Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 01, 1917, Final, Image 4

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wry of Victory and Pas-
re of Draft Bill Spur
I even
Hundred Men Pnss Ex
aminations for Officers'
j . Phlladelplilans are rushtnt; to Join the
Today In Dctvey Daii coniiiiflinoratlnp;
TrttlB entrance ok Oewev'tt fleet Into Manila
,tr.-.. .. . - ....
uyjam' nineteen ycara ngo. i nin aim me
T.ratfr 4linl fAtmifltn itrnft ! ,ttiK n innltfit
jSSfof tlaya Htltnulated recrulllnif. which watt
ji.onsK. Enlistment stations were crowueii
fwUh men.
t. - TVtriill, olittatltiAntii a(l,t...l tt V Otlt l.fl P
SQirttti to the unity, thirty-one? to the navy
'ann ten to me marine corps up to n ncioih
I'S, this afteinoon. Anione the naval count
,- defense reserve ternilti weie Sjtlney drier
ueat, 6620 City avenue. Oveiorook, twenty-,t'one-year-oll
koii of John M deal, of the
'Kldellly Truit Com puny hikI Solomon
Henry Harrison, 1817 Tulip otieet. an In
dependence Hall kuiiiiI
Nineteen forelgnets. incliitliiiK five Ana
trluna, who tried to enlist In the oitny.
were sent to the Federal Uulldlne for first
citizenship paperi". They went In a body
An announcement -jk made today hy
Captain Lewis S. Xlorey, I S A., hero of
the, battle of Carrlzal, Slexlco, to guide thn
movements of reserve officers jnnd prospec
tive officers In tegard to the three months'
training course lit Fort Niagara. N Y
"So applicant for admisalon will ho ex
amined ufter May 4," bald Captain Morey.
"The training camp commander will an
nounce the final selection of civilian appli
cants .May S. The aelrctpd applicants will
be notified Individually hy tho camp com
mander to report at Fort Niagara on a Eel
date. This will ha not later than May 14
Instruction Is to begin May 15."
Several prominent men of Heading doc
tors, manufacturers and lawyer" arrived
here today for examination a applicants
for tho courre. Among them were Dr
Wllllnm H. Kaser .lr. .1 Bennett Nolan.
Hansford Mann, Jamex Itlck, Jr., Allen
Potts, Raymond Mendel, Houglaa Ivauffman.
Donald K, Stewart, Theodore Itelzmann.
W. D. Hlntz, It II Knickerbocker and
Charles Molin. They wero met by Major
William Kelly. Jr.. V K. A . and taken to
the otnees of the Military Training Camps
Association, In the Comnieiclal Trust
Eleven hundred men Irive passed the
examinations, it was announced today. A
call was sent out for 300 additional men,
Including men of mature years to take the
more responsible positions as oltlcers In tho
"first 600,000 "
The sham battle scheduled by the mnilnes
for today among the ruins of tho buildings
northwest of City Hull, r.ized for the Park.
way, vvaa canceled on account of bad
weather. Tho "combat ' probably will L
held tomorrow.
Nearly 2300 men wete enlisted In Phila
delphia for the arm. navy and marine corps
during April, accotding to figures compiled
today at the recruiting stations Tlie army
added 938 men, the navy TGI and the marine
corps 181, In addition about 400 men en
listed directly on the ships at the Philadel
phia Navy Yard, About 75 per tent of the
recruits live In Philadelphia.
Yesterday the at my gained 110 recruits.
the navy sixty and the marine corps thir
teen In a rush that was unprecedented Blnco
Civil War days. Tho Third Pennsylvania
Infantry, National Guard, has moved Its
recruiting station from 1311 Chestnut street
to 831 Chestnut street.
M' The following enlistments were an
nounced today:
William Joseph Daly. 21, SOtll Uermantown ave.
Charles Wharton Hmlth. 21, 302.1 Wlllowa ave.
Howard Scott Vounn, 22. 1414 N. (list st.
John Aloslua llernard llaus, 28. Palmyra, N. J.
Harry Gallon, 24, Spring- City. Pa
Llewellyn Orifnth. 21, Hprln City, Pa.
Edward Frederick Sargent, 11). New Philadel
phia, Pa.
Charles Lawrenca Hamilton, 18, 5438 Falrhlll at.
llernard Frederick Krenau, 20. 8UI Judsun at,
Rusaeil Prjee, 111 Wllltes-llarrc. 1'a.
Ituasell Pay ton in. Wtstmoor. Pa.
Herman Francis Schuenatcln, 19, 2033 N. 9th
Robtrt .Mannlngton Volbratli, 21, 123 E. Court
land st.. Olner
Renjamln I.lmoln Jones, 24. 3H48 N 10th st.
Otto Itob.Tt Seelaua, 21. 3117 N. llroad St.
-l nomas Stewart Noble. 22. 1845 Frankford ave.
James Robert Cameron. 20, 1211 V. Soiner-
set st.
Charles Harry Simon 23 5un ft. ."2d st
William Thompson Kirk. 21, Beverly, N. ,f
William Abrani Cortwrlaht 24, lleverly. N J
Tracy V. Jenkins. 24. 02 Spruce at
i:dward Rudolph htenzl. IH 21127 N. 11th st
Paul Howard Uelaney III, rnlllnaannod. N. J.
