Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 30, 1917, Night Extra, Image 4

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"" T ! "yr" " ;
More Prolific
rell Will Offer Amend
s' fchenk to Force Granting
More Efficient"
of Licenses
fWV-W m v r -- -
k fi
i jiv uu. . -, 'MiiiiHaHMiwMA .. ,.. ." - t r Tti xr -rm "vrr -t - - . . ..--,. . . ,,., , . ,,,.,. A j. , i - - iin h M HtAtmnmamami i m u 1 1 T-
wlfroposea to Limit Number of
p Places According to Popu
fet lation of Communities
j' jL fly a flfn.fr Corrctpnnittnt
3i ItAnillRIltinf!. Anrll SO.
Wti. 'A bill that would nerpttualo cry retail
K.JIhjuor license now In force In tho State nml
iWs brought licre today by Iteprafiitatlvo
ff'lHchnrd Powell, of' J.uzcrtie, hu will In
Introduce It In the houho tonint. rowen
Mf.;tyi many men uicnuneii wmi mc nnoic
13 Ml and retail liquor business arc behind
5'lne meeusre.
fcThs bill If pafcscd will end tlio Rrnntlng
Ly w naauipnni licenses in inuiwciiHimes raw
2&i.Wll supplied with saloons. Also It will
taku from the court the yearly
work of
places "
'av KAttvlncr all nfmllrnntpi for ntil
r r VawtaII
Si -" j.
,Y 'Under the proposed measure winch i an
, .....t .... ... .1... ll,n1fu lln.,i(n Inm tl.n
, f 4 IHCIIUIIIQIIV W 111 lWM ll".tcT him, urn
$U number of licenses In cities of the first rlna
'i.vC .. .. - t ,. i ...... - .-..I. in A ...
,ti. WOUIQ 118 limiiru lu IHIU 1UI r,,Lii iu vj in
;n;in .'.. . ... ... ..
population; In cities of tho second clasi, out
for each 760 of population ; In cities of the
,, tXni rlnns and In linrnuchs and tnunshins.
Lfe a. m fth RAO rPM nrnvlslnn. Iinll.
KL , evsr, does not affect the present lleeno
flA. h.14a ft ripnla inllrclv illh fllllirp nn.
ki" plications for new houses
Rr It the Powell bill Roes through, licensed
l - daalers In Jnnunrv would slmnlv en to tho
i,f efflce of the treasurer of their respecthe
Counties and renew their licenses
closi:s tub noon
"No license shall be cranted to appli
cants until the number of exltliiK licenses
hall be reduced to a number less than
liereln provided," a section of the hill reads
This virtually closes the door to new sa
loons In cities and towns now In the "wet"
It Is provided that when there are fewer
.loons than the number that would be per
mitted under the Powell bill, the court shall
grant applications. The liquor men see In
this a return of many "dry" localities to the
f "wet" contingent. It will be noted that tho
framing of tho licenses In such com
munities Is not left to the discretion of the
court. It says that the court "shall" np
prove the applications,
Representative Fowell says the bill's ob
ject Is the reduction of the numher of
licensed places In Pennsylvania. He says
Conditions In tho coal counties, I.uzerne.
Lackawanna and Schuylkill, aro such that u
, change has been demanded. Powell has
figures to show that In Schuylkill, there Is
a license for each 174 of population; In
Luserne, ono for each 224, and In Lacka-
ranna, one for eery 3;8,
a house cu:aning
If the Powell bill should becomo a law,
It would mean a wcedlni? out of many
drinking places, particularly brewery-controlled
houses that lone slncn ceased to bo
paying propositions, hut which tho brewer
lea must carry nloiiR from year to jcar.
It would be the first actual Mcp In the
liquor Interests' campaign to clean house.
Appearance of the I'ouelt bill at thli
time, coming as It does In the wake of the
rirlfllon nf the brewerv Interests nf Luztrin
!1, -and other northeastern counties to hoost
fyf the price of beer 1 a barrel and demand
jS Mah wVijtti thn hppr la rlnllinri,! In Ihn
i "- ".- - "",; . .' n"-;
City News in Brief
' , "flJfOW WIIITK," n. cantata, will l
' f Slven by! the puhllc school teachers of dls
, trlct No. 7, of this city. In Vu Im Temp!
