madam VMM Mill klndlv tell in. where tn write or net Infnrnmilnn inncernlnc tho vieit Inir Nurses' .SllLl.ltllln' When will lhi Slnte board eiamlniitlon for nurses be held? O. n. You can olitnln full liifiiiinntion at the central ofllce of the Visiting Nurses' Society, 1340 Lombard street. No doubt some nne In charge there cm give jnu the il.ite set for the next St.ite lioanl rxamlnatlnn; It not. write to the Bureau for JtegiMratlon nf Nurses, State Capitol, Hnrrls-burg. Take Flag in at Night 'to the Editor of U'miifjH' Page Dear Madam N It true thHt It Is nor rui tomar tn leave the Amerknn tl.11: out at nlkhl? 1 utiderstand boats are not nllowcd nn the Dela ware Itlver at night. Is this so nlo? I. j The flair is hoisted each moinlng at sun ri"e and lowered at sundown by those In the CJovernmeiit service, and l not supposed to be left nut at night. Navigation is suspended on the Ilelawnre between fi p. in. nnd fi a. m. during the war. Ghing Shower for Bride to the Editor of Woman's Pour: Dear Madam-I wnnl to give a shower to a girl who Is in he married shortb anil I am anxious tn make It a surprise parts t want tho other girls who work In the nltli e with us to mine to tho party, lion shall I go about asking them nnd what kind of a stumer wnuld jou advise me to give? QI'KUNin. The best wuy to invito, the clils who are with ou In your otlke would lie bj word of mouth that Is. do not write Invitations, but tell euili girl nbout our plans fur the shower and ask her tn come. You will have to be careful to speak only tn one or two at a time, its the Klrl fur whom the party Is tn be civ en will be sure tn notice that something Is going on nbnut which she Is Ignorant nnd It mlsht hurt hci feelings or Kive nor an Idea of the surpiiso In slot vhK ner 10 come in nnu spend tho eve ning with nu ami only Kive her the Invit.i tlon casually the day before. r Men the day ou plan to give the shower Then nfter she has atriveil let the others conm in fifteen or twenty minutes later If theie are many it would he nice for them to ni rive Jn a body and ptesent her with all the packages at onte Your second question Is answered under "Today's Inquiries " Favors for Luncheon To the Editor of H'oirum's Page, Pear .Madam t Intend giving a luncheon for eignt Bins ine latter part of this month and nuui'i itno n i-v euKKriuiuns as in tatllP llecnrn tlons and favors. 1'lease autrei a menu. (Mrs.) 1 N o, Theie Is nothing prettier this time nf year than spring flowers for decorations. Use n combination of pansles. wild orchids, jonquils, pink roses, sweet peas and stevla with feathery ferns. Place these (lowers in a round, rather low bowl and at even spaces about the bowl place eight tall, slender vases nilffl with the same kinds of (low ers. Let the vases be arranged about an Inch beyond the outermost (lowers In the lai ge bow I. Tiny powder boxes covered In .hlue and pink damask and dull gold braid would make pretty favors. These may be pro cured at department stores for a small amount. For luncheon serve fruit cup. Jellied con somme and small salt crackers; broiled squabs, new peas, new potatoes and currant Jelly; fresh tomatoes and lettuce with may qnnalse, cream cheese served In balls and hard biscuits or wafers; chocolato cream filled chocolate eclairs and coffee. Have small dishes arranged 'on the table contain ing plain olives, stuffed olives, mints and salted nuts. Clothes for Camping To the Kditor of Woman' roar; , Dear lUdsjn Can yon suggest a suitable ma terial for underwear for ramping T Then will be no facilities for Ironing-, so It must be some thing which can be, washed and worn without Kantcr Sunday A happy raster' If .vnii've thought of urn this Mining morning, and I'm mho vim have- voiiid pmhahly guessed that tt s'omiwe. Ko jou wouldn't have been sut-pil-rd an hour ago when (ho Mrdntn-Chrf, llndliig nt office inomenlaiily converted Into 11 workshop with ribbons nnd bows all over, ejaculated iu n puitrled wuv, "Americans must remain Ilttlo girls a long while to Imagine that grown-up pnffin could be minified. hi (hat mil." To ulilrh I n plleil (not being Iu the least 11 ft