r-'j a- r. -. ','"VJ ' W -"(!' - V lV t V U1," (9 A" ' '." r1. ;".nV 7T'S ! l's " .' '- ".f." V, ;,.. I li if II f ?i,r; CITY REGISTRARS WILL DRAFT 8750 Board Ready to Pick Fight ers Under U. S. Direction STATE MUST GIVE 88,000 Voters' Lists Will Bo Used, but Nonvoters Will Not Escape Philadelphia's ulinio of Iho first GOO.000 soldiers which the nation U to ralsj liy to lectlvc tlrnft Is S750; that of t'eiinsylvniiWi, 83.000. This wait determined totlnv-. nst tcntntlvo plans for the ilraft vvcto tllpcupxetl by rep. Istratlon officiate. The quota of llghthiK men la exclusive of tho volunteers which the city will ho called upon to furnish to hrliiK tho regular urmy and Stalc'H National Guard up to war (irriurtli. The tcRlnratlon oT I'lilhulclphla men rf tin military iiku to he ilseil hy ConKics'H will he conducted hy the Hoard tit KcKlntra tlon Commissioners, appointed lij tho (!ov crnor. Ktederlclc J. Him) or It t-linrininn of the lioaul, tho other meinbein being Albert Jt, I.adner, .Ir.. Fccrotnry, and l.PorKe (! plerle and William A. Carr. Within one month after tho enactment of the t-elretlvt-draft bill. accorillliR to the ilaut of the War Department, the registration of men between tho HRe of tw cut) -one jimix and the maximum imo to bo decided by Con gress will becln thmUKhout the clt). This probably will bo about June 1. MANY NOT I.lSTKIl Tho regular registration machinery U(-ed to classify oters for elections will be used. In the 1-ii" division polling pl.icts to classi fy lighting men and workers for tho war. Tills probably will ho augmented by super Ylxlou by Federal authorities. A national legUtrntlou day was advo cated today by several officials, who pointed out thnt many men eligible for military mi vice are not listed with registrars. Philadelphia')) full leglstratlou Is 303,923 men, accoidlng to 13. .1. Cattell, city statis tician, based on population, thero are 307, 705 men between eighteen and forty years old In tho city. However, since last October, when tho registration lists were compiled, about 15. OOii young men hao become of age. It Is estimated The total number of names of cllglblo men not on tho lists It estimated at about 40,000. liecauso tho leglstratlon lists In the va rious divisions aio not complete, olllcials were strongly in favor of augmenting these lists by a new legislation designed to ob tain the names of men now not enrolled ninong tho voters The piesent lists, it was pointed out, affoid a good basis of opera tion, not only because they contain the names of nearly all men above the minimum age limit for tho conscript aimy. hut be cause they give tho occupations of the men, as important feature In selective conscrip tion. But tho incomplete nature of the lists, It was held, makes It unfair to select the fighters from them atone. Neither was It deemed advli-ablo to cllsregaid tho voting legislation lists altogether In gathering data because of the possibility that there mo "slacUcrs" willing to voto but not will ing to bear aims. MAY COMI3IN13 MI3THOD3 A combination of the voting lists and of data obtained by a fresh registration would be tho fairest means of picking tho fighters, it vwia said. "If a national registration day Is fixed, It would bo a wise precaution to have the work supervised by men with tho authority of United States Marshals to enforce obedl enco to tho rules of the legislation." sal-l Hairy Stone, chief clerk of the County Commissioners. The registration In each voting division 4 coulil be completed In one day. It was es timated. As soon as thu lists are complied, 8750 names will ho drawn from the total by the "Jury wheel" system. Local exemption boards then will pass on tho fitness of men for army seilce, "weeding out" those phys icahy unfit or whoso work Is of such a natu o that It Is as essential as military service. A ficsh tit awing then will fill up tho gaps made hy tho exemptions. PLAN OF GREEN CROSS INDORSED AS WAR AID Soldiers of the Soil Gain Re cruits for Providing Nation's Food Supply Hundreds of tillers of the soil In Phila delphia have Indorsed the proposed CJrcen Cross. They bellevo it will be a thoroughly