William Wlntar Ilronn. 21. Swedmboro, N. J
Howard L, HowUnil. 2). 2101 Pine at
Charles C. Kelton. 27. I'almyra. N J
John Peter Henidrd 21. tllouccaler, N J
.tames Clarence West. 24 EsslniTton, Pa
lioraoi Thorn Orenwood Jr., 4721 I.elper at
Albert William Flndelsvn, 2J. 5022 Frankford
Charles Thomas Welter, Is. 220(1 H. 3d at
Jeaalu Oavld Plummer 22, miiou Holatelu ave.
1ouln Henry Frelllnu. 24. .V,",.t N. 3th at.
ijiwrcncn 'osli.no. 22. 4H Corinthian ave
Kdward Joh
lUrry HndU
urnoll Alio
William Ton
tin Wilson. LMJ. VWatinunt. N .1
dUon Hrhmtdt L'8. 32SH Diamond at.
llawult Sbrlcht ill. .1737 Nnnicn t.
llttnm Tnwnsnrl '2''. 71 Ts.' 4lHt at
Thomas Iluuaall Wliltelock. L'o. boil ' Princeton
Ave.. Hmutn, N, J
Sobart Wllllum Klnzl-, L'J. .ir,ll I.oiust it,
enjsmin Harrison W'tndle. 18 :iujd Colon st.
Alfred Kltier Henkcls st. 241 W. German-
town ave.
Joseph Patrick Meailnchey. 11), lMn N tlth st.
Maurlro Uuy Umlfrey. -'4. St. .Mary's Hospital,
Frankfonl o.v- and Palmer st.
Robert Krnncls McVeigh, Jr., 'Jl ,'ilOJ Race at.
John H. Uroomtleld. 21, U.'i37 1ST. 32d at.
James Arthur tipuhr. 1H, 4115 Pin st,
Walter I.eo Lowrle. 23 vlHl N. 33d St.
Walter llernard Nan. 24. 1013 Lehigh ae.
Frank Denning- Harmer, 20, 30(H) Krankford ae.
Thomas Harry Hewlett, II1. 431H N. Carlisle st.
Georxe Clarence Anniun. 30. Iteadlne;, Pa.
Illunroe Walker Copper. Jr., ID, S704 Chester
Charles Russell Olnrlc, 10, r.H13 Morion st.
Ieo Charles Sweeney SI. 2725 W. i:yre st.
J-orm.in AuBustus Wright, 24. 22sn s. 7th st.
Raymond Karl llradshaw 25, 2234 H, 07th at.
Alva A. Karl. 21. Oaklyn. N J.
Charles J. Morult. 20. 2224 tl. 22d St.
Charles A. O'Neli. 22. 222.1 S. 22(1 St.
Joseph Melllck, 23, Perkosle. Pa,
Raymond fl X'eatherman, 21, 5135 Spruce st.
Walter Kalt Swartikopf, 18, 1551 H, 5Nth st.
Kdward Kenny Major. 22. 14.111 X. 12th at.
Joseph Albert Moothroyd, 21. 153 Chew st
Maurice Pearock, 23, 32 S ."1st at.
Maurice Taylor. 20, G331 Woodland ae.
John Edward Cavanaugh, in, 5U9 Race st.
n juiiua nynoim. 2. ants HmeiJIey at.
., Oliver Fell
Illbba. 22. 223U H. 23d St,
Marry Jones. IT. 239 N
Sth at
Coateavllle, Pa.
Rasmus Kllertson. 23,
'"-Michael Uosle, 2)4
pj e. 214. 215
;ob Mltnlcll. 23. 21DS H. 6th
i. ioa st.
Ttsuxb Ml
Sth at.
itiArthur H
Johnson. 1U. Coatesvllle. Pj
r.yranK a.
Hammond. 26. Coatesville. Pa.
ksuben Abramaon, 21, 641 N, flth st.
(ieorre K. Grey. II). 142U R. Moyarnenalnz ave.
William J. Mcllush. 21. 501S n.ra .1 ""'
! IV Hl.lIIVan Rlll U'alnxt ...
'V.lfrank V'erra. ID. Haucatuck. Conn.
Jt'fi'Iwrd Capasse, 11), Hauiatuck. Conn.
A&i-flora A. Choalep. 22. 3m Walnut at.
k BMU.'WIIItara J'. Jiaraen. .-i, iiocKaale. 1'a.
E Xs4!nnM Carbone. 1TB1 N. 10th st.
.-.'ifllatvsn Fratlno. It). Sauraturk. f'nnn
nit if. rninauu. -, cneater. Pa.
vc liail. .a, i-neeier. pa.
M. Harris. -r3, Chester. Ps.
ll. eninauit, -o, Kichmond. va.
aa k. uurran. j, i;neaier. 1'a.
C. I'aie. 27. Richmond, Va.
ay vrunon. .'. 'noenixviiie, Pa.
A a. Bull. 21. D2T Penn at.. Camd.in. v t
,J.. Bowen, 23, Atlantic City. N. J.
jt. vvooa. iu. wonsnonocken, Pa.
:. Orelfzu. 20. 14 Main st.. Colwrn. Pa.