a Id of lilml Hint he was evidently no psychologist, nnd he retienled, laughing good nnttiredlv. and shaking his hi nil as If It were hopeless to think nf erltic.ttlng an American Indian' Hut If the sight of all those nrsls disturbed so his Ide.iH nf military Illness it had a different effort on the "rhlldien," who np plniid.il and shouted as if It vice. u,,. ,, n.ilurn! surpilsu In the not Id. Too li.itl I can't send jou a model, but l-eie's ibn plan 11 wiuie sugar lien with a pink comb and pompous tall, nnd .1 favor nf the Allies 1 mi. . ner iiock. Rits Mrencly upon eight evcellrtil . Ii.icomIo i kkk In a pest wmvcii out of (Piston excelsior, and lined with inttnii and .iil.oi vlt.ie. Multlplv tills bv thlitv three and jou have Hie n-Milts .if last nlglil'a cheerful labor whlih leciived an even mine radiant weconto than I ex pected sm 1, hoi,!,, out or bandaged hand", such a gobbling of hens with tlieit featlieis on and eggs in their shells Mull n geueinl vein of satisfaction as thtnbs through the miIIp now- while the gniinn plmii.i goes nioiiiiil ns would ronvlnce jou lh.it tho irlnc.ti.t rule nf n muse, nfter all. Is mil tn mop up blond mid put on bandages, but to lie awake thinking up sinh nonsense as ihN tl d ikiC date make such an extravagant letnatk to anv but jou fot lliey'd be kuio to sav I catty mv lespntiMbllltteM too llghtlj but t011 uoir In Hi 1 ) I have to make a confession though When my poor Ilttlo iiniputr saw Ins nest he stnlled for tho first time since he came. sl weeks ago. and plfd so to lie allowed to eat an 1 gg that 1 enuldti I teslst. despite Ills careful liquid diet. What was my hor ror ten minutes later, to come back and find that he had screwed around Heaven knows how and gotten hold of the hen that I had thought safely out of reach, and left nothing of her but the ribbon collar! It's only sugar after nil, hut I have com punctions over tho slue, nnd tho coloring matter of the comb and tall. So far, how ever, tho change of diet seems to ngtee famouslj', nnd has given him the courage to look nt pictures for the first line. H was a bit hard not to be able to go to rhuii.li today. As you so often deplore I'm not much of nn orthodox Hut there are times whim It's prcttj- much of a necessity. On Hood Friday though, In lieu of the three-hour servico I managed to spend two hours In my room between 12 and n. nnd have a long think nnd a prayer which did me n world of good I send ou 11 puz.k' which was made to surpilso men by n most iidotabte patient who managed tn trace I lice Inlt lento lines with a bandaged hand. Oh tho piles and piles of 1 arils and letters that I have to show -ou when Hie war Is over' I've not sent nnv lel thej be lost: and Indeed when my collection began to be an Incumbrance, for fenr ot trusting them to the post I gave them Into Monsieur Hardy's enre, when he came tn visit his son The snllr Is full and I hale n series nf contusions whlih mentis manv massages to develop my muscles My little ampntc Is out of danger. So all goes well, nnd In crown everything the weather Is glorious, though tho last two days have been pain fullj hoi nt noon, nnd give ominous f.uo tasto of summer in these frail barracks. It will be as rigorous as winter, and the wounds nlieiidy need innie vigilance. So far though it O o( rtfiht. Tin: i:ni tronvriabt br W A. rrutterfleld ) 7ic letcis from os tmrrfrnii mine fa n ftnuh 11 or hnintni ninth hmr hern roiiifrn'iio la tlirsr ffiioinin for the loht llrrkv loo-r the title nt " Uadi motif tie 1iss ' are rniielmltil villi tins Ullir. They lime been ttlilihert btrinte of the profound finrrvin)l u hl It they hnvi rrr tlted rind ttetatile ot tlnir intinir intilelt in the pieunt intrrnotlonot rrill. Thru ate pro tnrnhle in hook form under the Annie till. "Mndniinlnelle .!(?. ' Alt the proretds derh ed from the sole of fan linok vttt he turned ni er to the Avtrttirln fund for rreneh Woundrd. Aug one disiring to pin ehaie n . opy of "Mudrninlirltr 1fis." nr talsi tng in ciinliilaiO lo the uoik nf the Ameiieon fund may do o Ijy nddreiing .1lss V.ililh Itamgs, minima. Ameriinn fund for freuth Wtnnded SOI. ISnulilmi Hherl. Ilniton. .Uos , or 1lss .tune Morgan. tiiuMiiet, .Imrrf.roi fund for frrnrh Wimnded. 