appropriate symbol for the big nrmy of garden and f.uni workeis throughout 'tho country. Although tho suggestion for such an or ganization was mado by Miss Helga Bar fod. of Merlon, just a few days ngo, a large number of home gnideners nlready have signified their Intention of joining tho army which will be composed of sol dlers of the soil. Officials of numerous agricultural organi zations together with settlement workers, who know the beneficial results of out-door work, have agreed to co-operate In every way toward making the Green Cross a vig orous army which shall battle for the pro duction of food. Secretary Houston, of the Department of Agriculture, has been asked to approve the plan nnd many bellevo that he will con elder It favorably. Among others who Indorsed tho proposed organization today was Miss Clarissa Smith, manager of tho Farm Service Department of tho Bureau of Occupation for Trained Women. Miss Smith already has registered thou sands of women for fnrm work this sum mer. Many of them. In addition to pos sessing scientific agricultural knowledge, are practical farmers as well, and a large num- ber of those engaged have already proved this. "The proposed Orcen Cross," said Miss Smith, "meets my hearty approval.. It will bo a fitting Insignia for the organizations In such work and will serve to keep the subject thoroughly before the public. Too much stress cannot be laid on tho subject of food production at this time. The peo ple now realize that it has been greatly neglected In the past. The fact that the womon of the country are taking such sincere Interest In agricultural work augurs well for the future. I wttl be glad to co operate in any way toward making the Green Cross a success." " Representatives, of several other organ ; Izatlons spoke along slllmar lines. Arrangements are being rmtfle by those Interested In tho formatlo ,nof the organi zation tn. have nn Informal conference In this city during the present week, at which a temporary committee will be appointed to launch the movement on broad lines. POLISH-.CATHOLIC PRIEST DIES Father Thomas Qrembowski, of Ma- hanoy City, Succumbs Tho Iter, Thomas CJrembowskl, pastor of St, Caslmlr's Tollsh Cathollo Church, of Mahaony City, known to many Catholics In this rAtv Hlft at tu- nrAl.nr1ilrnrfflefit '. jt Hospital yesterday following an operation ft r ',fr canor. He was' flfty-slx years old. .. -v. wir ur.rauomnti was oraatnea m, pnin .. ali.. . - . . . . .-...... w jiw.wmo aim.servea pansnw in tARMY DRAFT AGES TO BE SET BY HOUSE AND Continual from I'ntr One arm'v- Bnm,?J. V10 fr.ont' ,l,oul1 w" n ft ral mmlssl0"- I"'.1 without authority to raise an nrmy of 'his own of vnrvlnR ?aln,,f "nV""""1' m,,c"' "' " ' mln wo M L ''.I)oncn"J f Iloo.evelt Idea, ConiLr. mlt ufacUy ,h0 clency which U favnr'nf ",0 lrjM"'i volunteer policy in favor of conscription. not'hnJll?,V""t.rald ,0,,ay tl,at lle '"J nv-J ,1 a, ' ".0U.M rcr,ulr'' ,1,oro " to e.nr .?, 1Ju,St Scnatp nnd UUE Wer. h ill J ,cf"oiee. This means that the nrn,-i '.)"., rcai,.for ln" ''resident's np proval by the middle of the week and n full operation before Its close. t,rLhnieK.nn!f.ndmc?18 ,al,ted In the House probably will survive the conference. These are the (.ood-Aintln amendment, Increasing t,1? ".ay '.'J enl.',tc'' wn of tho nrmy from M5 in $30 during tho war; the Lever JERSEY MANUFACTURERS TO LIST EMPLOYES WHO CAN WORK FARMS TP.13NTON. April 30. In a letter addressed to the manufacturers of the Stale, issued toduy by the execu tive depaitinent at the Instance of Coventor I dge, the manufacturers are asked to can vass their emplo.ves and list on n form In closed the number of men who formerly worked on farms and who can be spared for agricultural work. Tho Covernrr says that under tho author ity vested In him by a law passed bv a recent Legislature he has called upon "the people of the State, through the Depart ments of Agriculture, Conservation and De. velopments. Education and Labor, the New Jersey Committee on Public Safety and tho New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, to assist in increasing the production of farm products, It is