Bvera. 25. 748 TB. klnrston at ' ' '
K. Wood. 19, Newtown. Pa.
K. Brown. 21. 59 TDoua-laa at.
K. Wataon. 17, 1735 N. 15th at.
a n. wiison, iv, xti xeitana st.
t J. I.eahy. 31. Olrardvllls. Pa,
Y. Whelan. 21. H1 Webster at.
J. Fallon. 19. 322S Ilorer at.
na ewesney, s. aia n. nowara st.
C. O'Neill, 17, 2818 Palsthorp at.
W. !.. IT. 400 1 54th st.
T. Collins. 2S. 2T14 Brown St.
ras. -it, zua nanaati at.
.trick. 19. 940 N. Marahall at. "
Kullkowakl. 21, Manayunk. Pa.
K rtn. . Ulhvilla. N. J,
, xao ropiar at.
A181 KlmmMd av.
mden, N. J.
tl. Conshohocksn. 1m.
Wentlach. iO, 2047 Kanalncton ave.
a p. Ualton, jl. -Jin urawn st.
loors. iaK aD a, untario at.
jaoason iv. nuiisars, 1'a.
convary. iu
surr. 20. lag Cabot at.
, OwiOsur. 19 142 w. Oraver'a Ian.
ll.TTll.iyi.IJnlndon at.
i"-, n ?
sf - T.-
.' t
Enlistment 'Batting Averages'
In 'Big League' Ball Towns
, Henri" Total
City rralerrtay "acore" Hlandlnit
Detroit 1CJ 1832 10.65
Cincinnati .... 53 IIM'2 17.11
Boston 73 1784 13.31
Chicnjco 810 SfiC'J 12.71
Cleveland .... 82 1230 11.04
St. Louis 80 1420 10.38
Pittsburgh ... 70 934 0.40
Philadelphia .. 183 2441 7.78
Brooklyn 09 084 7.70
New York ... 274 4107 4.41
WashinBton .. G '180 2.71
Tho figures above .show the com
bined army, navy nnd marine corps
enlistments yesterday, the total
from April 1 to today and the .lum
ber of enlistments per 1000 men of
military age in the various cities.
Hurry Anschautx, 24,
Flil''ill Hill. Pa
Charles vv.
llulterworth. JO. lt2 l.ntlrlatnn at
naries u spencer. ... .1.11 moan ave
Charles .McLaughlin, 2.1, IMI s Tavlnr el
Thomas I! llobson, 24, 1021 l. Thajer i
Joseph w Hartrair. 2.1, SIM Kim-nill i
lohn Jolll-, IS. 313H Warren at
tleorne K Castor. Ill Plliam, N J.
I.ouls S'arplll, 21. 21.17 MriPlniMlt si
Harrv llnTmnn, 20. 221) .V 10th si
Normifl I) Hush 21 IM'A S' HUlli at
John J Drls'oil If 1IH7 S .'iTtn ai
liul A Cava 111 2MII Ithawn at llulm, sbui
loaeph A I. mil. '.'.'. 1 .'s HlikSil al
KiuHimel Siissnifln 17 laft.s K Alriirle st
llobert J I'Ulill. 23 3(ll JtlSjllr st , Wls.a
losenh II Smith 111 t.am aster. P.
Itnlam! II Ctirrj 27 3nn Cheru rf(
llnii'hH Whlsmaii ,lr 17 I lu r.
Ilubart st
Kirl II llatlou 20 l.nmaater Pa..
.Vtnrk f Utile, la, llannver Pa
(tforse T lllder 17 llnrrlsbura. Pa.
William latere 23 PeailliiK Pa
William llllsk, )(. bill .MrKcali rt
.t C Monahnn. 21. 13(1 .V (list a!
John P -l.vnrh, 2(1. 21ltll M larlie r si
Maiirlie J Dayton. 17. tOiMI Segal at
N. .1
r'lmrlea A. Craven. 17 420 N Wilton st.
ll-nrge W l.en h. 2(. NarlMrth. Pa
Edward Plshr IH chstor Pa
Harry J Ciln 21, 703s Savbronl: nve.
D.ivl.l Henry llulg. 2,t 22H K Imlltina ave.
Henry If Weller. in. inn W Cumberland t
Charles Mlech. Jr . 21. 22.MI S Hlcka st
Stanislaus I). I.ls. 18. .1.V20 Thompson si
William Keene JO. 3430 N Xil St.
William McEIrov. 17, 80 llnrtrnm nve
William Lester Ylngley. 18. Altnnnu. Pa
l.eorge Y llo, IS. 44 E Sejmour el
Joseph (ieorge Egrie, 17. Ill.u kwnmj , J
Henry S Howell, 34. Trenton. N J
Henry A IIIIHe. in, 1 r.Sls .vnh al
ItuMnoiul Claims, 17 031 rrenrli ai
Llmer R, Senetenlir. 17 lleadlllg Pn
Llovd .1 Sharp. 20 4M l."v rlnglon.