"KNOW WIIITK," n. cantata, will he
tomorrow night. Tho proceeds of the per
formance will go to the American Ited
Cross. The principals of tho performance
Are Misses Florence Hubbert and Mario
Bechtel and Hugh McClelland nnd Frank
Forderer. Miss Naomi Moffat Is In chaige
Lester E. "Voss, 2921 Poplar street. Inspec
tor, Department of Wharves, Docks and
vrlo milnrv tlROO Inlin AToP.ihp. RnC'i
rIcCallum street, smoke Inspector, Hurcau
J of Boiler Inspection, $1:00, nnd Albert A.
,bVllEO, O,,,,,, Twwv , ....... ...wv.. 1 -
H Camp, 5123 Wakefield street. Instrument
Bj. installer, tieciricai iiurcuu, fjvv.
$ SHOCKED TO DEATH while pulling 11
? "'twitch on the top of a line poie, josepn v.
Kenny, of 0413 North Lambert street, a
lineman for the Heading Hallway, fell to
the ground at II and Somerset streets. He
was dead when picked up.
changed the dato of the town meeting In
the interest of clean highways, scheduled
tor next Thursday in the Metropolitan Oppra
House, on account of the visit of tho French
war envoys. The meeting will bo held Wed
nertay night Instead. The principal speaker
will be William Edwards, former Street
. Commissioner of Now York city.
win jnin In the United State Civil
L&V'i'ikrTiee are open. There Is a big demand
'for men. Announcement has
vet competitive examination
specter .of fuses at the Frankl
Announcement nas oeen maue
nation for chief In
Frankford Arsenal.
The salary Is $3000 a yosir. Owing to the
KV treat demand for men the age limit has
fit. - Aeen advanced for many positions from fifty
bgr fcTo sixty years.
IkM " T.m.o "Murnhv. seven years old. of 224
h5f adaln street, who fell from a swing last
.9Mk and sustained slight Injuries of the
THKOWINO A nitlCK at Jnnrpli Mlrk-
i.i,i f 17.17 nntintnn street. Mrs. Frances
JMrLlnsky, of 4440 Greene street, hit the mark
wrrd fractured his skull. Mlckalskl Is In St.
!?.V.iL-, TTftmAnnnthle. Tfosnltal
Mrs. I-lnsky
8f?0rtta arrested hv Policeman
S'.iTvsWie said the man had
talked about hei "
a '"WVs-Mtrwj dv nininffTTru In lia.l lu
,piuninu j ... ... ..... .-.
osea to nave caused me louging noiisu
At 26 North Sixth street early yes-v
it mornlnr that caused the death nf
'fi'Jefcn O'Connor, forty years old, nnd the
jt injury ot rranK casey, jonn uiamona nnu
peter Downey, uowney is a nrcman or
Engine Company No. 17. Others were
. VOUND HANOINO In a, Taeant building
i , ,
J,4VLIUI1, UCVlltfl V. XS 0UJ1I, klfl-tnu
Mrs old, 1039 west uaupmn street, com
(ted suicide. lie Is thought to have be-
i despondent owing to 111 health.
IBIi SCQUT8 are harlng- a Ihree-dny
In the Hale Building; starting today
I funds for a summer camp. Among
young women who are boosting the
re Miss (J, rieanor l-epper, .miss
.2. jrown. ikllBH dean iiiuuijjbuii.
en Clay, Miss Mary Alice Clay,
Lewis, 3d, Miss AlVa Sergeant,
D. Thayer. Miss Sarah Kcllson,
Mar E. Newbold, Miss Saralif
MlM Ceelle Howell, Miss Anna
lliaa Emllv Williams and J.
Wr -
W'raSHUI was aUeced la
MtoMyjBy jusuna Kovacz,
I4. mmminm "utenheti
l MlewM, v capias
Axed ball nt
av .