stated that there arc more than 400.001) acres of tillable land In New Jerscv today suitable for raising corn or beans or potatoes, but which will not bo planted un SENATE AND HOUSE GET BILLS FOR GUARDING OF FOOD SUPPLY WASHINGTON, Apt II 30. The fighting to keep down rising war prices of food took definite shape In the House today when a Joint food conserva tion resolution was introduced by Represen tative Lever, of South Carolina, chairman of the Agricultural Committee. The same resolution will be presented In the Senate by Senator CJorc. The resolution empowers the Depattment of Agrlcultuie to make a thorough survey of the food situation throughout tho coun try. Including an Investigation Into the present amount of food available. Its loca tion nnd tho sources of production. It Is also offered as a basis of consldeiatlon of tlnal legislation to stimulate production, conservation and bring about an equitable distribution and prevent excessive prices. British Demand Naval Changes Continued front Pace Onn tho facts. They were facts the publication of which tho Wnr Oltlco hud refused to per mit. They showed the people that tho one main reason for the tremendous losses of llrltlsh forces carty In the war was lack of adequate ammunition mil supplies. Through showing this need a icotganlzatlon of the war-making department wat achieved by forco of public opinion The Dally Mall today printed the follow ing attack on tho Admiralty It Is not the assurance that tho best Britons In tho Admiralty are busy with tho submarine problem that tho nation looks for nnd means to have We Insist upon results. Wo arc tired of hearing grown-up men In gold braid ropeatlng the parrot cry that there Is no sovereign euro for submarines. There was no sovereign cure for Zep pelln raids until our airmen were sent up to fight the Zeppelins There Is sovereign cure for everything In war fare, and It Is contained tho one word fighting. Command of the sea Is nrv a mys tery which can he hidden awa In huge battleships that have to b kept In safety. It Is a power that re- s In the hands of the men who use It. In using the word "fighting" wo are thinking of the Irresistible energy and nggresslvo temper that arc required for the direction of a fighting machine. Our fleet will do anything It Is given to di.' but It Is helpless If the high command Is feeble. It needed violent press agitation and much newspaper burning to sting the War Office Into life two years ngo. and the nation has seen the lesult on tho western front In the last few months. Apparently the same process must be applied to tho Admiralty. Games at Gloucester tlI.OLTi:STKn. N J.. April 30 The Alpha Social Club opened Its Beaon Saturday anil was of(-atcd by tho Oriental A. C. team. 3 to 2, Manager ueorco O Nelll pitched for thn Oriental team, and allowed hla opponents but four hits and fanned eleven men. EVENING LftftGEIt PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1917 SENATE CONFEREES amendment, specifying persons engaged In agriculture as nmong those whom the Pres ident may exempt from military duty, and tho Ha) den nmeudment, which bans pay ment of bounties or the furnishing of sub stitutes to evade military sen leo under selection. LONDON. April 30. Hnthuslattl ap proval of the Indorsement of nrmy selection by the American Congress was universally voiced by the London newspaper today. They declared belief that the draft would enable tho t'nlted .States to nvold many of tho mistakes made by tlreat Urltaln. Comment of the Pall Mall (lazctte was t) pleat. It said: "Passage, of conscription legislation by Congress shows nn Intention to prollt by our mistakes. Our new Ally will not now see the time when It's w'asted efforts will bo blocked b) postponement of the Inevi table less experienced farmhands can be secured when necessary Tho Department of education, It N shown. Is mobilizing the high-school students to do farm work The Department of Labor, through the Federal State J3m ploymcnt llureau, Is directing nil unrm. ployed toward the fnims; but these meas ures, the Coventor says, are not sulllclent to meet the emergency. "Many men who oilglnally