William Mover 2J, ls2 Tnlln st
Milton P Holmes 24. 2'.M Masi tier ft.
ftkhard M Simpson, PI, Eaato'i, Pa
Pre,! W 11 Vullnier, 1!, Enaton, I'd
Elvond I'. Emtio, 21 ,11 Ml Tulip si
v'h.trlea P Hotlnes. 22. 20r,l Mnsdier sl
Mdliev O Uel, 21. 3(120 Cltv ne.. Uverhrook
Hurrv OeiirRe Hukmali 2') l.'.l.'l .N 40th al
Edward 1'rancla Dalrs, 20 711 E Thayer at.
Lawrence Hoy y.ernng. 20 till S fixth al.
William Eftrl Wi-kIir 21 I(akn. N' V
MirhHo Thonina Ilidgoky 20. Plymouth, Pa
j;dwln Prink Contlnentnl Hotel
Samuel Clnthb r Iletuiett 22 1"4I N'eklrk st.
Theodor.i Pi l r ltodnlte. 111, 20'l(l Auh st
Ralph Mater. 18. 2144 N P.irk nve.
Joseph Tueker. 2(1. 2Uih nii.l South sla.
l.linsr Howard Migrnntz, 23. 2:t:io IVrmm si.
ltlchard It. Wlilttaker, 32 .imp N 24tli t.
Harry Michael Scum, Jr 3311 Palethnrp at
Thomaa Joseph Cnllahnn IN, 1021 N. Jfllh at.
Ch.irlea Santiingels, 21 1143 Moole at
Howard Redlnatnli 2.1 Cnnshnhwken, Pa.
Alfred I'oiiIk Crease. 2.1 (1121) Wani uve.
Tillltl) I.NTANTItV, (! P
John H. Smover. 20. 801) N. 21at st
Charles M Phvik. lit. 70S .-: hu Iklll av..
MlihaelA MfColdrlilt 111 2123 Pine st
John I' Cujlc "O 113 Ctoskev SI
Abraham Zesamun, 23, served tvi .M'.ira In
Russian army,
Charles Knapp, 2(1, 2701 tleorgf st
Jfltns McCoarh, 20
lames Krazler, 20. 1312 N IVIioti st
David .1 Davidson, 18, 7,ril N 2C.Hl K
James McCafTertV. 18, 2201 N' 2d st
Two Craft Already Preparing
for Voyages Others Re
paired Soon
Stized Uornian Hhips will be Inuncdlatc-ly
put Into service to cany food nnd provisions
to America's allies, It was announced by
the shipping board todaj.
Two of the vessels, seized at the declara
tion of war, have benn repaired ami ore
ready for loading. Otheis will be ready
for service within a week
Tho steamahlp Clara Mannlns. taken at
Now York, Is today en routo for another
port, under orders of tho shlpplnc boatd.
where It will be loaded with wheat and
coal for Italy. It will sall under chatter
as soon as loaded.
The German steamship I'Ri. alro felzed
In the N'ew York harbor, will sail with a
carjro for Trance undet charter to the
French Uovornmcnt from tho chipping
board. If either Is torpedoed Cieimuny will
be sinking her own property.
Suggestions that Ucrinnn piisonets ol
war In France and England bo lunuKlu to
Amtrlca as the ships return are lieliiu te
celvcd by Administration offlreis. The.v
could bo more easlls fed In this, country.
It Is pointed out, and could be put to work
hero, an well ns Insuring the safety of the
vessels in tho subinarlno zone.
The House .Merchant .Marine Cinnmltlce
this afternoon reported favoiahly the bill
permitting tho President to seize all vessels
belonging to enemy nations or their dtlzuns
which aro In ports of the t'nlted States or
In Its possessions. The bill has passed the
AssociatioR Officers Deny Report
Intended Demand for Wage
Humors that Kplscopal church sextons
were about to demand a general Incrcaso
In wages were persistently denied today
by ofllclnls of the Protestant Uplscopal Sex.
tons' Association of the Dloceo of Penn
sylvania, which is holding Its thirteenth
annual meeting at the parish house of St.
Peter's Church, Harvey ctteet and Wnyne
avenue, Germantown. It was s..ild that in
dividual sextons receive increases when they
deser them and that the association is
not for the purpose of salary agreements.
About fifty hextons wero present at the
opening session, which was pteslded over by
the rtev. II. P Iloche Twenty-one clergy
men of the diocese partook of tho luncheon,
which was preblded over by Illshop
The following officers were te-elected.
President, H. W. Ilaker, seuton of tho
Church of the Ttedeemer, Ilryn Mavvr; vice
president, Hdward Allon. of St. Peter's
Church: secretary, Kdward C. Andrews, of
the Prince of Peace Chapel, Twenty-second
and Morris streets; treasurer, James Taylor,
unattached. Frank fv. Watson, president of
the Society of Architects of Philadelphia,
made the address of welcome.
Philadelphia Imports and
Smaller During April
Imports' and exports of the port of Phila
delphia, both foreign and coastwise, wero
mailer during April than the same month
last year, according tp the report of the
statistician of the Commissioners of Navi
gation. The montha Imports totaled .7.000,000, a
decrease of 14,000,000 from last year, and
the export! 131,000.000, a decrease of 13,.
000,000. In the foreign trade 117 vessels,
with a tonnage of 422,633, entered, com
pared with 138 vessels, with tonnage of 44T,.