" 3JJ8LBJ-' ;ICTSMr A T BJfcaB& BlHH;, A kijllV PHRia
Make Dad Put on His Sunday' Suit and Sister
Primp Until She Looks Cute It's Time for
Jollity and Mirth, for Here's the
Greatest Show on Earth
Poine all you kldH with tun bits or more
The clrcu.i Is mine to town. .IeV coinn
'n sit bh you did befcup 'n I.iurIi at the
ftiniij ole clown .lea' make Pup put on hli
Sund.iy milt 'n sWter pi Imp "til you'd call
her cute. Let's hope that the day Is a sun
lit be.itit The circus Is como to town.
Come on, you kids, 'n scrub yer necks.
The circus Is come to town. And batrln'
floods and barrln' wrecks, we'll laugh at the
funny old clown. When If yer collar Is
clean "n ttlff 'n tickles whenexer y'movo to
sniff, you'll hear tho great big guns go
"Biff'" The circus H come to town.
Kerglt what happened this tlmo a year
when the circus come to town. 'Twns Pop
that curried hlssclf so queer 'n laughed at
tho funny ole clown. And Ma got mad as
she cud be 'n sas to Pop. 'T plainly s?e
you'o pmcllcd a dlftrunt kind o' tea since
the circus come to town
And I'op did nnthlu' at all but laugh when
that clti'iit was In town He tried tb diake
hands with the big glraffo 'n joke with the
funny ole clown. And Ma near pulled our
inns away "Come on," she sas, "yer
300 Young Men and Women Pre
sent Historic Portrayal at
Academy Tomorrow
The historic pageant to be gleu tomor
row night at tho Academy of Music by 300
joung men nnd women will be u hpectacular
portrayal of tho history of the Jewish peo
ple through medieval times down to the
present day, terminating with n patriotic
demonstration of tho part tho American
Jew has played In the life and ndanee
ment of the nation Tho ptoceeds are to
be devoted to tho bench of tho bufferers
of tho war.
The specially prepared music will be ren
dered by forty-fho members of the Phila
delphia Orchestra under tho direction of
Jtui-sell King Miller, with the assistance of
seventy voices. Including a cantor and boy
choir. Elaborate costuming ami rich color
effects have been prepaied with nn eye to
tho beautiful. Frank Huchanan Is In charge
of the stage direction"
The pageant will piescnt In n kaleido
scopic scries of snlft-mowng tableau and
expresslvo pantomime tho story of the
golden era of the Jews In Spain; the part
taken by Jewish scientists and scholars of
Spain and Portugal In tho geographical
and astronomical deduction of Christopher
Columbus; tho help tho Jews afforded Co
lumbus In fitting out tho caravels for his
proposed voyage; tho final discovery of
America, together with tho exactions and
hornrs of the Spanish Inquisition, nnd lead
ing up, through a series of other historical
events, to the landing of the llrst Jewish
pilgrims on American soil In the year 1GB5
A committee of women has been working
for months to make tho undertaking a
success. Seats will be nn salo nt Heppe's,
1117 Chestnut street, today nnd tomorrow.
India Raises One-tenth of War Loan
LONDON, April 30. A Simla dispatch
snys that subscriptions to India's special
war loan exceed 10,000,000 (JD0, 000,000).
The British Go eminent has arranged the
Issue of a war loan of unlimited amount In
India, to bo raised during 1017 nnd 1918.
Bonar Law later has stated that tho amount
expected to be raised was 1 100,000,000.
Display the Flag
On Your Car
Tho Auto Flag can be attached
to any car in two minutes, and
requires no wires or strings.
On Flag l clamped to each (Id
of the wind-ahleld, with brackets, and
can be taken down in case ot atorm,
Karh Auto Flar et conilata of two
14-lnrh Flasa, with the neceaiary brack
eta, for One Dollar (tl.OO) by mall.
Urackats without Flasa, TSo per act.