worked on fnrms nre now employed In Industrial plants," sa)s the Coventor In his letter to tho manufacturers, "and If theso men can be available, temporarily, when farm labor is needed, the entile pioductlve area of New Jersey will be cultivated "Will )nu help In carrying out this plan by canvas-dug jour own cmplojes and list ing on the Inclosed form the number of men you can spare and when they will bp available? The planting senson Is now here; Immediate action Is Imperative" Tito Agticultural Department plan for Inercnslng tho Hour supply by compelling higher grnln extraction In milling, ran against strong opposition when It was pre sented to tho Senate Agricultural Com mittee In the food Investigation. "We have not jet arrived at that condi tion In America when we've got to pre set Hie the diet of the people to keep them from starving to death." said Senator Smith, of South Carolina. ,-I think wo ought to let the people eat what they want for a while )et. I. for one, c'xpect In exercise that right for a while" Senator Cronnn, of North Dakota, and Senator Norrlt, of Nebraska, pointed out that the leading food experts of tho coun try. Including Doctor U'llej. had ludoisctl the suggested Increase of the milling fiont 7J to SJ per cent of the wheat kernel. GEN. PETAIN NEW CHIEF OF FRENCH ARMY STAFF Revival of Old Po'at May Mean Supplanting of Nivelle PA11IS, April 30. Oeneral Petaln, who commanded the Krench army defending Verdun during the critical stages of the battle In February and March, 10K, Is to be appointed chief of staff at the Ministry of War. Tho Cabinet meeting was presided ovr by President Polncare and was held after a session of tho War Committee. After a general discussion It was determined to rcstoro the post of chief of staff at the Ministry of Wnr and confide tho post to (Scncr.il Petaln. Tho recent French offensive will bo the subject of un Interpellation of tho Oov ernent by Deputy Dalhlez, It has been learned. The Cabinet already has dellb erated upon this subject. Premier Ulbot conferred Individually with somo of his colleagues, and had a long Interview with President Polncare. The Premier had an Interview with General Niv elle, the French commander Tho revival of the post of chief of staff may mean In effect that Oeneral Petaln hus supplanted General Xlvelle In command of the French nrmy In the past under tho French system tho chief of staff beoame automatically supremo commander In time of war- General Joffre was chief of staff at the War OHlce ns well as com-mandcr-In-chlef In the field, Employes Get Land for Gardens I.EWISBUnG. I'a, April 30 Harry Partrldgo, of New York city, president of the Lcwlsburg Chair Company, has rented ten acres of fertllo farm land adjacent to the factory for tho use of his employes In growing garden truck. Mr. Partridge has had the land plowed and fertilized and will furnish seed. Mason & DeMan;9 1115 CKestnut Street (Opposite Keith's) Is There a Woman in Phila.Who Can Afford to Ignore This Hat Event?. Tomorrow (Tuesday) we reduce ? $:50 165 of our regular $8.50, $10.00 and $12.00 models No Reservations No C. 0. - No Approvals V IL GEN. PETAIN DIVENTA CAP0DI&M.FRANCESE Avra' Poteri Suprcmi e Dirigera' la Guerra sugli Scacchieri Francese e Belga SULL'A FRONTE ITALIANA Le Batterie Austrlncho c rH Acroplnni Attivissimi nol Trentino c sul Carso I'AKIGI, .'10 Aprilc. Un dispnecio da Noma dicr cite mm missionc Itallnna c' partita dall'ltalia alia tolta dcsli Stall Unit! per prenderp parte nl consiglio di Rucrra che e in corso a Washington. IIOMA. 