7 f.nlt Thirty eighth tttreet fli lot, city THE MOMENT'S MODES PATSY KILDARE, OUTLAW By JUDD MORTIMER LEWIS A" Ironing. , urnTi.ii .Cotton crepe. Is Just the .thing- or camp- , ww ssntcu vuv (June eaauy ana egyssjr wmi -wnen ,arsjajtAi iss Inr. I woke lip sl ill quite n long time Without getting up Howdy had gone out nf dnots and I sat up and looked at mjself aiid I thought 1 was nn awful Utile girl to he theie iu Mich a hlg bed I looked all around and the house was so still (hat I felt fuiinj and sotnehnw it made mo want (o be clean So 1 got up and wnhrd my face, and hands and It feels funny to wash jour face and hands all bv themselves, and not the lest of jnu the way jou do when you go sw limning I shook otil my hair and brushed II and brushed it till It was all crinkly and shiny. Then I palled h exactly ill the middle and plaited It. hut did not like it that way. so I lmplalted It nnd found nn old black rib bon In a closet and tied It around my hair and in foteliead When mv father saw me he kissed me and said. "I don't know who jnu ale. but I am glad lo meet you" I said. 'I am Patsy, jour own true-hearted Ilttlo gltL" He said. "So you are" Then he said. "I have been saving up money lo get a stone to put on jour mother's grave but sihool will open In about a month and you are going to go and will need some clothes" I salil. "That will be all right and I will speak to my mother about It nnd see whothci site would rather have a stone on her oi some diesses on me" That day when Howdy and I rambled we stood and watched a big. iron bucket under a liildge unload a boat full of sand. Then we went down under the bridge and plajed In tho sand for n long time. A man who had a wagonlnad of sand to deliver gave llowdy and me a ride. He had been a soldier in (he Philippine, Islands and he told me all about It and about sotnn snakes he used lo tateh In his bare hands and tie knots In them until they looked liko pretzels He had killed a gieat many Filipinos and was proud of it When we got where we were going he rirovo Into a yard nnd look his wagon all rip nt and the sand fell out and then he put It together again and said, "(.'limb In." A lady came out of the house and said, "Please be laieful and not drive over my flowers" lie said "Ves. ma'am " She said, "Is that jour little girl'." Ho said. "Ves, ma'am" She asked. "Is that jour dog?" He said "Ves. ma'am " The lady said. "I should like to have a dug like that if he is a watchdog" He said, "Ves. ma'am; he is and full o blood Vou can have him for $!i ami that'll dirt cheap " The lady went in for her money and I nnd Howdy rambled nfter Howdy had bit the Filipino killer to make him let go. When we got to the Carpenters' Wilbur was having a party on the back lawn. We went Into tho jard of the vacant house next donr and leaned on the fence and watched them plav Nobodv asked us to play, so we illdn t. but we would have been glad to help XX VII Soldiers! Soldiers.' yesletd.iv morning 1 I them nut If thev had asked us. ,n,t thev "inn I. so we f 1 rlll'l The.. Ik , . . . .'. ,.,,, ,i, , " "" ni.iio nroiigni out the Ice rteam and passed it around and U Hhur said something whlperv to the other hojs and girls and they all laughed He came ,er and leaned on the fence bi ne and began eating his Ice cream. Then lalr'n d'hV'Ji?1, !"",' ""' ""'no 'he i nan and he set hls lee cream nn the fence and ran to get (he chair, so ate the "ce C ':.?'" ?!" .!!'!" " f-ce'n. M,s r Renter ;... .-..."' "V1 nnrt ' K"t ""me hot biscuit "III .