028, last year; foreign Ballings were 109
vessels, with tonnage of 338,273, compared
lfnizijMMM. wiiti tonnage of ,407.705,,
ronllnned from Pate One
army bill upon which he demanded a roll
mil after inning spoken only half an hour
In Its favor, was overwhelmingly defeated.
Only four Senatorn voted In favor of the
measure. They wero l.a Kollette, (ironna,
(loro and Vardaman. Sixty-eight voted
ngnliist tho amendment,
Senator McCumber's amendment striking
out tho clause exempting members of re
llglous sects opposed to war. vv-nM l!lnwl.an
defeated, Tho voto was 81 ayes to 17 noes.
Thorn was evldcnco of glowing convic
tion that tho Senate belleveM troops will
soon ho sent to tho front In Franco during
tho afternoon debate Senator 1m Follctto.
In speaking for his amendment, declared
that drafting of troops for overseas hervlce
was without precedent In history. Kven
flermnny, he said, raised her troops for the
Uoxer expedition by tlm volunteer system.
Tho Wisconsin Senator opetied hl3 t-ppccli
for draft referendum as soon as the Fietich
coiniTilbslmi i,;i departed He declared that
If tho Senate mill) believed the draft plan
democratic. II would not hcsltato In sub-,
milling It to n vote nf the people l.a
Follettii surprised ilio Senate by speaking
only half an hunt nni! then demanding a
toll call on his amendment
That war with other nations than (Jer
niany may threaten the I tilted Slates whs
Indicated when Senaioi Chambetlain le
intlodiKvd lli,' bill t, said
I pon advii'p of the Judge Advocale
tieminl I deslie to amend the bill,
I'homlietlaiti sold so n to substitute
the word 'oiiieigeticj' for the wold
"war" wherever It applies In the bill
The teason given me Is thai the bill
may now be constmed to npplv otil) lo
It was generally believed heie today that
the French commission's, argument urging
Mint troops be sent to the lluropean battle,
fields soon will take definite shape.
This Is not "nlllcl.il." but one thing Is
known positive!). It Is Unit the question
of sending the ttoops quids!) remains the
biggest question .vet to be settled That
it will be settled speedily and an an
I.O.VDOX. M.t) 1
Drastic i hauges lul) , made in the
peieonnel of tho Admiral!) . nt cording to the
parll.inientar) correspondent of the Chrnn-
, nio today. Opposition to the Admiralty over
I lis liiubillty to lemovc Ilio Heiinaii suli
l marine menace Iihs i eat lied Its highest
It is rumored that certain membeis of
the House of Commons aic preparing to
stall it movement to lestoie Colonel Win
ston Churchill to the post of Fltst Lord
of the Adinlralt) . In spite of the harsh criti
cism directed againvt him for his pait in the
Halllpoli campaign
The admission of sir IMtv.ird Carson,
present I'iisl I.oid of the Admiralty, that
the loss of ships is Increasing aroused the
prtss to tenewed attacks tod.iv
Keeping up with the submarine Is the
paramount ptoblem facing the war confer
ences now in ptogres.s here between Anieil
can, French and llrltlsh experts. It Is con
sidered even more Important than the food
exigency, for without the ships to transport
It lo Kurope, American food will be of little
Lord Hustaie Petcy, of the British for
eign trade department, emphasized this to
day when he received Washington cone
spondenm for his first Interview, lie made
no attempt to conceal tho fact that the ton
n.igc situation today was a serious one. Ho
reiterated I.lo.vd Ucorge's warning of sev
eral weeks ago that If tho war Is to bo won,
tf PrusslanlMii Is to bo crushed, theio nuibt
bo "ships! ships! and more ship!'
Lord Percy has been in constant com
municatlon with tho government's shipping
e.pctts, notabl) the Fcdcial Shipping Hoard,
flnce his arrival here, and lie was warm In
his praise today of tho aid and co-operation
li has ricelved. Questioned as to whether
this co-operation had taken on a material
form, he replied:
You may say that some ships already
have been placed at he disposal of the
Allied (Sovcrnments by the fulled
States 1 can say no more An) thing
wise on It must come fiom your Govern
ment. Lord Perc) fiankly admitted that Herman
submarines were sinking British tonnage
much faster than it can be turned out by
llrltlsh yaids
"And It is a question ' he said, "whether
the combined production of both British and
Ametlcan )ards can keep up with It They
will have lo speed up considerably If llicy
do." IIo added:
Thn shipping situation councils, and
dominates everything at present. Tho
British empire itself has more than
enough tonnago to caro for Its own
needs. But at theo nd of March, 13
per cent of our total tonnago was di
rectly and solely In the service of
France, carrying war supplies from
America In nddltlou to this, coal must
bo supplied to Italy and to our naval
coaling stations In various parts of the
At tho cud of .March the British ship
ping situation stood roughly as fol
lows: Twenty-two per cent of our total
tonnago was directly In the military
and naval service: 31 per cent had been
requisitioned by tho Government; from
1'2 to 24 per cent was working under an
agreement with the empire to reserve
from JO to Si) per cent of their cargo
spaco for Government use and 20 to 22
per cent was out of Government con
trol. Theso latter esscls aro for tho
most part engaged In passenger catr).
Ing and In foreign tneichant seivice to
Africa, Australia and so forth.