Spatial Pricf to Dealtrt and
Haw Is the Tlag Attached
to .Your Car?
Pop's qufte gay. Hut by and by theie'll
como a day when tho circus ain't In town."
We all was up at yestldday dawn. Tim
clicus was coming to tnun Hut when the
train had como 'n gone we missed tho
funny olo clown I guesH they don't daro
to Miow him much, his oico Is so c-tinngo
nnd his antics such that folks laugh out
and their work won't touch when the olrcui
comes to tou n
Hesldn the road stood nn old, old man
when the circus como to town. As np.ist
him nil the people ran. ho didn't look fer
the clown Hut said softlike as he watched
our Play. "Over tho was and far nwny kid
dles are cryln' "n hungry today 'n tho circus
Is ncxer In town.
You know the dime that I made last
week, with the circus com In' to town, I was
ngoln" to see a side-show freak, which Is
neatly so good ns it clown Hut, Sklnnay,
I gao that worn ole cllmo fer kids that is
liutigrj nil the time, fer kids that'll neer
hear the rhyme, "The circus la come to
town "
High Rails, Speeding Trolleys
and Poor Highway Criti
cized in Letter
Highway conditions on Island road aie
a menace to life. It Ih asserted in a circular
letter prepared by Fortieth Ward residents
and sent to all Counollmen nnd all imple
ment associations in tho city. The fact
that Hapld Transit Company rails on tho
thoroughfare nro high, like steam railroad
tracks, makes the part of the roadway
nvnllablo for other traftlc too narrow for
safety, it Is contended.
It Is dangerous for ehlcle9 to pass each
other when trolley cars arc In motion, It
is asserted Because of the poor condition
of tho roadway, tire englnen have had to
i ,h 2" ,',lan'1 10!l'1' ttlp ttcr adds.
Another chnrgo Is that street cars nfien
T" 7"HILE one should not judge
a man ty his clothes, at
the same time personal appear
ance is a big factor either for or
against success only millionaires
can afford to dress poorly.
Ready-f or-Service Suits ( for
Men in seasonable weights and
fabrics ;$15 and upward.
Jacob Reed's Sons
iiMrM I'ViiH'U .V P4iHiV. iKE: . kl' l 'F . .
Lone licforc Barnum & Bnilcy's pageant left the circus lot, at Hunting Park nvcnuo ami Nineteenth street,
this morning, the curbs were lined with eager children nnd their patient dads and mothers.
mnko tho full distance from Elmwood ave
nuo to-EnstwIck nvenuo nt full speed with,
out u stop, causing fatal accidents.
The Island Hoad and Clcarvlcw Imple
ment Association, which prepaied tho letter,
say that an ordinance to nhnto tho condi
tions Intioduccd two months ago has been
neglected by Councils. An appeal to the
State Public SenUo Commission baa been
Incendiaries Hunted After Sec
ond Blaze at Track First
Cost $450,000
NHW YORK, April 30.
Fire Commissioner Adamson's force Is
busy today In a thorough Investigation of
the $100,000 firo that destroyed tho stable
of Schuyler Pnrsons and II. K. Knapp at
Belmont race track early today and burned
to death twenty-eight race horses, many of
them familiar entries on courses through
out the United States.
Incendiarism Is suspected, as It Is the
second costly lsitatlon of f.re at Belmont
within a month Fires on April 7 were dls.
covered at six different points which caused
a loss of 450,000.
i ji
you realize trie
importance or a
cood appearance.
yotill appreciate
our Clothes.
Wi;ST CIin.STKft, Pn., April 30. Crim
inal Court opened hero today with about
seventy casts on tho list, Including many
for larceny and burglary
Many desertion nnd bnnid-sklpplng cases
will occupy tho court and there Is one mur
der case. "Plo William" Johnson, of
If the printed pa$e
overlooks this way-
3HMWC5 up nui, men u&tyfi
when you try to read after smok
mg a heavy black cigar, then
switch to Girards!
The sensible thing for every man to do
switch to Girards.