-villlil Tomn.lns n.,,1 . u was dark "L """1P from after ll I pul nn 'my nightie rind r l-iI.i -. ni. r'.T10 ,McI n Klml "t 1 tX'sv day" and Mold her all about It. and when got ;!ie",h,n,tV'IP..'Ce 'TPam ! "" "" M no Me 111. ""' PUt "n ,hn amP" ' "led a If. dream sitting hv tho "'.'"" .!.Mr. '!' FOR SUMMER WEAR Pule pray handkerchief linen, or, in fact, any color one mipcht choose, constitutes thii "simplicity" model for tho summer tiirl. A narrow colored snsh holt of piqued moire i.s ically quite nn unnecessary pleasantry, milled, no doubt, in humble obeisance to the prevail in"; rarjo for sash holts in Reneral, Tucks nnd more tucks, all very tiny, and pome mother-of-pearl but tons are the only other trimmings. THE GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX Ry DR. JOHN HARVEY KELLOGG J few- knee an,, he ,mod OBn , ,' up and reached out for Itovvdy and knew she had forgiven me and I felt all right K'opjrlKht ) JeiJV' ?.d''nf.nT.f '( KHclnre will .renins I.rilcer. leiir In rotniirron' may take a cold-water bath by a sei nmls' plunge In cold wn(er, bv a Fhovver or bj- an all-over spraj-. When a b.i(htuh Is convenient a good method Is to put cold water In the tub to a depth of three or four inches. After disrobing, bathe tho face, neck and arms nnd chest; then step into the tub nnd, sitting down, rub first tho legs, then tho abdomen nnd chest, applying the water fieelv to all parts of the trunk. After live or six seconds lie down- In (he water long enough to count five, nibbing the sides of lite body nt the same time. Then, llsing to a sitting posture, renew tho rub bing of tho limbs nnd trunk. The silting and ljlng postures may ho alternated sev etal times, vigorous rubbing being kept up all the time. It Is well tn continue the bath until evidence ot reaction appears In reddening of tho skin. If onn cannot well eurlurn so long an application, tho skin, after leaving the bath, should bo rubbed until well reddened. Kor persons who rtn nnt have access to a bathtub, cold water from the faucet may be applied wltli the hand tn tho body surface, rubbing vigorously to tho face and neck first, then tn tho frnnt of the body, nrms. legs and back, using for the latter a Turkish towel wrung dry enough not to drip, cross Ing It over one shoulder and under tho rr 1 COCOA IP3 St & "'NS FOUNDED 1858 ' DeweeS sW Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century Remarkable Suit Sale xovS; ish)r2jK stock of &crsc-Tweeds and Greatlv Cut in Prime Were $30 to $60, Now marked S19.75 to S40.50 not .VS-ra ;fc,,he CSt f "'C C,0th A" oprtuni B . F . De wees , 1122 chestnut st . THE DAYLIGHT STORE: m ty J)f sweirs the Call iF Sprimii High Tennis Lace, giving ankle support. A snappy model in white buckskin, with rubber sole and heel. CLAFLI 1107 Chestart linn Wins the instant npproval of those who appreciate and de mand the best. Expert supervision at every statje of its making insures the uniformity of its quality and purity. All opes flavor. enjoy its delicious Our free book, "Cook'i Tours Through Wilburland," contains sixty tempting recipes. Send for it today. H. O. WHbur Sons, Ibc. fcJ M.M JT1 .! At .-' avI J iErMmm . IHIfH ii IMlM ! 'M Wiilill ilililM IJnnnnntnrTnilNirHrrilllirmmiTllJmiimirmiiTrinmfmrmnfmMnnit C 1 ' IMinillllMIIIIIFIIlJIIIIIIllllllllllllllllMfliiNllllllIIIIIIIHIIllilllllllllinUIIllIIIlHlIinillFritirtirilP llllllllllMimilntlrillllllil'iiiiiiiliimiifni ' II Ill llll!IIIIIII!IIIIllI!llfflIIlllfflII "Faultless" Box Springs Must be used before you can form any adequate idea of the advance merit in bed-comfort. Box Springs as we make them are the finest in materials and workmanship and as far superior to usual kinds in luxury as a superb limousine is to the once smart Brougham. Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattresses. Box Springs. Bedsteads. .- . . - J. . ... V'MM.1H1 fUriTUirP TBrvn ' ,'XAiiBba4-r.Tr".f?f-,MV:.MS BSt&T'. " . ia .v jt.'' ',. Xiliifij4 4j. -..v: saza adbuad ,.fJ &. '-ij i , other arm. rubbing It back and forth bilnkly over ono nlde nnd then reversing. Dry and rub each part until well reddened before proceeding to tho next.. The water ahoiild be quits cold nnd nppllcd freely. Ono not accustomed to cold bathing must begin moderately, using water at about 7fi degrees Fahrenheit, gradually lowering tho temperaturn from day to day until tho water nt GO degrees Fahrenheit In not un pleasant, Tho degree nf coldness that will produce the most benefit differs with dif ferent Individuals nnd nt dlfforont seasons. Headache or languor should never result frnm 4l,A 1ICA nt ftlA mlrf ll.ltll. If SUCh occurs, It Is probable that the bath was