I cannot glvo you geqtlemen any
figures on the rate of German subma
rine sinking That has been refused
even to our own Parliament, but ft can't
be madu too emphatic that the situa
tion Is sci Ions.
Little aid in ship construction Is
coming from France. Italy or any of the
Alios. Much of the steel that goes
Into the ships comes from America
and here again the transportation prob.
lem crops up, Japan Is building a few
"The United States," said Lord Percy
hopefully, "haB shown that It is urgently
Impressed with tho seriousness of the situ,
atlon. That Is a hopeful sign. I was some
what surprised and very glad to learn of
the preparation that already has been made
on tills side. There has been an enormous
amount of work done In this country to
mobilize the industrial resources."
The British mission spent a busy day to
day. Arthur J. Balfour, head of the mis
sion held a long conference with Secretary
of State Lansing this afternoon. He lunched
with Daniel Wlllard, of the Council of Na.
tlonal Defense,
Lieutenant General Bridges spent the
forenoon addressing officials of the United
States war college. He laid before them
the military status op the western front
at the time he left England and explained
to them Just what Is most needed there.
Oeneral Bridge .conferred with Secretary
of War Baker afer hU war pit'
the war with Oetniany and If we were
drawn Into, n war vvjth other nations
It wouldn't apply to those.
There followed dlscttssfon of this word
ing, during which Senator Hoke Smith said:
"War" should remain becouso tho bill
applies to tho existing war another
.night not meet with the npproiat of
The amendment was voted down, nnd If
tho Judgo Advocate (lencral's opinion on
tho Interpretation on tho bill is correct,
America's conscript army technically may
bo for battle with Oertnany only
The Henato ndopted an amendment by
Senator Jones, Washington, prohibiting the
maintenance of disorderly houses within
ten miles of soldiers' training camps.
noosKvnLT's pi,an'
Hope grew among Senate loaders, par
ticularly on tho Republican side that tho
House would yield lu its opposition to the
Harding amendment authoilzlng accep
ance of Colonel tloosevelt's offer to raise it
division for service In France. Much pres
sure Is being brought to bear from nil parts
of tho country for agreement to the Senate
The rhlef Milnt of difference between the
two Houses still -remains on tho draft age
limits The Senate will Instinct Its con
ferees to hold out for keeping the age limi
tation nt from twenty-nun to twent-seveii
veais while the llniie. detei lumen mat tne
war shall not be fought h) 'bovs, - Is In
sisting on keeping the age limits at fiiini
twentv-one to lolt) Indication Lie lhal
the minimum limitation would temaln un
changed and that a imiiiioinlf around thlr
tv )ears wuuld lie effected
nouncement made as soon as practicable Is
token for grantfd
There are surface Indications that plans
already alo afoot lo get certain tnllitla
reglironts ready to stutt for the flout very
shortly New York National Guard units
are not consldeied an Impossibility as tho
first to go. tJovernor Whitman was sum
moned lo Wdshinguui for a conference with
tho Administration on unstated subjects
The lull) Telegiaph sajs
We are fighting for the existence of
tho empire it Is, consequently, a mat
ter of no Impoitance whether tho pol
itics of the Fltst Iotd of the Admltally
Is ted, blue oi otunge.
This lefeis to the fact that Sir IMvvaid
Carson Is leader of the t'lster t'nioulsts.
or Oiiingemcn. who ate fighting home lule
for 1 1 eland
Premier l.lovd Heotge had a long ion-
feience with Sir Kdvvaid Concerning this
confeteme. the chtonliie sa)s:
It dealt, of (ourse, with the sub
inailne menace It Is understood that
the Premier held a thoiough stock-taking
of the situation by an examination
or tho autl-suliinailue oiganlzatlon and
b) i onfeiences with officials concerned.
wlih Sectelary Daniels and other officials
of tho navy during the day
Ian Malcolm, tho Bed Ctoss cxpett of the
Biitlsh mission left today for New Yotk
vvhete he will deliver an addtess before the
Canadian Ited Cross.
Officers Bending Efforts to Signalize
Dewey's Great Victory in"
Manila Bay
WASHINGTOy. .May 1 -Naval recruit
ing ofltcers throughout tho coimiiv nr
straining every effort to hang up records
today to mail: the nineteenth anniversary
of Dewey's victory at Manila Bay. It In
also expected that the destiuction of the
American tanker Vacuum vvltii the prob
ablo loss of ten American bluejackets will
act as a spur lo recruiting.
Commenting on Hie remarkable growth
of the American navy since the das of
the Spanish war. Secretary Daniels said
today that on May 1, 1S95, the enlisted
stictigth of the navy was :$ A!
aflcr Dewey's vlcloiy when peace had nee,,
restored, tho personnel or the navy had
dropped to 11.500. Today there are 80 s2
enlisted men, 20.000 of whom were recruited
during the month of April. 'uneti
BUDGET OF 2,699,485,281
Indications Are That First Big Appro-
priation Will Be Quickly
WASHINGTON, May 1,The House this
afternoon began consideration of the war
budget of 93.69g.rn.381 brought In by The
Committee on Appropriations. There wn
every indication that this big appropriation
would be enacted with dispatch. ' a""
Chairman Fitzgerald announced that gen
eral debate on the measure would bo limited
to two hours. iiniiim
Our cafeterias (self
serve), 929 Market and 734
Market St., are a real boon
to hurried people; prices ex
ceedingly modest.