All the difference in the world. Clear head in
stead of dizzy head, keen wits instead of dull wits,
steady hand instead of shaky hand, sound diges
tion instead of indigestion, a strong heart stroke
instead of a jumpy flutter.
Cigar VI
Never gets on your, nerves
Never back-fires on your health or your
efficiency no I
Rich aroma full flavor real Havana Girard
brings 'em all. All the satisfaction and all the
pleasure of smoking ! But never a come-back except
the come-back for more.
A remarkable cigar, the Girard I
You can smoke more and feel better.
Every puff's a pleasure, and you can
puff-puff all you want and never feel
a flicker.
Try a Girard today 10c and up
Antonio Roig
&. Langs dorf
315-21 N. SYwtii St
,ZlUbUjba4 llfl
Coatesvlllc, n former ward worker, who Is
nt liberty on bonds of Jlfi.OOO, will bo tried
for tho killing of Hello Hill, a negro girl
Ilo fled nnd was captured. Tho girl was
shot mi tho street and Johnson was seen
running from tho ppot, carrying a ro
olcr. Thn enso of Jonathan Hare, member of n
leading Quaker family, will soon como up
for trial. Ho Is accused of embezzlement
by nn insurance company, but It Is said It
Is a caso'of confused accounts.
jlllallllllljlllf " M'
iflnSKss "
HBStaV VLjssssssssssssssslssssslssssEftssis
This is President
Wilson s appeal C
M. il J.. 011
iu mc mausiries n
of the country
and to every
American man,
woman and child
The greatest service you can
perform for your Rovernmenl is
to keep on doing just what you
did before war wan declared
multiplied by two.
Do twice as much work
twice as well. Go quietly
about your affairs and pur
sue your inclinations in full
commence, ll you arc needed tlf
j or anyimnrj cisc you will be
called. But in the meantime
you will serve best by living
just as you did a month ago
working harder, but pur
suing all legitimate means
of recreation and enjoyment.
Howard E. Coffin, member of
the advisory commission of the
Council of National Defense, put
his finger upon the country's
greatest need when he said:
"Until the call comes it is best
to stick to the job. Let us make
'Better Business our watchword
and keep our factory fires burn
ing. We must have successful in
dustries if successful tax levies
are to be received."
The Great Lester
Factories Are Run
ning Full Time
For months we have been ad
vertising for additional help to
take care of our rapidly increas
ing business. We want more men
and women. The skilled crafts
men in the mammoth Lester fac
tories are doing their utmost to
obey the President's injunction
"more prolific and efficient." But
they need assistance.
No more useful occupation
can be found. Our people
need music. They demand it.
They cannot get along with
out it. Can you imagine
what sort of a country this
would be without music? It
is the main spring of pa
triotism. Have you been in
a theatre recently when the
orchestra struck up "the
Star Spangled Banner"?
In the army, on the ships of
our navy, in the home, music is
the power that enables us to
endure hardships, that, inspires
us to greater effort and grander
This is our contribution to the
necessities of the present. Tho
famous Lester Grand, Upright
and Player-Pianos were never Tli
better made than now, were never j
mum luny .iiijutxuauu tiiuu mm, ,.
never sold faster than they are $
now selling.
All of which is proof that
the people of this community
today are to be trusted im
plicitly to uphold with honor
the traditions of which this
city is so justly proud.
Compare any style Lester
Piano Grand, Upright or
Player-Piano with all the lead-,
ing mnkes and you will see that
it is far superior-to the others
in every point. And yet, with all
its great superiority, it is as easy
to own a Lester as one of the
many inferior makes, because it
is sold direct on easyconfidential
terms. No jobbers' or agents'
profits for you to pay. Let us
show you how conveniently you
can own a Lester.
1306 CHtnut Street
Phll.d.lphU . '
Egner & Peacock
ir. U
v'Stl, iAmbtatw:,
bA.. J
fluW f!. '
v t-
.ij-.". j-Lr ..! , .iL-aHuMb,
iiaaaasssBMiisi-1Ml .. .v. Afc .:. ITAI.-AtaCai