either too cold or of too long duration or thnt proper care was not used to secure proper reaction after the bath. Do not glvo up tho bath, but change conditions. Four points nra specially to be borne In mind: . , First. The body must be warm before any kind of cold bath. For this reason tho best time for taking tho bath Is Immedi ately upon rising, If not warm tho body should bo warmed by tnklng n very short hot bath before the cold ono. A cold bath to a colli body Is dangerous. .Second Tho room In which a cold bath Is taken must be wnrm, -i-hitd a cold bath must be of short duration tho colder the water the shorter the hath. Fourth Prompt and thorough reaction after a cold bath must always bo secured When tho cold water bath Is not obtain able substantially tho same benefit may be derived from n simple cold air bath. Thli consists In rubbing the wholo nurfaca of the body with tho hand or a dry towel W'hllo the skin Is freely'exposed to cold air. Vitnmines Whut r vllamlnfs? MftS. O. D. Jtecent scientific research has led to th discovery of a new class of food principles known ns vitamlnes. These substances differ from other food principles In thst .i.ti 11.... j- - -,-- ,. ... wniiw iiii-j uu nne ciuer into composition of the body that Is, they nro not essential to tho structure of any tlssuo or organ they arc, nevertheless, absolutely essential for tho maintenance of growth and repair of tho various organs of tho body. Vltamlnes nro among thft most subtlo of all known substances. They are active In extremely small amounts. Chemists are not yet nbla to tell us what their composition Is hut It Is known that their notion Is due to n certain stimulating or regulating Indu enco which they exerclso upon various func-' tlons and activities of tho body. Their rela. tlon to tho energy of tho body may be com pared to the spark which explodes a powder magazine. They Bet In operation the forces which releaso energy nnd carry forward tho various life processes. They are abun dantly found In fruits, vegetables and but ter fat Hecause they nro probably par tlally or wholly destrojed by cooking at high temperature, It Is hest to eat consider nblo of tho uncooked ftults and fresh ege tables In order to be sum we get sufficient vltamlnes. f f f f f f f f ? ? f ? ? ? ? t f r f f f f f ? ? t t ? ? f ? ? f ? ? ? f ? T f f f t t f t ? ? T T T t y t. f t , f np.-i1" (M&W&K A Beginning Monday, April 30 Among the millions of women who are wearing Nemo Corsets, there may be some who wish to have an even more efficient corset-service. Thousands of other women may not be enjoying Nemo style, health and comfort, just because they have never had the RIGHT Nemo. A close investigation of the princi pal styles in each Nemo Service will be of lasting benefit to all women. Go to your favorite store or shop and study NEMO during Nemo Week! i f r f T T f f f t f T T 1 tt&& a 1 a. i 1111 nr ij it 1 1 ' N Q0L wTawiy LFREDLlrTl JZX2& SUhl AP SPECIAL FOR NEMO WEEK ONLY A new nnd ultra-stylish Self-Reducing model, with addition of the new aa-A Nemo Back-Resting invention. For) SV5U all average stout figures. Girdle ton., O- White coutil, sizes 22 to 36 "t" f t f t t X Nemo Self-Reducing Service Famous throughouty' the world as tho ONLY S corsets that actually reduce excess flesh with comfort f and hygienic safety. elf-Reducing Straps, Relief Y bands, Auto-Massage Bands and T.nRtilno R,i . are amomi thel DatcntpH CentnrAo ,.,k:.u r ivr A. Self-Reducing Corsets in a class alone, full figures-$3.50, $4.50, $5.00 and up. ! , . .. ,j.,JUSw "uu urn juusukops Danaiet ror an ! Nemo Wonderlift Service The Nemo Wonderlift Bandlet is the greatest of ! Sr?jIet!rVerti?ns- ".suPPortsandreshapes ! fi2L,S MStfblf too.y suit each individua figure. Models for all forms, from extra slender Y to superstout-$5.00, $7.50, $10 and Y ! Nemo Back-Resting Service Y weflfh,Simc0 Ba?.k-Rcsting invention strengthens weak muscles, relieves and prevents backache Y induces an erect,healthful carriage and free b?eaS' Y Models for all figures-.OO, 3.50, $15)0 Sd up! ' iL"rlrarf of Your Favorite -r: ,-', ri rlS P?-V iV&Si1 fcaiAai: .J