30- Aprl-. I'n telegramma da Parlgl dice che II generale Pelaln. II rpinlo enmando' Taimata til Verdun nel duo mel piu' t-rlticl del foffenslva tcdcsci In tpielln leglone doe' nel fcbbrnlo u marzo del initl. e' stalo nomlnato capo del'o Statu Magglore fran cese I.o tlecNIone fu prcsa lerl dal cnns. gllo del mlnNlrl. ma si sapeva da rpialche gloiuo che si penx.tva seiiatnente dl istl tulre n tilllcio ill capo dl Stato Magglore per l'eserclto franccte. Klnora le funzlonl dl capo dello Stato Magglore erano andate Inslemo con tpiello dl comandante dellc inmate frnncesl dot nord-et n del notil II generale Petaln avra' polerl supteml Infatto egll dirigera' la guetra, ed II gene rale Xlvelle, che comanda !o nrm.tto tlel nord e del nord-evt. sara' sotto I sunl ordlnl. Anche II genctale Halg si timer' pratlcamente sotto gll ordlnl dl Prtam. glitcclte' al tapo dello Stnto M.tggiore fian- ccse c vntu.tlmente nflldata U dlrczlone della guerra contro lo la Ccimanl.t. I.a raglone dell.i Insiltuzlonc dcll'iiniclo dl capo dl Stato Magglore neH'cserclto francese deve rlcerearsl in crltiche tecentl fatto nll.i manler.i come e' st.U.i dlietta lolren-uva ftancee contro le Unco tedesche da St. yuentln ad Auberive. Sembra che utin si e' ottenuto dall'olTenslva tutto tpiello che si potevo. ottenere II genernlo Petaln, a cul era statu offerto II posto lasclato vacante tl.i Joffro nel dlcembro scorso, nveva tlfiutato nllnrn percha' nun nvrebbe avuto tuttl ipiel poteri che egll litenov.i necess.irli per guldare con successo la guerra contro le foize tedesche. I'ecentemeute, quando si conilnclo' a par are nello tllscus- slonl del conslgllo del mlnlstrl ill un cambl- nmemu neiiano coinanuo uolleserclto o l'offerta fu rlnnovnt.i u Petaln. egll decllno' nncora dlchl.iro' che nvrebbe ucccttatn sollnuto a condlzlone ill avetv plu" larghl poteri che mm ebho Joffie SI cicde cho II geneinle N'lvello tllerr.t' II comando dello arm.ite del nord e del nord-esl, anche consldei.indo II fatto cho eg I fu nomlnato In seguito suggcrlmento dl retain, SCI.I.A PROXTi: ITAMAXA II Mlnlstero della fluerra pubbllcava lerl sera 11 seguente rapporto del genernle Cu dorno circa la sltu.tzlone alia frontc it.tlo nustrlaca: Oil avlatorl ncmlcl sono statl con tlnuamente nttlvl nella glornata dl lerl sulla fionte dal I,agu d fiarda alia valle del Ilrenta. Kssl ban lasclato cadet e botnbe su Ala e su Fler.v dl Prlmlero, senza pero' rltiiclre a causaro dannl SuU'altnlplano dl Aslago si e' avttta plu' Intensa azlone dl artlgllerl.t. Alia testata della vallo del Comellco, a noid est del passo dl Croce, nol abbiamo American and French FLAGS For This Week's Celebration ThnusimlH of U'xlS nnd HVt-lneh AMIJUU'AN fluffH lirlKht fiint tnlorn mi Kood cotton mounted on HUbstnntlnl HtlekH with Kilt BpiNulH.iJ.-t, ltt n ml fi'i hundrid I'ruinpt IMIen rilHNL'H KI.AC1.H. on liundrpd AIko larger 8tz(i on ordrr I'rompt delUm. Anj of tho uhon ttnld lit retail 8incl ii" y tho dozen Also h ftv British and Italian flajs on hand UNION IlL'NT JNS Amerlcnn TI-iks laro lot 3x5. 4x nnd oH, comlritf in from factory. Theno fltiKS hme tloulilo-ptttched ama, nnd nro nirid I'ltetliillv for us iiMonllnK to (loHrn mnt nprclflrathmi, a un American l'lni? SHOlMa) U inailp Will ncll Rlnslj, hy the dozen, or hy tlm hundred, nt irhvs about lialf of what H !tdnw thursrd bv other1. If ou nro Kolnff to Ret h now (law for tho rln )ratlon or Memorial Iv it Hill pay jou to vnlt n few iHis for IhN lot .Mall orclerH nnd Iminlrlei promptly handled. LOUIS FINK & SONS 56 North 7th Street Phono. Market "loo, (Hot. Market Arch) D.'s v resplnto una. Incurslonc nemlca contro le nostre llnee. Inrtlgllerla nemlca o' stata plut tosto attlvn nella zona dl Oorlzla e net seltore settentrlonnle del Cnrso. l.o nostre batterie hannn bombardato nlcutil Importnntl oblettlvl suite llnee o sulle letrnvio nemlche Telcgrnmml dn Aiezzo dlcono cho si sono avuto nitre seosse til tertemotn a Moutctchl cho fu comilctamente dlstrutta dal tcrre moto dl glovedl' scorso. It re ha sotto scrltto 50,000 lire In una llsta dl sottoscrl zlone it favorc del d.tnnegglatt dal tcrrcmuto, Telegrnminl d.i Copenhagen tlltnno che II glornale soelallsta lennese, l'Arbelter Zoltimg. comferma l.t notlzl.t che per II Prlum Mngglo e' stato tleclso lo sclopcio generale In Austria. I.a decision? fit piesu receiitcinente In tin cjnslgllo tenuto dal partlto soclale deiuocrntlco ntistrlaco. II Prlino M.tgglo In Austria vl s.trnnno comlzll ihc snranno altrcttanl comlzll per la pace. Telegraiuml da Amsterdam dicono che Importnntl rlforme polltlcho saranno tta brevo attuntn in Vnghcrl.i. II govenm ungheiese nvrebbe Intenzlono dl democia tlzzarc la leggo elettornle e facilitate I'licnuislo ilello trite da parte ill tutte