Remember, we
I dings, receptions,
and do it right.
cater for wed
hanquets, etc.,
BragnOTllBMll If Ma' f
flll'l In I in 1 ' ,
Before you install new bathroom fixtures it will
pay you to visit our new showrooms. Here are dis
P Wl a comP'ete line of modern plumbing supplies
wmen may give you new ideas for your own home,
ine.n, "o, if you have any special problem our
-anitary engineers will gladly advise you without
"p-ation to vou.
j iffIll UlllllvsU
& MFG. CO. ,. ,
Weary Armies Rest
in Big Arras Battle
t'nnllnneil from Pate One
The enemy scattered Into Arleiix by two
toads,. One of these was prolonged Into the
main street of the village. It was here
that the hardest lighting centered. Along
the street, In tho gutters, on the narrow
pavements, In nnd out of the doors of
houses nnd shops It was n glvo-nnd-tako
strugglo of man to man Herman machine
guns and Herman snipers, planted with
Ingenuity on both sides In tho houses nnd
on roofs, Impeded tho ndvanco until the
Canndlans potted them.
Then with bayonets and revolver butts the
maple-lenfers smashed tho Hermans nnd
ttrovo them from tho town. A good many
prisoners wero later rounded up In houses
and sldo streets.
I.O.VDO.V, May 1. Fighting activity
around Ypres, in West Flanders. Is Increas
ing. A second tald by Drills!) forces
against tho Herman position north of Ypres
was reported by the War Ortlce today.
On the battlefield east of Al ras the Brit
Ish havo made some attacks of minor Im
portance. The omel.tl leport Indicated that
tho Hcimans were launching sttong coiiti-ter-attacks
In that legion,
The olllclal communication says:
We aro holding all our 'positions
against the Hermans, and the forces
of Field Mnishal Hale have made
some iittntks our tioops made n sue
( essful laid noith of Ypres Klscwhete
mere is nothing to lenott
... , I'llllS, .May I
I lie ( h.ijip.igne and the Aine Ijlver see
lots are again the chief rones of fighting on
liie western finnt I'leneh ttoops nip (Hiv
ing foiwnul again and nt some points the
mrs nave neen advanced pearly
aiong me nve-mile front
over vvhIUi Hie
tigiiling laged )esterday
and last night
.North of the
i rnonne-Tiovoii line ami
north of
Moionvllllers tho Hermnns ile.
cotiiiter-attniicH ilnrl,,.. n... ii..
against the positions captuted by tho French
jesictoav i ne Herman lienches captuted
D.v the I-rench had been smashed to pieces
bv thehe.iv.v bombardments directed agnlnt
them for days befoio the Infantry assaults
lour bundled prisoners wete captured
;.Vi .ct.'.",y .' lnereas'"K above tho Fiench
and IJrltlsh lines.
While the Fiench ate now pounding the
r.eiman lines with their land nnd skv forces
I'lH il."!,I..f,"mll."f "10 Alf", ni''- "'
1 f A 'y S lmTC""nB presiuro
,. , HKKU.V. May 1
f.eiinaii Hoops aihleved an Important
victory over the Fiench on tho heights or
Nauroy ami Moionvllllers. winning back
fill holding all tiiovo positions, today's of
flclal statement diclaicd
,i.''Ui0,.'.K ""' '"''''"I"' "Hlller.v firing maln
taliied lis usual Intensity, and the same was
tiio in champagne.' the statement said.
.shortly after mld-dii) the French attacked
between .Snlssons and Auberive with ftesh
divisions, brought up with the object of
vv resting positions fiom us on the heights
of Nauioy and Moiomilleis Tho iitotmlng
til too.- faIe(i , the- face of our. stnb!".i ti
leslstance. After a fluctuating strVch, our
loops fiom Uaden. Saxon v and Htandeti
burg completely possessed tho position The
enemy s losses wete heavy A second at-
"civ i.) u.em aioutid .Xaurov failed
change their falluie"
PKT!lOGr.AD, May 1
Intensive operations may be expected
.-..in na mo signiucant plirahe
senuoinciai statement today
(lesniihlrn. fl.u
sudden tesumption of Intense cannonading
on tho Jllg.1 fiont
The fire covered tho legion south of Ttlga
to Ikekull. and was particularly Intense In
I he legion of Kalcem.
The "extensive operations" nuy have
something to do with repoits of a week ago
that a (let man battle fleet, convoying trans
porls, was in the Baltic and presumably
destined for use in a rear attack against the
Itussian Blga line.
FIHLD, May l.
One hundred shells a minute was the uii
lueccdentedly violent maximum of artillery
fire with which tho French on Monday at
tacked along ti front of eight miles around
This concentrated blaze was the pre
cursory move In tho French ndvanco over
the western summits fiom the shoulder of
tho Moronvilllers (test. It was one of the
most formidable artillery nctions in the his
tory of the entire war to date
1 saw- this huiidrcd.Hhells.a-mlnule bom
bardiuent continue throughout tho day. The
Vesle valley was a needling furnace of
bursting ptojcctiles, smoke and dust.
German Arrested in Mexico
MKXICO CITY, May 1 Filtr. Pablitz,
a German, was ai rested last night and con
fined In tho penitentiary. The charge
against him was not made public, but It
la understood he Is accused of violation
of neutrality.
VOUR inter-office and
factory forms, or
your branch houses,
may each have a dis
tinctive color of Isis
Bond Paper.
Charles Beck Co.
Papers for All Kinds of
Good Printing
609 Chestnut Street
iiMHxrarpr !
Oillcial Statement Gives Lieuten
, ant and Gunners as Still
The Government received Its first official
nown of tho sinking of the American steam
ship Vacuum today In a cablegram to the
State Department.
Tho official announcement from the de
partment said;
"A telegram to the Department of State
from the American Consul General at Lon
don says that the Amorlcan vessel Vacuum
was destro)ed by a submarine. The mate
and seventeen of the crew, Including three
gunners, were lescucd and landed, Theso
were nil in one boat. Other boals, with
the master, naval lleulenant and the ie
malnder of the crew, are still missing"
Lands at War
Face May Day Strike
("(intlmiti! from Pse One
tlon Jn Jtussia, this being the (list May
Day to come Since the Socialists seined the
Government A monster demonstration was
arranged In Petrogtad, with a general eele-
biatlon cf political fteedom throughout the
In Spain artillery Is being employed to
maintain order Martial law already had
been declared in view of the serious labor
situation, and It was said in telegrams
from Madrid lhat the authorities looked
forward to tills day with great dread
lCngland experienced no Slav Day demon
strations, on tho contiary, 1600 striking
clerks of Woqiwlch arsenal and 300 dock
workers at Tilbury returned to their woik
mis morning nrter promise of an adjust
ment of their wage disputes.
Slay Day, always a milestone In labor
matters, dawned today with rower largo
strikes called than in years, according to
officials of the American Federation of
Labor. Jt was declared that the war with
Getmany has so solidified tho country that
Internal disputes will be petmltted to wait
until the International situation Is clearer.
Samuel Gompers, president of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, through his con
nection wldi the Council or National De
fenbe, has done much to dlmlsh the number
of strikes, taking the stand that the conn
try must come flist lu time of war, nothing
being permitted to restrict necessary output
Annual Clearance Sale
In this sale will be offered,
at greatly reduced prices, stcr-t
ling silver and silver-plated
ware no longer to be manu
factured. ExceDtional values
arc thus available.
An early inspection is advised.
S. Kind & Sons,
Goods purchased during this
sale cannot be exchanged.
r Ll
. n November 11, 1774. twenty-eight gentlemen met
in Carpenters Hall, now in the rear of the building of the
Uuarantee Trust Company, and organized the Philadelphia
June 23. 1 775. the Troop left Philadelphia as an escort
to General Washington, going with him as far as New York.
Washington was then on his way to take command of the
American Army at Cambridge.
November. 1776. , a platoon-of the Troop joined the
Continental Army at Morristown.
A. AT'l7!. of hc T-OP joined
Pelawe" with WaSoT
Trenton on December 26, 1 776
ss "' -
1776he!SfKClt?:7iOOP Uft Philadlphia in December.
valuable nronIrfe-hem w a"XioU8 P0Pun and much
valuable property in si ver-plate. money, etc., kept in safes
in counting houses, residences and secret hiding-daces There
were then no Bank, or Safe Deposit Vault. Si&SdJt
Safety of Valuables
ir naa Kim .. c
t. tZ r f "' our conbution to the pub ic wel-
di&zr of thi; condition "
316, 318, 320 Cheitaut Street, PhUadelphw, Pa.
Morgan Entertains Lord Cunliffe
NEW YOHK, May 1. J. 1. Morgan Is
host today of Lord Cunliffe, governor of
tho Hunk of Kngland, .nt his Glen Covo es.
tats. Hcwill remain until Thursday. Lord
Cunliffe also called on Benjamin P. Strong,
governor of tho Pcdernl Reserve. Bank ot
this district.
The Choice of the
Only at
Peonln sav T o U
have to pay more for
fnntvvrar this KlirlnC.
Hit! vnn rlnn'f have to
here now. Not while the
pumps wc arc just receiving
arc still in stock. Tlicy are
made nf leathers WC bought 111
thousands of dollars quantities just to
protect you.
The quality of pumps other good
shops must obtain $6 for wc have here
nt S4. Fifty styles to choose from,
made on the choicest, most fashionable
lasts the season has produced. Made
(o suit the particular tastes of Phila
delphia's smartest dressed women.
They arc wonderful to behold.
While Kid, Whltt) llurk. Patent Colt,
Dull f'alf In dozens of pntlerns. Actual
0 values nt our prire nf SI.
Don't nail until every one hns hnil her
rholee and me have to soy In you, ".Sorry,
madnin, bill we have no more of your site
In stuck." t'onie In (Ills week.
as Floor Saves ?
1208 fflO Chestnut St
1110 Chestnut St.
E "W.
the battle
""O J- sit
and Deposits of Money
- IwniMu.wiia.iuii...
IMMfetais. vfer;
"TTJ,...;'.4-"S-V" -s., AS.?!" ' fVi"