In classl della popolazlone. I'n glnrnalo ill Iterllno afferma che da glovedl' scorso linn un solo glornale In lingua tedesca e' stato pubbllcato In Iloemla App.n entemente essl sono statl CJliliressI NAVP. AMHIIICAXA SILPHATA W SIII,N(JTO.V. 30 Aprilc I'll telegram, una da l.ondradlce che II plrocafn itiueitiann Vacuum, adiletto nl tiuspoito dl petrolln, p.ntlto tin I portii ill Philadelphia II "X ngo to con -S uomlnl til cipilpagglo t una squ.tdia ill c.innnnleil ill marln.i nmeilcanl nl co mando tlel luogoteucnte Thomas, fn sllur.itu ed nfftiud.itn sabato senrso il,t un sotto m.iiluo tidCM'O. SI dice che I'cipilpapglo e la squatlm ill cannonlerl, cnmptesn I ulllclnle i lie la co maudavu, utm peiltl Se l.i uollzla iho qiiestl tioinlnl sono perdiiti inpfcimatu, II luogotptientp Tliomas id I Miol raunnmcrl nni I prlnil soldall timei Irani cadutl nella guerra emtio la tletiuaiila SSS-WSX ' Let the Van Sciver Store Solve All Your Furnishing Problems yS ALMOST every A fcflt& niture to fill the home, but selecting furniture to fit the home is another matter a matter for thought and consideration. Herein is one of the many advantages of dealing with the Van Sciver Store. For over a generation we have specialized in furniture and furnishincs manufacturing aa well as marketing. It has been our pleasure to assist in the making of thousands upon thou sands of homes, to study practically every condition and solve every problem that can arise. This experience we gladly place at your service. Whether you arc going to furnish or refurnish your entire home, or merely to add or replace a single piece, you will find us ready and eager to help you in your selection, assuring you the greatest satisfaction and the utmost saving. A Tasteful Adam Dining" Suite in Golden Oak ft :f';ffiiil" "i.f HI I -; I vvrjl Shades and Awnings Van Sciver Awnings are famous for their quality and durability, for we use the best ma terials and employ only skilled workmen. The same applies to Shades; none are to low in price wnen quality and workmanship arc con sidered. Let us take measurements and give you an estimate now so that we can bo ready to hang your awnings or shades whenever you want them. ft lV w Not only because of quality and price, either, although they but also because of the large stock, greater variety and exclusive these few quotations and then come in and get acquainted with of pur business. Hand-plaited Chinese Rush Rug Very durable and effective; representing the hand plaited rag rugs at a fraction of the cpst; tn oval and round shapes: Size 8x10 ft., " 6x9 ft., The New OUtha Grsss Rugs Unquestion ably the prettiest and most serviceable grass rugs made. In unusual art and novelty pat terns and colorings: Size 12x15 ft $18.75 & $10.75 9x15 ft $13.50 & $14.50 " 9x12 ft $9.75 to $12.00 " 8x10 ft $8.00 to $9.50 " 6x9 ft $5.25 & $5.75 " . 4.6x7.6 ft $3.50 & $3.75 " 3x6 ft $1.85 & $1.95 The dL !ffli SftW Go. DOCTORS DISCUSS CANCER SYMPTOMS Exports in Treatmgnt of Dread Disease in Session at At lantic City ATLANTIC CITV. April .10. Many things which nio entirely new In the diagnosis nnd treatment of cancer nnd other malignant foes of the physical wel fare of mankind urn being discussed today before the twentieth nnutial convention of the Amerlcnn Onstrocntcrologlcal Associa tion at tho Hotel Tmyinoie. Specialists from mnuy cities, Philadelphia among them, nre In attendance. No part of todaj-'s ses sion was given over to war problems. It being bold that the light which the stitglcal nutagoiilsts of cancer me prosecuting nlong it firing Hue; of their own Is sulllclently se rious to engage their entire tittentlnn until there Is a pressing demand for their rer vlcos elscwheic. William deny Morgan, of Washington, hi tho president's annual address, congratulattd tho doctors upon "substantial progress" achieved during the lat jcar. Dr. .1 C. Johnson, of Atlanta, declared the latest evidence obtainable suppoits tho view that ulcer Is tho lesult of an associa tion of etudes. It cannot dovelop without pilmary pcr v ei slop of the functions. Kirly recogni tion Is of tho utmost hnportaiico nnd every obl.iiuablo means of diagnosis should ho employed I'lcer, tho Southerner said with posltlveness, can bo relieved by medical treatment timely given. The limited good results of surgical treatment nro not duo to lack of accomplishment, hut to tho char nrter of accomplishment, which not only docs not reveal normal action but falls to pieerte the compensatory nnd reciprocal action which has persisted despite tho tlKease Dr. Walter W. llnmbuiger, of Chicago, v""KrK?' "w '"'n$,s:x5SKXt,5rvT'5'JSf,; house or apartment, cottage or bungalow differ in their architectural conformation, so the furnishing of them presents separate and distinct problems. It is easy enough to buy fur R 11 ," il rj-'-jZ. ' m n. -rr; Tv'i . Quartered Oak, proldcn finish, and of good, sturdy construction, fmu'y finished nnd neatly carved. The Buffet, 48x20 in., is $38.00; China Closet, 40xl(J in., $32.50; Serving Table, 31x17 in., $18.50; Extension Table (G ft.), $31.50; C S!de Chairs, $5.r each, and Arm Chair, $8.50; pieces sold separately if desired. Come in and see our beautiful display of Mahogany dining room furniture all the popular periods arc represented priced, of course, in the usual economical Van Sciver way. Cleaning and Storage Send your rugs and carpets here to be cleaned by the Armenian Process, a method that not only thoroughly cleans the fabric, but freshens the colors and adds years of life to floor coverings. We will also store your rugs, carpets, draperies, etc., in moth-proof rooms. Drop us a card and let us give you the details of this service. People with an eye to quality and economy come here for their Summer Floor Coverings Quaint Colonial Rag Rugs A large and va ried line of these pretty, inexpensive rugs in colorings to harmonize with any room treat ment: The Evangeline, made of silk in the fascinating hit-and-miss effects; charming and durable: Size 9x12 ft $16.00 Tho Dolly Varden Made of dainty cre tonne wiyi fancy one-tone borders : Size 9x12 ft $12.00 Ws quota only xi: ft., Hie Rugs; price on other ttes are proportionately low. Oval and Round Crochet Rugs In pastel and plain color effects. Special sizes to order: Size 3.2x2.4 $6.50 " 3.8x2.8 $7.50 New Spring Linoleums Inlaid, $1.15 to $1.85 sq. yard. Printed, 50c to 75c sq, yd, .$17.50 .$11.50 CREX GRASS RUGS ' popular Cfex Rugs in a variety of colorings Size 9x12 ft., $7.50 to $9.75. Manufacturer; Importers and Retailer ' MARKET STREET FERRY, CAMDEN, N.J. Store Close Dairy at S.30 P. M. Market St, Ferry M'Lm Oh T-- il1 i . V '& speaking upon roentgenological studM the healing of ulcer said there 'iijiib'Tm contrasted tho value of repented roen nloglcal examinations during the followltirf- medical treatment with the findings before treatment nnd as guide to the healing treat . ineiil. )tef Dr. Joseph Sailer, of Philadelphia, gaVcO a brief note nn a case of blloeulnr stomach. . Dr. A, J. Carlson, of Chicago, described the' fe,, rtit-nnl nfk'fltind In tlm ttltvalnlntrtf nf tlA. . A Intestinal ttact. , JiJl . .: At Last! The DEAF Can Hear! As one person said : "The' W. B. & E. Gem, Earphone Received Gold Medal ranama Exposition. Highest Possible Award for Hearing Devices. is like a wonderful magnet drawing disheartened shut ins back into the world again." Those who have de fective hearing or suffer with head noises arc invited to try this wonderful invention. Awarded highest endorse ment by scientific authorities. You can arrange for thirty day trial. Sold in Philadel phia only by Williams, Brown & Earle 918 Chestnut St. irrllc or Catalog "h." L X charmlnR Summer rl In willow (Old ivory llnlnh) and Mnn cretonn with dainty floral ur.lKn. A rlnKlr sue fte.tlon t rom our splendid llr.e of Summer suites and pieces, a line that must b seen tn bo appreciated. ,i ll'irnPSI'V-J.VlRJ 1 3 Xflfis II Ten Pieces: Buffet, Chin Closet, Serving Table, Extension Table, 5 Side Chairs and 1 Arm Chair for $157.75. 2rr!H ki!iiWi are weighty considerations, offerings here. Look over this interesting department ;r- M a'v K If. 't'S :,1 m .M V MeS . J ' .yn si m :' M ,.JfJ m a'! tSfetfS Ai . . ....... ti fqft&A WBWiU'-. W'nr.ifrr.$jsT:i. . ?W .rj PiSsitMtV-iSi S; !.-n ..